We Recommend: A Movie Podcast

Godzilla (1954)

December 01, 2023 Jesse and Jason Episode 28
Godzilla (1954)
We Recommend: A Movie Podcast
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We Recommend: A Movie Podcast
Godzilla (1954)
Dec 01, 2023 Episode 28
Jesse and Jason

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Prepare for a thrilling journey into the intriguing world of Godzilla! We promise you an episode filled with intriguing behind-the-scenes stories, deep dives into classic film scenes, and lively discussions on the impacts of Godzilla in pop culture. Yes, you heard it right. We will be discussing everything from the original 1954 classic to the anticipation of future Godzilla films.

As we kick-start this journey, we first share our personal experiences with Godzilla films. Have you ever wondered about the serious themes of nuclear testing and H bombs present in the original movie? We have it all covered! We also give our comic live reaction to the "Son of Godzilla," something that will surely tickle your funny bone. Moving further, we put the spotlight on the production challenges and the inspirations behind Godzilla. Ever thought about the drastic changes made to the US version or the harsh on-set conditions? We've got some juicy details for you.

Lastly, we delve into the ethical implications in the Godzilla series, focusing on the oxygen destroyer and its usage. After a good laugh and some deep discussions, we end this episode with a promise to bring you more exciting content. So, join us on this exciting journey where we guarantee a fun-filled and informative look into the world of Godzilla.

To follow us on social media or to listen on a different platform follow the link!  http://linktr.ee/werecommendpodcast

Intro produced by Joey Prosser. X @mrjoeyprosser

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Send us some fan mail!

Prepare for a thrilling journey into the intriguing world of Godzilla! We promise you an episode filled with intriguing behind-the-scenes stories, deep dives into classic film scenes, and lively discussions on the impacts of Godzilla in pop culture. Yes, you heard it right. We will be discussing everything from the original 1954 classic to the anticipation of future Godzilla films.

As we kick-start this journey, we first share our personal experiences with Godzilla films. Have you ever wondered about the serious themes of nuclear testing and H bombs present in the original movie? We have it all covered! We also give our comic live reaction to the "Son of Godzilla," something that will surely tickle your funny bone. Moving further, we put the spotlight on the production challenges and the inspirations behind Godzilla. Ever thought about the drastic changes made to the US version or the harsh on-set conditions? We've got some juicy details for you.

Lastly, we delve into the ethical implications in the Godzilla series, focusing on the oxygen destroyer and its usage. After a good laugh and some deep discussions, we end this episode with a promise to bring you more exciting content. So, join us on this exciting journey where we guarantee a fun-filled and informative look into the world of Godzilla.

To follow us on social media or to listen on a different platform follow the link!  http://linktr.ee/werecommendpodcast

Intro produced by Joey Prosser. X @mrjoeyprosser


Hello and welcome to the we Recommend podcast, a movie podcast, where every week we recommend a movie for you to watch and then come back here and listen to us discuss. I'm Jesse, I'm Jason, I'm Dakota. If nuclear testing continues, then someday somewhere in the world another Godzilla may appear. Next week we recommend Godzilla.


Run for your fucking lives.


Save the cows. So this is y'all's first time watching this, the original Godzilla.


Yes, the OG one yes.


Do you like it? Do you think it was boring? My wizard brain loved it.


Do you think it was too silly Really For a Godzilla film?


No, I feel like it was more. It was pretty serious yeah.


I feel like it was way more tame compared to when you look at the newer ones, like in the 70s and stuff. Yeah, I feel like this is a serious take on Godzilla.


There was no Godzilla drop kicking a robot in this one, which is a very sad thing.


Unfortunately, but we still got to see that thick boy walking around with those legs.


He doesn't have a dump truck like he does in a new one.


So Well, he's not as big he has his gross spurt.


What about you, Jason? What's your history with Godzilla films? Have you seen any of the old ones at all? Like the cheesy?


Yeah, I've seen a couple of the old ones like him versus Mothra.


Yeah, I had that one. That was the VHS one.


I had Hell yeah, it's just been so long. And then the 1998, 1998 one. And Do you watch any? Of the recent stuff, one of the recent ones, the last one where like holds open the things in the mouth, does the fire breath into his face.


It's gross. 14, 2014.


That's the 15 one.


15 or 14, something like that.


That rolled.


Have you watched any after that one?


No, oh, you're missing out, because King of the Monsters like in my opinion is like. That one was good, but it really focused on the human part a lot, way too much. And then the second one, because it was a different director, right.


Oh wait. No, I was thinking that. Well, the first. They both kind of focus on the humans. A little too much to me.


Well, king of the Monsters, I feel like, is like let's focus less on it. Here's a bunch of monsters, literally all of them.


The problem with that one, is they have this whole family drama in the middle of it and the King of the Monsters is like, okay, if I have to see Millie Bobby Brown again, I'm gonna.


just it was not, I don't remember it being that bad, but I only watched it in theaters once.


Well, I still like it. Don't get me wrong. It's one of those things where it's like oh, I loved it the first time, and the second time I see it I'm like why is it always raining? Why is Millie Bobby Brown just running around all over the place?


Yeah, you know why she gotta save everything, she's gotta use her mind powers on everything.


Have you seen any of the anime's of the Godzilla show?


The 1998 one had a continuation one. Oh, okay, yeah, I saw that one. That was the only one I've seen.


Yeah, and that one was actually supposed to be. I watched a few episodes of it and it literally takes place. You know, the egg is at the very end of the 98 one, oh yes, and the egg hatches and like, and the Taco Bell doll comes out. That's, who saves the world? Is Taco Bell? I was so mad.


We never got a sequel to that as a kid. The anime was a sequel. We're gonna get another one. I remember also very shortly after that, because whenever, because I think it was like a 2000, when I watched the 1998 one, because you know, had a way for it to come on VHS, and then I was like whoa, there's a sequel, Godzilla 2000.


Oh, yeah, it was a.


Toho version. I was like why does he look different? I was like, wait a second who's this guy?


This isn't my Godzilla.


I did like the cartoon one because he actually had his like flame breath and fought monsters in it. Yeah.


So it was pretty cool. Hell yeah, you should look up real quick Jason, son of Godzilla, and how silly I just. I want a live reaction of you.


So you haven't seen that. If it's anything like the son of the mask, I'm gonna love it. Oh, Honestly not too different.


You're not yeah.


It's pretty great. I remember watching that as a kid and I was like, well, this isn't what I want. I don't want the kid version.


I'm like, oh my God, that looks so bad and he's like they just carry him around.


got to look around for him the whole time, like what do we do? We got to keep him. He's destroying the city again.


Yeah, it's like yeah, yeah, I'm going to skip that one. Yeah.


I think most of those probably could be skipped.


I don't know. I'd like to rewatch them.


I think the problem is that it runs into the situation where it's like. It's like I don't want to watch any of the human stuff when I get to those. This one's interesting because it's about nuclear testing and H bombs and stuff like that.


Well, I do remember one of the Godzilla films, because back when it was only cable which we're getting back to that again they had, like it was on sci-fi or something and they just had a marathon of Godzilla films playing and it had one on and they had some human stuff in it and it was actually not that bad. It was a lot of one of the survivors who just really hated Godzilla because he killed his father or something. It's very understandable, but at this point Godzilla is like we use him so he can save us from the other monsters.


Yeah, I think it was like three or four movies until he became the anti-hero. Yeah. I looked it up, I can't remember which one.


That really speeded me for a loop. I was like is Godzilla a good guy or a bad guy?


Like I love that the end of the 2000, the newer one, the reboot, whenever at the end, after San Francisco is completely destroyed and he kills the monster and he's walking back into the ocean, it's like is Godzilla here to save us? Actually, I'm like, how did y'all get that from?


this. Well, I mean to be fair, you can't help it when he's that big. He's like well, I mean we can't lure the monster away. It's either the monster completely destroys us or he destroys it just trying to get to the monster.


I guess it was the 1964 one when he fights.


Ghidorah. No, you know he's good because when he's going under the water he's got his hand above the water with his thumb.


Yeah, just like Terminator 2. I would love that. That would be awesome.


He's my favorite one.


What does he say at the end of Terminator 2? Is it just I'll be back?


No, he's like.


I'm your friend. I don't know, I just remember crying as a kid.


Well he does. I was like I don't want you to leave. I don't want you to leave. It's all because you've made me learn to feel. John Connor, when shall we do Terminators? Oh man, if we're going to do the first term, you got to talk about Swartz and Agon, when he's walking around and you just see the shadow of his big dingalings.


Boy, I had a hammer, so Godzilla's origin came from a real nuclear bomb test. After World War II the United States continued to do nuclear weapons tests on the Pikini atoll. On March 1, 1954, they dropped a thermonuclear weapon called Castle Bravo. The bomb had a thousand times the power of the first two atomic bombs dropped in Japan. The size of the explosion was much explosion. It was much larger than expected and the radio activity spread further than anticipated. So about 200,000 Japanese fishermen near the danger zone and local fish suffered radiation poisoning.


