We Recommend: A Movie Podcast

Creep (2014)

April 12, 2024 Jesse and Jason Episode 47
Creep (2014)
We Recommend: A Movie Podcast
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We Recommend: A Movie Podcast
Creep (2014)
Apr 12, 2024 Episode 47
Jesse and Jason

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Could your politeness be the very thing a predator counts on? Hey, it's Jesse and Jason, and in this thrill-ride of a podcast, we dissect the mumblegore sensation "Creep," where Aaron's good manners might just be his undoing. Join us as we navigate the improvisational terror brought to life by Mark Duplass and debate just how far is too far when it comes to being nice to a stranger. We'll share our own hair-raising stories and explore why sometimes, that gut feeling of danger is your best friend.

Ever wondered how an axe can become a central character in a story? In our analysis, we not only scrutinize the suspenseful ways props are used in "Creep" but also sink our teeth into the psychodrama that unfolds between Aaron and Josepf. You'll be on the edge of your seat as we recount the deceptive twists and the bone-chilling revelations that make you question the truth behind every friendly smile. As we unravel the layers of Joseph's character, we invite you to reflect on your own experiences with unsettling encounters.

Wrapping up with a heart-pounding discussion on the found footage genre, we compare the jump scares of "Creep" with the likes of "The Blair Witch Project." We pay homage to the indie filmmaking prowess of Mark Duplass and tease the future of storytelling within the niche realms of mumblegore and mumblecore. So, if you're ready for an episode that's as much a psychological study as it is a horror aficionado's dream, plug in your headphones and let's get this eerie show on the road.

We would love to hear from you! Send us an email and maybe it will be read on the podcast! werecommendmailbag@gmail.com

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Music produced by Joey Prosser. X @mrjoeyprosser

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

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Could your politeness be the very thing a predator counts on? Hey, it's Jesse and Jason, and in this thrill-ride of a podcast, we dissect the mumblegore sensation "Creep," where Aaron's good manners might just be his undoing. Join us as we navigate the improvisational terror brought to life by Mark Duplass and debate just how far is too far when it comes to being nice to a stranger. We'll share our own hair-raising stories and explore why sometimes, that gut feeling of danger is your best friend.

Ever wondered how an axe can become a central character in a story? In our analysis, we not only scrutinize the suspenseful ways props are used in "Creep" but also sink our teeth into the psychodrama that unfolds between Aaron and Josepf. You'll be on the edge of your seat as we recount the deceptive twists and the bone-chilling revelations that make you question the truth behind every friendly smile. As we unravel the layers of Joseph's character, we invite you to reflect on your own experiences with unsettling encounters.

Wrapping up with a heart-pounding discussion on the found footage genre, we compare the jump scares of "Creep" with the likes of "The Blair Witch Project." We pay homage to the indie filmmaking prowess of Mark Duplass and tease the future of storytelling within the niche realms of mumblegore and mumblecore. So, if you're ready for an episode that's as much a psychological study as it is a horror aficionado's dream, plug in your headphones and let's get this eerie show on the road.

We would love to hear from you! Send us an email and maybe it will be read on the podcast! werecommendmailbag@gmail.com

To quickly follow us on social's or listen on another platform follow the link!


Music produced by Joey Prosser. X @mrjoeyprosser

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to the we Recommend Podcast, a movie podcast where every week we recommend a movie for you to watch and then come back here and listen to us discuss. I'm Jesse, I'm Jason and it's tubby time, baby, because this week we recommend Creep.

Speaker 2:

What? Oh, thank you for ruining my life with this movie.

Speaker 1:

Isn't it great? It is great.

Speaker 2:

It's so good, it's so real and like these people are out there.

Speaker 1:

They're crazy and this we don't know what's wrong with them, like there's.

Speaker 2:

So good, it's so real and like these people are out there.

Speaker 1:

They're crazy. We don't know what's wrong with them. There's something wrong. Other people also know what's wrong with them, but they're not doing anything about it and he just gets to run around. Careful, it's like a warning to all videographers everywhere or just anybody that goes on Craigslist, you crazies. Or just anybody that goes on Craigslist, you crazies. So this is a film directed by Patrick Bryce, fresh out of film school.

Speaker 2:

Directing this and written by Patrick Bryce and Mark Duplass, and also Jay Duplass is a producer of it, which is his brother, whenever he got out of film school or right before he got out, he's like I'm going to make this movie and they're like, just leave, man.

Speaker 1:

And then Mark.

Speaker 2:

Duplass of film school right before he got out.

Speaker 1:

He's like I'm going to make this movie. And they're like just leave man. Yeah, just kidding. And then it's Mark Duplass is like oh, I have a great idea, since you're out of film school. What if I killed you on screen in here? Yeah, let's go. So this is considered a mumblecore movie. Do you know what that is? No, so this is Momocore movies, are I like it? It's a sub-genre of independent film. They're very naturalistic, acting, mostly improvised. You know, it's supposed to be realistic, I guess, is the way to say it.

Speaker 2:

Explain realistic Realistic.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I'm just old, do you think? I just said?

Speaker 2:

listic. I thought just old, do you think? I just said listic. I thought listic. Yeah, you just said it's real listic. Real listic Like real space listic.

Speaker 1:

Man I feel like I didn't do it like that. That's so fetch. Yeah, that's fetch as hell.

Speaker 2:

That's so fetch. It's a movie fetch.

Speaker 1:

Sorry, but yeah, and it emphasizes like dialogue over plot, so over plot. So that's what type of movie and the what they call horror movies that are mumblecore.

Speaker 2:

They call it mumble gore.

Speaker 1:

Oh that's so cute and fun. It's so fun to say it's the cutest crap ever and creepy. So have you ever found, like have you ever been in a situation where you think I have been close to death because someone is so crazy and creepy? Like, have you ever felt like you've experienced something like that? Every girl in the world has? Yes, I'm sure, but as a guy, have you I?

Speaker 2:

mean yeah, I mean, I think so, I think there have been, but it's always in hindsight when I realize it. Obviously there's never.

Speaker 1:

Well, not obviously Same for Patrick if he lived.

Speaker 2:

Yes, but there's never. Well, not obviously Same for Patrick if he lived, yes, but there's never really been. I've never realized it in the moment.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because I'm. You just don't expect to be murdered.

Speaker 2:

Right, you never expect someone's going to murder you.

Speaker 1:

I'm privileged Right. I'm privileged, I'm alive still. No one has tried to kill me. I'm murder privileged.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't know if that means what.

Speaker 1:

I was curious because while watching this movie, the whole time I was like when do I dip out and how long do I continue to be nice?

Speaker 2:

and I was thinking about this too, as soon as he said this is no longer a business transaction and he's once, and he then he also wants hugs, like you might have done out at hugs Depends on how much I needed the money.

Speaker 1:

It's just his giant smile. Joseph's giant smile is just so. Anyone who smiles. It's the way he smiles.

Speaker 2:

I don't know what it is. I don't trust it.

Speaker 1:

But no, I would have probably done the first hug, I would have come in and he pays you immediately. So he puts you off guard. It's like, why would he pay me immediately? He would obviously probably not do all this and want to kill me first before even giving me money, because what if I dipped out immediately? Right, yeah, so that like puts your guard down.

Speaker 2:

It's just like grab the photo refund.

Speaker 1:

He immediately goes to the most insane thing ever and gets completely naked in front of him five seconds later.

Speaker 1:

It's great. Let's see, let's see. Let's go to some facts. Oh also, I don't remember Facts. Most men are creeps. Mark Duplass plays Joseph and Patrick Bryce plays Aaron, so just get that out of the way. So, how they decided to come up with the film this was a part of an interview and this is Market Plus asking about a sequel, which there is one. It's called Creep 2, and to me it's equally as good, but it also kind of plays off what you know about the character and has a smarter victim. So I suggest you go home and watch it tonight, because it's it's actually probably a little more. It's a little more entertaining. I think it's not as slow as this one.

Speaker 2:

I felt like yeah is it kind of like the girl in um barbarian when she's like this is crazy yeah, she goes into the house.

Speaker 1:

Yes and no, I'm not going to say let's just say that's smarter. It is a girl that is doing it this time.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's all you got to say, just kidding.

Speaker 1:

She's smarter than she, is smarter than Aaron and maybe potentially a little bit more twisted than Aaron.

