We Recommend: A Movie Podcast

The Nice Guys

March 22, 2024 Jesse and Jason Episode 44
The Nice Guys
We Recommend: A Movie Podcast
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We Recommend: A Movie Podcast
The Nice Guys
Mar 22, 2024 Episode 44
Jesse and Jason

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Get ready to crack the case on laughter with our deep dive into the hilariously underrated "The Nice Guys." Jesse and Jason, your resident movie aficionados, unpack the stellar dynamic between Ryan Gosling and Russell Crowe, our so-dubbed Bird Boys. You're in for a rollercoaster ride through 1970s LA, complete with private eyes, the adult film industry's dark corners, and a mystery that's as twisty as it is tickling.

This week we're setting aside the magnifying glass to focus on the unlikely partnership of March and Healy, and the razor-sharp sleuthing of March's daughter, Holly. Amidst the gut-busting gags and cringe-worthy capers, we don't forget to probe the film's muscular moral questions—heroism, corruption, and what we're leaving for the kids. Our signature segment, "The Good, The Bad, The Ugly, The Fine," serves up a delectable dissection of what makes "The Nice Guys" a cinematic treat, with a side of polarizing opinion on "The Killing of a Sacred Deer" for dessert.

Wrap up your detective capes, because we're taking you through an action-packed breakdown that's as much about flying fists as it is about belly laughs. From rooftop tumbles to Nixonian symbolism, we're connecting the comedic dots with the gravity of an action sequence. So, whether you're a Gosling groupie or a Crowe connoisseur, join us for a movie talk marathon that'll leave you hankering for a rewatch—or a first-time screening of these eclectic film treasures.

We would love to hear from you! Send us an email and maybe it will be read on the podcast! werecommendmailbag@gmail.com

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Music produced by Joey Prosser. X @mrjoeyprosser

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

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Get ready to crack the case on laughter with our deep dive into the hilariously underrated "The Nice Guys." Jesse and Jason, your resident movie aficionados, unpack the stellar dynamic between Ryan Gosling and Russell Crowe, our so-dubbed Bird Boys. You're in for a rollercoaster ride through 1970s LA, complete with private eyes, the adult film industry's dark corners, and a mystery that's as twisty as it is tickling.

This week we're setting aside the magnifying glass to focus on the unlikely partnership of March and Healy, and the razor-sharp sleuthing of March's daughter, Holly. Amidst the gut-busting gags and cringe-worthy capers, we don't forget to probe the film's muscular moral questions—heroism, corruption, and what we're leaving for the kids. Our signature segment, "The Good, The Bad, The Ugly, The Fine," serves up a delectable dissection of what makes "The Nice Guys" a cinematic treat, with a side of polarizing opinion on "The Killing of a Sacred Deer" for dessert.

Wrap up your detective capes, because we're taking you through an action-packed breakdown that's as much about flying fists as it is about belly laughs. From rooftop tumbles to Nixonian symbolism, we're connecting the comedic dots with the gravity of an action sequence. So, whether you're a Gosling groupie or a Crowe connoisseur, join us for a movie talk marathon that'll leave you hankering for a rewatch—or a first-time screening of these eclectic film treasures.

We would love to hear from you! Send us an email and maybe it will be read on the podcast! werecommendmailbag@gmail.com

To quickly follow us on social's or listen on another platform follow the link!


Music produced by Joey Prosser. X @mrjoeyprosser

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to the we Recommend podcast, a movie podcast, where every week we recommend a movie for you to watch. Then come back here and listen to us discuss. I'm Jesse and I'm Jason. Look on the bright side. Nobody got hurt. People got hurt. I'm saying I think they died quickly. So I don't think they got hurt Because this week we recommend the nice guys.

Speaker 2:

I hope you watch the same movie.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's the one with Ryan Gosling, and the Bird Boys. The Bird Boys, yeah, oh my. God, detective Albatross, you know, actually I completely did not put those two things together. Bird cops, gosling what have they called on the bird guys? Oh my God, that would have been a great name for the movie. I'm Gosling, gosling, crow, the Bird Boys Coming to see theaters soon. Rated R it's a murder of Crow and Gosling. So this is our second. Ryan Gosling movie, ryan Gosling movie. Our second Shane Black movie. Our second Russell.

Speaker 2:

Crow movie.

Speaker 1:

Holy crap, bro. Isn't this the second movie that? Oh wait, no, I was thinking of stepbrothers, I was thinking of the little more it was in there's the. Yeah, I think that's about it. So, I mean, this was the first time you watched this movie.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know, originally I thought you were talking about a different movie.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And yeah, this was great. I was really surprised.

Speaker 1:

Right, I know it's one of those movies that came out and I was like why hasn't everybody seen?

Speaker 2:

this movie Because, Maybe because it's like almost four hours long no it's not.

Speaker 1:

It's barely two what I thought. You watched this two hours long.

Speaker 2:

Could have been high as balls, but I thought it said three hours and 40 minutes.

Speaker 1:

No, are you sure you watched that one?

Speaker 2:

Well, that's probably the other thing then.

Speaker 1:

The other thing, oh yeah, gotcha, gotcha, yeah, so out of. Have you seen any of Shane Black's directed movies? I'm assuming he's all Iron man 3?.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Kiss, kiss Bang Bang. Yeah, Kiss, kiss, bang Bang.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and of course he wrote Predator the Long Kiss Good.

Speaker 2:

Night. Wait, he wrote those things.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he's the writer of all those things. He's written a ton of great movies.

Speaker 2:

So he did Kiss Kiss, bang Bang. They're so similar.

Speaker 1:

They're very similar. He loves his PI movies. He's like detective, he's.

Speaker 2:

Like they could be in the same universe. The inverted detective yeah, like they could know each other.

Speaker 1:

There's always Christmas somewhere. Christmas slides in there somehow. It's great, love it, love it. So the film stars Ryan Gosling, as what's his name? Holland March, you have Russell Crowe. Jackson Healy oh my gosh, holly's name. I've never seen this. This word has a name A-N-G-O-U-R-I-E Angora, angora, angori, angori. Rice as Holly.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I don't know. Then you have Matt Boomer bomber as John Boyd from the Waltons. Oh well, Margaret Quali as Emilia Cutner, and then really Keith David as Older Guy, Bo NAP as Blueface, Lois Smith as Mrs.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Poor girl. And then Kim Basinger as Judith Cutner Lois.

Speaker 2:

Loving nice little Kim Basinger.

Speaker 1:

Popped up every once in a while, so this is like one of the funnier movies that's come out in like 10 years right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I really enjoyed it. It was a really nice change from we had just watched Mad Max Fury Road oh hell, yeah, yeah, I know. And then we turned this on. It was like a nice change of pace, but still like very good. Yeah, it was a great movie night.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's a crazy double feature. It's like what made you want to watch Mad Max Fury Road?

Speaker 2:

It's one of my favorite movies that's come out in the last 10 years. Yeah, it's incredible. No, my wife wanted to watch it. She had never seen it. Did she like it? I think she did, but she was constantly asking or?

Speaker 1:

What is this? Why is this?

Speaker 2:

Was this made by two just bros, like two super bros?

Speaker 1:

No, it's made by like a 70 year old old man who just wanted to make some crazy shit in the desert. I know.

Speaker 2:

But I love how they never stopped to ask themselves why not?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, why not? What if we just did it? What if everybody was on drugs in the desert and had no water to drink, to like sober them up or anything?

Speaker 2:

But anyway, what were we talking about?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, oh so the nice guys. So this is, I mean, for one, it's awesome to see Russell Crowe chill a little bit, not be so serious, be like hilarious and just I don't know witty Like because he loves this movie.

Speaker 2:

He loved doing this movie.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Ryan Gulsing. He was very chill.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was like one of the ones where he's like I must murder everyone or I'm unhinged in my car.

Speaker 2:

But he still gets punchy.

Speaker 1:

I also have to kill 30, 100 people and maybe a lion, in one battle. Yeah, and then Ryan Gulsing, just solidifying that he's one of the funniest actors to do it and I just love, like you know, to now seeing him in on the Oscars performing. I'm just Ken.