Yeah you don't think that testing a bomb like that near Japan would make them a little nervous?


I know there's like God dang.


It's been nine years, oh my God, I just don't think they knew about how strong nuclear stuff was like with the fallout, because after watching them did you watch the show Chernobyl?


Oh wait, I did, I watched the first episode.


Oh man, that was so good.


It was cool.


It really shows you the effects of radiation poisoning. It just put it in strong perspective anytime I see it. That added to when I see people getting radiation poisoning in the movie that all just touching radioactive stuff in my eyes. Do you know what this does to you?


Yeah, a guy opens a door in his hands and says, immediately falling off. But a month after Castle Bravo, toho producer Tomo Yuki returned from Indonesia back to Japan and needed to come up with a new film after a previously failed film. He got a spark of inspiration after reading about a B movie called the Beast from 220,000 fathoms. He took some ideas from the film and ended up getting Godzilla greenlit. So that's how the movie came to be. And obviously just the inspiration between, like the Bonswi and Jock Don Agasaki and stuff like that.


I saw a thing it was talking about how, when I guess like you look at Japanese talking about like nuclear stuff, it's very like negative and how like the impacts are of it. But if you watch like America ones like yeah, nuclear power.


Well, that's a wonder why. I feel like just trying to remember all the history classes from growing up in America. It doesn't. I don't feel like we really talked about the destruction that it left as much right.


We don't talk about what we did wrong. Yeah, we are the winners.


What am I full on adult before I really heard anything about it.


It's like I feel like the Oppenheimer movie, people are going to be like, oh wait what. We didn't have to do this.


No we had to do it. We had to do it first.


Truman was like well, we got it. We got to use it.


We're going to put them in their place twice so, but don't drop a second one.


Oh too late, truman, god dang it I can't.


I was thinking about that the other day. Every time I see it now.


So working on the set was brutal, so the film was shot on the coast of my perfectures. Sorry, I'm so sorry everybody, and it took nearly two hours to reach the set. Every day they had to travel to set by boat and a lot of the actors and actresses suffered motion sickness. It also is extremely humid, with temperatures having above 100 degrees with no shade, oh Tennessee weather.


It got so bad that many of the cast and crew would pass out A little photography on. Film was wrapped at a whopping 122 days. That's a lot of days.


When I read that I was like I don't know if that's a lot of days or not. I have no idea.


Yeah that's pretty much. That's quite a few days, I'm assuming, especially for back then. I don't know.


It's like a third of a year or something.


I mean, that's about like a Marvel shoot now. That's why it seemed like it was normal and instead of Atlanta studios you know they're outside doing all this, but some of the best stuff is so. There was two actors that were in the suit and so one of the guys. He studied animal movements in order to get into character, but wearing the suit didn't come with any issues. The suit was so heavy he ended up only being able to wear it for less than 10 minutes at a time. It also caused him to get many burns, sores, and he became so sweaty that needed to pour out his sweat between tapes. Oh, that has smelled terrible. He passed out many times on set.


It's like just thinking being in that suit and having to go in the water, though Every time he comes out of the water I'm like, oh my God what if he drowned?


It's funny to think because, like, I feel like their work ethic is like really extreme, like I've got to do this, and what he probably put himself through is like, oh yeah, another person, like an American actor, put like I'm not doing this, this is too hard.


He's like I'm going to push through it, it's like no thank you, I did see, like all the other older Godzilla's, it was some. I think it was an actual girl in the suit because she was so small she could fit into it. I don't know if she was Godzilla or like one of the other ones.


And it's funny. I think it's like a Godzilla, yeah that's why we're getting a great rack Godzilla. Godzilla was just it's like wait is Godzilla kind of hard. I don't know, just like you say Godzilla, like walking the catwalk I'm going to get the weirdos.


I'm so glad you think that because, like here's my fan heart of Godzilla and me together.


What do you think I'm going to go home? I'm going to roll 34.


Oh, no, but it was funny. I think it was like Step on me, godzilla.


Oh well, it's funny. Like behind the scenes it was like controlling it with, like her hand, but while she's in it, because she apparently wanted to do that like her whole life because she grew up with Godzilla. So behind the scenes she's just going.


Actually doing the noises and stuff.


I was like, oh, that's pretty cute.


I like that. I want to see the version of Godzilla where he acts like her with a frog, Like after he blows something up. He's like.


It's so hard.


It's so hard, it's not easy being green.


Rainbow connects on the band Joe.


That would be awesome. So the film had multiple different cuts. As we know, we were watching one right before this. The film opened to a large amount of success in Japan and across the globe. Unfortunately, the international viewers never truly got to see the original cut of the film. The German theatrical release could nearly 20 minutes of footage that included the character Jamin Jamin. Oh man, we literally listened to the. I hate my life.


Wait, it cut him out. Which one was that one? The German?


theatrical release.


No, who was the?


Oh, that's the, that's the zoologist. Oh, it was re-edited version for all of Europe. The US version had a major re-cut and was re-titled Godzilla King of Monsters. Much of the film shifted the focus of Japanese sentiment towards nuclear war. For a more Americanized version that included newly shot footage of American actors mainly just the one, the one in the background the whole time.


Yeah, Literally what it was.


It's like oh yeah, I'm at this boat too. Yeah, don't mind me.


And he's smoking his pipe the whole time.


Yeah, so an often repeated myth is that the production of this film and Seven Samurai nearly drove Toho into bankruptcy. This neglects the mention of a third Toho film made that year, Samurai One. All three were the most expensive Japanese films made up until up until that point and big financial risks for Toho. However, there's little evidence that suggests that Toho was ever at risk for bankruptcy, I mean. But all those movies, Well, Two of those movies Seven Samurai and Godzilla they're like huge classics. Seven Samurai is in like almost every movie. Is that the?


It's essentially what I wonder if that's the one I saw that.


Magnificent Seven was inspired by it. Star Wars was Essentially. George Lucas took all of Star Wars from Akira Kurosawa. He did Seven Samurai, the Hidden Fortress, which is a lot like Empire Strikes Back, I believe.


That's cool. Yojimbo, he did that, I'm probably saying it wrong, yojimbo, I just get to just hey, yojimbo.


Yojimbo was just a summon you could do in Final Fantasy IX.


It is Specifically IX or X? Was it X? I don't remember.


I only played up to, I played a little bit of IX, I think. Because you have to pay him a bunch of money to come out. Oh really, yeah, what? How much damage he does depends on how much Gill you give him.


Oh cool, wow, I suppose just like American capitalism. How much help do you want?


So I'll just Honestly this is my last little factoid. The sound department tried numerous animal roars for Godzilla, but felt that they were unsuitable for an animal of such immense size. The composer, or whatever some guy, came up with Godzilla's roar by rubbing a coarse resin-coated leather glove up and down the strings of a contra base it's a double base and reverberated the recorded sound. Also. Godzilla's thunder footsteps were made by beating a kettle drum with a knotted rope. Man, that roar dude Like. At the very beginning, though, that's pretty good.


He even got the last little bit right there. He really did.


Like the beginning, where it's just the opening credits, where you're just hearing the roar. I was like, oh, this is scary.


It was cool. Yeah, man, they did a really good building that tension in the beginning and then the freaking score kicks in, which is just which?


apparently they didn't have music originally.


Yeah, for like the first test footage, they didn't have any music and they're like what? And then this guy just comes in with the best song ever made, ever put to A-track. I'm just saying these podcasts.


I feel like this one was very hard for me, Like, okay, try and get in the mindset of this time. I'm like this one's a little bit hard for me.


It's nine years after they dropped the bond that was very that's insane.


I put that down as one of my notes. I was like man like nearly 10 years later, not even doing this. How do they? It's on their mind, too soon. Maybe, I was more surprised as like man like after something like that. Just Bro, if they're back up and going, it's like very impressive.


Too soon, like a year after 9-11, we had all these 9-11 movies, oh yeah.


I mean, it's America. We got the, Don't worry about it.


Got the New Cage ones and United 93, I think there's all this like immediately after, oh my God, which is pretty wild. Yeah, well, the New Cage one. I think I remember watching that at the drive-in, I don't even remember which one you're talking about. I can't remember.


I don't think I watched a lot of 9-11 movies. We love Disaster 7.


I mean, every movie that we've made after 9-11 is like almost I love a good Disaster. 7. Essentially just 9-11. But, like Rolling Emmerich was just like, oh my gosh, thank goodness for 9-11. Now I have all these movie ideas. Well, it's funny because he, he did, he did Godzilla.


And it came out in 98, just like three years before. Yeah, and it mentioned in it because I watched that right after this one. It's like this is nothing as tragic as we saw as the bombing at the World Trade Center and I went huh.