Speaker 2:

Sweet, so that she's like oh, this, oh, potentially a little bit more twisted than Arrow. Sweet. She's like oh, peach Fuzz, yeah, nice.

Speaker 1:

There's actually. Yeah yeah, you just need to watch it. It's really good. I think the last time I watched Creep 2, I liked it more than Creep 1. But now, re-watching Creep 1, I was like man, this is just magic.

Speaker 2:

Is she like Peach Fuzz?

Speaker 1:

What a cute little baby you are. Yeah, oh, that's weird, I brought my other one, I have two, I have one as well. So when he's talking about the sequel, he started kind of talking about why he made this movie and he says when you see the movie and you see what this movie is about, which is, why do we inherently trust people that we shouldn't trust? Why is it that we put an ad in the paper and let strangers walk into our home without knowing anything about them? The story is so exciting and so interesting. For fear of being rude or offending people, we don't protect ourselves and that feels big to us. Dang. So that's kind of how they came up with it, because obviously patrick um, the guy that plays aaron, uh, main film guy, he you know, being in film school in California, you got to keep.

Speaker 2:

There's no creeps in California.

Speaker 1:

You got to make money somehow. So he did some Craigslist ads. So he did some silly things for money.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

You know, being a videographer, you're able to get jobs like that through Craigslist?

Speaker 2:

Will video anything for money money?

Speaker 1:

on Craigslist. I feel like when you're in film school you definitely probably take on a lot of weird things that you're like I didn't know I was getting myself into this. I guess A lot of amateur porn, I'm sure.

Speaker 2:

But like that reminds me of all the nature documentaries you see, Most of like the insect, the things you see happening with insects. It's not happening in the wild, it's not being filmed in the wild, it's just like one little, what do you call the plant, A bunch of plants set up and there's no other bugs. It's just that one bug you want to film.

Speaker 1:

It's on the leaf.

Speaker 2:

I was going to say planetarium A terrarium.

Speaker 1:

Yes, planetarium. Almost said planetarium A terrarium, yeah, yes, planetarium, I almost said planetarium.

Speaker 2:

That'd be a good movie, I know right Planetarium, but it's really they just they control the environment completely.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's not 100% true. Not 100%, true, sure, but like it does happen, I will say, yeah, I could probably see a lot of people just setting up these bug shots like, all right, I don't, we've spent too much money out in the wild because, then you gotta go looking for it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and that's like it's time you never know where bugs are.

Speaker 1:

Bugs are everywhere, except for the times you want them to be there. But I think, uh, whenever it comes to him kind of describing what he likes about the movie I mean it's especially for me, I'm assuming a little bit for you, because I feel like we're kind of people pleasers and chill and nice people Like it kind of makes you think like how long can I like? How long, how much can I take before I start being rude to somebody? I'll tell you how much creeping me out.

Speaker 2:

I'll tell you. I'll tell you, for me it is zero. I pulled into my house after work, getting home from work the other day. Actually, I was in my house after work, getting home from work the other day. Or actually, I took my son to soccer. He had a soccer game. I came home and there were four men in my driveway and talking to my wife and a van parked across the street what With the name of it was like some kind of church, oh and four random men and my wife, like she, got them to leave before I got out of the car because she knew I was gonna be rude to them.

Speaker 1:

Oh well, yeah, that's like a perfect time for that. That's like a perfect situation for you, especially since you're not a religious person and you're like get out of here I'm anti-religious. So, yeah, definitely okay. Well, if this, if you. I guess, if it wasn't like a church thing and if it was just like a normal guy it's always a church thing you're always hanging.

Speaker 1:

You're kind of hanging I don't know because I want, while going through the movie I'm like when would I say no? When I would be like I'm out, it'd probably be Toby, time Toby time Toby time. I don't know If he's just trying to make a sweet video for his kid. I'd be like, well, this is kind of sad, so let's just do it. Super sad and weird. It's like I don't know. He's just nude, whatever.

Speaker 2:

What if you're like hey, I'm just going to let you borrow my camera for a little while. I'm going to dip. How about this?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you can use my camera, murder the camera I don't know, just give me a down payment?

Speaker 2:

I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I just think it's very.

Speaker 2:

It's just such a good idea for a movie it is cause you're like I can see this happening and it being found footage just makes it even more realistic and better and that's what makes it a creepy movie.

Speaker 1:

It was very fucking nail in the head and it's cringy too very. I think that's why it's so affecting to me, because I struggle with cringe and it ruined my dreams. I try to watch Survivor and they go to Tribal and I'm just like the whole time I'm not looking.

Speaker 2:

You're just too embarrassed to watch.

Speaker 1:

Yes, Anytime someone starts getting a little dramatic or confrontational, I'm like I can't look.

Speaker 1:

I can't look, I can't look. We sat down to watch this was an older season and we were going through all the seasons. It got to the final tribal, where they all go, and they just essentially yell at the people that made it to the end and she's like do you want me to shut this off or are you not going to watch? Because I was trying to get ready for bed and I was like I can't look either way, I just need to hear it. I just need to hear it so I can just cringe behind my eyelids. So this movie was made for $5,000. Nice, all they did was rent a place, took a camera and they just kind of worked. They just kind of worked in that house Pretty sweet and they went out in the woods and worked on it.

Speaker 2:

Are you saying he really didn't do those bear paintings that he said he did?

Speaker 1:

No, probably not. Those were probably just randomly in the house. Here's some paintings, just some bear paintings, like okay, cool, that's really cool. That's obviously something that they when they rented the place.

Speaker 1:

They're like hey, let's just put this shot of these two real quick, like that's just what sociopaths do also love now and I feel like it's because so many people have just been making movies and Airbnbs and stuff like that. Now, when you go to most rules of houses and Airbnb, vrbo, whatever they always say no filming. Oh really no, like filmmaking and stuff like that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because I bet it's like really easy to make porn in a place like that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah but it's also, you know, because they want the money as well. Well, yeah obviously and I don't know, but it's like just let people do. I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Let them let them fuck in your house yeah, exactly charge them more if it's gonna be porn yes um, they should just tack on a porn fee for everyone. Yeah, there you go, problem solved and they'll be like I guess we have to make babe, we have to make a porn on here we're paying for. We have to do a porno in here. We're paying for it, we have to do it. I'll go buy a $5,000 camera.

Speaker 1:

I'll be back.

Speaker 2:

No, no, no, no. It's got to be crystal clear. The phone is fucking good enough, that's good.

Speaker 1:

I don't trust putting any sort of naked picture of myself or my wife on my phone.

Speaker 2:

I had like a little bit of stomach exposed and I was really upset about it. I thought you're saying I was really horny after no, no, no, that was mine dang my stomach now I'm horny man, look at that, yeah, so the movie's called a creep and we're gonna be creepy during it okay, one last thing before we get into the plot.

Speaker 1:

Um, as soon as I remember, oh, so they just went out and shot stuff in this house in the woods, right? And they just take the footage, they edit it, they show it to their friends, and their friends would be like this needs to be changed. So they filmed for 18 months showing all the films to the movie Well it's just like in their spare time they're not paying money for anything.

Speaker 2:

It's only $5,000.

Speaker 1:

One of them is an actor who's been in, like the Mark Duplass. He One of them is an actor who's been in, like the Mark Duplass. He's in the League. You know that he's also in other stuff. That's all I got for you, all right, but he's just kind of a big indie guy. Now he has his own like production company. But so when they first started off they were just kind of making like a cringy like comedy drama type thing. But as they were showing it to their friends're like this is kind of creepy, you should lean into the dark the darker side of it because it was supposed to be a movie about a guy awkwardly hiring someone to film like his final.

Speaker 1:

It kind of makes me think I think you should leave, like if I think you should leave.

Speaker 2:

Just became a horror movie.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly yeah, it pretty much, because he is so over the top as Joseph, oh man, yeah, but yeah, so it was essentially all his friends just said, hey, make this a horror movie now. And they started reshooting and re-editing and they kept showing it to him and they'd kind of pick oh no, this part really works, this part doesn't, and they'd just go reshoot stuff. Something I kind of want you to think about while we go through through the plot. Specifically you, jason, um, well, I guess I'm just gonna ask you the question who's joseph? Is there any truth in any of his stories? No, um, I think you made everything. And one thing to tell you is in the sequel he uses aaron's name. Oh nice, so is he joseph? So he's jumping. And also at the end of the movie, you see he says, hey, it's Bill, while talking on the phone. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So he just takes on a new identity every time he needs to.

