The Business Edge

President Biden's Infrastructure Plan

Feliciano School of Business

Feliciano School of Business professor in the Department of Economics, Dr. David Axelrod, discusses President  Biden’s infrastructure plan and what impact it will have on the U.S. economy. 

Dr. Axelrod received his Ph.D. in Economics from Rutgers University in 1990, with the dissertation Three Essays on Latency in Economics and Decision Making. He has taught at Montclair State University as an adjunct professor since 2013. Previously, he worked in finance for twenty years as an economist, consultant and actuarial analyst, including positions with Falcon Management, Volvo Finance, and Crum & Forster. He has also produced research in health economics, and the nature of choice and well-being. Dr. Axelrod provides holonomic consultation and workshops. He plays electric bass and has released over a dozen albums of original music.