Raising Your Business: For Moms Growing Their Business and Raising Their Family
Hey there business moms! Welcome to my corner of the Internet. I'm Yael Bendahan - mom of 6, business coach for moms, host of the Raising Your Business Podcast and founder of CEO Mom Academy.
If you're tired of hustling day in and out trying to get your online biz to the income level you're dreaming of, hearing business advice that just WILL NOT work for your life as a mom (5 AM club, anyone? NOPE), and trying to figure out HOW to reach that "work less and earn more" holy grail that's been dangled in front of you since you first Googled "work at home ideas for moms"?
Well, that's about to change!
We help incredible business moms JUST LIKE YOU to go from struggling solopreneurs to Confident CEO Moms! Inside this show, we'll be diving into the highs and lows of raising your family AND building your business. I'm giving you my best strategies for working smarter, not harder - and building more leveraged income with content that converts, an offer suite that sells, and the systems to keep your business AND home running smoothly - well, most of the time!
Nothing is off the table! And to make it even better it won't just be me! I am bringing in some of my biz besties, mompreneurs & fellow industry leaders to give you their best stuff on building your business SUSTAINABLY!
If we haven’t met before, let me tell you a little bit of our backstory! I started my virtual assistant business as a mom of 4 little boys, just wanting to make an extra $1K a month to help support my family. After growing a 6-figure service based business, and having my 5th child (and first girl!) in 2020, I pivoted into coaching moms through building their businesses in a way that worked FOR their family. Multiple 6-figure years later (for me AND my clients), I want to share everything I know about raising a family while being an ambitious business owner!
For more on episodes, blogs, and ways we can help you visit www.yaelbendahan.com
I am so excited to connect with you - let's hang out on social:
IG: www.instagram.com/theyaelbendahan
Raising Your Business: For Moms Growing Their Business and Raising Their Family
41. 4 Things I Do Every Day in My Business to Grow Consistently
Do you ever wish someone would just TELL you what to do every day to move the needle in your business? You know - the stuff that will REALLY work?
In this episode, I share my top four daily strategies that have allowed me to skyrocket my sales, grow my audience, and nurture my community, all while juggling life as a mom of five (and soon to be six!)
I dive deep into the four key actions I take every workday to move the needle in my business, even with limited hours. I share my journey from making 10K in my first year of entrepreneurship to reaching over 200K in revenue while working just 2-4 hours a day with a new baby at home.
What we talk about
- Incorporating mindset and inner work into your daily routine, even if you only have 5 minutes to spare
- Flexing your expert muscles through consistent messaging and positioning content that goes beyond just educational posts
- Mastering the art of selling every day without feeling pushy or inauthentic
- Nurturing your leads and staying top of mind with your audience through simple follow-up strategies
I’m also sharing a special presale offer for my CEO Mom Business Blueprint, a guide that dives even deeper into these four key areas and provides specific checklists, calendar blocking templates, and bonuses to help you implement what you learn. You can grab the Blueprint here! >>> https://yaelbendahan.com/blueprint
If you're ready to take consistent daily action and build a business that really supports your dream life as a mom, tune in now!
- ThinkUp Affirmation App - https://thinkup.me/
- Non-Woo Mindset Makeover (my most underrated program of all time) - https://yaelbendahan.com/makeover
- The CEO Mom Business Blueprint (only $17 until May 13!) - https://yaelbendahan.com/blueprint
- Apply for an Intensive (1 spot in May and 2 in June!) - https://yaelbendahan.com/90apply
📈The CEO MOMS Growth Matrix - feeling stuck or plateaued at your current revenue? Snag your custom roadmap for sustainable growth from $0 to multi-6-figures in this FREE training! >>> yaelbendahan.com/matrix
🔥Join my FREE 3-Day Program, LEVERAGE - the process that’s creating multi 6 figure years (even if you’ve been stuck riiiiight at 6 figures for way too long) working nap times and being a full time mama. Claim your spot here >>> yaelbendahan.com/leverage
💰Offers in Your Pocket - 11 Offers You Can Pull Out of Your Pocket and Sell This Week! Only $9 - yaelbendahan.com/pocketoffers
✨Join the Collective
In the "building" stage of your business? Join the MOMentum Collective - my most accessible mentorship program for moms growing to $5-10K months.
💃 Apply for the CEO Mom Mastermind if you're ready to scale sustainably to $15-20K+ months. Read more about the mastermind here OR go straight to the application here.
