We Recommend: A Movie Podcast


January 19, 2024 Jesse and Jason Episode 35
We Recommend: A Movie Podcast
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We Recommend: A Movie Podcast
Jan 19, 2024 Episode 35
Jesse and Jason

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If you've ever found yourself entranced by the flicker of a spaceship's distress signal, or if the mere thought of a Xenomorph lurking in the shadows makes your pulse quicken, then strap in for our latest podcast escapade. Joined by our enthusiast pal Dakota, we've navigated the universe of the Alien franchise, from the creeping horror of Ridley Scott's original masterpiece to the adrenaline-fueled skirmishes in "Aliens" and beyond. This episode isn't just about the films themselves; it's a reflection of how they've shaped our love for cinema, inspired tattoos, and even influenced our childhood book reports.

As the conversation warps through the Alien cosmos, we clash the indomitable Master Chief with the relentless xenomorphs in a hypothetical showdown that's sure to electrify fans of both franchises. Dakota's insights shine a light on the Alien series' lore, unpacking Prometheus's polarizing expansion of the universe and debating the merits of mystery versus exposition. And for those who've ever pondered whether a cattle prod is a suitable defense against a H.R. Giger nightmare, we've got you covered with a blend of humor and intrigue that only true aficionados could conjure.

Picture this: You're aboard the Nostromo, trading quips with Parker and Brett, and the air is thick with tension and, quite possibly, the scent of cryo-sleep fog. Our banter takes you through the gritty details of the crew's discovery on a distant planet and the chilling lifecycle of the series' iconic creature. We peel back the layers of special effects wizardry and on-set techniques that have cemented "Alien" as a titan of sci-fi horror. So, whether you're dodging group projects for movie marathons or simply looking for the perfect double feature recommendation, join us for a space odyssey that celebrates the lasting legacy of a genre-defining juggernaut.

We would love to hear from you! Send us an email and maybe it will be read on the podcast! werecommendmailbag@gmail.com

To quickly follow us on social's or listen on another platform follow the link!


Music produced by Joey Prosser. X @mrjoeyprosser

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If you've ever found yourself entranced by the flicker of a spaceship's distress signal, or if the mere thought of a Xenomorph lurking in the shadows makes your pulse quicken, then strap in for our latest podcast escapade. Joined by our enthusiast pal Dakota, we've navigated the universe of the Alien franchise, from the creeping horror of Ridley Scott's original masterpiece to the adrenaline-fueled skirmishes in "Aliens" and beyond. This episode isn't just about the films themselves; it's a reflection of how they've shaped our love for cinema, inspired tattoos, and even influenced our childhood book reports.

As the conversation warps through the Alien cosmos, we clash the indomitable Master Chief with the relentless xenomorphs in a hypothetical showdown that's sure to electrify fans of both franchises. Dakota's insights shine a light on the Alien series' lore, unpacking Prometheus's polarizing expansion of the universe and debating the merits of mystery versus exposition. And for those who've ever pondered whether a cattle prod is a suitable defense against a H.R. Giger nightmare, we've got you covered with a blend of humor and intrigue that only true aficionados could conjure.

Picture this: You're aboard the Nostromo, trading quips with Parker and Brett, and the air is thick with tension and, quite possibly, the scent of cryo-sleep fog. Our banter takes you through the gritty details of the crew's discovery on a distant planet and the chilling lifecycle of the series' iconic creature. We peel back the layers of special effects wizardry and on-set techniques that have cemented "Alien" as a titan of sci-fi horror. So, whether you're dodging group projects for movie marathons or simply looking for the perfect double feature recommendation, join us for a space odyssey that celebrates the lasting legacy of a genre-defining juggernaut.

We would love to hear from you! Send us an email and maybe it will be read on the podcast! werecommendmailbag@gmail.com

To quickly follow us on social's or listen on another platform follow the link!


Music produced by Joey Prosser. X @mrjoeyprosser


Hello and welcome to the we Recommend Podcast, a movie podcast where every week we recommend a movie for you to watch and then come back here and listen to us discuss. I'm Jesse, I'm Jason, I'm Dakota. I can't lie to you about your chances, but you have my sympathies. This week we recommend Alien. So Dakota's back with us third time on the pod. This is a movie you weren't going to do, so like tell me. Like why the heck you like it and stuff.


I really love it, because I don't like you always some of your other ones you always ask about when did you first watch it? And I'm sitting here thinking I think I first watched it. I was like 10 or 11.


I can never remember.


Yeah, it's just one of those movies, kind of like been around for a long time because it's just such a good classic, like horror movie and the creature and like I really love it. I even have a tattoo of one of the homo bra. I mean, you just missed your pure boy over here.


I'm also untouched.


Our skin is too, pure.


We don't got that devil skin like you. What?


are you going to do when you get older and you have them still? I don't know. I guess take a cheese grater to it and start over.


So what about you, jason? This is a big movie for you, or is it just like I like it?


It. I mean I always loved it, but yeah, it wasn't really like it's kind of one of those things where it was on TV or something like my parents never rented it when I was younger.


So, yeah, this movie. I really like cats as a kid Well, I liked all animals as a kid, so I really like this movie. I know I saw the kitty and I was like what. And then also the part where the monster gets Dallas and he goes, yeah.


I love that scene so funny.


I love that as a kid. I thought it was so fun. I mean also, you know, seeing toys of the xenomorph. It's like, yeah, this movie Girls Thing is I was more alien space than alien as a kid. Like I loved aliens oh yeah, I saw that one a lot. That one was. I was like let's go Alien as a kid, let's be like the ultimate warrior in my living room. Y'all probably don't get the reference, but you shak it don't.


Oh, like where was Devon when you made him? But yeah, so alien or aliens, is there a preference for you guys? Is that the second one?


Yeah, it depends to me. That's the one.


Get away from her, you bitch. I love it, she's a bitch wife.


Oh, we just find the mama yeah she's in the giant robot. Yes, the, yeah, the.


That's so good.


The second one to me is just more action based because it's also. It makes the xenomorphs just nothing. Yeah, it takes away a little bit of the horror elements, but I feel like it added so much to like the lore of the alien, but the scene when they're in the tunnel and they're like shooting at it and you see all of them like falling through, is so cool.


It's just action, horror, but it's also that James Cameron like 90s action that was like in T2. It's just so good.


Yeah, but this one is just like a like masterclass of suspense Hell yeah, and just building tension. I mean even the opening. Just how slow you're just going in space and you're slowly getting lines that make the alien word.


Yeah, I felt like that was so long in the opening that we're still here.


I was watching and I was like, oh, my god, when is it gonna be complete? And I was like that's already building the suspense. And then it takes you through the halls and you're like, oh yeah, I like this movie. It's kind of perfect.


The musical score is beautiful. Yeah, I like the music for it?


Is it like someone very famous, or is it like someone who has?


he's grumbling over here like, oh great, he just asked me something. I don't know.


The one thing I didn't look up, oh no, it must not be that big of a deal because it's more about the art and stuff that they focus more on, because HR was HR Giger.




Goldsmith or H Giger, I don't remember.


Hr Giger, hr Giger, yeah oh it's the guy that did Looney Tunes, la Confidential Congo. Did you say Looney Tunes? I don't know, it's just on the top of his IMDB. It's your Looney Tunes. But yeah. I don't really know him, but yeah, that's a great job 10 out of 10. Nailed the guy. So what would be? So is everybody's rankings like alien than aliens, and then do y'all like any of the other ones.


I mean, I don't really like the third one, but alien resurrection David.


Fincher's first one.


Yeah, I've seen that one a lot because it was on TV a lot and I just like the alien franchise. I really like that one. I don't know what channel it was on, but it was on all the time and I watched it so much. Tnt.




I remember my senior year in high school. We had to do a book report on something from our library and I hated doing book reports. And I was just looking through the library and they had a book on alien resurrection. I was like, oh, this will actually make me read it. And I was just thumbing through the pages and I was like, man, this just seems like it's the script from the movie. So I decided to test it. So I closed the book, opened up to a random page and I started reading and I was like, okay, this part. And then I was like this is the next scene to happen. And then skipped ahead and so I was like, yeah, that's the exact scene. So I just threw the book aside and was like, alright, I got the book report down because I've seen them so many times.


That's so cool. My best book report I ever did so is this the novelization of the movie Pretty much.


There was obviously more little details in there, but I wasn't reading the whole book.


I was like this is literally most of the movie right here, something I kind of wanted to do.


I want to start reading novelizations of books, to see what.


I'm doing. I know Star Wars. They add a lot.


Revenge of the Sith has like it's the scene like where, like Dooku's getting his head cut off, they go through his head like his mind, and it really opens up to like what he's losing and like I've been fooled this whole time. My whole plan was I was being used and it's apparently really good.


Oh, so he's not just like shit.


Yeah, it's a lot of like when he's like that, like you know, when he just looks and he looks at like arms off. Then he looks at Palpatine like huh, and he's like, oh, my plans are gone. It's more of a in your head moment of like wow, like he was actually the stuff he wanted to do was actually made sense, instead of just be like I don't want to be a dictatorship, I just want to stop the endless wars.


What if he was like played by Owen Wilson? Wow Dang it, I'm Count Dooku.


I do get to ask Jason, it's always the thing, because they go hand in hand alien or predator.


That's exactly what I was about to ask.


What about? I mean, they're fun to watch. I do like predator a lot. I have seen it more, but I like this movie more than predator. I thought it was a better movie, but Predator was just fucking awesome.


Yeah, predator's got that classic like I'm horror, but I'm like Schwarzenegger action as well.




Yeah, this is just way better written.


Oh yeah, in terms of dialogues.


Well, I mean, the Predator is written by Shane Black, so you get like his classic 80s or 70s camera when Predator came out the original Predator.


Yeah, I didn't know he did that.


Yeah, that's why he's such a popular screenwriter. That's why, when we did the long kiss goodnight, people were literally take my money.


We just want your script.


Yeah, I'm definitely alien. I think the alien is cooler than Predator.


I think yeah.


Design wise in terms of alien.


