Regen Supply
The official podcast channel of Shihan Fang (Han). Regen Supply showcases inspiring initiatives in climate innovation, and the people behind them.
Follow my official Medium page for written stories: https://medium.com/@shihan.fang
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Podcasting since 2023 • 20 episodes
Regen Supply
Latest Episodes
Can Waste-to-X be the answer to the looming global food shortage?
In July’s ReFi Singapore meetup, we gathered to shoot the breeze about repurposed spent grains. This sector has gained popularity in recent years, with several companies in Singapore already using spent grains in various products. T...
Season 4
Episode 3

Geoengineering isn’t that far off, but Pina2bo is still a terrible idea.
Professor Ben Horton, Director at the Earth Observatory of Singapore and Professor at the NTU Asian School of the Environment, weighs in on Neal Stephenson's climate change epic Termination Shock.Basically, Pina2bo is a terrible...
Season 4
Episode 2

Ixo.world to expand the “internet of impacts”, one cookstove NFT at a time
In our conversation, former head of water strategy at Bayer and co-founder of Ixo, Hannah Oh, chats about how Ixo's "internet of impacts" Web3 infrastructure is being used to harness carbon financing to improve the lives of rural communities vi...
Season 1
Episode 6

Solar waste is piling up, but who’s footing the recycling bill?
By 2050, there is going to be almost as many decommissioned solar panels as newly installed solar panels. That’s according to data from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), dating back to 2016. Fast forward eight years...
Season 4
Episode 1

More drama in Australia’s carbon credit system, described as “failure on a global scale”
While the rest of the carbon world was caught up with debates about whether Verra's REDD+ offsets were "worthless", and the drama involving South Pole's Project Kariba, Australia's carbon credit system was facing a crisis of its own. <...
Season 1
Episode 9