The New Cage movie is World Trade Center.


Well, I didn't know there was like other attacks that had happened at the World Trade Center. So it really threw me off, especially when I watched the Long Kiss Goodnight and they were talking about stuff. I zoned out for a second. They came back in like wait, what Wait? When did this come out? Huh.


Yeah, I know, I did also forget that when watching Long Kiss Goodnight. It's like, oh yeah, forgot, people keep trying to attack that place.


I don't know why, but I guess because it was up they hated that building. It's too tall, damn it, I guess so.


It's right there on the land I'm like the border of, like the oh my God, the coastline. It's like that one's not as far in as the Empire State. We want those ones.


Yeah, all right y'all You're ready to hop right in?


You got any more Godzilla effects, anything you want to talk about. They might pop up later.


All right, so we have. The opening is seen. There's a ship at sea. The crew relaxes on deck as the night begins to fall. Near the ship of Flashlight Bay there's a ship. Instantly, the ship explodes and begins to sink.


So was that like him, just charging up?


I think he was kind of. I assume after watching it a couple of times, that maybe he was shooting his radiation breath underwater Like a nuclear farce Maybe.


That's what happened. He hit puberty and he's like look where.


I can do. I think he just gets so mad. He's like eee, oh, so mad.


I'm going to just kill this boat, he's not going super soon, yet it's not happening.


And then the next morning we meet Hito Ogatoa, I think, processing should be.


this is not going to be good for names. Yeah, I'm so sorry.


I'm so sorry, even though I spent an hour trying to remember these names, but as soon as I get on this, I can't do it. He receives a phone call. He's going to be a salvage expert for the Coast Guard and wants him to report immediately as a result of the sinking His plans with his soon to be fiancee, emiko.


Yeah, it's like a musical symphony.


Yeah, they have like a quartet or something like that, and he's like I can't do it. All right, let's go. She's like.


work is more important. Yes, you must go.


Well, I mean, it was probably like a ship crash. She's like, oh, I've got to go help out, and. But it was funny when he said that he's like, if you leave now, you might be able to still make it. It's like, what do you what? What do you mean? If you leave now, you can still make it.


It's not like you weren't prepared to leave. You're talking about, if you hurry, you might make it yeah.


And then we're cutting to a situation room that's set up to investigate the sinking of Eko Maru. Its last position is known, but the cause of the sinking is still a mystery. Though an explosion is suspected, a rescue vessel bingo Maru approaches the location of the sinking.


I know it felt so bad for this little thing the tiny little boat.


I know, I'm just trying to go about my day, get my fish and then boom.


Where did other boat go? And then another flash of light erupts and it's, it's dead. And Godzilla is like, oh, that's a bingo, oh my God.




Inglorious bastards.


That's a live recording, hans. Okay, I'm out of here.


So now he's going to love that joke. The Coast Guard assures frantic families of the crews of the two ships that everything is being done, including more ships and helicopters committed to the search. Finally, there are results, as three survivors are found in the water. At the same time, reports of the sinking of a fish boat brings the total loss ships to three. So essentially the boat comes and picks them up right and then they just explode right after Yep. It's like poor boats. All those people are like trying to barge in. We know, yeah, Tell us something. A lot of people in a small room. I think it's the same thing would happen today, that's.


I mean, I know.


That's the crazy thing. Watching this and seeing all the decisions that everybody wants to make is like oh my God, it's exactly the same, so things don't change.


Nothing would change. It would be more of like someone flew out there with their drone to take a look and be like look guys, and then there's nobody there and then causing even more banning.


The only difference is people would not believe that Godzilla was real. They just like no, that's a pig, that's a painting, Even though in the film I think it's AI.


We got AI now.


I mean, what if you go on TikTok? They want you to think that Godzilla is real. But it's not Godzilla, it's actually a robot.


Just like how pigeons aren't real, birds aren't real, birds aren't real. Be like Ted, or Ted when he's like look what Jesus did.


Look what Jesus did Exactly.


It would just be a bunch of Americans like we must pray this away oh my God, you notice how they, because it was part of the scene where they're doing their dance.


Yeah, the ritual.


So it was just a ritual right.


Yeah, well, because he says that oh, we used to-.


We can't sacrifice women anymore Dang it.


We have too many of them. I wonder if they took some of that. I know it's just a typical thing, because my girlfriend, she loves Kong more and she's like, oh look, they stole that from Kong. I'm like I was like you do realize like how much ritual sacrifice happened, like a lot that's been around forever, yeah, so Kong did it.


Kong did it first. He did come out first, though, oh boy. Just come out of the island. So on Odo Island, the port of the missing fishing boat, inhabitants are scanning the sea looking for signs of the boat. A raft is seen with, oh God, Masji Shiji Three dudes.


Had a couple dudes on it. People had some guy who lives on the island.


He's on board, the islanders pull the raft and he's. The guy says a monster, did it Passes?


out close to the dead? Was that the guy that they're like beating the fuck out of? And then he wakes up like he just got out of the island? Oh yeah, get up, get up.


Hopefully he doesn't have like a concussion or some kind of internal bleeding? Get up, get up.


Hey guys, it worked.


Okay, it worked, that's all we can say that's how I'm going to start waking my girlfriend up.


That's how we used to do it. So days later, other fishing boats return to the island Complaining their nets are completely empty. One of the elder claims that it's Godzilla eating the fish, and after he's done eating the fish, he's going to come and eat us. All Other members of the village laugh at his quaint ways. The same day, a helicopter lands on the island carrying a group of press and military. They interview the survivor, who again claims it was a monster. The elder gets their attention and tells the legend of Godzilla, then explains the history of sacrifices the island used to make to keep Godzilla happy. Now there's nothing left but a small religious ceremony.


So like yeah, I was a little shocked. Oh, so someone knows about Godzilla before. It's interesting, like I guess the legend I don't really know. I feel like is it a passed down legend? Because I thought this was going to be like when I watch this, like nobody knows anything about Godzilla, they're not going to know anything, and he brings it up and I'm like, oh, Respect your elders, Dakota.


I did respect it.


He knew about it it just threw me off of that. I didn't expect them to know about it.


Yeah, I mean, I guess it's all the I don't know Japanese mythology and stuff like that. Yeah, they got a lot of monsters they do. They got a dragon man, they sure do have a dragon on them, they're from the Jurassic era.


Oh yeah, they've said many times after this that it's two million years old.


Yeah, so during the night of the typhoon hit that hits the island, the islanders take shelter but along with normal noises such as storms, they can hear something huge moving around. They see it, but we don't. We only see like a little leg of it. The next morning, 12 houses are found to have been destroyed during the night, One toy helicopter and at least nine people have died.


Toy helicopter what?


do you mean Friends between the mayor and eyewitnesses? Uncover the fact that the destruction of the houses was unusual and not caused by the storm? Maybe some of their giant footsteps everywhere?


Oh yeah, that was before the next scene.


Yeah, it's before the next scene, for everyone notices it. Yeah, it all looks great, right, I mean?


you can tell. Did he cause the tsunami that was hitting the storm? No, I think it was a part.


I think there was a typhoon hitting or a tsunami or whatever. I think it was like a typhoon.


It was their way of like saying, well, there's a typhoon, it's the whole like well, I mean it is a little strange, but it could have been something with the typhoon trying to explain it away.


So we cut to a hearing with people from the island explaining what happened. Professor Yaman suggests a scientific task force to go to the island to investigate the situation. As a vessel leaves, a number of passengers are surprised to see the reclusive doctor Siri Zawa. I knew that one. I listened to that one At the dock to see the expedition off. He's the guy with the eye patch. He's all snake, please.


You got an eye patch.


You're a badass, you got a doctor as well, Like you know, you know some stuff.


He's brave and has brains.


He has it all except for two eyes, except double vision.


So, as the island team, the team gets to work firstly, detect radiation around the ruined buildings and in their water wells and, like everybody's confused, like what are we supposed to do with water? We're just kind of screwed around this island.


We're also just going to. There's a radiation everywhere and everyone's just surrounding and like you know Like are there any dudes on or anything?


No, touching everything, nope.


Nothing. I was like guys like. You got one guy's like what have we learned?


Yeah, there's a series of huge shallow depressions are measured. It becomes apparent that depressions are giant footprints. In one of the depressions they find a trial, a little bite creature extent for extinct for millions of years.


So it's basically like a flea, like a Godzilla flea.


Yeah, essentially no, it's. What do you? Call those little, or are the?


Well, actually it's a Pokemon.


Yeah, that's exactly what I was thinking the whole time I was like oh, look it up, jason, you got to do force bro. Oh gee, over here. And so, as they're doing this, though, on the other side of the island and alarm sounds, a loud rhythmic thunder can be heard approaching. Many realize it's the same sound heard during the storm. The villagers start to climb the island central ridge to see what is going on.


And then, what do you see?


The big reveal the cutest little guy you ever did see.