Want to chat about the mastermind before you join? DM me on Instagram - instagram.com/theyaelbendahan
Welcome to the raising your business podcast. I'm your host, Yael Bendihan, founder of CEO Mom Academy, mom of five and lifelong reading addict. This podcast is here to empower moms to run their businesses and lives like the powerhouse CEO they are. I want you to believe that you can have the business success. You desire and be present with your family and to give you my best tips and strategies for how to make that happen. I'll be sharing the honest reality of balancing motherhood and business, business models that work for you, marketing of simplicity and the mindset of CEO mom. Now let's dive in. Hello, my friend, welcome back to the podcast and I am so excited for today. I always say this, but I really am. Passover is over. Everyone's back to school. We are back to normal. And and now I'm really in that home stretch. Of getting ready for baby. And it's so funny because I've been thinking so much about getting my business ready for the baby. I'm like, oh, I probably should think about I don't know. Taking the baby stuff out and whatever, but either way I don't actually know what I'm having, so it wouldn't really help. It's all put away. It's very organized. I know exactly where everything is so I can take it out and wash it. Whenever I need to. I'm really excited. It's seven weeks away, which is crazy. And so this is a specialty, something that I wanted to talk about today because. Very often we're like, What do I do? Like I wish someone could just tell me what to do. What are the steps I need to take on a regular basis to really grow my business and move the needle. And so obviously it's going to be shifted. It's going to be a little bit different. For each person depending. On your business model. Model, so today I want to dive deep into the four key things that I do. Every Workday that have allowed me to grow my audience, skyrocket my sales and nurture my community and boost my income all while juggling my life as a mom of five and almost six. And trust me if I can do it, you can do it too. I was doing this back when I was pregnant during COVID with four little kids at home, trying to run zoom school. And I still managed to fit this in. So this is not for the point of view of oh, of course you can. Do this only. He takes five hours. A day. And I'm not. Coming at you as a single. Single coat. Who doesn't have any. Kids who's. If you really wanted. I wanted it. You dedicate. Kate, hours. Narrows and narrows day to your business. No. This is stuff that you. You can do. In minimal hours day. Just. A couple of hours a day to. Really move the needle. Forward in your business. And it doesn't necessarily. I certainly need to be at a couple. Of hours a day, but you. You know what I mean? It's honestly, Could be less than that. So before we dive in. I want to share with you. So I have just launched my CEO, mom business blueprint. Which dives, even deeper into what we're going to talk about today on the podcast. I'm dive really in deep into, I keep saying dive deep. Oh my God, stop diving. I'm going to go really deeper into these four key things. Give you really super specific checklists. Two different samples, CEO, mom calendars, help you block out your weekly flow and a couple of really awesome bonuses. And it is going to be$47, but you can get it. Right now. At the special presale price before I add the training walkthrough and a bunch of other bonuses, you can get it. The P the PDF and the PDF bonuses@yalebendaand.com slash blueprint for just$17. Until May 13th. So this is currently I believe this is going to be coming out on May 1st. You have almost two weeks to get this at the presale price and I'm really excited for you. So I actually did this. Did this training, right? Shared this at a training in my Facebook group a couple of years ago. And it was so good and it got, I got so much great feedback from it. I thought they really needed to share it again. Okay, because I think that very often, like I said, we just get very stuck. On on what do I just do? Like you sit down to work. You're like, oh my God what do I do? There's so many things you could do, right? There's only things you could do. And so what do I actually do to really move the needle for me in my business? So there are four key things I would say are. Basically non-negotiable. Even if you can't do them every single day really try. Okay. And I would say, not every single day, every work day. All right. So whatever. Whenever you work Monday through Friday, Monday through Thursday. I work personally, basically Monday through Thursday. I do a little bit of work on Sunday and I will incorporate mindset work on Sunday. But I primarily work Monday through Thursday. Everything I'm sharing here with you is what took me from making 10 K in my first year, ever of entrepreneurship to set over to 70 K in my first profitable year to over 200 K the year I had my fifth baby home with me, full-time working two to four hours a day. So this really has brought me, really helped me grow, is the best way to say it. And I want this for you too. Okay. So the first thing that you want to incorporate into your daily routine is mindset and inner work. Okay. So real talk over here. I know I mentioned this before. But I used to think all this mindset stuff was just fluff. Okay. It was the people we spent more time manifesting than actually working, just sitting around waiting. I don't know, Sage and saying, oh, money comes to me, easily. And. And then they just would look in their bank account and like money would just pop up in there. I don't know, but I was wrong. Okay. I've learned the hard way. That the