Early Education and Development - Tomorrow's Readiness, Starts Today

Ana Garcia and Quality Start San Bernardino - QSSB

April 11, 2024 Nancy Sherod and Ana Garcia
Ana Garcia and Quality Start San Bernardino - QSSB
Early Education and Development - Tomorrow's Readiness, Starts Today
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Early Education and Development - Tomorrow's Readiness, Starts Today
Ana Garcia and Quality Start San Bernardino - QSSB
Apr 11, 2024
Nancy Sherod and Ana Garcia

Today we're shining the light on Quality Start San Bernardino County, or as we're going to refer to it for most of this podcast QSSB. This is a vital initiative in California designed to elevate the quality of early learning experiences for children aged zero to five. Joining us today is our very own Ana Garcia, my co host who is deeply involved in QSSB's operations.

QSSB's website:  https://qualitystartsbc.org/

Early Education and Development webpage:

Music by lemonmusicstudio from Pixabay - Where the Light Is

Show Notes Transcript

Today we're shining the light on Quality Start San Bernardino County, or as we're going to refer to it for most of this podcast QSSB. This is a vital initiative in California designed to elevate the quality of early learning experiences for children aged zero to five. Joining us today is our very own Ana Garcia, my co host who is deeply involved in QSSB's operations.

QSSB's website:  https://qualitystartsbc.org/

Early Education and Development webpage:

Music by lemonmusicstudio from Pixabay - Where the Light Is

Nancy  00:04

Welcome to another episode of Tomorrow's Readiness Starts Today, where we delve into programs and initiatives that are shaping the future of childhood education. Today we're shining the light on Quality Start San Bernardino County, or as we're going to refer to it for most of this podcast QSSB. This is a vital initiative in California designed to elevate the quality of early learning experiences for children aged zero to five. Joining us today is our very own Ana Garcia, my co host who is deeply involved in QSSBs operations. Thanks for agreeing to let me interview you for this episode. Ana.


Ana  00:40

Thank you for having me, Nancy. It's good to be here on the other side of the mic to talk about all things Quality Start San Bernardino.


Nancy  00:48

Alright, well let's just dive right in. What exactly is Quality Start San Bernardino or QSSB


Ana  00:55

So Quality Start San Bernardino or QSSP as you'll hear is referred to it is essentially our county's quality rating improvement system. Another acronym for you right QRIS so this is nationwide. So here in our county, though it started in 2016. Its primary goal is to support and enhance the quality of early learning experiences provided by childcare programs by preschools and alternative settings. QSSB achieves this by following and establishing quality standards measuring program against the standards and by professional development opportunities.


Nancy  01:32

Wow, that's a lot. Have you been with the program since 2016?


Ana  01:36

I have not maybe 2019 


Nancy  01:38

Okay, so you've been with it for quite a few years. Through the COVID years? Yes, perfect. Well, it sounds like it's a comprehensive approach to ensuring children receive the best possible start in their educational journey. Can you explain what it means for a program to be rated under the QSSB? Yes,


Ana  01:54

so state preschool programs are parts that are participating in QSSB undergo a three step writing process. This process involves compiling a site portfolio with a coach completing two assessments and undergoing a site visit. So the rating received helps determine the most effective quality improvement supports that the site meets. Currently only state preschools are being rated. So that means family childcare providers, FFN and other private centers are not being graded. This is due to funding so it used to be where everyone was rated, but now it's only focused on state preschools due to funding


Nancy  01:55

like can you clarify FFN? Because another acronym?


Ana  02:34

 I know so many acronyms. So FCC stands for family child care, at the FFN stands for family, friends and neighbors. So these are maybe a family member that's taking care of a family's child.


Nancy  02:47

Okay. And you said QSSB coach, are those coaches in the Early Education Development Department? Is it from somewhere outside?


Ana  02:55

Well, actually, we'll get into it a bit later. But the coaches are from Childcare Resource Center, one of our partners. 


