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Society, Satire, and Serious Tech with Texas Terry

April 27, 2024 Texas Terry Season 2 Episode 4
Society, Satire, and Serious Tech with Texas Terry
Special OpeRadio
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Society, Satire, and Serious Tech with Texas Terry
Apr 27, 2024 Season 2 Episode 4
Texas Terry

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Ever find yourself bemused by the unseen trials of homeownership or the peculiarities of life's daily grind? I'm Texas Terry, your guide through the maze of the mundane and the extraordinary. This episode of Special Op Radio starts off with a beat, as we jam to Huey Lewis and the News and share a laugh over the quirks of lawn maintenance and property taxes. It's a candid look at the unexpected responsibilities that tag along with the keys to your own place, all while I tip my hat to the music that makes these chores a little less tiresome.

Navigating the tumultuous seas of society, I invite you to explore the decline in common decency, the heart-pumping election seasons, and the bubble effect social media has on our reality. I lay bare my own reflections on the state of the world, and we examine the bizarre, like that 78-year-old bank robber's tale that got us all talking. It's a conversation that oscillates between chuckles and furrowed brows, questioning if ignorance is indeed a sanctuary from the world's chaos.

Lastly, we broach the ethical mazes of artificial intelligence and its darker uses, from deepfakes to unspeakable crimes. As we scrutinize the story of the party shooting and its ripple effects, the discussion turns serious, highlighting the graver side of technology. But fear not, we end on a high note, embracing respect and kindness, and promising you an array of laughter and entertainment with our diverse lineup of guests in episodes to come. So tune in, kick back, and let's ride this rollercoaster of life together, with your host, Texas Terry.

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Ever find yourself bemused by the unseen trials of homeownership or the peculiarities of life's daily grind? I'm Texas Terry, your guide through the maze of the mundane and the extraordinary. This episode of Special Op Radio starts off with a beat, as we jam to Huey Lewis and the News and share a laugh over the quirks of lawn maintenance and property taxes. It's a candid look at the unexpected responsibilities that tag along with the keys to your own place, all while I tip my hat to the music that makes these chores a little less tiresome.

Navigating the tumultuous seas of society, I invite you to explore the decline in common decency, the heart-pumping election seasons, and the bubble effect social media has on our reality. I lay bare my own reflections on the state of the world, and we examine the bizarre, like that 78-year-old bank robber's tale that got us all talking. It's a conversation that oscillates between chuckles and furrowed brows, questioning if ignorance is indeed a sanctuary from the world's chaos.

Lastly, we broach the ethical mazes of artificial intelligence and its darker uses, from deepfakes to unspeakable crimes. As we scrutinize the story of the party shooting and its ripple effects, the discussion turns serious, highlighting the graver side of technology. But fear not, we end on a high note, embracing respect and kindness, and promising you an array of laughter and entertainment with our diverse lineup of guests in episodes to come. So tune in, kick back, and let's ride this rollercoaster of life together, with your host, Texas Terry.

Speaker 1:

I want a new drug, one that won't make me sick, one that won't make me crash my car. Something about Huey Lewis Say that three times fast In the news. It puts me in a good mood. It's got a real good vibe to it. You know what I'm saying. Look one more time. Let me bring it back. Listen, I don't know For me like I could jam out to that all day while I'm cleaning the house, doing something in the yard. Speaking of that, we're going to get into a little bit about it. Shit like that Wash the car, the truck, whatever. Welcome to the show.

Speaker 1:

Ladies and gentlemen, this is your boy, tex Terry, terry Vontae Haas, plain old Terry, and you're listening to Special Op Radio. We appreciate you being here and understand that there's a million other places you could uh turn your attention to. Um, so again, once again, we're grateful to have you with us today. Beautiful day outside been a hectic ass week. Um.

Speaker 1:

One thing I did want to say is we do appreciate the feedback on the last episode. Um, shout out to everybody that contributed to that. Um, you know, I thought luis would stand out. You know I'm saying, and he did so. Uh, we hope to have him back soon and, and you know, chop it up some more by a little lighter topics, though you know I'm saying we don't always just talk about aliens and shit. That's kind of out of our. It just so happened that that last podcast, uh, uh, the one we were speaking on for joe rogan um, it just happened to be the timing and it was something that I wanted to talk about because there was a lot there to discuss which we didn't get to a lot of it. But it's all good.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, some of you too, with the feedback, are fucking true detectives. We understand that there was an audio issue for the first couple of minutes. I take 100% responsibility for that. That was my bad. It was a learn in the moment type of event and, uh, it won't happen again, so we'll just keep it at that. I kind of tripped out at first because when I listened, you know, obviously to just kind of see where we were at with the pod when I listened to it after the fact and I heard it, I was pretty upset because I thought, basically, luis and I just had like a conversation for no reason. Not that that's a problem, but you know what I mean. We were doing it for a reason.