Speaker 1:

He's a chameleon, and when we specifically get to the part where his sister calls, that's when we have to discuss is she in it or not, dang, also, the main thing I want you to think about is just tell me when you would have left, like sincerely and honestly, just like think about it and be like all right, this is when I'm out, I can well.

Speaker 1:

Okay, we'll get to it, we'll get to there all right, so we're gonna start the film let's go creep 2014 on netflix rated. So we meet Aaron, a freelance videographer. He's driving to the home of a person he doesn't know. We'll find out it's Joseph. He's just got to do eight hours of work for him. That's it, and he's getting paid. Whatever amount of money. I think it's like it looked like a lot of money. I didn't really. It's probably a couple hundred bucks yeah it's probably like five.

Speaker 1:

It's a videographer, so it's probably either 500 to 1,000 for eight hours, I would assume. God damn, yeah, it was a very lucrative job.

Speaker 2:

Too bad.

Speaker 1:

I didn't have personal skills to get into it. Aaron's a little weird about it. As he's driving, he hopes it's some 40-year-old MILF that he can bug. I was just like oh great, he's immediately unlikable or realistic. No, I'm just kidding, he's funny, he's really dumb, he's just hopeful, I think.

Speaker 1:

I also did your wife watch this with you. No Dang, you should get her to watch it. I would like to, and I want to know does Aaron remind her of you? There's a part I won't we'll get to it. Whenever he's back home and he's watching, uh, one of the tapes that is sent to him, there's a point where I was like he's got a similar haircut to jason and then he was making a face and I was like he kind of looks like jason. I was like, so that was actually what made me ask creep me out, what creeped me out so much?

Speaker 2:

That's why I put on there.

Speaker 1:

I was like is when would you leave? Because I was like I wonder if you would have been like Aaron and just kept going, goddamn Okay. So he arrives at a house in the wilderness with a long stretch of like stairs leading to the front door or whatever. That's what I want on the left. Yeah, it's like too many stairs, fuck the stairs. He knocks and no well, he doesn't really knock. He rings this doorbell, this weird latch yeah twisty.

Speaker 2:

We have one of those on our door, really. Yeah, you twist it a little.

Speaker 1:

I literally put my notes. Weird doorbell, never seen that. Super weird. Yeah, labyrinth door knockers.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, not really, but I really like it because it doesn't go make it like a really obnoxious noise. It just kind of does like a well, you twist it and it goes. It's kind of almost like a rotary yeah, rotary phone, that's right, yeah, kind of like that.

Speaker 1:

You know, if Aaron just said, joseph, you have no power over me, he would have been fine like labyrinth, yeah, um. So why he walks? Nobody comes to answer the door. He turns the camera and like he kind of focuses on this axe that's in the um stump brand new fucking axe though yeah, so do you think he put it there on purpose?

Speaker 1:

because he he definitely put that axe there on purpose, so he noticed it right? Yeah, I think so. It's all. I mean, it's all mental. It started as soon as he got there, I think so that.

Speaker 2:

That's how I feel too. Super shiny, brand new axe, never been used.

Speaker 1:

I'm getting so excited, just literally thinking about the fact that the filmmakers are like let's put an axe here because this character will put that there, so that Aaron will think, hmm, am I going to die with that axe?

Speaker 2:

Or maybe he's just thinking. Maybe he'll think that he's going to chop some wood later.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but I feel like in Joseph's head he's like how far can I take this until he's going to realize I'm going to kill the fuck out of him, Okay, and then he goes back to the—.

Speaker 2:

And it was there the whole time, so he should have noticed it. Yeah, it was constantly there, even Joseph.

Speaker 1:

We'll see him a little later and he has an axe symbol above his pocket and I was just like this rules every time I see this. But so he's like crap, there's nobody here, so I'm just going to go get my car and he's kind of like panning around in his car and then all of a sudden he pans and Joseph's there and it's like this huge jump scare one of the first jump scares we get and he's got this giant like creepy but sympathetic and endearing smile. But there's just something off about it to where it's creepy, right, yes, it's too big. It's like why are you that smiley? You're just meeting me for the first time.

Speaker 2:

No one ever smiles at me when meeting me the first time that big his excuse kind of, it kind of helps relieve some of the.

Speaker 1:

As soon as you find out what he's going through, it's like oh, he's just, he's probably just constantly on some sort of shroom or something to where he's always happy oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

Well, he's supposedly dying from cancer yeah, you're like I don't know what that's like yeah, he's just trying to have a good aspect, trying to just be happy the rest of your life right to be Trying to force himself to be happy forever. So they introduce each other. Joseph immediately is like let's hug. Oh gross. And Joseph says you have a nice kind face too, because he's like this is going to be a good day, this is going to be a good time. You have a nice kind face.

Speaker 2:

You got a good face. Can I borrow it?

Speaker 1:

But it's the way he says it because it's like you have a nice face and then it's just this giant smile.

Speaker 1:

He doesn't really think he's got a nice face and then during the awkward hug he says don't worry about that, that's not going to be anything weird at the end of this. So they make their way into the house. Joseph says he spent many summers with his family in that house. Joseph explains that he wanted to hire aaron to make a video of him for his unborn son. He explained that he has an inoperable brain tumor and wants his son to have something to remember him by. Aaron agrees to film and then joseph pays him up front. So you know it's like kind of awkward, but you're supposed to. Yeah, I bought it. Yeah, I mean, why not I get it?

Speaker 2:

I would probably be kind of it's like kind of awkward.

Speaker 1:

But you're supposed to. Yeah, I bought it. Yeah, I mean, why not I get it?

Speaker 2:

I would probably be kind of it's like you're just trying to, even if I, even if I thought this guy like it's, because I know it's a horror movie and I know he's probably the killer you think he's. He could also be dying from cancer. That's the thing, right? That's what saul does yeah, I mean it.

Speaker 1:

It pushes down Aaron's walls, right. All the walls he had up it's like Almost all those anti-cancer walls yeah. It's like oh man, you defeated him. Now I can let you in emotionally. So after all that, we're like, ah, cool, it's going to be great. It's just like like a sweet little video he's going to make for his son all day. Joseph immediately leads Aaron upstairs to the bathroom, where he proceeds to run the bathtub and undress. Is this a problem with you?

Speaker 2:

Do you feel?

Speaker 1:

uncomfortable about this. Let's get to the wiener. Yeah, aaron is super uncomfortable, but Joseph assures him this is important and not in any way inappropriate.

Speaker 2:

It's not going to be weird, I promise.

Speaker 1:

Turns out it wasn't inappropriate and it was just kind of. It was the one thing, it was the one lie. He, it was the one thing that wasn't a lie, it wasn't inappropriate.

Speaker 2:

It wasn't inappropriate.

Speaker 1:

No, no, this had to be.

Speaker 2:

You think stroking a baby like that? It's not there.

Speaker 1:

Well, I mean at this point. Well, I just mean in terms of, especially because you think this is going to be like a weird sex thing a little bit sometimes.

Speaker 2:

Ah, yes.

Speaker 1:

And it's like, oh, he told the truth, he wasn't going to do any inappropriate sex stuff with him, thank God. Finally, because that was first time I watched it, I was like that was a big thing, where I was like is he going to like rape this guy? He's a creep. So, with the camera rolling, joseph proceeds to explain to his future son what tubby time is and mime's giving a child a bath. So good, look at your feet.

Speaker 2:

Oh, they're stinky.

Speaker 1:

So awkward.

Speaker 2:

It's so cringy Because babies don't wear shoes. Oh wait, Did he?

Speaker 1:

say feet, or did he say like he just looks like he picked something up, he and I just picked up a piece of his own.

Speaker 2:

I was like is that supposed to be pooped from your kid?

Speaker 1:

um no but very cringy incredible very it seems like super force kind of like there's a little bit of you where it's like this isn't real you're like maybe because he doesn't until they have kids, and but then a little later he, he kind of becomes a little sad and morose, I guess, and he pretends to bring the baby he's going to lay with him on his chest and he sees the fire and it immediately comes, he just throws it at the fire, yeah.