Oh, that's the ones that are around today. Well, is it?


like maybe, maybe it's an ancestor to it. I don't know, good old yeah, who cares?


We are some zoologists up in here. What was? What do you call the ocean people?


Ocean people, aquarists.


Merrimo oceanographers?


I don't know, captain, what did you used to read back in the day? It was on another podcast.


Captain's Encyclopedia oh Nemo, Captain Nemo from the books.


No, just because you used to say that you like, you used to read.


Encyclopedia. Oh yeah, Such a huge fucking nerd.




Where's your underwear?


I'm going to put it over your head. But then we see a huge reptilian rears up and roars at the villagers and they all disperse. The villagers continue towards the creature, only to see it disappear into the ocean, leaving a series of tracks along the beach, because soon as it pops up, they're like GORGE. I mean, that's exactly how they all run away, and then they're like wait, no, let's go back.


Where did it go Like, oh, it's an initial fear. Then it's like wait, I think we could do something to it. Go back and fight.


So, Jason, this is the first time you saw it. What do you think of Godzilla? Did he look cool when his head popped up.


he looked like a sock puppet yeah.


He definitely was.


Oh, he was Okay.


Oh man, I saw it in me, so did your feet.


My girlfriend just looked at me like mmmm it was great, but still it's Godzilla. He's very bulbous, yeah yeah.


Yeah, it's definitely.


It looks like something drawn from like an eight year old or something, don't care, because it was still Godzilla.


The picture that they have on later. That is a lot better. Yeah, it's so funny.


They're like. That's not the picture you have from that.


That's not what we saw. This is the house fake, but they go to the outside, yeah.


And honestly I don't think this movie works if it wasn't for the roar right, yeah, that's true. Because he is really silly, looking, you know. Now I mean, then I'm sure it'd be like we've never seen anything like this, except for King Kong Mine.


Well, that's what I was trying to say here. It's like man, it's hard because it is older. I was like try and get that mindset and then like, when you're in the theater and you just see that and you're like oh, oh yeah.


Especially in like the first episode of Monarch Legacies, there's just really close up shot of Godzilla roaring, me and Ali look at each other like that's so cool and it's just like man. They really got the perfect look for Godzilla now. Even in the Toho version still now it's like man. They've just really perfected. I can't wait to watch Monarch.


Legas. Yeah, it's great they got the first two ups at that run.


Speaking of design, there'll be three outs at this point. Did either of you watch Shin Godzilla?


Yeah, Love Shin Zogela. Have you seen it? No, I didn't really own it.


So this design like me and my buddy Tyler watched it and oh, okay, cool, it's like more of a, it's a Toho one that came out. When did that one come?


out 16, 17, something like that. Oh, so in theaters it's a Toho one and it's basically like its own standalone story.


And when God's, I didn't know like at first. When he shows up, I was like that's Godzilla. And he's like eyes in it or like the way they did. It is kind of how they're googly eyes.


essentially, it's so creepy 2016.


When I saw it, I was like wow, he looks scary just because his eyes are like yeah, cause in this one they have, it's like, three forms, like it mutating over three times.


Yeah, it's really cool. I'll let you borrow it, jason, whenever I finish watching it, for minus one, which is why we're doing this episode. For minus one. Can't wait. What's minus one? It's the new Japanese Toho Godzilla.


It's coming out.


December 1st. It looks good, oh yeah. So I really like the trailer. It's going into a blind. I watched the trailer with Tyler today because he hadn't seen anything on it and he wanted to see the design of Godzilla. I really like the concept because it's apparently it takes place after World War II. Japan's economy is at zero and they're trying to recover, and then Godzilla shows up, so it puts them in the negative. So that's why it's called minus one.


Oh, dang Cool. So John Ulster's not good for the economy.


No, it is not, but it's funny because it's like Japan's getting attacked, it's like, but they didn't do any well. I mean, you know war and stuff, but it's like they just got bombed and it's like, oh, you got bombed here, I come. Now you're going to pay for that, like what why?


What? It's just a repercussion for radiation. I don't know. So we'll get back at a meeting convened to discuss the expedition's findings. Professor Yaman surmises Godzilla is a relic from the age of dinosaurs and has been disturbed by recent hydrogen bomb tests in the Pacific. He displays the trilobite and the radioactive sand found on the island as proof of his argument. One of the representatives wants to keep the information from the public, while some of them think they should say something. What is your opinion on that?


At first I thought that, um, that okay, maybe they were testing the H bomb, but I thought that Godzilla was an eight lead nuclear power. Basically like that's what it hit this breath was.


Yeah, well, they said, like the H bomb, testing is probably what gave it. I mean, I don't know, I'm thinking of like five different versions of Godzilla.


Yeah, I think he's supposed originally this is the version of him where he's this. It's nuclear testing radiation essentially took a took a dang old dinosaur and made him dangle. Well, I thought it was.


He was hidden away and the bombs woke him up, I guess he was like away in, like a little cavern, and then he absorbed the radiation so it was like a twofold. He got woken up and he's like oh, this, this is good.


I think I'm gonna stretch my legs a little bit. What's this over here?


It was a. You know how it's. This is obviously a fiction movies, because they have those pictures up there. No, this movie of dinosaurs we know dinosaurs aren't real.


That is true. Those bones are put there by bone fakers. No, actually, I don't know, I don't. Is there an? I know some of the monsters he fights are aliens, right? I think Ghidorah is an alien. Yeah.


Some like in the later ones.


Dang old three heads. He's supposed to be lizard.


Because in the King of the monsters they mentioned Ghidorah being like that's. He's not a natural predator here and that's why it's Godzilla wants to get rid of them, because it's like, no, you're not supposed to be here.


You're, you're. This is my house, my planet. Hey, get out of here, man. So newspaper reports claim that up to 17 ships have been lost because of Godzilla.


We see some civilians take talking about Nagasaki and whenever you see the newspapers, did you hear in your head 17 ships lost? Yeah, exactly, I thought it wasn't there. I'm so upset.


They actually have that in the American version. It sounds just like that when they a white guy's narrating. It's very funny. I'm like, oh okay, but yeah, we see some civilians talking on a bus about Nagasaki or train someone and how they don't want to evacuate like they had to. For that, a special agency is set up to look into ways to counter the creature. Before all international trade, national trade, is stopped with Japan, the Japanese Navy goes into action, doing like depth charges on the areas.


That's what those are. They're like firing off those depth charges. That was kind of cool.


I was wondering what that was like, but you don't even know where he's at exactly you just kind of just randomly say well, let's hope we hit him.


I know and it's, it's just so. I didn't know. I used the Geiger counter Like they were doing.


At the end, yeah, the very end, I was like well, you guys just kind of shooting randomly.


Basically everything was radioactive, though.


You're never going to find them, especially at that point. Yes, we see the zoologists. He's all like sad and moping and we hear that uh, uh Emiko and uh Ogato, or whatever his name is, they're talking. Is this a good time to ask your father for your hand in marriage? It's like no, there's a giant lizard. It's like later on they'll do it where. It's like hey, now's the time to ask the question. I'm like dude, what are you talking about?


I do feel like when they put the zoologists in there. It's always good perspective. It's like I don't think we should kill it. It's like I get you you know last of the species. But man, like I know your whole perspective, like we got to learn from it, it's better to do that Like did you see how tall this thing was From his?


perspective. It's like, especially nine years after, uh, the A-bomb. He's like no look, we are still suffering from this we need to find ways to counteract this radiation and maybe he's the answer. So for him it's like this could save thousands of lives. But also you can do that. Well, luckily, later, I think, he gets to the point where it's like oh so all of Tokyo's on fire, so okay, I guess. I guess I have to get in a little bit.


We got to study it. I'm like you give me that idea on how you plan to do that Cause?


um, this guy's radioactive. You can't throw, no, like smoke, sleeping gas like you did to King Kong.


This guy's not going to react to that.


I don't think we put a goat on a chain.


We wait. Yeah, we're going to Jurassic Park this nose cows.


We need cows Well in Jurassic.


Park, though there's a one scene where they just have like one goat.


I thought that was so funny. Like that goat would not even be really an appetite.


That guy here is still going to be hungry. I was speaking of noises from like giant reptiles. Uh, so me and Natalie you know we're just like on Instagram rules have you all heard like the real sound of like what a T Rex is actually supposed to make?


Yeah, it's like terrifying.


Yeah, it sounds like it's something you've just never heard before. You have to. We'll have to listen to it after this, okay.


It sounds like a horror, oh it's like that.


Oh, you mean like that's the rafters. I came here right now. I have to hear it it's barking.


I know I've seen where they should. They have like recreated the vocal, like chamber or whatever for some dinosaurs, and they try to recreate the sounds.


But no, I haven't heard that.


So cool yeah.


That's like where's that cool sign? Sounds like friend dresser.




I'm like so.