Speaker 1:

So neither here nor there appreciate it all once again. Um, I don't know how your week's been, my week bet. It just seems like I don't know. The older you get, the longer the weeks become and the shorter the weekends become. It's just because you fill your. You fill your time with so much bullshit. You know.

Speaker 1:

I mean, obviously work is is necessary. You got to pay bills, you got responsibilities to your family and just, you know society in general, I guess. But you, you do all that and then you get out of work and then you got more work to do at, you know, for instance, the house. You know I'm saying it's never done. You know, and I'm not complaining, these are like first world. I'm complaining. For sure, these are first world problems. I get that, but on the same token they're problems nonetheless. You feel me.

Speaker 1:

So one problem, I mean because, look, I I'm 100, I'm I feel grateful to be a homeowner and everything. But there's a lot of things that come along being a homeowner that they don't tell you about and that I find to be inconveniencing, to say the least. I mean, don't get me started on the fucking taxes. Don't get me started on the fucking taxes. Don't get me started on. You know, fortunately for us, our warranty on our home or we have a warranty on our home is approximately two years, but it's about to be up here in July, so your boy's going to be happy. I'm going to have to become Tim the Tool man. Taylor, I'm not that you know. I'm an HVAC technician by day and your host at night or in the morning. Whenever you listen to this shit, you know it got fucking weird. No, I'm not in your window, but you should double check. You should check anyway. So look, what are the problems that I'm having? Right is I'm.

Speaker 1:

I've never had grass like that before. You know, I'm saying, and if I did, I don't remember it or didn't pay attention to it. I mean, I don't know what kid would. I don't recall being tasked to like cut the grass too many times because I don't think we had any, or it was somebody else's job, as in. We lived in an apartment complex, but now I got my own grass, my own lawn and the way.

Speaker 1:

You know, I won't bore you with all the details, but the way that the purchase of the home was set up was it was kind of already picked out by somebody that that backed out. My wife fell in love with the crib. The house already had like sod put down. That was included in the total cost of the home, but the sod was already there. There was nothing we could do about it. But we were like, oh, that's dope. You know what I'm saying. We got grass. It was cool for like six months because they had been taking care of it.

Speaker 1:

And so the point that I'm getting to is now it's my responsibility to take care of it, or has been, you know, for the better part of a year and a half year and a half. And man, taking care of grass is hard man shit. No wonder motherfucking people pay landscapers. I get it because I'm not talking about the, the physicality of like cutting the grass or edging it or nothing. That's cool, man, I can, I could. It gets harder as the years go by, but I could still knock it out. You know I'm saying in a couple hours if I keep up with it, but the, the part about getting it to grow and getting rid of the weeds and making sure it looks plush and luscious and green, yeah, I mean, that is hard. You got to be a fucking scientist, because there's also sprinklers in the, in the um, in the ground, you know, to help with watering and all that. So again, I'm not trying to say like we're not bougie, the shit just came with it. So you know, I try to run them when I can.

Speaker 1:

Water is expensive. That's another problem. I don't know if y'all know this, man. Water is expensive when you have like a. I take baths. I'm not gonna get off on a tangent, I'm completely focused on what it is that I'm talking about right now. But I do want to say that I do like to take baths. We've got a big ass bathtub. I'm kind of stunting on you there because I did specifically want that in the house that we bought. I could care less about the grass, to be honest with you, but my wife likes it and it does look nice when you take care of this shit. So anyway, back to the watering man. So it's hard to tell when to water it, when not to water it.

Speaker 1:

I live in west texas. It's fixing to start being 100 degrees every single day for the next, like till two days before. Halloween never fails, hasn't since I've been here. It's just the way that it is. Man, it's hot as a motherfucker. You know. It's a dry heat, that's what they say. Right, it it's not humid, so that is a plus, I guess. But sometimes watering the grass feels, you know, like an exercise in futility. Is that how you say it? That's how you say it.

