We Recommend: A Movie Podcast


December 22, 2023 Jesse and Jason Episode 31
We Recommend: A Movie Podcast
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We Recommend: A Movie Podcast
Dec 22, 2023 Episode 31
Jesse and Jason

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Ever found yourself choked up by the cinematic warmth of "Elf" during the holidays? You're not alone. This week's episode is a holiday treat, unwrapped with care as we share our tradition of watching Buddy's sugary antics and discuss the laughter and unexpected tears it elicits. We're giving props to Jon Favreau for his directorial magic and chatting about the comedic genius of Will Ferrell. From behind-the-scenes trivia to the real effects of a candy-crammed diet, join us for a heartfelt homage to a film that's nestled itself firmly into our Christmas traditions.

Do you have a list of Christmas movies that veer off the beaten path? We're serving up a buffet of Yuletide flicks that range from the darkly comedic "Krampus" to the mischievously fun "Gremlins," and yes, we're wading into the "Die Hard" debate with bells on. Our stroll down holiday movie lane includes a nod to the lesser-known gems that deserve a spot in your seasonal lineup. Plus, we're taking a merry detour to explore the mythical origins of Santa Claus and follow Buddy's heartwarming quest from the North Pole to the Big Apple, complete with all the magical chaos you'd expect.

As the snow settles on our festive episode, we let our imaginations fly with speculations on "Elf" sequel scenarios that just might become your next holiday fantasy. From the dramatic showdown with Central Park Rangers to the community's chorus that could lift the heaviest of sleighs, we're unpacking the climactic scene that caps off Buddy's adventure. So, pull up a chair, pour some hot cocoa, and join us for a conversation that's as cozy as an elf-sized Christmas sweater. Remember to keep the holiday cheer going long after the credits roll, and we'll catch you next week for another lively discussion—just maybe leave the syrup out of your coffee this time.

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Music produced by Joey Prosser. @mrjoeyprosser on X

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Ever found yourself choked up by the cinematic warmth of "Elf" during the holidays? You're not alone. This week's episode is a holiday treat, unwrapped with care as we share our tradition of watching Buddy's sugary antics and discuss the laughter and unexpected tears it elicits. We're giving props to Jon Favreau for his directorial magic and chatting about the comedic genius of Will Ferrell. From behind-the-scenes trivia to the real effects of a candy-crammed diet, join us for a heartfelt homage to a film that's nestled itself firmly into our Christmas traditions.

Do you have a list of Christmas movies that veer off the beaten path? We're serving up a buffet of Yuletide flicks that range from the darkly comedic "Krampus" to the mischievously fun "Gremlins," and yes, we're wading into the "Die Hard" debate with bells on. Our stroll down holiday movie lane includes a nod to the lesser-known gems that deserve a spot in your seasonal lineup. Plus, we're taking a merry detour to explore the mythical origins of Santa Claus and follow Buddy's heartwarming quest from the North Pole to the Big Apple, complete with all the magical chaos you'd expect.

As the snow settles on our festive episode, we let our imaginations fly with speculations on "Elf" sequel scenarios that just might become your next holiday fantasy. From the dramatic showdown with Central Park Rangers to the community's chorus that could lift the heaviest of sleighs, we're unpacking the climactic scene that caps off Buddy's adventure. So, pull up a chair, pour some hot cocoa, and join us for a conversation that's as cozy as an elf-sized Christmas sweater. Remember to keep the holiday cheer going long after the credits roll, and we'll catch you next week for another lively discussion—just maybe leave the syrup out of your coffee this time.

To follow us on Social's or listen on another platform follow the link!

Music produced by Joey Prosser. @mrjoeyprosser on X


Hello and welcome to the we Recommend podcast, a movie podcast where every week we recommend a movie for you to watch and then come back here and listen to us discuss. I'm Jesse, I'm Jason and you sit on a throne of lies because this week we recommend Elf. So I have seen this movie since 2003. Every single year, a billion times. I mean it's like because usually on Thanksgiving someone puts it on, and then on Christmas it's on, and then it's always on something in between those two times. And it's like I realized that when I was taking notes. I don't think I've ever paid attention to the movie Elf, because this time, watching it, I was an emotional wreck.


I was like whoa, what is?


this. I just did my feelings. What's going on at this ending here, everybody's singing.


I'm just like Santa's real Baby comes out of the sack.


Santa's real. He's real. Everybody's realizing it.


Do you want to know this? I am so glad this movie was made because it takes the place of one of those old, shitty Christmas movies that you have to watch every year?


Yeah, like the 500 that exists.


Yes, yeah, definitely, it can at least take one of their spots, and it's like perfect because it's in that time where Will Ferrell was just like banger after banger. It was great and it's just like he's at the like he's entering his height of just where everyone loves Will Ferrell and what he does and I love Will Ferrell and what he does. Yes, I think this movie helps kick off the Marvel Cinematic Universe. What? Because without this movie, we probably don't get John Favreau doing Iron man, which is John Favreau is the one that directed this movie.


He also does.


Mandalorian, the Jungle Book, the New Lion King. This is his first movie. No, I think he did Swingers, if I'm not incorrect, but I can't actually. I can't actually Interesting. Did you ever see his movie Chef? That's where he's a chef.




It's like is this a food truck? It's like him and his son on a food truck and they just like go around. Dude, it made me it was. I went out and bought a food truck, no, a Panini maker, because they make sandwiches and it just.


They look so delicious.


So I love my. Your boy loves his Panini. So the movie stars Will Ferrell playing Buddy James Kahn. Rip. This is the rest in peace, baby. The thief himself, I don't know he died, he's in Godfather, he's a gangster. We lost the gangster. You know, you got Bob Newhart you got the crossroads, papa Elf.


Wait who? Bob Newhart is Papa Elf yeah, you got Zoe Dejanelle is Jovi Weird old name. Love Zoe Dejanelle. It's great, and she's not even like super bubbly in this one, which is kind of what the crap she gets now because of New Girl. It's like she didn't always play that same character. And then you got Edward Asner, who plays Santa Mary Steinberg, who played Emily, which is the mom yes, he's wonderful. Faizon Love is the Gimbal's manager. I love that guy.


He's like my favorite character in the whole movie.


He just gets so mad. Peter Dinklage yes, the smile is Finch. Amy Sedaris love her as Deb. You got Andy Richter as Morris. Kyle Jax those are like the two writers. Yeah, great, just an amazing, amazing cast. Just banger after banger. Hell yeah, it's really great.


So when was the first time you watched this movie? The fucking long ass time ago, I don't know. I think you saw it. I saw it in theaters.


Really Honestly, Lucky, I've been so much fun to watch in theaters. I don't remember it, but you don't remember it. Yeah, I don't remember. So is this like a movie you love or is it just like yeah, it's an okay holiday movie.


Yeah, I mean, at first it was incredible, it was funny, it was new, you know.


It was like all Christmas movies where it's like dude seriously.


Yeah, if I was, I think, a bigger fan of Christmas, I would remember more. Yeah.


But I do.


I just we've watched it every year for the past like 20 fucking years.


Yeah, pretty much right. I don't know. I guess you know, every time someone puts on elf, I'm like okay, here we go.


But then is this Like yes, I can sit through this and I see the narwhal come up. Bye, buddy, hope you find your dad, and it's like this is so funny and all the other animals run for their lives.


