We Recommend: A Movie Podcast


December 29, 2023 Jesse and Jason Episode 32
We Recommend: A Movie Podcast
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We Recommend: A Movie Podcast
Dec 29, 2023 Episode 32
Jesse and Jason

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Have you ever watched a movie that sticks with you, not for its action-packed sequences, but for its palpable moodiness and subtle connections between characters? "Drive" does just that, and we dissect the intricate dynamics at play, from the complex relationships of the criminal underworld to the unspoken bonds formed over shared glances and minimal dialogue. We also touch on the substantial but sparingly used violence, discussing pivotal scenes that shape the narrative and the intense emotions that fuel the characters. Our conversation even ventures into the murky waters of betrayal and the dark corners of the film that leave a lasting imprint.

We delve into the film's unique storytelling, the magnetic performance of Ryan Gosling, and the electric chemistry he shares with co-star Carey Mulligan. But it's not all serious film talk; we get a real kick out of the surprising humor sprinkled throughout, sharing personal anecdotes that tie into the film's more tender moments.

Wrapping up our cinematic journey, we reflect on the tense and poignant final moments of "Drive," while contrasting its atmospheric qualities with other action-centric films. The episode offers a fresh perspective on what makes this modern classic stand out in a sea of fast-paced thrillers. Listen in for our unique take, complete with laugh-out-loud moments, a passion for the craft of filmmaking, and our review categories that sum up our thoughts on "Drive." Join us as we revisit this stylish, genre-defying film that continues to captivate and surprise us, even after multiple viewings.

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Intro produced by Joey Prosser. @mrjoeyprosser

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Have you ever watched a movie that sticks with you, not for its action-packed sequences, but for its palpable moodiness and subtle connections between characters? "Drive" does just that, and we dissect the intricate dynamics at play, from the complex relationships of the criminal underworld to the unspoken bonds formed over shared glances and minimal dialogue. We also touch on the substantial but sparingly used violence, discussing pivotal scenes that shape the narrative and the intense emotions that fuel the characters. Our conversation even ventures into the murky waters of betrayal and the dark corners of the film that leave a lasting imprint.

We delve into the film's unique storytelling, the magnetic performance of Ryan Gosling, and the electric chemistry he shares with co-star Carey Mulligan. But it's not all serious film talk; we get a real kick out of the surprising humor sprinkled throughout, sharing personal anecdotes that tie into the film's more tender moments.

Wrapping up our cinematic journey, we reflect on the tense and poignant final moments of "Drive," while contrasting its atmospheric qualities with other action-centric films. The episode offers a fresh perspective on what makes this modern classic stand out in a sea of fast-paced thrillers. Listen in for our unique take, complete with laugh-out-loud moments, a passion for the craft of filmmaking, and our review categories that sum up our thoughts on "Drive." Join us as we revisit this stylish, genre-defying film that continues to captivate and surprise us, even after multiple viewings.

To follow us on socials or listen on another platform follow the link.


Intro produced by Joey Prosser. @mrjoeyprosser

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to the we Recommend Podcast, a movie podcast where every week, we recommend a movie for you to watch and then come back here and listen to us discuss. I'm Jesse, I'm Jason. There's 100,000 streets in this city. You don't need to know the route. You give me a time and a place, I give you a five minute window. Anything happens in that five minutes, and I'm yours, no matter what. Anything happens a minute either side of that and you're on your own. Do you understand? Because this week we recommend Drive Lovely. So you've never seen Drive. I loved it.

Speaker 2:

It was awesome. It literally have jumped over this table and strangled you. I can't believe I missed this.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, everybody did. It was just kind of one of those movies that came out in select theaters. A lot of people didn't like it because the trailer gave off a Fast and the Furious vibe and said it's a moody two car race, two car chase film Ron Perlman's teeth.

Speaker 2:

Dude, you know what Got the best teeth in the biz. Here's what I imagine.

Speaker 1:

Let's say there's a God. He puts down some clay on the table. He just punches it five or six times. That's a man's face right there.

Speaker 2:

That's Ron Perlman's face.

Speaker 1:

I don't need to spend another second on that face right there, it's perfect.

Speaker 1:

No, he's so great, especially being a Jewish person that wants to be an Italian mobster. I love it because when I first saw it I was like Nina, oh, I didn't know this, because I saw the cast and I was like I don't think there's any Italian people in here to be an Italian mob, because I knew it was going to be a little bit of mob. And then you see Albert Brooks and Ron Perlman. It's like wait what? This isn't an Italian mob.

Speaker 2:

I thought it said Ninos, so I thought it was Hispanic at first, no, no.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, when this film came out, it was critics and people that love films and were like oh man, ryan Gosling the few people that knew who oh, wendy Ruffin the few people that knew him were like oh man, this is going to be great. It's going to be like a slow pace, slow motion type of movie where it's not going to be super, like not a lot of action, but there's going to be a lot of feel Like it's going to give out vibes more than it's going to be like yeah, this rules.

Speaker 2:

But I don't know, I love that the one girl in the bathroom got her face vibed right off her shoulders, christina.

Speaker 1:

Hendricks. Yeah, I know it is kind of it's not as like there's not a lot of violence, but when there's violence it's like it's violence.

Speaker 2:

It's great violence, it's violence, good quality violence.

Speaker 1:

I know it's like you don't need a whole lot of violence, but if you use it right and you do, it in the right and it makes sense for the plot.

Speaker 1:

It's just like I mean the elevator scene, like how can you have a scene where I'm like, oh, oh my God, this is so romantic. And at the same time it's like oh my God. I remember when I watched it came out in 2011 and I used to go on IGN all the time to look up reviews for games, movies, tv shows and stuff. And you know, this was the first movie that year that I saw that got a five star review and I was like I love Ryan Gosling, I love Albert Brooks, I love Ron Perlman. I have to go watch this. Brian Cranston who doesn't love that guy? I didn't know much about Carrie Mulligan at the time, but I immediately fell in love with her as soon as this whole movie. I was like, oh well, I mean, she's going to have a great career, right, she's amazing in this. And whenever it got to that scene, the girlfriend had it. At the time it was completely quiet and after he saw the guy's face in, wipe your feet.

Speaker 2:

I think that was the scene they cut out of Elf when he hit all the buttons on the elevator. Yeah, that's it.

Speaker 1:

That's what happens to that guy. Same guy. He was there to kill James Cawne and he was like no, it's great, it's great, love this movie. So I guess we'll talk a little bit into the facts about the movie. Nicholas Wynan-Riffin I don't know You've seen something that he's done. Copaheiging Cowboy Same director as this Cool, he did Tool to Die Young or whatever the other. His first TV show was he did the Neon Demon. Seen that? Probably not. I don't think. You probably haven't seen it all. Only God Forgives the Pusher Trilogy. I'm going to watch more of his stuff. The.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

They're all very similar, except after this film, his slow motion. You saw Copaheiging Cowboy. When I told you I was like let me know how many slow motion 360 camera shots there are, because he loves doing that. Hell yeah, the Hallorizing is really cool and crazy. It's got what's his name Howl Rising, a Valhalla Rising. It's got the guy that's in Hannibal, the TV series, mads Mickelson. He's in that one Cool, that one's a good one. I feel like that's a good one to start off with after this. But yeah, he's a great director. I love him. But so he almost didn't get the job for this film. Originally it was going to be Neil Marshall, the guy that did the Descent and Dog Soldiers. We already covered one of his movies. I didn't know that until today. I was like there's a connection through all our podcasts. This is great. So he almost didn't get the job and the film might not have happened.

Speaker 1:

Ryan Gosling and Refn have both talked about their terrible initial meeting. This was. Refn was sick and delirious apparently when they met to talk about the film, which Ryan Gosling apparently he interpreted as a lack of interest, and during their car ride home, ario Speedwayin came on the radio and Refn started singing along but also crying hysterically, and then turned to Gosling and said the movie is about a guy who drives around LA at night listening to pop songs and if that song hadn't come on, the movie probably wouldn't have happened. Something I love about hearing stories about this film is how it just gives me more respect for Ryan Gosling and how, even though he's this huge, handsome guy, he's also kind of a freak, I guess a little bit. He loves stories where he's quiet, but then his rage builds and he lets it all out.

Speaker 1:

But he also, I think, just outside of films he's just like oh, the weird kind of people I work with, the more he kind of falls in love working with him. That's cool Because he loves Nicholas Wynne and Refn and it's like if you watch anything with that guy it's like dude, the dude's a freak man, he's a freak.

Speaker 2:

I do like the how just kind of. It's definitely like a dark movie. Oh man, I don't know, I just want to get into it.