Speaker 1:

It immediately went from being this kind of awkward, cringy thing to kind of really sad. And you see Joseph's face kind of get a little sad because he's like, oh, his kid's gonna, he's never gonna get to see the fire with his son in the bathtub. And then he starts. He immediately makes it super weird and asks Aaron if he should just end it all.

Speaker 2:

Oh God, Yep.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's like, oh what? So then he's like sinks beneath the water until Aaron approaches him and then he pops out and scares him. It's like a second jump. It's the jump scares. I kind of hate jump scares but also love them, especially when they really lead up to it. Like make me not want to see the jump scare.

Speaker 2:

I think the only time I don't like jump scares is when there's too many. It's over.

Speaker 1:

And when there's too many and it's just like they're just popping out like everywhere you turn, it's like all right, well, it works in this because I hate in horror movies and this happens a lot in found footage where characters that aren't bad guys and are their friends pop out of trees like right in front of the camera. It's like this doesn't make sense In terms of this movie. It makes sense because he's fucking with him, ted, definitely the bad guy. He's trying to mentally break him down, I guess. So, yeah, he sinks beneath the water and then jumps out. Joseph insists he was just joking and he's just trying to lie in the mood and he asked if he wants to go on a hike.

Speaker 2:

Let's go, it'll cost extra. Yeah, how about we just finish the movie, man?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, let's just do it. How about you, like, we'll play Uno together or something and I'll pretend I'm your kid? Oh God.

Speaker 2:

No. So Joseph suggests Jesse and I have different ideas about what videography is.

Speaker 1:

It could be like the point of view as your kid like looking at the father playing.

Speaker 2:

Uno, okay, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Wow. So Joseph suggests Aaron grab something warm, some warm clothes from the closet for their hike, and Aaron opens the closet door to find a terrifying wolf mask. Another jump scare immediately. Don't worry about that. Love this mask, though, and Joseph calls the mask peach fuzz and puts it on while he sings this cringy awkward song.

Speaker 2:

I'm pretty sure he made that up right on the spot right.

Speaker 1:

It's like I'm scary like a wolf, but I'm nice like a bunny. No, this is terrible, Sir. Are you still All right? So we get to this point. He does the whole song while wearing the mask.

Speaker 2:

You still there? Yeah, I think it's still the work, you still. It's the work day, it's not right. This hasn't been over eight hours yeah, I mean you've.

Speaker 1:

You've seen him hang dong? He did a little dance for you, I don't know, and now you're prepared to go I feel like I would have waited until he got into the bathroom I would just be like all right, I'm gonna set the camera down, you get in the bathtub, right? That's probably how we would have done it.

Speaker 2:

But then, like you, still don't want the kid to see his dad hanging.

Speaker 1:

Hey, you want to be like. This is where you got it, boy, or didn't get it. I think him saying let's go into the woods. That would be the first part. I'd probably still go, I'd probably still go?

Speaker 2:

I'd probably still go, sure.

Speaker 1:

I mean like still on the clock. Basically, that's very dangerous.

Speaker 2:

And is it?

Speaker 1:

still daylight at this point? Yeah, it's still daylight. It's a very dangerous move, though, so both men get into Joseph's car and head for the hiking trail that Joseph explains will lead to a spring that supposedly has healing powers um sweet also yeah, I was gonna say something, now I completely forgot snake wine, so we'll just keep going.

Speaker 1:

So, while hiking through the woods, joseph's behavior begins to get a little stranger already, which is insane. He, like he says like hey, do you see something? And aaron's like no, and they continue walking, and then he immediately just bolts into the woods.

Speaker 2:

I think if I ever have to go look for someone, I think that's where I'm going to call.

Speaker 1:

No, when he turns around and runs away. That's when I turn around and I run straight back to the car.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you go straight to the car and.

Speaker 1:

I'll be like I'll call you a cab, See ya so. And then Aaron goes search for him and he pops out and scares to the car. And I'd be like I'll call you a cab, See ya, so. And then Aaron goes search for him and he pops out and scares him again. Jesus Christ, it is just like alright, he's messing with me hard here.

Speaker 2:

At this point. If I wasn't gone by this point, I'd definitely be gone as soon as he runs away. I'm done.

Speaker 1:

And then, even if I stayed for the jump scare, I'd be like we, as soon as he runs away, I'm done. And then, even if I stayed for the jump scare, I'd be like we're done. We're done, like I can't keep doing this, no. So he tells Aaron, it's like, oh, you should have. He's like you should have seen your face. Oh, I love it when he does scare him. He does say, oh, oh, I guess you didn't see your face. And I was like, yeah, it's his face. That's bitch, let's get going.

Speaker 1:

He tells Aaron that he just experienced a near-death experience and he's like and for a second his face looked like he wanted to kill Joseph, yeah. And then, like they're kind of talking and they're saying that while walking, he's like, oh, I think there's a little peach fuzz in you. Yet, oh God. That's when I was like, oh God, he's going to rape him. Yes, yes, god, he's gonna rape him. Yes, no, it's great, I mean, it's just, I don't know. So joseph asked aaron how he felt about seeing the axe in the yard and rattles him by asking if aaron thought he was gonna kill him with it. Aaron jokes that he did at first, but now he knows him better now and I love it because joseph loves it. He's like you did. That's, that's awesome, that's hilarious.

Speaker 1:

So he also happily admits that he has no idea where they're going despite it, and that they should keep going, no matter how uncomfortable Aaron is. Aaron's like I'm hungry. He's like I know, let's keep going, let's keep going. Thanks, man, just seeing how far he can take things with him, how much pressure he can put on Aaron's shoulders before he. Aaron must be starving. Yeah, well, he won't be able to eat soon. So they finally find the heart-shaped spring and kind of walk into it. But when we first see the spring, it's half a skull. Yeah, I was like Super sweet. He's like whoa, it is a heart. I'm like Aaron, that's a skull, he's going to kill you.

Speaker 2:

This guy literally found a place where there's a skull in the woods and now he's going to kill it because of it. Everything about this situation says go away. Yes, make sure you have your red flags, he's putting actual red flags around it Like this is amazing.

Speaker 1:

You know, I think if when this movie came out in 2014, I'd probably have gone this far. But I think now that I listen to so many true crime podcasts yeah, that's a good point I don't think I would have made it.

Speaker 2:

I would have done Tubby Time and been like look here's your money back.

Speaker 1:

Great penis, we'll see you later.

Speaker 2:

That was cool with Tubby Time. Never go to a second location.

Speaker 1:

It's like I'm not going into the woods with you, so they all go into the water. It looks like Aaron's kind of enjoying himself. He's like he swings on a branch, gets his toes in. He's like woo. They're kind of screaming together and they're hugging and having a good time. Because, you know, extremely cold weather does bring that like energizing, I guess, because it brings it shocks.

Speaker 2:

Your system Is it supposed to be really cold there.

Speaker 1:

I would assume they're wearing a lot of heavy clothes.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, okay, I just assumed it was cold.

Speaker 1:

Gracie, chill out, no, gracie. So Aaron's enjoying himself. Joseph carves their initials and a heart around them on a rock.

Speaker 2:

I'm out. Yeah, I'm out. Now I'm like okay, this is.

Speaker 1:

I think this guy just wants to have sex with me, you're not in love. Yeah, I was like, okay, he immediately wanted me to see him naked. First thing and the third thing we've done is he carved a rock.

Speaker 2:

He carved our initials in a rock with a heart on it. Worst date ever.

Speaker 1:

It's like something's uncomfortable about this and he said there's going to be some peach fuzz in me. I don't like that. So, joseph, he grabs another hug from Aaron and suggests they go to his favorite local diner for some pancakes. And when they get there, joseph says let's see what's good here. And Aaron is immediately like I thought you've been here a billion times. What do you mean?

Speaker 2:

He's like oh, they changed the menus. Oh, I will say, as I'm leaving if he says whoa, whoa, let's talk it out over pancakes. I'll be like okay, I'm back in.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'll be like oh, pancakes. So we're leaving here, you're not going to murder me, and then we're going to get pancakes and you're paying. All right, I'm still on board, I'm in, and then I'll drop you off at your house, at least until the end of pancakes as soon as you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and this is where you can kind of see the axe on his jacket pocket. It's like super clear there While ordering food. Aaron tells a story about this time that he wet his pants when he was little. We find out that he used to wet the bed a lot when he was a kid and he had like a pee monitor that was on his wrist or something. So every time he peed it started beeping. That's weird. How does it know?