And then he finds a raccoon and attacks him and makes a monkey noise for some reason. Right, it's just him eating it. Just, I don't know Just him eating gum.


Wow, putting the syrup on the spaghetti, yeah.


That's right. World's best cup of coffee, it's like it's the best. I don't know, love it, love it. Okay, so we'll get some, some facts. The belch, the giant burp that he did after drinking the soda pop, yeah, so that was not Welfarelle's belch actual bill.




Pretty obvious, but it was over. It was recorded by Maurice Lamarck, better known as the voice from Brain, from Pinkie and the Brain. Wow, you did it.


Yeah, I loved Pinkie.


Can you tell it's so obvious, is definitely the brains burp, you know? Yeah, I guess.


Everybody knows what the brains burp sounds like.


Were you a big Pinkie and the Brain fan. Yeah, yeah, I watch it like every day on Nickelodeon. It's great. So, welfarelle, he got sick from eating too much sugar, oh God. So we see him like eating like a crazy amount of sugar in the movie Spaghetti and the maple syrup.


Yeah, and it's like M&Ms and Skittles in it or whatever. So Farrell actually ate most of the sweets depicted, and he told the son in an interview that this led him to suffering from terrible headaches and insomnia because of his character's horrendous diet. Oh Jesus, so I wouldn't even think that you'd get insomnia from eating it, but I guess if you're having too much sugar, you just can't sleep.


I guess, and I mean, you may be a method actor, but you don't actually have to eat this candy. Oh no, they have to. They have to.


You know I have to consume it. I know from like listening to a lot of podcasts where actors like cover their own shows or the movies. Eating is their least favorite thing. I remember listening to the Office Ladies, where Pam and Angela those two actors they just cover each episode weekly and it seems like the thing they hate most is when they have to eat cake or candy, because every time if they mess up and they laugh during the thing, they have to restart with a brand new piece of cake and they have to eat it again. So like by the time that they're done with their day, they're like I'm so sick of candy or cake and it's just like oh, this had to be a nightmare on this because, like, of course, will Ferrell is going to make everybody laugh he's hilarious, so he's going to have to retake all the time. Oh man.


Yeah, I'll be sick too. I can't handle it.


So the New York montage was completely improvised. Awesome. Several days of filming included only Ferrell and director John Favreau and a single cameraman. They captured a montage of Buddy doing various things when he arrives in New York and offered cash to buy centers to act as extras. Some cases they surprised someone passing by and asked their permission to use footage after including the man in the red sweats and pull over whom Buddy mistakes as Santa.


You're not Santa.


Yeah, the guy's reaction was like what yeah? He looked pissed, yeah, he was like that's probably not his first time that day being called Santa in New York. That's like what New York's known for. So the throne fight. You sit on a throne alive and you fight Santa. It had to apparently be done perfectly the first time. So because they had all that stuff put together.


it was going to take way too long to fix it and toss too much money to re-put everything back together where it's supposed to be. So the scene could only be done once. The time and resources it would take to recreate the production design were deemed too large for the movie to risk having it to do it multiple times, so the pressure was on everyone to get it done right the first time it's pretty crazy. No pressure, and it's really not even that big of a fight. It's just mainly tackling it.


Yeah, it's just rolling and getting up and like he pulls out the bat, or was it a pole?




The best of his pole, so Jim Carrey was originally supposed to be Buddy. When Elf was in development, the original goal was for Jim Carrey to play Buddy. However, carrey turned down the role. Carrey's famous comedy movies in the 90s included Ace, ventura, dumb and Dumber, and all that won the attention of the elf people. By the time Elf was finally ready to begin filming, carrey had already turned his attention to New Christmas movie, how the Grinch Dwell Christmas, and Will Ferrell had taken over the role after rewrites and a new creative team came aboard.


I couldn't see Jim Carrey as Buddy.


It'd be too much.


I think his face is too serious when it wants to be.




I guess maybe I completely agree.


I don't know, just Jim Carrey's. I just don't think it'd work in this world. No, there's also a little bit of meanness sometimes with Jim Carrey's comedy. Yes, like a lot of his movies, he's just really mean, which is why he's perfect for Grinch. Yeah, a movie, I don't care about what. Yeah, I don't care about the Jim Carrey.


I like it amazing as the Grinch.


No, yeah, he's great in it, it's just man. That's a movie where when it's put on, I'm like, no, it's another movie I've watched a thousand times, but that one, just it, doesn't see it here. I don't watch it as much.


I'm pointing to my heart for everyone to know. It's just right there on his buff pecs. Yeah, my buff pecs Quotation marks.


So Will Ferrell refused to do a sequel while Favreau was open to it. Ferrell refused to do an elf sequel Despite being offered a monumental salary to return. The casting crew accomplished no small feat when they produced the classic and Ferrell apparently didn't think it was worth trying to replicate the success only for the paycheck. Favreau has also closed the door on making another elf movie, recently saying in a variety interview I think there's always room for a new Christmas movie. Is that particular film? I don't know what the story would be told after that. It's very complete.


Yeah, it's like nothing else Unless like his kid grows up and it's like Escapes New York to go back to the North Pole to see his grandfather. Yeah, it would have to be something. So it'd be something crazy to be like an army of those like what is it? Misfit, toys, the Rangers, what park are they?


at yeah, the, oh my God, oh shit, the big New York City park.


Yeah, that was Central Park. Central Park, jesus Christ. Dude, the big city, I could not think of it. You're like Mounties in Canada. Oh, and just like one more fact here, most people know a lot about this movie so I didn't want to get too crazy with the trivia. So several minor traffic accidents occurred when Will Ferrell walked through the Lincoln Tunnel in his costume, because people were so surprised and distracted from their driving to see him wearing an elf outfish while just walking around.


I feel like, though I don't mean I've never been to New York, but you see crazy shit all the time.


I guess it was just seeing Will Ferrell in an elf costume. Like what the hell is he doing just walking around here? Yeah, I guess. So I'd immediately be like, well, this is obviously a movie, right?


Yeah, some weirdo. It's totally weird for New York. Yeah, did you also see that they filmed a lot of stuff in an old, insane asylum that had been shut down for this movie? Was it all the doctor stuff, all the stuff in the store? There was an old asylum that had been shut down a long time ago and they bought it or they rented it or whatever. Really, that's how they saved so much money. That's awesome.


Do you think it was haunted I?


don't know.


Because, according to Goh, it shows every insane asylum is completely haunted.


There's a lot of crazy shit going on there Sanatoriums and everything. Yes.


They're haunted, as can be, apparently they're going to every single Goh show.


Did you see the part with the chains on the walls and the people screaming?


Oh, that's what that was, the torture scenes. And then everybody's like wait, what was that? Merry Christmas, merry Christmas, all right, man, I want to know. Give me your top three Christmas movies.


Ooh으 Shit, I think. Uh, krampus, I'm not saying, that's number one.


Yeah, I got you.


Now, like the longest good night is probably one of them. Now, after rewatching, I'm not gonna lie, man. I'm not being one of mine too, and then maybe this, maybe this movie.




Maybe an elf, I don't know. It's tough between, because I love grinches, you love grinches I love.


There are well, there's two.


I just love a bunch of grinches, yeah, like the couple of the grinch movies are pretty thing good.


