Essential Communication Skills for Tradies: Managing Expectations and Mastering Difficult Conversations | ft. Kristy-Lee Billet | Ep.386
The Site Shed
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The Site Shed
Essential Communication Skills for Tradies: Managing Expectations and Mastering Difficult Conversations | ft. Kristy-Lee Billet | Ep.386
Nov 01, 2023 Episode 386
Matt Jones - Trade based business enthusiast

Are you struggling with managing expectations and having difficult conversations in your trade business? The secret lies in honing your communication skills. In this first part of our two-part series, we delve into the importance of effective communication in managing expectations and navigating challenging dialogues.

Learn how communication skills can make or break your relationships with clients and team members. We'll share actionable tips and real-life examples to help you master the art of communication. Don't miss out on this essential guide for tradies and contractors!

Watch the video version of this podcast at

#CommunicationSkills #ManagingExpectations #DifficultConversations #Tradies #Contractors #TheSiteShed

Discussion Points: 

[00:03:18] Niche recruitment business finds and builds teams.
[00:06:02] Performance, task standards, communication, interview difficulties, work environment.
[00:08:34] Safety, workplace health, boundaries, expectations, materials, retention.
[00:12:57] Revise communication style to effectively convey message.
[00:14:08] Plan and consider timing for difficult conversations.
[00:19:21] "Understand, clarify, involve, and find solutions."
[00:22:02] Book review on Traction and 1-on-1 meetings.
[00:27:11] Plumbers listening. Managing difficult conversations, documented framework.
[00:30:37] Document all conversations, even in emails or texts, for potential exit strategy.


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