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Clovis, NM Double Homicide And Kidnapping

May 08, 2024 Texas Terry Season 2 Episode 7
Clovis, NM Double Homicide And Kidnapping
Special OpeRadio
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Special OpeRadio
Clovis, NM Double Homicide And Kidnapping
May 08, 2024 Season 2 Episode 7
Texas Terry

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When the laughter dims and the smiles we wear become masks, where do we find the truth behind the facade? I'm Tex Terry, and in a particularly poignant episode of Special Op Radio, I take a moment to reflect on the raw authenticity of emotion, and how my own struggles with smiling on command underscore a deeper narrative about the faces we present to the world. Transitioning from introspection to tragedy, we confront the darkness that descended on Clovis, New Mexico, as the heinous shooting of two young women and children starkly reminds us of the malevolence we grapple with in society. Our discussion probes the effectiveness of Amber Alerts and our response to such emergencies, unearthing sobering truths about our collective empathy when tragedy strikes outside our immediate bubble.

The fabric of trust weaves a complicated pattern in the tapestry of community, and in this episode, we unravel the strands that bind us to the entities meant to safeguard our well-being. As we scrutinize the delicate balance between skepticism and faith in government and law enforcement, we confront the heartrending reality of national tragedies slipping through the cracks due to lapses in accountability. I share a personal narrative that paints a vivid picture of crime's unpredictable nature and the indispensable support of our community's backbone. The episode takes a turn towards anticipation and hope as we herald the return of Louis Lopez and tease exciting new content for Special Ops Radio's faithful listeners. In every story of despair, there's a glimmer of healing, and together we extend our prayers and thoughts to all touched by violence, affirming our commitment to engaging dialogue and the vibrant pulse of our show.

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When the laughter dims and the smiles we wear become masks, where do we find the truth behind the facade? I'm Tex Terry, and in a particularly poignant episode of Special Op Radio, I take a moment to reflect on the raw authenticity of emotion, and how my own struggles with smiling on command underscore a deeper narrative about the faces we present to the world. Transitioning from introspection to tragedy, we confront the darkness that descended on Clovis, New Mexico, as the heinous shooting of two young women and children starkly reminds us of the malevolence we grapple with in society. Our discussion probes the effectiveness of Amber Alerts and our response to such emergencies, unearthing sobering truths about our collective empathy when tragedy strikes outside our immediate bubble.

The fabric of trust weaves a complicated pattern in the tapestry of community, and in this episode, we unravel the strands that bind us to the entities meant to safeguard our well-being. As we scrutinize the delicate balance between skepticism and faith in government and law enforcement, we confront the heartrending reality of national tragedies slipping through the cracks due to lapses in accountability. I share a personal narrative that paints a vivid picture of crime's unpredictable nature and the indispensable support of our community's backbone. The episode takes a turn towards anticipation and hope as we herald the return of Louis Lopez and tease exciting new content for Special Ops Radio's faithful listeners. In every story of despair, there's a glimmer of healing, and together we extend our prayers and thoughts to all touched by violence, affirming our commitment to engaging dialogue and the vibrant pulse of our show.

Speaker 1:

It honestly never fails. Every time I hear the whistle and I start to smirk Just a little bit. I don't smile like that. You know what I mean. Anybody that knows me, friend or foe, I'll tell you Not a whole lot. I don't knock anybody that can smile for a picture, like on command, but I'm not that person. I feel like if you make me laugh or I laugh at something you said, or I'm laughing on something or at something that I see on TV, I mean, I'm not saying your smile isn't genuine when you're in the picture, but I don't have the ability to just generate a smile. I gotta, like you know, be in moment in mood and uh. Anyway, but I digress, I'm sure your smile is fucking beautiful and I hope that it lit up as soon as you heard my voice.

