Debunk the Biz Funk

8: Offer Launching Strategies vs. Evergreen Models

Kaitlyn Ash

Have you ever wondered if you should launch your offers or have more of an evergreen approach where you continually enroll people? In this episode we're discussing everything you need to know about these models so you can decide what is best for your business. 

We're discussing:
-The pros and cons of launching
-The pros and cons of evergreen models
-Hybrid models
-Specific types of businesses these models work well for 
-How to create hype with an evergreen model
-How to have consistent income when you launch and receive large cash injections


Aline Hosss is a Kajabi Expert & Launch Specialist who has helped over 50+ powerful women become Course Creators. Whether their goal was to reach their first $1k or their first 6-figure launch, she provides hands-on support to plan, create and automate their sales with a professional Kajabi funnel. She was able to reach 6 figures within my first year. Now, almost 4 years later, she's helped dozens of entrepreneurs and service providers to scale with the power of launching.

You can find her on IG @alinehoss

Bri Norberg is a  business mentor helping new entrepreneurs grow their online presence and build businesses that align with their values and mission. She believes that entrepreneurship is the catalyst for massive internal growth and unlocks new levels of freedom and earning potential. 

 She has scaled her business to multiple 6 figures. 

She is also the founder of The Women of Sacramento, a networking community for local women business owners, creative entrepreneurs, and ambitious leaders. Their mission is to create a space where women can build genuine connections, grow their network, and have fun while doing it! 

You can find her on IG @bri.norberg