Speaker 1:

It's like a wild movie where it's. It's just a classic movie of where you have a guy who is really good at a job but all his good skills brought him into like an underworld, the underbelly of LA, and all he wants is just to get out. But the further he's trying to get out, the more he's pulling on back in till he's got no choice of. Just like I'll kill everybody, yes, but like the best. The great thing about this film is that the dialogue. They're just like. They just went through and was like I'm cutting this out, we're cutting this out. You know what you want to know what the story is. Read my face. Hell, yeah, man. Which is why Ryan Gosling is so good, because like every little silence you see of him, whether he's smiling or frowning, it's like I get it. I know what this guy wants. It says a lot with the look yeah.

Speaker 1:

So all of this is a quiet crime thriller that trailers gave the impression that it was a car chase film, like Fantastic Four, like Fast and Furious. This calls one woman to even sue the studios. What Like this is because she thought it was going to be a different type of film and she was super upset when she went in. What?

Speaker 2:

fucking world does this lady?

Speaker 1:

live in. You know what I do think the trailers were super misleading, though it did seem like a crazy action flick, but it's not, which. I think this even happened recently now, where now someone sued because there's supposed to be somebody in a movie and they weren't, and they're like. You guys are just showing me trailers for movies that don't exist, because they're completely different films. When I go to watch it, I guess.

Speaker 2:

So now that.

Speaker 1:

I'm sorry, no well, so now they actually passed something to where it's like your trailers can't be super misleading.

Speaker 2:

Maybe that's why they, because I tried to buy this movie at the Game Exchange in town and they said it was on the do not buy list, which means they did not have a copy of it. I wonder if that's the reason.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, maybe they went to go watch it and said this isn't Fast and Furious, I'll never purchase this again, because when you watch it there really is no reason for it to be on a do not watch list or do not buy list, right? No, I mean, it's just a normal. I've seen way worse movies. Yeah, there's way worse movies in that store. Yeah, exactly, I don't get it. Maybe there's someone there it's like I hate this movie and I'll never buy it. I hate actors named after birds, though if like it was there, I would have gone and bought it again.

Speaker 1:

So, as Nicholas Wynand-Rephyn was going through mixer John Jules catalog, this was like the guy that had a bunch of music for the film. He picked out Under your Spell and Tick the Clock because he thought of the film being a fairy tale. During the climax, a real hero's keynote melody about becoming a real human being, and a real hero refrains because that is when the driver changes to both of those statuses. My first jewel worried that Under your Spell might be too literal, but soon realized it was used in Drive in the exact same way that I was feeling it when I wrote the film. He definitely got the nuance of the song and understood that it was supposed to mean, and he wanted to give the emotion to the viewer, that same feeling, the music.

Speaker 2:

The soundtrack was fucking great yeah.

Speaker 1:

Just like the synthetic, like the Tick, the.

Speaker 2:

Clock. It made me think that this was going to be like the pink words on the screen. It made me think it was going to be like one of those gritty 80s like Miami Vice type things. Is it in Miami? No, it's in Los Angeles. In Los Angeles, yeah.

Speaker 1:

But oh man, it was fucking great. No, with my double feature it's like there's like you'll have to watch what my double feature is going to be because you'll be like ah, I see a lot of Drive in this movie. Ah, it's great. No, I love the movie, or the soundtrack. I used to listen to it nonstop, constantly, Just be driving it. Even now, before we were doing it on my way to work, I just put on the soundtrack and I was like man, I feel like I'd look a lot cooler. I wasn't in a Prius. So in preparation for this role, Ryan Gosling restored the 1973 Chevy Malibu that his character uses in the film Fuck yeah that's cool.

Speaker 1:

After Ryan Gosling and Nicholas Wan and Riffin removed much of the driver's dialogue, brian Cranston felt that his character, shannon, should make up for the lack of talking in the film and thus made Shannon a motor mouth and much of his dialogue is improvised. Oh, that's cool. Man, freaking love Brian Cranston. The guy just doesn't miss. He's good and no matter what he does, it's wild. Which one's Ryan Cranston? He's Shannon. He's the guy that owns the shop and gets the. Oh yeah, I know it's wild. So the driver and Irene actually say very little to each other, primarily because Ryan Gosling and Carrie Mulligan felt that their scenes should be more focused on the mood and refuse to say many of the scripted lines. Mulligan summarized making the film as staring longingly at Ryan Gosling for hours each day. Fuck, yeah, there's a lot of sexual tension.

Speaker 2:

It's like give me that job, you know I can do that your job is like Mr Bean, like you have to look at the paintings.

Speaker 1:

Just to stare at Ryan Gosling There'll be no problem for this guy over here, and despite the driving storyline, director Nicholas Weining-Riffin has no interest in cars. He doesn't have a driver's license and felt his driver test eight times. Wow, boy can't drive, he's tenacious. It's why Ryan Gosling had to drive him around in the light for the whole movie.

Speaker 1:

Ron Perlman won the role of Nino after explaining Nicholas Weining-Riffin that he wanted to play a Jewish man who wants to be an Italian gangster. Because that's what he is a Jewish boy from New York, that's like man.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Italians don't want anybody else and they're having any fun.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they don't. That's what always hurt Italians. No fun.

Speaker 2:

They like having all the fun. I just don't want to share ever.

Speaker 1:

Italians are like I'm coming after you.

Speaker 2:

Throwing up their hands.

Speaker 1:

So the opening chase scene was primarily filmed by Nicholas Weining-Riffin within the car's interior, and an interview Weining-Riffin revealed that the idea for the scene was to emulate the feeling of a driver in an ocean of sharks Sharks are very important in this film Never leaving the vehicle during a car chase so that the audience can see what's happening from the character's point of view. Tied on money and time, he shot the scene in two days with two different set-offs repaired in the car. The interviewer found it difficult to have mobility with the camera, so he would then switch the camera to two additional set-ups nearby. As downtown Lodge said, angeles had changed for the better. Riffin avoided certain areas to preserve the gloomy atmosphere. Additionally, the scenes were shot at low angles with minimal light. That opening, am I right bro?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it was awesome. As soon as you hear him talking on the phone, you're like, oh, this guy means business, this guy knows what he's doing and everybody's in trouble. Yes, you're like a professional and you're like, oh, this is going to be awesome.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, isn't movies about people that are just good at something?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's always great, and then they use their skills to heist stuff. That's all it makes it double. Good, yeah.

Speaker 1:

We watched recently the movie Blackberry. I don't know if you've heard of it, but it has Glenn Howerton from it's Always Sunny. He plays one of the guys that was co-CEO of Blackberry, and then you got Jay Bereshal.

Speaker 2:

I've heard about this film.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's so good Really. Yeah, it's essentially about just how Blackberry came to be. But you have Glenn Howerton who is just like he's a shark. He's like, if I want it, I'm going to go get it and I'm going to know how to do it. I'm also a douchebag in Super Mean. Then you have Jay Bereshal, who can just create whatever he wants. It's like you give him 30 minutes, I'll have a phone ready in 30 minutes. I guess that's cool. I wish I could do anything. It's great. You need to get AMC Plus. That's what it's on. I think I have it. I don't know, I don't know. In an interview for this film, Ryan Gosling stated he always wanted to act out a superhero role, but the good ones were taken. The driver character is something of a superhero, with a scorpion jacket as his costume. Gosling later turned down the role of the Joker in the 2021 Suicide Squad due to his no-sequel rule. As of today, rumors are that he's joining the MCU. I guess that no-sequel rule has went away.

Speaker 2:

Maybe he's just a different character.

Speaker 1:

But you agree with this right. The driver is a superhero. Think about whenever he's going after Nino and he's like yeah, he's got the mask in his jacket and he's standing on the beach just staring down at him and like so stoic and it's like, wow, this guy's like the Punisher this guy's turned into a psychopath.

Speaker 1:

Hell yeah, I loved it. So Brian Crenston was one of the first actors Nicholas Winingreffen looked at to cast, as he was a fan of Breaking Bad. Knowing Crenston had other opportunities, winingreffen tried to interest him by asking how he would like to develop the role. After not hearing back, winingreffen called him at the very same time that Crenston was writing on a piece of paper pros and cons of doing the film. This move by Winingreffen's interest, he accepted the part. It's like I don't know who else they could have gotten that role, but thank God they didn't have to get anybody else.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, crenston was amazing.

Speaker 1:

Is this? There's something about like you could put him in a movie and be like, oh no, this is a movie he's gonna have nothing but bad things happen in it. Right that we all know it's gonna devolve, but it's like you just see Brian Crenston and you're like I'm glad you're here, man we really, we really need you here. I'm nervous you're around, but then they flip it because obviously everything Brian Crenston's in something bad, terribly happens.

Speaker 1:

Brian Crenston is like no, I should have. No, I love it. So Gosling's performance is marked by the minimalist dialogue with driver only speaking a few words at a time, if at all. In the entire film, driver speaks only a hundred and sixteen times, with a total of eight hundred and ninety one words does he have a name in the movie?

