Sounds Fake But Okay

ANNOUNCEMENT! Sounds Fake But Okay Goes to UK Ace Con

Sounds Fake But Okay

Hey what's up hello! Have you heard of the UK Asexuality Conference? Well, we're paneling for it and you should definitely attend.

Episode Transcript:     

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Sarah: Hey what’s up hello! This is Kayla and Sarah on a weekday. 

Kayla: What?

Sarah: What is that?

Kayla: Never in my days

Sarah: We just popped in to let you guys know that this weekend, this coming Sunday, September 6th, Kayla and I are participating in the AVEN UK Asexuality Conference.

Kayla: Yeah. And we realized “Oh, I don’t think we’ve actually talked about this on the podcast.”

Sarah: Nope.

Kayla: So for all the people that aren’t really on the internet we were like we should probably… they should probably- 

Sarah: Let them know!

Kayla: They need to know that there is other ways that they can now hear us on a Sunday.

Sarah: Yeah. And even see our faces

Kayla: Crazy.

Sarah: So Kayla is doing two panels, I am doing one panel, and then we’re doing this other thing that I don’t know how to explain well.

Kayla: Would you like me to explain it?

Sarah: Yeah please explain it.

Kayla: So the conference is obviously all online this year because obviously. But AVEN and everyone running the conference still wanted it to feel, you know, have the thing of a conference to like walk around and meet people because that’s like probably the main selling point of an ace conference. So they’re using this website called Gather where basically you have this little person, it’s kind of a lot like Club Penguin honestly. 

Sarah: Yeah.

Kayla: But you walk around and when your little person gets close to other little people, they show up, like their voice and their video chat shows up. So you can kinda like move around the room and join different conversations. So Gather is gonna be open throughout the whole conference, everyone can go hang out there, but there’s a few different like smaller sessions that are happening and we are participating in one of those.

Sarah: Yeah. So all the times we’re giving are UK times. Do your own math, it’s hard enough.

Kayla: You can do it, it’s fine.

Sarah: I believe in you. So in Room 2 at 2:30 UK time Kayla is doing a panel about romantic relationships. Also in Room 2 at 5:00pm, Kayla is doing a panel about grey-asexuality and demisexuality. In Room 3 at 5:00pm, I am doing a panel on aromanticism. We know that they’re at the same time, but don’t worry everything is going to be saved to the internet. So…

Kayla: Or you could watch them at the same time and just really like…

Sarah: Turn the volume up on both.

Kayla: I mean I would love to see someone try to watch both at once, I think that’d be incredible.

Sarah: (laughs) It’d be wild. And then at 6:30 UK time, we are going to be taking part in a Gather gathering with ace creators.

Kayla: They gave us like a… we have our own little section in a room-

Sarah: Oh my god we do?

Kayla: That says Sounds Fake But Okay. Yeah it’s really- I don’t know why they did that but um…

Sarah: It’s very cute. (laughs)

Kayla: It’s very nice of them. So if you want to like hang out with other podcast listeners there’s literally like a designated, written in place for us which is crazy. 

Sarah: Woowww. So it’ll be fun. It sucks that everything’s online cause I really wanted to go to London, I’ve never been to England.

Kayla: I like… to be honest we were both like “I could go this year.”

Sarah: We were both gonna go.

Kayla: And then.... Yeah. But the good thing is now everyone, including us, can participate that isn’t in the UK! So that’s really cool.

Sarah: Exactly. So for more information hit up, no capitalization.

Kayla: We’ll also put a link.

Sarah: Of course.

Kayla:  And also there’s a lot of other really cool panels that we aren’t on like…

Sarah: Absolutely!

Kayla: Like about mental health and research which can I? Ugh, no it’s at the same time as my panel. There’s a bunch of panels I wanna watch that I can’t cause I’m talking. Um but like gender identity, aces and ethnicity. And some people that you guys know from liek being our podcast and or just online are gonna be on those panels too. So it’s gonna be really cool.

Sarah: So check it out. So yeah, that’s this upcoming Sunday, September 6th, hit us up, join us, have a good time. Ummm that’s it! 

Kayla: ‘kay bye! 

Sarah: Bye!

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