Just thought of that with an accent I'm coming through, excuse me, pardon me, dang Sorry.


So in Tokyo Bay, a pleasure boat full of party goers. See Godzilla. It's like the same people from the bus that we saw earlier.


What I'm confused is did they not shut like say hey guys, like you don't need to be going in the water.


Well, they decided not to tell anybody. Oh, that's right. I think that's the point of this. Right, I'm just going to evacuate. There are talks about evacuating, but they don't know what it is yet. That's what I gained from it. But Godzilla instead of attacking the boat, the creature seems intent on heading for shore. Professor Yaman struggles with the situation. He understands Godzilla needs to be destroyed, but feels the creature deserves to live. After all, it was man who disturbed and created the creature. He wants to understand what caused things to turn out the way it did. Bombs, yeah, Boom Bombs. Bad, Big bad. I will. Agata speaks to the professor Yaman's daughter, Emiko, and asked for her to try and talk to the professor Siri Zawa, who is rumored to have a device that could destroy Godzilla. Newspaper man Hagiwara asked if he can come along to get a better idea of the true story. This is a Galvanized patch.


How did? He was very secretive about it and he was how would they know, because it seems like he stayed in his thing like his little house.


So it's one of their brothers. It's not Emiko's brother or they're just like longtime friends because they talk about it being like he. She finds him to be like a brother to her.


Well, it made it seem like they were kind of together, but not because they were talking about like I'm going to tell them about us, I'm like wait.


I think it's Agata was brother. That's what I gained from it. Sorry, it's hard to take notes and read, read, so this is the first time. You know, I'm getting used to it. The reporter interviews Sarah Zawa, but he is puzzled at the reporter's questions. He denies such a weapon exists but refuses to say what he is really working on. Emiko waits for the reporter to go and then presses Sarah Zawa for more information. He relents and shows her what he is doing, but she has to be sworn to secrecy. First, the lab. Sarah Zawa shows her a process that turns a tank full of fishes to skeletons in mere seconds.


That scene. I don't feel like it was that hard. He was like I want to tell her so bad he was ready to tell someone. I want to tell you and that scene where he drops it in there and like she cuts away, screaming like what could have happened.


I know they. Actually they ended up using this in King of Monsters Sweet, what Don't you remember? Whenever they like, they drop a bomb in the sequel to 2014 Godzilla or 15 Godzilla, I can't remember that well, they dropped the bomb and, like all the fish, kind of float up to the water as an oxygen destroyer man. That it's funny. I was like, oh, it works better than a fifties version, cause.


I'm like, well, even then I was watching. It's like, okay, you couldn't do that, but I was like, if you made something like that when he was freaking out, it was like, if that like destroying all the oxygen in the water is like, oh my God, you really should not.


I mean it only be a few years until they're like how can we do this to destroy oxygen in the air and it immediately made me think of the Oppenheimer scene where he's like, oh, this could cause a chain reaction and just blow up the whole atmosphere.


Yeah, this is probably pretty bad. So Emiko is shocked and valid, but validates her promise to Sarah Zawa by not saying anything to Ogata. When she returns home, outside the house, siren sound and the trademark thundering steps can be heard from the in the distance. Godzilla nears the shore and the army opens fire with all heavy weapons they can muster. Ignoring the army's efforts, though, godzilla comes ashore, destroys the train that moves into the downtown area. After a protracted battle with the army, the monster destroys a major bridge before heading back to the sea. It was that before they put up the bob wire.


That's before.


This is the first time where he made it like in two what?


was he doing? He's just testing. Let's see what we got here.


He got tangled up in like the phone wires there yeah.


Well, I think it's. I think this is because this is how I saw it. It's like him as an animal. It's like, okay, well, I was just going to this island not doing much, just eating the fish around it. And then he eventually comes up on island and now they're bombing him in the water and he's like, oh well, now this is a threat.


Like I got to get up here and start destroying predators. Yeah, he's just testing out. He's like they filled the beach with Legos. He's like ow.


I'm going to destroy you all even harder now.


I love all the miniature stuff. Just watching a person in a suit destroy stuff because I love Power Rangers.


And I was just like man, it just seems so fun Just like, does it not? Doesn't? I want to do this. I want to be on a set like this.


I would love that. That's all my girlfriends I was. One of my dreams is to be in like a Megazord suit or Godzilla suit and just going around like, oh I can't wait, it's my favorite day on set. What are you going to do?


Destroy the set. Have you all ever seen Crank the Crank series Like with Jason Statham?


Yeah, have you all seen the second one? Yeah, just kind of barely remember it, though.


Do you remember the giant Godzilla fight in it, where it's like a giant Jason Statham and a giant Godzilla? No, no, you all have to watch it. Crank series are some of the funnest movies.


I've ever seen. I remember very problematic with the Crank. The one scene that sticks out was the one on the race track and he's like, oh, I got to get friction and stuff. And it starts boning in the middle of the horse track. You haven't seen it.


He boned the horse. No, no.


That sounds exciting.


So he has a poison in his veins so where, if his heart rate drops below a certain amount, he dies. So it's like speed yeah.


It's essentially him being cranked up. They're fun over the top actually.


He's pounding red bulls and stuff like that. And anytime he's losing he like shock himself and stuff like that.


It's so much fun.


It is fun for me to watch, I don't know.


You will be borrowing, my wife will hate it. Your wife will not only hate it, but may divorce you.


She'll see it and, like her eyes will open up and she'll be like now. I see it. I see why you like the long kiss, good night. And this, this opened my eyes.


Now we're closer.


Closer. Next morning newspapers are full of images and stories of the attack. It is noted that scientists from all over the world have begun flying in to help defeat the creature Quickly. It is decided to evacuate the coastal areas around Tokyo Bay. Once this is completed, an electrified barrier is to be built. It's hoped that it's hoped that by repeated electrocution, godzilla will be turned away and forced back into the sea permanently. They built that up pretty quickly. Yeah, pretty fast.


It's all those like electrical grids, this everywhere which I can believe, because I remember one video, I think it was in Japan a giant sinkhole happened and I mean like huge on a whole thing. They had that thing fixed within like a day.


This was here.


It would be there for the next five years, yeah, exactly.


And the train never stopped running, nope.


Always on time. We weren't even able to build that border. Oh my God, oh man.


Well, I think about the one sinkhole that we got here, like in between a couple of the towns, like between Murfreesboro and Manchester, and that hole was there for like two days and it wasn't even the size of the one I saw in the video. I was like it took you two days and then they're over here fixing this one within a day.


Yeah, they just filled it up with AOL online discs.


If they put no cues in it, you never have to worry about it.


So now we know what to do with our old cell phones, perfect, so I think this is a good idea. I mean, they've only, like, I guess, at this point they haven't shot it with anything, so they don't know what it could do, I'd see it being good, because you don't know like no go please.


You don't know how it's. You're basically testing like we think this should work, but I feel like I saw 50,000 volts and I was like I feel like that's not enough guys.


Yeah, I mean I take that for breakfast. Didn't they just shell the shit out of?


him. Yeah, I mean, I guess their idea was like oh, maybe we just didn't hit them.


Well, I mean, they just like we don't have anything strong enough, yeah.


They're testing like what can he take? And I guess at the time, like 10 years after the war, that would be like their max firepower.


Yeah, those artillery is like the strongest shit. Yeah, I think now it's like this is weak stuff they're using yeah.


So now that a plan of action is in place, a guitar would decides.


Now is a good time to ask professor Yaman for his daughter Emiko's hand marriage Ready, and you know why they're just like we gotta get married so we can get busy.


The zoologist is completely uninterested in the advance. He is consumed with the question about Godzilla. He wants to study Godzilla, not kill it. Frustrated, agatoa starts debating the zoologist. Ultimately he throws him out of the house, stashing Emiko's hopes. I mean, why now just wait and make sure you live? I just don't like I get.


I just I couldn't, like I feel bad for him, but I also like dude, like you see what this thing is doing like sometimes like I feel bad. I get it, but you can't reason with this thing except monster or monster. It's an animal and he's gonna do what he wants.


Emiko has this line after like the father storms how he's like something's come over Father's like yeah.


Godzilla dude, have you seen him? That's kind of big. She goes in the room and she's like father, father, father. He doesn't want to talk turns the light on father. He's like he just kind of looks like off to the side like I was in the dark. Please leave me alone. Tells her again before she leaves you yes, turn the light off.


It's like Glee, be alone, daughter. I'm brooding.


My new favorite lizard friend. You knew when you're growing up my favorite animal was the Komodo dragon.


Yeah, so at nightfall, godzilla is again seen heading for the shoreline, the newly installed electrical barriers charged and the army takes up position with heavy artillery and tanks. As Godzilla pauses at the barrier, the army sees its chance. Again and Again attacks. Godzilla responds by setting huge fires across the city with its two-day unseen radioactive breath.