success really does start in your mind. And you really. I've got to do the inner work to expand what you believe is possible for yourself and your business. Okay. I saw this quote, I think from, I think it was from Alex. Charfen where you said. The reason you don't have the business that you want yet is because you haven't become the person who could have that business. And I really do believe that I think there's so much personal growth that is integral to. Growing your business as well. And as you grow as a person, I really do believe your business will grow along with you. So I know what you're thinking. Yeah. I am lucky if I have five minutes to PNPs, let alone journal. Okay. I totally feel you. But the thing is you do not need hours and hours of meditation and an hours of journaling. I know that people are like, oh, I do the artist's way. And I do morning pages and they write, for 45 minutes, you don't need to do that. Okay. Start small. To shift your mindset. Okay. Start small. If there's anything I've learned from atomic habits. It's the idea of starting with kind of micro habits, and those micro habits will add up when you stack your habits together with other things. So here's some examples of how I stacked my habits. Okay. When I had my baby when my baby she's almost four. Oh my gosh. When I used to nurse her in the morning. So I used to lie in bed and nurse her. And I would just stack my gratitude practice with my morning nursing session. So as I'm lying there with my beautiful little daughter, wait, waited so long for right. Just soaking in all that oxytocin. As I'm nursing her. That was when I would go into my gratitude. Now, list off all the things I'm grateful for. I had this Method white kind of list out all the things I'm grateful for now. And then I list things I'm grateful for in advance. And I and. And when I found that it does, is it really just makes it so much more real in your brain. So it's I'm not just grateful for the stuff that I already have. It's I'm also so grateful for Looking at my phone and seeing 5k come in and passive income. On a random Monday, right? Like things like that and that normalizes it for you in your head. And I always found especially as a mom, There are so many times we were doing mindless tasks. Okay. We're brushing our teeth. I don't know, sitting on the toilet, although I guess If you're going to be interrupted, then maybe it's not mindless cause you to be telling people to go away. We're washing dishes, we're doing laundry. Tidying up. There's so many ways you can stack mindset work with those mindless tasks. Another really quick one you can do is affirmations. I loved the think up app. Okay. And I'm going to link it. I will link it in the description. You basically record yourself saying your affirmations and then you listen back to them in your own voice. And it is so wild how powerful it is to override your own negative self talk with your own voice. Because. That same voice that's telling you. I can't, I don't know if I can, I don't know. Th this is me. I don't know if I'm ready is tell is now telling you, of course you can write. And again, the best part is you can do this while you're getting ready in the morning while you're driving folding laundry, washing dishes. So multitasking for the, when I'm all about the habit stacking and the truth is. We've all got money blocks. Okay. So if you're like, I don't need to do this because I don't, I'm fine. I'm. I want to make money. I'm happy making money. I like making money. I don't have, I don't have any blocks. Like why would I have a money block? Or what could be keeping you back from making more money? When all I want is to make more money. The truth is whether you're making 50 K or 500 K I've coached women at all income levels, and the blocks will just evolve with you. And what I found was. Even just very small shifts. In your mindset can really create those big changes in the way you approach things the way you think. So I remember back when I was launching my first group program. My client, Carrie, who joined the group program, she had a light bulb moment. When I posted a one line post and I had two people who joined that program because of that post. All right. And I think the post was something about if you're buying course after course, and you still haven't grown your business, you don't need a course anymore. You need a coach, right? She joined my program. She did my masters. She joined a mastermind. After that she did the mindset work and she starts, she had her first five figure month. She raised her rates. She, then she lost a couple of clients because she raised her rates and then she got a bunch of new clients. Who at her new rates and it was just so exciting and it was so beautiful. And that was the power of really shifting your beliefs. And really leaning into the, to the mindset work. And that was what she really committed to be doing on a regular basis. All right. So the first thing is mindset work and I've discussed this you can even do breath work, right? Breath work also reset your mindset for the day. There are so many things you can do that do not take more than 10 minutes. And yes, I love journaling. I highly recommend journaling. I really found that like, when I journal so much comes out, like I almost have to like, be like, Ooh, do I have time to journal today? Because once I start, I can go. I could go on for half an hour when I only intended to sit down for 10 minutes. But. If you feel like you're not there yet, then start small. Start with the gratitude stacking. Start with the, the affirmation app, think up app, just start small and just get started. Okay. And if you want a really easy way to incorporate