Speaker 1:

And then you got to do the seeding thing too. You got to know what to put when, where, how how much. How many square feet do you got? Are you doing this to prevent pests? Are you doing it to prevent weeds? What kind of grass do you got? Do you know that there's like 13 kinds of grass? I didn't know that there were 13 kinds of grass. Man, bermuda, bermuda triangle, uh, alpacis, el paso, I don't know. There's a fucking million of them. I do know that. You know what I'm saying. Like.

Speaker 1:

So, and then there's apps. There's an app for everything. Now, with artificial intelligence and all this shit, you can take a picture of the stuff in your lawn, or plants, or a bug. I'm sure you know, I'm sure that's out there, probably a bird Fucking. I wish you could do that shit with people. I wish there was an app that I could. I mean, it's really easy to distinguish.

Speaker 1:

Usually liberals and those types look like what, exactly what they are the fucking pink hair and the black rimmed glasses. Uh, it kind of gives them away every time, you know, I mean, and if that's not enough or if they don't have that, sooner or later they'll start to talk and it'll be, you know. But if you're at a distance and you're trying to stay that way, if you could like scan some. But I'm sure somebody somewhere has got this. I don't know if it's available to the public. If it is, hit me up. Special app radio outlook dot com. Tell me if I'm fucking up. But like I have to shoot at somebody or point at somebody to tell you like yo, this person's a fucking asshole, you know. Or like their iq score, yo, what if you could scan somebody's body? It'd be like yo, iq 79. And you're like get the fuck away from that retard quick. That's fucked up, whatever. But that would be dope, though I mean, most of the time you don't need a nap for that anyway, because they got the mask on. But I'm kidding. There's nothing wrong with practicing health and safety anyway, man.

Speaker 1:

So trying to grow the grass has just been a rough one. It looks like we're making progress. Wifey and I put some shit down there and who knows what's in it. It'll probably pollute our water, but if the grass looks dope, hey, problem solved. You know, I'm saying we don't really drink tap water anyway. We take showers in it. I think we absorb more water through that than you know if we were to drink it. So either way, we're fucked.

Speaker 1:

But you know it is what it is, man, it's all you know. Uh, what do you call that? It's all, uh, it's all part of the game, right? Yeah, I mean this crazy thing we call life anyway, that's just a random issue that I had. There was also, I don't know if I don't know if y'all want to hear this or not, but I'm gonna get into it real. Nah, we're gonna save that. I'm gonna tell luis about it. Unfortunately, I've been diagnosed with a little something, not major, no worries, don't uh start a, go fund me or anything like that. But I want to break the news the next time. Uh, luis lopez is on this bitch and and see what he thinks. You know, he's kind of a clerical guy, that's just. You know. Again, just an issue.

Speaker 1:

And then works, work. You know I'm saying work is a pain in the ass, people, pain in the ass being out there in the world. You know what I'm saying. It just feels different. You know it just feels different.

Speaker 1:

There's a vibe you know what I'm saying like there's a tension out there that I think we all kind of not appreciate, but it's definitely noticeable and identifiable. Know what I mean. People seem meaner. They seem like they're more in their own space. You know I mean youngsters are always going to be ignorant and just concerned with themselves and what you know they can and can't do, and you know pushing the limits and whatever else. I it's been a minute now since I've been that young, but I remember, you know vaguely, that I didn't give two shits, mostly about what older people had to say. So there's that.

Speaker 1:

But then there's the people that are your age or above, that are also fucking assholes, and that is a problem because it's like common decency and courtesy has just gone away. I mean it's like non-existent. I don't know if that's a COVID thing, I don't know if it's all the. You know all this shit. I mean I don't know if you can contribute at all to all the world's problems. Right, like I mean, there's a lot of shit going on in the world, but how many people are actually aware of that? You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

How many people you know pay attention to these types of issues? I understand that the top talk shows in the nation you know are all conservative and obviously you got a good amount of people that are listening, but it's not a hundred million people, there's over 300. And what 30 million people in this country if not? I'm sure there's more than that, but there's got to be more than that. I don't think we'll ever get a true number again on, because you don't know. You know I'm saying but I how many of the people actually pay attention to the fucking news or anything else that's going on around them?

