We Recommend: A Movie Podcast


May 10, 2024 Jesse and Jason Episode 51
We Recommend: A Movie Podcast
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We Recommend: A Movie Podcast
May 10, 2024 Episode 51
Jesse and Jason

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Strap in and hold tight as Jason and I lead you on a rip-roaring ride through the cult classic "Tremors," a film that has burrowed its way into the hearts of monster movie fans everywhere. Our discussion isn't just a trip down memory lane; it's a treasure trove of laughter, character critique, and a generous dollop of country charm, courtesy of Reba McIntyre. This week, we're your guides to all things Graboid, from their peculiar origins to the small-town heroes who make Perfection, NV, anything but mundane.

There's something about "Tremors" that keeps drawing us back, much like Val and Earl's constant return to the very town they're desperate to leave. We break down the beloved characters, their quirks, and the surprisingly complete script that manages to deliver setups and payoffs with the precision of a Graboid's strike. The characters might accept the existence of monsters with ease, but we dive into the deeper humor and horror that such acceptance brings. Plus, we'll share personal tales connecting our lives to the dusty escapades of Perfection's residents, all while speculating on the life cycle of those pesky subterranean creatures.

Finally, we tackle the enduring legacy of "Tremors," where humor and horror meet in a dance of strategic creature assaults and survival wit. The franchise may have expanded, but it's the original's blend of action and creature feature finesse that keeps fans like us coming back. We leave no stone unturned, from the evolution of the Graboids to Reba's unexpected foray into acting, and the juxtaposition of her distinctive tunes against the backdrop of cinematic chaos. So load up your elephant gun, grab your headphones, and get ready for a monster mash breakdown that celebrates the good, the bad, the ugly, and the fine of "Tremors.

We would love to hear from you! Send us an email and maybe it will be read on the podcast! werecommendmailbag@gmail.com

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Music produced by Joey Prosser. X @mrjoeyprosser

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Strap in and hold tight as Jason and I lead you on a rip-roaring ride through the cult classic "Tremors," a film that has burrowed its way into the hearts of monster movie fans everywhere. Our discussion isn't just a trip down memory lane; it's a treasure trove of laughter, character critique, and a generous dollop of country charm, courtesy of Reba McIntyre. This week, we're your guides to all things Graboid, from their peculiar origins to the small-town heroes who make Perfection, NV, anything but mundane.

There's something about "Tremors" that keeps drawing us back, much like Val and Earl's constant return to the very town they're desperate to leave. We break down the beloved characters, their quirks, and the surprisingly complete script that manages to deliver setups and payoffs with the precision of a Graboid's strike. The characters might accept the existence of monsters with ease, but we dive into the deeper humor and horror that such acceptance brings. Plus, we'll share personal tales connecting our lives to the dusty escapades of Perfection's residents, all while speculating on the life cycle of those pesky subterranean creatures.

Finally, we tackle the enduring legacy of "Tremors," where humor and horror meet in a dance of strategic creature assaults and survival wit. The franchise may have expanded, but it's the original's blend of action and creature feature finesse that keeps fans like us coming back. We leave no stone unturned, from the evolution of the Graboids to Reba's unexpected foray into acting, and the juxtaposition of her distinctive tunes against the backdrop of cinematic chaos. So load up your elephant gun, grab your headphones, and get ready for a monster mash breakdown that celebrates the good, the bad, the ugly, and the fine of "Tremors.

We would love to hear from you! Send us an email and maybe it will be read on the podcast! werecommendmailbag@gmail.com

To quickly follow us on social's or listen on another platform follow the link!


Music produced by Joey Prosser. X @mrjoeyprosser

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to the we Recommend podcast, a movie podcast where every week, we recommend a movie for you to watch and then come back here and listen to us discuss. I'm Jesse, I'm Jason. What the hell is going on here? I mean what the hell is going on here Because this week we recommend Tremors. Call it out, jesse.

Speaker 2:

It's okay, it's underground. It's like there's cicadas.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, this is cicadas. That's all it is. So I have to know.

Speaker 3:

First time you saw it? Second time, how many times?

Speaker 1:

did times you watch this movie. This is a staple in my life. Yeah, I've seen this movie a billion times.

Speaker 2:

I've seen it a few times, like growing up, but I've never seen it this clear. Yeah, I had to pay for it. It was three dollars and 47 cents.

Speaker 1:

I bought like a 30 dollar special cover blu-ray from arrow video and it looks rad I.

Speaker 3:

It's worth everything.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, this was a movie that was on SyFy, I think my entire life it was on SyFy man. Every day I felt like they played Tremors.

Speaker 2:

It doesn't really matter where you get it, where you like, start watching it from.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't matter, it's one of those.

Speaker 2:

It's crazy, you know love them, love worms.

Speaker 1:

Big worm guy Dune.

Speaker 2:

Do you think they pulled one? Because going into this after not seeing it for a long time, I was thinking maybe they took some stuff from Dune oh, it's definitely inspired. A little bit Inspired, a little bit maybe, yeah, yeah, also maybe the two main characters like Fred Ward and Kevin Bacon are kind of like an adult version of Beavis and Butthead.

Speaker 1:

They're maybe a little bit smarter, and we obviously, obviously Kevin Bacon is. Which one's the one that's like that? I think that's Fred Ward. Well, which one's the one that's like in Beavis and Butthead?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, is that Beavis? Or is that Butthead?

Speaker 1:

Butthead's the one with his teeth showing. Okay, yeah, I was doing a teeth showing motion.

Speaker 3:

by the way, if you couldn't see it, I know you can't see it, but that's Kevin Bacon.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean I just went by the hair Just because Kevin Bacon has wild teeth.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, man, kevin Bacon's got some hair in this movie. Whenever he's going to go pole vaulting and like all the hair's so young and he needs to cut his hair. He looked crazy. So this movie did not make a lot of money. I had a budget of $11 million and only ended up grossing like $16.5 million. I'm like what is wrong? Why are we only all?

Speaker 3:

the good movies, just don't make enough money.

Speaker 1:

People weren't ready for worms it's like come on guys, just please.

Speaker 1:

People weren't ready for worms. It's like come on, guys, just please. Well, I mean, we still got like six sequels to it, though Hell yeah, which is great. So you're talking about, like how did they come up with the idea? Would you like to know? Yes, so the co-writer, SS Wilson, got the idea for Tremors while working in California desert. Was the co-writer a boat? Yes, he was the SS Wilton Wilson. Well, so I guess he was a US Navy guy in California, and while taking a break on a large rock, wilson imagined what it would be like if your underground predator forced him to remain there indefinitely.

Speaker 3:

He was tripping shrooms? Yeah, he was.

Speaker 1:

He was eating peyote. He's just like oh man, I love being stationed in California, so many drugs. And obviously Frank Herbert's Dune has also been cited as inspiration.

Speaker 3:

So yeah, that's where they got it.

Speaker 2:

Why do you think Reba McIntyre's in it? Well, by the way, I thought it was Winona. Yeah, you were wrong. I told you I knew it.

Speaker 1:

I couldn't wait for you to see it, Jesus Christ. I don't know why she was in it. I think it was her first movie but she crushes.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I thought she did pretty good there was the line where Bert is pissed off at him because he's like y'all brought us all the way out here when I had food and everything at my house, and then they kind of have a spat and then he turns around and you hear Bert whispering and then you hear Reba, and then he turns around and you hear Bert whispering and you hear Reba. I know he thinks he knows everything.

Speaker 2:

It's so funny. I was like, wow, she's crushing in this movie. I thought maybe they just got her, because, hey, we need some star power. And you can have the credit song.

Speaker 1:

There's something that I've noticed is country singers seem to do way better. Like out of any genre of music, country singers always seem to do better acting you got Tim McGraw.

Speaker 3:

You know he was in the.

Speaker 1:

Friday Night Lights movie and he's great. He's like an abusive father I remember watching. I was just kind of turned it on and then I saw him. He's like abusing his kid. I didn't know that was him and I was like dude. Tim McGraw's good. He like that tracks and then Dwight Yoakam, right that singer Sure, yeah. Yeah, he's in a ton of movies but he's so good in Panic Room. You seen Panic Room?

Speaker 2:

I did. Yeah, that's so funny.

Speaker 1:

Who is he in that movie? He's like the main bad guy. He's not. Oh, he's not. Uh, he's not jared leto and he's not. Oh crap, what's the guy's name?

Speaker 2:

I don't know, I didn't think much, I didn't think panic or I didn't really. I was okay it's, it's.

Speaker 1:

It's a good movie, I think, but it's just out of david fin's filmography it's not the best.

Speaker 1:

So there was some nixed practical effects in this, some that they didn't use. Before setting on the appearance of the Graboid monster, several methods were tested. The original idea was to show the Graboids with completely dry skin, but the glossy paint application made them appear as if it was covered in lacquer. Another idea was to depict the Graboids with an outer shell. When, above ground, the Graboids would withdraw its shell to reveal a smaller, slimy inner worm. However, the phallic results laughter on set like a foreskin yeah, it's.

Speaker 1:

That's, that's why they're yeah. So they essentially were just gonna have uh uncircumcised penises in the ground.

Speaker 2:

Hell yeah man.

Speaker 1:

That's terrifying. Did you notice that any of the sounds Like the creature sounds?

Speaker 2:

No, I did notice the sound of what looked like a full mustard bottle that Kevin Bacon knocked over. Sounded empty.

Speaker 1:

That's one critique of this movie. When he gets really intense out of nowhere jumps over the thing to put down a map. It was like dude, okay, we're all trying to stay calm here.