Speaker 2:

they always just call them the kid or the driver. He's called the driver.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so throughout the my notes I just call him Ryan or Gosling, and then every once while I throw a driver, I'm like I'm gonna be so confused reading these things. But think about that. I have over four thousand words just for my notes. Well, this guy only speaks eight hundred and ninety one words, so my first page has more words than he has through the whole movie. Wrote his script right. So yeah, is there anything you want to talk about before we get into the script?

Speaker 2:

I don't think so, and it's just had a great fucking time watching this yeah, so Ryan Gosling plays driver, kerry Mulligan is Irene.

Speaker 1:

Brian Crenston is Shannon. Albert Brooks, the man, the legend, bernie yeah, he's, uh, what's his name? And finding Nemo, he's the dad.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah that's his voice. He's also in.

Speaker 1:

He's in a ton of great movies broadcasting news. If you haven't seen that, you'd love that one. This is my first Oscar Isaac experience. Which one?

Speaker 2:

is standard.

Speaker 1:

You know he's. He's in like the new Star Wars movies, as Poe Dameron fuck. Oh wow, dang. Christina Hendricks, you know anything about her. She's Blanche, she's a madman.

Speaker 2:

I like that man mostly what?

Speaker 1:

people know Ron Perlman great, and I think that's about all the recognizable names, cool, so we're gonna head into the plot.

Speaker 2:

Let's go on, is like great at getting killed in movies he really is.

Speaker 1:

He's wonderful at it, he like. So what's your favorite?

Speaker 2:

actually, I do want to know what's your favorite Ron Perlman movie, if you have one well, I don't know, but my favorite Ron Perlman death is that with the one where he's their snipe, their snipers, and like World War one or two, and he's like jumping across this gap and gets shot in the face and in the middle of his jump really blah.

Speaker 1:

What's that from enemy at the gates, I think? Okay, I think I've seen that. That does seems kind of familiar. He was like a Russian guy, yeah. I think, I think my favorite. I mean, it's just such a shame, but, man, I wish we got a third hellboy movie. He's so good as hellboy is so funny and just I don't know. It's like a character who's meant to play his face was like I should be a devil.

Speaker 2:

When I was in the military, people would say that I looked like him, and I didn't know if I should have taken that as a compliment.

Speaker 1:

I don't really see the resemblance.

Speaker 2:

I don't either.

Speaker 1:

Maybe in the army, like people are like no one here looks like Ryan Perlman except Jason, so we got to say it. You look like you've been punched a lot, it's like man you look like a rough guy, has been through some stuff like they've taken a meat tenderizer to your face and everything hey, sometimes you need that to be in Hollywood, though it's like Hollywood loves that they love. Whenever you just look kind of crazy, we can market this guy.

Speaker 2:

It's the crazy looking guy we don't, he might eat us.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, his giant mouth all right, so we are gonna hop into now. So the film starts off. We see Ryan Gosling in the dopest scorpion jacket. Still don't know why I've never bought that jacket.

Speaker 2:

This is being one of my favorite films. I thought it was like some kind of gang.

Speaker 1:

Yeah no, it's just like somehow this guy, this quiet guy, randomly found the coolest jacket in all of LA, but we also see that why he's talking on the phone discussing plans or something. We see that there's a Clippers game on TV awesome. We're like oh, I'm sure this one come into the plot later.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, what's his thing about? He just likes the Clippers.

Speaker 1:

No well cuz he so he uses it to his advantage at the end of the scene, like his plan was to show up and right.

Speaker 1:

So he was, so he had it on a timer in his head, yeah, and then we get the great line there's. There's a hundred thousand streets in the city. You don't need to know the route. You give me a time in place, I give you five minute window. Anything happens in that five minutes and I'm yours, no matter what. Anything happens a minute either side of that and you're on your own. Do you understand? Good? And you won't be able to reach me on this phone again five minutes.

Speaker 1:

That's it, mm-hmm he said, hey, but I mean he's got it timed out. He knows exactly how long it takes cops to get around in LA. I thought, it'd be way long. I thought he'd have like ten minutes at least yeah, this is really cool.

Speaker 2:

He had the map and he looks like he's like studying the streets.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, very meticulous and have every street that he knows you go down so we see him driving around. You know, just getting ready for getting prepped. You got the great score, yes god.

Speaker 1:

I could just watch if the whole movie had no dialogue and it's just Ryan Gosling going around. Just put it in black and white. No, don't put in black white. But it's like take out all the dialogue and just make it like a silent film. I still love this, maybe just doing heists, yeah, silent, yeah. So he's driving to the mechanic, the mechanic shop. He goes to me, shannon, who, like we see that he has all these cool cars and you're like which one he's gonna be, which one he's gonna pick? Then they land on a Chevy Impala and I was like huh, he dropped 300 horses in it. Yeah, it's like the most popular car in the state of California, hell yeah and around 2011, 2009.

Speaker 1:

It was probably the most popular car everywhere. I knew at least four or five people that owned a Chevy Impala, so we get more great shots of LA. We see Ryan. You hear him in the car listening to the game on the radio.

Speaker 2:

Still, at this point, you're just thinking, man, this guy loves the Clippers he's just listening to the game, I thought, because he was watching it on television in the hotel room.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, thought he was really interested in the game and then he stops and watches as two guys go in and rob a place. He sets up his watch for five minutes and then it's a ticking clock yeah, that kind of.

Speaker 2:

I was thinking like if he's gonna be turning the wheel, there's no way he's gonna be able to look at the watch right, I should have put it somewhere else yeah, like on his wrist yeah we see, yeah, like how you think he uses an Apple watch now, like if he was doing it today.

Speaker 1:

No, no way he tries those. He's like I prefer Android. Yeah, you gotta go with a time-x. Yeah, so one of the guys that he makes it out and he's got this like the tense scene of like, come on come on, yeah, come on, make it out.

Speaker 2:

And you're thinking, oh shit, he's gonna leave that. Yeah, I got what.

Speaker 1:

I've been screwed, but we see that he makes it out just in time he drives off and we're thinking like here we go, we're going a hundred miles an hour, just slowly, kind of yeah, he's so smart, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And then, like he sees that there's a car pulling by, and he pulls behind like a semi truck to just sit and wait. I love it because you the scores building and then you just got the two guys behind being like should we be stopped today? I'm surprised that it's saying should we not be moving in like any sort of way? These?

Speaker 1:

just like how a lot of faith in this guy yeah, and then he drive, the cop drives past and then he drives off and just gets right behind the cop car and I was like I didn't think of that. I didn't think about doing that. That's a really good idea.

Speaker 2:

But he also, he drives behind the cop and they like circle the block and they drive right past the place they just robbed and the guys in the back are like what the fuck?

Speaker 1:

What are we doing? It's like we're going to be here all night, so. But then we see a helicopter in the sky that eventually spots them, and this is when we start seeing the speed up. But then he finally he's like after a few crafty moves he's able to lose them and he just like, goes and parks again. Every time you think it's going to ramp up, he's like no, we're stopped.

Speaker 2:

It's like a grand theft auto when you go to the paint shop.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly, all the cops disappear. It's like cool, I got a three second paint job. This is great, but then so once they're clearly slowly drives off, again what we hear. The game is getting close to the end of the game, he stops at a red light and there's a cop right there and this time it's like okay, there's nothing you can do. You have to drive.

Speaker 2:

And he hears on the police scanner and he's like, oh, I see him.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, takes off and that's so great. It's just like there's a possible suspect in front of us. You just keep a lookout on him, man. That was such a good voice for a cop. So then the chase is on. He does some cool like quick turns. Cop can't keep up with them because they ain't got 300 horsepower.

Speaker 2:

No, no, they have. They probably can't keep up. They probably can't keep up engines in their police cars.

Speaker 1:

I was going to say they probably couldn't keep up because he's he's able to turn a little bit better in them because they had too much power probably. This is crafty. But then we see that he's getting close to the staple center. Then he pulls in, drives somehow there's a parking spot right inside the entrance and then he just puts on his hat, reverses his jacket, walks out, doesn't say anything to the two people.

Speaker 2:

Walks right past the car. Yeah the guys in the back are like yeah.

Speaker 1:

I guess we get out Well we look like we are robbers and we have giant duffel bags. I don't think we're going to get out like you think we are. But so, and then I love that there's a part where the cops like walking towards them and he's like, he like has to step by and then step around and it's like that was him. Guys Missed them. And then we get night call, one of the best songs ever to be written and made and put on a track. Night call.

Speaker 1:

This is how I feel it's like the very beginning song where it's like you got that guy, that weird voice, Love that song. Listen to that song a billion times over my time. I want to get the soundtrack. It's really just like three songs. Then you got all the ambience music and then you have that one song where he puts the mask on and goes look at Nino's, where it's like, because every time I was listening to the soundtrack it gets to that song and be like what are we? That is that is like that.

Speaker 1:

The vibe is different now.