Speaker 1:

You know I'm saying a lot of people have no idea what's going on anyway in their own city, let alone the country or their state. Even you know their hemisphere nothing. They don't know dick. They know what's on facebook, twitter, x and and and you know tiktok for however long that sticks around, that's what they know about and their little bubble. You know I mean most of it is make-believe bullshit. You know what I mean? I think a lot of people are are in their own way because they live in a world that's not fucking compatible with reality. That's neither here nor there. I guess that's a you know a tangent. I mean, it's just people. People are desperate too, you know.

Speaker 1:

I'm saying people are in a way that I mean, and now you see this, uh, it's not the first time, obviously, but we're going through another period of lawlessness, right around an election again, go figure. I mean, if you didn't see this shit coming, you're one of the fucking people that I'm talking about that doesn't pay attention to what's going on in the world. That's not a good or a bad thing, I'm not saying because it can add a lot of stress to your life too. If you are one of the people that doesn't pay attention, there's a piece of me that doesn't fucking blame you. There's it's ignorance is bliss.

Speaker 1:

I think in some ways it's better to not know what's going on, because there's a. There's not a whole lot you can do when you get to worrying about shit that you can't control. You know, I'm saying there's that quote. I said you know, worries like a rocket chair gives you something to do but it gets you nowhere. I mean that's a fact, and a lot of times.

Speaker 1:

I think we all worry about things. I'm definitely guilty of that. I mean that's a fact, and a lot of times I think we all worry about things. I'm definitely guilty of that. I know that I stress out over shit that I can't fucking control man. You know, I don't know why. I really don't know why it's honestly I believe I don't. I don't know that. It says it directly, but I think you know I'm saying like worrying is is a sin, you know, because, in essence, you're doubting God, and if you believe in God, then you should know that God got you one way or the other. You know, if you believe I mean I'm not here to preach to you, but that's the truth I'll tell you a lady that's got bigger problems than I do with my lawn right now.

Speaker 1:

This woman, bless her heart. She. She is from Missouri, she's 78 years old and, uh, what I thought they said what the hell, just what? What is going on here? See, I'm catching live news. Is this the same lady? I guess I'm catching live news. Is this the same lady? I guess I'm catching live news right now? That's my bad, okay. So yeah, it looks like a 78-year-old woman in Missouri was found dead. See, I was just fixing to tell y'all that this 78-year-old woman robbed a bank because she got scammed by an online scammer. Old woman robbed a bank because she got scammed by an online scammer and, yeah, she took the she. I apologize, this is uh, I guess I should. That's how you know.

Speaker 1:

Your host didn't do as much research as I should. I didn't know that the story changed that much. Uh, well, there went that idea neither here nor there. You know, I'm saying it's just a 78 year old woman. I believe this is the same person, unless this shit happened twice in one week and it completely went over my head. Who the fuck knows this lady?

Speaker 1:

She got scammed online by, uh, you know whatever, I don't know the type of scam. It didn't really specify. Uh, lost bunch of money I don't recall seeing. I mean, it could have been there now that this shit happened. I'm embarrassed for you, bro. I'm embarrassed for me. I'm embarrassed for us right now. You, me, the audience, this room, my chair, this microphone, son of a bitch. That's how fast shit happens, man. You know what I mean. That's how fast shit happens.

Speaker 1:

So the lady got scammed online by someone for some amount of money. No pun, anyway, yeah, huh, anyway, she got scammed online. I'm not laughing at that, it's for, it's unfortunate. She robbed a bank with a gun, got arrested at the house, and if we're talking about the same lady, now it looks like, uh, I don't think it's the same lady. There's no way. That can't be right. I'm going to look it up, we'll just you know what I mean. Stand by. I had to get my phone because I'm not buying this nonsense right now. Anyway, so I was going to say that she had problems, but I guess she doesn't have problems anymore. I hope her heart was in the right place and she made her peace. I'm going to keep from, I guess, casting any more judgment on that.

Speaker 1:

I just thought it was a sad story and when you see people that are struggling to the point that they're willing to start committing crimes, it's sad. You know what I mean. I mean, look, I'm not making excuses for motherfucker. I'm not saying that your only option is to commit a crime. You shouldn't do that at any time. You know what I mean? Just a little quick PSA. Don't commit crimes just because you need some money. You know what I mean. There's other options. Start a GoFundMe. You can start a GoFundMe for anything and sounds like. I mean you can get you commit a crime. These days you can get bail through. Go fund me. Tell everybody what a good boy you were until you robbed the store and all kind of shit. This guy's probably got to go fund me another fun story that I saw that I thought was interesting.

