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Bucket List: Can I Do Stand Up Comedy?

May 14, 2024 Texas Terry Season 2 Episode 10
Bucket List: Can I Do Stand Up Comedy?
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Special OpeRadio
Bucket List: Can I Do Stand Up Comedy?
May 14, 2024 Season 2 Episode 10
Texas Terry

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Y'all won't believe what I'm getting myself into – Texas Terry here, and I'm about to trade my microphone for a mic stand and step into the wild world of stand-up comedy. On my birthday, no less! May 29th marks the day I'll be testing my chops at making folks laugh till their sides split, with a gentle nudge from my pal Luis Lopez. But before I hit the stage, join me on a jaunt through the latest and, at times, the ludicrous, like the Portal in NYC that's turned from a tech wonder to a magnet for mayhem. I'll also be tipping my hat to the hardworking moms post-Mother's Day, including my own significant other who's the real MVP of our household.

This episode's got everything from a candid discussion on serious social issues to a cheeky glimpse into the cultural quirks that make us who we are, all without skirting around the tougher topics like mental health. And for those die-hard fans of Special Op Radio, I'm dropping some juicy details on what's in store – think a shiny new YouTube channel and live club gigs where I'll be serving up unfiltered real-talk and belly laughs. So, whether you're tuning in for a thought-provoking conversation or just in need of a good chuckle, I've got you covered. Strap in for an episode that's as raw and real as it gets, 'cause here at Special Op Radio, we're all about keeping it 100.

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Y'all won't believe what I'm getting myself into – Texas Terry here, and I'm about to trade my microphone for a mic stand and step into the wild world of stand-up comedy. On my birthday, no less! May 29th marks the day I'll be testing my chops at making folks laugh till their sides split, with a gentle nudge from my pal Luis Lopez. But before I hit the stage, join me on a jaunt through the latest and, at times, the ludicrous, like the Portal in NYC that's turned from a tech wonder to a magnet for mayhem. I'll also be tipping my hat to the hardworking moms post-Mother's Day, including my own significant other who's the real MVP of our household.

This episode's got everything from a candid discussion on serious social issues to a cheeky glimpse into the cultural quirks that make us who we are, all without skirting around the tougher topics like mental health. And for those die-hard fans of Special Op Radio, I'm dropping some juicy details on what's in store – think a shiny new YouTube channel and live club gigs where I'll be serving up unfiltered real-talk and belly laughs. So, whether you're tuning in for a thought-provoking conversation or just in need of a good chuckle, I've got you covered. Strap in for an episode that's as raw and real as it gets, 'cause here at Special Op Radio, we're all about keeping it 100.

Speaker 1:

It almost feels like whistle while you work. It almost feels like whistle while you work. I would whistle while I work, but I ain't. My front's fucked up. You get a fucking short little wind gust out of me. Fucking hate people that whistle. What the fuck is wrong with people that whistle in the first place? Why are you so happy? I don't know. Teeth thrown right. Yo, welcome to the show.

Speaker 1:

This is your boy, texas Terry, and you're listening to Special Op Radio. We appreciate you being here, and I'm fumbling through my words a little bit Because I'm so thunderstruck by the goings-ons of the world and that's what we're going to talk about here today. But you know, we do have, uh, actually a little bit of exciting news, man, and this kind of stemmed from a couple of things. Really, the first and foremost is, obviously, I like to run my mouth. Go fucking figure right. So I like to run my mouth. That's fucking, uh, I mean breaking news, isn't it? That's like, holy shit, put a red, put a red bar across the bottom of the screen, flash something in top left corner. Anyway, I like to run my mouth. Nobody knows it better than my wife. Shout out to babe hope she had a good mother's day. Shout out to all you mothers out there. Hope y'all had a good mother's day. Um, definitely deserve it. Uh, I don't think there's a man on this earth that understands what it's like to be a mother. The the feelings that a mother has for their children, the good ones anyway. There's some shady bitches out there trying to raise some kids don't give a fuck, but that's neither here nor there. Is it anyway exciting news coming out the the the thing is, uh, a friend of mine, somebody you may know, actually, he's been on the show. His name's luis lopez. Uh, he came on the show and and we didn't discuss this on air per se, but we did off, and I like to run my mouth.

Speaker 1:

I, I feel like I'm kind of funny. You know what I mean. I feel like I'm kind of funny. I've always dabbled in some sort of word play one way or the other. You know better than ass play any day. You feel me, though, not diddy, no, diddy anyway. So we got to chopping up.

