The 5 Biggest Mistakes Trade Businesses Make with Their HR Compliance | ft. Kristy-Lee Billet | Ep.387
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The 5 Biggest Mistakes Trade Businesses Make with Their HR Compliance | ft. Kristy-Lee Billet | Ep.387
Nov 08, 2023 Episode 387
Matt Jones - Trade based business enthusiast

Discover the crucial HR compliance mistakes that trade businesses frequently make and how to avoid them. In this insightful video, we delve into the top five pitfalls that could cost your business dearly. From understanding legislation to proper documentation, we cover it all. Don't let HR compliance be your downfall. Watch now to safeguard your trade business from costly errors.

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Discussion Points:
00:00:42 Tips for managing people effectively in HR.
00:05:29 Businesses facing underpayment claims cost millions, HR knowledge lacking.
00:07:40 Friendship often undermines professional relationships at work.
00:12:24 You don't need to know everything in business.
00:14:05 Australian subcontractor system has complex award system.
00:18:07 Individuals push for contracting, employers bear risk.
00:20:33 Different RDO systems implemented by businesses.
00:23:45 Individual flexibility agreements (IFAs)
00:27:02 Fair Work Act covers employees.

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