Oh yeah, I love that he has it. It's just when he breathes it's like, oh, it's air compression. Yeah, it's so cool.


When in the very, I think it was. This is the first time he's used his breath power.


Yeah, yeah, this is what I thought it was ice power because it, like it, lights up the, the electrical tower thing. No, I first I did too yeah cuz it's, it's fog.


I was like, oh, we're gonna see like he's got different how he, like originally, just walked through all the stuff and then he's just like. This is too much of a tingling sensation. I'll show you. I feel like none of them mentioned like hey guys, um, he's not just big, he can Fire.


I think the electrical barrier is working at first and he's like hold on, wait, I forgot, I'm a radioactive dragon.


That was the electrical barrier, not like electrical cables that like normal cable, like just you know I mean.


Well, that's what they use for the electrical barriers.


They set up a bunch of lines and stuff to set multiple lines. That's what I thought. Yeah, I thought it was just like normal.


No, they powered it up and thank us. I feel like, what do you think after that? Just, I can't get over it. Okay, we shelled him, did you do anything? No, what about the barrier? He went through it. All right, do it slow down? Yeah.


It's like dang it. If only we had some sort of oxygen destroyer.


Oh, they made a good point. They're like oh yeah, we're gonna try and hurt it, in which sense is like he survived being bombed? Yeah, he made a good point. I was like you are very right on that, very right. And but none of them mentioned about like, well, maybe we should bomb him again with multiple and probably wouldn't survive it. And they were like, no, cuz, that would probably kill us all.


Yeah, so after they're realizing their plan has failed, the authorities indicate initiate code 129. This means rather than fight Godzilla there, they're only gonna concentrate on getting civilians out of harm's way. It's like you see this great shot of Godzilla in the background while like everything's on fire and you just see him in the background. We say a mother and a daughter in the streets about to burn up. To be with father soon.


Man. Those scenes like where he's going through it and just tearing that city up is like. I really love seeing those moments of like realistically, which is what I liked about the 2015 like. But is it legendary that it, or was it Warner Brothers, the? I don't remember, but like when he walks on, just walking out, and how much water he displaces and like floods a whole, like coast.


That's exactly what would happen, that's cool and I just love watching him actually destroy stuff, because I feel like in the later ones you don't see as much Destruction on the people and it's like. Godzilla's coming to vacuate.


What kind of the only human parts I want to see is them dying?


Yeah, there's the struggles and it's like yeah.


I was legendary and Warner Brothers. And then we see some reporters on a radio tower, tv tower, and that's getting destroyed. He's like he's coming right for us. There's no chance of survival. Well, this is it for me signing off.


I was like man yes, should have left already, but I felt like the dedication, like the commitment.


Yeah, and the people know yeah, I wish they would have like this bright light cut and then, like you don't see him, it cuts back. It's just like a skeleton with a head.


Yeah, yeah mean if now, like if that happened right now, they that would be like on top five. Scariest like TV broadcast ever. This guy got eaten by Godzilla.


You can watch the whole thing live. I'm pouring from inside Godzilla's mouth.


Yeah, he doesn't brush his teeth. It's very obvious.


That's what you say use some mouthwash because in the 98 one they go in his mouth.


God, I gotta watch that you need to.


It's like going back and watching it, because it's that moment like how you? Uh, what was that movie all the time about, with the werewolf in it? Oh, trick our tree. Yeah, there's scenes like the CGI and then there's other scenes like close-up, because that was like a real mouth scene, like a real set that they had where the car was in the mouth nice. Oh, why do you see the whole movie?


That's the thing with that movie, man. When they go to the CGI it's so rough. It does not hold up that, like in my area of. Cgi, just not my child like mine remembers it looking so good. I'm so scared to watch it now.


I there's so many scenes that happen because in my head it turned it into like real props. I because because the a lot of the baby dinosaurs in it are real. Yeah, they're in the scenes like, certain scenes are close-up, a real, I put that as well.


A lot of the special effects where I remember people hating, like the Gumball scene where they're all sliding around, I'm like I could, I could see. As a kid I thought that was the coolest thing ever yeah, but I watch it like.


This is like.


I had my little Godzilla babies like. Like action figures, like running around slipping all over the house. I was like man, this rules. It's gonna all be ruined now if I watch it. So as the plan takes effect. A wing of Japanese fighter craft and this is when the score comes up, and it's so good try to distract the creature. Unexpectedly, the attack seems to work and Godzilla retreats back to the waters.


So yo babe was at the scene with, like the jets were shooting missiles and every single one missed him.


Well, I think they're they're just trying to like distract them and make them run away.


I guess well, godzilla's heading Through the city, so all those missiles that are flying by are just hitting the seas like that's what I thought too.


I was like what are we doing, are y'all?


trying to hit it, cuz y'all are like he's a big guy, you should every single missile missed.


And then we cut to the rescue efforts. They switched to high gear but the sheer numbers of wounded, many suffering radiation sickness, completely overwhelming the hospitals. You have. This, really guy goes up to like the little girl and this is like got your counter, oh but once you like see that, you realize how much radiation they have.


I'm like these are the scenes out, like I was like, oh man, this the destruction of Godzilla's really good to see.


And especially I felt bad for all the people who are displaced and just well, especially whenever you think about like oh, this is just essentially them using this, the horrors of the Nuke. Like they're just like, oh hey, we're just gonna put what you would have seen then in the hospitals.


Then here now walking nuclear bomb of what he did.


It sucks that we are humans and we do. Despite their best effort, the government knows there is little hope for survivors Seeing the carnage, emiko emiko confesses to Agata what she really saw in the professor's lab. There really is a way to destroy the creature. She goes on to describe how Sarah's a wa Drops the device into a tank of fish. Seconds later all the fish were just skeleton. Sarah's a explain how the device sucks all oxygen from the water, causing any living creature caught by the process to liquefy instantly. He is terrified about what he created and only wants to unveil it when that he finds a positive way to use it. He would rather die than reveal his gruesome discovery.


I don't know what he was planning to do. That would be a positive thing on it, because it's destroying oxygen.


I Don't know maybe if one day there's too much too much too much oxygen in the air.


I mean to be able to do that with something also he just throws in the water, because in my head I think it's just like a powder Instead of like whatever this little ball is like. If he created something like that, the amount of energy that thing would be producing to. Vaporize all the oxygen in the water is like you have something that is ridiculous.


I mean, this is like a chemical reaction, right? I mean, if you look at the extreme. If you look at the a bomb. It's a bomb.


That's what they do.


But the chemical reaction just look at how I guess it's because it's Oppenheimer Like what the experiments they had to do to get that kind of thing, and he just did it in his basement. I'm like, yeah, you are very scary scientists.


You can do so. You're gonna eye patch. He's better than everybody.


So if you lose an eye, become like he's cool evil genius smart, makes sense, makes sense.


Look, snake Plisken, with two eyes, wasn't as good until he lost that eye and he escaped from New York. And then he's like, hey, guess what now?


The only best snake.


There's a.


Sometimes the copy can be better than the original a lot of in military vehicles now there's this system where they to stop fires and vehicles.


They will fires this chemical into the vehicle that that basically takes all the oxygen out. So you have to get out or you will die. You will die. But like I didn't know that, that's how they stopped the fire. They just removed the oxygen.


In like a tank or like a?


Yeah, tanks, because I know they're very like sealed in there. Yeah, like the Bradley fighting vehicles, basically any large like vehicle.


That's not like a truck Holy crap, Jason that real scary.


It was real that real.


you just said all that. It's a perfect podcasting. I'm gonna give you the podcasting award. It's a golden microphone, I don't know.


I was always so scared of those things.


Yeah, I would be terrified because If they go off you don't, are they in the car, yeah, or the vehicle? They just in there.


Yeah, there's like the canister that contains the stuff and then it has several canisters throughout, depending on how big the vehicle is Like. If you fire that thing off, you gotta get the fuck out.


I would be terrified if I'm not functioning. Have you seen one?


fire. Yeah, we had to do it just to see it as training. That's so cool and terrifying.


I was terrified.


Could you imagine that's like going in space.


Like how all your oxygen is just gone. Well, also, like no one can hear you screaming there, you know why.


If you watch Superman, he was able to talk to the spacemen right when he saved them. Yeah, but here's Space.




Hey what does?


Space Mouth do I woke?


up with Space Mouth. That was terrible. Take a break.


It's like ugh, I'm fired. So hearing this, agatoa and Emiko, god, I'm losing it man.


He's cringing every time he tries to say something.


It sucks because like I had it before we started in the podcast, and that's what makes me so mad. So they agreed to confront Sarazawa. I got that one down and convince him to use his discovery. Sarazawa counters that to reveal that the weapon to the world would unleash a force greater than even the atomic bomb. The only difference is the oxygen destroyer could ultimately kill all mankind, but according to Jason, we already use it and it's not that big.