Yeah, I think the one thing I like to respect about the alien more is what they say in the movie is like it's a perfect creature. It's a hunting creature. It doesn't like I like that. It doesn't think the predator thinks it wants to hunt, it chooses. The alien is just its nature of just how it's born. Like that it's the perfect creature, like that versus the predator they train themselves to be that way.




And this is like natural versus training and how I just something about that just is great.


And plus I'm not scared of predator. He'll look at me and be like I can get out of here, dude.


I can hunt new bro, just rip your spine out. No, what if he looks he's like?


you want to have a battle podcast?


I'll fight you. I'll make my own podcast and be like. The reviews of that episode would be like too many mouth noises.


Too many mouth clicks. I don't like it.


You sounded too wet.


Reads one comment, activates his bomb.


It's like I'm coming All right. So one last question before we get into some facts. Alien versus predator.


That was fun. I love him, I hate him.


They're so bad you hate him? I don't like him what.


I think they're bad. They're bad, but they're fun.


But they're fun, bad they're good, like it's just like man, it's alien versus predator. That's that classic like to me it does.


Don't bring aliens to the earth and not show them.


Like when the aliens pump an egg into that dude Don't bring aliens to earth and don't plant them in like New York or something I don't like?


don't talk to me why I want it to be in the middle of like New York City and like five xenomorphs just running around.


Well, they kind of do that in Requiem. As dark as it was, that movie is terrible.


But I actually have a Japanese poster back at home of that movie.


Have you gone back and watched it though.


You mean the Xenomorph with dreadlocks?


Yes, it's still a good movie. Like I went back and watched it turn my brightness all the way up, still could barely see. But it's still like a good movie because it's just like a town's getting taken over and a predator is trying to take it and the humans are just the bystander. In this I thought it was like it's just kind of good. This actually takes a little bit more of the like, say, horror elements of like people are dying and the predator is just trying to stop it and the people are just the dying left and right Insects?


Yeah. To quote Adam Sandler in Uncut Jims, I disagree. Yeah, we know how that is.


Did you all see the? What was it? Prometheus, or whatever.


Yeah, yeah.


That movie is a movie where every time I watch it I either love it more or I hate it even more.


Yeah, but I just thought it was interesting how they went Further into like did that the dead guy they find like that's kind of his story, isn't it?


That's what's kind of his people Space jockeys is what they're called. I was just talking about that.


That was one of my old boy Space jockeys, which we'll get to. I got a fact about it, so we'll get to that soon, before you get there, because I don't know what to say.


They're a lot of bones?


Yeah, they seem bony people.


It does suck that.


it's like they just made them these Because they look like little elephant people where their tusk has grown into their own skin and something like that.


I guess, fine, like what the? Because a lot of them based original art off of that one and that's how I grew up with what they look like. So when Prometheus came out and I saw it, it's like I guess you would see it as like original Star Wars trilogy and they bring in like the midi-chlorines. You're kind of like, oh, that's not cool, like why would you change something? Now it's like you have to have these high blood count of shit and you're good and this is something that you were so used to and I didn't like it. It really bothered me.


It's just like having high cholesterol and giving you powers. Yeah.


I like pretty much most of the story of Prometheus, that is in like half the characters.


The characters Right.


But man, when they're ripping that baby out over, some of the nut rolls, like your wife said.


there's just so many like some good scenes in there.


Yeah, it's a beautiful movie and it's great and I liked all of the tall white people.


I just wish we got more.


They're kind of just just based off, you know, like alien lore and all the podcasts I listened to you like.


I was pretty confused when he just, he just turned to powder and fell in the water.


Yeah, I feel like this is Scott was like I'm this great director, I'm gonna do my interpretation stuff, that's what happens when you eat bath salt Just dissolve when you get the bath stuff. Oh, I was talking about like the directors.


Oh like.


is that something he did All?


right. So the egg chamber sequence was originally different. It's one of the most well known and acclaimed sequences in the film. After the Nostromo right got that right. Okay. Response to an alien distress signal and lands on alien planet. Crew members Captain Dallas, kane and Lambert come across a bizarre spaceship containing a huge chamber full of unhashed eggs. In the original script, the eggs were found in an ancient pyramid like structure on the planet. It was written out by the producers, who replaced it with a military bunker. When Scott came in, he liked the ancient civilization idea and changed it back. So what that means is that the chamber with the alien eggs is actually on the spaceship. It's in the ancient structure and the alien ship crashed on top of it, and when the crew go into the chamber they're moving from the spaceship into the structure.


So it was like they checked this fridge and there was a giant carton of eggs. Well, that's, that was something when I was watching. This time I was like wait wait, is that supposed to be the giant ship like that's a really big ship.


But now it makes sense that they go into a pyramid.


Yeah, I was like this is something. It just doesn't look that Well. Huh, I was just like this is a nervous wave, sars brothers, it's just so bloody hard this.




I guess that was something I didn't also those. My other complaint with, like promissius, prometheus, was that it seems like the space jockeys kind of created the xenomorphs and I like it more of when something you don't know how it got there, it's just like a there thing. Yeah, kind of like what I like about a the flood from Halo. You don't really know how it's there. You're just like it's just Force of nature or something else, that you don't know what it is, where it came from, but it can wipe you out. Oh man.


What do you think would win? Master chief or xenomorph Depends?


I mean chief would probably be able to take out some xenomorphs. He's got a lot of sticky bombs. Just got to watch out for the acid blood and I think he'd be alright.


Get one face hugger.


Oh, I didn't even think. Well, the face hugger, because there was a tie-in comic where, for some reason, dc stuff happened and Superman got a face hugger on his face. Hell yeah, and he was not near a son, so he was like having to get closer to a son before it hatched. Eventually he got exposed to the rays again, came stronger as it was About to burst through his chest, as it tried to burst through his chest.


So he landed on the planet that all this stuff I don't know.


There's others, other.


Says you see, on this planet like you get no sunlight. Well, I don't know.


I mean obviously like in later alien movies that have them, like so many, many like human military stations have them and I don't know. I didn't read the comic, I just know about it.


Get your back straight more alien shit.


People Love it.


I'm all aliens. Yeah, no, aliens is like my favorite, just alien, my favorite genre.


Did you ever play the video game that came out with it?


No, I have it downloaded on steam. I just never did it cuz I can't control with the keyboard.


To. I played to the campaigns because it has three of a minute. Predator one was fun, a human part was Excellent. Wait, the alien game. Well, there's an alien versus predator game.


No, I didn't know that. I was thinking of the one where I Couldn't do that as like someone.


The one where you just kind of Get away from it. Yeah, it's like that one for a little bit.


They based that one kind of off the first.


Maybe, like you're hiding stuff free on PS5, and you know yeah.


I heard that game was so interesting to me. If you, you it could hear your voice through your controller, like if that microphone would be Something yeah, and if you were too loud, the alien could find you easier.


I couldn't play my dog.


I was always too afraid Turn it off.


Aliens coming out.


We're having to deal with an animal instead of dealing saving our own cells.


I actually remember one part of that video game when I was playing the human section. Because you got the, you got to worry about the predator and Alien part. The main part of the story, though, is dealing with the alien infestation. So most of the game I'm sitting here fighting the xenomorphs, and I remember walking through like one section of the game, I was sitting here like man, like I Haven't ran into a predator yet, and I was just sitting here ready. The store was opening slowly and I just walked up to it and a body fell.


Yeah in front of me like a predator, like how they hang them up, and I freaked out in the game, like Like they do in the movie, started shooting it. And then the predator- does its little thing looks at you and jumps in front. I splashed and jumps away and I was like that was so cool. I felt just like the movies. I always remember that scene because it got me perfectly just how it wouldn't like a movie scene.


They just waste the whole forest.


The predator, not a members. The space jockey caused quite a stir Before Dallas Kane and Lambert came across the egg chamber. They passed through what looks like to be a bridge on the alien ship and find a Huge skeletal figure sitting in a chair. The movie provides no explanation, and this figure became known as the space jockey. There was a lot of fan speculation down the years of what about, what or who the space jockey could be, and Ron Cobb, one of the writers or a concept artist on the film, did explain. It's a cataclysm caused. There are. A cataclysm caused the alien adults to die, leaving the eggs dormant in the chamber.


Years later, the space jockey race, investigate the planet and are fascinated by this chamber. One of them gets face hugged, the alien burst from his chest and goes on a killing rampage. The alien is shot, killed and its acidic blood Burns through the hole, leaving the space jockey stranded on the planet. They sound out a distress call that years later, the nostromo picks up, by which point the jockeys have all started dead to death. The studio 20th century fox really said that really, scott couldn't build the space jockey set because it was so huge and only being used for one scene. It was Ron Cobb, though, who convinced them to keep it. He said it's a star, cecily be de mille shot, meaning a moment that makes the movie look expensive and not like a B movie.


There was a great because soon as it cuts that shot, it's like they got budget. It was only made for 11 million dollars and that was over budget they were gonna do.


Yeah, he looked cool and you're immediately like this is fucking mysterious as hell, cuz it's just what's going on.


He just I loved sitting here when it leaves you up to that wonder what happened, what's going on? Cuz you don't know. It's like a new world and you're like, oh man, you just think of so many things, what could have happened?


but you that's one of those things when it comes to movies like this, where I'm just like actually don't need anything about this guy.


I just like it it's fine, it's cool.


It's a cool design. It's like something happened to this guy. Obviously there's these aliens on. You Didn't know. I don't really need to know, like, but I feel like that's a problem when we get so many sequels. It's like I didn't need any of this I didn't.


It does take away the elements of like.


But then again, I also like those creatures and yeah, what are the?


color chalk space jockey.


I don't know, I guess cuz they he was like piloting a ship and then just call them that for some reason. I don't know why I got to that because the internet's funny.


Okay, cuz he's a little boy, I don't know he's big man.


They're like a big, tall, big bony motherfucker.


So the chest burger, chest burger the chest burst or sequence involved in press a little pressive practical effects.