Nancy  03:01

All right, so que SSP operates through the collaborative effort. Can you tell us who operates all those pieces, those providers, those centers, and why should they consider participating?


Ana  03:11

Yes, of course. So QSSB is operated through a partnership. As I mentioned, we have first five San Bernardino, as here at San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools, Childcare Resource Center, California State University, San Bernardino, and preschool services department. So there's a lot of us working together to make QSSB what it is today,


Nancy  03:31

okay, and all those places that you mentioned, super, you know, Child Care Resource Center, Cal State University, San Bernardino, we have upcoming episodes. So stay tuned, if you want to hear more about first five CCRC. Again, all those acronyms, but we're gonna give you more later on. So I don't want to go too down the rabbit hole with that. But let's go back to that. Why question? Why should providers and centers consider being part of QSSB?


Ana  03:54

Yeah, so I think providers and centers should consider participating because it signifies their commitment to creating the best early learning experiences for the children that they serve. So by participating they gain access to professional quality improvement support, professional development opportunities, networking, and incentives to enhance your program quality. So there's a lot of good stuff that they gain just by being part of QSSB.


Nancy  04:17

And quality definitely matters, especially in those formative years of a child's life. So tell us a little bit more about why quality early learning experiences are crucial to the development of our little people. Absolutely.


Ana  04:29

So research shows that the care and education children receive from birth through age five, significantly impacts their early brain development, high quality early learning experiences not only prepare children to succeed in kindergarten, but throughout their life and you know, whatever choices they make later in life really affects these first five years of their lives.


Nancy  04:49

So can we go a little bit deeper into quality early learning environment, if I'm coming into rates or if I'm a parent coming in, and I see that someone has a high rating What kind of things are in that quality quality early learning review?


Ana  05:05

Yes, so before we actually used to give a number rating, okay and posted on our website, because of funding that kind of change, and because we're only rating CSPP preschools, we don't post those ratings on our website anymore. But we a good setting. I think if you go into a setting, I think all of us as parents have looked for a good program for our kids. So that looks like teachers that are happy to be with their children that looks like all the materials and things for them to do and explore in the classroom. That can look like as teachers being able to attend trainings and professional development opportunities. So I think once you walk into a quality environment that you feel safe and comfortable in I think that's going to transmit to you that's


Nancy  05:53

And that's really being reviewed with these with with particule. QSSB, you're coming in looking for the interactions from teacher to student you're coming in and looking at it's a safe environment with all the developmental pieces perfect. I just wanted to kind of clarify so that parents listening know, when you have a QSSP rated campus, they have coaching, they have professional development, but they also have environment with safety and colors and developmentally for gross motor skills and fine motor skills and all that fun stuff. Right? That is incredibly impactful. And I appreciate you taking that side way step. But can we come back to let's look at statistics. Let's look at milestones. Do we have any big numbers that we've seen achieved by QSSB in the last few years?


Ana  06:35

Yes, as mentioned, we've been established here for I don't know maybe eight years now since 2016. And I'm very happy to let everyone know that QSSB has served over 343 programs and over 11,000 children here in our county in alone. So as mentioned earlier, our vision is to ensure that all children from birth to five have access to high quality early learning environments, and just preparing them for achievement throughout their life. Really super


Nancy  07:01

impressive. Well before we conclude, where can our listeners find out more information about QSSB. So for


Ana  07:08

more information, listeners can visit our QSSB website, which is qualitystartsbc.org. And you will find a plethora of resources there. So not only for educators, but for parents for anyone who is interested in knowing more about quality start and just resources in our community. 


Nancy  07:27

Well, I appreciate you taking a moment to explain your forte in our early ed. Team. We love that you were here today you shed some light on some very, very invaluable work for the quality service. And really,


Ana  07:39

thank you for having me. It's been a pleasure sharing more about quality start and its impact on education.


Nancy  07:46

Okay, well that wraps us up for today's episode. Join us next time as we continue to explore initiatives that are shaping the future of childhood education, and where we continue to share our message that tomorrow's readiness starts today.