Speaker 2:

Is it Jurassic Park?

Speaker 1:

Starship Troopers what? And the movie Ants and Clone Skull Island. They just reused some of the creature sounds in those movies. That's cool. Yeah, I was like Starship Troop Because I heard one and I was like I got to know where this sound comes from because this sounds so familiar and I was like it's the little bugs they're stabby bugs.

Speaker 3:

I'm doing a motion. The infantry bugs, yeah.

Speaker 1:

It's great. So there was some studio interference. So at the behest of Universal, first Studio interference. So at the behest of Universal, first-time director Ron Underwood, which we will talk about soon, was forced to add violent attack scenes early in the film to pump up the suspense. This was also done so Universal could sell it more as a monster movie. Hell yeah, initially the producers wanted to hide all signs of a monster from the audience, to keep the killer's identity shrouded. So they wanted you to think like, oh, it might just be a serial killer. And then all of a sudden, bah Worm, wow. But when they tried to, they wanted to push it more as a monster movie. So they added the two scenes at the beginning.

Speaker 2:

Well, yeah, it's a monster.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So the first one was when Rhonda is like packing up her stuff to drive off, and it's the first time that you have the point of view of the monster yeah, which when we get there in the plot. I'm just going to J-O all over that scene for one specific shot and the other is when old Fred gets kind of slaughtered with a sheep. The beginning it's like the old guy that whenever they go find him they take his hat off and he's like yeah.

Speaker 2:

Those monsters. They would eat everything but the helmet.

Speaker 1:

They always loved leaving the hats, yeah they, they, they loved leaving a little bit there for you to find it's like oh, there's a plot here, we have to get there through it. Um, and this was not the original ending. The original ending of tremors was a little bit different. It then the final version. In the script, valentine or Val, or as I'm calling Val and Rhonda, did not get together romantically, but it was something to which was heavily alluded. As Val and Earl I don't know why I said it that way depart from Big for Big Speed, they realize that they left their cigarette lighter behind in perfection. When they realize the lighter is still in Rhonda's possession, they immediately turn her back, and the implication being that Val and Rhonda link up romantically. However, the ending failed miserably during a test screening and the ending was changed to the way shown in the final cut. So, yeah, that's it. Alright, that's it.

Speaker 1:

Also, when it came to the music for it, it was it originally only had that country western sound that you hear yes, and like no horror movie sound. So they ended up adding like extras, they score for it Specifically for the horror scenes, because I was like man, I forgot how much of a western this is supposed to be. Yes, yeah, and there's one more little thing. So Kevin Bacon originally resented being in Tremors only agreeing to do it because he needed money for his marriage and upcoming newborn child. When the film was not financially successful, bacon feared his career was over and in the following years would refuse to acknowledge the film's existence and even called it the worst thing I ever did Wrong. However, bacon would eventually come around and call it.

Speaker 2:

What do you think? The worst thing Kevin Bacon ever did? Dirty.

Speaker 3:

Dancing. Wait, that's the different movie I was thinking of Footloose Slazy.

Speaker 1:

You know Footloose, it was bad. It's a bad movie In terms of movies. I've seen Kevin Bacon in that one, but apparently there's this Peacock movie called like they them, and I saw the trailer and I— oh, no pronouns, yeah. I immediately saw the trailer and thought, wow, this movie looks terrible and because they had—I just saw the CGI deer and it looked awful, but so—hold on back. However, eventually Bacon came around to Tremors, calling the film of Tremors to be the single most fun time he ever had making a movie in his entire career and later admitting in 2020 interview.

Speaker 1:

When I was making Tremors, I was very depressed and at a low point in my life and I kind of blame Tremors for all that. I was bitter against it. I thought it was a career killer. I never, ever watched my movies more than once. Some. I never, ever watch my movies more than once, some of them movies I've never even seen before and I have no desire to. But I've watched Tremors a dozen times. I love it so much and I spent years trying to capture the same energy we had on set of Tremors. It's his favorite movie he's ever done. Essentially.

Speaker 2:

That's crazy. That's cool, though why the fuck do they call them Graboids? Why not just you know? I mean, I know in the movie how they come up with it, because it's just Are they really called Graboids now? Yeah, that's what they're called. They're just called.

Speaker 3:

Tremors, tremor, monsters. Now I don't know.

Speaker 1:

They're supposed to be called Graboids, but everybody just says Tremors monsters. Yeah, because I can't remember in the sequel, because the second movie, they can walk on land, and then the third movie they can fly, they can walk on land.

Speaker 2:

And then the third movie they can fly, they can fly, yeah, and it rules.

Speaker 1:

I can't remember what they call those, but yeah, it's fly fly boys. Yeah, I guess that is called. I guess they're like oh, it's grabbing and they're. I can't remember what they say in the movie, how they came up with it, because they call I. Oh, they keep grabbing people with their their wild tongue monsters. Yeah, and I feel good, for I mean, I forgot all about the tongue monster part. You know those, uh, the female trimmers. They're really like hell. Yeah, how many snakes you got in your mouth? Their tongue monsters don't have teeth. They give such they. They are the, the king of going down on people in the animal kingdom.

Speaker 1:

I mean, you can kiss, go down on a girl everything all at once. Okay, that's awful. So now that we're canceled.

Speaker 2:

Do they have any sex toys that are shaped like? I think they should? Maybe that could be our new thing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's what we're Get ready. Go to our Linktree and find our shop full of sex toys specifically for movies, monsters, oh, specific sex toys, if we ever get big enough. That's what we're doing.

Speaker 2:

That's how we get big. We got to write down this.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so something I want to mention the director, Ron Underwood. I was like that name seems so familiar, especially whenever I saw it last night for the first time Well, not for the first time, it's the first time, we're not for the first time. This first time I paid attention who the director was. I was like I wonder what else he did this?

Speaker 1:

uh, next year he did city slickers hell, yeah, love that maybe um, and then like later in that decade, 1998, this guy's been a part of my life. He did mighty joe young, oh, like seriously three movies that I watched.

Speaker 2:

So much Was that also a Billy.

Speaker 1:

Crystal movie Crap. No, that's Twisters. The guy in Twisters. Oh okay, Game Over.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Gotcha, I have to remember it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he wouldn't have his name done. Bill Paxton, twister Bill Paxton. Oh, you're talking. Okay, never mind.

Speaker 1:

But then his career got ruined by the Adventures of Pluto Nash, nudeau Nash.

Speaker 2:

The Eddie Murphy movie Terrible.

Speaker 1:

And then he directed every single TV show in the history of the world. Oh nice, that's pretty cool.

Speaker 3:

I've seen some of those.

Speaker 2:

Everything from.

Speaker 1:

Monk, to Grey's Anatomy, to MacGyver, hawaii Five-0, walking Dead, la Brea, just kind of everything he did. Okay, he literally did everything. I mean he was never allowed to make a movie again, but it sucks. So I want to know some of your thoughts before we get into the plot.

Speaker 2:

Why do you like this movie, man? It's pretty fun. I think it aged pretty well. For what?

Speaker 1:

it was, it does. It looks amazing.

Speaker 2:

The creatures look great and it is a gun. Enthusiast wet dream, I think.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the best part of the movie is a gun enthusiast wet dream. I think, yeah, the best part of the movie is a gun joke, or like a prepper, like a doomsday prepper's wet dream, and they're like the best characters in the movie when they're shooting the one that comes through the wall and it's like, oh, it's funny, it came through the wall. It looks great they're shooting it and it's not doing any damage. And great, they're shooting it and it's like it's not doing any damage and they're like we're out of ammo.

Speaker 2:

Slow pam ball of guns. That's one of the best parts. Yeah, it's such a good joke it's awesome.

Speaker 1:

And then also you're like I want to shoot all those guns. I will say like I don't really, I don't. I mean I don't know. I'm not a big gun person, but I love guns in movies yeah, it's the coolest, it's where it's the coolest. It's where guns belong.

Speaker 3:

Yes, I want to see, I agree.

Speaker 1:

It's like John Wick 4, dude the guns that they have in that movie. I'm like I've only seen John Wick, Really, I haven't seen the other ones. Well, we're doing all four for the podcast eventually.

Speaker 2:

Maybe we'll start this year. I don shoot enough people in the head. Get lucky.

Speaker 1:

Eventually in John Wick 4, they just have suits that are bulletproof and there's so many characters that John Wick has to kill that just have full bodyproof armor, like head and everything. So he essentially is using bullets as punches. Yes, because he's just shooting them until they're like ow, okay, knock down. And then he's like right in the neck and it's. It's so cool, that's hilarious. Um, so I you know what I just love val and earl. I love the whole cast. It's like a town of 15 people, but what I like is they're all, they all like each other, except for a little kid. He sucks.

Speaker 2:

Melvin, yeah, he sucks, he should have died early.

Speaker 1:

Another aspect that I like that I don't know this movie like will set things like up like the you know rock, paper, scissors, things or the stampede thing. At the beginning the movie opens literally where they kill the last bug, because it opens with him looking over the cliff that they end up killing the last graboid at using the thing that they were just talking about at the very beginning, the stampede thing. And it's just like this movie is so much. The script is so goofy and kind of dialogue can be kind of bad sometimes, but then I'm like wait, it's a really smart thing.

Speaker 1:

The whole Val finally coming to terms like I don't need a perfect woman and stuff like that, the fact that everybody seems like someone that you would meet in, like a real small town, like Earl and Val any other movie. There's some side characters it's like oh, there's some handyman over there, whatever they come in for a line or two.

Speaker 3:

But these side characters it's like oh, there's some handymen over there, whatever they come in for a line or two, but these guys I don't know. It's a world that hey Mal.