Speaker 2:

It's like kind of a psycho, yeah, exactly.

Speaker 1:

So we just get some shots of Ryan Gosling driving Great shots of LA. You got the pink lettering, which is amazing, and then so he's like he goes home. You see that he's going to the elevator, irene's passing him by and he goes into his home, but he immediately leaves because you know why he just likes to drive the road is his home.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's. Yeah, that's what I've made of thought.

Speaker 1:

Or I think of this. This is supposed to just show that like he has, he doesn't have a life and he's unsatisfied. And you just so. He's just driving around because he doesn't know what to do, namelessly, yeah, so cut to him in an elevator. I guess when he comes home later that night Irene comes in. It's like a bit awkward. They make some smiles.

Speaker 2:

So he's been driving around for eight hours, probably not sleeping.

Speaker 1:

And then, like we learn, like their slow motion walk, it's beautiful and great. And then we see that they only live two doors away from each other, oh you like they're going to fall in love. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

They have to.

Speaker 1:

And then the funniest cut to in the film. We cut to Ryan Gosling walking around in a police uniform.

Speaker 2:

I know I was like oh city's a cop.

Speaker 1:

Isn't that tricky for a second?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Everybody started laughing in the theaters in 2011 when they saw that Everybody's like what? That's cool. He's like, oh, even cooler, he's a stunt driver. And yes, and we see, shannon is like his agent, I guess, or something. He's telling them like you don't have to do it. And then we see the driver put a goofy mask on. It's like the dumbest looking thing ever. I love it. And then we see he does a stunt, perfectly, as always, because he's perfect.

Speaker 2:

Whoa Jesse cover that boner up.

Speaker 1:

That's where I wore my tightest jeans. I wanted you to see.

Speaker 2:

Oh no, Get me out of here.

Speaker 1:

So we see him at a grocery store. He sees Irene and her kid, but he walks to another aisle so they don't see him back.

Speaker 2:

He doesn't want to get close to anybody.

Speaker 1:

But then he listens in on their conversation. It's cute little mom and kid conversation. But as he's walking out he looks over and we see that her car is broken down and it gives him a ride and he cuts to the elevator. He's playing like a staring game with a kid, which he does like two times, which leads perfectly to the ending of the film. It's hilarious. Kids love staring games. They do, I mean. They just love staring at people. Yes, they do.

Speaker 2:

I have a niece that all she ever wants to do when I'm around is have a staring contest.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

It's annoying.

Speaker 1:

So he helps her into the apartment. Kid has a mask Scary. You want a toothpick? Hey, I'm from Boston. You want a toothpick?

Speaker 2:

He's like I've got this one toothpick that I put in my ear and I always have. It's really gross.

Speaker 1:

And we learn a little bit about driver here. He's been in LA for a while. We learned. Then we also learned that her son's father is in prison. Same will be standard. She asks like what do you do? He's like I drive. Could you be a little more specific please?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you see, like whenever he says for movies, and she's like, is it dangerous? She loves dangerous men, she does.

Speaker 1:

She's so turned on. She's like there's so much chemistry between them. There's long stairs Like you know what I love in a guy where I feel like I can't have a conversation.

Speaker 2:

I love men that don't say anything.

Speaker 1:

I love the fact that I don't know if he's a serial killer or just the most handsome man alive.

Speaker 2:

He could be anybody Right.

Speaker 1:

Gracie is just going crazy over there, man.

Speaker 2:

I'm not. I think she wants to get down. She'll just let her down.

Speaker 1:

No, she seems to be settling in Good Gracie to stay, so there's so many long stairs. She learns that he works at a mechanic shop as well and she wants the bone Because after he leaves. She turns around and she's like oh, I got the vapis. Then we cut to Nino's pizzeria and this is where we get to meet our two villains. We have Shannon.

Speaker 2:

This was so funny. He's like he's got a pizzeria but he's getting like Chinese food.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, barney played about in her books. He's like where's the chopsticks? Oops. But you see that Shannon and Barney they kind of have like a prior history with each other. They're having a meeting. Shannon wants to buy a race car and Barney wants Barney to lend him the money, because Barney's a mob boss he's like the leader, I guess and he wants him to be part owner. Shannon says he is sure, because he has the driver. But Barney's like what? Nothing ever good happens with you. No, shannon, nino comes in. He's so mean to Shannon immediately, but we learned that he's a Jewish mobster who owns an Italian pizzeria. Barney says he will think about it, but he wants to meet the kid. And then we cut to Ryan, the driver driving. It's like at a NASCAR track or something like that. Yeah, like a small circuit track.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, because the car that they're wanting is a stock car for NASCAR and he thinks that Ryan Gosling can do it and we cut to the driving and Barney says he he would have been so upset if this would have turned into a NASCAR Right. You'd be like Jesse, I didn't want to watch Days of Thunder.

Speaker 2:

Tells a good night, but not funny.

Speaker 1:

So, but Barney loves the way he drives. Ryan goes to meet Barney. He's like goes to shake his hand. Barney goes to shake his hand. The driver says my hands are a little dirty, barney, so are mine. Whoa, I'm a criminal. And early Shannon was like here, don't talk about it, I'm going to low ball the price. And then Barney is like I'm giving you 300 for 70% Deal. All right, that's probably better than I thought I was going to get. And then we see we're back at the mechanic shop. Irene comes in with her car, gosling's looking happy. All of a sudden it's like his tough exterior is slowly following to where we're seeing him smile more. You can see that he's like to me. He's thinking like this might be my out, this might be the family that I want yeah.

Speaker 1:

He's seeing a life that could be where he's not in the criminal underbed Her husband gets out of prison Dang Oscar Isaac. So Shannon, he's starting to see a connection and he's like it's like there's kind of an awkward quietness for a second and Shannon's like so you all know each other, Ryan Gosling, don't just really walks away.

Speaker 1:

It's so cute, I love it. So the kid and Gosling, they have their second staring contest. He blinked. Shannon offers Gosling to drive her home. We learn a little bit about how him and Shannon became partners. Shannon tells him that he is driving her home. Ryan sees what he is doing and we learn that, uh, the driver essentially just came to the mechanic shop and he's been like underpaying them and stuff, but that like he helped them, like they essentially just have a really good bond.

Speaker 1:

You got to introduce them into the crime world Crime world and also got him a stunt job, cause um Shannon used to be a producer on action movies.

Speaker 2:

That's interesting, and you don't hear anything else about the driver's life.

Speaker 1:

This is pretty much it, that's it.

Speaker 2:

He's a five year old human man.

Speaker 1:

You've learned everything you need to know about the guy. Um, so yeah. So Shannon tells him that he can drive home. Ryan sees what he's doing and cause he's like making it look like. Are you serious?

Speaker 2:

You're doing this on purpose.

Speaker 1:

And then Ryan has this great line I don't have wheels. That's something you should know about me.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that was really funny.

Speaker 1:

And it's like go put wheels on your car. So while driving, ryan, this is where real human being starts playing Perfect song. Um, ryan asked if they want to go see something and it's just like this really charming scene where they're driving. What do you call that area? Vidok, vidok, I'm not sure what it's called. I'm not sure either. It's in every movie set in LA and I want to drive in it. Terminator 2. Yes, so many movies. It's even in some of the VHS series.

Speaker 2:

It looks like it's big enough to hold like the Amazon rain, like river Right, I know.

Speaker 1:

It's great. I want to be there, I want to drive in it I want to go up and down the sides. I'm going to drive in it, and then I also want to get an 18 wheeler and drive in it, like they did in T2.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean, are there just ramps that go down into those things, or you're just able?

Speaker 1:

to drive around. Maybe you just got like slowly. I'm just there's got to be a ramp somewhere.

Speaker 2:

You pay like a pay like five bucks, you get to go do whatever you want in this open. No cars.

Speaker 1:

It seems like it, because in movies everybody just goes there, just right in there. Yeah, um, so then like they leave their well they go to a cool nature spot like a little creek area and they like skipping rocks. It's like they're a big, happy family and nothing will ever go wrong. So then they start. There's like this great shot where there's slow motion, walking, and you see the driver holding Benicio and just like carry him all going to be like I've only met him twice but I'm fully in love.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, she's ready for this man. So good though.

Speaker 1:

Um, and then we got.

Speaker 2:

Gosling fever.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and then you have the line where it's just you have Ryan Gosling sitting at like the window and then Carrie Mulligan going up. They just walked to each other, smile for like five straight minutes, don't say a single word, and then she goes. That was good, he's like you blinked.

Speaker 2:

I'm out of here. I go.

Speaker 1:

But man, they just like they say everything with their faces. I love the lack of dialogue.

Speaker 2:

He's finally, like you know, like you know, like reaches for his jacket and just instead of like touching her, he just takes the jacket. Yeah. Then you like ask her out for boss move Ask her out for a thing.