Yeah, I like the new cartoon one.


Yeah, the new cartoon one was really good, that was fun. It's got the pentatonics in it, it's got.


Tyler the Creator does A song quart, which is great. That was great. Love the animation yeah it's fucking awesome.


I used to love Jingle All the Way a whole lot, but I'm not allowed to watch that anymore. How go, because everyone else says it's bad in my house.


I won't lie, it is a bad movie, but it's still fun to watch.


I was just enjoying seeing Arnold Schwarzenegger run around, you know.


Yeah, he's great With Sinbad. Yeah, Sinbad Great, just great. Yeah, that movie's terrible, but I still enjoy watching it.


It's still a fun watch.


Tom Arnold, he's such a douche.


in that movie it's constantly hitting on the mom.


He makes me so mad. I guess just off the top of my head, because I just thought of asking you that question just a second ago, so I hadn't even thought about it. Die Hard Gremlins, krampus. Just off the top of my head. You know things that are not directly 100% associated with the Christmas aspect of it just more of you know, just horrible stuff happening and action happening.


Yes, this is the best Christmas I don't really care for like the really old movies anymore, like the Miracle on 34th Street and Uh, what is it?


A Wonderful Life, the Wonderful Life. I've seen a Wonderful Life once. It was good it's just not something I want to watch. It's not everyone. I want to watch it again.


I never want to see it ever again.


Guys' life sucks, okay, yeah.


Join the club.


Just kidding. That movie's wonderful. I just never have an urge to watch it. I like quick, fun movies for Christmas. It's like, look, let's just have some fun for an hour and 30 to two hours. Okay, I don't want to feel bummed out. The three movies I picked. Don't bum me out.


All the Santa Claus movies, the first one's great, the Fred Claus.


Have you seen Santa Claus 3?


I'm sure I have. Is that what his brother comes in, jack?


White. Well, not Jack White. What is it? Jack Frost is in it. I think it's.


Martin Short plays it. I love Martin Short. His makeup is awful in it.


It's like what did we do I?


saw it at the drive-in.


I don't know why I saw it at the drive-in. Must have been on after something else, but it was. I was like what is it? Since you're already here. I've also seen it like 10 times some reason.


It's probably half the reason I like it have you seen the one I think it's just called Claws about the mailman that goes to.


Oh the, isn't it like a German?


Well, he's like he goes to An animated film. Yes, it is animated. Yeah, yeah, it could be German. I thought it was. I don't know.


I thought that was really good. I haven't seen it. I do want to watch it. There's actually a ton of Christmas movies that I want to watch. Was it Holy Night or the one with Santa's? Like fighting people, beating people up? Santa's something. It's got a harbor in it. I don't know. It's from Stranger Things. What is it called? What is that? Dan Harbor, the Harbor.


Do you ever see Christmas Evil?


Christmas Evil, I haven't.


I haven't either, but I heard it's a lot.


It's a lot.


Not bad, Like it's just it's like a murder movie.


Oh gotcha. Yeah, Violent Night is the movie I was thinking of. Violent Night, maybe that's, I don't know. There's just a few that I really want to watch, but it's like I just never think about it Because, you know, I'm usually wanting to watch something that's not associated with specifically Christmas. The only holiday thing. Movies I really like are Halloween themed Halloween movies, because there's the movie Halloween. Yes, alright, man. Well, let's hop into this dang old film Like hops across the street, yeah, causing accidents, exactly.


So the film opens up with old Papa. Lp explains that there are three types of elves Elves who make shoes for the cobblers. Whenever he goes to sleep they're all pissed at. The cobbler elves, like can't miss, lazy Bum Never does anything. Then you got the cookie tree elves, which is very dangerous because you shouldn't run a stove inside of a tree. And then you got the big dance for elves, which is a toy building elf. It's the only job an elf can do. Apparently. No other person can do it, just elves, because they have small, nimble hands.


What about all the children that make stuff in China? Yeah, but here's the thing.


This is a feel good movie, yeah, so we're not supposed to think about that.


No, it's different.


So they've tried to use trolls and gnomes, but the trolls pee themselves and the gnomes drink too much. Hell. Yeah, I love the little gnome, but she's pervs and apparently no human ever touched foot in Santa's workshop until 30 years ago.


And this is where the story begins. He's kind of a human. He's not he's supposed to be an elf.




He's a big elf.


Is he supposed to be an elf?


I think, historically.


I don't know. I think he's just like some grandpa that just like walked in, like drank from the fountain of youth and just so happened to like wait, this is the North Pole and then just started being Santa. I don't know the fountain of the old yeah. So we cut to an orphanage where Santa is leaving gifts. One of the orphan babies crawls inside of Santa's bags. Then we cut to the elves, going crazy, celebrating another successful Christmas. Now it's time to prepare for next Christmas.


Nobody's like hey, where'd our baby go?


And like none of the elves are like I don't know, maybe a week vacation, santa, what did you do? What'd you build, bro? Can we just have some like time to ourselves here?


Hey Santa, you could stop time and travel at the speed of light or whatever. Just take it back.


Yeah, come on man. How about you just give us a break, give us a day off?


Oh, I wasn't even thinking about the elf union.


Yeah, we gotta get one going for him.


It got rough.


So Santa sees the child crawl out of the bag. They think his name is Buddy because of his diaper. Say Buddy on it. It's a cute baby. Yeah, it's really cute baby. I just love the idea. It's like oh, it's Buddy of diaperville. So grandpa elf decides that he is taking Buddy in because he always wanted to have a child, but because Santa won't stop freaking, pushing these elves to work. They weren't. He wasn't able to have kids, yeah, or a wife. It's too busy.


Can you imagine how many miscarriages happen just because they haven't forced to work so hard? Jesus?


Christ. Thanks a lot, Santa. We are really going to places I didn't think we were going to go during this podcast.


I believe it.


There's no maternity ward at the North Pole, nope, well, they probably built like a baby pushing out.


I don't know, wow, really didn't have a ending to that one Baby factory. Yeah, yeah.


That where it's like they probably have no one. That's actually like delivering. They don't have doctors, they just probably have machines they built to Maybe they lay eggs. They might lay eggs or elves I like to think elves lay eggs. That's true. I didn't read that once. So we see Buddy's growing pains as a human in the elf world. He's like riding a bike. That's way too small. He's in a school where he sits in a tiny desk and it breaks. When he was old enough he became Papa's elf's apprentice and like there's like this whole conversation they have where he's going to help Santa's sleigh fly and he struggles like Santa's struggling with a sleigh because it has a clausometer, which is what helps his sleigh fly, it runs off.


Christmas spirit. It's Christmas spirit, it's magic. Yep, it's fun. But apparently people don't believe in Santa anymore.


People don't give a shit about Santa anymore, so he's got to have an engine.


Yeah, and there's a great conversation. It was like what do you mean? People don't believe in Santa. Maybe they think that like leaves out all the gifts and eats the milk and cookies. They think the parents do it. They think the parents do it all in one night.


That's great.


Idiots. So they're putting a jet engine on the back of Santa's sleigh. It's still not fast enough. He needs like five of them.


If he's going to get to a place to place. Sweet, have you seen the guy that puts jet engines on like literally everything? Uh-uh. He puts them on like bicycles. He put one on like a sled, like a little little car you ride, you get on to go under your car and he just rockets across the. That's awesome. He's old.