Speaker 1:

Hey, mal, hey, let's go fix this sewage Gets the sewage all over.

Speaker 1:

We need TP for our bunkers. He said that. So I don't know. That's something I just really like about this movie is it puts a bow on everything. Everything that they set up in the movie comes to play at the end and it works out perfectly. It makes you feel all good inside and something I love about a movie something with horror movies that I hate is when people just refuse to believe people that something is happening. Something I like about this movie is everybody says we're on board.

Speaker 1:

There's monsters everywhere Because they find the snake at one point, like the little tongue snake tentacle thing. They're like oh my God, this is crazy. They go and kill the one and come back. Hey, by the way, it's 30 times bigger and everybody's like we believe. Yes, let's move this plot forward baby.

Speaker 1:

Hell, yeah, believe, yes, let's move this plot forward, baby. Hell, yeah, that is. Yeah, that's refreshing and it's which, because any other movie we got like 20 more, it's gonna be 20 minutes longer or 10 minutes longer of just trying to convince all these people that they exist. Five other people would have to die for not listening and instead it's just I don't know, it's a smart movie.

Speaker 1:

The script feels pretty good the script is kind of silly sometimes, but I don't know love it. Um one last question before we get into it where'd they come from? Where'd the come from that's what you think, asteroid. So what I think is they're um, I mean, they're worms, right? I think that they've always been around in this area, right?

Speaker 1:

But they kind of stay underground and kind of go through like a larva phase, so, and then once they get big enough, they grow up, they go up and, yes, like cicadas, and then they just eat a bunch till they're full and then go back down Reproduce, reproduce, and then, like, maybe in another, like 50 to 100 years, they come back up. Yeah, they got a long gestation.

Speaker 1:

So it's essentially they just yeah, stuff like that, and because the town's made and I think the population, like 15 people, were established in 1905. So it's like that's why no one knew, because this town didn't exist before 1905. Yeah, it was out in the middle of the fucking desert and then these things got finally smart enough to be like oh, they have cities now. Smart enough to be like oh, they have cities now.

Speaker 2:

Maybe they wiped out the town that was there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and it took them another 87. Yeah, it's like the town of Roanoke.

Speaker 2:

What year did this come out? That many years?

Speaker 1:

1990s, 90 years to come out, I like that, Now that I'm thinking about it like the, have you ever heard the town of Roanoke?

Speaker 3:

It, it was all it was.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

They did it all.

Speaker 1:

Those fuckers, those goddamn guns. You, son of a bitch, you, son of a bitch. Well, you know, everybody always wants to know, like oh, what happened in that town?

Speaker 2:

And that would be a really cool explanation that would be wild if that were true Wild, if true Wild if true, all right.

Speaker 1:

So I'm just going to run through the characters real quick.

Speaker 2:

I wild literature all right, so I'm just gonna run through the characters real quick. One I have to make one, actually two, two things. Did you see in the credits there's the makeup was done by the flying fabrizzi sisters I did not.

Speaker 1:

There are some wild names for breezy sisters, yeah the flying fabrizzi sisters anyway so it's like a circus act. They're just like some gymnasts and but whenever they do the flips they're just for breezing everything no. Equally a good idea.

Speaker 2:

And also you got this vein popping out of your bicep. That is just wild, oh this one. Nope, that's not a bicep. Which one, it doesn't matter. I think Jesse was doing push-ups all morning. That one, that one, yeah.

Speaker 1:

The big one. Yeah, bro, I'm freaking jacked man. It's because I went like a year of eating healthier and ended up losing weight, which?

Speaker 2:

I don't need to. Is that what?

Speaker 1:

happens when you eat healthy. So then I'm just like only skin, bones and the little muscle I have Sweet. All right, so I'm going to go through the cast real quick. Kevin Bacon plays Val, fred Ward plays Earl from Toe Jam. Finn Carter plays Rondo LeBec. Michael Gross is Bert, reba McIntyre, heather Bobby is Melvin, charlotte Stewart is Nancy, Tony Gennaro is Miguel, and then you have Ariana Richards who plays Mindy. Ariana Richards who plays?

Speaker 2:

Mindy do you recognize her from anything? The?

Speaker 1:

little. It's a little kid with a pogo stick. The tiny kid? Yeah, nope, jurassic Park, it's the girl from Jurassic Park, the blonde chick. The granddaughter, yeah, the daughter. That it's the classic, you know raptor scene. Yeah, yeah yeah that's her. Oh wow, and it was like two years, three years later. So I was like oh, she's been getting attacked by creatures all the time she's been stuck.

Speaker 2:

You think she has a complex.

Speaker 1:

I can't go anywhere, go in a kitchen or go in a desert town, I just immediately get on a roof. But yeah, so that's the cast and let's get in to it. So Get into it. So we start. We see Val and Earl First when we meet Val it's our second movie with a character introduction Just taking a piss. What's his name? Hogwar, hogwarts, no, from Labyrinth, labyrinth. What's his name? What's the little creature from Labyrinth?

Speaker 2:

I don't remember. He's like the ugly guy that follows the whole time, I don't know, hold on. Hambone.

Speaker 1:

Jesus, I can't believe we so bad at this. Hoggle, hoggle, hoggle.

Speaker 2:

He's always hoggling.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, so he joins our Everyday. We hoggling P Hall of fame Wall of fame. And so it's Val and Earl. They're just two handymen. Essentially, they usually mend fences, railings, help farmers In the desert town. Called perfection. They also make decisions by using raw paper scissors.

Speaker 2:

I love it. It's great, yep that's.

Speaker 1:

And they remind me of Beavis and Mudden.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And they're, just like always, driving around in the truck. They don't have a lot of money.

Speaker 2:

They essentially just do jobs for like $20 to $50 at a time there's only like 10 people in your town bro, I know how much handyman stuff you do. You must do everything.

Speaker 1:

Everybody's older, so they're like the young, young people that can do stuff and essentially it's a town surrounded by mountains, except for like one country road that everybody takes. And pretty much during this we see that they just kind of I don't know, they just sleep, I guess, on their truck, make breakfast and I don't know. I feel like there's probably some sort of sexual relationship with each other.

Speaker 1:

I think they live in the same camper, it looked like, and so they're going off to drive off to do some jobs. Earl is the older and wiser guy and Val's the hothead. Essentially, there's like a line where Earl's like you know what's your problem, you never think ahead like me.

Speaker 2:

Like I'm thinking about.

Speaker 1:

Wednesday, because Val hates doing the garbage. It's like let's do that later, let's do this now, and it's like your problem is you're always thinking, you don't think ahead, but whatever.

Speaker 2:

He only thinks two days ahead. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

There is a line earlier it's like, yeah, we have this. Val says, yeah, earl's got this great system where we always plan ahead and we never get anything done. So they go, they're driving back into town, run, and then we meet Rhonda Lebec, who is a university student that investigates earthquake, and they see he's like, oh yeah, that must be that college girl, let's go visit her. You're like, because I was like hell let's do her.

Speaker 1:

I'm getting laid tonight. I hope she's a perfect 10. She's got big breasts, legs that go all the way up. She's going to be so hot Blonde hair, blue eyes, maids, and it's like this girl, she's pretty, yeah, she's attractive and she has so much fun.

Speaker 2:

She looks like the camp counselor from Salute your Shorts in this? I've never seen that. All right, we got to look it up. He's got the same hat and he always has sunscreen on his nose. Let's see. I think his name was Bud. What was it called? Salute your Shorts?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

How the hell am I going to find this? Oh yeah, oh my God. Yeah, maybe they're twins. Yeah, because he's got all the sunscreen all over his nose. Which, come on, lady. I mean you don't have to put that much sunscreen on, dude. I know the nose is always what burns first. Protect your schnoz, man.

Speaker 2:

Yeah protect your schnoz Schnoz beers. They suck schnoz beers.

Speaker 1:

Schnauz man Spectre, schnauz Schnauzberries. He's like Schnauzberries, yeah, and he meets her. And he's super disappointed. He's like oh, she looks like a regular woman, dang. Oh man, she's just regular attractive.

Speaker 2:

She's got thoughts and feelings Fuck that.

Speaker 1:

So we learn that she's there to investigate earthquakes. She's been getting a lot of seismographs. She takes a lot of signs. She's getting a lot of signs on her seismograph.

Speaker 2:

She's a geologist, right? Yeah, something like that. That's what they do.

Speaker 1:

But she's like there's no earthquake, so I don't understand why we get this. And so they go. It's like all right, well, good luck out there. They drive. Earl says Val should ask her out idea of a woman. So you need to look like this woman. And I was like I don't know, wasn't she? She seemed as attractive as her.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I was like she's pretty, she's smart yeah, like come on bro now.

Speaker 1:

But he's a hothead. He's only thinks about one thing, which is like. It's like you're not using your brain, using your pecker. Classic girl love her. So we see the two of them. They go into town and we meet all the town folk. You have melvin, walter, burr and heather. We we see the two of them. They go into town and we meet all the town folk. You have Melvin, walter, bert and Heather. We also see the little Mindy bouncing around on a pogo stick. I'm sure that is another example.

Speaker 1:

It'll come in later and we see her that she has sunglasses and her Walkman on, which is just setting up a little later with her. That's what what I love. This whole movie just sets things up because we meet Melvin with his basketball that comes into play later, and then we'll see Walter with his Pepsi cola freezer or refrigerator that makes a lot of noise. That comes in play later. See, this is the stuff that I love about this movie. Everything has a purpose. Yeah, it's a very— it's well thought out, it's a tactful script.