Speaker 1:

I say, hey, if you know what, do anything Thursday. I was wondering if you want to quietly drive in my car. I won't have the radio on. It's nothing but awkward silence around now Do you like driving, I love driving. I mean, if you're, if you had a car like that, I would like if Natalie was like I? I have a 1973 Malibu. I'd be like cool, can we just drive around forever? Yes, there's just something about those cars that are great.

Speaker 2:

It's got pussy wagon on the side. It's like for kill bills.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it doesn't have to.

Speaker 2:

It already is one.

Speaker 1:

We get a few more great shots of LA. We see them driving around. The three are hanging out more. We see him. He lays Benicio down to sleep. It's really cute. They drive some more, but this time they hold hands.

Speaker 2:

Oh, my girl shift yes, but back to the shop.

Speaker 1:

Bernie comes in with Nino. Nino hates the car because it's got the the stout car. They's like this was so good. Why would you want this? Then Nino looks at a different car. Now this this is a fine ass pussy, bonobo mother fucker. Yes.

Speaker 2:

It really is a cool car.

Speaker 1:

And then like what it is. Um, bernie goes like selling that car and then Shannon's like you wouldn't be able to find pussy in a whorehouse, got him. So Bernie goes to talk to the driver. Bernie explains how him and Shannon met. Bernie used to be a producer of movies in the 80s. Uh, kind of like action films. You know, real sexy stuff. One critic called them European. I thought they were shit. Anyway, he arranged all the cars for me, did all the stunts. I liked them. I like having them around, even though he overcharged the shit out of me.

Speaker 1:

His next Ben's business venture he got involved with some of Nino's friends. They didn't go for the overcharging bit, they broke his pelvis. He never had a lot of luck. The reason I'm telling you this is that he has a lot invested in you and so do I. So anything you need you call me. We're a team now and I love this cause. You just get a shot of gosseling and it's kind of one of the first times where the camera's not underneath him, yeah, where he's in a power position, it's more kind of just a little above his eye line and you see the worry on his face. Where he's like, he's like I don't like this guy.

Speaker 2:

This isn't going to end well with this guy. He's getting deeper and deeper into the crimes.

Speaker 1:

And it's all Shannon's fault. Yes, I should not trust this man. And so then we go back to Irene's apartment.

Speaker 2:

I kind of feel like like, if he just kind of lets Shannon push him around, push him in and all this stuff, does he owe this guy, like his livelihood?

Speaker 1:

Well he's the one that gets him all the jobs. I guess so Cause, like Shannon sets him up with everything, he doesn't really have a choice. Yeah, it's really no choice Like what else is he going to do? I mean, I guess he could be like Shannon I'm out, you're out, I'm getting an agent, and do you just, do you hire people to go break someone's pelvis or do you think it was on an accident?

Speaker 1:

You're like oh no, like. This was like Nino. He got his goons and said he's over for charging us. He's got to pay us back or we're breaking his pelvis.

Speaker 2:

Just, or do you think it was more like just go beat this shit out of this guy, Break a bone oh yeah, I don't think they specifically said I want that pelvis broken.

Speaker 1:

If that pelvis isn't broken, I'm not it. I'm upset Because earlier we, in the first time that we meet Nino and Bernie, Shannon has this line where, like Nino's kind of picking on him and Shannon's like I paid my debts yes.

Speaker 2:

So it's like Futurama, when they had, when they met the Amazonian women, and they had, and they were like banging them to death with crushed pelvises.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's where my mind went. So we're back at Irene's apartment and then we probably get the line of the movie that kind of just explains everything that's about to happen, cause he's like they're Benicio and Ryan are the driver, are watching like a show, I guess, with them, and he's like he a bad guy. The kid goes yeah, and the driver, how can you tell? Because he's a shark. And then the driver asks there are no good sharks. And Benicio, no, it's because he's a shark, there are no good sharks. No matter what, you can't change the fact that you're a shark right now.

Speaker 2:

No, unless you're like in the movie finding Nemo.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I mean, I guess that even they turned out to be a great Bruce, yeah.

Speaker 1:

He tried not to, but he smelled that blood. Fisher friends, not food. So we see Irene she's getting ready. But then she gets a phone call and, like later, we see him driving around. We learned that her husband is coming home in a week. Everybody's sad. Dang it and it becomes an awkward time, oh man, and they don't say anything about it. The only person that could combat Ryan Gosling and his looks is a handsome Oscar Isaac. It's like dang it two charming people. No, who do I?

Speaker 2:

pick, and he's just done some time, so you know he was a hardened criminal.

Speaker 1:

So we see him in his apartment working on a part. Next door, irene is having a welcome home party for her husband standard and we hear the great song under your spell, that song is a masterpiece too.

Speaker 1:

And Irene's just sitting there like oh fuck, yeah, she's watching standard kind of smiling as Benicio and standard start playing. But then he gives us, he starts giving a speech and like dedicating it to Irene, and quickly her face drops and then you have under the spell coming up, cause whenever you have Ryan Gosling in the next room over like it's just all muffled and you only hear the bass. But then at this point, whenever her smile drops and then we cut to Ryan Gosling, the music comes up to where it's like oh, they're both in the same moment of like wishing that they were together instead of her having to be over here and him just. I'm alone. Am I just making a part? Cause now that standards back, my life is essentially back to where it started at the beginning.

Speaker 2:

That's standard. It's a weird name.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I mean, I guess it's just like a name for a character. It's a standard fucking bad husband. But then we get the.

Speaker 1:

We get the great explanation later on how Irene and him met, which is pretty clever. So Ryan decides that he's going to leave, but he like walks out and sees that Irene is sitting outside at the same time and they share a moment. Irene goes sorry about the noise. Ryan Gosling, I was going to call the cops. And then Irene says I wish you would. He doesn't love standard anymore. Standard walks out. It's just really great awkward agro scene.

Speaker 2:

Do we find out why standard with the prison?

Speaker 1:

I think they said it there. No, I think he's just like he made some bad choices. He just said something right, that was it. But you can tell standard is like he doesn't like the fact that this extremely handsome guys has been hitting on his attractive wife being the dad while he's gone. He's super, super jealous. And then he goes and throws trash and Ryan Gosling leaves and just as standard is walking by, good night, you get to see, yeah, get the hell out of here. So we see Ryan eating at a diner and then we get to see a very special moment here.

Speaker 1:

A guy makes eye contact with him. It's someone who he drove for and he's like hey, do you remember? It's just telling him like oh yeah, my buddy that was driving with me got shot. Blah, blah, blah, blah. And then Ryan Gosling turns. How about this? Shut your mouth or I'll kick your teeth down your throat and I'll shut it for you. Touchy, I have one word to say to you Shark. He's a shark. So he goes home and sees two mob guys walking in his garage. One like, makes a gunshot at him. As he keeps driving, he sees standard beat to crap. Yes, bloody as hell. We see Vinicio is scared. You're just like trying to calm them down. And Ryan goes to Vinicio. They're in his apartment now. Ryan asks who they were. Standard explains that some guys want him to do a job for them, but he won't. They want him to rob a pawn shop. He owes people protection money for when he was in jail.

Speaker 2:

And they keep up with the mafia. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Well, just in jail. He's like paying people trying to like I'll pay you when I get out. But the problem is they at first it was $2,000. $5,000. And they changed it with $10,000. So they just keep up in the price. And then we find out at the end that they are threatening to come after Irene and the kid. Oh shit, cause he goes to Vinicio. He's holding a bullet. He gives it to him. He's like you told me not to lose it. Ryan's like let me keep that for you. Oh man, that's where they all messed up. Yes, you could have just killed standard and that would have been done with it, but you gave a bullet to Ryan Gosling's baby boy they had no relation to it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I love how it just kicks in the gear as it now. It's a revenge, kind of like, yeah, now it's time to go. He does more than just drive. Yeah, he does other stuff, like beat this shit out of every fucking.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I can't wait we're about to get to the violence. Ryan meets with Irene at a restaurant that she works at. He asked about Vinicio. He's like no, what's like? Is everything actually okay? Irene says that some drunk kids beat up standard. She says he should come over. So this is where he's just like all right, I have to step in. I have to protect these people. She still has feelings for me, yes, and I have to protect the kid and the girl. So we cut to all four having dinner together. It's a great awkward dinner.

Speaker 2:

A lot of awkward looks from Gosling in the scene.

Speaker 1:

We learned that they met a standard and Irene met at a party when she was 17. He thought she was like 18 or 19. Standard's like all right. So I legally walked over to the 17 year old girl and I walk up and I say, hello, miss, what is your name? And she didn't say anything. And I then said well, my name is standard Gabrielle. Then he looks at Irene. It's like what did you say, irene said. I said where's the Deluxe version? Oh shit, it's so good.

Speaker 2:

And then they got together.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Well, I'm sure he charmed her. I mean, I guess he seemed like a pretty charming guy. He's pretty charming, I guess. We see standard is nervous.