You know I was watching a video, yes, Last night or the night before. Where it's some some people put on like five giant. Almost look like their fireworks, they look like Roman candles, but they're huge, huge on a helicopter. It was just flying around I was like shooting.


It was so cool, it was awesome. It was chaotic as hell.


Oh, it was great. I should have sent that to you. So we see buddy struggling to build toys. Because he's so big he isn't fast enough at building the toys. He only made 85 etchers sketches when he was supposed to make a worth that.


He said 85 and I was the first I was like that's kind of huge Etchers sketches.


It's pretty good by hand.


They're like what.


And then he calls himself a cotton-headed nitty muggins and nobody can believe that he said such a word.


No, you're just special.


In the other elves they try to cheer him up and he doesn't believe. That doesn't work ever what. Trying to cheer somebody up? Yeah.


Cheer someone up. I tell them the special.


You can change out batteries on the fire alarms.


It's like wow. I don't feel pretty good about that you know um telehome in Tennessee has the world's tallest firefighter. Really, how tall is he? He's in the Guinness Book of I don't know fucking tall. He came to our house and put in our smoke detectors. Really, he had to like duck to get under the doors. He's fucking huge.


He's like seven foot.


Yeah, he's just really goddamn tall. And he's like legit, like the tallest firefighter ever In the Guinness Book of World Records.


No way, I have to look that up after this. Please, jesse, don't forget.


He fights the fire. That's on the top shelf, yeah.


We can't reach. The stairs have fallen. Don't worry, I got this. Just jumps up, so we're seeing buddy. He is sent to where the special office work which is testing Jack in the boxes. This part is so funny, I feel so bad for him, it's such a good joke, Like not just it's the last one where he's like he thinks he's like oh okay, oh, thank God it doesn't work. And then it pops and he gets so pissed off.


I would have so knocked everything off the table.


Oh, it's such a good joke. Love it. Worst toy ever, worst thing you have to test out, that's for sure. So, buddy, over here is two elves talking about how buddy is actually human, and then he like comes to him and he realizes all the ways. It's obvious like his shoes are too small, his bed is too small, he's in the shower, he's too, small, he's crazy good at basketball compared to all the other ones.


There's the deleted scene where he's playing hockey against the elves and he's kicking their asses.


Really, I didn't know that.


He's like checking them and just throwing them across the rink.


That would have been so good they should have. Why didn't I watch that on my bed the deleted scenes, my blue ray, and this leads the buddy passing out.


He falls in the other elf guy.


And so he runs to his house and cries in the tiny little bathroom His papa elf talks to him I'm master mate egg, don't come in, don't come in. He sits on his lap and it's hilarious because he's huge. He tells buddy about his father and how his mom gave him up for adoption and then passed away. His father doesn't know about him. And he tells him where he lives New York City and he works at the Empire State Building Dang as a kids book boy. Book boy. Book illustrator.


Illustrator like an editor or maybe something.


He owns it. I don't know he's the book boss. He's the person to be running a happy book company.


He's terrible.


He's on the naughty list, no. So buddy runs outside and he meets some magical creatures. He talks to a snowman.


Leon yeah, he tells us which is Noel backwards.


It's like my father. He doesn't know about me. At least you have a father. I was just rolled up one day.


Left on the cold and that looks exactly like the snowman that was in the old cartoons yeah, looks like a sheriff.


I don't think so. I thought he looked like kind of like a cop.


Yeah, he's got the vest.


I like the idea of just like some drunk elves just walking home and he's like hey, get on the ground.


Like whoa whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.


Like they try to fight him off, but he's made a snow so they can't.


It's kind of when he talks to Santa about Leon, he's like Santa King seems a little peeved about him. Yeah, like he's just that guy dang snow, man Fucking guy I can't get rid of him.


I wish he was just.


He's so global warming with her.


You can get rid of this guy. The snowman tells him it's a great time to find out who his father is. Santa sees him off. He tells him don't eat gum off the street. And buddy is so excited to meet his father. But Santa tells him he's on the naughty list and like we cut to his father. Talking to a nun like a nun that owns an orphanage like saying we have to take back the books.


You didn't pay your bills.


Love the books. It's like what are you talking about? Are you renting these books out to some nuns in an orphanage? What you just give them? Some of these books. It can't be that expensive.


Not everybody could be Dolly Parton.


So, since you have kids, how expensive for kids books?


They're not expensive.




I mean there's, and plus we get the free ones from. You know Dolly Parton, she's amazing. Are you get free ones? Every kid in Tennessee, or maybe even more than just Tennessee, but they get a free book from the ages of like zero to four years old. Every um, every month or so, you get a free book. What yeah?


I did not know that. So then, after the whole nothing, we're back to Santa. He says some people lose what's important in life, but doesn't mean they can't find it. Papa Elf gives buddy the snow globe and that he will always be there for buddy. And it's real sad yeah. God get out of here. I don't love you no more. John Travolta, hey, you want Mr Codder, and buddy is off. The magical creatures, they say goodbye and cry, and it's so funny.


And the normal. No it scares the shit out of them. Bye, buddy, hope you find your dad, Thanks, normal.


And when he finally gets to the normal world he gets attacked by a raccoon. That makes monkey. I love it because it makes like a monkey noise when it attacks.


Hey, what's your name? You sound like you need a hug.


Yeah. And then he makes it to New York. He waves at a guy hailing a taxi because he thinks he's waving at him. He laughs, getting his shoes polished. He takes a bunch of flyers from these guys who get real pissed off at him because of it. He goes into a coffee shop that says it has the world's best cup of coffee and yells congratulations on the world's best cup of coffee and we're like what the hell?


Then he like jumps across the street on like the little white lines that you see. He says hi to a random guy that looks like Santa he's apparently a real guy and then, the grossest part, he eats a bunch of gum.


Oh man, and Santa just told you he just told him.


And then he runs in circles and a revolving door and throws up. So funny.


I guess he did have to walk thousands of miles through blister and cold.


I mean he's probably hungry. Yeah, Nothing better than a belly full of gum. Ugh. He then finds the world trade center. He walks in to find his dad.


Empire State Building.


Empire. What did I say?


The world trade center. Oh, whoops, whoopsie, dang it, so he walks into the Empire State Building.


He walks in to find his dad and takes an elevator and hits all the button. It looks like a Christmas tree.


I got to look so pissed yeah.


Cuts his father dealing with book issue but he talks to his father's receptionist. Love their receptionist. He's so funny, they get along very well. The receptionist thinks it's a Christmas gram, but he tries to convince him he is a real elf. And his son, but he thinks buddy is just going to sing for him. I love you. I love you.


I love you.


He explains that Suzanne Wells is that his mother, and then Walter, starting to realize, like wait a second, this is not a Christmas gram. And he's like what is this? Get security, they kick him out. It's like I'll be back, I'll see him again.


The best kind of Christmas gram that also comes with a new child yeah, it's the best ones, get them all the time.


He sees the store gimbals and gets ran over as he's trying to walk over there. He goes in and he thinks like cologne is mouth spray. He's scared of an escalator. He talks to people in the stalls of a bathroom. He checks out the lingerie. He's like, oh for someone special. The store manager starts yelling at him because he's like he thinks he's an employee. Yeah, he thinks he's an employee. And he's like are you mad at me? He thinks he works for them. They argue about the North Pole. I love. There's one point why are you smiling like that? Because I like to smile and then we get the iconic line Tomorrow 10 am Santa, santa.


