Special OpeRadio

Wisdom, Wires, and Weed in Today's America

May 02, 2024 Texas Terry Season 2 Episode 5
Wisdom, Wires, and Weed in Today's America
Special OpeRadio
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Special OpeRadio
Wisdom, Wires, and Weed in Today's America
May 02, 2024 Season 2 Episode 5
Texas Terry

Hey, Special App Radio family, Texas Terry here, and boy, do we have a doozy of an episode that's gonna tickle your funny bone and then some. Picture this: I'm inching closer to the big 4-3, and what better way to celebrate than by skewering the latest college campus protests and diving headfirst into the YouTube Live rabbit hole? With my pal Lent from Kansas weighing in, we're serving up a heaping helping of chuckles, thoughtful chin-wags, and a side of serious contemplation about the smoke and mirrors of marijuana legalization.

This episode ain't your grandpa's radio show; we're tackling the big stuff like Soros-fueled societal shenanigans and the media's Trump trial telenovela. But it's not all heavy – remember True TV's glory days? Yeah, I miss 'em too. Meanwhile, I'm exploring life beyond talk radio and the impact of ever-changing technology on our kids, including my own college-bound son. It's a mixtape of musings, from Naughty by Nature nods to navigating the tricky terrain of mental health versus malevolence in today's youth.

And just when you thought your tech troubles were your own private nightmare, I'm right there with you, lamenting the love-hate relationship we have with these gadgets that are supposed to make life easier. From Wi-Fi woes to generational work ethic drama, aging in the trades, and the perplexing patchwork of pot policies across state lines, we're hashing it out. So grab your headphones and settle in; it's time to peel back the layers of these modern life conundrums with a hearty helping of humor and heart.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Hey, Special App Radio family, Texas Terry here, and boy, do we have a doozy of an episode that's gonna tickle your funny bone and then some. Picture this: I'm inching closer to the big 4-3, and what better way to celebrate than by skewering the latest college campus protests and diving headfirst into the YouTube Live rabbit hole? With my pal Lent from Kansas weighing in, we're serving up a heaping helping of chuckles, thoughtful chin-wags, and a side of serious contemplation about the smoke and mirrors of marijuana legalization.

This episode ain't your grandpa's radio show; we're tackling the big stuff like Soros-fueled societal shenanigans and the media's Trump trial telenovela. But it's not all heavy – remember True TV's glory days? Yeah, I miss 'em too. Meanwhile, I'm exploring life beyond talk radio and the impact of ever-changing technology on our kids, including my own college-bound son. It's a mixtape of musings, from Naughty by Nature nods to navigating the tricky terrain of mental health versus malevolence in today's youth.

And just when you thought your tech troubles were your own private nightmare, I'm right there with you, lamenting the love-hate relationship we have with these gadgets that are supposed to make life easier. From Wi-Fi woes to generational work ethic drama, aging in the trades, and the perplexing patchwork of pot policies across state lines, we're hashing it out. So grab your headphones and settle in; it's time to peel back the layers of these modern life conundrums with a hearty helping of humor and heart.

Speaker 1:

Yeah yeah. If that intro music don't make you smile, you're dead inside. Listen to that. I'm in the bushes right now, smelling roses, something. I think I smell a fucking protester. I'm near a college campus. Smell the fucking campsite. One of these idiots. Ladies and gentlemen, what's good, though.

Speaker 1:

This is your host, texas Terry. You're listening to Special App Radio, as always, we appreciate you being here. Any comments concerns complaints or otherwise, feel free to send them shits right over to special op radio at outlookcom and somebody will fucking reply to you. I don't know if it'll be me. Catch you with us with a fishing email. You sent me some bullshit. Anyway was good y'all. I hope you're having a great week thus far.

Speaker 1:

Today is may 2nd 2024. Uh, you're a good host. Your friend, your homie, your pal man. I'm hitting the big four three this this year at the end of the month, may 29th. Uh, hit me up at my cash app. I don't know what it is, I'm just kidding. We ain't made it that far yet. Start asking for money like some of these retards on fucking youtube.