Well, I mean we use it now. I don't know about back then.


Yeah, Well, the thing is like he's, because if you got one and if somehow someone wanted to destroy, like, oh, they're near a coastline, well, let's destroy. That's their way of food. And it's like oh well, if you make it too big, you could destroy so much marine life. Because if you destroy it, like if it's, just too strong and it just you can just destroy the whole ecosystem of ocean. Yeah, so I understood his fears. We can't do it. It's like did you watch TV about what Godzilla was doing?


So Sarazawa is concerned that once the weapon is used he wouldn't be able to, like you know, can't go back in time. It's like everybody's gonna know about it. So Sarazawa is torn by his choice, but he cannot see any way to resolve it. He catches a sight from the TV of people all over the country praying that Godzilla won't return. He realizes he must act and deploy the weapon.


Yeah, he's gonna go underwater with it.


And then he like starts destroying his data and all of this equipment and old broads' dislikes in there, just really had struggled in with the fact that she had to tell the secret and she's all crying and everything.


Lady, it's okay, I mean it's okay, well, this is the whole like I broke my promise and on her thing and everything. But what about? Like the fight that the two dudes had? Yeah, it cuts away. Then, all of a sudden, he's just on the ground like what?


What's his head? What happened? Yeah, I guess he just knocked his head on in cabinet.


I did notice like a little bit with that actress. I don't know if she just couldn't keep it together. There's like she's trying to be serious and like like she was trying to fight Sometimes she kind of smiled yeah, I saw that. And if you notice, like any time there's some like cause there's hard cutaways and it's mainly with her and I'm wondering if it's because she couldn't like my be, maybe just like she couldn't stop from smiling.


I have the problem that when people are telling me super serious things, sometimes I have to start smiling and I'm just like.


well, no, no, like that, I'll just, I'll just kind of like start.


I'm like, wait, is my mouth starting to move up? And I'm like, oh God, I can't control my face. So, at at sea, a ship with Agatoh and Sarazawa aboard, a ship mounted with a Geiger counters, and they end up locating Godzilla. Agatoh prepares to make the dive to deploy the weapons. Sarazawa insists he goes with him. Actually reverse that they only have one chance and one weapon, so it has to be done properly. Reaching the ocean floor, they find Godzilla resting. He's taking a big ol' snooze and he begins to work to deploy the weapons. Sarazawa unexpectedly signals Agatoh to return to the surface. Reaching the surface alone, he realizes that he's been duped and Sarazawa's solution was to die deploying the weapon. Did he have to? Yeah, well, he didn't want to.


He wanted to.


He didn't want anybody else to figure out how to use the oxygen destroyer.


Cause he mentions he was like they could coerce me into it. He's like they could. So he wanted to die with it and I went in with that and I was like you know, could you not get him to eat it?


Just throw it in his mouth.


Yeah, I mean he destroys all the oxygen and most of our bodies are water and Godzilla's huge and they just put it like made him like dude is like well, here's some fish.


And let him eat that and it activates in him.


He just like, okay, cool Godzilla didn't have to destroy it, cause that whole part of that ocean is screwed.


You know what they were doing in the 98 version? Well, they had a pile of fish.


No, they were doing that to distract him so they could start firing weapons on him and the military was like we don't know how big he is, like can you tell?


Do you not see his?


footprint. I guess they just couldn't imagine it.


Cause he's all the way to the beat in him. Maybe he's like clown Godzilla and he's just got really big feet, he's not that big. With one final message. Sarah Zawa tells Agatoa that the weapon worked and he hopes that he and Emiko will be happy together. The weapons effects envelop Godzilla. The creature struggles for a time For sinking to the bottom, uttering one final defiant roar. Moments later, nothing remains but a skeleton. Within minutes, this has gone to. Where's the nuts Dang? Did you see it happen?


Then he cut his own oxygen tube. Yeah.


So I mean he not only probably didn't he drowned, but he also suffocated because of all the air going away. It's like, man, you just gave yourself a bad death. Just feel like dang, he's gonna die, double die.


Yeah, On board the ship, Professor Yaman considers the concept that there must be more Godzilla's out in the depths of the ocean. If man continues these experiments with atomic weapons, chances are extremely high Another Godzilla will return to once again threaten our civilization. And it was true because one year later, Bomb the oceans.


We bomb the ocean. Bomb all the oceans and dump all our trash in it, which is something I didn't realize.


How much like bomb testing happened after what happened with the.


Like a fucky and all those, yeah, like all those bombs, all the white sands.


Yeah all I didn't realize how much testing had happened through all those years, cause I started looking into the bombs after Oppenheimer and I was like, oh my Lord everybody was testing bombs, one person.


they were like wait, america has it. Now we all have to have it, otherwise we're screwed in America. It was.


it was literally like I think Russia had created a bomb that was more powerful than the bomb we had dropped, so then it literally was erased to make more powerful, more and more powerful bombs.


I was like oh terrible, that's all we do. It was fun.


We have to be more powerful than you. We got big bombs. Now what? How about we just see who can hug bigger? Hug it out, bitch. Our leaders just need to hug each other and whoever passes out first loses.


Oh, we need to do the cliche thing. It's like you were fighting with your sibling too much. Get in the shirt until you two can get along.


That's what we need to do with world leaders. What is this, though? Dakota Getting the shirt.


Yeah, they put like a big shirt on you and you have to like.


You've never seen part of that cliche.


I've never done this.


I've heard of this oh, it's an old timey way, of brothers.


So you'd have to be like nipple to nipple with your brother.


It's a big shirt that stretches out and they're just like shoulder to shoulder, shoulder and they're not chest to chest. No, it's just like you have to learn to get along here.


Some brothers, you're stuck in the shirt, kind of like a three-legged race type deal, yeah, something like that.


Like you got to learn to work together and all that and get along, yeah, just sitting like you're sitting here and thinking I can't wait to go home and do this to my kids.


Do this to my kids immediately.


Oh my God, like I saw one you could put on there like the the the togetherness shirt.


Oh, I love it. Look out children.


So how many radioactive breaths do you give this? Five out of five or?


four out of five radioactive breaths. Yes, because it's the classic Godzilla.


Hell. Yeah, it was so cool, it was fun. Yeah, it was a fun watch.


It's a little little rough if you watch it a little sleepy. You know I did that but, I, managed to power through.


There's the middle part where it's just like okay, I actually did fall asleep watching them this morning.


I understand it was older movies, so it's like it's a human element, but at least the human element I.


I, it was okay yeah.


You have to really like. Just look at it from nine years after.


Which is funny to think because their human element wasn't that bad. But if I think of like the 2015 one, it's like I just don't want to see any of it the 2015 one.


they just I mean, there's something where that was Gareth Evans, gareth Evans yeah.


So something about him cause he did Rogue one, the creator. Oh yes, something that he is very good at is scale with his CGI. There's something just better about his CGI. I don't know if you all ever seen the movie monsters it's about. It's this old, it's an indie movie and it's essentially these giant like squid creatures. It's a really good movie. I think it's on something. I loved it. That's how I got to know him. And then I was like then I heard that he was doing Godzilla. I was like, oh my God, there's never been someone better in this. But even in monsters it's all about kind of like. There's very few monsters but there's a lot of like he knows how to do it.


Human elements, which is good, because that's the problem with it. Was he the one who did the 2015 one, or he did the King of Monsters?


He did 2014. Michael Doherty, the guy that did Trick or Treat, did the sequel.


Oh yeah, I'd swear, I really like it.


But the thing is like so I do like the sequel, but they just with the CGI it's they lost the scale of Godzilla. I feel like that's the cool thing, like if you just think of any of the shots, even though there's limited shots, like whenever he's on the train in Hawaii and then you see him like clashing and then it cuts through them on the news but like that one shot, it's like that's how it'd be.


Yeah, that's right it doesn't yeah, cause I mean, in the next King of the Monsters are so many big ones. Yeah, and you kind of lose the scale the fear of how big they are.


That's what I did, like the the ship battle with God Delivered versus Kong. Do you see that one?


Yeah, I have not seen that one, that's the newest one, that one's?


no, it's not as good as King of Monsters, I think. But it's just fun to watch, cause it's like there's definitely really goofy human parts that go over the top with it. Oh, that's the part I loved, but it's so good, I loved it. I've loved all of it. They do hollow earth stuff conspiracy in it.


They go to the whole earth. It's great, oh cool.


But like the, there's the ship battle which is so good in King of God, Delivered it's the best part of the movie.


It is so cool, I loved it how big Kong is like fighting on like the giant freighter that they're using to deliver him Ozzie, like surfing on it. Yeah, he's just kind of like laying on it. And then Godzilla comes up and it's like the first battle. It's so good, that's awesome. So we're going to head to our category it's the good, the bad, the ugly, the fine. And it's where we discuss what we liked about the movie the good, what we didn't like about the movie the bad, what we don't think aged well, the ugly, what we think aged well, the fine. And anybody want to start us off.