Speaker 1:

So this dude right his names. You know what sucks man is pop-ups on everything everywhere. It really reminds me of like the shit that you used to see in the movies back in the day about how many fucking pictures just pop up out of nowhere on you for no reason at all. So in New York City, of course, the Bronx to be specific. That's one of the boroughs, right? Well, in the borough of the Bronx, a homeboy by the name of El Burro, aka the donkey. Yeah, why do you think they call him the donkey? Why is his name El Burro? Or why is he called the donkey? I bet P Diddy knows, no Diddy motherfucker Anyway. So NYPD is looking for this dude, el Burro. I know I'm not rolling the R's, I just can't do it. Go fuck yourself For shooting a woman multiple times after she rejected his handy advances at an underground dance party in, again, the Bronx where El Burro resides.

Speaker 1:

Early Monday, according to police sources, the 20 20 year old woman said she was partying with pals in the basement of a building on 165th street around midnight when a guy she knew as el borough I wish I had donkey sound effects, bro, imagine them there, they are okay offered her a drink and then started dancing with her, but then he went too far and grabbed her buttock. She pushed him off and left the dance floor. Bathroom sources, or left the dance floor for the bathroom sources said. Video released by the nypd shows the suspect boogieing down on a crowded dance floor in a white cap and a white jacket. Alberto got what? What do y'all say now? Swag, he looks like a ant, I don't know whatever. Well, freshening up, I mean like his facial features.

Speaker 1:

Uh, apparently, while she was freshening up, the victim heard several loud bangs, then realized that she had been shot several time times in the legs, arm and hand. How fuck you hear the bangs like with the speed of sound? Wouldn't you be shot before the bang? I know I'm a combat veteran, but I mean I wasn't shot. So there's that. That's a good thing for all you fucking novices out there. By the way, having a purple heart, bless your heart, but I never wanted one of those. That means you got wounded. I was moon, I was wounded internally. Thank you very much. And mentally, that's the way they got your boy. That's no joke. If you fuck around, deal ptsd shit, you should reach out to somebody. There's a good counselor out there somewhere. Yeah, I mean doesn't have to necessarily be the VA, but anyway, another little public side note.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, so she got shot in the arms, hand, leg, and then other partiers could be heard, you know, stating the obvious, that quote even El Burro messed up. He sure did. And well, how's that go in prison? What's up, man? What's your name? I've been in prison, so I mean I can kind of imagine what up man, where you from, from the bronx, what's your name? El burro? Oh yeah, motherfucker, I don't know. Whatever man you know, I'm saying I hope the lady's all good, hopefully that, uh, you know she, I guess she, you know she really didn't do anything wrong. El boro just was a fucking angry ass that night that motherfucker was tripping for real, for real it's, I mean, I don't know, crazy world, man, crazy world.

Speaker 1:

And it's only getting crazier, especially with this. Uh, you know what seems to me to be rapid installation of artificial, artificial intelligence, when I got all the big words up in here today, but it's a true story and it's a fact. There's some ai beef already. This is just the lowest spectrum of it. This is the most uh infantile and elementary, I think you know, uh immature part of it. But even then, though, and even in all those things, it's still somewhat evil, because you don't know who can be. I just got done saying most of the country's stupid, so you can't, you don't know for sure who's gonna be. You know persuaded by some of this shit, and it's only really gonna get better.

Speaker 1:

But the artificial intelligence is, you know I mean it's been being used in in a in a lot of um, uh, unsavory ways, or or evil I mean, that's the best word for it really evil, uh insidious. There's a big word. It's been used in insidious ways already at high schools. You know people passing around bogus pictures of their classmates. You know passing around pornographic material, apparently. You see, there was a big movement that not too long ago, they did it with Taylor Swift, putting her in a bunch of compromising positions uh, putting her in a bunch of compromising positions. And you know, and, and and some of them do look real there was one of Donald Trump being pulled down by the NYPD. The art was fantastic.

Speaker 1:

I don't know that I would have considered that one as realistic, but there are plenty more that are out there right now that for sure are realistic and and that's a scary thing because that can ruin somebody's life. I mean, think about you know, I got a, I got a stepdaughter, you know I'm saying she's 13 years old and I mean I. I want to say I don't know. You know what. I mean all the facts. I know it came out and but I'm not going to google it right now because it's not the point of the story.