Speaker 1:

Texas terry, here at special op radio, we appreciate you being here, appreciate your time, attention, critiques, comments, concerns and complaints, all of which you send to special op radio at outlookcom. You can also, since I reneged slightly, um, it's strictly a promotional tool is the way that I'm gonna go on that route. I don't think I'm gonna interact or, uh, engage in any kind of um, you know, diabolical dialogue, diabolical dialogue. That's dope. Anyway, I'm gonna be on there, beef with nobody. I am gonna be putting the show up there. It's a different audience, different stretch. I think there's some moves we're gonna make here At Special App Radio that are they're exciting. We're gonna branch out, see what the world offers us. You know what I mean. Try to manifest it, be positive. Right, that's what they say. You can manifest Positive energy by thinking positively. Go figure, man, anyway, so, yeah, we're out next. My bad man, I got sidetracked. We're at Special App Radio on X. We're going to continue to do that and, you know, just post a show there, put it out there and stay tuned to see you know what's coming down the pipeline. Look, I don't want to take up a whole bunch of time. I know it is very valuable.

Speaker 1:

There's something that I wanted to discuss today, that is, you know, it's not a light topic by any stretch. It's unfortunate, it's tragic and it also, I think, there's, you know, elements of pure evil that are involved in it. And so, basically, where we're going today is Clovis, new Mexico, where, on uh, may 3rd, um a piece of shit that we're not going to really mention um Decided that you know he's seen two women at a Dollar Tree in Hobbs, new Mexico. Those two women had a five-year-old and a 10-month-old, both of which were female, seen them at the Dollar Tree, followed them to a park, ultimately shot both women. Shot both women um, samantha Cisneros and, uh Taryn. I apologize if I'm mispronouncing that, but yeah, he fatally shot both of these young women. Uh, at Ned Nuke Park. Ned Hook Park. My bad, my bad. Ned Hook Park in Clovis, new Mexico Story caught my attention not only for the obvious but also because Clovis, new Mexico, is roughly about an hour and 45 minutes from where I live.

Speaker 1:

And you know the Amber Alerts usually get issued and everything like that, but you know you ignore them. But when it pops up someplace, that I'm not saying it's okay to ignore them, or that you know you ignore them, but when it when it pops up someplace, that I'm not saying it's okay to ignore them, or that you know. Anyway, look, all I'm saying is, when it's not near you, it's not near you, the chances of you know, I mean by the time it gets to wherever you are, you you're more than likely have forgotten that the you ever even received the Amber alert. You know what I mean. Anyway, I did see the Amber alert. I also keep up with my local news to make sure the zombies ain't popping off. No place near me saw it and it's crazy as shit. You know, and kind of kept up with the news just to see, specifically, you know what happened to the baby because I hadn't seen any updates or anything like that. We'll get to that.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, dude followed him from the Dollar Tree to the park, killed the two women. They were both 23. I want to say, um, don't you know, I mean, I don't mean any disrespect. If I have, you know, if I don't have every minute detail of the story, I you know there's a bigger purpose and you know some of these things are irrelevant. Um, they definitely were young ladies, though that's not irrelevant. Um, but I ain't, uh, I ain't ted coppel either. So give me, give me a little bit of a break here.

Speaker 1:

Follows the females, the women, to the park, shoots both of them, kills them, shoots a five-year-old in the head in the head, shoots a five-year-old. Now, imagine that. Think about the fucking level of evil that's inside of you. If you would do, if you could even comprehend that, you know what I mean. Like I don't, I couldn't even see myself like just nudging a five-year-old, like out of anger, like with one finger, my pinky even. I'm not trying to make light, I'm just saying I can't even imagine doing that to a five-year-old. This motherfucking piece of shit pointed a gun at a five-year-old, shot her in the head A five-year-old little girl, I might add. You know what I mean? That shit's. Anyway, I'll keep going. So after that, he takes the 10-month-old little girl. Media puts her name out as uh, alia, alia, alia. Anyway, again, no disrespect intended in any way, shape or form.