Speaker 2:

I don't know, beeping. That's weird. How does it know? I don't know, it's weird. I guess it like connects his.

Speaker 1:

It's just a metal chain for your wrist. I guess I have no idea and I hope I never need um. And he says one day on some monkey bars he's having so much fun that he didn't want to go to the bathroom and he pees his pants during recess and he's super embarrassed.

Speaker 1:

People are around him laughing and he just has this loud alarm going off while he's just sitting there in his own piss. Joseph says awesome. Thank you for sharing. Here's some pictures I took of you while you were coming to my house. I just feel bad that I lied about it and I'm super sorry. Do you forgive me and some reason.

Speaker 2:

Aaron does. What in the world did we just become best friends?

Speaker 1:

you took pictures of me.

Speaker 2:

I'm supposed to take videos of you.

Speaker 1:

We're best friends. Now that, no matter what, it's the last straw like if for whatever reason I'm just feeling good that day and I went through a lot of weird stuff. This is. That is the last straw.

Speaker 1:

That's where I'm like oh, okay, you get through the dinner or the breakfast, whatever they're doing, you take them home, you drop them off like all right. As soon as he gets out of that car, you drive, that's it. That's all you do. Be rude, fuck them. But instead, when they get back to the house, it's dark out and Aaron, obviously still unnerved by Joseph's confession at the diner, tells Joseph he's going to head home. Joseph insists Aaron come in for one more drink and Aaron agrees, but he definitely doesn't want to. And it's one of those things you know, the song Baby, it's Cold Outside. It's essentially that, except creepier. But it's also kind of the poster of the movie where you got him standing where he's just a dark silhouette with his head behind the light or in front of the light.

Speaker 1:

Where you got him standing where he's, he's just a dark silhouette, with his head behind the light or in front of the light. Great shot, loved it. And that's when you, in terms of the language of the movie, even though you already know he's probably a killer and he's creepy, that's when you realize he's evil. It's on, it's over, but it's great, it's great.

Speaker 1:

And then they go inside and joseph immediately jump scares him again and I love it because he, if you watch it, you kind of notice his character breaks a little bit like in terms of how he's trying to act like this cancer person because he scares him. He's like I, I'll stop doing that. But there's this for a second where he's like he just can't help himself he's.

Speaker 2:

He wants to fuck with him, so bad and he's so on edge it's awesome, so that was probably like a real as fuck scare yeah, I kind of think it might be.

Speaker 1:

It was such a genuine it's his scream sounded so real and I felt like there was so much pleasure on joseph's face where I was like whoa, like he probably broke character in real life and like his fake character in the movie.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I'll tell you right now. If you, you will know that a jump scare for me is real If I scream Like a really loud, like full on scream, but it's like high pitched, like a lady.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah. Well, anytime you're genuinely jump scared, usually it's a higher pitched scream, for sure, high-pitched, like a lady.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah. Well, anytime you're genuinely jump-scared, usually it's a higher-pitched scream. For sure, Mine is definitely like a lady.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I guess mine's a little more Like a lady man. I remember back in the day when I used to be able to high-pitched scream like crazy. You just used to do it for fun.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Because this was like after puberty and stuff. I mean, I was able to do it, I think, up until college, but then I think I just kind of destroyed that part of my voice box, because I'd just be like no, I can totally scream super high pitch, and then I'd just do it, and now I can't do it anymore, that's probably okay.

Speaker 2:

I bet your neighbors are really worried when you're growing up.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they're like what the fuck? So they're sitting at the table. Joseph asks why did Aaron come out? He thinks he's hard up on money. So he offers him some. He's like hey.

Speaker 1:

And Aaron obviously is like no, I can't take your money. He's like look, I'm about to die. I got plenty of money. I have an excess of money, money. If you had an excess of food you'd give it to me if I was hungry, right? And then he kind of just goes through with that for a little bit.

Speaker 1:

Um, then they do some shots of whiskey and aaron begins to he's like all right, we did our drink, I'm leaving, see you later. But then joseph's like no, no, no, no. Um. It's like look, you've been drinking, it's dark out, you can't leave um. So he convinces him to stay, but it's not working.

Speaker 1:

And then he's like Aaron, I lied to you, I have to confess something to you. And he tells Aaron to set the camera down and he pretends to turn it off. So he ends up getting all the footage, or he gets all the audio from it at least. So he leaves the microphone on. So I guess he did turn it off, my bad. So he turns off the camera and but he leaves the microphone on and we hear joseph confess to raping his wife. He tells aaron he found porn involving bestiality on his computer and knew he, his wife, was watching it. I didn't watch animal pornography, aaron. Joseph tells Aaron that he and his wife came to the vacation house and then Joseph pretended to have to leave for work. Instead he went and bought the peach fuzz mask, came back to the house and proceeded to wear the mask while having sex with his wife after tying her up. He says he knew she enjoyed it, but never realized it was him and never confessed to him what had happened.

Speaker 1:

And then he says the internet got up to speed, Aaron, Because he was talking about how his internet was so slow from all the porn. And then he said she was looking at so much bestiality that it slowed down the connection. That's so much porn. And then he said the quote that I almost put so I almost put at the very beginning, was I didn't watch animal pornography. Aaron, or Aaron, I raped my wife. Oh God, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Ah, and then I guess it's best never to start an episode out with that. And then it immediately cuts in, like Aaron's, like all right, joseph, well all right, we had our drinks, time for me to go, past time for me to go, but he can't find his keys.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and he's so scared you can tell Aaron is like what the fuck? I gotta get out of here he's.

Speaker 2:

so yeah, that's when Joseph gets locked in the closet, I think.

Speaker 1:

Joseph asks him Aaron, did I freak you out with my rape story? Yeah, yeah, boy, I think so. Joseph insists Aaron to stay the night, since it's dark and he's been drinking. Aaron is scared but agrees to stay. He can't find his keys, so what is he going to do?

Speaker 2:

anyways, what am I going to do? It's cold outside, so he decides like hey okay, how about I make us some drinks?

Speaker 1:

So Aaron makes some drinks. He mixes them both and slips some Benadryl into Joseph's drinks to make him like super sleepy. Yeah, when Joseph falls asleep though it's silly time.

Speaker 2:

That's what we call it in my house.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, when you drug your kids when I drug when I roofie everyone in the house.

Speaker 1:

So when Joseph falls asleep next to the fireplace, aaron tries to go through his pockets and he gets his cell phone out. He wasn't able to find his keys. Suddenly, joseph's cell phone rings and Aaron answers it while hiding in the bathroom. We think it's like oh, it's Joseph's wife. I think her name was Angela, right, yeah, asking who Aaron is and where Joseph is, aaron explains he is in the house and Joseph has taken his keys. The woman tells Aaron to simply leave the house and keep walking because it's her brother and not her husband, and she says her brother isn't. Well, aaron panics as he realizes Joseph has been lying to him the whole time, using his sister's name as his wife. Here's what I have to know. So his name most likely is not Joseph, right, because he changes his name. So who's this woman? How does she know any of this?

Speaker 1:

Maybe it is his sister and she's even maybe it's his mom, I don't know, but I mean she's got to be in on it somehow, right? Because, like otherwise, how would she know his name, how he is?

Speaker 2:

If she knows the name that he's using, the fake name that he's using.

Speaker 1:

If he's that messed up to where he has like 50 tapes of doing this to people.

Speaker 2:

I think she's in on it.

Speaker 1:

Then why, Because she's just like calling him to see what it's up, right?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So why is he not in jail?

Speaker 2:

if she knows How's the murdering going yeah.

Speaker 1:

So that's just something, if you watch it.

Speaker 2:

I think maybe it really is his wife and they do this, maybe Together.

Speaker 1:

I don't know this is going to be part three. There was supposed to be a creep three. I don't know what ever happened to it.

Speaker 2:

That'd be great Like a husband wife duo.

Speaker 1:

But I'd love to hear your thoughts and opinions about it. So leave us an email at we recommend mailbag at gmailcom, please. All right. So Aaron asks if he's in dangers, but then all of a sudden, the signal drops. I like to think that that was planned completely from my perspective.