Speaker 1:

We thought, you know, what would be fun is if, uh, in a month from that conversation, that I fucking uh put my money where my mouth is and I got on a stage in front of some people and told some jokes. Now, granted, I've done I'm not, you know, toot my own horn or anything over here but I've uh been on the what's your beef segment a million times with uh on the jim rome show. I and anybody could do it. You know what I mean. I'm just saying that mine were good, though you know what I mean. They always drew a good uh reaction. And then I mean, whatever, I won't bore you with all the details, but since I was like 10 years old, I've been reading, writing, rapping or way, shape or form, getting in trouble with my mouth. So I figured, why not get on a stage and try to get paid to do it? So we're going to do that, man, on my birthday, your host Texas Terry's own birthday, may 29th, we're going to hop on stage and we're going to give it what we got and just see where it goes from there. We'll uh continue to update that, as it were, and, uh, I hope to see you there, fly in. I don't have a discount code, nothing like that. You're just gonna have to come up off it. Anyway, we don't have a whole bunch of time today and I don't want to take up a whole bunch of years. I just want to kind of touch base with you and through contractual obligation I'm limited to the amount of time that I could spend on this episode. I'm fucking kidding. Of course I could go further, but I just again want to touch base.

Speaker 1:

There's a million different stories out there and I think we're all in agreement that most of them are fucking crazy as shit, like this one, for example, coming out of Houston Texas, of all places. I don't know if you've ever been to Houston Texas. If you're from Texas and you've passed through Houston, you know what I'm talking about. If you're from anywhere and you've passed through Houston, you also know what I'm talking about. What I'm saying is fuck Houston man. It's the shittiest city I've ever spent any time in in my life. The people drive retarded, there's too many fucking criminals. It's just a nasty, dirty, disgusting fucking Democrat ruled fucking epitome of why Don't do that.

Speaker 1:

It's one of those places and in that place, according to houston police anyway, uh, karen, fisher karen. And when I say karen, uh, two things that are happening is a I'm doing the quotes and b uh, fisher. Oh, no, my, that was just my eyesight, because I'm fucking getting old. Yo, your boy. Hey, if you want to hit up the GoFundMe for some fucking reading glasses for your host man, catch me on SpecialOperRadio at Outlookcom, or catch me on Twitter at SpecialOperRadio. We'll figure something out. I'll shoot you a cash app or something like that. Anyway, whoever Fisher, 20 of all ages, is charged with the murder of 64 year old Steven Anderson that occurred on May 3rd at 7023 Woodridge Square Drive, police say Fisher, you know what?

Speaker 1:

I ain't even gonna read the article. I'm gonna tell y'all about it. I'm gonna tell y'all about it. I saw the video and the video's fucked up too. I'm gonna tell y'all about it. Fuck that article, because the intern that wrote it was probably stupid too.

Speaker 1:

Listen, my dude is a white male. I'm not saying racism involved, but I just like to give details and specifics. So my dude, apparently and it looked like an apartment complex or like one of those areas you know where you line up town, town houses, you know that kind of shit he was walking to get his mail, I assume, in a mail fucking box, not like that. I mean like a whole fucking bunch of mailboxes All inside of one fucking box. Don't be a fucking, don't be a smarty pants. Anyway, out of clear blue sky.

Speaker 1:

So suppose you're seeing this dude. He's coming from the middle of the bottom of your screen. He's moving to the left and out of the right side of the fucking screen a charger. It looked like a charger, but not a good charger, it was just like a regular. I could I don't know, I didn't see the badges, maybe they removed them, but the charger just comes out of nowhere, hits the motherfucker.

Speaker 1:

Look, I'm trying. I don't know who this person is. I'm not trying to say it's probably disrespectful for me to, but that's how I talk. So I apologize Because that's a human being. It's a person that lost their life. Ultimately that's spoiler alert, by the way.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, this is a transsexual person. I don't know if I neglected to mention that fact at the beginning of the story, when I started questioning whether or not this person's name was Karen. I could be wrong, but I'm going to put a little bit more emphasis on it anyway. So you get it. But the point is, this transsexual person hits the dude. He barely looks. I mean, by the time he looks to his right and sees the vehicle. It comes too late, car hits him Obviously, does some damage, and then the car stops and it backs up over him and then he's obviously not in a good shape at that point this person, after there's witnesses this is at 4.30 pm, broad daylight, in Houston, texas, in a populated area where there's witnesses everywhere this person gets out of the vehicle, walks over to the individual that's on the ground lying, probably dying at that point already, strad them, bends over, kisses them news article didn't specify where I really I guess it's irrelevant anyway but kisses him, then stabs him nine times. He's dead right in broad daylight and then just posts up there for a couple of minutes, walks around, talks somebody in a car and then eventually sprints off.