Speaker 1:

Um, they were able to track the dude and this is how they found. This is how this all panned out, basically. So they got murdered, the five-year-old was shot, the baby was kidnapped. This is all in a matter of you know minutes. This is not that's a lot, right, think about it. Close your eyes and fucking think about it.

Speaker 1:

So, apparently, two gentlemen went to the park, go have lunch. They uh, came across the bodies of the women, found the five-year-old girl, of course, called the laws, laws, came um and and they also said you know, it's a tragic and I apologize for the explicit you know material, but it is, it's just details. Apparently, the five-year-old, uh, you know already, the blood had already dried for the most part on her injuries, uh, and you know where, uh, you know, obviously, that it settled after it was leaking. Um, man, it's fucked up, right, is that? Then, apparently, the five-year-old uh also tried to communicate with the officers. They didn't say how that went, whether you know, she was um, comprehensible or or, um, I mean a five-year-old. The five-year-old, but, you know, did anything like they didn't. They didn't say one way or the other, what was what she was saying, but that she was trying to communicate. And then, uh, well, they were conducting a search and locating rounds and ammunition and all those types of things. They also stumbled upon a, uh, uh, baby bottle, which they found near a stroller.

Speaker 1:

And then, um, chorus, conducted a search of the vehicle that you know they believed to be the um, uh, the V, while the vehicle of the deceased, and I believe they had to get a warrant for that. When they searched the vehicle, um, they find a car seat and, you know, ultimately determined that there was an infant somewhere on the premises, potentially, or that you know, there was an infant missing. Uh, conducted a search. They weren't able to locate any infant and immediately, I assume, notified the FBI. They say that apparently the car's original owner was able to provide GPS coordinates through a monitoring system that placed it was like a maroon Honda Accord, apparently. And this, this vehicle, with the baby and the and the murderer inside of it, the piece of shit, evil, fuck uh.

Speaker 1:

They bounced through Clovis to Freona, to Demet, texas to Earth, texas, sudan, uh, littlefield, leveland, ropesville to Hoka Post, uh Snyder, roby An, and eventually got to Abilene where they ultimately found the suspect. All those places are around here, so that's kind of just fucking. That's crazy to think about. You know, you don't want to inject yourself too much into it, but on the same time you're like man, I mean, I do a lot of work in Leveland, for instance, and so you, so you know, I mean, did me and this dude pass each other on the highway, kind of thing? It's like that. Uh, but west texas, uh, he bounced all throughout. He's originally from hunts or, excuse me, uh, from malvina or something like that.

Speaker 1:

It's about in on or around about, uh, the houston area, and we haven't received a whole bunch of information as to why he was in abilene, not that that matters, but uh, the the scariest part to me about all this? Oh, let me just end the story on that note. First is that, uh, so they traced the vehicle, they had gps coordinates, they were able to ping his phone, um, not only at the park, uh, around the time of the murders, but also at the dollar tree around the time that the victims were moving throughout the store with the children. Um, and the scary part is that what it really really looks like is that he followed them from the dollar tree, had no relationship with them or association ship or association with them whatsoever, followed them to the park, shot the two women, shot a five-year-old girl, took the baby and bounced. That's scary as a motherfucker, just some dude did that randomly. But you know, what's even scarier and it's a topic that's become all too familiar, uh, with a lot of these stories, especially the most insane ones, is that you know this individual apparently well.

Speaker 1:

This individual called, like the, the national hotline or something having to do with the fbi, the FBI National Threat Operations Center, in October of 2023. And he said, if the FBI did not help him find his daughter, he was going to, quote, murder a bunch of children. End, quote, local police were dispatched to his home and he was ultimately placed in a mental center Court and officers Collins also said that he had kidnapped a woman and her son. He even noted to not have any weapons, but that they were easily accessible to him. I think I just said his name, but fuck him anyway.