Speaker 1:

I guess yeah tactful is a good word for it. Yeah, just came up with that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I didn't even write that in my notes, baby. So we cut to the ground, where we see some dirt moving on its own. We see Rhonda collecting more data and not noticing her seismic graphs going off. Then we get the point of view of the Graboid coming after Rondo while she's leaving and it just misses her. Alright, this is what I want to talk about.

Speaker 1:

Something I love about that this movie does is it teaches you that when we go into point of view, it's going to be the Graboid, because at first it's on the ground right as we go to the point of view of the Graboid and it's at a canted angle, which that just is, or they call it a Dutch angle in school and stuff Essentially where everything's kind of offset and it's supposed to give you an uneasy feeling and you're supposed to know like, oh, something's afoot here. So it starts like that, so in our heads, like oh, it's canted, that's weird, I wonder what's going to happen. And then it straightens out and starts going for it and I'm like it just taught us that this is the point of view of the Gravoid, and it's so smart, it's so cool, it's the stupidest thing. But as soon as I saw that I was like wow, I'm rock hard right now. I just wanted to point that out. It seems like to me since they were doing it.

Speaker 2:

It's always an above ground from the point of the monsters, except sometimes they go under the ground.

Speaker 1:

Love those shots too Are his eyes poking out like a crab they don't have eyes.

Speaker 2:

That's what I'm thinking.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that is true, because whenever it is happening, it's like what is this snake? It's just got one little tentacle out Like a periscope yeah. Yeah, I mean it does use it as like arms where it's like what is this? Just start slapping stuff to see what it is, it's great.

Speaker 2:

I do that with my tongue too.

Speaker 1:

I guess I do that with something else.

Speaker 3:

Oh penis man we got some energy today, guys, let's go.

Speaker 1:

We're feeling perverted. Hey, when you talk about worms, you're just gonna go there, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I wish, I wish Our penis had. Okay, let's go, we're here, little, we're doing it, little mouth worms. I don't it would come out and go crazy. You know what I mean.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

That'd be wild Anyway, but it is. It's just a worm. I wish my worm had more worms.

Speaker 2:

Oh, god, it's just a worm. I wish my worm had more worms, oh God.

Speaker 1:

It's horrible. I don't like where this is going. Also, if that is something that your penis does have, go to the doctor.

Speaker 2:

Send Jesse your photos. Send us an email.

Speaker 1:

No we're going to get. No, don't ever send that. We'll call the police.

Speaker 2:

We recommend Jesse, not Jason. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

All right that we'll call the police. We recommend jesse, not jason. Yeah, all right. So we're back with val and earl. They're going around performing different jobs for different town members. They often talk about getting out of town and finally, after being covered in sewage, they decide to leave for good. I love the part where they're covered in sewage um and of course it had to help happen in front of milvin but it's hilarious.

Speaker 2:

But, like, his immediate reaction is not to turn it off.

Speaker 1:

No, and it's not even to get out of the way of the sewage, they just keep standing in front of it.

Speaker 2:

I'm like move dude. He's just like standing there with his mouth open. Yeah, it's like. Ah, it'll wheeze the juice.

Speaker 1:

I was just like hey guys, no wonder y'all are just handymen Get out of the way of it. Could you imagine a worse thing to happen? I don't know man, Other than being attacked by something it's like I mean you're going to get a disease. You're going to smell bad. You're never going to feel clean again. Also, you're going to have to make it back. You're going to have to get into your truck, which is going to gonna stink.

Speaker 1:

Drive all the way back smelling like just yeah, you just that becomes your whole day, yeah, and so we just immediately cut to them and they're leaving. They're, I guess they're, I didn't, I didn't. I'm not sure if I saw two different like trailers or if they literally are just staying in the same trailer, but they pack up their entire truck, has everything in it and they're like we're out of town, we're done with this, this is it, the poop was the last straw.

Speaker 1:

But you know, this is perfection. It's always trying to bring them back because, as they're trying to leave, you have the one girl. I think her name was Megan. Yeah, she comes out. She's not in her giant purple overalls yet which we will discuss later she's like oh, I need a ceramic oven because she's a potter or whatever. And they're like oh, you get free lunches and free beer. Kevin Bacon's character, I was like what.

Speaker 2:

Whenever he threw in the free beer, I was like smart man.

Speaker 1:

I mean, you know, that's what they spent all their money on. It's like hey, dude, for a month you get free beer, you?

Speaker 2:

It's what they spent all their money on. It's like hey, dude, for a month you get free beer. You can save up so much money, they're not going to class.

Speaker 1:

It would have been so smart for them. So a month you're going to pay us for. A month we do a few more little handy jobs and our beer is paid for.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

That's how you save money right there. That's a sweet-ass month, yeah, so they're off us, we yeah we almost took the bait. Yes, temptation, try to get us again. So while leaving town they find the town drunkard edgar on the top of electricity tower. They're walking up. They're like hey, you're always drunk, buddy, why are you up there? I don't know, I'm talking like that.

Speaker 1:

They go up there and they're like oh, boy, straight up dead up there yeah, um, they're like wondering whether he was afraid of something or if he just went up there to die himself. He just woke up there. Yeah, they're like wondering whether he was afraid of something or if he just went up there to die himself, or if he just woke up there the worst possible way to try to kill yourself dehydration.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you take a Xanax, drink a few beers. You block out, Just block out. You just might wake up on a fucking tower.

Speaker 1:

It's like dang. How'd I get here? Not again?

Speaker 2:

Time travel.

Speaker 1:

Edgar. I do this every day. So they take him to the doctor, who confirms that Edgar died of dehydration, but leaves his death unsolved. The mystery begins Dang, even though we already know. So we cut to a rancher out in the middle of nowhere. All the sheep are freaking out the next thing you know, he gets sucked underground, freaking out the next thing you know he gets sucked underground.

Speaker 1:

So that's that little scene. That was fun. Val and Earl, now that there's a dead person, are even more eager to get out of town. They stop by Old Fred's Farm First. They go through and we see there's some people working on the road. They go to Old Fred's Farm, who we just saw die, and find that he's been decapitated Perfectly his hat fell over his head.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, there's all these hats full of blood, yeah, just full of blood.

Speaker 1:

Worms like fuck this, I don't fuck this hat, I don't care about hats.

Speaker 2:

And this is where and this is where we get the line hey, I feel it, man, I can't wear a hat either. Yeah, nobody makes a hat. Your size, size, really. I had the second to the largest helmet that you can get in the army, really, yeah, wow, I'm always, I'm always like using these like the in like hats.

Speaker 1:

when you adjust them, it's always like the smallest possible thing it's got my brain so big and this is where we get the line, what the hell is going on.

Speaker 1:

I mean, what the hell is going on, it's a great line Thinking there may be a murder on their loose. They try to warn some of the road workers and they're like yeah, whatever. And the two road workers? Well, you have the one road worker that's taking it serious and he goes and grabs a crowbar. He's like I'm watching and the other one just starts like jackhammering and then it jackhammer-stabs through a creature and the jackhammer just starts zooming off which is awesome.

Speaker 2:

And then the guy of course gets wrapped into the cord because that always has to happen and gets struck away, not just with cords.

Speaker 1:

It's the best. It's hilarious though. And then the other worker gets crushed by a bunch of rocks and it blocks the road. And then Val and Earl come into town warning everybody there might be a murder on the loose. They are heading to Brigsby to get help. They complain about how they decided to leave one day too late. It sucks If they literally are just like. We're going to shower, we're packing up our truck, we're leaving. They would have been able to make it so.

Speaker 1:

On the road they find it blocked by a small landslide, assuming it was caused by the two road workers. They get out of their truck to yell at them and find the man's helmet lying on the ground full of blood and slime. And when they try to leave, valve uh like. So they're like we're getting the hell out of here. Valve backs his truck up and gets stuck, and he's like he gets out, rip something or just finally gets unstuck, and they go back, and they eventually shake the truck loose and head back into town. When they get there, they discover a long, snake-like appendage wound around the rear axle, and immediately Walter Chang's like how much for it?

Speaker 2:

$10 for it, and they're like $20.

Speaker 1:

No, $15. And they haggle, and then Val and Earl look at each other like hell yeah, $15.

Speaker 2:

I'm like dude you could have sold that for billions of dollars probably Beams to my head, man, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And so now everybody knows that there's some sort of creature out and about, and they think that the snake's like the only type of little creature it is, though, but then they're like well, how did it stop our trucks? It has to be super strong. So, uh, later that night, the doctor's house trailer thing, him and his wife, were just out just like oh man, oh, we worked hard, we're so exhausted from building our house that's barely built and it's like you should probably just hire yeah.

Speaker 2:

It's going to take them like two years.

Speaker 1:

I mean, you're a doctor, how?

Speaker 2:

are they going to do the plumbing and all that? I guess Val and Earl, yeah yeah.

Speaker 1:

And so they're all just relaxing, and then their generator goes out because all the lights go off, and so they go look for where the generator was and they just see the girl's like are you sure you put it here?

Speaker 2:

She's like are you sure you put the giant generator under here? Yeah, here's the cord lady, it's going to the ground.

Speaker 1:

They pull it, the cord comes up and the next thing you know, the generator shoots out of the thing. The wife's like let's to see what this is why does it smell so bad I got to take its fucking temperature.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he thinks it's like a gas pocket or something. Maybe that's spewing from the ground. So he goes to investigate, thinking they may have discovered a natural gas pocket. Suddenly, the ground beneath him collapses and he's pulled forcefully down into the hole, screaming in pain while his wife's trying to pull him out. She frantically digs around and a snake head pops up and hisses at her. She retreats to their car but whatever Attacked, her husband begins to pull the car underneath the surface and it fucking rolls.