Speaker 1:

I mean, we do with that. First of all, it sounds look, because I'm not going to. This is not the episode to get into transsexuals and mental health and all that, and I'm not an expert to be able to even comment on that in the first place. But I will say this they seem to be involved in a lot of fucked up shit. You know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

But also, this seemed like really personal. If you're looking at the video, I mean, it looks really, really personal, like I mean to bend over and kiss the motherfucker. I mean I almost feel like this individual. Look, this is pure speculation. This is an opinionated show. Everything that I say is not you know, a fact or any kind of concrete, written in stone, biblical type of you know wording. I'm just saying that I mean you brought a motherfucker over twice, back over him, you know. I mean that, which was, which would have been the second time kneel over him or straddle him, kiss him on the wherever and then, you know, stab him nine times. I feel like that was super personal. You know, maybe my instincts are off because I'm getting a little bit older, but on the same token, I feel like maybe there was a transaction that wasn't completely or fully completed and maybe this person didn't, uh, appreciate that very much. That's how I feel about it. I mean, I could be fucking wrong.

Speaker 1:

You know, we're not here to judge anybody. We're just here to talk shit and and and try to make sense of the. The. Is it insensibility or unsensibility? I don't know. None of it makes sense. The even more. I mean.

Speaker 1:

You look, here we are in this world and we decided that we're going to create a portal. Uh, basically, that's a, a sculpture that's located at the intersection of broadway and fifth avenue and 23rd street, new york city, and also at the corner of north ear Street and O'Connell Street in Dublin, and the portal is basically a public technology sculpture that connects New York City and Dublin Ireland. As you can probably use your imagination, this has not gone the way that most people, uh, it just hasn't. It's gone sideways. Sideways is what it's really become. You know what I mean. It's like, uh, you could probably make a tv or tv show off of this kind of stuff I mean you're looking at right now. Well, the background of it basically is like it's it's a groundbreaking public technology sculpture known as the Portal, and it's a visual bridge, basically, between New York City and Dublin Ireland. Launching well, it launched this spring. It was conceived as a testament to the power of art to transcend physical barriers. The quote-unquote Portal offers the public a real-time visual live stream that connects these two iconic cities.

Speaker 1:

When the fuck was the last time the new york city was iconic? I'm just curious does anybody remember the last time you could like read a New York Post article and not see something about someone being pushed off a fucking platform that what they call? I don't know, I'll fuck with New York City. Interesting side note and a fun fact about your homeboy, tex Terry. Even though I was born in Buffalo, new York, approximately six hours from New York City, I never in my entire life have gone to New York City and there's not one fucking centimeter of me that feels like I need to. I don't want to see it and I don't give a shit. But yeah anyway, man, fucking people are doing what exactly people would do in this day and age. They're fucking in front of it. They're doing drugs in front of it. They're fucking burning American flags in front of it. On the other side, fucking showing airplanes hitting the 9-11 or the twin towers, uh, the world trade centers. Um, that's what you would expect.

Speaker 1:

It's two different worlds and it's unfortunate that most people can't fucking gather the fact that it's not fucking wrong to be different. People are different. We grow up different. Have you fucking woken up in the morning and eaten spotted dick? I don't know what the fuck people from Ireland eat. You know what I'm saying? I don't fucking know because I'm not Irish. I don't got a problem with Irish people. I think they're cool.

Speaker 1:

I'm actually a fan of Conor McGregor. You know it's funny to watch him fucking rap biggie lyrics, but for the most part. You know what I mean. He seems like cool guy. I, I are. I irish dudes they like to fucking fight and uh, drink. I used to like do both of those. Now I'm only restricted one because of you know, old age sets in anyway. Neither here nor there. I just thought it was funny that people are so fucking. It looks like I don't have the exact notes in front of me because it's not worth fucking wasting the fucking valuable gigabytes on my wi-fi to fucking try to figure out exactly what everything or what they're doing or what the fucking movement forward is going to be. But I know they shut the fucking thing down.

Speaker 1:

I don't even know how long it lasted. It wasn't very long, but there's already been videos on the places that you know that you can find these types of things where people are fucking again, doing drugs, all kind of shit, just a lot of hate flying back and forth. And you know, truth be told, man, america, whether you like it or not, and you got all these people out there that are uh, uh, what do you call it? Um, man, they're like really in their feelings about the country and sometimes people refuse to admit that. Maybe it's a little sideways. Now you know what I mean. Maybe it ain't what, uh, we think it is here on this side, because that's actually that's ignorant and that's another topic in and of itself again. But I mean, yo, people on ireland, people in ireland, or is it on?