So the most famous scene in the film Is the moment that, having been having been impregnated by a face auger, an alien burst through Kane's chest at dinner. In order to accomplish this, the crew created a mechanical torso, laid it out on the table and John hurt Played. Kane lay under the table with his head, shoulders and arms protruding through a hole in the table to make it all seem like one body Cool. The mechanical torso was packed with animal guts in small, a small compressed air cannon. On Activating the cannon, the torso burst open, the blood and guts spilled everywhere and they pushed the alien puppet up from under the table. There's a myth that this scene was filmed in one take, but that isn't true. It took twice, two times, two takes so they sweetest shafted.


Yeah, and in order to create this shock and horror he wanted really purposely left some of the cast in the dark about what was coming. The script said that something would come out of Kane's chest, but other than John hurt. None of the cast members knew any more than that. They weren't expecting to be graphics. A Lambert look of horror when she sprayed with blood Was actress Veronica Cartwrights real reactions. Sigourney weaver said she thought John hurt might actually be dying. You know, she only stayed in character because nobody shouted.


Cut, she's so good. I love when they do that type of stuff and they got it played Parker.


He went home that night and he locked himself in the bathroom, refused to talk to his wife.


I mean, I guess I get it like if you don't expect it and like you gotta think this is like probably like Body horror that you don't hadn't seen a lot of, because it is like the beginning of before, like what we're used to now, like crazy amounts of gore, and you see that you're like this is really good effects.


Yeah, like I just see, immediately go straight to the family guy episode where he does like hello my darling.


What was it? I'm pretty sure it's space balls.


Well, family guy does have a bit with the alien.


but you're right, I think that is, I'm gonna get you with my mouth. Now, my little mouth gonna get you. They do know movies. They do one with the aliens space balls.


They're doing.


Anyway, since I'm embarrassed in my own podcast. So really Scott wasn't the first choice to direct. Walter Heel, the producer picked up the script, was a successful filmmaker, having directed Driver and recently finished filming on the Warriors. He'll, though, said he didn't want to direct, and Fox went through a lot of other candidates before they got to really Scott. They first asked Robert Altman I don't know if any of y'all know him, he's a Nashville Mesh if he'd be interested, but he said no, peter Yates, he did bullet with Steven McQueen and Jack Clayton, who did the Great Gatsby, the 1974 one. They were considered and, like another director, was considered. So the guy Robert Aldrich he did whatever happened to baby Jane came very close to being hired. Aldrich talked himself out of the running when he met with alien producers he'll and David Giller and on being asked what happens, what were his plans for the facehugger, he said we'll just put some tubes on a guy's face.


No, one's gonna remember it anyways tubes answer for everything and then finally have being impressed by the duelist really Scott's first feature. The producers spoke to him. Like a lot of other filmmakers at the time, scott had been Star Wars, fan of Star Wars and been blown away by and had some ideas on how to do science fiction, maybe his own ways. So when Fox approached him, he accepted immediately random thing.


Do you know what the original name of this movie supposed to be?


any like be something star. Be like. I'm so glad it's funny when you hear those original.


Yes, it would have been like this makes me think of like a B movie. It's very 70s yeah, and. Seeing that it's like I'm glad they changed. I love seeing when the original names of movies supposed to be like man. That was a bad choice right.


It's like that would have been terrible. It's like what was um, I mean, like Anakin Skywalker being Anakin Starkiller, or Luke was supposed to be Starkiller.


That's kind of sick though it is, but it's like it's too… On the nose. Well, no, it's too like mean. I would say that it seems like he's the bad guy, literally, when he's not the one who blew up a planet.


Yes, but his dad did.


What was like original was supposed to be revenge of the Jedi and they said that's too like evil. They're not supposed to be bad, they don't get revenge. That's why they changed it to return, and you can still like. If you find old posters that say revenge, they're apparently worth a lot Nice.


Keep an eye out for those. So Ridley Scott employed some weird techniques when working with the cast In order to create an atmosphere of tension in Paranora, paranora, paranoya, it's my earbuds are going crazy. He wanted on the film. Scott used a few tricks on set To heighten the sense of claustrophobia for the cast. Scott had the walls of the sets pushed slightly closer together every day, but didn't tell the actors he was doing it.


That's awesome. He wrote full back stories for each character and gave them to the actors for shooting. A lot of directors do that. And to try to create more natural tension between the characters, he asked the guy that played Parker and Ian home to both antagonize Zagorni Weaver on set. When they shot the scene between Ripley Parker and Lambert where they hatched a plan between every take, the epic Coda would say to Weaver come on, sister, you gotta give me more than that until eventually she delivered the line we see in the film.


Which was what?


I don't know.


I don't know, she's more attracted than I remember Zagorni Weaver. Oh yeah, where's your question? What?


You always ask, usually if it's an actress, or even an actor is like hot or not.


Everybody in this movie is hot.


She does work great.


I don't think she's attractive.


Well, you're a hater.


She's not ugly, she's just not.


Growney's learned how to like kid a proper size pair of underwear.


It's not even covering your butt, lady. That's so funny. You know they got to show a little cheat.


Thought it was weird. So Tom Scare wasn't the first choice to play Dallas. Tom Scare is a mirror role as the brave Dallas, but he wasn't the first person for the role. Harrison Ford turned down the role as, having just played Han Solo in Star Wars, he was concerned about being too synonymous with science fiction movies. The producers also spoke to Tommy Lee Jones but passed after. Jones told them that he'd be in the film but wanted to play the alien. He wanted to what he wanted to play the alien.


Tommy Lee Jones.


He's like no, I'm holding out for something better.


It's like, yeah, if I'm not playing the alien in this, then I'm not in it.


You see who, like the guy who was in the suit, was like a six foot ten dude. I'm like god dang. I explained the height.


Have you seen like the behind the scene footage and stuff of it? I actually went to watch the movies that made us.


It's so silly looking the movies that made us. It looks terrible outside the movie. And I went on there and I was like, oh, the poster has, like, the alien hand I'm going to watch this so I can remember it and I was like they did aliens.


They didn't do the first movie. That's really annoying. Well, it's because aliens I mean, that was the one I watched the most.


The one that I read, I know, but come on, it's the classic.


When you're growing up and it's making you it's aliens.


When you grow up and you get more sophisticated, it's alien Alright. Last fact, it was a conceptual artist, ron Cobb, who came up with the idea that the aliens should bleed acid. This came about when Dan O'Bannon, one of the writers, ran into a wall with a screenplay and how to handle the first half of the movie. He needed a good reason for the crew members not to just suit the thing and kill it, but still not make it an indestructible monster that can be killed. The acid blood was the idea that solved this problem, do you? I meant?


to look at one of the best ideas ever in the history movie.


Yes it was great.


How they the scene where the acid hits the floor. Do you know like, did you see any effects on how they did? That was like because I watched it and I meant to look it up and I forgot was like, how did they shoot that? What did the effects did they use to get that like dissolving scene? Did they use like legit acid or something because of the way it melts? I was like man.


It looks like. No, I'm sure it's like some. I mean it could have just been like they made stuff out of sugar and just put water on it.


Really good job, because I was sitting here watching it on my TV and I'm like man, that's really really good.


It's weird I did. I did look up so many like websites and for facts and stuff and I never saw anything for it.


What about the cat or the cat? Facts about this cat, the hero. Was he the best?


cat that it was the most temperamental cat, even though it's an orange cat. It was the best on there.


I went to like three or four websites. I really no one seemed to care about the cat except for me and you guys, it was the best. I just think I keep thinking, like when Ripley's going back, like she hears the catch, like God dang it. I was just like that'd be Natalie.


That's exactly what I was thinking. She goes well.


I mean they can't die. We're going to blow up the spaceship. I was just like you could have gotten out of there. You know it'd been a quick death for the cat. Cats probably lost like 20 years of its life. It's been running from the xenomorph the entire time.


Well, apparently didn't, and obviously the xenomorph took traits from the crew member. The crew member like the cat and it's like.


Well, no, so there is the part where the so towards the end of the film, she drops Jonesy and the xenomorph looks at it.


I don't think it knew or just didn't care.


There's more to that because I like to think that it said I'm top, I'm the top predator, and then he sees this cat is like.


Well, I love it. I like that much better because I'm about to go into like well, I actually know facts about the xenomorph lifespan and stuff.


Did the cat have its own sleeping pod, or yeah?


well, I think it slept with her, but no, I think she did stick it in its own sleeping pod towards the end awesome. I mean gotta make sure you don't get like space rats, you know.


She has no food for that cat. There's food, like even my girlfriend not on the second ship. She didn't have time to go get some cat food, did she? Well, was that connected to the kitchen? I don't know that's. This is own little shit. It's a cat.


This cat just eats the Gourney Weaver's face while she's in hypersleep.


Yeah, you see the face I got on my face, eater.


No, no, no, no, no. Just like trying to go into hypersleep, but are you here?


Kiddie stop licking.


Or is this Got the zoomies?


This is why you're sleeping the whole time. The cats is going to be like on your glass window. Oh my god, even in space I got to deal with this.


And it says remember, in space no one can hear you scream.


No one can hear you purr, anyways.


Open to smile from a smaller cat.


All right, all right, all right, hip hop into the film. I really hate that. I said hip hop.


Well, it's, it's you. So, mr Nandy guy.


We started out in space where we get the cool great title reveal. Then we see the spaceship, the Nostromo, a towing vehicle. Screen shows that it has crew of seven with a cargo like 20 million, like tons of mineral ore, and they're returning to earth. They're so close home, only 10 months.


I don't mean like I got like facts, but I want to kind of do it with part of the scene you're bringing up and like it's more like a question, like for one, this ship is huge because it happens like when they use like real, like display models. You know the perspective makes it look a lot bigger and I was like this thing is massive and there's only yes, and it's like there's only seven people, like the AI, which would be mother, is so good.


It was just a super like my brain was going while I was like man, to be able to make it where you can have a ship like that with only seven people and the AI could take care of it. Your standards for this thing operating have got to be so good because, like it made me think of like the factory and like how much things are different back in the day. It's like obviously you need less people now because more of automation, and my brain just started going crazy about man. That's got to be some on point stuff to only need seven people yeah, and I guess like half the ship is just minerals and stuff cargo hold.