Speaker 2:

Yeah it was kind of crazy. You see the power these things have Well, sometimes I feel like it's a little uneven sometimes Because, like when you can't see them, they can like under the ground, but whenever they do show themselves, they're just kind of like yeah, well, he, whenever they are in the basement, the thing and the thing's just like wiggling, it's like just showing everything.

Speaker 1:

Well, because all their powers on the spikes that allow them to move through the ground, that's where they have all their power.

Speaker 2:

It seems like um plus, and there's one that's smarter than the others, because, yeah, there's one that's hella the others because, yeah, there's one that's hell of a smart dude, yeah, that boy.

Speaker 1:

But and it seems like if you're moving, they, they are almost kind of powerless, because later, when they're on the cat, the giant bulldozer seems like they can cause, they can take down anything, it seems like, but if you're moving, they just can't keep up with unless they get ahead of you and make a trap.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so they can essentially just destroy the earth under them to sink things, which is cool, I don't know. It's just like you're just seeing the power and it's just setting up what they can do later and it's like, oh, they can sink a car, they can sink crappily made stores. So back at the store, we see that Walter is letting people take pictures with the snake head for money, because Walter's a straight hustler. I love that. That's immediately what I do. I'd be like who wants to be in the Instagram era? Who wants to come take a picture with me?

Speaker 2:

It'd be like $50 a picture. Who wants a picture?

Speaker 1:

with my snake. Yeah, I'd be like you're canceled, get away from me please. So the shopkeeper, walter, lends them to. Oh. So they're all like kind of freaking out and they're like, well, we can't go anywhere because the roads are blocked. What are we going to do? And then Walter's like, hey, how about you take some horses? They can go and go to the next town and then you can call the police. Something I do love is that you know they're just immediately like. The characters aren't trying to be heroes, they're not trying to stay there, they're still just wanting.

Speaker 3:

They're trying to get the fuck out of there, they want out, they're going to go to.

Speaker 1:

Brigsby and then not come back, which I love, because nobody's trying to be a hero, except sometimes, val, in certain situations. Yes, he just thinks he's better. Yeah, because they can't call, because the phone lines are cut and because of the mountain ranges they can't radio anybody yeah so this town sucks.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I shouldn't have named it.

Speaker 1:

Perfection, yeah and, like a lot of people aren't really worried in spite of everything that's going on. You have the like melvin doesn't really seem to care. He's kind of mocking and pretending to get eaten all the time uh burt and heather. They're the gun nuts and they're just prepared for world war III any time that it happens.

Speaker 2:

When they talk about everything that their shelter had. I was like fuck that. Yeah, I was like hell. Yeah, that's what.

Speaker 1:

I want. So I just think you know they're not worried at all. So Val and Earl, they ride as fast as they can to go and get some help. They stop at the dog's house and they're going to warn them. They're like, oh, he's not here, the car's gone, we don't have to worry. But they're still hearing the radio and they kind of start digging and they see the car lights. So cool.

Speaker 2:

That was kind of cool.

Speaker 1:

Such a smart thing.

Speaker 2:

Fucking buried car here with the lights still on. Yeah, it's wild. It's like dang. The fuck is happening here. Everything is trying to keep us from leaving. We have to go right now.

Speaker 1:

But suddenly their horses get spooked by some snakes. Dang it. One gets away sadly, but one horse RIP, you know I love a good horse death.

Speaker 2:

I hate a good horse death man there's so many creative ways to kill a horse. There is Snakes, whatever happens in Napoleon for you.

Speaker 1:

Did there's so many creative ways to kill a horse. There is snakes. Whatever happens in the policy. Did you see that one? No, I haven't seen it. Come on, I'm just gonna have to look up napoleon. We gotta do like the top 10 best horse death, best horse deaths. I don't know, I have so, just I guess because I grew up with horses and horses are an extension of man, I know.

Speaker 1:

But man like I don't know something, I guess because there's I've watched so many horse deaths that I just kind of feel really bad, just from not in real life, but just from western horse ever tried to kill you no, my horses are pretty cool feel different you had a horse yeah, we had four.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's cool everyone yeah, yeah, can you ride?

Speaker 1:

like kevin bacon. We're all dead. Now rip. Yeah, I know how to ride a horse. Fuck dude. I uh, I don't know how to. I can't remember how to saddle them and stuff now because I haven't done that in forever, but I'm pretty sure if I got one on it I'd be like oh yeah, I remember how to do this. Yeah, I'm just an old country boy there, jason.

Speaker 3:

Yes, fucking james. I mean, we're from the south.

Speaker 1:

Baby Can't have the name of an outlaw and not know how to ride a horse I know.

Speaker 3:

Come on, why do you think I got that name? I wish I had an outlaw name.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, so one of the like. We see one of the horses, it's just covered in like the three snakes, essentially getting taken down and then, finally, the Graboid reveals itself and it's huge baby.

Speaker 1:

It's got a big old beak. It's big, it just looks like a giant turd. They do, and then they're like we got to get out of here. They're running from it. The Graboid was pretty fast and the creature's running after them. As they run, they try to jump across this concrete ditch thing. I guess whenever it floods the one time I'm'm sure it rains there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like in the desert, because I lived in El Paso for a while. Oh cool, it floods like fucking crazy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and then like won't rain for months, yes, yeah, so once they jump the dish, they don't make it and they're like oh crap, and the thing like runs into the wall just like knocks itself out. It knocked itself cold, no, I think it knocked itself dead. Looks great. You have like the blood oozing out. You see one little snake tentacle. It's great. And at that moment, oh, and I love it because when it dies you have Kevin Bacon. Well, fuck you, so good. Something I love about this movie and all the acting everybody's very expressive with their face.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's pretty cool.

Speaker 1:

Every single thing Earl does. He's always making a silly face.

Speaker 2:

Just like wacky faces. What are you smoking the cigarette, yeah.

Speaker 1:

God damn. And then, as that happens, the seismologist shows up, kind of spooks him. They discover that the creature stinks horribly, is several meters long.

Speaker 2:

Is it supposed to smell like sulfur? I don't know what it's supposed to smell like. That's what.

Speaker 1:

I thought they said they may have and they're, like it smells worse alive than it does dead. But they kind of dig it up and it's a huge snake, and so they learn that the snakes are just like, they're tentacles from their mouth their throat, yeah, the stinky snake thing.

Speaker 1:

Rhonda checks her seismographs, learning that there must be at least three more of the snake mouth monsters. When the three are going back to perfection, another of the creatures tries to capture them. They can only see a trail of dust flying as the monster swims invisibly through the earth, and this dust trail is going to be the sign that the creature is essentially moving underground from now on. So anytime you see dust, it's like here they come. Val Earl and Rhonda run for their life and end up on some tall rocks, because luckily they're in the desert and there's always this random giant rocks everywhere yeah, man, fucking rocks and they climb up it and we learn that the creatures cannot climb.

Speaker 2:

They try to kind of Just the mouth parts. Yeah, I feel like the creature didn't really put a lot of effort into climbing.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean it could be like a, you know, kind of like air jaws. You know, whenever you watch all the shark, sharknado, shark week oh, this was. They had a few names for it. One of them was Landsharks.

Speaker 3:

That was the original title.

Speaker 1:

That was the script title and they changed it to Tremors.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's better. Tremors is better.

Speaker 1:

It's a great name. It's awesome, Especially since you have the seismograph stuff, so they stay on these rocks for a while. But the creatures are very patient, which which means I love, because he sits there. He's like these things aren't moving, they're just waiting for us. That means we're stuck. That really pisses me off.

Speaker 1:

It's such a random it's such an old dude thing to say. But so, while they're just sitting there, finally Ronda devises a plan that they manage to climb from one rock to the other With pole vaulting by pole vaulting, being closely followed by the hungry monsters. This is awesome with our intro, as I do it the first he struggles, it just falls back and then vows is like I'm really good at this and I love it's such a goofy, like it kind of does this wide shot of it and it's really goofy. The music's really goofy and I was like I remember I remember that specifically so much as a kid the pole vaulting scene, yeah, so much that when they did it in the last jedi I was like because, uh, luke does it for a second. I was like this reminds me of Tremors.

Speaker 2:

Well, I love it, yeah, Whenever they're all doing it together and they're playing the music. Yeah, it's like the 90s version, like that is. I feel like that Rusted Root song should have been.

Speaker 1:

I don't think I know that song.

Speaker 2:

You know? Yeah, you would if you heard it, I think, but it's like it's been used a lot. It just seemed like it was kind of a cheesy music choice? I don't know, this scene was a little fun.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was. It's really corny and goofy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, corny is the one I was going to.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I guess at this point they figured out that the creatures feel them because they say residual rocks a lot, do they? I didn't even notice four times. So they deduce that the creatures feel them because they can make sense of the noise that humans make from vibrations and like simple movements and talking. So, um, they end up making it back to their truck, and I love this part because she's like gotta start the.

Speaker 3:

She has the key. She starts the engine. She's driving with her because she's like, got to start. She has the key, she starts the engine.

Speaker 1:

She's driving with her hands. She's really good at driving by the way, without seeing or steering whatsoever.

Speaker 2:

She's down at the gas pedal pressing it. They're all like, yeah, and the truck is somehow going Perfectly, perfectly on the road.