Speaker 1:

Man, have you watched? Uh, just out of curiosity, do you ever? I don't do as I've mentioned before, tiktok or you know any of the socials? None of them. I should. Maybe I should. That would probably help with promotion of the show, but I don't watch any of those.

Speaker 1:

What I do watch is youtube, and I like to watch the shorts. Obviously they're a minute a half or whatever they are, or less, and you know usually doesn't take up too much of my time and I can scroll through them fairly swiftly. Well, I discovered right that there's people do lives on youtube, you know, like facebook or whatever. Um, again, it's unfamiliar territory for me, but I'm sure you're all too familiar with it, but I just discovered this shit and so, hey, we're thinking about doing some of that for the show. We'll figure it out.

Speaker 1:

I got to get a makeup artist, a fucking cosmetologist, a dermatologist, some other kind of ologist. I'm sure I need a couple of motherfuckers. But I'll tell you what, though? These people? They get on there and it seems like because apparently I have no life either and I'm on, uh, youtube shorts, just scrolling away, wasting my fucking day, uh, all day. I'm getting paid for it, though when I do it so it's different. I'm joking, employer anyway.

Speaker 1:

Uh, there's people out here that get out in the lives. Man, these people are wild as a motherfucker. They'll swear more than I do, if you can believe that. They get into arguments with all the people that are in the comment section, and a lot of these people have 100 people just watching them make a biscuit. They'll just fucking be in the. They're in the bathtub shaving their toenails, shaving them, motherfuckers, and people watch.

Speaker 1:

Man, I don't know, I was watching it for a couple of seconds. I mean I didn't stick around, but it was there and I was like trying to make sense. That's reasonable, I think behavior I mean not the people recording their shit, but me just like what the fuck? You know, you tilt your head sideways like a dog, all that shit. I don't know.

Speaker 1:

There's a strange, strange world that we live in. There's one guy I'm not infatuated with him or anything like that. It's gonna sound a little bit like that, but I am curious. You know, I'm saying not like I don't want to see his dick, I'm just saying that he's on there and he's recording and like he starts out as a dude, like it's a dude. He's like wait what's up, man, you know, and then like, as the video progresses and I'm not even talking about in that large of amount of time, I'm just talking about fuck yourself.

Speaker 1:

This is not. Don't judge me, okay, because it's no different than anything you're watching on the tlc. Didn't tlc stand for the learning channel? What the fuck you gonna learn on tlc with some 500 pound midgets that are married to the same dude? That is not. It's exploitation of the craziest looking people that are on the face of this earth and nobody gives a shit. 90 day we gonna get married 90 days before we even meet. All this extra. That's dumb shit, bro. It's not as dumb as what I'm talking about, but it's close anyway.

Speaker 1:

The dude is like a dude and then he like tries to change to a lady, but he's still a dude. You can still see the dude because he started out as a dude and, hey, he's got like a really chiseled chin. So you're not walking that back. Just off the strength that he put a wig on and some lipstick, it doesn't change it, nor does his five o'clock shadow. I'm not even hating on trannies, man, if that's what you're into, do you?

Speaker 1:

You know what's so funny, as I started out this month, if I could talk about spoiled ass kids that are fucking protesting at their own schools and shutting down their own fucking source of learning and education, which they're obviously not getting anyway, and then they're getting tased and drug off. Was that a segue? I don't know that that was a professional segue, but I guess I'm just talking about people not being who they are and true to themselves. Maybe the dude on YouTube is a lot more true to himself than these fucking college kids are, right, do they even know what they're protesting for or what it's about? I really don't. I could honestly care less, man, if it's keeping college kids off the roads and fucking out from in front of me on the freeways, man, I'm good with it.

Speaker 1:

Protests, do you boo? It's really not making anything but waves in the media. Otherwise, is that really affecting your daily life? Do you really care? What a bunch of spoiled fucking. I mean these kids, I. You know I'm not the dude. You know I'm saying I'm not the, I'm not the political dude, like I just don't want to be.