I'm assuming it was a yeah said it was a mineral to towing yeah, vessel, so yeah, and then we get the great shot of the ship. It's like the Star Wars shot. You're underneath it and it's like.


Will this ship ever end? Ship looks great. Camera takes us through the hallways of the ship and this is kind of shown you a little bit of the ship, so you kind of get it. Later on in the film and in the command deck or pilot room, whatever you want to call it, we see screens start coming on throughout the ship and more lights are coming on. Then we go into the room where all the crew are asleep and there are tubes opening up cryo shi- cryos and this is the way this guy gets up in the morning.


When he wakes up, I felt like that today yeah, I imagine being frozen and this is like gotta be annoying without get up and they're all good to go how about it smells bad when it opens up just all your farts?


come out like no, it's.


I can't say. I can't say I sleep and I'm trying to sleep on your own farts for 10 months it's funny the way there's your farts sleep to in space.


Your first sleep because there's a another book I read, like it was actually a book, a halo book, and it was talking about how they do like their sleep, like they freeze them and they talk about when they all those books. Yeah, like when they wake up they throw up this paste because they have it gets injected into, like their chest and it's a nutrient paste. Yeah it's what happens when they're asleep, so the body has something to fit on because it's just a low like life state and when it's this in it's the halo book.


It was the fall of reach.


It was actually really good for fucking cool His best halo. But yeah, that brought in like they wear the suits so their skin doesn't get frostbite and they have the nutrient paste and every time they wake up they're like throwing it up because it's still left over. Cool, I always think about that anytime I see cryo sleep it would have been great if you had morning wood.


Before we went to sleep and you just look at the guy next to you on sleep, he was like he just like wakes up and puts his arm over the other guy's chest and like starts twirling his chest.


No, they just. Everybody wakes up and every guy's like I gotta get in the bathroom, don't bother me please.


But so we see a guy get up slowly and then it's like dissolving Into where the whole crew's getting up and then they're start eating breakfast. This is kind of like the Popular scene that people like to talk about, where it's like, oh man, it's like you just never really know who the main character this movie is gonna be, because it's just does such a great job, but the cast and they're all friendly and stuff like that.


We don't get a lot of that like what is it like? Because that's something mentioned it feels like it's a, like, an actual crew. Mm-hmm, we don't get a lot of that, like the synergy with, like, even in third side Characters for the actors they still do such a good job. A feeling like it's real.


Yeah Well, what I like about it is they're not constantly arguing, which I feel like becomes a problem in the later Alien movies, where it's like Well, in the later Alien movies, like everybody's just making stupid decisions, this one's not too bad you know they're like oh, I just want to go shoot it and fight it, blah, blah, blah. I'm like meaning like Prometheus and stuff, where it's just like this is like the dumbest group of people they ever put on a ship.


What are the ships falling and like this actually seems like a group of people that gone on missions before it seems like Like yeah, it seems like a general crew of like yeah, we're just doing this, it's like our everyday life. It's like when you see someone who gets comfortable working in their job and you just see it with other people and like, yeah, they know what they're doing versus, like the rest of them, where it's like everybody just doesn't know each other each other one smokes a lot yeah.


Yeah, I love how, in the future, you could smoke and.


Can't even smoke on an airplane in space. No one can hear you smoke. My girlfriend brought that up. It's gonna keep me in that.


Flamethrowers, just like they have oxygen flowing. I said, look, it's a sci-fi world, realistically you can't do that. This is obviously. They must have some kind of Hydroponics area with, like natural greenery giving them normal oxygen. Because, you're right, you cannot do that. You would blow up the whole ship.


Here's my argument. He gets that. Hey, they are on another planet where there's aliens and stuff.


It's a sci-fi movie. You just have to like it's sci-fi stuff, it just happens.


They brought a cat on a spaceship. Look what do they do.


Look how advanced they are. You can go in space and bring a cat, yeah the cat was the captain.


I wonder how long it took that cat to get used to being on his way. You know, we can't keep talking about this, parker and Brett. They're talking about getting bigger bonuses. Dallas, like shoots them down. Dallas, the captain gets a message and goes to the room that has a computer called mother. It's an awesome room with all these lights.


Machine, like the way the lights yeah, oh, look at that, we're getting there, mom, we're getting there.


But essentially he's just getting a message about like oh, there's a. There's a stress signal or whatever you dummies.


The rest of the crew are at the command center. They're getting a message from another space system and space it's a call for help. The crew meet for a meeting. They learn that they are half way home and mother woke them up so that they could check out the mystery transmission. Parker doesn't want to go because the contract says it. His contract doesn't say rescue missions, it's only to go get this cargo or whatever. And Ashley explains that the contract actually says the opposite and if he doesn't do it they don't get paid.


I kind of appreciate that they didn't give the AI a voice.


Yeah, I like that. I don't know how you would call the technology. It's futuristic, but it's also like it's kind of like analog. I love that type of stuff that has like an analog but futuristic feel. I love that type of like anytime a movie comes out now and they-.


It's always holograms and I hate it. Yeah, I like this much better.


I'm like the analog stuff just is so much cooler.


It's like I'm sorry, holograms isn't going to be a thing, it's all CG, it's all CG.


So it's just like you're limited on like what it's like, yeah, it's cool, but practical analog stuff, more fun and cool. It's like you know it's cool screens. Yes.


Man, I'm like an old man yelling at a cloud right now. So the crew, they're closing in on the transmission. The crew takes a small ship down to the planet. We get a tense scene of the crew trying to land on the planet but a barring being met with a lot of turbulence. They successfully land but some of their ship gets damaged in the command deck. The ship has some like cell systems that they got to reroute. Now, Parker and Brett, which I love, those two, by the way- they're like my two favorite creatures.


I'm curious about that scene, like when they landed and then like it just started breaking apart.


Yeah, I was like what happened Exactly, so we got a whole breach.


I can't. I'm like shouldn't you guys be dying because there's a whole breach in this planet? Yeah, I can't breathe.


Yeah, I'm assuming it's just like in certain areas there are whole breaches or something like that. I'm sure it's not like the whole ship, because everything's compartmentalized and spatial.


Yeah, like the planet. Yeah, exactly, they made me think of like man. They did a good job, because I feel like if they made a modern day like that, just like eh, we made it, it's not the best, the whole ship just dies.


Yeah, so it's like a dark, foggy planet. It's super windy and we learned that it's like made of volcanic rock, essentially, and it's super cold apparently.


Don't know why it sounded like that.


Some of the crew are going out onto the planet it's Dallas, lambert and Kane while Ash is on the lookout.


And I love at this point because Ripley, even to this point, she's like looking at Ash a lot and just like not sure if she can trust him, because what we'll learn is that he only, like, came onto the project like two days before, two or three days before, yeah, I was watching it because, you know, when you know he's a robot or android, whatever you want to call it, I like watching, to go back and watch those movies, to see like the manorisms of people, to see like, oh, you can kind of tell he's a little bit off and it makes sense, it's like because at this point before he's going to be on lookout, you see him like kind of doing a jog and stuff and it's like what are you doing Getting your white juices flowing in your synthetic juices?


You got a lot of juice in tubes. But this is a great park because we see Parker and Brad. They're pushing Ripley's buttons because she comes down to like check everything out with her.


I love her so much. It felt so genuine and real.


Yeah, it's like. Was she coming down here to tell us how to do our job? So familiar?


Just getting flashbacks to the factory.


So Ripley's trying to decode. She decides that she's going to go up and check out, like the warning and stuff. Ripley goes up there to try to decode it. The three crew members are walking on the planet. We also see Jonesy the cat just straight up chilling. Yes.


Best chill cat ever. Yeah, Also that scene where she's looking. I'm like you can read binary just by looking at it.


Yeah, it's like the Matrix. Yeah, it's like you're really smart and if you're AI I can't do it.


You think you can. Oh my God, you definitely just need to be the captain.


So we see the three crew members on the planet. They see a crash ship on the planet. It looks like a horseshoe, yeah, it does. And then we get like the great shot of the whole, like just a really wide shot of the whole planet where you can see the ship and you can see their ship, and it's just, it's beautiful.


And it's one of the best looking movies ever made.


And really Scott's really good at putting together shots.


Well, yeah, especially since I watched.


Blade Runner yes, so good.


They because I was sitting here thinking it's like now they would just send out a drone. Because that's what I was watching the Blade Runner sequel and I was like, yeah, they send out drones to scan stuff. It makes sense. But I was like you could also just kind of get away like well, we can't send out a drone?


It would. It can't handle all this. I mean, they're a giant ship Couldn't even handle it. They're drones couldn't. Which is something they ended up doing on Prometheus. Oh yeah, A little like orb thingies, yeah, but it just went in the cave and then the three crew members start heading towards the ship. They're on board of the ship. It's a dark and very to be looking ship, Very Geiger of it.


I like that. It's because I was looking at it as like their interpretation is that it looks like they took the natural anatomy of like a body and how it holds it together. It's like let's mimic that for the ship and they figured out how to do it and that's why in my head that's how I saw it. It was like you took the natural anatomy, how things put together, like it looks like rib cages.


Like organic.


Yeah, it makes more like it's an organic design, and I really love that kind of stuff that works versus like machined. They went with the organic style, but I love that stuff.


Yeah, it's a great point. So they go into the giant room with the alien looking guy and he's like sitting in a chair or something, with either a gun or like a telescope.


Yeah, oh, it's a well like, it's like a communication, it's like a communication. You see how they do that's how they drive around and like gives them like all their hologram displays and stuff like that.


That's why they didn't get out. It has a hole coming out of it, though the alien does, and we're all left in mystery, like whoa, what happened to his chest?


It was funny, like when I went back and watched it years later in my head the space jockey was human sized and then when I watched it again I was like that thing is giant.


Oh wow, it's a thick bitch. I just watched a workaholics and it got to my favorite episode where Blake like sees a raccoon and they're going to pretend to be like menly hunters and then they're like they see a raccoon just on the side of the road and he goes out and he spits some dip out. That's a thick bitch. That's like my favorite episode of that show, anyways. So Cain calls for his companions because he found a hole on the floor. Ripley, I love it. It's just one thing. You just see a giant alien creature for the first time in your life. Hey, there's a hole on the floor guys.