Speaker 1:

And the guys are just like high-fiving, like we did it, and she's like like uh, little help here, guys, please. So and now they're back at the drugstore. Walter decides to call the monster Graboids. Melvin is still mocking Earl and Val stupidly. They're like throwing basketballs and like screaming and essentially just trying to get them riled up because Melvin's a little brat. They're all deciding how they're gonna escape because Val shows that the Gravoids are coming right for them, because they've just been following like a certain trail, just going from dinner to dinner, essentially, and then suddenly the monsters are there.

Speaker 2:

He pulls up the map.

Speaker 1:

He's like, he's like look, it's like the Santa tracker. Yeah, look, I figured all this out and I'm pissed now. But yeah, suddenly the monsters are there because we see that you have Melvin outside. He's bouncing his basketball Like a douche, and then you have the little girl out, pole Pogo sticking Pogo stick sticking.

Speaker 2:

I don't know what professional pogo stickers call it.

Speaker 1:

But Melvin gets ran up a pole. Everybody in their houses and everybody's like what the heck? And they all run into their houses and stuff. And then we see little Mindy outside pole vaulting and he has to risk his life to save her.

Speaker 2:

Pogo's Pogoing, yeah, pogoing.

Speaker 1:

I'm Pogoing. So Rhonda and Earl get chased by the Graboid, and Rhonda? Oh yeah, because. So Val goes to save Mindy and Earl and Rhonda go out with them, and then they kind of get stuck because the Graboid's coming right for them and then Rhonda gets all tangled up in barbed wire.

Speaker 2:

He's like.

Speaker 3:

I know how to solve this. Take your pants off.

Speaker 2:

So it's the best way to get a woman out of her pants.

Speaker 1:

That's true. Something that's true, something that's fun, is wrap her up in bar. This would have been like a classic moment where it's like, oh, look at her, she has no pants on. But something I like about this movie, because that's what most horror movies yeah, they don't really lean on it yeah, they don't. They don't make it sexual or anything it's just like this was specifically here because this is what they would have to do it's not something you see in a lot of like, because if it was, most skeezy horror movies.

Speaker 3:

It'd be like slow motion.

Speaker 1:

She's running and you're just like the back shot of her. But yeah, so she has to take her pants off to get out of the ball bar. And they run and like we see that when they're running back inside the creature's tearing up the little porch area. It's great, it's like, oh snap, these things can do. And we see Val is tending to Rhonda's wounds and there seems to be kind of a connection between the two. You got Earl just making faces at him like y'all gonna fuck yeah.

Speaker 2:

I thought there was going to be more of like a thing between Earl and Val. Like Earl was trying to get with Rhonda because he really likes her yeah, he thinks she's like smart and cool. Yeah, with ronda, because he really likes her yeah, he thinks she's like smart and cool. Yeah, she's like, hey, this is like someone that anybody should date here. Like, yeah, yeah, this is someone you should be.

Speaker 1:

I thought he would be more pissed but you know, he's kind of just being cool about. Yeah, he's just like hey, come on, I'm older here, I know it's smart deal with this girl and so like, after he's kind of making faces, they're like okay, we're done here, we're done here. That was like I, I don't know. No, we're done here, we're done here. I was like no, no, no, these are nothing for me.

Speaker 2:

And then all of a sudden, walter's God dang Pepsi machine comes into play here, it just like shuts on, like turns on, turns on.

Speaker 1:

It's really loud and cause he wanted them to fix it and because they were in such a rush they didn't fix it Handyman, they couldn't fix it. So they had to go. It's their fault. Yeah, they are. It is funny though it's like, yeah, we're good handymen, and then a little earlier in the film they're doing, the barbed wire fences, and then you have where Val's trying to hammer the one thing he misses.

Speaker 2:

it like three times.

Speaker 1:

Misses it like seven times and then finally hits it. And Earl's like yeah, you're man, got it. Um, so yeah, and because of this, suddenly graboid comes through the store's floor. Graboid manages to get eat, walter emerging from under the wood flooring, mr chang. Oh, poor guy rip. I love that guy. The actor is always. I think he was in, I think he's in. Is he in? Oh my god, I gotta stop I gotta stop bringing up.

Speaker 2:

I can hear you tapping your head from over here. That was pretty pretty hard.

Speaker 1:

What is it? Big Trouble in Little China okay, just forget it doesn't matter, he might not even be in it.

Speaker 3:

I may end up cutting it. He is Asian. Yeah, I might just be super racist. Kill the Asian, yeah definitely cutting that part.

Speaker 1:

Something I like about whenever it gets Walter is it's exactly. It's like shot by shot. What happens in Jaws? Oh, really, whenever they. I can't remember who they get, but it gets somebody, was it him in Jaws?

Speaker 3:

It comes up.

Speaker 1:

It's like look, I got to be in Tremors and you have to kill me.

Speaker 2:

With the Oscar for like.

Speaker 1:

Best being eaten by creatures. Yeah, best at dying creatures, yeah, best at dying. So the gang realized they have to escape to the roof. A roof ronda, who's been just kind of going from uh I guess like counter to counter in the store, gets thrown outside and then ends up climbing onto a water tower. They tell everybody to get up on the roofs because they're all relatively. They're not like they all seem like they're going to be dumb people, but they're all relatively smart, I feel like yeah, mean they figure out a lot of this stuff pretty fast.

Speaker 2:

And they're scared as fuck yeah.

Speaker 1:

And then we meet back up with Bert and Heather. They're back at their house and notice everybody on the roofs. Bert and Heather are in their basement area causing a lot of vibration.

Speaker 2:

What's that fucking machine that they use? I don't know. Someone tell us please.

Speaker 1:

I put it in here. Ask Jason what that is. I don't know. And if you do know, send us an email at werecommendmailbag at gmailcom. So because they're making all this vibration now the Graboids are after them, they walk and load. And because on the radio Val's like, yeah, they are underground, so get on your roof. And they're like what are you doing? They look up. It's like we don't see anything. They're underground, you idiots. Then we start hearing some rattling. You know, bust through the wall and it's raw. They're locking and loading, they're shooting at them.

Speaker 3:

They're like it's not dying.

Speaker 1:

And then they run out of bullets. They switch to a wall of just like every gun possible.

Speaker 2:

What are we going to do? How about the hundred other guns we have here? Yeah, they got like fully automatic guns and everything.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

I love on his truck.

Speaker 3:

It said the front plate Uzi for you and it's awesome.

Speaker 1:

I was like we better see an Uzi and then he was like nothing's working. He goes over to his giant case that has like a huge elephant gun.

Speaker 2:

I want to shoot that. I'd probably fly out of the house. Good thing if you don't know it's an elephant gun, they tell you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, because at first I was like I'm sure they're calling that an elephant gun, right, and then they say elephant gun.

Speaker 2:

Yeah Cool, is it a gun just for killing elephants?

Speaker 1:

I don't know. I think they just call it that, I guess.

Speaker 2:

Because it's got big bullets, probably.

Speaker 1:

Ooh, you know what the best-looking elephant gun is the Jumanji elephant gun.

Speaker 2:

The one where you got the safari guy, the mustache guy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because it kind of opens up kind of like a— Like a blunderbuss, like a tuba or something that's awesome. But they end up—they're able to kill it. They're like, yeah, we killed one. It's like we killed that mother humper. Do you think they really said a mother humper? So something to say. I'm gonna say it, my notes. But so this they didn't want to have such a hard r rating, so that was the line. Well, yeah, so they had to get rid of all the fucks. Okay, so like they just have no fucks.

Speaker 1:

So if you look at it you can kind of see I'm, I think, motherfucker.

Speaker 1:

It looks yeah, yeah, but instead they called him Mother Humpers because he's like now there are two more Mother Humpers left. Yes, hey, it worked. It's like a TV edit. They just had to actually put it in the movie. Yeah, so the whole gang. They think they've outwitted the Graboids by taking refuge on the roof. But then we see the Graboids like little snake tentacles, just like slap in the house. It's like get down, Get down here. Hey, come down here, I'm going to eat you, I'm going to eat you, I'm going to swallow you, whole boy. But then we see the Graboids. They start to destroy the buildings.

Speaker 2:

The dude shoots at them and Reba you know Reba, she's like oh, you got no penetration. If anybody knows about penetration, it's Reba. Hell yeah, reba.

Speaker 1:

No redhead knows, and I love Earl or Bert at that time. He's like dang it. You know, I didn't think I'd have to be penetrating the ground with all my guns. God, the ground the best bullet stopper ever you know what. But this is how we figure out. Bert, not a very good survivalist man. If you're ready for World War III, you have to be ready for anything.

Speaker 1:

Even ground monsters, yes, you got to have something that can shoot through ground man. But yeah, so essentially all the Graboids, they're just figuring out how to destroy these buildings, to eat these people, Because we figure out they're super smart and all these buildings are made out of like just thety old boards, I guess. Yeah, it's all garbage, yeah, just stuff they scrounge well, you saw who built their place valen earl the handyman yeah, no, they attacked the foundations, I guess.

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, figure it out. Yeah, they're just destroying all their crappy foundations, I guess they have they could have been good foundations.

Speaker 3:

I don't know, we don't know, he man, we don't know.

Speaker 1:

He busted that house pretty easy.

Speaker 2:

I mean our house foundation would easily be destroyed. It's just cinder blocks. They're very strong, right. They're supposed to be anyway.

Speaker 1:

We see one of them flip Nestor's trailer.

Speaker 3:

one of the guys in the town and the idiot gets knocked off.

Speaker 1:

The tire just sucks them straight through. It was great.

Speaker 2:

I'm not going to lie. Man Getting killed by a grabber it seems like it sucks yeah.

Speaker 1:

I bet it does You're being buried alive and eaten alive at the same time. I'd hope you'd be crushed pretty instantly. I don't know, man. It seems bad. If I knew, I'd be like I'm getting a gun and any time I think I'm about to get got, I'm shooting myself in.