Speaker 1:

We cut to Ryan stealing a car. Ryan explains his instructions and he's explaining it to this new mob guy you look like you're and he does his usual, his speech that he does all the time. He's like you look like you're hard to work with, we see. So we see the mob guy. And then we get to meet Blanche who gets treated like crap essentially. So get out of here, Go buy her a Coke. The mob shows him the deal. It's like this much for us, this much for her, this much for standard and this much for you. And he shows his handed as fuck off. And then Ryan's like when you get your money, his debts are paid, he's out for good.

Speaker 1:

So back at the dinner, standard is making a toast and it's kind of like the calm before the storm, but like standard's like the driver. He's my best friend. Now we're a family all four of us. Oh, it's so weird. And then we cut to the pawn shop and everything's about to go down. Just so Ryan says to standard it's like I'll see you in five minutes and standard, like I'll see him for. So standard and blanche they go in to rob the place. We see the whole thing from Ryan's perspective. But while we're waiting, we see another car pull up and it's like oh, it's a Chrysler. No way it's a Cadillac, it's a oh, is it?

Speaker 2:

I thought is either a Chrysler Cadillac yeah, I thought it was a Chrysler too, and then we see so the car parks but nobody gets out.

Speaker 1:

Blanche runs out and gets into the car. We see standard coming out. We think he might be able to make it out, but then he gets shot in the side of the head. Oh, and then another guy comes. The same guy comes out and shoots him like three times in the back rough and Ryan drives off and we get this great car chase.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think it's a Chrysler 300.

Speaker 1:

Oh is it? I love whenever he pulls the brake and then he like turns completely around, he drives in reverse. It's so awesome. And then it's so that like he could block the other car to not see that he's about to hit those like water barrels or whatever they are. But I love like the shot when the car wrecks because you got blanched his face, he's like, and then the car in the background flipping.

Speaker 2:

There weren't. I'm really glad that the cars just didn't immediately explode right, yeah, it's just like.

Speaker 1:

You know. Thing that I love about it is like we really only get so like a couple of that. Two car chases, essentially right, but they're done so Perfectly. There the shots are, you know, a little different than you might see, like this the reverse, but then you also get the slow motion. It's like, well, if you're gonna only only have two car chases, they might as well be amazing. Right, yeah, they have to be, but I mean, nothing beats that. First that the opening, though that car chase was amazing.

Speaker 2:

I don't know like yeah, you're right, the last one though is like just fun cool.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, let's like let's just go. So then we cut to Ryan and Blanche. They're in a motel room with all the cash they're only supposed to get 40 grand and it's like two duffel bags full of cash and it's like nope.

Speaker 2:

Later learn that it's one million dollars.

Speaker 1:

When Ryan exits the room, blanche makes a call. We cut to Irene having to answer questions with the police. Ryan calls her and Benicio picks up and he's like she's talking to the thing. The police say alright, I'll call later because the husband's missing. Yeah, and well, because he's shot dead, and so it's just trying to ask, like why did he?

Speaker 2:

try to rob the place.

Speaker 1:

Last time he saw, yeah, okay and then we get there watching the news, Blanche and the driver and the news program says standard acted alone and no money was stolen. Rines immediately like what the hell oh?

Speaker 2:

let me put on my gloves about smack a bitch. He gets a text message right like his phone.

Speaker 1:

So first he like hits her and he's like you just got a little boys dad killed. Oh, that's right. She's like starting to tell the truth. This is where it's another moment where he's like yep, he's a shark. He's not a good guy, he's a shark. And so she says a car was supposed to hold them up because they were gonna rip them off. Ryan says Ryan says she is going to take him to Chris because she learns it, but the guy goes by cook Right now. So she gets up to go the bathroom and then Ryan gets, has this, feels the vibration of her phone and Then looks at it and realize like oh, they're coming.

Speaker 2:

And this is when the I Gets it.

Speaker 1:

Got real, real Violet, oh it's just like a shot of it, because you just been like, oh, it's been slow, and then it's like, here's like a shot of adrenaline straight to your heart.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he sees the shadows go in the windows and he immediately starts Pushing the I love that shot to when you. When he realizes that shit's about to go down, he's just kind of zooms in on him.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and then everything happens. You see, the guy shoots Blanche straight in the head. That was one of the coolest fucking headshots I've seen in a movie, yeah, and then the guys like slowly about to come into the room, he like hits him, takes a freaking I Guess this is a curtain, some that holds a curtain stabs them right in the like chest and then like again covered in blood.

Speaker 1:

Just covered in blood and then another guy breaks down the door and he like takes the shotgun and shoots him. Oh, because one thing he doesn't do. It's like. So before that scene starts, he's sitting like against the wall and he's like he looks scared. It's like for the first time when we're really like, oh, he's scared because he's about to do all the things that he doesn't do he only drives, he doesn't kill people, he doesn't use guns, yeah, and so like, once he makes this decision, he's a different person now, because we see him whenever he like his face comes out and it's covered in blood and then he's like he's just staring, he can't believe. It's like I'm crazy. Now I'm insane.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I was wondering like is he just thinking, like Shit has, I'm just changing, or like, is it or is he waiting for someone else to show up?

Speaker 1:

I think it's just like everything that he did and knew is completely different now. And now he has to be this guy that he doesn't want to be, that's kind of what I feel for yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and he's like crap. I'm a shark. I didn't think I was a shark, but I'm a shark. He smells the blood, yeah. So Ryan is back at the shop getting his gunshot wound fixed. Shannon thinks, bernie, you would know who did this and that he could, you know, be like. Look Like he would just give you the money and we'll be done. Shannon wants to keep the money also. At the same time.

Speaker 2:

He's like whoa. I know what we could do with it so, ryan, he gets ready.

Speaker 1:

He's like superhero mode. Now, right, he goes to that strip club.

Speaker 2:

Yeah this is insane, this.

Speaker 1:

Is one of the most gorgeous shots in film all the lights, no, just all the lights and how it's lit and how they shot it. It's amazing because even there's a room full of women when they're tops off. I'm like good start, I don't care, this looks amazing. This shot so amazing. I'm so engrossed. I don't know if this guy's about to beat the crap out of this man or what Walks in there hammers his hand. Yes, he's such a badass, right here.

Speaker 2:

Yes, it's awesome, one of the most badass things I've ever seen. Like he puts the bullet on his head, he's like I'm gonna hit that. Yeah, hit with this hammer and it's gonna blow your brains out.

Speaker 1:

You also kind of see him like he's trying not to lose it because he's like you see him shaking. He's dripping like sweats coming off of him. He's like you just know he wants to do it so bad because he's slowly becoming a psychopath. We learned that Ryan has Nino's money, though he makes cool cook swallow the bullet that he gave Benicio.

Speaker 2:

Lucky him. When he put it, the hammer in his mouth, I thought, for sure he's gonna rip his teeth out.

Speaker 1:

His teeth are gone. And so Ryan calls Nino and says he has the million dollars. He tells Nino that he wants to give him the money and that's why can't he just give him the money? Yeah, but he can't. He knows it's like no one can know. Well, we'll figure out a little later, when Bernie Nino talk again. And he knows like so what do you want, what do you get out of this? He's like that's it, I just get out, yeah. And then Nino's like you're not very good at this, are you?

Speaker 2:

Like I've been like hey now.

Speaker 1:

Let's just be friends, yeah. And then Nino tells like there's a random guy on his pizza. Really like go check out this driver, because at this point Shannon's already told Bernie about this and Bernie is told Nino, so now they know where Irene and he lives, fuck. So Ryan visits Irene, he lays everything out to her, he tells her that she can have the money and it's like maybe we could just go and get out of here. We see it like this is the first time we really see him Disheveled. Yes, like outside of he doesn't know what to do. Yeah, like his hair is disheveled. He like looks scared and frightened and he like going up to him. This is his last chance to be like we can just go if you want.

Speaker 1:

She smacks the crap out of him and he says just thought you could get out of here. If you wanted, I could come with you, I could look after you. Oh, but so they both get into the elevator and we see the guy from Nino's. Ryan notices the guy is up to something because he sees Like the gun and then so like from the driver's perspective, he's like he knows what he's about to do. He's like I'm gonna have to kill this guy and forever.

Speaker 1:

I read Irene will never look at me the same again. No, once I do this, I don't have her. It's over everything that I thought I could have I won't have. So he like goes in this beautifully romantic kiss happens, the Lights slowly, kind of like dark in a little bit it's like, and then like they back up from kissing Regular motion. The guy tries to hit him. He just smashes his face into the thing and then he falls back and he just stomps a little mud hole into his face. So Fucking awesome. And you see, like Ryan Gosling like, just like shaking and looking, looking like a boy who just like did I mess up, did I do that? Irene like backs out of the elevator just staring at him like what?