Speaker 1:

And then it's like why haven't we been doing this stuff forever? It's just cool to see him in a movie like this Small, it's not a huge, like insane blockbuster, and he's just you know, I don't know doing what he kind of does best, like soft spoken type of guy, and then he'll scream randomly and he's just a very funny person.

Speaker 1:

And then the girl I play is Holly, like she's, she's now. She was in Spider-Man movies and now she does in that new Mean Girls movie. So it's kind of having a come up and I just love like PI yeah, hell, yeah, noir movies. They're great, they're great and it's like I don't know cause you're expecting like, oh, I can't wait to be wrapped up in like the twists and everything. But even though it's just kind of it's not like the biggest twist or anything or reveal, it's just fun.

Speaker 1:

It's fun to kind of figure out the mystery with these fun characters. Take a child everywhere they go. At first it's like no, we can't take her, and then, towards the end, it's like she has to come to every single meeting we do now.

Speaker 2:

He's such a piece of shit he has to have her help he is oh God.

Speaker 1:

But then it's like that's part of what I love about the Ryan Gosling character. It's like, oh, this guy, he's so terrible at his job.

Speaker 2:

Then he's like no, I'm just, I'm just drunk. I'm not actually bad at my job.

Speaker 1:

It's just, I just don't tell anybody my plans, I just kind of go with it. Versus Russell Crowe's character. He's just like a man struggling with his morality. Essentially, he's just been beaten down by life and is divorced yes, of the girl his ex-wife. I fucked your dad.

Speaker 2:

What yeah?

Speaker 1:

So hilarious.

Speaker 2:

That's the worst thing you ever want to hear.

Speaker 1:

Right, I just want to know why can't we get like five movies like this, like I don't know a month, like come on, it can't be. I mean the amount of money that you'd have to put into it versus, I don't know. Every superhero movie is like 300,000, $300 million budget all the time.

Speaker 2:

That would just be a Netflix series.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, which is funny because I do have some facts about that later. So the movie had an estimated budget of like $50 million, so I guess kind of like I mean, let's say, probably eight to ten of that went to each actor, like probably Ryan Gosling probably got a lot, and then so did Russell Crow Well, and in opening weekend it made 11 million and worldwide only grossed 71 million. That's why they don't make movies like that, because it barely made any money.

Speaker 1:

I mean, if this is correct, then it I mean made over 20 million.

Speaker 2:

Right, still technically a success.

Speaker 1:

They want that like I want a billion dollars in you know probably, you know profit and it's like I don't know. We just like don't have to do that you have to make B movies, right.

Speaker 1:

I mean, that's essentially why people just do horror movies. So we'll get into some facts. So the movie was almost retooled as a TV series. Oh, that's cool. So Shane Black and Anthony Borgrozi that was the writer with him began working on the script for the nice guys in 2001. Jesus, this movie's been around. The only thing that remained the same from the draft to the final one was the characters. The screenplay failed to gain any traction at movie studios. So, shane, so Black retooled it as a TV pilot. He trimmed the script down to 64 pages to be the first episode of an hour long drama. Cbs was initially interested in the pilot, but the standards and practices, people weren't happy with the script's content and the show never went ahead. At this point Black turned the project back into a movie. Yeah, this wouldn't have ever been able to be on TV. It is especially them because they didn't have streaming.

Speaker 2:

I mean, now they could just put this on Netflix and have all the boobies you want, but you also have to have a whole lot of 80s shit or 70s 70s and it's so cool and I guess now it doesn't.

Speaker 1:

I mean, if this movie was set in the 80s, I bet it makes at least 30,000, 30 million more dollars. Just because, especially at the time of 2016, you have stranger things. I just wanted to go back to the 80s for some reason. It's like where's my cocaine? Loved it in the 80s. Let's go back.

Speaker 2:

It's at the mall with the teenagers.

Speaker 1:

So Russell Crowe wanted to make a sequel to this film because he loved it. When Howard Stern asked Russell Crowe which of his movies he wanted to make a sequel to, he named the Nice Guys and LA Confidential, both period pieces and mystery stories set in Los Angeles. Crowe enjoyed playing Jackson Healy enough to want to play him again. Fortunately, the movie didn't do well enough at the box office to warrant a follow up.

Speaker 2:

I never saw LA Confidential.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I actually haven't either. I've been wanting to. The guy likes his detective noir movies for sure, and I love the movie that is getting a sequel for him is Gladiator, but he's not going to be in it because he died.

Speaker 2:

Spoilers. Wait, there's going to be a Gladiator too.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, gladiator too. I think it comes out next year. Really, scott, that's awesome. I guess it's. I don't know what it's going to be about.

Speaker 2:

I'm just assuming.

Speaker 1:

I don't know if it's even going to be about Rome or anything More Gladiators. Maybe it'll just be like oh, now we're Gladiators in another country. That's actually not a bad idea, though, so I just go to like We'll take Gladiators, though I don't know, you could just call it Gladiator and just have, like I don't know, hey, vikings at a fighting club. Yeah, Hell yeah, we don't know about it because they weren't allowed to talk about it. That's a joke. Like South America, I like the Aztecs. Yeah, who knows?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, who knows? It's a complete mystery. Nobody knows that.

Speaker 1:

So according to the nice guys co-writer, anthony Bargozzi I'm assuming I'm saying that right the title is ironic. Calling Holland, march and Jackson Healy nice guys in the title was meant to be ironic. Bargozzi said that March and Healy were literally the two worst people we could think of, given that one scams old ladies out of cash and the other breaks people's bones for money. Another one was even though it takes place in LA, it was mostly shot in Atlanta. That's pretty normal now and let's see. So Shane black, reuse some dialogue from Iron man 3 in the script. Actually.

Speaker 2:

Oh, you mean that part where he says I'm Iron man?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know the part where, like Ryan Gosling's just walking around and he just picks up a can of Campbell soup, I'm just a man in a can. So two line shared by the private eyes and the bartender their shake when they're shaking him down and where he says he'll stop doing it. Doing what? And then he just Like slams his head. It apparently appeared in Iron man 3. Tony Stark and James Rose use this tactic when they Integrated the Mandarin, interrogated the Mandarin.

Speaker 1:

It's a wonder why black decided to run viewers what he did to the supervillain. So, and the success of Sherlock Holmes, the one with Robert Downey Jr, convince producer Joel Silver to make the nice guys. When Shane black first pitched the nice guys to his his go-to producer, joe Silver, silver Wars concerned that a period piece couldn't be a box office success. He was right. He changed his mind when his Sherlock Holmes movie starring Robert Downey Jr Grows half a billion dollars at the worldwide box office. Like I said, that he chose the 70s setting to counteract the divisions in modern society with a story set during a time of multi. Multi-culture is cultural wisdom Sorry, can't talk and protest bringing people together. So Ryan Gosling and Russell Crowe took their roles so they could work with each other. Part of the reason why Ryan Gosling and Russell Crowe accepted their roles the nice guys. They wanted to work with each other. In fact Gosling said that when he first read the script he knew that Crowe was the top choice to play Healy. So he read Healy's lines with Crowe in mind and already made the movie seem funnier on page.

Speaker 1:

All right, so let's hop into the film. So the film starts with a young boy, bobby sneaks into his father's room and takes out a porno magazine from under his bed. Bobby checks out the centerfold the adult film star, misty mountains name man. That's a really brave of this kid to go into his father's room to get a porno mag. You know, not really it's not. I wouldn't be an A, I mean I've been so scared.

Speaker 2:

I used to do it At my other friend's house.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you go to his dad's Somehow. It's even grosser. It was a gross magazine.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it was like. I don't know what the name of it was, but it was like there's a lot going on, yeah okay, I don't want to know about that one, that's for sure.

Speaker 1:

So while he is checking out the magazine and the distance, the car rolls down a hill. The car then crashes through Bobby's house and out into a ditch. He runs outside to check it. A young woman is sprawled out nude a few feet, few feet, from the car. I don't know why my voice went there.

Speaker 2:

That's where it's, oh okay.

Speaker 1:

It's misty mountains. She sees Bobby and asks how do you like my car, big boy, before he dies. Bobby takes his shirt off and covers Missy dead women just became his thing. Yeah it's like dang it. It's like this is gonna be something for me and this isn't gonna work out for me in the end.