Speaker 1:

But I want to say that this has happened to someone as young as her age and and you know that's and I know it's not the first time that you know, I mean this is a big issue in the country and around the world, with you know, the sex trafficking and the abuse that children endure behind closed doors and in the, in the dark, at night, kind of stuff. That's a. You know that's not a road I want to go down today, man. Kind of stuff. That's a. You know that's not a road I want to go down today, man. But the point being is. I can only imagine what it would be like to have somebody generate some shit about her and where that would put her in what position, you know, as far as her life goes, and that's a traumatic event, especially at a young age like that. But point of this story, and again, it's really not funny, I mean, but there's videos out there right now with Justin Bieber. You know what I'm saying and you know it's like a video, or multiple videos pieced together, cropped together. However these you know videographer people or editors, you know, do that. That's what they did there.

Speaker 1:

And then there's a song and it's song it sounds like Justin Bieber singing, but there's a lot of reference to, you know, things we've talked about on previous shows. As far as uh p diddy goes, or the diddler, um, you know we're still I haven't really brought that up because there's I got I don't have a whole lot for you right there right now, because all of a sudden it's like dead silent. The bodyguard guy is still out there popping shit, and you know there's another one I forget her name, something right, she's out there. She's got a lot of shit to say. Uh, well, you do have um eddie. Uh, what's his face? Griffin. He was saying that, you know, p diddy was fucking some people that were high up and had data or had video on them and that's why the feds raided them. Uh, you know, I'll tell you it, it's Google bull. Eddie Griffin said that Puffy was fucking Clive Davis and some other record executive and he had film of it and was blackmailing them, basically. So I guess there is some updates.

Speaker 1:

But back to the AI shit. So yeah, it's Justin Bieber singing about being at P Diddy's parties and losing himself and, you know, only doing it for a Ferrari and shit. You know what I mean. Like I said, you know, you may could identify it right now, but the scary part is it's only getting better and it's only going to be used in more nefarious ways, I believe you know. Look, I I pulled out what is that? Three nouns, adverbs, verbs. It's been a minute since I read grammar for stupids. I think that was that. That's what it's called, right, grammar for stupids.

Speaker 1:

It's just an interesting conversation, I think. You know it's something to look at. Hopefully there's some benefits to, to artificial intelligence. It does sound like there's a whole lot of negatives and those negatives are, you know, kind of unforeseen right now. It's like uh, you know, frankenstein or whatever the fuck? You know you're creating a monster that really you're not going to be able to control. You know what I I'm saying? It really depends on what you listen to and what your perspective is on it.

Speaker 1:

I don't know enough about it to sit here and give you a articulate and advanced class in artificial intelligence. I just know that it seems to be doing, and involved in, virtually everything and every aspect of every one of our lives. Now, I mean, you can take a picture of your room and and this is just a, this is a low level example, but you can, you know, just take a picture of your room and put it on this thing and it'll fucking generate multiple different design styles for you. To me, that's incredible. You know what I'm saying, and also because I have no style whatsoever when it comes to to decorating a crib. Now, I think I do all right. You know I run everything by wifey. I don't just start putting shit up. If I did, though, I'd blame it on AI for sure. You know.

Speaker 1:

You see it, I think, in my field, hvac, you're you're going to see it there Apparently, you're seeing it in schools, you know, like I said it really is. It depends on your perspective and your station in this world and in this life. But I mean, apparently kids use it to cheat on their fucking tests or papers or something to that regard. I'm sure there's teachers that are preparing lessons on it, that are preparing lessons um on it. Uh, you got um. I'm sure people are plagiarizing speeches all over the fucking place that you know, most of the time it's not a big enough event where they're gonna get caught in the first place. I'll tell you what. You hear me talk and understand my, my speech. Hey, there's another one.

Speaker 1:

I'm sure somebody out there right now is reading a scripted podcast generated by artificial intelligence. I mean, if that's your thing, then then that's all good. You know I'm saying, but I would, I would rather always keep it 100 here and just try to improve myself as a host and as a person and, uh, display that on this platform and provide that in the conversations that we have here on the show, rather than just come up with a script. I really don't do that. I know you don't give a shit, but I'm just telling you. That's where I stand. I mean, we see it in music. Now You're starting to see it in this beef with the— I know you're probably keeping up with this if you're following all the worldly events.