Speaker 2:

Do you think the little tiny monsters in the mouth are like whenever you're in its belly? Do you think there's more little tiny monsters?

Speaker 1:

I think they go inside the stomach and just start biting.

Speaker 2:

Just munching them. That is actually interesting.

Speaker 1:

I wonder if it is like, if they have their own bellies and everything too Like, do they have the feet as well?

Speaker 2:

Maybe they're parasites, maybe that have a symbiotic relationship with the bigger monster.

Speaker 1:

The tremors weren't able to get enough food, so they evolved to the point to where they had tentacles coming out of their mouth.

Speaker 2:

Well, the parasites. Maybe they helped them evolve.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, maybe, hell yeah. Or a giant worm had sex with a snake, and that's how it works.

Speaker 2:

Get my mouth snake yeah.

Speaker 1:

So the gummers, which is Bert and Heather crazy name. They were going to pick everybody up in their truck, but the creatures immediately destroy it.

Speaker 2:

They have great timing. This happens a lot, this timing thing, because everything that they say pretty much happens in the movie. They're like oh no, he's going to come and do this, and then it does it. Yeah, it immediately does it. Why don't they just be like, oh no, it's going to leave us alone.

Speaker 1:

It stops, does it. Yeah, it immediately does it. Why don't they just be like oh no, it's going to leave us alone, it's gone. Be at peace. They can hear us At this point. They're just pranking us. So now everything is about to get destroyed. These monsters are like all right, dinner time.

Speaker 3:

We know how to kill everybody.

Speaker 1:

So the gang, they come up with the idea to use a 30-ton bulldozer with a trailer to carry everyone out to the mountains.

Speaker 2:

Maybe the loudest possible things you could do, I guess. But I guess it's just like impossible for them to eat.

Speaker 1:

It's just too big for them, it's too big so they cause a distraction by starting a lawnmower for the creatures to follow. Earl is supposed to run because they do the rock paper scissors for it.

Speaker 3:

He elbows him.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, bal's like all right, good luck. Man Elbows him and immediately jumps out and lands straight on his butt.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that was hilarious. He's like ah God, I don't know how many times has that happened to you. You're like watch this. I'm going to do something awesome, and then you just fall on your ass.

Speaker 1:

I remember the most, but the most, the one that stands out the most is I was. We were at like this youth, like Bible study thing and we went there. It was like this giant church and there was a lot of people from high school that we were seeing there and I was just trying to be cool. Me and Richard were talking about wrestling and so I pretended to do like a sweet chin music which is Shawn Michaels. It's just like a kick, it's like a really cool looking kick. And I did it and I went to try it and I go to the kick because you only kick out one leg. The other leg went with it. I fell flat on my back. That's fucking awesome and so many people laughed.

Speaker 1:

I was like wow, we just got here. I have two more hours here oh sucks, um. But so the lawnmower ends up flipping over while val is running, because dang it, it just had to run into something. Um. And so the graboid beelines it to val and they're like stop. And then he does, and the creature's like dang it, where'd he go?

Speaker 2:

yeah, and then like one little, tentacle comes out and it's like when you at, I know you, hey, I know you're here, I'm going to eat you, just going to eat you. As soon as I taste you, you're fucking gone.

Speaker 1:

Let me lick you, but then Rhonda and everybody try to distract the Graboid. Try to distract the Graboid. They're like hey. And then Rhonda, because she's smart, decides to break a water line, causing the Graboid to come for her, and Val is able to make it. Something that did piss me off, though it's like the. It's one of the. It's like the only thing she does that's really dumb is she kicks it and decides to stay on the fragile ladder. It's Get off lady.

Speaker 2:

She wants to see results.

Speaker 1:

But then immediately. Something I did like about the movie is that when she's able to get off the ladder and back up the ladder falls, she goes to reach for it like dang it, now, I can't get down. And I was like what a small little detail.

Speaker 2:

That's very smart. Yeah, that was kind of fun. I thought she would grab it and try to hold on to it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah she just wasn't able to. Something about this smart with the small details, I feel like it's a really small detailed movie, which is great.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they pay a lot of attention to those.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so Val made it. He gets the trailer hooked up and he goes and picks everybody up. They also go to pick up Bert and Heather, which have prepared mini pipe bombs.

Speaker 2:

Hell yeah, man, these guys are smart and ready to go. They said they made it out of chemicals in the house. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Like what the fuck are y'all cooking with? I gotta get the line because I thought about doing. I thought about doing it first. It's like what was it?

Speaker 2:

It's just household chemicals in the correct proportion. Yes, that's what it is Like. What the hell are those. It's a bunch of household chemicals in the proper proportion, yeah well, it looked like y'all had a bunch of night like I a night like I don't know, just some very there's this gunpowder and some it's some kind of white crystals. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know how you make pipe bombs of it.

Speaker 1:

I don't either. Yeah, so they're making it. And they're all like, yeah, we're doing it. They're so close to the mountains, they're almost home, free. But these dang graboids are smart. They, when they see them off in the distance, like what are they doing? But I was like, well, as long as they're not over here, I don't care. And they go right where they're going and I'm like, why didn't you like turn or something?

Speaker 2:

and the well, they're slow.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's true and the Graboids created a hole and then things falls in and they can't get out. So now they're stuck there, got them. Bert starts throwing bombs and because the graboids are so sensitive, they like run away. They're like, yeah, it's got to be loud, yeah, and this gives Rhonda the idea to throw a pie bomb and make a run for the rocks. So they do it and they run away, and they make it to the rocks. They wait there surrounded by graboids. So and this is where we get the Val and Earl fighting with Bert because he's like why?

Speaker 3:

Could have stayed home.

Speaker 1:

Maybe one would have broke in and I could have killed it, or we're on the roof and we can fish them out. That way At least we had food, food, water and bullets. And then we get this scene where Bert's like you know what, if it comes to starvation, I'm just going to take one of these pipe bombs out, light the fuse, fuse, let it eat me and explode it. Hell yeah, man. And then Earl's like that's a good idea. What?

Speaker 1:

I like is everybody just kind of has this like endearing, like laugh about it, and I was like they're all friends. This all feels like they're all friends.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they know each other. There's ten people in town.

Speaker 1:

You're gonna know each other I and even though this is just a goofy movie, it just I don't know. It really came together really well. That was fun, it was great. But this gives the idea for Earl to go fishing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that was fun.

Speaker 1:

They're going to kind of lure it with some rocks and then they're going to throw the piebalm like lasso the piebalm over there, and then when it swallows it, it eats it and explodes.

Speaker 2:

And then it just like spews guts all over Melvin and it explodes.

Speaker 1:

And then it just like spews guts all over, melvin Orange goo everywhere. It's awesome and it's like bright orange, so it looks hilarious and they're like super excited. And then it's Val's turn to try to do it. Yeah, why does?

Speaker 2:

Val have to try to one-up Earl. He did a pretty good job the first time he's a hothead. I guess he should have just let Earl take the reins on that one.

Speaker 1:

Well, he's able to do it, it's just the creature spits it out.

Speaker 2:

That was hilarious.

Speaker 1:

And, like the other ones, are just running on the other side of the rock, even though I feel like those rocks are exploded because there's like 30 pipe bombs in that bag that explodes, I mean but those pipe bombs were really just full of shrapnel.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it wasn't really like a huge destructive force. I feel like it probably wouldn't be enough to destroy a bunch of granite.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but but val, earl and ronda, they're just like yeeting off the rock and once everybody like kind of comes up and looks around, everybody's on the rock except those three, and it's like what the hell are you doing?

Speaker 1:

out there that's the opposite place where we need to be like well, we didn't know how big an explosion was going to be. And now that they're stuck out there, um, like they kind of come up. It's like what do we do? Now? Everybody wants them to throw the one pipe bomb that's left so that it runs away and they can run to the rock. But Val's like this is our last one, what are we going to do after this? And so he's like I got an idea. It's. It's like what Run? Then he runs and Rhonda has the lighter, so she has to run with them, and so they're running. And because this is the part where, like, he realizes like oh, we're right where we were at the beginning of the movie. So he's running to the cliff and they're all three running there.

Speaker 2:

See, I thought the cliffs were made of like rock too, until.

Speaker 1:

Well, it kind of the side is, but it it looks like all of it was.

Speaker 2:

I guess it's not as strong, so it can bust through the big dirt wall.

Speaker 1:

It's probably not as thick as the, I don't know, as the concrete was at the beginning. All right, so what Val decides to do is they of the cliff? They just sit there and wait, and as it gets closer, he throws the pipe bomb.

Speaker 2:

He cuts the fuse real short though.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, he does cut the fuse short, that's scary.

Speaker 1:

And he lights it and he throws it. Earl's like you missed. He's like no, I didn't. And then it goes and this thing just rockets out. The other two run out of the way and then Val, at the last second, jumps and then it shoots out. And as the monster goes, it looks like this giant turd that hits the ground.

Speaker 2:

Right off the side of the mountain.

Speaker 1:

Right, and they did it.

Speaker 2:

It was awesome. It's like stampede.

Speaker 1:

Am I right? It was?

Speaker 2:

funny how when it hit the ground it exploded and just the whole scene, like it just shoots out of the side of the wall. Yeah, and it kind of shows you from the perspective of the monster falling. Yeah, it does. Like oh shit, and it just hits and it's like I don't know, like a sack of goo yeah, it really was, and like can you see little holes, kind of pop, where you can probably see where they cut it.