Speaker 1:

And then we cut to like this kind of classic after-school special video where people I don't know, they're just like you know, those like classic videos like here's Jimmy, or whatever. Blah, blah, blah. They all have towels and all of a sudden they're like this is a white towel, or blah, blah, blah. And then someone pops up like a rainbow color fly.

Speaker 2:

This is a game and like you just see the entire class laughing.

Speaker 1:

And this is has, like Jackson Healy, his gut narration over the top of it and In. In this next scene we meet enforcer Jackson Healy. He follows a man that has been seeing a 13 year old girl and smoking pot with her. When the girl leaves the man's house, healy knocks on the door and then, like, hits the man right in the face, then tells her to stay away from young girls while all this is happening. The after-school video and this scene.

Speaker 1:

You're getting narration from Jackson Healy and it ends with a great thing marriage is buying a house for someone. You hate, this boy he's got some problems.

Speaker 2:

Like power in the kisser.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, oh, it's awesome, though it was love it Just just loves the end. Russell Crowe just punched him out. There's something so satisfying about it like a master of his craft. I mean it's just because he's so good at it in real life. You know this is going around punching people, so private investigate. Then we meet private investigator Holland March, played by Ryan Gosling. He is sitting in his bathtub full of water wearing a nice suit and we see that he has you will never be happy written on his hand. He lives with his daughter, holly, after his wife passed away and he has become an alcoholic. As a PI, march doesn't get the best jobs. He meets with an old woman who claims her husband is missing but, like March, he turns and then, like season, earn over the fireplace with her husband's name on it and his ashes inside it. It's like when was the last time you seen him, it's like, but he would have been ashes in the funeral. Pretty funny, great, just classic and just like all things, facial expressions are so good.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well yeah, she's like, I'll give you like four or five hundred dollars. He's like, and pulls out her check and then he looks, he's like okay.

Speaker 2:

Right, exactly.

Speaker 1:

So we see Healy. He meets a teenage girl named Amelia. She gives him March's name and address on a pink note shaped like a cow. March is looking for Amelia because he was hired by a woman, mrs Glenn, to find her niece misty. Okay, so we March. She goes to a bar to ask around, but the bartender threatens him with a bat. Later March tries to break in through the back door, but he cuts his wrist badly and has to go to the hospital. Yeah, that's a lot of blood.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's a lot of blood. He's never punched through a window. Yeah he doesn't know how to put the thing around. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

It's like what it why? Why are you doing it like this, oh man? So we see a quick scene of Healy's wife breaking up with him sleeping with your dad. I'm fucking your dad. Yes, it's out everything, because we're getting like narration talking about yeah.

Speaker 1:

That's man. Nothing will be just like cutaways that. So then we see Healy. He's going to March's house and he opens it, always like are you March? It's like yeah, punches him right in the face, then kicks him in the stomach. He tells March to stay away from Amelia. March goes for the cookie jar to get his gun, but Healy knocks it out of his hand and then intentionally breaks his arm. Then he's like this no, no, no, no, no, no. Then he just like the highest pitch scream he can do. But I just love because he like he just starts giving out all the information about everything he knows about Amelia, who gave him, who's, sent him to search and everything. Just like the worst possible Vi that you could find Um, but he's also. But when he's breaking before he breaks his arm, healy is like telling March how to describe the break. When he goes to the doctor and On his way out Healy meets Holly, claiming to be a friend of her dad.

Speaker 1:

She gives him a bottle of chocolate. You who? He's like, you who? I've had one of these since I was a kid. If it you, who's our fucking amazing, I know I haven't had a while. I'd be scared to have it because then I'd have it and be like I have to. I'd be like him in the next scene, just like got three cases of you taking it to my house, um. But this is just like immediately like they're first seen together and it's like, oh my gosh, these two have so much on-screen chemistry together. Ryan Gosling's being hilarious, russell Crowe is just being like kind of calm and methodical and it's coming off hilarious at the same time. I don't know. It's great. It's like watching a professional just beat up like Some chomp or whatever.

Speaker 1:

As a PI, I don't know it's great, love it, hilarious. So then we see Healy goes home with a case of you who so do you think you ever wanted to be that guy? I guess just gets the punch criminals for a living if I was, you know about a hundred pounds bigger, yeah, and not like Nearly falling over when Augusta wind comes to me.

Speaker 2:

Maybe just once. So I think he kind of feels like a hero, even like an anti hero.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly, it's like he, but then he also kind of hates what he does at the same time. So he goes up to his apartment and he is quickly attacked by two men. We'll know them as like an older guy who's played by Keith David Hell yeah, I think this is our second or third Keith David movie and blue face by bonap. We'll see why he gets the name blue face soon. Oh yeah, and then we see March. He's telling Mrs Glenn that he lied and took her money, even though misty is dead. Mrs Glenn claims to have seen misty appearing at her window in a pinstripe jacket, despite March insisting that misty is dead and that she really saw Amelia. She insists and flashes her checkbook at him. This is where you're gonna. All right, I'll keep doing it.

Speaker 2:

Essentially he's just gonna keep stealing your money. She's making it so easy.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

It's like I want you to scam me please fell into his lap. Yeah, golden goose exactly.

Speaker 1:

And so March goes outside and Like we see Holly who looks like, I don't know, maybe 12. I don't, I don't know how.

Speaker 2:

People young as hell and it's like. She's like why she's 14. Did she say that she's 14.?

Speaker 1:

Is that what it is, 16?

Speaker 2:

I don't know, because she is driving.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's weird. Well, let's you know the 70s in LA I guess I did anybody cares?

Speaker 2:

It's got like his pet raccoon.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and then whenever he gets in the car. Let me ask you something and be completely honest and don't hold back Am I a bad person?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Just drives off. Okay, it's kind of the whole point of the movie. It's two people just trying to like fight with their image I guess like and like their morality of my good person, or bad person Reconciled themselves yeah exactly, and we're back with Healy.

Speaker 1:

The two men who jumped him are looking for Amelia as well. The person will know his blue face soon goes into the next room to look for some money. It's a toilet, baby, yeah. So he goes to find some money that Healy was holding, only to get sprayed with a blue dye, hence his name now.

Speaker 2:

He's like wait, stop yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, cuz. He's like no, no, no, you shouldn't do that because they make that blue dye, by the way. But blue face makes a crucial mistake he kills his fish. He just yeah, that was mean, yeah, it's terrible. He's just like don't, don't, don't throw it, just throws it against the wall. He's like no, he's super pissed. And then he starts just kind of distracting with a little monologue the elder two and Turns on like all his electronics that are like being controlled by a light switch and then, like blue fist starts blue face, not blue fist starts shooting at Healy, but he leaks capes.

Speaker 2:

Bad, as though a secret switch on the wall. Yeah, that just fucks with everybody.

Speaker 1:

Yeah it's like I guess they just used to do that all the time, cuz I've seen that in other movies. That's pretty cool, yeah. And then we see March. He's at a bowling alley with Holly and all her friends for her birthday, and then it's like, what did he say? Oh yeah, he just takes God's name in vain. Then you have this one kid Janet. You took the Lord's name in vain. No, I didn't, janet. I found it very useful. Janet, oh, he just gets in a fight with everybody. We see that he now has a cast on his arm and someone drew a duck on it. I'm assuming Holly that's looks Healy approaches him in the bathroom, but March is prepared, this time with a gun. You have the whole door stall built bit. He's just like trying to keep it open with a gun he's holding the magazine.

Speaker 2:

He's got a cigarette in his mouth.

Speaker 1:

Then he drops the cigarette and he's like trying to stand up and he's trying to pull up the bed, really prepared.

Speaker 2:

The door keeps slamming on him. He's trying to keep it open.

Speaker 1:

It's so funny man it's so funny.

Speaker 1:

Then he asks what do you want Then? It's like for you to find Amelia, because now he's like I want you to find Amelia with me. We're doing this together. The two sit down to talk about Amelia. March explains his case to Healy. He explains that Miss Glenn saw Misty Mountains. He's like the porno actress lady, the porno young lady. March thinks it's Amelia. March demands a nice cut of the pay if he's going to let Healy work with him on this. Holly interrupts and he's like where have you been? I was like oh, I got here to give you the rim job. It's like no rim shot.