Speaker 2:

I like to think that that was planned, completely from my perspective. Maybe she's down there, like in the house, to like, help and make all this happen.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean there's got to be something, because the way the signal drops is like man there's no way yeah.

Speaker 1:

So when Aaron leaves the bathroom, joseph is missing. He comes out. He's like oh crap. Aaron finds him crying on the porch and of course it's this giant jump scare though, which is great, um, and joseph tells him he doesn't want to die. When aaron reveals he knows that joseph has been lying, joseph beelines it through the house. He just he meant like everything's dropped. He dropped his whole character and everything. You just see on his face. He's like fuck, it's now. We gotta got to do it now. So when Aaron descends the stairs to the front door, joseph is standing in front of it with a peach fuzz mask on.

Speaker 2:

He's rubbing his butt on the door.

Speaker 1:

He's growling and gyrating. Aaron's like what are you going to do? Like are you just trying to scare me? He's like shaking his head and he's like all right, just leave me alone. And he's like of course he doesn't. And then Aaron tells him that he's afraid and wants Joseph to let him go. Suddenly, aaron launches at him and the camera goes black. That's all we hear Then, until the camera turns back on to a video of Joseph dragging two garbage bags into the woods and burying them. Aaron turns the camera around to reveal he's all right, but terribly disturbed. What's going on with these bags, man? Yeah, what's at them? It's like this isn't good for sure. After Aaron attacked Joseph, joseph ran off, leaving Aaron to get towed home.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm sorry, but before, while he's digging, he's not. It's like he's never dug a hole before. It does not look like he's never dug before. Okay, while he's digging.

Speaker 1:

He's not. It's like he's never dug a hole before. It does not look like he's never dug before. Okay, I just wanted to.

Speaker 2:

I thought the exact same thing.

Speaker 1:

I was like he's bad at this. He's real bad at this. It's like obviously Angela is the one that usually buries the people, I guess. So Aaron interprets the video as a threat. Obviously he's also very worried that Joseph knows his address. Like that's insane. He throws the DVD away and says I'm just going to pretend this didn't happen. I'm not sure I would have watched the video. Keep the video so you can show the cops.

Speaker 2:

I feel like. Yeah, I feel like.

Speaker 1:

Aaron's so stupid. This is where Aaron just becomes the dumbest. And it's like dude, like what are you doing? You gotta get rid of the evidence.

Speaker 2:

You gotta know better than this man.

Speaker 1:

So dumb. So Aaron awakens in the night and turns on the camera to describe a dream he just had where he and Joseph are back at the spring wearing peach fuzz mask and a baby and Aaron's wearing a baby wolf mask. Aaron is getting a tubby time um with, and then he realizes that they're like drinking champagne and stuff while they're also in it and that he looks down in the water is actually blood. I'm like cool, that's probably a normal dream and this is why I said you and aaron the same, because you had a peach fudge dream after you watched the movie.

Speaker 2:

It wasn't okay. It wasn't a peach fudge dream, it was. There was another person in the dream who was acting similar. It wasn't peach fudge, but it was influenced by peach fudge, was it me? No, it was a woman. I wish it was me, it's okay.

Speaker 1:

Maybe next time I wish it was me.

Speaker 2:

It's okay, maybe next time there's always next time.

Speaker 1:

So not long after a box is delivered to Aaron I love that he brings the box in and you notice he just starts like kicking it and he like smacks it, like that Like there's going to be a jack in the box Dude did you think he was going to pop out? But I like for a second. He reminded me of Owen Wilson and Vince Diller in Zoolander.

Speaker 2:

How do we get the files out?

Speaker 1:

Oh man Great, that was great. Files out. Oh man great, that was great. So when he opens the box, there's another dvd along with a knife and a stuffed wolf. He turns the dvd on to reveal joseph making a confession of love and essentially threatening aaron. He tells aaron to cut open the stuffed wolf. Aaron for some reason goes through its butt instead of cutting it open.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it immediately goes through the butt. Maybe he found a hole. That was there already. No, he ripped that thing, Okay, he's like I'm going to do what I usually do. Should have just used the knife, I guess.

Speaker 1:

I was just immediately like maybe Aaron's going to be the killer, Because that's an insane thing to do.

Speaker 2:

I thought there was going to be like a human heart inside the wolf.

Speaker 1:

It was a human heart, joseph's heart. Yes, because it was a heart-shaped locket with pictures of Joseph and him inside.

Speaker 2:

It was a cute little, nice little locket.

Speaker 1:

And then they played music too, I think. So I can't remember now. Yeah, it's a nice little locket, that's sweet man. So he calls the police who are unable to help. Since Aaron doesn't know Joseph's real name, where he lives, any evidence whatsoever, the house he went to was just a rental. We find out he hangs up in frustration. Aaron throws the DVD and locked it into the trash. Dummy, should have kept it, could have shown the cops.

Speaker 2:

Should have kept it and held it close to your heart.

Speaker 1:

Here's what you do Be like. Hey, do y'all think y'all could take a couple of drive-bys to my house and look for a guy that looks like this on this DVD? That'd be awesome, aaron, you idiot. So Aaron, once again at night, awakens again from another bad dream. He hears a sudden noise and turns all his lights on. This was a pretty scary part. This is probably kind of the scariest moment of the whole movie, just hearing the loud noise. And it's super bright because the lights strike straight on him and you can kind of see behind him. So the whole time you're like is there going to be something? And then somebody else picks up the camera yeah, well, that's after this, oh, and then so he goes to search his apartment and then all of a sudden we see Joseph appear just outside his doorway. Yeah, great shot, love it, love that.

Speaker 2:

That's where found footage really works. That is right, it's the perfect thing where it's like just a stable camera you can't move.

Speaker 1:

You know the camera's not going to move because it's right there. There's nothing you can do about it, so you just got to sit and watch them and hope nothing happens. So he disappears just as Aaron peeks towards the door. Aaron takes the camera to search outside and finds his trash cans are overturned.

Speaker 1:

Some damn raccoons, those goddamn raccoons yeah, pretty great scene, though it's probably the scariest scene in terms of just like pure, like horror, just like a scene where it's not cringey, it's not any of that, it's just pure. Is something going to happen during the scene? Of course, nothing happens, because the only time things happen in this movie is when you're not really expecting it, right, it's jump scares, randomly. It's like all the horror is the unexpected normal day of your life, right? I suppose.

Speaker 2:

I guess, when you're expecting someone to be a creep At this point yeah, I guess I're expecting someone to be a creep at this point, yeah, I guess. I don't know, it's hard to say so.

Speaker 1:

The camera turns on later that night to reveal Joseph and watching a sleeping Aaron and cutting off a lock of his hair.

Speaker 2:

So cute.

Speaker 1:

They're in love. It's like why did he cut a lock of his hair? Is he actually?

Speaker 2:

in love with him.

Speaker 1:

I'm so confused? Or is it just like oh, if you cut like kind of the front part of someone's hair and they realize, wait, why am I missing a chunk of my hair, I wonder if that was like a deleted scene or something. Or he's like in the bathroom checking to see if his hair I don't know if I would have noticed if that was me. Well, so think about like if it was, like if it was your front part of your hair, and then all of a sudden you see like I would assume it was my cats cheated off while sleeping because cats do that they eat hair.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they eat your hair while you're asleep. Do your cats not, though, chew on your hair?

Speaker 2:

no, you, you've never heard of, you've never heard of cats doing that. I've never heard of this in my life.

Speaker 1:

Oh no, yeah, cats will get. If you're a cat lover and you have cats, you'll understand this. I have cats. Well, your cats don't like you? I guess no. Every time I get out of the shower and I sit on the couch, dexter our cat.

Speaker 2:

he comes over and Of course it would be.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, it is mainly dexter trying to get a trophy for his murder the other cats do not chew on here, it's just dexter, it's just dexter no, that's like a totally normal um, because there's some like I've just heard stories about people there was someone that had it and, um, she just thought like the cat was playing with her hair. I think it was someone, someone from Home Depot or maybe someone Natalie knew, I can't remember and they said when they turned around they looked and there was all this hair behind her. And then she touched her hair and just like a huge chunk of hair was chewed off of her.

