Raising Your Business: For Moms Growing Their Business and Raising Their Family

26. My biggest lessons from 2023 to take into 2024

January 02, 2024 Yael Bendahan
26. My biggest lessons from 2023 to take into 2024
Raising Your Business: For Moms Growing Their Business and Raising Their Family
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Raising Your Business: For Moms Growing Their Business and Raising Their Family
26. My biggest lessons from 2023 to take into 2024
Jan 02, 2024
Yael Bendahan

Liked this episode? Any questions? Shoot me a text!

As we kick off 2024, I'm excited to share some of the most valuable lessons I've gained from the past year and how you can apply it to THIS year!

I discussed:

- The rise of AI and how to stand out in 2024

- The best way to move people into your higher level offers

- The hard lesson I learned after Oct 7

- What to do when you've had something on your dream to-do list FOREVER but haven't made it happen

- Shame and how it's not serving you

- How to choose your mentors...and

- How to know when to trust yourself

This was a 🔥🔥🔥 way to kick off the year!

The biggest thing happening this week is that I'm wrapping up the CEO Mom Mastermind launch - and I've been having the BEST conversations with the most incredible women about joining! This is THE place to be in 2024 to get daily coaching from me, my eyes on your stuff (copy, offers, content and more) and access to my mindset coach and circle of experts as well as our amazing CEO mom community. There will not be another chance to get our founding member bonuses ($500 off, 1:1 calls and Telegram access) so make sure to check it out and apply here! >>> yaelbendahan.com/cmm


Join the Stand Out & Sell Challenge on March 4-7 - Create your unique signature framework to stand out in your industry, attract your dream clients and make your marketing simpler (and more effective) than ever! - yaelbendahan.com/standout

Get my High Ticket Offer Matrix for Moms - 10 proven high-ticket offer frameworks for busy moms - get ready to deliver value with more ease and profit (even if you have a small audience or no childcare). Discover the perfect framework for you! - yaelbendahan.com/highticket

Apply for the CEO Mom Mastermind and get a bonus month of 1:1 Telegram access when you're one of the next 5 to join (value: $2000)! - yaelbendahan.com/cmm

Want to chat about the mastermind before you join? DM me on Instagram - instagram.com/theyaelbendahan


Join my FREE 3-Day Program, LEVERAGE - June 3-5 - the process that’s creating multi 6 figure years (even if you’ve been stuck riiiiight at 6 figures for way too long) working nap times and being a full time mama. Claim your spot here >>> yaelbendahan.com/leverage

💃 Apply for the CEO Mom Mastermind - PRE-BABY SPECIAL

When you join this round you get:

  • BONUS: FOUR 1:1 calls to use throughout our time together including a Kickoff call in June (value $3K)
  • BONUS: an extended payment plan (14 payments instead of 12)
  • BONUS: 2 extra months in the mastermind
  • PAY IN FULL BONUS: 6 Weeks of 1:1 Telegram (value $4K)

Read more about the mastermind here OR go straight to the application here.

Want to chat about the mastermind before you join? DM me on Instagram - instagram.com/theyaelbendahan

💰Offers in Your Pocket - 11 Offers You Can Pull Out of Your Pocket and Sell This Week! Only $7 - yaelbendahan.com/pocketoffers

Show Notes

Liked this episode? Any questions? Shoot me a text!

As we kick off 2024, I'm excited to share some of the most valuable lessons I've gained from the past year and how you can apply it to THIS year!

I discussed:

- The rise of AI and how to stand out in 2024

- The best way to move people into your higher level offers

- The hard lesson I learned after Oct 7

- What to do when you've had something on your dream to-do list FOREVER but haven't made it happen

- Shame and how it's not serving you

- How to choose your mentors...and

- How to know when to trust yourself

This was a 🔥🔥🔥 way to kick off the year!

The biggest thing happening this week is that I'm wrapping up the CEO Mom Mastermind launch - and I've been having the BEST conversations with the most incredible women about joining! This is THE place to be in 2024 to get daily coaching from me, my eyes on your stuff (copy, offers, content and more) and access to my mindset coach and circle of experts as well as our amazing CEO mom community. There will not be another chance to get our founding member bonuses ($500 off, 1:1 calls and Telegram access) so make sure to check it out and apply here! >>> yaelbendahan.com/cmm


Join the Stand Out & Sell Challenge on March 4-7 - Create your unique signature framework to stand out in your industry, attract your dream clients and make your marketing simpler (and more effective) than ever! - yaelbendahan.com/standout

Get my High Ticket Offer Matrix for Moms - 10 proven high-ticket offer frameworks for busy moms - get ready to deliver value with more ease and profit (even if you have a small audience or no childcare). Discover the perfect framework for you! - yaelbendahan.com/highticket

Apply for the CEO Mom Mastermind and get a bonus month of 1:1 Telegram access when you're one of the next 5 to join (value: $2000)! - yaelbendahan.com/cmm

Want to chat about the mastermind before you join? DM me on Instagram - instagram.com/theyaelbendahan


Join my FREE 3-Day Program, LEVERAGE - June 3-5 - the process that’s creating multi 6 figure years (even if you’ve been stuck riiiiight at 6 figures for way too long) working nap times and being a full time mama. Claim your spot here >>> yaelbendahan.com/leverage

💃 Apply for the CEO Mom Mastermind - PRE-BABY SPECIAL

When you join this round you get:

  • BONUS: FOUR 1:1 calls to use throughout our time together including a Kickoff call in June (value $3K)
  • BONUS: an extended payment plan (14 payments instead of 12)
  • BONUS: 2 extra months in the mastermind
  • PAY IN FULL BONUS: 6 Weeks of 1:1 Telegram (value $4K)

Read more about the mastermind here OR go straight to the application here.

Want to chat about the mastermind before you join? DM me on Instagram - instagram.com/theyaelbendahan

💰Offers in Your Pocket - 11 Offers You Can Pull Out of Your Pocket and Sell This Week! Only $7 - yaelbendahan.com/pocketoffers