Speaker 2:

Yes, rim shot. Holly asks like this sounds like something my kids would do. Yeah, Just accidentally say the wrong thing. Holly asks you're the guy who beat up my dad? I'm like, I'm not going to do this.

Speaker 1:

I'm not going to do this. I'm not going to do this. I'm not going to do this. I'm not going to do this. I'm not going to do this. I'm not going to do this. It's like, yeah, so could you beat up my friend Janet? It's like, how much money do you have on your 30s? Like this conversation's over March does? But Healy March agrees they'll let him work with him and everything. And Healy agrees to the terms now. So Healy and March walk by the Department of Justice building and come across a group of protesters lying on the ground wearing gas masks. They're claiming the air is polluted and killing them. The two start yelling for Amelia. They're just. They all start saying we can't talk, we're dead. It's like you're dead. From what Air? It's like you breathe in the air now. So what is the air doing to you?

Speaker 2:

They don't even know what the fuck they're doing yeah. They're all like a little confused at what they're doing.

Speaker 1:

They're like I don't, it's polluted or something. So we learned the group was organized by Amelia, but she's not there. So March figures she. So March figures she'd be there, but she's not. Some of the protesters tell them that Amelia isn't there. March offers $20 to anyone who will help. Which one of you cock and balls want to make $20? What could racist? Yeah, man, a guy named Chet.

Speaker 1:

He joins the two and takes them to the home of Amelia's boyfriend, dean, and we see that the house has been burnt down. I just love the way Ryan Gosling says Chet all the time. I don't want my daughter to grow up in a world full of Chets. It's true, it's so real. So Chet tells them that Dean was an experimental filmmaker, aka Porn Porn.

Speaker 1:

A kid on a bike passes by and asks for $20 to give up information, because when he comes by he's like what's it? They ask him hey, do you know what happened here? And he's like well, what? What can I get for this information? And Chet's like they'll give you $20 if you give them information. He's like Chet, that was just you. But he says he saw Missy Mountains and says she was there with a guy named Sid Hatrack. It's like nobody's name is Hatrack and that they made an experimental movie together. And then he's like I offered to work on the film. I offered to show my dick because I got a big dick. We also figure out the film was how do you like my car? How do you like my car, big boy and I?

Speaker 2:

love it.

Speaker 1:

The guy's like I'll show you my the little kids, like I'll show you my dick for $20. He's like Ryan Gosling's character March.

Speaker 2:

He's talking about. No, why would you?

Speaker 1:

I was like I already gave you $20. No, I don't want to see that, but he is an entrepreneur, yeah, and that's what and then after that, that's where we get the line of like I don't want my daughter growing up with the Chet's in the world and plus that kid back there.

Speaker 2:

It's terrible. Yeah, he's looking. Holy terrors everywhere.

Speaker 1:

So Healy and March, they're driving around. They drive by a billboard for a movie called pornokio, a porno produced by porno film, produced by Sid Shaddock, the man that the kid mentioned. Essentially after getting his information. The two attend a party at Shaddock's, with many porn stars in attendance. Holly's mad that she can't go with her father, though, and then we see Holly. She ends up sneaking into the trunk of March's car, but he sends her away in a cab. Yeah, holly, dad, there's like horse here and stuff. March, sweetheart, how many times have I told you Don't say Ann's stuff, just say dad.

Speaker 2:

There are horse here.

Speaker 1:

Well, there's like a ton oh man. She's the best. She's pleading her case, saying that she can help them, and it's true.

Speaker 2:

She's the best detective out all of them, healy and March.

Speaker 1:

They go around looking for information on Amelia. We see that it's like a weird sex party essentially.

Speaker 2:

We see sex Pinocchio, there's a mermaid, and then whenever you said porno, I just thought of lies, of pee yeah, for some reason why?

Speaker 1:

I don't know. So did we find this? Oh yeah, what is it? Healy starts saying oh, Mary Jane showed up. Oh, because of his pee organ.

Speaker 2:

All right, Got it. What so? The reason for that is because of his pee organ. In the game you have a pee organ. Pinocchio lies of pee.

Speaker 1:

I don't think I ever played that. I thought you're talking about an actor, oh no, no, no, no, it's a video game.

Speaker 2:

Oh okay, gotcha.

Speaker 1:

Sorry. So yeah, healy, he's talking about how, like, mary Jane's arrived and it's because he smells pot. And then March tells. This is where March tells Healy that he lost his sense of smell and he's like, oh great, I detected that can't smell. It's like that's really insensitive, god. This keeps getting worse. So the two decided to split up to look around, march starts drinking immediately.

Speaker 1:

Healy goes into a room with the costumes and a film reel titled how Do you Like my Car, big Boy, along with a pinstrap jacket and a pink cow note with what looks like flight information on it, we see March getting more and more drunk and it ends up in a swimming pool swimming after mermaids. There's also oh my gosh, oh my gosh, hold on. There's this hilarious line. So it's like during the scene where he's super drunk, he just starts talking to some girls and he walks up to me super intoxicated Hi everyone, I'm Amelia. She's about like. Makes a gesture with his hand, dark hair, answers to. Then he sees topless mermaids swimming in the pool behind them. Answers to the call of the wild. Just kidding, I forgot her name. But you know, if you see, you, just if you see, let me know and tell me. Tell me my name, just like. What the fuck are you talking about, dude?

Speaker 2:

It's awesome.

Speaker 1:

But then you just see him swimming in the mermaids.

Speaker 2:

Pull out of that.

Speaker 1:

He finds Holly in a room. Healy finds Holly in a room with a porn star watching her own porno. She asked him Healy's all like dude, you need to get out of here. He said not to be here. You should be watching this.

Speaker 1:

This is a terrible place for culture. But Holly, she asked about Amelia. And then she says, yeah, he always wants me to do like anal and stuff. She's like don't say and stuff, just say anal, I love it, I love it. And meanwhile, march, he's like just as junk as can be now and ends up stumbling down a hill because he was flirting with a girl. Because he sees a girl that's dressed up as like I guess what was it? Pocahontas? And he's like pretends to shoot. It's like, hey, shoot me, watch me act.

Speaker 2:

And then he falls completely off the hill, the balcony. Yeah, oh man that was awesome.

Speaker 1:

The girl that was like shooting him is like just looks down.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that was incredible. It's so funny. So what was his plan there? I?

Speaker 1:

don't know, he's just drunk. He doesn't know what he's doing, he's like I'm just going to do whatever stupid thing comes to mind. It's pretty cool. I don't think he thought that there was a giant hill, but it's LA and once you live in the hills it's all this hill, it's all downhill. It's a bunch of terrifying houses in a state known for earthquakes.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, but when he falls down he loses his gun. He sees Amelia and she sees him, but he's too drunk to notice it's her.

Speaker 2:

It's like I mean it's like he falls down like Mark Wahlberg in the military movie, when he falls down the hill for like 30 minutes.

Speaker 1:

Oh lone survivor? Yeah, that like insane thing where everybody's just rolling down hills, he falls down a mountain.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's like golly, like what luck man. I really like that movie, but now, thinking about that scene it did go on forever I felt like if I was watching that drunk, like with other people, I'd just be like is this still happening? Oh man, what is it? Is it almost heroes, the tender, the the Crap, what's his name? Chris Farley movie, yeah, where he's like with Sacajawea and they're like trot, trot going across the country or whatever, and he just ends up falling down a hill and it's like a 10 minute scene of him rolling down a hill. I just remember it made me laugh.

Speaker 2:

That was one of the funniest. That was one of the best parts of that movie.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, obviously yeah, because I don't remember a single thing about it after that.

Speaker 2:

It wasn't great, but it was fun.

Speaker 1:

So he's searching for his gun. He sees Amelia he's too drunk to notice her. He like stands up and when he sees her he's like I'm not here to hurt you, I'm just looking for my gun. He finds his gun and then tries a lot of cigarette, leaning against the tree, and his lighter illuminates a dead body, does this weird exacerbated breathing and he's like Help, help. Just starts screaming dead body. And then he sees Healy and like calls him over to check it out. It's so good.