He's like a rock star.


Yeah, it's great, it's so fun. And then he sees Jovi for the first time. He immediately is crushing on her. Jovi, jovi, that was a weird name Weird pick for her name. She seems not too big on Christmas. She doesn't seem to really care for Buddy, because Buddy gives off these real like I may murder you afterward type 5.


Maybe I may be a mentally challenged murderer.


Yeah, something like that and he's kind of creepy whether he sings in the store because she doesn't like to sing in front of people, because they have the whole conversation. It's like oh, if you can sing by yourself, you can sing in front of people. Look.


I'll do it.


It's Christmas. I'm singing, and so they say their goodbyes for the day, and overnight Buddy goes ham and decorates the store like crazy Guys. Good at this. It looks wonderful, it looks awesome. But it also seems not very good for a store, because you can't really I don't know buy anything in there because it's completely covered head to toe into Christmas decorations.


Yeah, but it like really brought in all the customers yeah it really did.


And then we cut to Walter and his family. Walter is searching his yearbook, thinking about Suzanne, but also he's like, because he comes in, he's like I got to eat this in my office and I got a lot of work to do. Oh yeah. Kids like oh, I wish my father was here.


Oh no.


Kids kid, I believe go eat in my room and the mom's like can someone just eat dinner with me, jesus Christ. So we're back at the store, the place is decked out and looks great. When he then hears Jovey singing in the shower, he joins in outside of the shower, not knowing how creepy. It is Creepy, but also love the way like they kind of sing well together, though. Yeah. I really like this part, even though it's creepy, yeah, I mean it's cute Because Jovey DeGeno can sing, and I guess Will Ferrell's kind of good at like softly singing too.


Apparently I think he actually can sing.


I think that's not something you can do, because I like there's, can sing and a lot of his movies he does sing a little bit.


That's true. He sings in spirit and the one with him and Ron Reynolds. But as he's getting super into the song he gets loud and she flicks out, kicking him out, and then he runs into the wall. Close his eyes and runs into the water. He really runs.


Did you ever see him sing in the bird cage?


No, he's on Burkage. You're thinking of the producers. The producers, yeah, where he's Hitler or a Nazi.


Hitler in the springtime yeah, I remember liking the.


I've seen the original. I really liked the original one. I need to re-see the new one because it does have that one guy in it that it's a Timon. That's a Timon.


Yeah, yeah, he's great yeah he's awesome.


So Walter sees Buddy sleeping in a storefront. Buddy wakes up and Walter's like oh Jesus, I see Salmi. Buddy tries to go to see his dad again, but security snags him up again. He's like I just wanted to give him this present and he tries to sneak by.


And tell him I love him.


I just love. He's like constantly trying to say he loves his dad. It's so funny. And then we're back to the store. The manager can't believe how good it looks. He thinks that someone is trying to take his job. Buddy is creeping on Jovi. Jovi confronts Buddy. Buddy tells Jovi that he did all the decorations and the manager thinks he's going to get lost because of it. I just love it. I want a movie about the manager.


That's what it should, just be a prequel on the manager's life.


Yeah, he's so funny, it's like we don't need to see cool, let's just go to someone else's life.


Paranoid. He's like get some radio walkie talkie yeah.


Call me on the radio. Buddy sees Santa and gets excited. He gets upset, though, when he realizes it's not the real Santa. You sit on a throne of the voice.


You smell like beer and cheese.


It's so funny. The little kids like you're a fag, you lie.


Yikes, just beard off and they start throwing down Fighting.


Destroying everything. The best type of fighting, though, where you're just running around pushing each other and not really throwing punches. We cut to Walter, who got a gift from Buddy. The card has a picture of Walter and Suzanne. That's the and, but the gift is the lingerie from earlier, and his secretary walks in and it's like oh it's like get out intercom, intercom.


Yeah, she's like she makes his face like okay, but it's a call from the police because Buddy got put in jail. Walter bells him out. Walter wants to know who the heck he is. But he says that he just wants to meet him and that he would and that he was hoping that Walter would want to meet him back. So Walter takes him to the doctor and then we see the doctor is pleaded by John Favreau, the director of the film.


Oh, really, I didn't know that.


Yeah. Buddy is eating cotton balls and I love it because you just got James Cohn's face like you suck at shit, that little girl was so cute.


Stop eating these cotton balls. Oh yeah, she's so cute, oh man.


I'm just a normal human raised by humans. And Buddy is acting like a child in a doctor's room. The doctor tells him that Buddy is Walter's son Congratulations, it's a boy. The doctor says that he needs to nurture him and have him meet the family. Walter is pissed off about this, but Walter's wife, emily, thinks it's wonderful. Yeah, she's great. She's so sweet. I know she's great. She's the best mom actress.




I mean she's great and stepbrothers, yeah, it's like her and Wolfo Great chemistry together when they get inside their houses stacked out in Christmas garb. Buddy explains how he got there. He's going through the candy cane forest.


Swirly, girly gum, drops, whatever. And then I went through the Lincoln tunnel.


He downs a whole coke. It's great.


That's what I used to do back in the day when I was a child.


And then he puts maple syrup on his spaghetti. He's like, can you pass the syrup?


It's like I didn't know that you were doing that.


And he says we elves try to stick to the four major food groups candy, candy canes, candy corn and syrup. The wife says he can stay with them as long as he wants. Walter does not like this idea, though, but she thinks he has a serious. But she thinks he has serious issues, obviously. Yeah, there's like this huge. He does this huge burp. Do you hear that?


And the kid, like the other kid, is like not having it. Yeah, at this point, yeah.


I hate this guy. Great, I already don't get any attention from my father now to do with this guy, but while buddy is sleeping he starts yelling for Walter.


Dad dad.


He's like what Says he can't sleep until he gets sucked in.


Then he takes it, he's like tickle fight. Oh, man to be tickled by another grown man, that's so wonderful. We might see that later in the film.


He says he loves him, but Walter doesn't say it back because he's a dick.


He's kind of afraid.


He's just like. He's just a tough guy. He's a tough old guy, he's a gangster man. That's what James Bond does. So buddy makes breakfast and it's spaghetti with syrup on it. Did you sleep? Okay, I got 40 minutes and built a rocking horse.


They destroyed their light.


They're entertainment center or something. Walter says buddy needs to lose the costume. It's like when, like right now, takes his pants off and Emily walks in. So Walter leaves for the day to go to work and immediately as he exits the building, it's a phone call from buddy. It's like how'd you get my number? It's like, oh, emily gave it to me. In case of emergency, what's the emergency? There's an evil noise coming from this box over here. It's like, oh, it's the radiator. It's like, no, it's not. Oh yeah it is.


It's like, hey, don't call me again. No, I'll call you in five minutes. I love you. I'll call you in five minutes. So how about this? I'll call you. And then he goes and starts eating the spaghetti, but it's like nothing but marshmallows candy.


Oh it's gross. I'm very sick.


I throw up. I wouldn't be able to eat it. I'd try it.


You know what? Maybe I'll like it, maybe it's my favorite thing.