Speaker 1:

In the animal, it's like I get. You had to incapacitate him, but I didn't think you had to bust his skull into pieces. Such a beautiful.

Speaker 2:

So such a beautiful and violent part of the movie.

Speaker 1:

It's insane.

Speaker 2:

He did it like in the time it takes to go from the fourth floor to the first.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but you know who can do that? The driver sharks. Oh yeah so Ryan goes. He drives to meet Shannon. Shannon he learns that Shannon told Bernie that he had the money. Ryan's freaking out on him. What did?

Speaker 2:

you do, what did you do?

Speaker 1:

He tells Shannon that they were gonna come for everybody, including him, and that he needs to get out. So we cut to. Bernie's called a Nino. Nino says that he was gonna steal from a mob guy that was trying to set something up in LA. It's and they. The gamov guy was based out in Philly. So Bernie says if anybody stole from the family they will both be dead. Nino says the driver and Shannon has to go. Bernie's pissed because he's. He was excited, he said earlier he's excited about the stock car thing.

Speaker 2:

He's really looking forward to it, and like Nino screwed everything and when this was happening. And he's also getting it looks like he's thinking about what's gonna happen. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he's like trying to. He's like trying to figure out a way. How can we get out of this? We're not everybody has to die and we all screw up. But yeah, they can't, they can't let anybody go, because if any of them squill to Right the other, like anybody that knows the Philadelphia mob, then they're all gonna come after Nino and then Bernie. So they're all just gonna end up dying, yes, which I'm sure won't happen later. But and then Bernie's like does anybody else know? And then, you know, looks over at cook, who's just sitting there eating. And then Bernie, just like, takes a knife, that's like stabs it into and just like, then just takes a knife and just stabs on right in the stomach. And then he looks to Nina, now it's your turn to clean up after me. Our Brooks is great. Oh, um, albert Brooks, he, he decided that he was gonna shave his eyebrows. I don't know if you notice.

Speaker 2:

I didn't notice though.

Speaker 1:

He shaved the eyebrows so that you couldn't see it. Emotion on his face.

Speaker 2:

Oh. Pretty cool, interesting.

Speaker 1:

So let's see what happens next?

Speaker 2:

we'll make sure that fork went in the eye real clean.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's great Just another just another shot of like Ryan goes to some man job to it's like covered in blood goes this, like thank God he worked in Hollywood and he grabs the silly little mass that he used as a stuntman here. It's like a great idea, so. And then Shannon's about to leave and but Bernie's is sitting in there. It's like all these process cars you think you have better locks. Bernie visits, shot Shannon. It's like Shannon goes you break, you break in here. I figured it's bad news. And then Bernie. Bernie looks at Um, shannon, no, it's bad luck. Oh, shannon, you have bad luck. Man. Bernie tells him he has to set this straight. Bernie says he was getting excited about being in the racing business.

Speaker 2:

I was excited my name on a car. And then Shining goes to shake Bernie's hands and Cuts, him cuts him like elbow, all we done before, I guess because he cuts all the nerves.

Speaker 1:

It's not gonna hurt after the initial pain, I guess. He's like it's like, it's over, it's over, it's done.

Speaker 2:

You're just gonna bleed out now.

Speaker 1:

But he's very sympathetic towards him. He really liked Shannon, it seemed like. And then we see him. He washes his straight razor like at home, he puts it up and then we just see Bernie sit down. Thing is you see Bernie sit down and he just looks. He looks bummed. He's like I didn't want any of this to happen. It's like now I have a $300,000 stock car with no one to drive.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he's really worried about it. Yeah, he's bleeding out.

Speaker 1:

So Ryan goes to the shop to find Shannon dead. He like pushes him over because, like Bernie, didn't find the money, there's literally right where he laid Shannon down to die. The money was in the trunk, the trunk of that.

Speaker 2:

So Ryan goes to kill them though. Right, yeah, he was gonna die, no matter what.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so Ryan, he dons the mask. Yeah, he goes to Nino's pizzeria, he puts the mask on beautiful music, that beautiful music he goes and walks and there's this one little square we can see is like goofy, and then it's like slow motion and you have just Nino just laughing at a hilarious joke or something and I love that. The girl that he was, I guess, laughing with, she's just Disgusted, so pissed off.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, she's like this isn't funny at all. Yeah, um. So we see Nino leave in a car and Ryan follows him out. He rams him and then pushes him off the small cliff.

Speaker 2:

That was fucking cool when you waited for him to. The turner while he, like, disappeared into the fog. Yeah, they like, okay, let's get out. Then he turns on his light. It looks so beautiful.

Speaker 1:

It's just such a great shot and then you just see him he gets out of the car weird and you just see him like standing. It's this huge, why shot with like the ocean in it?

Speaker 2:

Amazing and that's scorpion man. He's wearing the scorpion jacket. I could be like his superhero calling car.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's his costume be the scorpion and then he chases Nino into the river. Fun fact.

Speaker 2:

Ron Perlman was the ocean.

Speaker 1:

Oh, the ocean. My bad Ron Perlman broke his leg filming this scene. Oh, when you see Ryan Gosling like holding on to him yeah, I think it was supposed to be. He's supposed to be making Motions, but I think he's trying to hold him out of the water, oh, to keep him from drowning.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think so that's what it went, which that could just be me putting that onto that part. But after I watched a movie and then a long time ago, when I looked up facts about it, I was like, oh, he broke his leg. I wonder if he's like holding them out. And then you see it and he's like, well, he's just holding him, but he's not doing anything to him when he's in the ocean. So yeah, I think he might have just been holding them out of the water Until they until he helped cut.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean, and then he just drowned him, right, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Beat him up and drown him. So then Ryan calls Bernie. He tells him you know the story about the scorpion and the frog. Your friend Nino didn't make it across the river. Bernie says that they should meet. Do you know the story about the? No, so it's, a scorpion needs to make it across the river, and so he asked the frog like hey, can I ride on top of your back to make it across the frogs? Like okay, I will, but you can't sting me, because if you sting me will both drown. Yeah, and then the frog gets halfway across the river, the scorpion can't help himself and stings them and they both die. That sucks. So essentially, like what I came for is that Everybody's riding on Ryan Gosling's back, but every turn everybody but Irene.

Speaker 2:

Stinging them in the back help it.

Speaker 1:

They can't help it, it's what they do, yep so he's the frog, mm-hmm, all right.

Speaker 1:

I told you Perfect 10 out of 10. So Ryan calls Irene. He's saying his final goodbye story. He says being with her and her son was the best thing to ever happen to them. Essentially, it's real sad Sucks. I hate it for him. Ryan meets with Bernie. They just like they just meet in this little like Chinese like Restaurant. It looks like something like that. He tells him that if he gives him the money she is safe forever. But he can't offer him the same. He has to go the rest of his life. Looking over his shoulder essentially. So he's gonna let them both go. Yeah, like he's. He's a very sympathetic mobster.

Speaker 2:

So we think you can't trust them can't trust them.

Speaker 1:

No, because they go out to his car, pops the trunk and immediately stops right in the stomach. But Ryan is able to like, I guess, kind of he kind of like holds his hand there and he's able to just kind of sit there and take it while he pulls out something and stabs him in his throat and he eventually kills him.

Speaker 1:

He leaves the money, yes, and then out of it, like we're like oh no, it's over. But we see Ryan. He's sitting in his car and what do we? Have a staring contest with the audience, Because we're all sitting there. It's like I can't blink, I have to know if he's alive. And then, and then, ryan blinks and he's alive. He did it. He looked dead, but he's actually alive. It's like the blinking contest with.

Speaker 1:

Anicea, real human being, starts up. He drives off and leaves the money. We see Irene go to Ryan's door but no one comes out. There was still a chance. Oh man, there was still a chance. If he just was able to stay home and they would have been able to go together. We end with the driver driving as we should.

Speaker 2:

The the fucking in Beautiful movie.

Speaker 1:

So since 2011, I have thought of this as my favorite movie ever. Nice, and I feel like it's like I always try to talk myself out of it. I'm like, oh, it's like a, it's just a simple movie and it's like I never understood and like, why do I love this movie so much? But then every time I watch it, I might. This is one of my favorite movies ever made.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I even have Ryan.

Speaker 1:

Gosling over your shoulder looking at me from the movie drive. I gotta find a place to put that I need to set that up somewhere?

Speaker 2:

You put it above your bed, yeah, so I can watch over you. Yeah, just so you can look.

Speaker 1:

Me and Natalie. We kiss the painting every night before it's dead. You're our frog. We'll stay on your back, ryan. I'm not gonna stay here. It's just like it really is just one of my favorite movies ever made.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I can't believe I never heard of it and missed it because it's like I love these types of movies.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and it's like I don't know. I love the moodiness of it, I love how moody it is. I will always take a like you know you can have this or John Wick, and what I say, like they have like a similarity in, is the moodiness of those movies right, yeah, like there's such vibes and it's like, ah, it's perfect, versus something we'll just say Fast and the Furious 8.