Speaker 1:

He's so good at that, it's wild. Healy goes through the man's pockets and learns that this is Sid Shaddock. Marsh says they need to get rid of the body in case Amelia tried to place him, since he said he lost his gun out loud. Healy grills him about being drunk. The two dumb Shaddock's body over fence where it crashes onto the table at a wedding reception forifying everyone. It's like you didn't think to look at see what's on the other side of this fence. You're like I'll be fine.

Speaker 2:

Just kidding.

Speaker 1:

Just kidding. Dump it over the fence real quick.

Speaker 2:

This is some of the best physical comedy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and you know what that goes.

Speaker 2:

See it in a PI movie.

Speaker 1:

Right along with the Fargo with Chipper, see Some ways to dispose bodies. That's amazing. So Holly comes across another porn star who knows she's been asking about Amelia. She guides Holly to a limo where she gets trapped with Blueface. Simultaneously, healy runs into Older Guy. The two fight as Older Guy tries to shoot Healy, but Healy gets the upper hand and lets him live after he beats him down. Blueface sees Amelia and opens the door to shoot at her, but Holly slams the door on his hand and yells at Amelia to run before making her own getaway. And this is a big paragraph.

Speaker 1:

I should have cut it into pieces. March shows up after they left but the valet tells him that Holly was in a black car. March steals a car and chases after it. He drives into a street light just because he tries to. He does this weird thing where he's starting to get shot at and then he turns his car like 180 degrees and then just starts driving and just drives straight into the light pole.

Speaker 2:

It was almost badass.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because I was going to say when he peels out after stealing the red car, I was like man, I want to do that. So bad Looks, so cool. And then Holly and Amelia both end up cornered in the middle of the road by Blueface. Then a random van drives by and slams into Blueface. Amelia is ready to run, but Holly wants to help Blueface as he is suffering. Amelia flees and Holly goes to get help. Healy shows up and finds Blueface. He threatens Healy with the fact that someone called John Boy is going to find him and kill him. He's like you ain't got long to live None of us do and then kills him. It's great.

Speaker 2:

I like that they use nice cars and stuff.

Speaker 1:

Yes, it's cool In the 70s, every car was a nice car.

Speaker 2:

I had a Chevette right. It was not a nice car.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

It was an 81. When I think of 70s and 80s, those are the kind of cars that I think about Not a lot of people had.

Speaker 1:

I feel like in the 80s, everything got smaller and kind of janky looking.

Speaker 2:

You could pick my car up like four people In the 60s and 70s.

Speaker 1:

They're like big car. Yeah, you gotta have muscley cars. Oh yeah, I just want to back. Then people wanted to know if you were driving in the street. Everybody's coming home from work at the same time. It's just like giant motors and making noises.

Speaker 2:

Something about these little pumps straight into the house.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so then we'll get back. Healy then chokes blue face to death. Before Holly returns, Marsh drives by and runs his daughter. Not long after the paramedics show up, along with Judas assistant named Tally Tally, A limo pulls up to Healy and Marsh is Judith Kudner, Played by Kim Bacinger. Hell yeah, Head of Department of Justice. She says she's Amelia's mother, but I love when she pulls up. She's like I'm the head of Department of Justice and March is like oh, that explains everything. Now we're just like well, that explains nothing, something like that.

Speaker 1:

Healy and March sit with Kudner in her office. She explains that the Vegas mob is trying to push their porn industry to LA and Amelia is involved because of the experimental movie she did with Shaddock, which Kudner thinks is a result of her lashing out. Dean was murdered in his home as it burnt down so that the movie would be destroyed. Judith says Amelia thinks that her mother is after her and even trying to kill her. She hires Healy and March to find her. They will do it for $5,000, but she was writing $10,000 on a check and they say we'll do it for $5,000. She's like okay, she just marched, but Healy makes a face out of my hey, pretty good $5,000. And then we see March. He's like eyeballing Tolly because she's playing with Holly there and they're having like a good time.

Speaker 1:

And he's like should we have her number two? I just feel like, just in case, we need to get in contact with you, but we can't, and can I have her number? There's also when she's going through talking about all the stuff between the daughter her and her daughter and talking about porn. She's like you're right, I should probably be writing this down. Porn is bad. And then she's talking about you know. It's like, yeah, she's lashing out at me. He's like mothers and daughters, it's a tough relationship, so stupid. It was pretty cool. So back at March's house, march is sitting on the diving board above his pool. Healy comes by and mentions the information on the note he found at Shaddick's house. No one get was written by Amelia. He thinks it's a flight and March asked him why. Tally earlier referred to him as the guy from the diner. He's like oh, I know you, you're the guy from the diner.

Speaker 2:

Oh right, cause he saved those people. Yeah, and then he beat the shit out of him, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he recounts the story from a year earlier when a man in a diner was threatening people with a shotgun. Healy stepped in and intervened, causing him to get shot in the arm, but he still managed to beat the crap out of the salient. Oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

He kept beating him and beating him he's choking him and shit.

Speaker 1:

He says it costs Tally a lot in hospital bills, but he claims it was the best day of his life. He then sees March fell asleep. He says for a moment he felt useful and that's what he's searching for. He's searching for a purpose. In this movie he felt like a he and all he needed was an alcoholic and his daughter to help him.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, what a team. Yeah, what a ractag group.

Speaker 1:

Right. So Healy then drives away and spots Holly reading a book in a dark field. He approaches her and learns that her mother died as a result of a gas leak explosion, which March didn't detect because he has no sense of smell and the little empty lot that she sits in is where her house was and they're supposed to be rebuilding in there. And he walks up. It's like so how's the rebuilding going? Well, you see, I'm sitting here, Don't you?

Speaker 2:

Man Sucks, he feels like, he feels like shit.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he's like oh man, I'm sorry your dad's.

Speaker 2:

Well, you need to get us some kind of detector. Yeah yeah, you should get a dangerous carbon monoxide detector or gas or whatever.

Speaker 1:

So Holly asked March if he killed Blueface. He lies saying that he would never do that. She tells him that's good, because she would never speak to him again if he had killed Blueface. Healy is struggling with his morality morality Even more. He wants to be a good guy. He wants to be a nice guy. So the next day Healy and March get ready to continue working. But March is already drinking.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's my hero, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Because, like you just see him in the car, like Holly's driving, he's like hitting the steering, like the thing he's like just singing. She looks super pissed. We learned that I'm going to show further, right. We learned he wants to hold out and get more money from Mrs Glenn or no, judith. Holly knows the deal. He because she's like, yeah, it's like better, if you wait a three days, you can probably get one more payment out of it. And she's like she knows all his tricks. Now Healy wants to do actual detective work, though he's like come on, let's just go. Holly calls him out for being a fuck up and the worst detective ever and that she hates him. But because of this, march kicks it into high gear and March deduces that the note that Healy showed him isn't for a flight but for an apartment building, showing that he is a smart and can be a good detective. As they leave, holly smiles because she's proud of her dad. She's like hell, yeah, all it takes is me calling him a fuck up.

Speaker 2:

And he'll do it. Yeah, there's really all it takes.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's all it takes. Your kids are just constantly you're like oh man, I got to cook dinner, but I don't want to. Dad, you're such a fuck up. He's like oh, I can't be. I was like get some. Every time, jason just always falls for it.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yes, my kids would just have to come. If I had kids, they'd just come, dad please, and be like ah, big for mercy, you guys are too cute, I'll have to do it. So the two drive out to the location, but the building was torn down two years before. They then passed by the airport hotel and the information was for a room number. Healy and March go into the hotel and ask the bartender if he saw Amelia after enter the hotel. After healy slams his face onto the counter, he'll stop doing it. What Bang? Then he says we can do this the easy way, or well, we are doing it the easy way. The bartender says he did see Amelia go upstairs in an elevator and that John Boy may be up there as well after the. And like John Boy is like a guy. They talk about how he turned a guy into a Munich by jumping his balls off after the two debate Munich.

Speaker 1:

Or not, munich.