mindset work into your day on a daily basis in short little spurts, my non-work mindset makeover is available. I, it is honestly my most underrated program ever. My clients have had so many incredible wins from it. Like he always saying I don't know, like, why don't you charge more for this? Like, why don't you talk about this more? I'm like, I don't know, I should talk about this more. So I will link it in the description as well. And you can see you can just check it out, see more about it. But honestly I found that. That I found that it really makes a difference. When you make this a priority in your day. Okay. And you can do the mindset work anytime of the day. It doesn't have to be in the morning, but I like to do in the morning because it really just sets me up for success. That day and I find less falling into the day. And I'm, we're going to the day more intentionally. Okay. So that is number one. Mindset and inner work. The second thing you want to do every single day. Is some sort of messaging and positioning content. Okay. You have to be sharing your message and flexing your expert muscles every single day. All right. And this could be videos. This could be posts. These could be Instagram stories. These could be emails, blogs, podcasts, whatever platform lights you up. The important thing is that you are consistent. Okay. I honestly like. It does not mean that you need to be writing every single day. You need to be creating content every single day. You can batch content. That is okay. But I think that the place that people get really stuck on sharing their messaging, positioning content is I think that means you didn't have to share education. Just educate. And I was just talking to my former coach Lacey sites. For something really exciting, that's coming up in a couple of weeks, so I'll be sharing it really soon. So keep an ear out for that. And she was saying how people are just yes, educational content does help. I'm not saying it doesn't I'm not saying you shouldn't educate. But the thing that's really going to set you apart from everyone else with that, from all the people who are using chat GBT from all the people who are just, regurgitating information that they got from a YouTube video from old people who are just like, here are the five things you need to do, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Which is funny because this is about four things you need to do. But. Yes, give them educational value, but don't be afraid to share those, inspired it from the heart and messages, sharing your stories. I hopped on a livestream. I remember like I happen to live stream once just like really off the cuff and I'm not an off the cuff kind of person. I really like to be organized. I know when I'm creating my content, I know what I'm like. If I do go live when I'm going live. I'm not a very like spontaneous person when it comes to content. But I was speaking to a client and I just I need to talk about this. Okay. Because people need more, people need to know this. And it was about like raising your rates. And the response was unreal. People were blowing up my DMS. They were feeling so convicted to finally charge. The, there, the value of what of their offer. And they want it to work with me. So as you see, like one, one symbol post that I wrote, right? One mindset shifting posts that I wrote, write about. If you mind course after course, you don't need a course. You need a coach, right? That was one line and that sold two clients into a multi four figure program. Okay. At the time it was four figures. When you speak your truth, your people cannot help, but listen, and you can batch out content ahead of time. All right. You absolutely can. But whatever content you're creating. And I talk about the content in so many different places. I really have to create like a, just a little training about it because because I feel like I've, I mentioned, I talked about content in my standout and sell challenge. And I spoke about having like different types of content. So you can talk about one topic or one one. Theme. For literally an entire week. From multiple different angles. Okay. And I give an example when I gave an example in my standout in cell challenge. Where I said, okay, so let's say you have a belief shifting post one day, an educational post another day, a story another day, a stand for stand against. Post and other day and then social proof for a quick tip and other day. Okay. An example could be. Investing in yourself. So let's say I want to sell my CEO, mom mastermind. And I want to talk about the power of investing in yourself and the power of masterminds. Money. Let's say Monday, you do belief shifting. So the belief shift is that investing in yourself is like investing in insurance for your business, because you are your own best investment, right? That is the belief shift. Then Tuesday could be educational. How to decide what kind of investment to make. If you are going to invest in yourself, what kind of investment do you make? What are you ready for? What makes sense? Then Wednesday is a story at the time that I invested in my first mastermind. And then Thursday, stand for, stand against. So hot take. You don't need another course. You need customized coaching. And then Friday would be social proof. My client invested in coaching with me, got an ROI in 48 hours. Okay. This is actually a true story. See the same topic of investing in yourself. Could be approached from so many different angles and so many different pieces, but the most important thing is that you really share what's coming from your heart and you do not need to just be like, okay, I need to teach. You need to teach me to teach. Yes. Teach, but sharing