Speaker 1:

Initially I thought that maybe that was something that I was into, but I'm not, because it's dramatic, it's it's it's it's fake, it's, it's bullshit. You know what I mean. And and obviously here at special app radio, we hold ourselves to a higher standard and I'm just not gonna play the game, but I will say this bunch of college kids that are basically shutting down their own classes, that are being paid for, well, probably by you and me at this point, because of the taxes and all the you know, we're just going to defer this shit. Well, if they're active college students, I don't know, I don't know how it works. I'm not going to try to make sense of it for you or myself. What I'm saying is these kids or their parents, most likely their parents or somebody you, me or GoFundMe, however they got there, they're paying for a quote-unquote higher education and they're not doing anything but standing in the way of their own education, apparently for a terrorist organization that, in case you forgot, on October 7th of last year, you know, slaughtered how many people you know we're. This is again not a political show, but these are facts. Here these kids are trying to root and chant for a fucking group of people that went out of their way to cut babies out of women's wombs, to kill the babies in front of the woman right before they killed her, doing this in front of the dad or any of the other siblings or family members. This is like toxic, evil, nasty shit and apparently these uppity ass motherfuckers around these college campuses feel like it's their right to do uh what they're doing right now, and so be it. You know I'm saying just stay out my yard. That's fair. Right, it's fair assessment.

Speaker 1:

I'm not gonna get into the minutiae of you know who's right, who's wrong. What, uh, what, uh, what a protest is? What are your first amendment rights? Stop and start. I don't know, man, you know I mean I, I, I, when I signed into the military, I joined into uh, obviously I didn't know, man, you know what I mean. When I signed into the military I joined in to, obviously I didn't know shit about the Constitution. I just really wanted to fuck some shit up, keep it all the way real with you. But you know I took a oath. It's all about that life.

Speaker 1:

So, whatever man, protests on y'all's little safe space and campuses, but I hope y'all know that if you do bounce over there, uh, for any you know reason given shape or form, I mean you'd see these retards. They want to join isis and al-qaeda back in the day. I mean, these people got ideals and people sometimes are just bored. As a motherfucker, it's really hard to distinguish and, and you know, a lot of these people are being paid too. So you don't know. You really don't know who's who, but it looks all too familiar. Uh, ie, the black lives matter rally. January 6th.

Speaker 1:

This is not something new out of the playbook. We've seen this shit before. You know what I mean. Just can't stop it, apparently. Apparently, whoever's fucking George Soros, whoever's funding this shit and creating this shit, has the? Uh, the same power as the Kansas City Chiefs offense. You just can't stop it. And even when you try, somebody calls a penalty and then you gotta start from square one. It's all rigged up, man, and it's no.

Speaker 1:

We honestly, on this show right here, have called this, you know, a couple episodes ago at least, which that had to have been two years ago. You know we don't record these too often, but I mean I called that. I told you this is going to happen. You're going to see anarchy and chaos and bullshit and distraction and you know any level of event to keep you. You know the trial with trump. We're not going into that. Check cnn or espn or because espn reports on that shit. Shit too. But uh, fox any of those stations for that kind of stuff. This is not core tv or true tv, you know, speaking of true TV, man, what the fuck, why is there NBA shit on true TV?

Speaker 1:

Every day I lived, died and like breathed, breathed by Impractical Jokers. I like that show. It's not always funny but it's stupid and it gets you through the day and it's just kind of good background noise. My wife hates it. She says they laugh too much. I don't know how I feel about that statement. When she says that I'm like I don't know. You know, if she listened to the eight hours of talk radio that I listen to a day, she doesn't understand real trauma.

Speaker 1:

I actually have been backing back off of that. I've been getting into other people's podcasts. You know what I'm saying. Is that OPP, yo, getting into other people's podcasts? You know I'm saying is that opp, yo, that's the new opp. I'm down with other people's podcasts, you down with opp. Yeah, anyway, you know what it is. Shout out to tretch, naughty by nature. Nobody knows the other dude's names. There was vinny, okay, there was vinny, and then there was g something, g money, some shit like that. G, g something. I think trench and vinnie's. Good enough, though vinnie looked like a little wannabe ass. Mike tason, I don't know other people's podcast, that's pretty dope. I like that anyway. That's the world in a nutshell. In my world.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I'm just saying like when I look at this shit right here, I try to stay away from it, just because it really makes no sense to me. I don't understand. I mean I understand why a college person doesn't have a job, but I mean there's like adults out there doctors, professors. I mean these people can't be in it for the money. Where does all this hate? This is obviously I don't know if this is manufactured just some shit that's been resonating for years and people are all of a sudden just coming out of the woodwork with this shit.