Speaker 1:

You know this beef with Drake and kendrick lamar and some of the other people, sierra's baby daddy uh, you know there's artificial intelligence generated videos and verses, potentially, you know. Now we don't know, you know if, if somebody comes out spitting some straight heat like did they write that or did AI write that, it's getting that good, you know, I heard it on another podcast the other day. They had the thing generating a voice of one of the hosts and you could tell it was choppy and robotic, but the voice sounded official and these kinds of things can I mean this can travel, because you know you're using these voices to, to, to manipulate people. You can get people over the phone. You know a lot of people, again, don't have a good amount of intelligence and they're susceptible to this type of shit. So that's another. This is what makes it scary.

Speaker 1:

These are just a few examples. I mean, not too long ago, uh, I don't remember if our official intelligence played a part in it. It doesn't sound like, in any event, there was any at all, and it was really unfortunate. So I'm not trying to make light of it and I'll probably actually close with this. I know you got things to do today, but there was a shooting not too long ago.

Speaker 1:

A poor Uber driver this lady, I believe she was like 34, 38, something like that she was just minding her business, doing her and got it took a job to pick up a package and deliver it someplace. Well, on the other end of that fucking job was an old man who, at his house, on the other end of that house, was some family members, or a family member that was incarcerated and was trying to pull the fast one on the old man and fucking scam him and requesting I forget the amount of money. I'm not even sure that they mentioned it completely, but uh, yeah, so, um, my bad. So anyway, yeah, the lady goes to pick up the package and the man's all pissed off. He's like 80, he's all mad because he's being scammed and he fucking knows it well. When the lady comes for to pick up the package, the the man's all pissed off. He's like 80, he's all mad because he's being scammed and he fucking knows it well. When the lady comes for to pick up the package, the old man's got a pistol, you know, and he's all pissed off. This is all actually on video camera. Unfortunately, there was video of this because the lady had a you know a dash cam and so you can see her him pointing the pistol at her and she's backing up, probably confused as fuck. Uh, I don't remember hearing any audio, but I know he's pissed off and I don't have the story in front of me, unfortunately. But these are the points and the main gist of it is that he shot her, killed her. He was eventually arrested, um, but for no reason at all.

Speaker 1:

Man, like what do you call that? Is that? I mean, is that fate? Do you believe that when it's your time, your time, that's a whole nother conversation for a whole nother day? I personally don't believe that. When it's your time, your time, I think sometimes, you know I mean if, when it's your time, your time, we're true, what the fuck I mean? Why would there be any safety shit around? You know, I'm saying you just be like well, fuck it, I'm walking across the street if I get hit by a car. I get hit by a car that's retarded, you know. I mean that's stupid. That's why you have free will. I just don't believe when it's your time and time. You know I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

I don't think you have a pre-like, ordained or destined day and date and time and place and spot in this world that you're going to pass away.

Speaker 1:

I don't believe that. You know what I mean. Well, I have choices. You know people like me that smoke may pass away earlier than others. I don't know my grandpa. He rode out for a while but shout out to grandpa man, I miss you, I love you. But you know I have free will. I can smoke or I can not smoke, it's up to me. If I quit smoking, that could change my day and date, right, who knows? Anyway, that's you know.

Speaker 1:

Point is this poor lady lost her life over some bullshit because some fucking idiot was on the other end of the phone, already in jail pulling some more committing crimes, while fucking incarcerated on a fucking line that tells you when you call out that this fucking phone call is recorded.

Speaker 1:

And he still did it, or her didn't specify the gender or whatever fucking gender that the person identified at it's got me all pissed off on this last. I didn't mean to do that. I want to start ending on a good note. You know what I mean. We're gonna find a like little love story at the end of the day. You know what I mean To kind of just send everybody on their way in peace with little fucking birds and rainbows and flowers and fucking butterflies. Anyway, I appreciate you being here. I 100% appreciate any comments, concerns or feedback that you can send to specialoperadioatoutlookcom. Stay tuned in the near future for various episodes and guests and hopefully we'll have some fun and keep you laughing and entertained. You have a blessed day, enjoy your weekend and stay safe. This is your boy, texas Terry. I'm out, peace.

Homeownership Woes
Issues With Ignorance and Desperation
Unexpected Events and Perspectives
AI and Its Ethical Implications
Positive Farewell Message for Listeners