So we're back at the office. Walter is getting chewed out because he lost his way in the children's book industry, because he literally did not print two pages. What?


are we doing dude? How could?


you send that out. Their numbers are down. Now he's on a tight deadline and now has to get a new book out and must have the idea by Christmas Eve.


Yeah, I feel like he should have been fired for that. I don't know, yeah.


I guess he's been there forever. He's been good up until this point. Hey, you're bad at this. Now, how do you just not get two pages done?


What is that? I think there was a budget cuts, or was it, yeah, something like that. He's like oh, these dang trainers Trying to get the deadline? Yeah, maybe.


So we see Michael getting out of school. Buddy is yelling for him, but Michael's trying to get away. He's like God dang it. Why does he just keep yelling? He's so annoying and asking a bunch of questions Do you have homework? Who's your best friend? Do you have best friends? Michael is him to go away, but then they get attacked by snowballs. Then buddy lays them out, just builds like a thousand snowballs here. Build as many snowballs as you can. He builds, way makes one.


Yeah, a billion of them. But because he's so good at throwing snowballs, michael loves them. Now they're best friend. Michael and buddy start running around the mall together having fun. Michael tells them that Walter is the worst dad because all he cares about is money. And then they run into Jovi and Michael's like do you like her or something? Why don't you ask her out? It's like what's that? What do you mean? You know to like get food, do you want? To get food and then we learn that Gimbles put a restraining order on buddy.


But buddy tells Jovi that he wants to see her more and his tongue swells up when he sees her. He asked if she wants to eat food and she agrees. She loves food. But why does she agree? This guy is crazy. This is a classic movie thing where it's like the in a comedy, the insane main character, and then you got like this attractive girl and it's like, yeah, I'll date you, whatever. And it's like boop, boop, boop, boop.


Why? Maybe she's starving. I mean, her water was cut off in her apartment, that's true. Maybe she doesn't have any food.


Yeah, you know what, like Wilfredle's kind of he's cute, for he's kind of a cute little guy.


Yeah, he's been here a laugh a couple times so far.


A laugh you know he can sing. At least I won't be.


At least I won't be I mean in like odds are.


Maybe he is Santa, like a friend of Santa, and maybe they'll make me like a little bit more, I don't know, great presence. Buddy and Michael get a huge Christmas tree. They chopped it down in the park. Ha, emily says to not worry about it because they're having fun. She tells Walter that it's a good thing for Michael because Walter isn't around, and then Buddy knocks over the Christmas tree trying to put the star on top.


I was like I got this. Look a big cat.


And then Michael doesn't even turn around. Then we see Walter's trying to trying to get out of hanging out with Buddy, but Emily says that like you're going to have to hang out with them, I'm not staying home with them. This is your son, not mine. Well, I mean, dang it. And then we cut to them walking into work. I love it because he's mimicking Walter the whole time.


Yeah, he's done his business clothes.


And then I love when it's like, hey, francisco, francisco, what a fun name. And then he sees the receptionist hey, it's me, buddy, I got new clothes. She's like, yeah, you do. And then whenever he's just like sitting in the corner on a tiny chair in a book, she comes in. It's like you have such a pretty face they should put it on a Christmas car. She's like you just made my day.


I love it. I love their relationship. It's so good.


He's so happy, he takes some drink of coffee and he's like Walter's like you don't have to drink that. That's how I felt about coffee for the longest time, and now I'm completely addicted to it. It's all I want. I forgot to turn off the coffee maker. I must remember that right after this episode, Great. Anyways, Walter is getting annoyed by Buddy. I love it because he get the phone call. Buddy the elf, what's your favorite color? It's so funny to me it's like the best joke of the whole movie. Buddy the elf, what's your?


favorite color.


Maybe we should just start answering the phone like that I wish I could. Next time someone calls, I'm going to think of something. Yeah, let's just move on. Jesse the podcaster, what's your favorite color? Walter is annoyed by Buddy and sends him to the magical place called the mill room. It's got shiny bins. And Buddy's super excited but we learned it's a dingy room. But he's very unsure about this place. He says this place reminds me of Santa's workshop, but it smells like mushrooms and everybody wants to hurt me.


Yeah, maybe he makes a friend with peach snops or something that 26 year old.


Yeah right, I don't believe that one bit.


But Walter has his top two writers come in and they say that they should bring in Miles Finch, who's just like a claimed, I guess, children's book writer. Walter seems upset but he decides he likes the idea and then we see Buddy's getting along with one of the work friends. His face gets sucked into like the mill thing, that sucks up the stuff.


He thinks the guy is putting syrup in his coffee, but it's actually alcohol. So he like pours the whole bottle in his glass and then he gets super drunk. That's funny. Guy says I got to get out of here, man, I'm 26. He's like whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa whoa what?


Yeah, he's not. So they're drunk together talking about, and then he's like I just got to go with the flow.


Will Frills like, yeah, go with the flow, that's what you got to do? No, no man, I got to get out of the flow, that's what you got to do. And then they have a tickle fight. So funny, that guy looks crazy. The 26 year old though.


How old do you think that guy?


is Like 40? Yeah, probably Maybe like 30, not. Yeah, I think he's in his 40s. Watch him actually be like a 20 year old, I should have looked at him.


Maybe he just looks so much older with his beard.


But if he is 40, I hope he's still alive, because it's like 20 years old. Walter and the writers are talking to Finch, trying to convince him to help. He agrees and has a list of demands. He seems like a jerk, though, and then he gets the phone call. In the middle there's a bunch of mail room issues. Then we cut back to the mail room and everybody's like dancing.


Yeah, that's great. He's having a great time. It's a great time.


It's perfect. So we cut to Buddy and Jovi going on their date. He texts her to the world's best, oh well, first he's like. She comes down, it's like, hey, what are we doing? I don't know. I don't think it's something. Immediately walks away without her.


She's like oh okay, my family does this, like my mom and my aunt. Oh, really?


They just like hey, let's do this. They just fucking boom.


If you're not right there behind them, you will get left behind.


That's me whenever I go so like Walmart or something, yeah he's trying to get out as fast as possible If I'm by myself, like I'm not in there 10 minutes, like no matter how much stuff I have to get. So he takes her to the world's best coffee shop.


It's like blindfold, but she hates it. What is it? A shitty cup of coffee.


Shows her the revolving door that she's in. I love. There's a guy in the background who at first is like really pissed off and then starts laughing as he's trying to get in there, and it's like I was like, ah, that's awesome. Takes her to look at trees, and then she shows him the Rockefeller tree and then they go skating. He kisses her on her cheek you missed, it's like what and then they lay a big smooch on it. That's such a cute little scene, though. Right, oh, it's so good. Oh God, it's just like two of like the cutest actors you ever seen together. It's very sweet. They're very like innocent type of actors. I don't know. That's always like Zoe Deschanel. She's like this innocent little.


Yeah, she's always that, and then.


Will Ferrell. He's always got like this, like immaturity to him. So he seems innocent all the time, childlike innocence. Yeah, exactly. So the next day Miles Finch comes in. He's very aggressive and rude. He has to have everything to like 71 degrees. Specific things Pick him up. He hates all the writers ideas they have, like in this cowl gas. He has a asparagus idea.


All of our ideas are bustling.