what's going on for you sharing what's behind the scenes, sharing how you approach things that is what's going to set you apart. More than anything else because no one else, no one can replicate that. No one can replicate that because you are unique. You will look at things a different way. You look at things from your own point of view, you look at things from your own like from your experiences, right? You approach things in your own way because of what you've experienced and no one else has, it has experienced any of this. No one else has lived your life. No one else knows what you do. All right. So I want you to consider, what. What experiences have you been through that have given you a unique perspective on different things? I know like that. I, I never have, I've literally I think I've done one sales call in my entire life. For my for my coaching services. Like literally one. I just never really felt like I needed to do sales calls because I would put, talk about like my coaching programs or whatever in my content. And we'd have, I'd have conversations with DMS before I even knew that DM selling was a thing. I was like, I don't have time to get on calls with people who are not paying me yet. As a service provider. Yes. I do think that calls. I could make sense up to a certain point, although I a hundred percent believe that you could not get on a discovery call necessarily, or just get an, a quick enrollment call'em and let them have all the information ahead of time. You definitely could do that. Like to me when I launched my first group program, it was April 20, 20, no, March, 2020. I was getting ready for Passover, which was like around the beginning of April that year. I had four little kids at home because it was COVID and my kids were all we're all, like home doing zoom school. I was pregnant with my fifth child and. I didn't even know DM selling was a thing. I was just like, I don't have time to do sales calls. So what makes the most sense, getting the voice notes, getting in the DMS, having conversations in there, because that is where I have time to dedicate, to like looking at someone's question, giving it some thought, responding back when I have a little bit of time and vice versa. So that was my point of view. And that was why I approach selling from this place of like you tap them. Definitely can sell the DMS. I teach selling the DMS in my CEO, mom academy. Mattamy We go even deeper into it. Like with my mastermind clients, I'll be like, okay. So they'll share conversations they're having with me and we'll talk about how to approach these different questions, different answers, but that is my personal experience. No one else has had that specific experience. Someone else might have the experience of wanting salvia, DM, but no one's had mine. So that is a unique story. That is unique to me. And no one can take it away from me. Not chat TBT, not anybody. All right. So you want that messaging and positioning content going out? Yes. You want to have some educational stuff for sure. You want people to feel that it's worth opening your emails, reading your posts, listening to your podcast, but you also want to share your story. You want to share what you stand for. You want to share belief shifts that you've had, that you want to share with your, with your clients. One thing that a coach told me was like, write your. Your content, like you're writing it to your clients already, not for the people who you want to buy, but the people who've already bought from you who already sold on you. As if you're writing it to them, what would you share with them? And that really took a lot of pressure off of me because I'm like, oh, okay. So here are just some things out share with them. Or here's a little like hot take, I would give them today. And it made creating content feel that much lighter. The second thing is messaging and positioning content. So getting clear on your messaging, getting clear on the message you want to get to the world and talking about it on a regular basis. Okay. That is number two. The third thing is selling. Okay. And I was like, oh, selling everyday selling every day. Yeah. Yeah. You do need to do that. And the thing is though, You can have things set up that you're selling every day without having to actually sell every day. All right, but, and I'll talk about that in a second, but it can feel, you might feel like, oh, I don't want to talk about selling every single day. You could feel icky, could feel pushy. But if you don't make offers, you don't make money. Okay. So I would say 75% of your content should have some sort of clear call to action. Whatever that means, right? It could be to engage with you to start a conversation DMU something, comment, work with you, join your program, whatever that is. If you don't have an offer yet, then create one as soon as possible. Have something to sell. It can be small to start, but the key is to get in the habit of selling every day. So sales activities could be so many different things. I'm hosting a webinar, doing some outreach. Creating an opt-in that leads to a discovery call. There are so many ways to make offers and grow that list. And. If selling makes you squirm. If you're selling makes you feel like yucky and gross, that is a red flag that you have probably got some mindset work, some mindset blocks to get around. All right. I can't tell you how many clients come to me triggered by other people's selling only to realize that they've got their own hangups around sales. So here is the thing. All right. Selling isn't slimy. It is simply offering the next step to people that you've already served. Okay. You're telling them here's the next step that you could offer