Speaker 1:

I don't know what. What creates this? I don't really try to make sense of it. I just I don't know. Just stay out the way. You know what I mean. That's how I feel. I'll stay out of the way. You stay out of the way. We'll call each other all good, because it's hard to duck stupid ass people these days when they confine themselves to their own campuses, though that's fairly easy. So I take advantage when I can. Yeah, I mean that's strategic. That's strategic, you know. Planning that's being on another level. As far as watching out for crash dummies goes. That's like an old prison term crash dummy. That's what they call an idiot. Basically Somebody that's just out there in the world with their helmet on or off, you don't know, but they're more than likely going to hit a wall at some point. We're all going to watch.

Speaker 1:

It's really hard to understand, I mean because these days there's so much. And I mean because these days there's so much, there's so many different things that involve mental health. Really, I mean you hear that term thrown around a lot, but you don't. I mean it's more of a. I mean I think we attribute mental health issues to a lot of things that could necessarily be just considered straight up evil. Like somebody who shoots a bunch of kids at a school in broad daylight and prepped for it. It's premeditated. You know what I'm saying? To me that's evil. You know, somebody who goes through life, uh, misguided or undirected. That's a different, that's a different type of. That's a, that's a different pace. You know I'm saying it's a different. That's apples and oranges, I guess obviously right to kind of put it. Um, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Elementary, for lack of a better word. You feel like you can help everybody, right? Like we all have that little piece of hope inside of us that feels like, oh man, if I could just do this for that person or this for that person, they'd, you know, revert their ways, resort to, uh, you know, making better choices in life. But when you see what you see right now with these, I mean how many of these kids know? I mean, are they just wilding out just to be wild? They're just wilding out to be. I mean, they're just wilding out just to be wild. They're just wilding out to be. That's the word I'm looking for here. Go against the grain. You know what I mean. They just want to stand out in all the wrong ways. It looks like I got a son in college right now, man, and I haven't reached out to him. I don't really know where he stands one way or the other. I'm hoping he's just out the way of all of it.

Speaker 1:

But you know, you got to wonder from the parents perspective, when you see these kids, I mean, uh, some of these people are wearing these um oh, for lack of a better term bandanas and shit. I really didn't want to get stuck on this, but it is certainly, certainly I don't think there's a gm. Certainly, um, it's certainly taken up a big uh portion of the news cycle and I mean again, it's all. Just, hey, look over there, chase that squirrel. What's in this hand, not in the other? Pick up the ace, find the ball underneath the cups. You know what I'm saying? All them old school ass hustling games.

Speaker 1:

It just gets to the point where you feel like I feel like I've made this analogy before is where you know. Sometimes, I mean you get to feeling like you're just a spectator, you're just watching. You're like an 8 year-old kid watching your parents fight. You really can't interject, you really can't try to make a better. I mean it is what it is. You just got to watch that shit until you know whatever I mean, it's, it's uh, you just got to stay occupied. Preoccupy your mind, I think is a pride ticket. I'm still working on that. You know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

But mental health shit, that that's stuff that I would like to get into a little bit further because obviously it is a real thing and sometimes it's hard to differentiate between what evil is and what mental health struggles are. You know, I mean some things may be incorrectable in certain people and individuals, with whatever their motives may be. Some things may be. But you know, we'll see what we'll see. You know, true to come for sure. Um, I guess I think I've said before.

Speaker 1:

You know what I'm saying is that I mean life's hard enough as it is without all the extra shit that happens on the outside of it. All this extra activity and chaos and anarchy really, I mean it sets people's troubles. Chaos and anarchy really I mean sad people's troubles, pisses them off, happens to me, affects me, and I mean if, case in point, the other day, you know I'm a big fanatic on, uh, not fanatic, but I believe in the trades. I myself I'm a trades person. I'm trying to walk away from that someday, hopefully. Um, you know, and not in any way shape or form, that, um, I'm abused, or or or or. I feel like I work too hard for too little money or anything like that. But you know, everybody wants to.