I don't know what Cain was, but he's like because he was the one who wanted to go out exploring first. He seems like he wants to explore and learn everything he can Like. He seems like he's part of the science division. If I was him and he was seeing this, I would be wanting to look around too. He's like guys, look, this is an alien thing. I would be like let's keep looking, let's see what we can find the first thing I'd want to do is touch that alien.


Yeah, but that's why I'm not a scientist.


And then you're going to be in like international court because you touch the alien appropriately and it's been.


Well, you know, they're not scientists either. They're just dudes.


Yeah, that's true. I keep forgetting. They're not scientists, except for Ash.


It's just Ash Well, he's the science division. But I mean genuinely, if I was like, if it was like work was like we got this random shit we want you to go look at, I would be. I would be that excited, like I'm going to go look, would you not be excited to go look? It's like you found an alien ship and just I would want to keep looking around. I would probably die because that's how it happens. But I'm like man, like alien life. I'm first person to get to see this.


Yeah, so, um, they decided to go on the floor. We see Ripley, though. She says that the message was half decoded by mother, and she's saying that it's not an SOS but a warning. She wants to go tell them, but Ash starts pushing back, so by the time you get there, they'll already be coming back. It's like our first like. It's like one of her real first looks of like what'd you say to me, boy?


It's like the equivalent of her, like asking your husband to stop and ask for directions. Yeah, we're almost there.


Don't worry, we'll figure it out.


The way he responded is like by the time you get there, they'll know it's a warning. I was like so you're saying that? Because the way he said it is like like so you're saying, well, yeah, if you get there they'll be running away because they know it was a warning, because they find whatever why it was a warning. Like that Sounds like it's just like they're going to be dead by the time you get there and you know it's a warning.


Yeah, exactly so. Kane drops into the giant room that looks like to have a bunch of eggs in it. Kane investigates the eggs. They have like a layer of mist covering them. I like it because, you know, when you go to haunted houses it's just like that where they have the laser over and then all the mist, so where you can't see under it. I was like hell. It's very cool. He's fault the way he falls off is silly, slips in the pit and falls in oh God, it's like a banana peel over.


He got a fact about that alien egg scene and you get to it.


He goes to touch the eggs and we notice goo falling upwards off the egg, which I thought was a weird cool touch.


It was. I've noticed that too. I'm like oh, I didn't notice that it's anti-ground, I know.


I was trying to look up stuff about that but and it's like just no one seemed to like care about that and I was like that was one of my favorite parts of the movies. You can see something moving in the egg and then it opens up. Then we see the face hugger pop out and attach itself on the Kane's helmet. So I like that. He looks in it and you can kind of see it wiggling around. He's like I have an idea, I'll touch it.


Well, he didn't touch it. He fell on it, which when I watched that scene where he fell, it's like he's like, oh, there's like this weird layer of mist. It's like he went to lean on it like he could hold him up. Then he fell. He fell because you thought that little layer could hold you up, right? It's like the fact that I have about that sink. You know, when he looks in it you can see it moving. So I'm going to read. It says that apparently was a stupid website. That was Scott In the movie he comes in appears to move inside its egg. That was really just Scott flicking his gloved hands under the moving light. The egg also came outfitted with steel hydraulics along the top and when it's all opened up, when you finally see it, those are cow intestines, not alien parts, which I thought was like that looks really cool, which I wish they had told something like that about the face hugger part.


Yeah right.


I just thought that was like all the real effects and the stuff they did. It just was perfect. I'm like why did we not get this anymore?


It's so good.


Set the standard. It's like, yeah, practical effects. This is where it at If you do a good budget, have a good director, it's great.


I do feel like all the alien movies do do the face hugger. It's a do do. They do it where it's all practical, which is nice.


They don't do the alien xenomorphs anymore that way, the egg things, the face huggers, like they're so confusing to me, because then they completely changed into the alien, the xenomorph thing.


So the face hugger puts the alien in their chest.


So it's not the alien.


No, the alien. If you watch a little bit later in the scene, they're analyzing it and it's like well, what's that down its throat? That's what's helping him breathe? It puts a tube down its throat and implants it. The alien takes on part of the host's DNA, so it implants it in the chest. That thing is just the carrier of the egg. It's so weird.


It's so good.


See, exactly it's so good though.


It's like almost like two separate species living a perfect species. One species has to make a different species of an alien, which is kind of cool. That's the point.


It's supposed to like, because they're trying to take over and create their own world so they inhabit what the host is of that world, so they could take it over. That's why I love it so much, yeah.


Yeah, pretty good. So Dallas and Lambert bring back Cain to the ship. Rupley doesn't want to let them in due to quarantine rules. Dallas and Lambert are pealist, but Ash lets them in anyways because he sucks.


I feel like she had the most.


I love her. I said sus because of Mungus, it's because it's like a spaceship thing.


Most movies are like oh, she struggles to let them in. She, straight up, is like no, it's not safe, we can't. And I feel like when they brought him back, it's like, yeah, we need to let them in and they're not free. There's something on his face In that scene. It should be like guys, guys, we need to let them in. He's freaking out. They're kind of just a little chill, but I kind of chalked it up that they're tired and they couldn't really tell what it was because of the helmet.


And they didn't want to do it. They didn't want to do any of this anyways. So Ash, like he can just command doors at will. Well, I guess they didn't think of that, because later with Ripley, like he's just standing in the middle of the hallway and the doors are closing and opening. I mean he's connected to a mother right.


Well, there's a scene like the ship, since he's a robot, I think no, like there was a scene like earlier I don't know if it was earlier or later where Dallas that's the captain, he's walking away from Ripley and she, like in the end of the hall. He's walking to the door. At the other end of the hall she pushes a button and stops him from going there. I think we just don't see him off scene when she's trying to run pushing the buttons.


Okay, it just seemed like. Later in the movie it seemed like he was just doing it with his head, almost Just from the way the scene was shot, that's probably why he lost it. So we cut to them, cutting open his helmets, dope scene and we see Kane is alive, with the alien face huggers on him and a lot of like. As soon as they cut the mask off and like, the alien like feels that it's being revealed and vulnerable, immediately starts wrapping its tail around his throat it rolls.


We see how the face hugger works. It puts Kane in a coma and feeds him air with a tube. I mean, I'm assuming that's how he's impregnating.


It takes over the breath, like I think that's why you see, like the little sacks it like is like helping him breathe. Really. Would have liked to have seen some facts about, like the actor with that on his face, because it's all real, and like how they got that tail to tighten up perfectly. It's like this is really good. I want to know how like they did this scene and how the actor was like oh yeah, it was hard to breathe because he's sweaty and stuff, and like I feel like it could be genuine.


Yeah, oh, also quick fact about the cat, I do have one. So Sigourney Weaver, on like first, like few days, on the set she had scenes with Jonesy and every time she held it she was breaking out and she's like, oh no, they're going to fire me because I'm going to be allergic to this cat. Turns out it's just like the stuff that they're spraying on them to make them all glistening and sweaty she's allergic to that. What were they using? It's like some sort of glistering or glist. It's like something.




Just you know. So Dallas wants to cut off, cut off the face hugger, while Ash doesn't think it's a good idea. But Dallas decides he'll take responsibility for anything that goes wrong. Ash begins cutting the face hugger off and we see its blood is actually acid. I just love that scene when it melts through and they're like it's going to eat through the whole ship and going through.


What does it get through? Like two levels.


Yeah, I got through two floors and then it eventually stops.


Way to drive home a point of like it, like you can't kill this thing because you'll destroy the ship and you'll definitely kill him if you try and cut it.




That's why a lot of us like the thing is, you can try and take me off, but I will take the host. I'm like, I'm going to get another like design element of like. I will get what I need to do.




My goal is to impregnate him.


This scene's like so perfect. It is set up. Time to throw the corpse outside, guys.


I was thinking the whole time like get him out of here, we don't give a fuck.


Yeah, that quarantine didn't seem to care too much about Ripley. She should have been like guys, we kill it, get rid of it.


Go on, just throw it out with the trash.


So after eventually the asset stop, parker says it has the perfect defense mechanism. And then, like, we cut to the scene where Parker and Brett they're still struggling to fix the ship and they're like I just want to get out of here, man, like this is too much. And then now we're in the infirmatory with Kane and the facehugger. Ash is in there analyzing data from the alien. Ripley comes in to talk to Ash. Ash explains that the facehugger can withstand environmental conditions due to it's replacing its cells with silicone, so essentially can adapt to whatever temperature and atmosphere. He's got like some bad respect for this thing.


Yeah, I think it adjusts to like what atmosphere and temperature it's in at the time, because they use like the extreme temperatures to affect it, because it's not adapted to it.


Yeah, exactly so. Ripley wants to know why Ash let it in. Ash says that he was obeying an order, but Ripley says she was the commanding officer when Dallas wasn't on the ship. Ash says that he was willing to take the risk for Kane, but Ripley suspects something's up. She's smart, she's wicked. Sometimes Ash calls Dallas because something is wrong with Kane. When they go to see him they see that the hugger is gone. Ash, Dallas and Ripley all look for the creature. Ripley checks on Kane and the facehugger falls on Ripley. It appears to be dead. Ash examines it. Ripley wants to destroy it, while Ash wants to examine it. Dallas agrees with Ash. This is where we get the thing that looks like it looks like a oyster.


What do they say? It says probably use like some mushrooms like you know, like folds under a mushroom when you see it sometimes. Like when it's hatched or hatched or bulbed, whatever you want to call it. My head is like I wonder if he like used frog guts or just like grab some chicken livers and stuff and threw it in there and made it slimy.


Man, I love like when you wake up, like whenever you're just looking at your mushrooms outside. It's like man, any minute they're going to hatch. You know, ripley is super pissed off. Dallas explains that Ash is in charge of everything scientific. Ripley questions Ash's motives and says she doesn't trust him. We learned the Ash during the crew, two days before they left on their mission. Ripley says the ship is ready to go but she doesn't want to because of the you know alien on board that they don't understand.