it, right? It's you know you say you're selling a hamburger, right? Maybe you're offering a. You're in Costco and you're setting there with samples of rotisserie chicken and people like, oh my God, this is so good. You're like you can, rotisserie chickens happen to be on sale two for one or something like that. That's the basic idea you, and if you have something that can help other people, you're doing them. A disservice. By not giving them the opportunity to go deeper with you. Okay. Now. What. When I was pregnant with my daughter, I was just as pregnant with her. This was in November, 2019. I was feeling so sick and so nauseous, I could barely stand. But I really I'd created a workshop about LinkedIn. Okay. My LinkedIn leads mastery. Maybe you've listened to them. If you watched it and you bought it, I don't know. I created a workshop. About LinkedIn in the summer. And I was determined to create a tiny offer out of it to create a funnel for it. And to and to really launch it as a product, because I'd already done it live. I've gotten great feedback and I wanted to launch it as a product. Okay. And. For some reason I decided. That. I was going to have it launched by the end of November. All right. Because I live in Israel, I just forgot that black Friday was a thing. And we were also my sister got married. That week, the last week of November. And we were hosting a Thanksgiving dinner for her, for our family and for her new in-laws. My whole family was in town. But I did it. Okay. With some help, my friend. Ashley gainer. She who's. I just have to shout her out here because she is amazing. And I love her so much. I was dealing with some tech stuff and I was going into Shabbat and I had to like candles. I had to get offline and she was like, I'll fix I'll, I'll fix that old tech thing for you. And I literally. I literally shut off my computer. I got, got on with the day, got on with the. With Shabbat. And I turned my phone back on, on Saturday night to find notification after notification, I made 4k in one week. Once I, I created with my offer. I created my sales page. I created my upsell. And my emails, and then I made 4k in a week, barely lifting a finger after that. And that was my wake up call that I was just creating excuses. Because I was like, oh, I don't know if I can, do passive income. I don't know if it will work for me. Like maybe I need to just, I was so used to I was so used to. Banana. I was as a service provider. I was so used to like only being able to make money from. Just my. My work, right? The work of my hands. That I didn't. Even believe it. As possible to make. Money. Just from my brain. Okay. And the strategy was there. I knew what to do. I just needed to get out of my own way and take massive action. And I got so many sales that week. Over$4,000 in sales that week because people wanted that offer. Okay. And that was what really got me. And I was like, okay. So the truth is when I said that you can sell without selling. If you have back-end offers, so let's say you have a front end freebie and you push people to the freebie and people buy in the backend, or maybe you sell one thing. And then after, two weeks after they buy that one thing, you open up an opportunity to them to put, to apply their investment towards something else. You can create back-end sales, right? You can run ads to a freebie or a low ticket offer or a freebie that goes to a low ticket offer. Like you can have a many chat bot that, you run a real, you do a real invite people to to, give you a keyword. And there are many chat bot will sell for you. I don't think you need to like, necessarily be like, oh my God, I need to do a whole pitch every single day. I found that the easiest way for me to sell is when I just think about how am I embodying a specific offer in my life. And I will talk about it on Instagram story. And I will just like, like very. I guess in a very organic way is as best way to put it, just lead to the pitch. An example could be. I don't know. Aye. Oh, yeah. The other day I was cooking. And I was cooking for Passover. I was standing in the kitchen. I had, pots bubbling and I had things baking in the oven. I was feeling very housewife Lee and put together. My daughter was like, literally just playing at my feet, sing little song to yourself. My kids were all doing their jobs. And playing together for once they were just getting along right. And my husband was doing something in the garden. He was doing some organizing for me in the garden that I really wanted him to do. And I was just feeling so cared for and sourced. So supported. I picked up my phone and I had a payment come in like a. Hi. Three figure. So close to a thousand dollar payment come in from Stripe. And I was like, this is what I wanted. This is all I wanted. I just wanted to be there for my clients. Be there for my family. Make money while I'm fricking stirring some chicken soup. And that is everything. This is what I've been working towards. My baby in my belly, my cutie pie at my feet, like my kids, that this is what I wanted. And I was just feeling so happy. And I, so while I, while I was already there, I just recorded that a little clips of that. And I turned it into a real, it's going to probably come out at some point in the next couple of weeks. But I was just feeling so grateful and so blessed, and that sounds so obnoxious. But I just really, I was feeling so blessed and I was like, this is what I, this is what I work towards. This is why I do what I do. This is why I built the business that I build. This is what I want for all the other moms as well. That's what I want for other CEO moms to be able to just be there for their family and still make money. If that