With us the good, the good, just Godzilla, and like the standard. I feel like it's set for monster movies Later on, because even the Kong was out and there was a few there. But I feel like Godzilla is why it's so well known.


Well, the Kong movie was like all stop motion and stuff like that.


I just feel like Godzilla set a standard for a monster movie.


That was the first thing with super power, yeah, I love it.


My good is probably going to be my age. Well to the sound and music was great.


The music and the roar of Godzilla Hell yeah, still iconic it's still and it's funny because like watching this is like man. That roar is still like the basis of like other gods.


It's the best roar Fucking awesome Like it's. Nothing beats that roar. Because now it's, you know, we just have technology to do it and it's. You can just tell. It's like oh, this is like a perfectly generated monster roar. This one, it's like, Feels real. You know, it's not like a creature's roar but it's like it's this.


And once you find out, they made it with a glove.


Yeah, some leather gloves in the base, so cool.


I'll see it and like Godzilla, he's roaring, he's got a little glove and just throw.


So the bad. What do you got for bad, jason? I mean?


the a couple of times you look at Godzilla like there's one point where he turns away and walks away and like one of his spine things is like flapping yeah.


So the fact that, like the, sock puppet head that comes out.


That was kind of it's just funny and like.


His eyes are constantly changing depending on what yeah, I thought that was like oh, you could tell which one's just like the sock puppet one, you have the boldy eyed sock puppet one with the white eyes, and then you got the dark one, the dark eyed one, which looks probably the best one, I think.


But you same. Yeah, that's exactly probably what it is. They don't know things. Maybe just some of the no, I guess I would be it. I can't really think of the other thing that I thought of, but I think that was pretty much.


All right, what did Nigel mine?


Nuclear bombs. Nuclear bombs. Yeah, is that okay, there's this one part where Godzilla comes out of the water and he's wearing like this chugger hat with a confederate flag.


Oh yeah, I kind of blocked that out, you know, didn't want to bring it up.


Oh, I probably love it. He's the best.


We're in this the best era we've ever been, because, you know, I'm the one leading it.


Some people say nukes bad, but it created Godzilla, nukes good. All right something that aged well. How do we not have five of these over here?


I think it's because the like oh, we have to do all CGI is like you know. I would not care if he came out with a suit again and like because of how good like sets can be. Yeah, it could look so good, I would. I would totally watch another was like we're doing another Godzilla film, but it's a suit again, because how good the suit could be and just watch me destroy stuff.


I would love it. That's what I love about Pacific Rim. I was like, oh my gosh, we're gonna get so many monster movies now because this movie was so fun and good and then it didn't they. It was like three years after the first one, they just came out with a sequel that was half-hearted. I never saw it.


It wasn't a game of the tour, wasn't a part of it. And he came out recently said like I think he reason he didn't return is because of too much stuff they were trying to change and they're just gonna try to make it a franchise, yeah. I was like oh, pacific Rim, like if this does really well, maybe we'll get like a Godzilla crossover. That's what.


I'm so, that's why I love this like monarch legacies.


I'm like oh my god, fine, yes, we don't do enough monster like major monster movies, oh yeah.




Let's see, yeah, show us what he can really do, and you're just gonna have to have a like Guillermo Toro. You gotta have a big director. That's like I want to do a monster movie. It's the only way we're gonna get it made.


Yeah, and what that's?


what sucks is like I want unless unless unless you have the name Godzilla, but it's like I don't know. Give me Gamora or Gamera the turtle.


He's good though.


Yeah, I know, but give me something I would be. I would be fine with any. Give me all of them.


I mean any kind of monster movie can stay like sci-fi once now we get is like shark to push versus crocosaurus.


Jason Statham writing on a giant.


That's what we get for giant monster movies now. Oh yeah, I'm egg.


Well, since we've been talking about monster movies, what's everybody's double feature for this?


The episode of Mmm the TV show, where they there's like the town, it's got like the town, they live in a box house, like a fake house. Hmm, it's okay. Jesus show. Okay the rest of development.


Yeah okay.


So there's one part where they have all these Japanese investors coming, oh, and they look at this, the model that they built. What guys dressed up as a robot and the other guys dressed up as a dinosaur? And they start fighting in the models.


We just watched it this year, that's right. Ah, so watch that episode.


Why you, dakota, I had to be Pacific Ram. That was like the next, that was like mine are more, because that came out before Godzilla came out, yeah right, so when that came out, man, we're returning to like giant monster movies and it's definitely bro, you're missing the most important one clover feel.


Clover feels was fucking you know what? Sucks about clover feel the most is how they were in the franchise Feel blame. No, I love clover feel Lane. That was great. It obviously wasn't a clover feel movie until they added the last minutes of it but, um, like we were just watching a little bit of the American version of the original Godzilla. How did we just not kind of do that with this movie?


like, the night it attacks.


Why didn't we have just different perspectives? Why don't we go the army perspective that would have been.


It didn't have to be found footage, it could have been. Yeah, I would have preferred, because I love that's what I like about the. It's just mysterious. You don't know what's going on and I want to see. I'm just one of those people. I want to see a lot of the monster and we could have just copied that and it would have been a great like homage to the original Godzilla.


Yeah, and is this too much like the JJ Abrams?


Shaky cam.


Oh god, well, I love that I'm a. I'd love found footage movies.


I do too, but I'm just a sucker to all of them. I know when you do that footage you have to shake because it wouldn't really have it, but please, I don't want to get the guy that doesn't have.


Like what is it Parkinson's?


I don't get it like. I don't understand why it just became like oh, now there's UFOs and aliens and now we're doing this whole like space Stuff. It's like, hey, you know, it's cool about giant monsters, it's when they attack the cities, yeah so is that?


that's all they could have like. It would have been cool If it was like clover field, like the marketing campaign was the shaky kid cam footage. That would have been cool and then do like the Godzilla part with the actual movie. Yeah, that's been cool.


Hell yeah so that's it, that's all right.


Awesome, I can't wait to watch more Godzilla. So what I'm gonna?


do. Oh well, what's our next film? I guess we're in the Christmas season. I was kind of thinking, uh, maybe Grimlins.


Ever, seen.


Krampus, I have some cramp. I like it.


Okay, so everybody's in Gremlins. Should we just go to Gremlins too, oh?


That one is a it's definitely not is to banger. It's not serious. Is the first one Serious, but I said, the first one silly is this one goes more silly with it, and I do like that. Have you seen it?


I haven't seen it since I was like 10.


They all start drinking weird stuff and changing, and I can't wait for some of those ones you see again. Wait. So, do you want to do Gremlins one or Gremlins two?


Jason, okay man, I'd love to revisit them both, man, just I don't remember a shit about them.


I guess if you watch the second one, you're gonna talk a lot about the first one.


Maybe we should just do the first one, and then next year we can do the second one, both double feature no, that's too much work for me.


I can't do it. We'll see the first one. What is the first? Gremlins, okay, and then we'll go to this Maybe. Well, the next week we'll do Gremlins. See what I know We'll see cool. Um, I'd like to thank Joey Prosser. Wait, no, frag it at that. So we have an email set up. It's the we recommend mail bag. You can send us emails that can ask questions. You can talk about the movies that we've talked to, or if you just want to Like give us some feedback, we may say it on the podcast. So we'll say, like your first name, or if there's something you want to like. I don't know.


Whatever name you want us to give us or whatever and we'll just get sorry way of talking to you through the podcast. That sounds really fun. Thank you for Joey Prosser for producing our intro and outro music. You can follow him on X at Mr Joey Prosser If you'd like to follow us on social media or follow us on another platform. If you're listening on Spotify and you want to listen to us on Amazon, then go to our link tree. At link tree, forward slash. We recommend podcast and that's great.


Review us right and review us stars.


Tell your friends, post us on social media or whatever, and just be like listen to this, you idiots, I don't know. And there's like you listen to us on good pods or whatever, like put us on your list or whatever, I don't know but cool, this little podcast.


they talk about movies and it's fun just to hear them talk about it.


Yeah, because we sound handsome and we sound handsome my second time on the podcast.


I had that strong realization of hearing my own voice for the first time, and I was very upset.


I'll try to make your voice a little deeper.


Swear to me.


Get over here.


Could you get over here, but thanks for joining us. Don't Shoot nukes into the water, y'all. This has been weak recommend. I'm Jesse Jason.


I'm Dakota.


See you next week. Bye you.

Discussion on Godzilla Movies
Godzilla's Creation and Production Challenges
The Mystery of Godzilla's Attacks
Discussing Godzilla Movie Designs
Godzilla's Origins and Potential Destruction
Godzilla's Power and Failed Military Plan
Discussion on Godzilla and Destruction
Godzilla and the Oxygen Destroyer
Monster Movies and Double Features Discussion
Fun Movie Talk on Podcast

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