Speaker 2:

He said Munich. Yeah, he said Munich, that's right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, after the two debate on going up there, they take the elevator to the floor where Amelia may be, because March is like maybe we just shouldn't go up there. Actually, if he's going to do all that to us, I love that they love losing the door and they're all in the shop. They're awesome, but like, while in the elevator right before you have the quote March Munich. Healy, what Guy without his balls, a Munich? Munich is a city in Germany. Munich you sure my dad was stationed there, right, hitler only had one ball.

Speaker 1:

He's like right, hitler only had one ball, so funny. So as they exit the elevator, they peek around the corner and they find a man dying, with his throat cut, and then a man being shot repeatedly until he falls out the window.

Speaker 2:

It's like that scene from Cabin in the Woods.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly Healy and March. They decide, oh, we're going to leave. Actually they see a man falling out of the building while in the elevator it's very funny this whole scene, because they're just like calmly, like this whole time. They look around they see the guys throw being cut, here's some gunshots, and they're like, okay, they get in the elevator just like, all right, let's get back to the car. And then the guy falls down and they just keep like acting calm. They go back to the car and March thinks Amelia is dead. She's fucking dead. To their surprise, she lands feet first on their car, though she tries to shoot at them, but the recoil knocks her off her feet and she goes unconscious. It's like, wow, that was lucky.

Speaker 1:

The guys bring Amelia back to March's home where Holly is watching TV with her friend Jessica, because she's constantly he's constantly like trying to get her to go to Jessica's whenever they're doing stuff. So then when he comes back, he's super pissed off. What are you doing here? And then Jessica says our sister kicked us out because she's over with a guy. Your sister is such a slut, jessica. I know, it's just so funny the way he says it. Your sister is such a slut.

Speaker 1:

They debate how to wake her up, they're like, just like, push her shoulder, I don't know, just slap her in the face. Why do we have to be so aggressive? And then she wakes up. She tells them the truth that her mother is behind the murders as a result of the film Amelia made to protest the air pollution from car companies. Cutner is doing whatever it takes to stop the film from being shown and that Cutner is going to let the car companies walk and get away with the catalytic converter stuff, because earlier in the film she's like head of like this huge case with like catalytic converters and pollution and stuff.

Speaker 2:

Aren't catalytic converters is little, just like a very small thing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's like a tiny thing. I actually don't know what they look like or anything.

Speaker 2:

I guess they're really easy to steal. I guess so.

Speaker 1:

I don't know. So the guys then get a call from Tally who asked them to make a drop with a briefcase full of money, and Marchman says that Amelia is there and Tally says she'll send the family doctor over. Boom, boom, healy. And March head to Tally's. Healy has this whole Nixon story because, like there's two way, he says, like this whole story, and it's like a guy gets into the car accident and he's going to die, and then the person that walks up to him it turns out to be the former president, richard Nixon, and he says everything's going to be okay and he's like okay, what's the point of that?

Speaker 2:

It's like, well, there's grew, and he grabbed his nose and pulled him up and he leaves the same.

Speaker 1:

Well, there's two way of looking at things. It's like so, instead of telling me this huge story, why don't you just say there's two way of looking at things instead of saying this story? And he's like what does that even have to do with anything? It's like you're expecting an angel and you get Nixon, but then for a second, like March is like oh yeah, that kind of oh, that is a good story, kind of like I don't know. Really funny part, really great in the movie. So weird. Healy and March get the money. March flirts with Tally a little bit and start they and start driving to the drop on the road. March is getting tired and then it looks like that Healy's telling him that he can drive without holding the cereal. He says that cars can do that. Now Healy shows off his ankle gun while a giant killer bee play button animal birds is in the back smoking a cigarette To gas bees.

Speaker 1:

We just take cars now and then suddenly we see he's in a dream. We see that March had fallen asleep at the wheel. Healy snaps March out of it, but they end up crashing against water barrels, causing the briefcase to fall out and spill the contents everywhere. They see the briefcase was not holding money, just paper clippings. It's like that's not money.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I was wondering why they didn't look at it immediately.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's like you figured you would open it just to see what's in there. But I guess they think they can trust the cops.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't know, it's bad detective work.

Speaker 1:

They're definitely not good at it. So we see back at home. Holly answers the door to find John Boyd claiming to be the family doctor to see Amelia. However, Holly notes that he is wearing gloves and quickly figures out this is John Boyd, Because I don't know. He's being the creepiest doctor could ever be. It's like stone faced and quiet and very methodical, with everything being said. It's like you're a killer.

Speaker 2:

Sorry, I was really hoping for a more colorful doctor like an actual doctor that would have been like fun. Nope, I actually do. Really it is cool that it's an assassin, this guy playing.

Speaker 1:

John Boyd. I don't really remember anything I've seen him in, but he totally crushes the scene.

Speaker 2:

He's such a fucking psycho.

Speaker 1:

I know he's really good, he was really good at it. So she figures out as John Boyd. She goes to the cookie jar cause he's like, do you want a cookie?

Speaker 2:

And then takes out her dad. No, I didn't, couldn't be. And who?

Speaker 1:

But he takes. She takes out her dad's gun. John Boyd threatens to cut Holly with his knife and then offers to let Jessica live if she helps him with Holly. It's like, hey, jessica, if you help me with Holly, you won't die. It's like man, what a well. This is how you like. I feel like, if you, this is like a classic little bit from like an old 80s or 70s action movie or, you know, like Shane Black would have written in the past oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

That's what you're saying.

Speaker 1:

Think about a long kiss.

Speaker 2:

goodnight, gotta have a psychic.

Speaker 1:

The whole house scene where an assassin comes to try to kill you is way crazier. In long kiss goodnight.

Speaker 2:

Hell yeah, walks the shotgun blast with a refrigerator door, exactly it's fucking awesome Jessica. I think wasn't it a grenade launcher.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he had like a grenade launcher at some point, like an RPG or something it's wild. So Jessica tries to intervene but John Boyd throws her out the window. Shades a long kiss, goodnight, where she eats her daughter out.

Speaker 1:

So the guy makes it, so the guys, they make it home. As John Boyd is starting to leave, he takes the machine gun out of his trunk and fires several sprays of bullets at them. March runs to grab Jessica and bring her in the house. He puts her in the closet to hide with Holly and Amelia. As soon as Amelia sees him you fucking fascists.

Speaker 2:

He's like oh it's you so much, fucking badass action.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's great. It's really our first real big shootout. Holly gives March his gun back and he like points it straight out at him. He's like, oh my God, he just points it right at his face when he gives it to him. Healy shoots at John Boyd and runs inside for protection. March throws his gun to Healy but it goes out the window. It's like fuck.

Speaker 2:

It sucks yeah.

Speaker 1:

It's like why did you throw it?

Speaker 2:

over him like that. It's like me in baseball.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I'm a first year baseball. We throw it over the shortstop.

Speaker 1:

It's like throw it to first base. It's like okay, you hit my car in the parking lot, thanks, yeah. So John Boyd flees as he hears police sirens approaching Amelia, escapes out of the window and runs into the street. She flags down a car and asks for help. Unfortunately, this car is John Boyd's. He's like well, look at that, it just shoots her dead in the street. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

What a quickening it's like.

Speaker 1:

why would you immediately like how about you just kind of like hide for maybe 30 to 40 minutes, you know, oh man.

Speaker 2:

This is just bad luck.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, very bad luck.

Speaker 1:

So Healy, march and Holly all feel terrible after Amelia's murders. The police don't care about what Healy and March found out from Amelia and that her mother won't be questioned and that they are lucky. They aren't being put in jail essentially. But luckily a big break in the case happens when Miss Glenn reappears randomly at March's house, who's completely shut up. She's like what happened to your house Redecorating? She once again insists that she saw Missy wearing a pinstripe jacket by her window.

Speaker 1:

When Healy mentions he saw that same jacket at Shaddock's house, march gets the idea to go to Mrs Glenn's house. It's like it's wardrobe for the film, holy fucking shit. And Miss Glenn aww. They see a projector pointed out a window and Healy mentions seeing the reel for the film at Shaddock's. Meaning Miss Glenn only saw Missy through the image projected on her window. Miss Glenn breaks down because she knows Missy's really dead, poor Miss Glenn. The guy realizes that there was a second reel and Amelia was planning on showing it to the distributors on the very day at a party. Oh yeah, that was fun. And then turns to Mrs Glenn. We're going to bring down Holly's like we're going to bring down. Who did this? March looks like Glenn for a deeply discounted rate.

