Conversations Over Coffee with Michelle
I wanted to make a space for all types of conversations: business, design, health, and lifestyle. Anything goes here. I believe that our own personal stories might motivate and completely transform another’s story, simply as they engage in the conversation. I’ll be inviting guests on who will bring a new perspective to your life and mine. There is so much to gather and grow from one another and I cannot wait for us to do it here, together.
Conversations Over Coffee with Michelle
Episode 05: Emily Yeates on the Origins of Urban Revival
Emily Yeates is a fierce woman within the design world with over 17 years of experience. As CEO and Principal Designer of Urban Revival, the full-service interior design firm, she has made a living out of her passion for transforming places and spaces.
Her colorful and brooding style brings a unique voice to the creative conversation, and coupled with her internal strength to face personal adversity - Emily is an unstoppable force. Listen in on this episode to hear her story and the wisdom she has to share.