Speaker 1:

As you get older, you want to settle down a little bit. The aches and pains creep up just a little bit more. It takes a little bit more time to heal and everything, you know, uh, slows down a little bit, and it slows down and speeds up at the same time, as though, you know, the older that you become, and so I've been, you know, kicking the ball around about different things that I thought that I could couldn't do in my field. Um, if y'all just go ahead and donate to the special app radio, go fund me, I could retire tomorrow. That'd be dope. Just, you know, a couple g's a piece, man, kick that through. Cash app is, uh, not playing. I still ain't got it.

Speaker 1:

But you know, excuse me, our patience runs thin these days, and so when you have a uh because I mean, let's be honest with ourselves here, we're spoiled internet, wifi apps to order food, the various tasks that our vehicles perform, some, some of these things park themselves, all of it-fi, whatever, whatever I said, but anyways, I mean, this shit speeds up your life, for you, and sometimes there's a glitch in the matrix and it takes like a split second longer than he thought that it was gonna take. You get all pissed off. I mean still, like you know, extra convenient to just get out my phone right now, hit the app button, for I don't know, I'm not gonna mention the restaurant until they hit me with some paper, but you know, like a sub place, for example, and order a sub, and I can show up there 10 minutes later and the sub will be ready, waiting for me with my name on it. I ain't gotta say nothing. But uh, hi, I'm terry and you know, appreciate you, and just walk out of the door. I always do this cause I get to spacing out. Man, I got ADD or some shit. You know what I'm saying. I'd never been on a riddling or nothing like that, but anyway, I don't know if I do, I think I just get to trailing off cause I'm fucking tied up in the story that I'm telling at the time that I forget about how I got to the story that I got to. And anyway, long story short, man, all I'm saying is you can order subs online. You can order subs online via app and it's dope, it's really good. You should be able to do that. Oh, I'm tripping, I'm tripping. I really straight up just lost where I was going with that. Oh, okay.

Speaker 1:

So cause, being in the trades, though, right, like I'm getting older, like I said, I'll be 43 this year Fuck man, I'll be 43 this year and, um, you know, I'm like slowly but surely becoming like an older guy. That's in this industry that I'm in right now hvac and refrigeration, and it's. You know, I could tell that I'm hitting like a patch, because you start to look like not in a fucking weird way or anything see people that are younger than you and be like damn man. You know, if I try to do that right now being I'm fucking be in the hospital for a week or taking pto or something. You know I'm saying I remember when and then he turned into that guy. I fucking won the.

Speaker 1:

I got a first down in seventh. Become that dude. I don't think I ever got a first down in seventh grade. I was trying to remember, like why did I pick a first down in seventh grade? So I was trying to like, real quick, just flashing through. Anyway, I'm becoming the older dude.

Speaker 1:

And so I look at these younger kids you know what I'm saying and I feel like you know they don't have a work ethic at all. Most of them, a lot of them for sure Not when I was their age. I probably have the same work ethic as they do right now, but it's only because I'm fucking twice their age. But these dudes, you know, look, I don't want to throw nobody under the bus here and I'll close with this. It's not even that I feel like. See, you can tell I'm getting older because I keep bringing up fucking old people, homeowner problems on this shit. But there's something that fascinated me the other day. I took the day off.

Speaker 1:

We're cutting the cable, so we're celebrating that shit. You know what I mean? We're like yo, that's not the what is. Stop it. There we go. That's the one I was looking for, thank you. We're cutting the cable.