sounds amazing to you, then the mastermind is for you, right? This is what we work on building out those systems. So you can be bringing in money as you do other things. As you can make money while you're at stirring chicken soup. And I should make that actually that's, that should be a tagline or something. But either way, it just felt really beautiful and aligned and and it feels. It felt very easy to move. To move. That feeling into a sales pitch, it didn't feel gross. It didn't feel slimy. All right. So that was just like something I wanted to share, because I think that you might think that, oh, selling. Has to feel like hardcore and pitchy and yucky? No, it could just be, this is oh my gosh, I'm so happy and grateful for where I am right now. I want to share this other people too. And that's it. Okay. So selling every day F if possible, every Workday. Okay. Talking about your offers. Talk about what you're selling. People do not see as much as you think people do not see all of your Facebook posts. People do not see all your Instagram posts. You'll do not see all your Instagram stories. People don't read all of your emails. Some people do I'm sure. I know I have people who read every single email I send. But. You have to keep talking about it. And I need to take my own. Sometimes I need to take my own advice. I'm like, you know what? You just haven't been talking about things enough. Just because it's, so top of mind for you does not mean it's top of mind for everybody else. Everyone else. is busy. All right, Everyone else is busy. and I want you to be able to stand out. I want you to be able to show showcase your genius and the more you talk about it, the more you can the more money you'll make, honestly, the more money you'll make because you. We'll see. What I found is that even when I'm selling something, I've spoken about this before. The idea of everything sells everything when I'm selling one thing. Sometimes people don't want that thing, but they'll be like I like what you're talking about. I like the way you put this. Do you have any one-to-one packages? Do you have any intensives? So that was something, like that's something that happens pretty much every launch that I run, I have someone inquire about something else. Okay. Even selling one thing can actually sell something else entirely. All right. The last thing. All right. The last thing. and this is really important. Is following up and nurturing your audience and nurturing your leads. Listen. My friend. Probably over half of my sales come from follow-up. All right. And I that's wild, but it makes sense. People need to know and trust you before they're going to invest. So checking in providing value. Extending those invitations plant seeds that will bloom months or even years later. And I'm going to use the example of one person who's currently my mastermind. She used, she was a client in my second round of my group program. This was at the end of 2020. And she was a mess. She was a client for six months. Okay. She was a six month client back in 2020. And I stayed in touch with her. Because she is my client. I don't like usually just forget about clients just because like they're no longer paying me. I, I comment on her. I comment on her Instagram posts and I reply to her stories and Just generally stayed in touch with her. Okay. And she ended up winning a scholarship to my course. A couple of years later because she was part of a contest, which is really awesome. And she is now a mastermind client of mine. Now I'm not going to say, did I sit there going, oh my gosh, I want her to pay me more money. I want more money. No, she was just a client that I was like I'm going to still check in. So we're going to stay in touch. I'm still going to see how she's doing because she is a former client and I hear about her. Okay. Whether or not she's paying me. And I will say that in my business, I've. I could have nurtured leads for up to a year before they became clients, someone who just joined CMA. Has been in my world for, I think over two years. Okay. It is a long game, but it is so worth it. And she even said I literally been in your world for over two years. I think there's just goes to show that, when you keep showing up, some people just need more time. Even when I was on maternity leave, I was really focused on serving my current clients at the highest level. So yes, I took some time off. But then when I came on, when I came back in this genuine care led to me, filling a mastermind with women who are eager to keep working with me because I'd poured into them for months, the offer, When I went from the group program to inviting them to join my mastermind. The offer felt really natural and very, of service. So. Nurturing can be things like email nurturing can be follow-up nurturing, can be just quick, messages to check in and DMS. Commenting on their posts. And I don't sit there. Like I, sometimes I'll have a list of I want to just stay in touch with these people. I feel like they're just like kindred spirits as Anne of green Gables would say. And if they're kindred spirits, I want to stay in touch with them. I don't care if they're paying me or not. I don't care if they're clients or not. I want to just stay in their orbit because I really like them. All right. And when I found is that. Aye. Really when I want to invite people into my mastermind or to work with me, one-to-one. They have to be people that I really like because. I spent a lot of time with them. I spend a lot of time in their business with them. We spend a lot of time talking. And I personally like. It's not like it's just a course that they're just buying something and then it doesn't really matter. I don't