Speaker 2:

These cats dude, they're so sharp it just cuts hair. It's awesome. It's crazy man cats are getting scarier all the time. Yeah, yeah anyways.

Speaker 1:

So this is a great scene of just him picking up the camera. And you know that's like a nice little fun reveal, goddamn. So the next day Aaron finds another DVD inside his window. This time and you can kind of see where he cut it open and put his hand in At this point.

Speaker 2:

I wouldn't watch the movie, I wouldn't do it Like I would just take it straight to the police.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, be like, I'm not that curious. Here's the bad thing. Whenever you get to that point, yeah, you should have brought the cops with you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you show them this DVD and you bring the cops.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly, if you kept all the DVDs you show the car. It's like he wants to meet. Can we go together and meet this guy, because he?

Speaker 2:

might try to kill me. They probably say something like yeah, we don't want to get involved in your personal life when he plays the DVD.

Speaker 1:

Joseph is outraged that Aaron would throw the locket and the DVD away. He insists he loves Aaron and apologizes for lying to him.

Speaker 2:

He tells Aaron that he's been sad and lonely for a long time and no doctors. I've known you for one full day and that is way longer than I've known anyone.

Speaker 1:

I'm in love with you now and I guess doctors haven't been able to help him. So he begs Aaron to come and meet him in the public park so he can apologize and have closurearon watches the video and begins to feel sorry for joseph because aaron is an idiot. God damn, yeah. So the next day aaron goes to the park. The shot is set up all inside of aaron's car. You just kind of see through the glass of the car and it's like you see the bench far away and like a tree with it. So he begins filming that spot where Joseph told him to meet. He also tells the camera that he has 911 on speed dial. Aaron sits on a bench in the distance and looks out at the lake.

Speaker 2:

Oh, it's so pretty.

Speaker 1:

Joseph appears behind him. He pulls out a peach fuzz mask. He drops the axe out of his trench coat.

Speaker 2:

And the whole time you're just like turn around, turn around, turn around, turn around.

Speaker 1:

Aaron's continuing to stare off into the distance, not like there's a crazy person that could pop up behind him. Joseph puts the mask on and pulls the axe from under his coat. Aaron doesn't notice him and Joseph buries the axe on top of Aaron's head. It's the thud of the axe that makes this part creepy. I know the thud and it's so meaty Because for me whenever they set it up and then Joseph walks up, I'm like this is hilarious.

Speaker 2:

What if he missed once?

Speaker 1:

first, Well, it's just because it is like a scary thing if this was happening in real life, obviously. But watching it from this perspective, for me it's just because it is like a scary thing, like if this was happening in real life, obviously. But watching it from this perspective, for me it's like this is hilarious. Aaron is such an idiot.

Speaker 1:

He doesn't think he should turn around every once in a while, and the fact that it seems like Joseph is going so slow on purpose, because he's like wanting him to turn around or something. Yeah, because I don't think he wanted it to end, I think he was just like wow.

Speaker 2:

Aaron is such a nice guy.

Speaker 1:

He trusts me completely.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he's like you're going to make me do this. It's like I'm fine.

Speaker 1:

Because I think he wanted to continue to torture him. I do too yeah. He probably felt bad that he had to bury the axe in his head until he literally drives himself insane, or I kill him. And he met the end, oh man. But, also just the thud of the axe is very terrifying. Yeah, squishy a little bit, it was just like I was like, ah, that's what it sounds like hitting your brain.

Speaker 1:

So, and Joe's then, it kind of next thing. We know, like it kind of, so essentially we're filming the screen. Watching that video is what we find out, because then the camera pans to Joseph. It's almost like Joseph edited this whole movie, essentially, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Right, kind of the last little bit.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Well, I mean, once he got a hold of the camera, he had access to all the footage. All the footage and everything, I guess.

Speaker 1:

I'm assuming. So Joseph turns the camera on himself. So, who's the real videographer? Ooh, who should be paying? Who? But, Joseph makes the final confession to the now dead Aaron. He asks why Aaron would agree to meet him at all, considering how deceitful he had been Jesus Christ man. He admires that Aaron filmed their last encounter and had a 911 on speed dial, but wonders as to why Aaron wouldn't be looking around in paranoia. I love that they bring that up. Yeah, Because yeah.

Speaker 1:

He's just like, but Joseph says he knows it's because Aaron is a genuinely good person and that's why his favorite of all, he's not a fucking psychopath like you and he doesn't look around over his shoulder every five seconds see here's the thing I do look around, but I also was mugged once, so now, I don't trust, yeah, I don't trust public spaces ever.

Speaker 2:

Sure I've been mugged too, you know, yeah, and it's, it was shitty. Um, it was a different situation. I'm sure I was with people that I trusted a little bit and I was by myself trying to get into my apartment well, I was by myself in mexico with some people I didn't know, but we had been hanging out all night and at the end of the night. They robbed me and then they were like you want us to get you a cab? I was like fuck off.

Speaker 1:

They robbed you at the end of the night. Yes, these are the nicest robbers ever, I know, know. Do you want a cab? I feel bad.

Speaker 2:

You want us to get you a cab.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I thought if I get in this cab they're going to take my kidneys or something.

Speaker 1:

But anyway, be like yeah, let me call, I'll go get my own cab.

Speaker 2:

Thanks, pals Wow.

Speaker 1:

Joseph pans the camera back to the screen after Aaron was murdered and we get our last jump scare. I love this. It cracks me and Natalie up every time because he's literally just watching the screen and the jump scare happens, right, because he scares the camera. But he turns the camera to himself, and he also kind of scared himself because of the jump scare, but then he screams at the camera. So it's like a jump scare. The guy gets scared by a jump scare, but then he screams at the camera. So it's like a jump scare. The guy gets scared by a jump scare and then tries to jump scare the camera. Now it's so funny. It's like freaking horror inception all of a sudden. God, it's so confusing. So then we cut to Joseph. He's talking on the phone with another videographer or something. As he adds Aaron's video to his collection of DVDs there's like 50 in there Joseph tells the person on the phone he looks forward to meeting him. Yo, that was creepy as fuck.

Speaker 1:

And he also gives them the name, I think like Bill or Billy or something like that. God damn Cool, great, that was a cool ass movie. Great ending Love the fact that they left it over for a second one you have to watch the second one. Short. You have to watch the second one, short and sweet, before we continue to anything else. There are alternate endings. What? Yes, they have just a ton of footage that they filmed.

Speaker 2:

Is this like on the DVD version?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they do have a DVD version.

Speaker 2:

I don't know how you get that because you can't find it, but I didn't have to watch after the credits.

Speaker 1:

No, there's nothing after the credits. Okay, so the first alternate ending ending it cuts. Joseph is at the bench while Aaron's in the car and he's just kind of saying, oh man, should I even go up there, should I do this? And then he goes and sits and they just kind of have a conversation and then it ends oh okay, and it has like kind of really, they kind of break up. Yeah well, it's just kind of it's just him apologizing for him being so weird.

Speaker 1:

So it's kind of like a genuine sad like oh, it's more of a mumble core ending than a mumble gore and I don't see.

Speaker 2:

Well, yeah, okay, yeah, it'd been cool and um.

Speaker 1:

The second ending is alternate ending is. It just ends with him swinging the axe. But from what I saw is a super blurry, like choppy video. When I watched it it looked like before he swung swung the axe he tapped him on the shoulder to make him look behind him.

Speaker 1:

First I was like, oh, that's a good, like a tiktok dance yeah and then, oh man, we should make it, we should make it, we should get some peach fuzz mask and make a tiktok dance as some advertisement for this video. Yeah, that's the end of the movie. That's creep, creep. That was fucking cool. Yeah, it's great Love, super low budget. Found footage.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, man, except for, like I did not like With creative ideas. Well, like, the Blair Witch was the first found footage I saw. It was fine, but the scariest moment was at the very, very end.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's the problem with a lot of horror found footage, horror movies. It's just 5 000 jump scares well, yeah, it's just a lot of nausea until yeah, a lot of very dumb and uninteresting characters, but then it like hooks you with the very end yeah, because they do something right finally.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but I feel like they did a lot better in this movie and with the blair witch it really works, because it's kind of the first one. Yeah, um, there's a lot of really good ones if you, if you need, I mean, just email us and I'll send you a bunch of good recommendations for found footage if you want some found footage movies.