Speaker 1:

Along with the charges in New Mexico, collins currently faces two counts of assault on a peace officer and one count of aggravated robbery by abby by the abilene police department. I assume in new mexico he's got some murder charges and you know those will be the big ones, uh, but I'm sure there's aggravated assault for the five-year-old, things of that nature, or I'm not too, too familiar with new mexico's laws, but I'm sure there's something. I'm sure I hope they pin him to the motherfucking wall, you know I mean. And then, uh, I don't want him to get the death penalty, I want him to serve every single day of his life with them charges and have to face fucking inmates. And if he doesn't want to face the inmates, let him sit in solitary confinement 23 hours a day. Fuck him.

Speaker 1:

It's a sad story, but it's even sadder that it could have been prevented. You know what I mean. The dude calls the FBI. What happens in the mental health center. How many times have we've heard this? We've heard this in the Uvalde shooting, we heard this in the. You know, honestly, there are so many of them because there's so many mental health deficiencies out there, and, and and, mass amounts of the population across every gender, race, creed, color, whatever the case may be. I mean, look, uvalde, las vegas, uh, uh, the buffalo shooter. I mean the list goes on.

Speaker 1:

You know, I'm sure I'll think more as the show progresses, but the point is, is why, when we say, if you see something, say something, if this, if that, we don't want to make everybody afraid of their own shadow, but, on the same token, some of these things, man, I wouldn't even dream calling the FBI and just being like, hey, man, what's up? Yeah, y'all, y'all, y'all suck. I wouldn't even do that. Like, why? Why start the drama? Why do you? Why do you want that in your life? This motherfucker called up there talking about he's gonna kill children and and and and the and. The best thing apparently that happened was that he was put into a mental health facility. What happens when they go in the mental health facility? How long was he in the mental health facility? Who did he see? What did they do? Did he get prescriptions? I mean who? None of these questions ever get answered.

Speaker 1:

And yet these can these events continue to occur, and then all we do is blame it on guns. But the reason that these events continue to occur is because we're not addressing the root of the problem. These I I mean especially the ones that you could prevent. You know that's what hurts the most. You know what I'm saying and I know that I'm missing some, and I'm not saying that they mean any more or less. I'm just saying the recent ones that I can remember off the top of my head.

Speaker 1:

Because, truth be told, if you try to do research on any of these topics whatsoever like, for instance, I was Googling how many times has the FBI dropped the ball the only thing you're going to get is like misinformation about Trump or misinformation about. You're not going to be able to. You're going to have to work to piece together the list. You know what I mean and you know I'm willing to do that, but you get the gist of it right. And you know I'm willing to do that, but you get the gist of it right. There's only one of two solutions or there's only one of two conclusions. Either they're inept, ie stupid, or they let it go because there's a bigger agenda.

Speaker 1:

Do I think that the government intentionally tries to kill its own citizens or allows for them to be killed? I'm not saying I believe that necessarily, but I'm not saying that I don't either, because I still have my doubts and speculation and curiosities about COVID and its origin and what, the what, the what was that? When's it come again? Who knows? Hopefully, never Keep your faith in the word, right, but anyway, I just when you, when you expect everybody else in the world to do something, to be responsible to, to contribute to their society, their community, their neighborhood, their, their, their zip code, their street, their, their, their, their block, you know I mean when you expect people to do that and they actually do do their part. Or, in this instance, the, the, the piece of shit did it for them. You know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

But in this instance, and watch as the time goes by. Well, let me finish that thought. But watch, look, when the information is provided by the community or the fucking suspect themselves and you don't do shit about it. That takes away a lot of trust and it jeopardizes that bond between the community and the law enforcement community, right, the regular community.

Speaker 1:

I know there's a difference. If you carry a badge, you feel different than just some regular civilian, I'm sure you do, sure you do, maybe hopefully more responsible, you know, but when you, when you take away the bond and you replace it with you and a lack of accountability for that matter, because nobody from the FBI, and even if they do, they're going to be full of shit when they step up and say, oh, that was our bad. You know, it's the same story over and over again and it's sad, it's tragic, it's unfortunate, it shouldn't happen. But it's not a gun thing, it's a fucking people are sick thing thing. It's a fucking people are sick thing, but that's a different level of type of sickness in and of itself. You know to want to do that.