really hear back from them. Like people who are in my world. We're close to me. They need to be people that I would feel comfortable sitting down and having a coffee with right. Sitting down and, having dinner with, and then we could just chat. And and like for hours. All right. Like my clients truly are like friends to me. So I just wanted to say that because I think very often we're like, oh, they said no, so forget it right. No just because someone said no right. away. Just because someone said no, right now, It doesn't mean no, forever. It could just mean not right now, So if someone feels like a really aligned leader, someone who could be a really great client. I like staying in touch with them. Just stay in touch with them. And. Either the there'll become a client or they just think you're awesome. Okay. Because you are awesome. Or they, they might not need you right now, but they might recommend you to someone else which has happened to me too. Okay. So I've had people tagging me. I've had people tag me. Okay. In in, in, in groups. As a coach who never even worked with me. Or worked with me, like for a very short thing or bought something very small for me, but because they know my branding and because I stay in touch with them because they know me. and who I am, they were like, yeah, you ALS. Is your gal right? So these weren't even former clients. They never worked with me, but they still tagged me because they knew it. So that is the fourth part following up and nurturing. And that could be just quick checking in on people. Hey, I just saw this and it. made me think of you stuff like that. That is the fourth thing. All right. So we have the four key pieces, which is mindset work sharing your message and positioning content. Making those offers selling every day and nurturing your people right. And above all else. You want to keep, you're showing up as that powerful CEO, you are. That's what the mindset work does, right? Your consistency and your heart will pay off. I promise you. And as long as you're being strategic about your daily actions, you're going to see so much. You're going to just see so much. success. I, and I really believe that for you. So if you want a really deeper dive And, in great detail. About these four steps, how to incorporate them into your week, how to block out your weeks that you're getting everything done. Like so much more stuff. Okay. So what you need to do, what you should, what's a waste of time. All that fun stuff. That is what you're going to get in the CEO mom, business blueprint. That is currently$17. It's going to be 47, so this would be the time to grab it. So I'm putting the link in the description. It's the Al benda.com/blueprint. And the last quick little thing is I wanted to say, I have. Three, three spots left for intensives before I have. my baby, I think three, maybe four. But probably three. If you're interested in hopping on a 90 minute intensive with me. I have spots for one VIP. And and two 90 minute. Okay. So if you want to hop on a 90 minute intensive with me and do things like map out a launch or map out a plan for you or maternity leave, or maybe map out an offer suite plan that you can take a maternity leave or a sales plan, or I'm getting clear on your messaging and positioning things like that. That is why these intensives are amazing for. And I have three spots available. So I will also drop the link to work with me in there, if you want to apply for. an intensive. If you prefer a VIP day, you can go to there as well. But this is something that's a really great opportunity. I'm not going to have a lot of time after I have the baby for live calls. So this is a great chance to to get my one-to-one. Eyes on your business and really get, get, knock some things off your plate. Gay, meshing, done, map out a launch map out on maternity leave plan. Whatever it is that you want to do you can check it out in the link, in the description. I've had my clients, literally in my 90 minute intensives, we mapped out their, her 10 K service with the messaging positioning, all that, how to sell it. Everything. She literally sold a package the next day. She literally. Th within 24 hours had sold a$10,000 package from my 90 minute intensive that we'd mapped out together. And then I think sold another one, like a few hours later. You can have really quick ROI on things. Another client of mine also, same thing. It wasn't 10 K package, but we mapped out a way to pre-sell people into her offer before she even launched it. And she got two, I think she got two people in within a week. So she came into real launch with two people already sold. So this stuff is really powerful. And I would love hill to work with you and make that happen for you. So if you want to hop in on the very few spots I have available before. Baby number six comes along, whoever it may be. I'll put the link to apply for eight intensive in the description. And if you don't want to do that yet, if you're not ready for that yet, grab the cm on business blueprint. I promise you it is going to be the best money you spend. All week. All right. Have a wonderful rest of your day. And I'll see you next time. I can't thank you enough for listening to Raising Your Business. I hope this episode has inspired you to take another step towards building a business and life that you love and growing your income in a way that works for you and your family. If you enjoyed this episode, please take a second to rate and review and let's connect on Instagram. Screenshot and share it on Instagram stories so we can get the word out to more mom business owners like you. Tag me at the EL Bendahan and share your biggest breakthrough from today. See you next week.