Speaker 1:

I spent one day, not even a day. We passed through on the way to outback. I think we stopped in ireland and, if I'm not mistaken, uh, one of my homeboys got knocked for fucking smoking a cigarette in the bathroom. I don't remember how long the flights were, I don't remember all the circumstances of the vague details about it, but I do know that those were good times and bad days and, uh, you know, you make the best of it as you can. You know I mean a bug, if that was you out there, bro. But but anyway, shout out to my homeboy slag a bug. Man, always a good dude.

Speaker 1:

Someday I'll tell you the story about how me and slager got into a fist fight, like the night before we we went to go do a funeral. Uh, matter of fact, I'll tell you about it right now. Man, me and homeboy slager bug. One time we got into a fight, uh, the night before funeral. This is gonna sound ditty, but it is what it is, man, I think we were on his bed, you know, and we were like we didn't. We ended up there. It's not like we were chilling there and then some shit sparked off. I'm just saying we were more than likely drinking 151 out of camelbacks or something. That was just horrendous. Probably you know what I mean and I who knows what the fuck the fight was about. It could have been about any old retired or something that was just horrendous. Probably you know what I mean and who knows what the fuck the fight was about. It could have been about any old retired thing back in those days, man, a lot of testosterone flying around there Feeling sexuality, the Barraclare Street no, I'm fucking kidding. Where am I?

Speaker 1:

Anyway, I remember me and this dude man. We were beating the shit out of each other, just laying down side by side, just like he grabbed my dick one time. No, he did it, so we're hitting each other. I remember at some point just like fucking eye gouging this fool bro. 100, disrespectful to any veteran that has passed and deserves their proper services and their send off and everything like that.

Speaker 1:

We were just young kids, we didn't understand. You know what I mean. You don't think about that kind of stuff when you're 18, 19 years old, 20, you know. But neither here nor there. We kissed, made up, made friends. He got an abortion and, uh, we went to the fucking. That's fucked up, man. We went to the thing. The next day he's got I got a swollen wrist or hand or some shit. He's got a black guy. We were just not in the position to be trying to represent a fallen soldier.

Speaker 1:

That the gentleman still did receive, for all those concerned. He did receive a 20, a proper 21 gun salute. It's not a bunch of people standing there, you know. I mean shots that rang out. Anyway, he, he was afforded that and we learned a lesson from it. But it was still kind of fucked up that at the time I guess our maybe section sergeant, something like that, whoever was in charge of the fucking detail, was like, hey, you two motherfuckers, stay in the van, stay in the van. And so that's what we did.

Speaker 1:

But I don't know, man, it's a wild world and there's so much more, so much to talk about, so many movements that we're trying to make here at Special Op Radio what we need from god damn, I feel like I just inhaled a soul what the fuck just happened. Anyway, for real, for real, there's plenty of movements that are coming forward and, uh, man, you know what I mean. You gotta. Sometimes I feel like I'm in a midlife crisis or something like that. I don't feel like you know what I mean. Like not. If I had the money, I wouldn't go buy a porsche.

Speaker 1:

About trx, though, shout out to ram, if you ever want your boy to sponsor you, I got you. But yeah, we're gonna do a lot more with video. I want to move into comedy. We want to do a couple of different things and we hope y'all support that. Hope to see you around there again.

Speaker 1:

Follow me at Special Op Radio. That's on X. Catch me at Special Op Radio at Outlookcom when you listen to the podcast, whether it be whatever platform it is, and all honesty, just uh, please do me a favor. Hit that subscribe button. Type a couple of kind words or bad ones. I really don't give a shit, but we always 100% do appreciate you and your support, and all the people behind the scenes that that that are are constantly fucking inundated with me and my uh, questions and suggestions and and just searching for general feedback. You know what I mean shout out to everybody that gives 100 and actually does provide that, um, it's only going to make the show better, which is only, in turn, going to make you more entertained and hopefully we'll all be happy.

Speaker 1:

Man, this is what. We're just here to chop it up. This is not Fox News or CNN or any kind of left right leaning anything. Man, we just over here to call out stupidity or just you know, opine, on the day's retardedness, and we do say retard on this channel, so you're just going to have to deal with it. If you don't like it, forget all the shit I just uh mentioned a couple minutes ago. Anyway, once again, this is your boy. Uh, fucking up, bro, fucking up. Might as well just start a new season, call good, refresh that shit. We really want to see you on the new youtube channel coming through, want to see you at the club and watch me make a fool of myself. Once again, this your boy, tex Terry, you're listening to special op radio. We appreciate you being here. You be good, stay uh blessed and uh peace, thank you.

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