Speaker 2:

Um, so we're going to continue, we'll see and then jesse will send you all the found, his found footage yeah, I'll send you all my Airbnb videos that I have to film now.

Speaker 1:

Alright, so we're going to go to our categories. The first category is the good, the bad, the ugly, the fine. It's where we discuss the good of the movie, which is the good, something we didn't like about the movie. Which is the bad, something we didn't think aged well, which is the ugly, and something that did age well, it's the fun. I'm going to start. I really like the Mumblegore, Mumblecore movies and Mark Ploss is amazing. I also don't know how to say his last name, Do you spell it. D-u-p-l-a-s-s, duplass. Yeah, sure that works.

Speaker 2:

Duplass, yeah, sure that works.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, Dub Blast I really because, especially when this movie is coming out, I was super into him because he was starting like this indie kind of way, like an indie movement.

Speaker 2:

I guess because he's making his own studio.

Speaker 1:

There's a lot of indie movies that he was kind of producing at the time and you know I just want Creep 3. Hell yeah. Keep making horror movies.

Speaker 2:

Mark, I want Creep 3 to be like a couples creep.

Speaker 1:

I really.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I feel like that would be like the next even though I haven't seen Creep 2, I want to skip straight to Creep 3.

Speaker 1:

You should go home and nearly watch Creep 2. I gotta go buy shampoo first dang alright, you got anything to add, for the good.

Speaker 2:

No, I think you got it, man, it was. I really loved the genuine creepiness that they were able to create here, just out of just human interactions really.

Speaker 1:

I mean, it didn't have to be, wasn't like paranormal or just like this guy's definitely a serial killer immediately?

Speaker 2:

You're just like there's something uncomfortable about this guy and I don't know what it's gonna be, yeah, but it was just, it was right. It kind of it did a great job of like teetering right on that edge, of like it really between creepy and just like too much I think it's like, is he?

Speaker 1:

is he scary or is he just kind of mentally unstable at the moment? Like what is it?

Speaker 2:

yeah, but I guess it would be between like socially awkward and mentally unstable. I guess there's a fine balance.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly, yeah, all right. So for the bad, I put Patrick Bryce, who plays Aaron. He's just not as good of an actor as Mark was, you could just kind of tell.

Speaker 2:

But that kind of made it feel more real too. Yeah, as far as awkwardness a little bit yeah, yeah, because I wonder if you ever have to, if you can as an actor in that situation, if you just have to kind of act bad yeah, yeah, or badly, badly, yeah, all right.

Speaker 1:

So for the ugly I put people going to random people's houses after meeting them.

Speaker 2:

Airbnb is are never safe.

Speaker 1:

I'm fine with Airbnb. I just mean like you're going to go meet a guy at their place where you don't know anything about them or their place, whether it's their place at all, like that's an insane thing people do and then like what if you get there and he's like, yeah, this is totally my place, and then he just stays? There he's like oh, I'm also staying here with you, yeah me and my buddies are also going to be staying here.

Speaker 2:

Don't worry about it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And for the fine, I said found footage, because I love found footage.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's got a lot better over the years.

Speaker 1:

There was whenever the paranormal activity happened. Everybody's making. Yeah, it was cool as fuck and those movies. There's a lot of bad found footage movies, but when they're, when they're made well and by people that know how to make movies. It's great.

Speaker 2:

It's like it's like the opposite of America's funniest home videos, yeah, america's scariest home videos.

Speaker 1:

Yes, that means fucking sweet. I mean there is nothing I love more than being younger and watching YouTube videos of just scary videos, because, they're all kind of found footage, you know, and it's just scary.

Speaker 2:

I love freaking myself out. Some are so freaky you don't even know like. Is it possible to make that look real?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, is it real? And now, with the fact that anybody can use CGI, it's like nothing is real and I'll never believe anything. Ah right.

Speaker 2:

Yes, be afraid always.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, all right. And so now that we're done with that, we're going to go to our next category, which is double feature, where we pick a movie that goes well with this movie. Do you have anything?

Speaker 2:

You know what I did? I double feature where we pick a movie that goes well with this movie. Do you have anything? You know what I did? I did like a palate cleanser, yeah, and I watched Wish with my children and it made me so happy, did it, and I cried. I haven't seen that one, and I felt so much better about my life after that.

Speaker 1:

Oh, okay, so a great double feature is Wish.

Speaker 2:

It doesn't feel like you're going to be murdered.

Speaker 1:

I picked a movie called. It's kind of like a, it's a mumble gore movie. Again it's a comedy, drama, horror movie, kind of.

Speaker 1:

It's called Baghead, which I didn't know was directed by Mark and Jay DePlace until I looked it up for this movie. I'd like to watch it. I watched it a long time ago. It's very low budget. There's like no professional lighting or anything and it's just like four actors go to a cabin in the woods for a weekend to write a script for a movie and they're kind of talking about. They want it to be a relationship movie or like a paper bag over the head movie that turns into a horror movie. But maybe that movie comes to life, I would like to.

Speaker 1:

It's Sarge Gert Greta Gerwig, by the way, who is the director of Barbie. No kidding, yeah Well she was an actress first.

Speaker 2:

No, she was an adult first.

Speaker 1:

Doll turned human. Funny enough, yeah, she actually was.

Speaker 2:

I started my Animal Crossing island.

Speaker 1:

Hell yeah.

Speaker 2:

I named it Casa House Island.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, wait, say that again.

Speaker 2:

I named my island Casa House Casa House and my son named his Mojo Dojo.

Speaker 1:

Oh my God, that's awesome, mojo Dojo.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, mojo Dojo.

Speaker 1:

I can't say that anymore. Mojo Dojo yeah.

Speaker 2:

Mojo Jojo. I can't say that, mojo Jojo.

Speaker 1:

Holy crap, are you?

Speaker 2:

thinking of Mojo Jojo. Yeah, that's exactly what I'm thinking.

Speaker 1:

That's what I was trying to do, but I could not get the words out of that film. But that's our conclusion of the film Creep.

Speaker 2:

Thank you for joining us. So much fun.

Speaker 1:

Make sure you join us next week as we discuss the banger that is.

Speaker 2:

Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Oh God, I'm going to be crying the entire time. I'm crying right now. I'm going to be crying talking about Monty Python.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the movie's great. I haven't seen it in probably like 10 years and I'm so excited to get back into it.

Speaker 2:

I think you might be a little I hope that you're not disappointed.

Speaker 1:

That's a movie that. No, that's a movie that I've I've watched more than once. It's not this, I've only seen it once. It's a movie that makes me cry, laugh or used to yes, I mean, there's just the movie just had so many good bits.

Speaker 2:

There's just so many good bits, it's all bits If you haven't seen the movie.

Speaker 1:

I've heard references from this movie, so make sure you watch it and join us next week as we discuss that movie. And if you'd love to get into contact with us and if you'd love to ask us a question, and if you want to come to our house and videotape us. Yes, Email us at werecommendmailbag at gmailcom. The email is also in the description, so please send us one. I don't know why. I kind of made it sound like a sad like oh, these kids are dying.

Speaker 2:

We're dying for you.

Speaker 1:

These kids are dying. Please help them.

Speaker 2:

We're dying for your responses, please.

Speaker 1:

I'm probably eventually just going to stop doing it, because we're just not getting any emails, we're going to get some Promise.

Speaker 1:

It's like wow, they never answered a single email for 50 episodes. All right, and if you want to listen to us anywhere else or if you want to follow us on social network, go to our link tree, which is linktree forward slash. We recommend podcast and there you can quickly get to our socials and wherever you want to listen to us. I'd like to thank Joey Prosser for our intro and outro music. Thank you. You can follow him on X at Mr Joey Prosser. Oh, joe, and I believe that's everything Right. Yeah, okay, and we will see you next week, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Well, actually aren't you going on vacation?

Speaker 1:

Well, yeah, but I mean they're going to hear us, but that's at the beginning of May, so we do have to get some episodes in. But this has been the we Recommend.

Speaker 2:

Mailbot. Next week, Jesse will be taking you on vacation.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so this has been the we Recommend podcast.

Speaker 2:

I'm Jesse.

Speaker 1:

I'm Jason and I was not looking at animal pornography.

Speaker 2:

See you next week. Bye, thanks for watching.

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