Speaker 1:

But when I mean anybody, man, any one of my friends, you know, and the couple that I got, I consider them all maybe not a bestie, you know they're not a bestie, but that's gay. No ditty, but nah, for real. You know, I look, hey, I don't care which way you swing, as long as they're of age. And uh, you know you got consent, do you boo? Keep it out of my way and I'll stay out of yours. You know, I mean there's a little psa right here, but I'm just saying like.

Speaker 1:

But I'm just saying like, of course, I'm just saying that I'm losing my train of thought just a hair, but I just don't think that there's any accountability at the federal level and there's never going to be. We're all going to be punished for the mistakes of a few, and that's not even a mistake. That's calculated shit, like like the motherfucker said it and then a year later, he does it, or not even a year later. He said this in october of 2023, hadn't even been a year again, probably another day or another show, another, another topic, bring a guest in, speak to them again.

Speaker 1:

But just, I mean, if we're completely naysaying crime in certain areas of the country and just allowing it to occur and releasing criminals without any bail bond or any kind of security, any bail bond, or, or, or, or, any kind of security the criminals are going to run rampant and people are going to be scared and they're going to want to protect themselves. Imagine just for a minute. I mean, think about that your, your, your wife or your girl whatever takes your kid, your daughter, to the park but stops off at the store and just out of the clear blue fuck the sky motherfucker files him out of there because he's been uh, apparently having a bad, bad time uh in life. And whether or not he actually does have a daughter, I don't think they've mentioned that either. But you know, the the point is is that you can't prepare for that.

Speaker 1:

How do you prepare for that? How's that even like fathomable, to think that that's a way we all think of ways to die I think the majority of us think of like our worst fears, you know, but to just have just some stranger follow you. I hope if I get murdered you know what I mean nobody's invincible. I hope if I get murdered, I will get murdered for a reason. I hope I get murdered, uh, because I did something. You know what I mean. I'll tell you what. I'll tell you a real quick story.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna follow up on this because I have I have a lot more to say about this, but I understand that you're busy and I don't want to take up too too much your time. I do want to say rest in peace and and and certainly prayers and condolences to the family. Uh, I know that people speculate about, uh, whether or not that's appropriate to say, especially when it comes to any kind of violent passing of someone's loved one. But, on the same token, man, those that know know and prayer does work. And so, and if y'all reach out to and pray for these family members right now and when I proceed further, you know, if there's GoFundMes or information available, we're certainly going to forward all that information and uh post that at all appropriate places to try to provide some support, because, again, it's just sickening and it's not, you know, but imagine you know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

So, like today, I was on my little lunch break or whatever, and I, um was running a quick little errand and uh went in the store, do what I need to do, came back out and I noticed that, uh, one of the items that I was purchasing was incorrect, so I jumped back out of the truck. I was actually on the phone with a, a friend that y'all have heard, louis lopez. If you ain't listened to that episode, travel back in time and scope it out, uh, but I, yeah, we're just chopping it up. And so I jumped back out of the truck and was on my way back into the store, just so I could do a quick refund or exchange. And some big old fucking monster came out of nowhere. It wasn't his size. That like surprised me. It was just the whole situation, because I wasn't really expecting that and I certainly wasn't on that kind of time.

Speaker 1:

But he came out of clear blue sky. I was like are you fucking talking shit to bitches in there? And I was like what, like what, because it was so off you know what I mean like I had nothing to do, I don't know. It was just completely out of the clear blue sky and I was like uh, nah, bro, like you guys are like nah, that's the wrong dude. You know what I mean. He's like oh, you ain't putting your fucking finger in women's faces, because that's my wife. And I was like no, Like nah. And he was like all right, and just like tapped me on the shoulder. I mean don't get me wrong, if we had tasselussle, I mean it would fuck me up. But what if? I mean there's a multitude of what if I was black belt in brazilian jiu-jitsu or if I was just crazy as shit? And you know I pulled out a samurai sword out of my back pocket. You know who knows?