And quarantine.


Yes, they left off and leave the planet. Though Parker and Brett want to freeze Kane, they're like just freeze them, dude, just freeze them.


If they had done that, would it have been? I feel like that could have worked better, like I feel like Ash would have been like he wanted to see what the thing can do, but his mission was to bring it back. It was like he should have been like, okay, let's freeze it and bring the body back, and then I could take it where I need to.


Yeah, it'd probably been smarter for Ash to do that, but they under no circumstance was he supposed to take any chances of killing anything that was touched by the alien.


Yeah, that made sense Because, like in the fourth alien movie, that's basically what they're doing. They're getting people face huggers on them, keeping the I mean letting it hatch in the shell and then they keep it in the cell to monitor it.


Yeah. So Lambert tells them that they're 10 months away from Earth, so they got woken up that early.


They're only halfway there they're all kind of super chill about Kane just being.


Yeah, right, yeah, they were. Well, I think they're just like they're so exhausted at this point and they're like 10 months away.


Because they have to go back in the freezer and there's just so much like, if we just freeze and get back home the other people who can actually deal with it, we're just doing our job of mining. Let the other people handle it like they should.


Yeah, and Ash calls for Dallas because something is up with Kane. When the whole crew gets there we see him up and well, his throat might hurt a little bit.


He decided no, it's smooth and slimy, it was it lubed up its little tube form.


He had to become a throat goat for about a couple of days. They begin questioning him and he doesn't really remember anything. They said he just remembers that something jumping on his face is a nightmare, suffocating. Okay, Well the crew are all in good spirits and begin eating before they go back to sleep and it's like a little fun scene. Everybody's happy, they're all laughing and all of a sudden Kane starts choking and then convulsing, and then we get the little role cute little boy popping out of his whole chest. It's so cool.


When the blood splashes on that lady she looks kind of pissed.


Yeah, that's because she didn't expect it. She's like why the fuck?


And the guy grabs a pen and he's like, oh fuck.


Oh, kill it, You're not going to fry me up.


And I just love it. He's like that super racist cartoon rat, just like how he books it out of there.


It's like that scene is so funny, everyone's reactions Like I feel like it's one of those, like they said, they planned it to try and get them in the moment to feel like it was real and it worked. I just love that scene because everyone's acting is on point, even the guy who's like convulsing, do laugh a little bit. When I see him in his tongues out, he's like yeah.


But hey, man, you have something pop out of your chest, see how you.


Oh and like the chest bursting thing.


The guy who thought of that was because he had Crohn's disease and he always feels like something is always trying to like come out of him with a stomach, and that's what made him think of the alien part and I was like, yeah, that worked really well because shows it more of a predator. It's natural thing, it kills when it's born and it's just such an awful way to think about that. And because going through your sternum like that is not easy. Oh really, I do it all the time.


Yeah, easy money from work. Has Crohn's, maybe he's.


Oh, it really does. I didn't know that. I love how like you got a poop so bad. It's like you know what this was like an alien man.


What could be like your acid reflux? It's just coming back up.


Don't even talk about it. I've been having issues with that. So the crew begins searching for the alien. The crew then gathered a shoot together to shoot Kane out of dead body out into space. Really nailed that sentence. Brett gives everybody cattle prods to fight against the alien. They're like it won't like break its skin or anything, but it should like potentially knock it out. And Ash has a device that will help them track the alien. It's like this little, it almost looks like it just reads I don't know, geiger counter, something like that it reads energy or biometrics.


Well it reads. She said they said, well, what's the? Which was really good? Little details Like well, how does it read? What is your like baseline for that? And I said the air dispersing. Oh, that's pretty smart. That explains why you could know where it's moving. It's more advanced than just a motion tracker. It's just sci-fi, I guess.


I was thinking it's just like. It's like a metal detector for biological creatures yeah.


Oh there seems to be goo nearby. All the guys like hell. Yeah, brett gives already said that. So we got Ash, dallas and Lambert. They're going together, and Ripley, parker and Brett are going together. Ripley's team is searching the floor. Their tracker thing gets a signal. They go into what looks like a locker storage room. They think they found it, but they didn't open the locker and boom, it's the cat. Classic Jonesy. Parker says they have to get the cat, so they don't track it again. Brett goes and look for the cat while Parker and Ripley continue the search.


I need one of these things for my cat, because I'm always like trying to find him when the hell are you?


That's why I put bells on their cats. Yeah, we had to stop doing that.


Because he couldn't, he was mad, he got, he would try to hunt and he was.


Bell would scare the birds away.


But now we have no more birds around the house and like a 10 mile radius.


No more birds, so Brett is walking around meowing for the cat. It's a tense and fun scene, one of the best scenes of the God dang movie. He almost gets the cat, but it runs off. This is classic cat stuff here.


When he's looking for it and it like goes through, like was that the scene where it falls? Like on the whatever the bulldozer? I always sit here and think of the scenes. Like man, what do they do in that scene to make that cat so pissed off and run?


I feel bad for the cat at the moment. They didn't feed it right away.


Another Milo and Otis situation here. Thanks for running that movie by the way.


No, I mean, all you have to do is go and the cat will be like just run off. I stand up and one of my cats are like he's got a cat.


You are tall Like the alien, Like but yeah, it pisses me off.


Cats are like me. The other two don't mind me. So he then sees the skin of the alien. It's like whatever, like molting. Yeah, he continues to search for the cat. It's got a cat. It won't let up. He goes into a room with another spaceship Brett takes. This is showing us the spaceship that they're going to be able to leave on later. Brett takes a second to let water drip down on him. I love I read something about this where Ridley wanted water dripping down just for like for his idea of the scene and the producers are like where's the water coming from? He's like.


I don't know, condensation or something. Girlfriend said the same thing.


It's like okay, there's water dripping, You're drinking it and you're not worried about it. And like, yeah, I wouldn't be like in a ship like that, it's going to taste like oil or something.


Yeah, it's going to taste nasty, but hey, I mean.


I think the reason also was, like because she asked like why is he doing that? I was like, well, they just woke up, probably hasn't had a shower, and it just feels like refreshing to kind of get that off of you, because the stuff they're drinking is probably recycled water say a water.


Well, thinking about it, he's been working on the ship for 25 straight hours.


Oh yeah, that's right, and all that steam and stuff. He's like oh, it feels good.


I like the idea of his release, just like make the ship drippy.


Yeah, just like the alien.


He's like I don't know, it'd be cool, just let me have it. And then in Blade Runner, the main scene it's raining.


It's all whole time. I'm still loving it.


He sees Jonesy and tries to lure him out, but behind him it's like an iconic shot of the movie. We see the alien drop down and, like I, like that you see its tails.




We go and then we get the big reveal of the alien. The alien shoots another mouth out of its mouth and it kills Brett. Hell yeah, and picks him up.


I love that scene and like the whole like saliva thing it builds up is so good. And it's funny because, like I've seen over the years, I've watched people who try and make their own and I saw one guy who had the mouth and had it moving that he had made his own and he had it where it was dripping out all the liquid like in the movie and he was just showing it in the video. But in during the video he's like yeah, I'm going to show you how I've got it to work. The only problem is that it starts smoking the other like animatronic parts in it because there's so much liquid in it. And he's like, yeah, it's cool, I just got to figure out how to make it, not smoke the whole thing up to do it. And it's cool to see how people were making that.


I'm pretty sure they. They use condoms to help with that. No, they did. They use condoms for its mouth and stuff Like my mouth. I read it, I didn't. I didn't put down the entire fact, so I'm probably only saying like half of the truth.


Have you ever seen the creature that they based the Xenomorph off of? Like a little mouth thing, it's like a deep sea creature that.


Oh, I don't. I vaguely remember it. I don't remember what it's off of, though.


Yeah, it was just off of like a documentary, like it was something I thought was cool.


I have to look it up after this. Pretty cool. So we cut to the crew talking about what happened to Brett, Like it just immediately cuts to the crew.


We only he did Well they were also like it's some kind of man sized thing and it picked him up and took him away. I was thought it was a little weird because it doesn't show that they were there. They made it seem like the way they were talking is like they saw it. I kind of wish we had seen Well.


I think they're assuming it is because they're like where did he go? Like they saw, like I guess blood. Well, they know, they said there was no blood.


Yeah, they said there was no blood, which there should have been, but they said he said it was man sized. It's huge and it picked him up.


They saw it take him away. Biggest alien I've ever seen, huge, huge, xenomorph, perfect creature. Only thing more perfect me. So we learned that it's traveling through the air ducts, though they plan on luring it out into the main airlock and shoot it out into outer space. They're going to try and drive it through the air vents by changing the air temperature of the ship and they split up Classic and they also have flame throwers now.


Did he like the Wiley Coyote thing when they laid a pile of bird seed?


Or it's like in Family Eye when they put candy down.


Piece of candy.


Man what this movie just made me think of. I haven't seen Family Guy in like 10 years.


I don't know what it is, but like when he's going through the ducts and shutting him and it has like those metal, like iris, closing things. I thought that was so cool, yeah, those are so cool, it's like a camera.


So Dallas is asking Mother how to get rid of the alien and what their chances of survival are, and Mother doesn't compute any of it because she's sus. You don't need to know. Dallas is in the vents closing certain portions so that they can lead it into the airlock. As he continues through the hatches he has Ripley close them behind so the alien can't get through them. So they're kind of locking it off. Lambert says that they have a reading on the alien and that it's into the third junction. He goes there, he begins shooting his flamethrower before going down just to see if it's there or run away. As he gets there, Lambert loses the signal Classic Lambert. Lambert says it has to be there but he doesn't see it. Dallas is getting scared and wants to go. Now Lambert has the signal again and it's coming right for him. He turns around, but well, he starts to kind of like run to get out there. But then he turns around and bang.




It's kind of funny.


But it's like that big reveal of like you kind of see more of its body and you're like whoa, yeah, that's just a classic Um, like 1930s or 40s like ghost movie thing, where it's you turn around, they have the light on and then all said, then it like immediately cuts. It's like such a classic horror movie thing from like way back in the day. Um, it's just funny because you just see his little arms like hey.