Speaker 1:

I don't think we're boomers, whatever the one above boomers is. That's what we are, I think. I think Am I a? What do they call that? I don't think I'm like a millennial. I think, if I am a millennial, I'm like, right at the cutoff, birthday's May 29th 1981.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, what was I going to say? Oh, so this kid came over because I'm cutting the cable. We were just having Wi-Fi installed through. However, this shit works fiber optic. I'm not a specialist in any of this. I know the bill sounded cheaper and I got more internet and supposedly it's faster and there's no contracts. We're going to find out and if they're lying, we're going to cut that shit too and go back to the rapist that is our cable company. I mean, do you fuck with cable though? How much mean? Do you fuck with cable though? How much shit. Do you really watch on cable besides your local news? I'm waiting. I think I'm the last person in the world to do this, but neither here nor there had the kid come.

Speaker 1:

Well, I didn't, you know, request him or anything, but they sent the kid and kid, you know, obviously was not properly trained at his position. I'm not the expert, nor was he, but I could tell just from doing service work that he wasn't up to par on everything that he was supposed to be doing, just from the explanation and everything. I'm not trying to throw him under the bus for a couple hours. I was actually very patient. I understood that you do need on the job training to be able to learn your, your trade, your craft, your skill, hone that shit. You know what I mean. So I gave him a benefit of the doubt. I even made it so that he didn't have to go in the attic because I didn't trust him not to fall through the ceiling in the first fucking place. But I also didn't want to have to go in the attic because I was sure there was probably 120 degrees in there and there was an easier way for us to accomplish what we were trying to do. I was gonna help him out with that, because I've been in the attic.

Speaker 1:

Fuck all that noise, uh, between attic and iraq I'd rather go to iraq. The attic sucks. I mean that from the bottom of my heart. Anyway, you know, I spoke with the company and I'd ask them because, like I took day off from work to have this accomplished, I spoke with the company and I'd ask them prior to his arrival, like prior to even setting up the appointment completely, I asked hey, how long is this install gonna take? They said about an hour and a half.

Speaker 1:

My guy was here for almost seven hours. He was tired of me by the time he bounced. I can tell you that I could say you are, you're listening to this pie, you hear me talk. I barely took a breath in the last couple of minutes. I didn't hit him like that, I really didn't, but I was frustrated. I was frustrated, but you know that's. I mean there's really no point to this fucking story other than you know a lot. I mean it just kind of stems from too. You know the kid really didn't have any kind of um, I don't know. I don't want to hate on him too much, but I do want to say like I mean you know you could tell he's not hate on him too much, but I do want to say, like I mean you know you can tell he's not used to being in that environment.

Speaker 1:

I feel like some of these companies set these people up for failure, you know, and whether it be big box store, whether it be your local service department or a national one, these people need training, man, somebody. Somebody had trained me I'd do podcasts. I think that's enough ranting and I really just wanted to try out that new intro and also see how it played out. You tell me what you think. Catch me at special app radio at outlookcom. We got a good show coming up tomorrow. I'm gonna bring in my homeboy lint. Uh, not only is he a friend from the military, but he's also an expert in fucking pretty much everything, including, including what we're going to speak on, uh, whether you live in an illegal state or legal state as far as marijuana is concerned, things like that.

Speaker 1:

We want to talk about that differences between synthetic and everything that comes along uh with. Uh, whatever's going on here in Texas, uh, there's a new proposition to make it legal. There's also, you know, you can't turn a corner anywhere, really, regardless of the neighborhood that you're in, without running into a smoke shop that sells, I mean, I mean there's, you know, weed leafs on the on the front of the building. I'm not hating, it's just worth the conversation. What you're getting yourself into, what's uh, what's safe, what's not, what's been tested, what hasn't been. I don't think they the fda, really gets into any of it.

Speaker 1:

Differences between, uh, the federal law right now and why, in places like new mexico, weed's legal, or colorado or california or new york, or who the fuck knows, who's gonna make sense, sense of this? How can you make sense of this? I'm going to tell you who's going to do that. It's going to be my homeboy, lent, the big dog out of Kansas. We're going to speak to him tomorrow. We appreciate you listening tonight. Hope to see you then, mañana. Y'all have a good evening. This is your boy, tex. Terry, stay safe, peace. Thank you. © transcript, emily Beynon. Thank you, bye.

College Campus Protests and YouTube Lives
An Exploration of Modern Society
Frustrations With Modern Technology
Confusion Over Marijuana Legalization Laws