Speaker 2:

I don't see anything past like the second one, so that movie.

Speaker 1:

it's got so much action and everything, but it's just dull, it's just it's just like we have no atmosphere here. Some of those have great atmosphere. We're a family and we steal cars, but like like something that it's missing is like I don't know. I care about people in these movies.

Speaker 2:

It's like we don't have to have 500 lines of dialogue of Vin Diesel. Right, Don't really get a shit about Vin Diesel in those movies at all.

Speaker 1:

Also, don't get me wrong, I absolutely love the Fast and the Furious movies, but like they're missing what this movie has yeah, acting. It's like, yeah, yes, true, acting in realism. You know, I will say, in a Fate of the Aider, of whatever they call the eighth one. There's this scene in it where they go in like zombie mode, like, and all these cars just magically like start going by themselves and they're essentially acting like zombies from World War Z, what yeah?

Speaker 2:

That's wild.

Speaker 1:

I watched it and I was like this movie sucks and it's boring and everybody's terrible in it. And then that happened and I was like you know what. I'll give it two or three stars out of five.

Speaker 2:

That was like. That was like when I watched the Golden Compass. You were seeing that.

Speaker 1:

No, I haven't, but I've seen the trailers and I've seen some scenes, so I went to see it with my.

Speaker 2:

It was like my girlfriend wanted me to watch it. I was like, okay, fine, I'll go watch it. It was okay. And then there was this part where these the bears fight each other.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I stood up in the middle of the movie theater and put my arms up and just yelled Like yes. I was like yes, and then I was like, oh, I'm in public and it should probably sit up.

Speaker 1:

It turns out you know what's cool Two giant bears fighting.

Speaker 2:

Getting your bottom jaw ripped off by a bear that's awesome.

Speaker 1:

It's like Godzilla 2014. And they also do it in the King Kong movie. It's gorgeous. Yeah, so that's, that's the end of the movie and we're going to switch over to our categories. Our first category is the good, the bad, the ugly, the fine. This is where we pick what we find good about the movie, which is the good, what we think is bad about the movie. And then the ugly is something we don't think age will, and the fine is something we think age Great. So anyway, we'll let you go first the good. What do you find good about this movie?

Speaker 2:

I know we just sat there and talked about it. We just gushed about it for a long time. Now, just the professional, smart driver that isn't Jason Svethem. Yeah, that's nice. I thought Jason Svethem did a bad job of it and Ryan Gosling did a good job. Ryan Gosling good transporter. Jason Svethem, bad transporter yeah.

Speaker 1:

Exactly, I think. The dialogue, I loved it. The performances great. I could just watch all these people to stare at each other and I'll just figure out what the story is. And how beautiful this movie is. The cinematography is great.

Speaker 2:

It is gorgeous, love the colors, the music is amazing, like there's some neon coloring.

Speaker 1:

It's like very realistic, also coloring at the same time Great. I'm just going to go ahead and tell you I have nothing bad about this movie.

Speaker 2:

No, I didn't really have anything bad. I mean, it's just the mafia. I guess Too bad about the mafia. Who do you trust? I don't know.

Speaker 1:

And then for the ugly. I also had nothing bad. I'll say the mafia would be the ugly. It sucks that the mafia exists. Yeah, I mean there's nothing really terrible that was done here, unless you're in the mafia and you're listening to this, and I love the mafia and it's not like I can do anything.

Speaker 2:

Racism's bad. Yeah, racism's bad.

Speaker 1:

Don't kick a guy while he's down, just because he's Jewish and unless the guy's trying to kill you and then kick his face into the ground Kick his teeth in. And for the fine I just picked Ryan Gosling. I think out of this movie the thing that's age is the best is just everybody loves Ryan Gosling and heists.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, heist movies exactly From different points of view.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's like a very yeah, like the heist movie from the perspective, and strictly the perspective, of the driver.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they don't even go in the detail of what happens, because you just sit out there watching like what he's like, what the fuck is happening inside, it doesn't matter.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I feel like Baby Driver took this a lot too from Drive where they're like. It's only the perspective of the driver that we're getting. Oh, I've seen that one you haven't seen Baby Driver Shoot, I'm gonna let you borrow that dude. That movie, you'll love that movie. That movie it's like the opposite of this, but also still has good acting and performances and the action roles.

Speaker 1:

Can't wait. It's the guy that did Scott Pilgrim Awesome. He's totally blanking on his name, so let's go to the double feature. Do you have a movie that is similar to this that you would recommend?

Speaker 2:

I'll let you go first while I think about it.

Speaker 1:

So I picked a movie starring James Cohn called Thief. There's a lot from that movie that they got ideas from for this movie. It's all about a guy that was in jail and he's a professional that is really good at cracking safes and he meets a girl and because he meets the girl, things that happen later.

Speaker 2:

Do you want to crack her safe? And she's inside of it.

Speaker 1:

No, but dude like this is, and it's a meet-cute. Yeah, no, their meet-cute is actually insane. He's not a good guy but because he meets the girl and he wants this life, it kind of screws everything up. Cool, you'll see. If you watch it, you'll see it's great. The music is amazing in it. It's got vibes of this music, except more 80s. But yeah, I picked Thief I'm starring James Cohn, directed by Michael Mann. Great time to watch it because Michael Mann's new movie, ferrari, comes out. Starring Ferrari, I'm starring Adam Driver.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I like seeing him get destroyed and things, maybe a car, like in the last duel when you got fucked up. I haven't seen it.

Speaker 1:

I haven't seen it. Don't spoil it. God damn it, man. It's like a 30-hour-long movie. I was having the time to watch it.

Speaker 2:

What was the movie with? Oh man, I can't think of a double feature. I have it in my head but I can't think of the name of it. Explain the plot. So there's the mafia guy that raised the son. He raised the kid to be a cop that works for the mafia. And the other guys a cop that went into the mafia undercover and the departed. Yeah, the departed, the departed, the departed of the.

Speaker 1:

Mark Wahlberg is so good in that movie, he's so mean, he's such an asshole. Yeah, no, that movie. That was Martin Scorsese's first. He won best picture or best director for that movie, which is kind of wild, because everybody thought he could have won for good fellows Casino, all those masterpieces he made, and he finally won it for that. But man, that movie is a rewatchable movie. That's very watchable. I go to watch it every week. The formances are fun.

Speaker 2:

I love yeah. Who is the main mafia boss?

Speaker 1:

Jack Nicholson, jack Nicholson.

Speaker 2:

He's so good and his death is hilarious. It's honest. Yeah, it's so dumb, but it's perfect.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and it's probably like Matt Damon's my favorite Matt Damon part really. I mean, matt Damon, it's just great in that it's like for the first time where you're just like you're playing a little different type of leading man here, but he also does that. Oh man, you know what? I just thought we didn't come up with a movie to watch next. You know, we are talking about Matt Damon and maybe we start the year off with a Matt Damon film, a Matt Damon Thon.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, maybe.

Speaker 1:

What if we did Rounders? Rounders is fucking great. Let's play some fucking.

Speaker 2:

Cods. I love that in Norton.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and Matt Damon Cool. So you do it, you good, with Rounders. Hell yeah, it's a good movie. Join us next week, baby, as we do Rounders. We really just came up with it. Play some Cods Right here, right now. You saw a little behind the scenes and we would like to ask you to please, on whatever you are listening to us on, give us a review. It'll take five seconds. At least give us some stars. If you could leave a review comment just saying how great we are, how much you liked us, it'd really go a long way and we really would love it. It's the end of the year and it like that would just put a stamp on this end of the year.

Speaker 1:

Make a New Year's resolution, yeah put your resolutions in there and be like I wish I Great these guys. I want to listen to these guys every second of the day.

Speaker 2:

That's my New Year's resolution.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, so follow us, subscribe whatever you got to do. Thank you for Joey Prosser for making our intro an outro. You can follow him on x at Mr Joey Prosser. If you want to listen to us or follow our social media, but you want to listen to us on different platforms or whatever, go to our link tree. It's linktree forward slash. We recommend podcast. And if you want to send us an email, we have a email set up and if we get any we'll say I'm live on the show.

Speaker 2:

And Jesse will also send you a picture of his dog.

Speaker 1:

Yes, no guarantees, but I do have a lot of them. You can send us an email at werecommendmailbag at gmailcom. And this has been the we Recommend Podcast. I'm Jesse and I'm Jason and I drive. See you next year, yes, yes, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Bye, bye, happy new year, thank you.

Discussion About the Movie Drive Lovely
"Film 'Drive' and Its Misleading Trailers"
Ryan Gosling in "Drive" and Sequels
The Funny Moments in Drive Film
Business Deal With the Driver
Violence and Revenge
Violence and Betrayal
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