Speaker 1:

So always thinking about the money, he's the best, and so the guys in Holly attend the party. So the guys find the room with the projector but they are cornered by Tally who holds them at gunpoint. March tries to find Healy's ankle gun because he drops to the floor and starts like reaching for his gun Before I was realizing that was actually just part of his dream. There is no ankle gun. He's like get up, you're embarrassing me here. But then we hear Holly, who shows up pretending to be room service and tries to throw a pitcher of coffee in Tally's face, but it's cold and does nothing to her.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that would be so pissed March.

Speaker 1:

I like wearing your heads out, honey, so funny. And then Tally ends up slipping and knocks herself on caution, allowing the guys in Holly to get away. Wow, that really worked out so funny.

Speaker 2:

Oh, it was some of the funniest shit I've ever seen.

Speaker 1:

I know I was dying.

Speaker 1:

You know, it's like if we look at another Ryan Gosling movie like the Gray man right, where that movie, for one, wants Ryan Gosling to like not talk a lot and be like a quiet, like bruising guy, but it also wants that movie wants to be funny, but it's just like not, except for the times where Ryan Gosling is like, oh, every time he stands up and gets hurt and he's like bro, you had like so many great characters and actors in that. Let them go. Let them be these funny people. Not every assassin has to be this cold, like calm guy.

Speaker 2:

Right, or am I just crazy? You can have some personality, yeah let's have some personality.

Speaker 1:

Let's see a little bit of their life.

Speaker 2:

I was trying to say those sociopaths that have no personality, which is true Maybe there's an assassin that can make a joke.

Speaker 1:

Everyone's wanting.

Speaker 2:

No, let's go, it can handle the pressure.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So John Boy and other goons are there to find the film and destroy it as well. John Boy approaches chat and asks where the film is. Healy later finds Chet beaten nearly half to death in a dumpster. We learned that the film is spliced into the car show film. Outside Holly overhears older guy talking to John Boy about their plan. Older guy spots Holly and brings her back to March at gunpoint on the roof of the hotel. March seems super drunk. The film starts playing its regular film, then switches over to porn. March tells Holly to duck and cause. He's like just pretending to be so drunk. And older guy's like are you serious, why'd you prank her? Why are you this drunk? And he tells her to duck and then wax older guy over the head. March grabs older guy's gun, shoots him three times. He tries to grab Holly as he falls, but March pulls her away and the two men fall off the roof together. March lands in a pool while older guy splatters like concrete.

Speaker 2:

Oh man, that was crazy.

Speaker 1:

March Just splat, yeah, and we see in the pool March seems like he might be dying, until he sees Nixon and snaps out of it and he's like no, no, no, no, no.

Speaker 2:

Saved by the Nixon.

Speaker 1:

Exactly man that's incredible.

Speaker 2:

He is an angel.

Speaker 1:

He is an angel.

Speaker 2:

Once you see, Nixon you know you're going.

Speaker 1:

So the film starts playing for the whole party to see. It features Missy's character speaking against the head of the car company, bergen, paulson. Paulson sees it and orders his men to find the film. John Boy starts shooting at the projector March and John Boy has a shootout. Healy shows up and ask if he fell off the roof.

Speaker 2:

March says he thinks he's invincible.

Speaker 1:

Now it's like I can't die. There's just something about me. It's funny because later in uh, uh, was it fast. Nine F, nine, fast and furious nine Tyrese yeah, he, his character in the film goes through a similar thing. It's like it makes no sense, all the things we've done, I should be dead. And then later in that film they're in space Spoiler.

Speaker 2:

Oh wow, they drive in the space. Yeah, it's not nearly as cool as you thought it was going to be.

Speaker 1:

Everybody wanted it to happen and it just didn't happen the way we wanted.

Speaker 2:

The car with rockets on the back, driving through space Like a topless woman and someone playing guitar.

Speaker 1:

It's missing the guitar and topless woman part. Oh man, but the other stuff you had, correct. So Holly finds the film first as tally wakes up. It's in a large flat film reel container. Holly rolls it out the window, leading Healy March and the villains to go after it. After a long chase, March ends up with the film and then like so, once he gets it he sees his hand where it said you will not be happy and the knot is scratched out and it's like yay, is that supposed to be a tattoo?

Speaker 1:

No, it's just like something I think he writes it on his hand every day and Healy is fighting John Boy. Holly walks in on Healy strangling John Boy. She vows to never speak to him again if he kills John Boy. Healy lets go and only knocks John Boy's lights out. The police show up moments later and that's when Ryan Gossi like sitting around and that will be the cops and then his yeah, what blue face kind of reminds me of Braveheart.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and then at the end you kind of get the whole oh yeah, because you see how the blue face yeah, I got you and we get some narration and you get March's character. Sometimes you just win, but there's a whole lot of awesome stuff. You got the grenade thing where Healy, he pulls the grenade on John.

Speaker 2:

Boy's jacket. What just came out of your jacket?

Speaker 1:

And then John Boy throws it down on a guy that's shooting at March and the dude just explodes. You have March getting shot, but he's got the film reel like on his chest and it's like it's still hit him.

Speaker 1:

It's like man, he is invincible. So later we see Healy and March. They go to the Department of Justice Building to confront Cutner one last time. She shows no remorse for her daughter's death and while she knows she's going to jail, she promises that someone worse than her will be in charge. Next Vacuum of power. And then March starts comparing her to Hitler and they're talking about like all of Detroit was going to kill Amelia and it's like, oh yeah, the whole city, they all took a vote and decided to kill her.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, so I guess the whole point of this ending, because I was thinking I was like, well, what is this like big car company? Is this movie? Just like against it. And I think it was just like, hey, these two guys, they're not nice guys, right, but compared to someone else they could be the nice guys. And in this instance they're like, ah, well, at least we're not as bad as this person. And then she's saying, well, you think I'm a bad guy? This next person is probably going to be even worse than me, so maybe I would have just been better here. So I thought it was kind of an interesting like oh, what's the kind of the theme here at the end.

Speaker 1:

That they're going to be a crime fighting duo forever, exactly Because later on it's Christmas, because it's Shane Black. March goes to meet Holly and Healy at a restaurant. The car companies all got away with it. Classic. He sits with Healy at a bar where they discuss their case, and March thinks that they'll be driving electric cars within a few years anyways.

Speaker 2:

Five years.

Speaker 1:

And then he shows them. It's like hey look, have you seen this tie? It's a bad breath tie. Yeah, it was crazy. And he's like here, breathe on it, and when he does it, nothing happens. And then when he breathes on it, healy, he like crumbles in his hand. It's really funny. And this is when you get the great line nobody got hurt. A lot of people got hurt, yeah, but they died fast, so they might not have been hurt. He then tells Healy that they have another case in which a woman thinks her husband is sleeping with Linda Carter, possibly Wonder Woman, possibly not. March has even come up with a name for their agency, the nice guys. And then there's like a bee in there. And then Ryan Gosling kind of flips out and starts like swatting at it because he's scared of bees. Now the end. Oh man, so fucking silly.

Speaker 2:

It was awesome. It was great. It was great. It was so much fun watching this movie.

Speaker 1:

Great action, great riding, great directing, great acting. Did I already say that I don't know? Yeah, it's just funny A lot of it. You know what I like to have a good time when I go to the movies. Yeah, and sometimes you don't have to have the craziest shit happen on screen when you do it. It's like I loved Dune 2, loved it, but I would like 50 movies like this every year. Like in theaters every week, every weekend, there should be a new movie, just like this, and so me and a bunch of random dads can all go to the movies together and be like let's go, just, some people do, and stuff Doesn't have to be crazy. I don't know, you could, just I don't know. And it doesn't even just have to be Ryan Gosling, riz Krover, you know. Put anybody in it Some women, guys, anybody, whatever.

Speaker 1:

Just give me more noir like funny detective stuff.

Speaker 2:

More animal based. Yeah, Animal based PI Detective shows.