Yes, and it's like it's like he's this, this asparagus is getting made fun of because this piece smells weird. Finch tries to tell him all his ideas, but buddy comes in and thinks he's an elf and this really pinches, pisses Finch off because he's a little person.


Yeah, peter Dinklage is famously does not take parts that are made for little people.


Oh really.


Like, like, as like a munchkin, or like a.


Oh gotcha.


Something like that. Yeah, so I bet in real life that probably really pissed him off. Yeah, right.


He keeps going and Finches, attacks him. He kicks him and throws him around and leaves him. It won't help, Walter. And then Walter kicks Buddy out and yells at him, tells him get out of his life. Dang Rush Rush.


Rush Bad, I don't know. I don't know what I was trying to say there, me neither man.


So Emily calls Walter and now he has to work late on Christmas Eve. But the writers found Finches' notebook. They're just going to steal his ideas. Hell yeah, I'm sure that won't lead to a lawsuit. So good thing Buddy did show up in their lives it's. America baby. So Buddy left an Etch-a-Sketch note saying he's leaving. Michael finds the notes.


He's really good at that, just got.


Yeah, I do love that one scene where he's like oh, I got everything planned out for us today, dad To Walter, we're going to eat a bunch of sugar plums, we're going to do this, we're going to do this, and then we're going to end the day by snuggling. Then he like shadeset to a sketch because he's like oh no, we're not doing that. So Walter is at the pitch meeting, but Michael runs in and tells him Buddy ran away. Walter wants to finish the meeting first, but Michael makes him feel super bad about it and tells him that he has to reschedule the meeting. But, like, the main guy is like if you leave out of here, you're fired, and tells Michael to go away. And then Walter's like whoa, whoa, whoa, don't talk to my kid like that, okay, guy. And Walter says up yours and leave. So go find Buddy. Hell, yeah, yeah. And then I'm slowly starting to get kind of emotional. And Buddy is walking alone and then notices Santa's sleigh crashing the central park.


But Michael also knows this Santa's been drinking and driving. Yeah, he has.


He's rude off.


he drank a little too much.


So Buddy finds Santa. He's like back off slick. Santa's really started swinging man.


He's got like a tire iron. He's like ready to hit, like what happens.


if it was somebody, would he actually hit him in the head?


Yeah, I mean he's in the central park.


He don't have some like magical Christmas sleeping dust?


Yeah right, he should, if he doesn't.


But Santa realizes it's Buddy. Apparently, the clausometer dropped to zero and because of the lack of Christmas spirit they can't fly and his engine also broke Engine out of order. He says he needs an elf's help and Santa says to Buddy that he's more of an elf than anybody he has ever met. And so they have to fix the engine because, to find it first, jovey is watching the news and they are saying Santa may have fallen out of the sky. They show Buddy walking in the park and Jovey goes out to find him. It's like the big foot video.


I didn't realize that, so, michael and Walter find the engine and Michael and Walter find the engine and Buddy together. Walter tells Buddy that he is so sorry that he and that he loves him Like I'm almost about to cry. Buddy hugs him too long.


He slicks his awkward long hook. Okay, let's go.


Buddy goes and shows them Santa and then we get another news segment. I love this one. This one's so funny because you got this creepy guy like hitting on the news reporter the entire time and it's like I love your eyes and it's like everything that you say is just so believable. I love your man. She says that the park rangers are there searching and they're like they're super creepy.


Yeah, they're like the horses of the apocalypse. Yeah, they're like crazy.


And we'll learn. It's because he put them on the naughty list so long ago. So I guess they're like we're going to become park rangers and hope that he fails and falls in the park.


Okay, we're going to make it rain blood and fire.


She says something where it's like what is it? It's oh, and they have controversial methods of breaking up crowds at the what is it? The garfunkel cafe. So Santa is super excited that they found the engine. Walter and Santa talk. Santa asked Michael's what he wants for Christmas and Santa has it. Because of this, the sleigh raises, because of the Christmas spirit. Michael says that they should get the news reports over here, news reporters over here, so people can believe in him. But he explains it doesn't work that way. You have to just believe. You can't have proof and believe.


That's cheating apparently that's bullshit.


It's like when did we just make that roll up? When you start it's like such a long time ago. No, if you believe in something that you already know, means that look well, you didn't believe in it, but now you believe in it. But that's cheating because you know about it. No, it's not how things work. It's okay to like see something like oh, I saw Santa. Now I believe in Santa, obviously.


Yeah, yeah. I have no choice but to believe in it, right? I mean if anything.


If Santa's there, it's like everybody be like oh snap, I should be good all year. Is that such a bad thing, santa?


You think the clausometer would just go whoop all the way immediately.


Right, because Michael saw Santa yes, got a gift from Santa in person. Clause meter went up. You got to think Michael's like yeah, won't you do this to everybody?


Yeah, it will become the greatest thing that's ever happened on the planet.


Like some serial killers will be like waiting in their house. Come on, santa, I know you're coming. I know you're coming here, even though they'd be on the naughty list.


I guess he just break it he knows when they're sleeping and awake and holding a knife Exactly, but they're exactly. That's the sequel Elf versus serial killers.


So the central park Rangers show up and they're ready to kill. Buddy says he has a plan. Michael still Santa list. And Walter dresses up as Santa to distract the Rangers. Doesn't work one bit. Michael shows up to the reporter. They're like the.


Nazgul from Lord of the Rings yeah, exactly.


That's such a yeah, that's a great reference. Actually, michael tries to convince everybody that Santa is real. He starts to tell everybody what they want for Christmas. It's almost exactly like just showing Santa on TV. It's great and cute Got. All the little kids like, yes, awesome, and get, wow, wow. The reporter doesn't believe it. Michael tells her what she asked for and parents should be relieved yeah, exactly oh thank.


God, why have I been buying all this shit for so long? And now, maybe my kid won't be a jerk, where the hell have you been, santa?


Exactly so. And then, like, michael tells her what she wanted first, like she wanted her boyfriend to propose and get off his lazy butt. They still don't believe, though. Then we see Jovi and Emily showing up. Jovi decides the best way to spread Christmas cheer is to sing loudly so everybody can hear. The Rangers are coming, though, so Santa has to go before the engine is ready, and like he just leaves and buddy's like all right, I'll catch up. The Rangers got put on the naughty list and they never forgave Dang. Jovi starts singing you better watch out but he is trying to fix the engine. People start joining Jovi, santa is still running, and then he has the line I'm getting too old for this job. They finally get lift off, but the engine gets knocked off. Oh, no More. People are singing now all over the world. Because of this, santa is starting to fly. Walter is the only mouthing the words, but Michael calls him out, but then he starts singing and slant of flies over him. All he needed was Walter to sing. It's amazing.


I'm tearing up right now Just thinking about it your Christmas spirit, your heart grew five times that day, jesse.


But I'm not a mean old Grinch. Buddy saves Christmas. We see Jovi and Walter playing the piano and singing. Michael, emily and Buddy are opening gifts. Walter started a children's book company using Buddy as an inspiration. Buddy still visits Papa. Elf Jovi also joins them to visit. They have a baby together. Papa wants to see the baby, but Buddy sits on the lap instead. The end.


I want to see how they raise the kid. Jovi is like stop giving him candy.


Like a sequel could be. Buddy wants to raise him as an elf, but he doesn't want to be an elf, so it could be a journey of finding his elfdom.