Speaker 1:

Point is conflict was averted. I thought more than anything that it was funny because I had no idea. I was a tad relieved, you know, like I said, he was a big dude and he rolled up on me quick, which I understand. If you're trying to defend your wife or some dude was getting like hostile or aggressive to the point that he's sticking his finger in her face. You obviously don't want to allow that and correct that behavior anytime you get the opportunity. So I respect him. Hats off and salute for that. But I'm just saying he did have the wrong dude. I hope he finds the right dude. I hope you know.

Speaker 1:

You obviously I don't know what the scenario or the conversation was behind the argument. Maybe his wife was in the wrong. I don't think that dude cared, though. But point is, is you never know, and I'm glad that, uh, I don't know. You know he heard a couple things that I said.

Speaker 1:

I didn't just start running off at the mouth, but you know, I think he understood. I'm fucking looking at him right in the eye and I was like nah, bro, it just that, ain't it. I didn't it. Yeah, I was like nah, like that, I don't give a fuck. But I'm just saying, because you don't know, because you don't know when the shit could pop out. You know, I mean, that shit could have went any kind of sideways, and that's the. You know the world we live in now. It's unpredictable, it's unforgivable. Uh, that's odd. That's the a bulls that I came up with for that sentence anyway, but you're resilient, right? Is it?

Speaker 1:

Big word wednesday big word wednesday. Up in this motherfucker. Hold on, where is it there? It is, let me get it is, let me get it. Bigger word Wednesday the sound effects gross. I know what it's supposed to represent, but I don't like it. I do not like it. Anyway, I'm going to bounce before my fucking dog starts barking again, believe it or not.

Speaker 1:

This is the third take of an episode. My phone started blowing up in the second one. Before that, my dog went ape shit on the UPS driver that was fucking going by, because apparently he ain't into squeaky brakes, and so that I had to re-talk myself into telling y'all some of this and where I want to go with this and all that. And so I started to do it again and my phone started blowing up. Now we're here. Now you're there. I do appreciate your time, and in no way, shape or form.

Speaker 1:

Am I, uh, trying to make light, if I did, of any aspect or detail of the story? I feel tremendously horrible. I can only imagine what it's like to lose a child, uh, and, and what the family is going through ultimately, and just to see how senseless the violence is, that the dude didn't even know these women, you know what I mean. If he did lose his child in some way, shape or form, whether it be custody battle or she passed away, uh, prematurely there, there was nothing there that needed to end with these two young women losing their lives and a five-year-old being shot in the head and a 10-month-old baby being abducted.

Speaker 1:

It's just, you know, I think, in times of crisis where we're at right now, and if you don't think so, you need to just open them eyes, them peepers, just a little bit more, uh, widely, so that you can see. But I think right now, man, you know, and not to get on the soapbox or anything, it's important for us to maintain our belief in god and fear, or, excuse me, fear, prayer, geez, because fear can easily overwhelm people, and I think prayer can work. People can work your soul, you know, through those types of things. I obviously don't know, I don't know what it's like to be in this situation right now. So maybe it sounds easier said than done, and I'm sure that it does, but we'll follow up. We'll follow up and uh, hopefully, uh again continue prayers for the five-year-old that she makes a recovery, and also a 10-month-old and that the family finds a way to uh make sense of this strategy. Uh, that's about it.

Speaker 1:

This is uh Tex Terry. You're listening to special op radio. Once again, we got some uh exciting things coming up for the show, some more exciting guests. We're gonna bring louis lopez back as well, uh, by fan request and or demand, and we're just gonna keep this thing rolling, hopefully that uh we can continue to grow and keep y'all entertained. Keep this thing moving and and let's just see where it goes y'all be safe. God bless, I'm Tex Terry. This is Special App Radio peace. Thank you, bye.

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