Such a hugger. He is face hugger. They hug the face, they hug the body, they hug your brains, mouth. So they went to check on them and they found nobody or blood. This, I guess this where they do. Ripley wants to continue the plan, lambert just wants to bail on the ship in it. But like we learned that it won't take the whole crew, like I think you only take like two or three people.


Well, so it can't take four people and like there's only four of you left.


Yeah, so they'd have to. So he said draw straws, so one person would have to stay.


I wonder if it was only two people, because she did, I guess it would have only been two people one pod for the cat, one Pod for her.


Yeah, and then the other person has to stay because cats by himself.


Leave the cat.


Parker wants to stay and kill it. Um, they're going to still try and blow it out of space, though. Ripley asks ash what him and mother suggest they do. Ash gives no answers, says we're still calculating Ripley's like are you freaking, kidding me, dude? I have access now.


Yeah, so Parker is going to refuel the flamethrowers. Ripley goes to mother to get answers. Then Ripley learns about order 937. She learns that the ship was specifically rerouted to investigate the life form on the planet they they landed on. They were meant to bring back the alien for analysis and the whole crew is expendable. Ripley can't believe it, but I love this. Cuz ashes over her shoulder and says there's an explanation for all this.


She's like To have, like it's over.


Yeah, she's like starts hitting him and runs off. She's trying to warn Parker and Lambert, but Ash won't let her. We then see like there's this white goo dripping off of his head.


Did you like in that scene, like cuz she comes back as she's like before, like when she grabbed him to throw him, I just Assumed that, uh, because he gets thrown, so it's like, okay, he probably hit his head. That's why I started bleeding. But when you see her later she's got like a bloody nose. I don't know if that was for the scene. You know they're probably reshooting it and I was trying to figure out, like how did she get the bloody nose already? Did he like swing?


on her a little bit. Maybe it's supposed to just be like their little tussle right, I'm a. Or maybe it's like a sweat Well, it's their blood and think about that.


In that moment You're dealing in this movie. You're sitting here like, oh man, this guy's just bad. And then you find out like he starts. If you were watching the movie like in the day in the theater, you'd be sitting here like what is this substance? And then you find out another layer of cool, like side by stuff.


I wish I could. I wish I could have like watched this as an adult for the first time, so I never knew that he was in robot and I'd be like yeah. We talk about his like method of like trying to kill her.


He's easily tossing her around, he's super strong, and then he just looks at her and decides to take a magazine and roll it up and see her throw.


I'm like man you could have just started choking her. Yeah, you could have popped her head like a grape.


You know, I bet Ash was fine and then he got the one ring. Oh, it'll do that to you. Oh, bilbo. So he's starting, he's starting to seem different. Tax Ripley. He's got like like in home is so getting this. He's got like that great eye twitching that doesn't seem like overdone.


Maybe he wasn't supposed to do, because in my head was like he is a Robot, they're probably programmed not to do it. He's like I just gotta do it. He's like doing his own thing of like this is my directive, I kill someone.


So Ripley is knocked out for a second. Ash shoves a magazine Ripley's mouth which is hilarious. Parker and Lambert come to save her. Parker hits Ash and begins going haywire and his head pops off. It hits someone like fire extinguisher. Parker starts going ham on him. Ashes, ash is a freaking robot man.


Ash keeps attacking until he finally subdue it by knocking his head off and still like attack. I love when he goes back because it also was like when, like the face hugger was like dead and he poked it in, it twitched. He's like that's just a reflex and you think ashes dead and Ash still does like the kill reflex again to kill him.


That's why he respects it so much. Ripley believes they send a robot so that they can get the alien for the weapons division back home. Parker rewires Ash so they can talk and it's like this awesome dope scene. Ash explains that because like they have his head off, so obviously this is in home sticking his head through a table.


But Ash explains that his only priority was to bring home the alien. They ask how to kill it. He explains that the alien is a perfect organism. Ash says he admires its purity. Ash says that he won't lie about their chances. But they have. They have his sympathy.


As they leave him, Parker flames them sorry a little, because my girlfriend was like oh so, there's like another alien here's, like no, he's a robot. And she saw like all the energy and stuff. She's like he's got stuff in them. I was like yeah, he's a fancy robot, we don't know what they need. And I was looking at that looks like marbles. And I find I found a fact about it and said the weird white goo that seeps out of ashes Android head when he's decapitated is Like a combination of milk, caviar, pasta and glass marbles.


Yeah especially unfortunate for For thought, that's a weird way to say it for the home, who hated milk.


No, I can't hear that. I'm like tossing pool. Rent Ripley, parker and Lambert off to kill the alien. They now have a plan just to blow up the whole goddamn ship. Parker and Lambert have to get coolant first, while Ripley preps the other ship. But she hears Jonesy and goes to try to find them. We see Parker and Lambert getting coolant, got more shots of the three. Ripley is still looking for Jones, but it's getting more intense. The cat jumps out and just won't play nice. What I love is that it reminds me like cuz the community episode, where it's the one where Troy and all bed they come dressed as aliens, all bed is the Xenomorph and you have Troy as the in the power loader in the second one, and.


You know it like that's the whole one, where everybody's turning it to zombies or whatever. And then but you have Jeff, yeah, winger and Troy and all bed. They're going into like the basement or whatever the school and you keep having this jump, this cat jump out at him. He's like, he's like what is this cat doing?


Then it jumps out again. You know what, forget it. We're getting the cat and I was like, oh my god, it's so funny, they're just making fun of aliens. So much it's like always forget that one watch it, but anyways so.


You have it. Oh my god, you gotta watch it. It's like just way.


It's just like a parody of everything. So there's more shots of three, ripley still looking for Jones, but it's getting more intense. The cat jumps out and just won't play nice, but Ripley gets Jones and cages it While Parker and Lambert are getting cool in, the alien shows up. Lambert won't get out of the way so Parker can flame it. Parker tries to hit it, but it grabs them and mouths them and stabs him with its tail which is cool because we haven't seen him do that yet and it kills Lambert because she's dumb.


She gets killed with the tail. He Is a Parker. Wait, I thought Parker was the female. No, parker's the guy. Oh Parker, like he's getting like choked out and I just loved his scene of like actually like a little bit of blood coming out. He gets hit with a mouth and then the alien scene with her and like you hear her dying as it's like cuz, you know, it's probably slowly just like stabbed her with its tail. Ripley, going to go check it out.


Yeah, she finds them both and, like you, just see him hung up essentially. Then she preps to blow up the ship. She set up the emergency self-destruct system and has ten minutes to get out, but five minutes to turn off the self-destruct system.


I love the way that, like self-destruct, like all of it was just mechanical. It was like what she lifted up, just not a little touch of like there's instructions she's following. It's like that's really cool.


Yeah, cuz you know what is dumb. One red button I loved all of it.


Now it didn't make sense that like someone could just go in there and do it. I felt like it should have been. Usually like those. It's like two people have to do it, but it makes sense if there's only one person, like seven person crew. Yeah just all the stuff like mechanical stuff. She went through.


Just that was like like putting together a piece of furniture from IKEA.


Putting together furniture is easy. I love doing it from IKEA.


I have a Glass like the splay shelf I got for some of my figures. I thought this would be easy. It took me an hour and a half because the way, like the frame for it is like that thin metal stuff.


Glass shelf from all my being years. I don't know, I'm sorry, dakota. She runs to the ship to escape, but she is met by the alien and she decides, like you know what, maybe all I Don't know turn this self-destruct system off now. She left Jonesy. She now has to run back and cut off the self-destruct but doesn't do it in time and now only has five minutes to leave you. Bitch. I love it. I love that, like Sigourney weavers, character is essentially very similar to Freddy from Freddy Krueger. They both just love saying bitch.


I thought the scene was good, just like it had another bit of tension, like she's sitting here trying so hard to it's like I just saw two of the last people dead and she's trying to stop the bomb.


It's like I just sketch and you have to draw something the problem with not just having a button you compress is that you have to do everything the offset and it was obviously like a one-minute process and it's like no.


And another bit of tension is like she couldn't do it. Oh cool. So, alien that.


I guess, just for in terms of the pacing of the movie. Like was this? Like could you kind of just wish that there wasn't the whole? She's having a run back to the self-destruct thing and we just kind of like a little bit, because to me it felt like your main goal was like.


I know she wanted to live, but I was like you, you need to let this thing die. Like what?


are you gonna do?


Because in the end goal, like what's she gonna do if she stops it? She still has to try and survive from the alien. Yeah, but I guess she can sit here. I'll think of another way to stop it.


But yeah, that's the whole like self-preservation thing I would see is that she's like I'll try and think of another way where I can live. Yeah, cuz I get it made more sense in that moment. I mean she should have just been like I'll just have to deal with it, but I guess, cuz you know, in the sequel we find out she had a daughter.


Yeah, that's she like we. They probably didn't plan for that. The first one that's probably why she wanted to try and live was like I need to get back to my child.


Yeah, that's because James Cameron's like how can I make this a little bit about family he usually does so, she well and the fact that he loves like having female Driven movies where the mom's a single mom.


So that means such a James Cameron thing. James Cameron should be direct and fast and furious.


Then I Would love it so she might actually watch them then she tries to make her way back to the ship.


It's great. All the alarms are going off and it's like she's in a dark little hallway. She's like trying to peek to see if she can see the Alien. All the alarms are going off in the face. She picks up Jones and make it back to the ship that she's gonna make it get off the bigger ship with. She only has one minute. She's able to successfully escape before the ship explodes. She's safe. Maybe I got you son of a bitch, she just love saying it, but she thinks she is safe. She's hugging Jonesy. She's getting ready for Cairo sleep. She puts Jones in first and this drips down to get ready to get in her Cairo sleep. Um, this is one of the best things ever.


This is like the coolest quick shot in this movie Chiropractor that puts you to sleep, or is it cryo sleep?


dude, I'm dealing with mucus here. Okay, let me live mucus.


Huh, you know what's to do with mucus. I'm watching that chest.