Speaker 1:

So a lot of the orange would come out of it. I don't know. It's great, it was so funny. The creature looks so cool and gross.

Speaker 3:

It's like something I did earlier today, oh ew, we getting weird on this one baby it's a Tremors episode. Why is?

Speaker 2:

it bright orange. Yeah, oh God.

Speaker 1:

I ate a lot of carrots today, so they're all alive and happy. Earl and Val, they're leaving again. They say fuck this place. And happy earl and val, they're leaving again. They say fuck this place. And then earl uh convinces val talk to. Ronda comes up to talk and earl's like um, she's obviously wanting him to be like can I can have your number? Can we like meet up? We gonna vlog later like what are we doing? And then she's like, well, all right, I guess you're not making a move.

Speaker 2:

See you later, yeah and I was like I can't get over my expectations of women. Well, earl's like. Earl's like just looks at him, I was like I can't get over my expectations of women. Well, our roles like our roles.

Speaker 1:

Like it just looks at him. I was like I know, I know I'm working myself up to it, which is great. And then he goes and they talk to each other, and then they kiss meow and the movie's over and then reba mcintyre's crushes the credits of their song.

Speaker 2:

What if they're like hey, reba, we want a song for this movie. She's like well, you got to give me a part, but I feel like it was a good decision.

Speaker 1:

I really didn't find anything why she did it, which is weird. I didn't do too much research, she has weird ears. Didn't notice her ears.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, her ears were weird.

Speaker 1:

Do you like Reba? Yeah, her ears were weird. Do you like Reba? Do you like her?

Speaker 2:

song yeah, I think.

Speaker 1:

Reba's great Natalie brought up because we're not big into country music Me neither. I fucking hate it Something that Natalie brought up is like something that she brought up and I was like, oh yeah, I totally agree. Something we hate with country music is when people talk they sound normal but then when they go to sing country they get nasally and like twangy and it's so annoying. The thing with Reba she sings the way she sounds, which is my wife brought up and I was like oh yeah, that for some reason does make it better.

Speaker 2:

She's from like Cincinnati or something. What the fuck yeah.

Speaker 3:

But she always sounds like that.

Speaker 2:

I know it's kind of weird she has such a strong accent like that.

Speaker 1:

Maybe she moved. Oh, she's from Oklahoma, dude. Get the fuck out of here. I'm a liar, you're an idiot and a liar I am so dumb. But man, what a fun ride of a movie, right? I know it crushes. It's fucking great, and there's like six more of them. I like the second one and third one. I haven't seen anything after that.

Speaker 2:

I didn't know they had that many. I thought it ended at three.

Speaker 1:

No, the rest are all made for TV and Kevin Bacon doesn't show up anymore.

Speaker 3:

He's in all of them, it's just Earl.

Speaker 1:

Earl's in the next two, but those are fun.

Speaker 2:

They start using CG and the creatures start using a little worse and the guns just get bigger and bigger. I love that part.

Speaker 1:

Because I remember I think it's the second one they have this giant gun because Bert comes back and he shoots through a wall. And then behind that wall was a truck and they're like oh, that was our way out.

Speaker 2:

Those are the 22 millimeter Bushmaster, because I used them in the Army. Yeah Right, but they were attached to the Army. Yeah Right, but they were attached to big vehicles. Yeah so, but they're fun. Oh man, they're fun.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I didn't bring up one of my favorite lines from the movie, because when they're having the pipe bombs and they're making the stems for them or the fuse, it's like where'd you get that? Where'd you get cannon fuse? Why do you have that For my cannon?

Speaker 3:

For Where'd you get that? Where'd you get cannon fuse?

Speaker 1:

Why do you have that For my cannon? For my cannon, so great. All right, let's move to our categories. The first category is the good, the bad, the ugly, the fine. It's where we talk about the good of the movie, the bad of the movie. The ugly is something we didn't think aged well. The fine is something we think aged well. For me, the good is obviously the creatures. They're so cool.

Speaker 2:

They're fun, they're awesome.

Speaker 1:

I feel like, and they're practical for the story of the movie, right and the setting. Something I like about some creature designs is, whenever they're very practical, everything that's on them, kind of like they've adapted to the environment. Yeah, they look like something that might could have existed due to I don't know, know radiation, or just it's a prehistoric thing that we may come back to life yeah, that's pretty fucking cool.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I thought the good was um blanking. I'm blanking, I don't know man, it was just good I don't know, yeah cut that part yeah, all right for the bad. I put uh, the silly acting sometimes that was kind of really all I had. I was like everyone's kind of overacting here a little bit.

Speaker 1:

I like it, but if I had to pick a bad that's the only thing I was like.

Speaker 2:

I love for the silly though, so it's okay. I guess what I could say for the good is like just how the monster spits stuff out at people. Yeah, I thought that was fucking hilarious. Yeah, like the pogo stick yeah the bomb.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, she's spitting things so good, just like you can have it back.

Speaker 2:

But the bad man? Look at that, jeez man. I should have thought about this before.

Speaker 3:

No, it's okay.

Speaker 2:

If you ain't got any of that, I don't.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I couldn't if I sat here long enough.

Speaker 2:

The ugly for me was the fact that Bert was probably a January 6th. He was probably there, even though I thought that he was a gun nut and a doomsday prepper, but I didn't think he went overboard. No, he didn't I think it seemed like he did a really good job with that character. He was really just interested in having fun with guns.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's it. For no other reason. I mean he wasn't bothering anybody. He decided look, if I'm going to live somewhere, I'm going to be a prepper. I want to live somewhere where I can get things and there are a few people. But if something goes down and these people want into my place, there's only 15 people I got to kill.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he's got a sweet fence yeah.

Speaker 1:

Great. And also and I meant to add this when he is at January 6th, he's not there to protest the election, he's there to be like there's tremors over here.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, somebody take care of these tremors.

Speaker 1:

What the hell I'm breaking in here to warn them about the tremors he has tinfoil hat on yeah. It was like this guy is's crazy. They're in the ground. Also, why does he have a freaking elephant gun with him? Um, for the something that aged well. I just thought the uh practical effects were really good yeah, I thought they were pretty good.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they were pretty cool. Yeah, there's nothing the only thing bad I had to say about just the monster in general, I thought, like some of the movements with its tongue lings.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was very puppety.

Speaker 2:

They were kind of puppety, a little Childlike, but yeah, it was fun, like, but yeah, I get it. I feel like they could have. I don't know, I don't know, I get it.

Speaker 1:

I know exactly what you're saying. Just the way they up a little bit it works because it's supposed to be. There's a giant worm under there, but you definitely know, it's just like there's somebody, like on the other side, just like underneath, it gets like I'm trying not to move it. Um, we're gonna go to our next category, which is double feature. It's a movie we recommend alongside this movie. I chose arachnophobia. Oh, came out the exact same year. It's probably the third time I've recommended it but it's a perfect pairing with it.

Speaker 1:

Um, because it's gross and like I don't like that, it's probably honestly scarier than this movie. Just if you're not into spiders, but I think spiders are cool as long as they're not on me.

Speaker 2:

There was a there's. The one I wanted to recommend was is like the abyss you ever seen that.

Speaker 1:

Yes, fucking love that movie.

Speaker 2:

It's also kind of a wormy.

Speaker 1:

It just had a 4K remaster.

Speaker 2:

What, yeah? I need to, because all John.

Speaker 1:

Cameron. James Cameron's movies have 4K. I have to buy that. I got to remember to buy that. So yeah, that's our double features. So make sure to join us next week, because we're covering the horror masterpiece.

Speaker 2:

It's like it follows it's like the scary STD.

Speaker 1:

Sexual transmitted demons. Yes, I love it. I can't wait to talk about that movie I love like I don't know if you know how the director came up with the idea but we'll discuss that next time, Because he has mad hemorrhoids.

Speaker 2:

You're about to say hemorrhoids. Well, yeah, that's not an STD though.

Speaker 1:

I made a horror movie about how it hurts to poop it starts with an H yeah, so yeah, make sure you join us next week for that it's a great movie. If you haven't seen it, it kind of was just when it first came out, everybody just kind of went nuts for it. Every time I try to go see because it was only showing in Nashville at like a special movie theater. Every show time was like sold out.

Speaker 2:

That sucks. Almost said show. Now I haven't seen Dune 2.

Speaker 1:

Yet, dude, it'll be out soon.

Speaker 2:

You can already rent it. It'll be on.

Speaker 1:

Max, pretty soon probably, but yeah, so join us next week for that. If you want to get in contact with us or send us an email about a movie, please do send it to the WeRecommendMailbag at gmailcom or just put a picture of Kevin Bacon in the clouds, like Batman. Yes, please Actually do that. Just do that, Because when I'll see it I'll know I've had an email.

Speaker 1:

So, and if you want to follow our social medias or listen to another platform, the fastest way to get there is our Linktree, which you can go to by going to linktreecom forward slash. We recommend podcast. I'd like to thank Joey Prosser for our intro and outro. You can follow him on Twitter at Mr Joey Prosser. I meant to say X and man. That's it, hey.

Speaker 2:

Ashley liked this one.

Speaker 1:

Did she Awesome Yay.

Speaker 2:

She grew up watching this. She's like who recommended this one?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's something we're just going to have to make sure we get like did Ashley like this? Yeah, just so we can be like what does she like? Movie wise? So, yeah, that's the episode for this week. This has been the we Recommend podcast. I'm Jesse, I'm Jesse, I'm Bill and Jason. See you next week. Bye, bye, thank you. Thanks for watching.

Movie Podcast
Discussion on Tremors Movie Characters
Discussion of Tremors Movie Characters
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