Speaker 1:

Yes. So now we're going to move to our first category. The category is the good, the bad, the ugly, the fine. The good is when we talk about something that we liked about the movie. The bad is we say something we didn't like about the movie. The ugly we say something that didn't age well. The fine is something that did age well. I'll go first. My goods are Ryan Gosling, russell Crow crushing it, and probably the last time he'll ever crush anything, I guess Because he never does anything and Shane Black is a director, he doesn't do it ever. And then after this he did the Predator movie that nobody liked and everybody hated. Which one was that? It was the most? It was the one before Prey. It kind of came out and it was really bad and I guess the studio took away the film from him and it just had a lot of production issues. So that sucks and I'm just ready for him to start directing more things again. Let's go. Do you got anything good, or do I kind of cover all your I?

Speaker 2:

pretty much cover it up.

Speaker 1:

Just all the best parts, yeah.

Speaker 2:

It's like watching someone who is really enjoying what they're doing is kind of cool.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, it's great, you know. Yeah, if you get people, if you get I don't know just get the right group of people together that all want to work together and are super excited for the script and, knowing tamper's with it usually pretty good, you know. So the bad. What's something you didn't like about this movie? Don't?

Speaker 2:

look at me like that. Oh, I don't know, there wasn't a lot. Yeah, it was tough.

Speaker 1:

I couldn't really find anything either. Bell bottoms maybe this was actually a movie where I was like I don't know I had 10 more minutes to it, could have been longer. I wish it was longer. You thought it was three and a half hours long, barely Barely. It was mistaken, so we'll move on to the ugly, something that I didn't age well, I actually chose Russell Crowe.

Speaker 2:

There was yes, that was well. In a nutshell, that was mine as well.

Speaker 1:

It's like as much I do like Russell Crowe, but I don't know he's just got. He's just one of those guys when you bring him up it's like, oh yeah, he's a really good actor. What's his like normal life like again? Is he still? Beating people up. I'm sure he's just normal now. I'd have no idea. I don't know anything about Russell Crowe, like in his personal life. Now I feel like after all his personal stuff came out into the public, he's like I will no longer do that.

Speaker 2:

It was slightly shocking to me just seeing. The last movie that I watched with him was Gladiator. In this movie he's so much older.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And let's just say, not a Gladiator.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, not anymore. I know I didn't know. He did gain a lot of weight for the role, he said.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but it was weird seeing them look like a normal person.

Speaker 1:

They just look like a regular guy instead of like I don't know what people think, what men think he should look like if you fight in a Gladiator ring.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And then we'll move to the find something that aged. Well, I chose the beautiful Ryan Gosling. I mean cut to this movie and then, I don't know, last Sunday or two Sundays ago, when he's playing I'm just kidding at the Oscars and the entire world was like More, that's great, it's great. It's one of our best actors. Give them all the movies in the world and apparently he's in a new movie coming out soon that people are like saying movies are back. Baby, movies are back. Yeah, because all the time people are saying movies are dying constantly, and so every time there's like a pretty decent movie that has a big star and people really like like I mean they did this with Barbie and Oppenheimer. Every year it does it over and over and over. People are like movies are back. It's like it's always been here. Anyways, we'll go to our second category, and this category is called double feature. It's where we decide we give you another movie to watch alongside of this movie. Did you have anything?

Speaker 2:

Mine was a kiss, kiss, bang bang.

Speaker 1:

Yes, kiss, kiss, bang, bang. As Val Kilmer, robert Downey Jr, they it's like a detective thing, but they're not really. One's not really a detective?

Speaker 2:

It's just Robert Downey.

Speaker 1:

Jr gets himself sucked into the situation. It's great, it's all. It's a great Christmas movie too. It's funny. We may be doing it in December, we'll see. And I chose inherent vice. Have you ever heard of it? No, ever seen it. It's great. It was done by Paul Thomas Anderson. He did Boogie Nights.

Speaker 2:

Oh what.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so it's. It was done in 2014.

Speaker 2:

I think it had a rope for a penis. Yeah, it was like standing like.

Speaker 1:

Oh, the real guy. Yeah, Like that, no in the movie.

Speaker 2:

Oh gotcha Boogie Nights, or where am I thinking of something else?

Speaker 1:

I don't know. I think you might be thinking of something else. I don't remember if we actually see it in Boogie Nights.

Speaker 2:

You got to watch it. The second half of the movie really bums me out.

Speaker 1:

So it's an American like period neo noir mystery comedy, but it's very like, it's like your stoner, it's like a stoner as a PI. Essentially it stars walking, phoenix has Josh Brolin, owen Wilson, there's just so many Reese Witherspoon, benicio del Toro, I mean everybody's in it.

Speaker 2:

Definitely not the one movie I was thinking of it was heavy.

Speaker 1:

Do you know who? What's his name? Thomas Pension, the author he did. He's the one that wrote the book in her advice and he did something like infinite rainbow or something. It's like a wild book, oh. But so the book is so confusing, there's so many people in it and there's a point where in the story where I was just kind of completely lost and it happens in the movie and I'm starting to think it's just, but for some reason it elevates the story, kind of being like whoa, where am I in the story? Because it's kind of, you know, you're like a stone, you're following a stoner and I feel like, because he's a stoner, we're kind of lost in the story, because we're all foggy brain from like where are we again?

Speaker 2:

So it's not on purpose.

Speaker 1:

I'm not sure, but that's after watching and reading the book I was like, oh, I think this might actually be kind of the perfect like point. You're into this because there's a point you get into a situation. You're like, how did we get here? And it's like that's probably what it's like if you're just constantly on drugs, maybe I don't know, but I really like the movie. I actually need to buy it. I think we're going to order a bunch of movies today. So yes, yes, but yeah. So that is our conclusion of the nice guys and we love this film. I give it 10 nice guys out of 10.

Speaker 2:

The 10 nicest guys 10 nice guys in a room not doing.

Speaker 1:

I give it 10 nice guys and stuff. Making a pornography yeah, but make sure to join us next week as we cover the Yagos Lathamose film, the killing of a sacred deer. Because his most recent movie won a ton of Oscars. Poor things. It's on Hulu. I haven't checked it out yet Emma Stone won an Oscar for it.

Speaker 2:

I think I will.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's great. It's like a Frankenstein story. Hell, yeah, I haven't seen it, so I don't know. So join us next week, because this is it's a dang ass freak movie. Okay.

Speaker 2:

I just heard it was really weird. It is so weird, dude.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I wanted to watch it, but you don't even know it. You don't know how weird it gets. I don't. You're literally going to be like what the fuck? So uncomfortable? Barry Keegan or Krogan, whatever his stupid name is so crazy.

Speaker 2:

It was before he was just like yeah, I can't wait, I love it.

Speaker 1:

I love it. It was a movie that me and Natalie were so stressed out watching that I guess our neighbors thought we had COVID, because this was kind of during the COVID pandemic whenever we were watching it. And so we just see, like this older lady like run by our window and like knock on the door and so we have to pause it and I was so scared and stressed just because the movie is so uncomfortable. That was like what just happened and I was like I don't know if I and we see her run back to our house and I was like I don't even want to get out, I don't know what's going to be on our doorstep. They just thought we had COVID and they left us a bunch of get like a little goodie bag just is like oh, if you need any food, just let us know.

Speaker 1:

And I was like oh, I really needed this kindness right now because the movie was just so weird. But yes, make sure you check out the killing of a sacred deer You're going to More of the story.

Speaker 2:

do not be condoning.

Speaker 1:

You're going to either absolutely love the film or you will never listen to us again, oh no. But if you want to contact us and tell us how much you never want, to listen to us again email us at we recommend mailbag at gmailcom.

Speaker 1:

And if you'd like to listen, if you'd like to follow us on any social media, go to link tree forward, slash. We recommend podcast and you can also listen to us on other streaming services there. And thank you, joey Prosser, for our intro and outro music. You can follow him on X at Mr Joey Prosser, and my throat is so dry. This has been the. We recommend podcast. I'm Jesse, I'm Jason and remember what Pornokio said it's not my nose that grows. Yes, bye.

The Nice Guys Movie Review
Shane Black's the Nice Guys
The Nice Guys Unravel a Mystery
The Nice Guys Investigation Adventure
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