Jesse, I don't trust you right now so as she's getting ready the, we see that she's kind of like got her back to the wall and and then like I love it now because you can obviously see it, but man, like not knowing, it's there the first time. Because the ships all look organic, kind of like you're saying Just getting ready and then the alien pops out of the wall. It's like I want my hand. I love you, just put this hand out. It's like I just wanted to rub this.


Like my big mouth that wants to do this.


It was supposed to like in this point is it's getting near its new life cycle, since it was the only one it was gonna start molting into a queen. Yeah, that's why it wasn't like super aggressive. Yeah, just when it goes. When it goes.


It's scary yeah, but this part it's fantastic, even though we just made fun of it. Ripley decides to hide. It appears to be resting. It's kind of cute. Ripley suits up in a spacesuit, doesn't wake up the alien, which is.


I love the quick thinking in that moment. I was just like she's. It added to her character that she could. In that moment she got. She immediately hit that. She's like I've got a plan immediately and start getting the space suit because you're like.


What is she gonna do? Well, because throughout this entire film, like you realize, she's kind of the smart one. She doesn't, I Mean she analyzes everything, unlike everybody else. It's all driven by just pure annoyance.


It seems like.


So she's gonna try to open the door so it flies out, but first she's like shooting Vapor it's like.


It's like I would say cool it coming, yeah. So it's super cold on it.


Yeah, and then the door open, art, and then like the alien kind of walks out and it's like slowly walking towards her.


She's just slowly spinning to get ready to like love that she's sitting here like singing to herself and like, if you notice, in the scene when I was watching it, she takes that deep breath of like I've got to turn my back on it, which is like could kill me because I don't know when it's gonna. Yeah, come at me and it's just a good scene of like you can see her like Gotta prepare for it and turn around seeing that song.


Apparently the producers hated it because it like it was a very expensive song to get for the movie. Oh, so one once they had the cuts, like are you serious? We have to pay for this now we're already over budget by like five mil.


But yeah, so it's out it she, it scares her and she opens up the door, but it like stops at the door and then she like shoots with a grappling hook grappling hook she thought ahead about that too, of like it could not, it could stop itself from Going out, and she prepared for that as well, and I think what adds to like when she sings a song makes you think when you know she has a daughter she was probably seeing that to herself to think about her daughter.


Yeah, that's just like that's to the scene, right, but she suits it. It flies out, but it still won't go. It attaches itself to the engine and then she blasts the engine and it floats off. She's now safe. We get the final report Everybody's dead shit blew up frontier in six weeks. Signing off the end, yeah that's a alien one of the best horror movies ever made.


It was awesome, I feel like. I mean, I watched this like broad daylight yesterday and I was still like Still jumped a few times. I was like I forgot how this is fun these jumpscares are quote for my girlfriend.


I was like, okay, I want to roll it's off, like why? I said cuz it's a scary movie. She's like this movie isn't scary.


Did she get scared at?


all she did the typical thing of falling asleep, yeah.


It is slow, and if you're not in the mood for I can see.


I just good moving general watch it whenever.


But it's like anytime where it's like super like we're just going through the hallways, not a lot it's happening.


I'm like I just like looking at the set, like everything.


Yeah, that's the thing I mean. You even like when nothing's happening. It's like man. This looks like one of the best spaceship movies ever. It's like the only space movie that thing looks better Is probably Empire Shrek's back, but that's what I feel like it was the most well. It's the ships and everything look the best.


It's because they need it. Weird, like how, whatever their interpretation of, like what they thought the future technology would be seems so much cooler than what they think future technology is like in Current movies that we see is in the future. I'm like I don't like this. This just looks Boring set.


Yeah, because they like updated all their stuff and I'm like Like what wouldn't they have the same technology? It's like around the same time. Well, you gotta think that was a mining ship.


So it would be like low-tech. They're actually scientists getting backed by Wayland utani, who is like the one wanted to know about it, so they would have the most advanced stuff, that's sure Okay.


Well, so perfect movie. I give it five little mouths out of five.


Give it five face.


So we're gonna head to our First category the good, the bad, the ugly, the fine. It's where we talk about the good in the movie the good. We talk about the bad in the movie the bad we talk about Something that an age will. The ugly we talked about something that did age. Well, the fine. Anybody want to start in particular?


I'll start with the good. Just the movie in general. Practical effects I love the suit that they used was designed Well. No, obviously you could see some parts like when he's in it and it's gotten a little bit better. They edited around it I felt like but it the parts they needed to show, Like it's all practical and like that was such a unique design that did such a good job of interpreting what Geiger did of like the long head and seeing its Translucentness and just it's so good. I love everything about this movie.


You got anything for good yeah, where's it? Kind of the same.


That's kind of the same, it's just, it's just fun, good, good fun mine was set the cast in the alien, obviously, and then the cat.


Yes, yeah, put that as age. Well, the bad mine is dumb scientists or people in space won't stop touching stuff.


Their quarantine was awful. For that come on.


Like you go, you see an egg, you see something wiggling in it, first thing you don't do touch it. You get out and you're just like we should probably get a box for this or something. Right, should not touch it.


But to be, fair, they're not gonna know. Yeah, miners like oh, this is cool.


But that's really the only thing that. But that's also kind of my complaint.


Was like the bad, was like smoking cigarettes. Come on, that's bad future time.


Well, they probably got the technology where they can just give her this cancer at this point, right, you think?


sure so anybody else got any beds.


It's kind of a hard movie to find a back cuz it's all like there's no like that.


Like what you said, tommy boy. Like like a little bit of the fat shaming stuff. You don't really have that dialogue, it's just written so well. There's no bad dialogue that comes in later. There's nothing that can be like a little nitpick here. Yeah maybe the cat should have had a bigger role.


Yeah, look at, we should have. The movie should have ended with a just a shot of the cat, just like landing car shape like All right. So the ugly something in an age. Well, I'll start off by saying nothing everything.


I'll tell you what doesn't age well milk.


Yeah, yeah enjoyed milk.


Yeah, I thought they smell awful.


I didn't like that they use milk for it. They should, yeah, milk and the fine something that aged. Well, I just put alien design. Yeah, still, still classic.


It's got a just slightly here in there and it's still you know, honestly, is everybody's favorite design of an alien.


Yeah, it's mine. Well, it works.


Like what other movie can kind of like that? I can think of that. Like usually when you have an alien movie it's set on a world versus a ship. Yeah, that like tight corridor tension. Can't really think of something else that mine is like district nine.


Oh, yeah, yeah I was just in terms of like alien design. I thought, that I thought they looked really cool.


There's a lot of them trying to do like the their fish shrimp. I mean space shrimp.


Oh, it's Christ. My sickness is trying to come back all of a sudden. That's just who you are. Cloud your brain. All right, double feature, a movie that we recommend alongside of this movie. I'm gonna start. Have you all ever seen the movie sunshine, danny Boyle, it's got Chris Evans Silly and Murphy Nope, oh, y'all have never seen sunshine. No, oh, my god, you'll have to watch it. It's one of those movies that no one hears of, but anytime you watch it it's like oh well, that's one of the best movies. Man, they're 2000, huh it's all about this ship.


They're going, they're trying to shoot, they're trying to the Sun's dying. So it's this crew going up to space and they're trying to shoot like a payload into the Sun to re-energize it with you know future space stuff, but then it I Don't want to spoil it, but it turns into a complete load all over. The turns into a completely different movie and it's not. It's not really an alien movie, but in terms of like Tight corridors, being on a spaceship and there may be being suspense, or maybe they're just shooting stuff in the Sun.


Monza event horizon.


Yeah, oh, you mean the Warhammer movie. So it don't want to go on big thing, but like the world of, like Warhammer, when they do, you know, hyperspace travel, there's basically traveling through space, hell, nice, and that's what event horizon everyone says this is like the most accurate cuz depiction of like what Warhammer would be, a real live action movie, and that's what it basically is. Everyone talks about it. Cool, what was your double feature? I couldn't think of like another alien horror movie that was similar. I had something my mind but I don't remember.


To be a like I mean like I wanted something similar that has that same tension. I would just recommend, like the sequel, aliens it's not as scary, but it's still just good.


There's a lot of times where you like make the rock on.


Yes, come on, let's go for a bug hunt game over man.


All right, so that's it for this movie this week, and make sure you join us next week, as we're gonna be covering the Ryan Johnson film Looper. Yeah, I'm aesthetics on.


Joseph Gordon.


Love it to make it look like Bruce will.


Go back and find yourself and tell yourself.


I remember in college. So I was supposed to do a group project with somebody and I was like, alright, I want to go watch Looper. And I was a showed up an hour late for the group project.


That's all.


Looper and he just wasn't there and I was like I'm sorry, he's like it's whatever, and we never talked Again but you were in school for movies.


It made sense.


Yeah, that was my bad, so Thank you for joining us. Um, go to our email and send us an email about what you think about the movie or the podcast, the next movie, any of the previous movies we covered it's. We recommend mail bag at gmailcom. Head over to our link tree if you want to follow us on social medias or follow us on another platform. At link tree, forward slash. We recommend podcast. Thank you, joey Prosser, for the music. You can follow him on X at mr Joey Prosser, and thank you, dakota, for joining us again.


Thanks for having me again. I love this movie.


We'll have you on soon again, cuz oh yeah, try and get four people to do this cuz we got a fourth mic. So eventually it's gonna be hello chaotic soon. It's gonna be fun to edit cuz there's gonna be so much mic bleed, but this has been the we recommend podcast. I'm Jesse, I'm Jason, I'm Dakota, the last surviving member of the, the last surviving members of this podcast signing off, bye, bye.

Alien Franchise Discussion
Discussion About Aliens and Prometheus
Comparing Master Chief and Xenomorph
Alien's Name Change and Filmmaking Techniques
Sci-Fi Film Discussion
Exploring the Alien Planet and Ship
Alien Creature Discovery on Spaceship
Alien Creature and Crew Dynamics Discussion
Alien Search and Cat Rescue
Alien Confrontation and Betrayal
Exploring the Movie "Alien"
Discussion on Alien Spaceship Movie
Group Project Delayed Due to Movie

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