I got to be an alright idea. The pangs of puberty?


I like to think it would be funny if the kid grew up to be a golf kid, hates Christmas Buddy trying to convince the kid that he's a Christmas kid, or we find out that.


Jovi was actually something else, like a different mythical creature.


It's like a crampus elf. Dude elf versus crampus. That's the sequel we need. The match of the century.


Yeah, but that's the film. So we're going to head on over to our first category the good, the bad, the ugly, the fine. It's where we discuss the good of the film, something we've liked, whether it be the actor, a character, a scene. The bad Something we didn't like, whether we didn't like a performance or just an element of the film. The ugly Something that didn't age well. The fine Something that did age well. What do you guys think of the good?


my man, I think it's Buddy's just un Unwavering happy like joy.


Yeah, yes, exactly, it's like it's nice to see that Sometimes you know bunch of negative mancies.


It has a bit destroyed by the world. One guy who's just so happy.


I just think the good. It's just such a clever idea. A human elf goes into the world to find his dad and he's silly. It's great. Will Ferrell's amazing. This is why we all love Will Ferrell, because he does this so well. Hell yeah, even though I think like 10 years later, people are like he's still doing this he's still doing this. I still love it Every time he comes out of the movie, even if it's bad. It's like well, will Ferrell is funny. I don't know he's good in it.


I still haven't seen the Star-Walk Holmes with him.


There's some good jokes in there, but that movie is bad. That movie is really bad. That's what I heard.


That's why I didn't see it.


Yeah, I don't know what happened because those two together are amazing and there's some of their scenes together. It's like this is really funny. It's just like they lost it. I don't know what happened on that one, but anyways, the bad. What's something that you find bad in this film? I don't know, maybe the I don't know, it's a tough one.


It's a tough one, but like it could be a little cheesy sometimes.


I get that.


With Zoe, the whole relationship thing.


Well, you're absolutely wrong. Love is alive and I love it. My bad was that the fact that James Cohn died in that we're all gonna eventually die, Because James Cohn is perfect. He's great.


I love the man. So the realest, the death realization, yeah.


I don't really have anything bad about this movie. I like it. We overplay it. That's the bad. Yeah, that's a good one.


It's like once a year right, you don't have to play it on Thanksgiving, oh yeah, my kids are not specifically not allowed to watch Christmas movies Anytime of the year except for Christmas time, Like the month of December.


Month of December. Yeah, it's like we gotta stop, we gotta put.


You start singing jingle bells, you get the back of my hand. Calling my cops on this guy Verbally not.


Yeah, you get the verbal back of my hands. So the ugly, what do you get?


I mean, everything was pretty cool. That song it's called Outside, it's famously kind of rapey.


I did look up the history of that song. Apparently it's supposed to be more of like like the girl wants to stay and comes up with excuses, but is like wanting him to convince her to stay. It's supposed to be like that, apparently. Some of the lines in it back then had different meanings. Yeah, so it's more of like she actually wants to stay too.


It's just the song denies.


She's supposed to pretend to be modest because of the times, even though she wants to stay with the guy for the night.


You know what sounds like it yeah.


To go along with the creepiness buddy. He's a little creepy. To Jovi at the beginning, Right, he doesn't know he's an elf. He has a childlike mind, but he's never been in love before. I can't help it. It's a little creepy.


It's like he's going through puberty as an adult. Essentially, he's becoming a man.


All right, what's something that aged? Well, I'm just going to say the movie. It's timeless, it's a timeless classic.


Keep watching it every year.


Yeah, it's great, Love it. So what do you guys? A double feature.


The most coolest. This is all-as-Christmas movie. Yeah, I don't know, man, I'm going to watch Krampus again. So if you got a bad taste in your mouth for all the joy and happiness and you hate being happy, you can watch Krampus and be scared.


Yeah and still laugh. I decided, just because I like Christmas comedies, I'm going to pick the Night Before Seth Rogen, anthony Mackie.




Gordon-Levitt, this one's great. It's less of. I think it's more. It's just so funny maybe it's great. It's just like a classic, like three friends they're kind of apart and they come together every night for this one night to party it up and they're like oh, some of them are like we don't want to do this every year. It's kind of childish and stuff. It's great. It's got some of the hilarious scenes.


Don't confuse the Night Before with Before Sunset or After Sunrise or whatever those movies are have you seen those movies?


You don't like them.


No, I don't. I like Ethan.


Hawke. They're considered great pieces of cinema. Fuck man.


I know they're all bonus.


I haven't seen it. I've been wanting to watch them, but I just don't have them. Corny, they're corny really. Yes, I'm going to have to watch it and then I'm going to yell at you if they're not corny.


It's like one of the girls I was in love with a long time ago. She wanted to watch those and it's like what every woman wants their relationship to be, if it was super romantic.


Yeah, it's the same director as Daisy and Confused, it doesn't matter. Like I haven't seen them so I can't say anything, I guess. But I just feel like you're wrong. They're kind of a slog. I'm going to warn you I need to watch it, they're like a part of the Criterion Collection. I want to get all three of them eventually.


Cool, maybe they're better now that I'm an adult, maybe, and not just hyper focused on breasts and vaginas.


So I'll give them another shot. He had to bring it in somehow.


What Breasts of vaginas? Breasts of vaginas. I'm just kidding. Oh yeah, I guess.


So that's it. That's the film Yay. That's our thing, so you can join us next week for the hit film starring Ryan Gosling called Drive Drive. It's one of my favorite films. It really changed my life in 2011. Dang, and I can't wait to talk about it.


It's going to be probably a quick episode because there's so little dialogue in the whole film it's mainly just Ryan Gosling driving, but it has one of the Just in cushion, has one of the best openings to a movie ever, because you think it's going to be crazy. And then it's just this I don't know, we'll get there, we'll get there. I can't wait to see it. You so, you've never seen it. I've never seen it. Can't watch it with your kids.


I hope that's okay. Oh yeah, it's fine.


There's nudity and a lot of violence, and it's great Sweet I love it. I can't wait to eat the elevator scene. It's one of the. He gets out of the car, yeah, so there's an elevator scene and it's one of the most romantic parts of the movie and one of the most violent parts of the movie.


And I love that you got your hooks on me.


So make sure you join us next week for Nicholas Wynand Reffens Best movies ever made Drive and make sure you we have an email set up so that you can email us and send feedback. Or if you just want to talk about elf or you want to send something about drive the next movie, it's a we recommend mailbag at gmailcom. You can also follow our link tree. Link tree forward slash. We recommend podcast. If you want to follow us on social medias or if you're listening to this for some reason with a friend and you're like, oh, I don't have Spotify, I don't want to listen to Apple podcasts, you can go to our link tree and then you can easily get to Apple podcasts there or any of other streaming services that you use. Sweet Also. Thank you Joey Prosser for our intro and outro. You can follow him on X at. Mr Joey Prosser man, I'm getting really good at the ending, aren't I ruining it like?


that you haven't bubbled it once. Yeah, only like every time we do.


Just edit the crap out of it, but thank you for joining us. We'll see you next week for drive. This has been the we recommend podcast.




Jesse, oh, jason. And the best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear.


Merry Christmas. I'm singing and it's Christmas.


I hope it's white and snowy for y'all. We'll see you next week, bye, bye.

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