The Chamber Member's Podcast's Podcast

The Chamber Member's Podcast Episode 1: Business Tips, Chamber Announcements, and iCRYO Interview

June 05, 2023 The Chamber Member's Podcast Season 1 Episode 1
The Chamber Member's Podcast Episode 1: Business Tips, Chamber Announcements, and iCRYO Interview
The Chamber Member's Podcast's Podcast
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The Chamber Member's Podcast's Podcast
The Chamber Member's Podcast Episode 1: Business Tips, Chamber Announcements, and iCRYO Interview
Jun 05, 2023 Season 1 Episode 1
The Chamber Member's Podcast

Welcome to the first episode of The Chamber Member's Podcast! In this exciting episode, we bring you valuable business tips and important chamber announcements. Get ready for an insightful interview with Shelly from iCRYO, a renowned wellness center. Sean Hetrick from SBS Consulting Systems shares expert advice on gaining a competitive advantage and standing out in the market. Learn how to leverage your strengths and differentiate yourself from the competition.

Stay tuned as Shelly reveals the incredible location of iCRYO and unveils their upcoming two-year anniversary celebration. Discover the comprehensive range of solutions iCRYO offers, catering to athletes, pain relief seekers, and those seeking immunity support for a healthier lifestyle.

Join us on this engaging journey as we explore strategies to enhance your business and well-being!

Hashtags: #TheChamberMembersPodcast #BusinessTips #ChamberAnnouncements #iCRYO #WellnessCenter #CompetitiveAdvantage #Strengths #Differentiation #HealthandWellness #PainRelief #ImmunitySupport

ICryo Cryotherapy

Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce

SBS Consulting Systems

Show Notes Transcript

Welcome to the first episode of The Chamber Member's Podcast! In this exciting episode, we bring you valuable business tips and important chamber announcements. Get ready for an insightful interview with Shelly from iCRYO, a renowned wellness center. Sean Hetrick from SBS Consulting Systems shares expert advice on gaining a competitive advantage and standing out in the market. Learn how to leverage your strengths and differentiate yourself from the competition.

Stay tuned as Shelly reveals the incredible location of iCRYO and unveils their upcoming two-year anniversary celebration. Discover the comprehensive range of solutions iCRYO offers, catering to athletes, pain relief seekers, and those seeking immunity support for a healthier lifestyle.

Join us on this engaging journey as we explore strategies to enhance your business and well-being!

Hashtags: #TheChamberMembersPodcast #BusinessTips #ChamberAnnouncements #iCRYO #WellnessCenter #CompetitiveAdvantage #Strengths #Differentiation #HealthandWellness #PainRelief #ImmunitySupport

ICryo Cryotherapy

Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce

SBS Consulting Systems

Welcome to the first episode of the Canton Chamber podcast Business Tips of the Week Chamber Announcements in an interview with our special guest. Shelly from iCRYOwill coming up next. Hi everyone. I'm Sean Hetrick as SBS consulting systems. I'm going to do the business tip of the week. This week. This week we're going to talk about competitive advantage or the strengths in your business. The definition for that is a sustainable advantage you have over your competitors. The key there is there needs to be long term and not short term, and it needs to be a differentiator from your competitors. So what you need to do is make a little list of the ones that really set you apart and then figure out if you are using those and how you use those within your social media, within your print advertising, and really how you let new customers and potential customers see that these are your competitive vantages because this is what sets you apart from your competition. Again, I'm Sean Patrick, SBC Consulting Systems. Thank you. Thank you, Sean. Shelly, thank you for joining us today. Well, thanks for having me. I appreciate it. We're really excited to learn more about you. And I know I guess the first thing is where is Icrier located? So we are right in Belton Village, where at 4603, Everhard Road Northwest. For those of you that remember where the old Pier one used to be, which is now a really fancy car dealership section, we're in the plaza right next to it sits it right at the intersection of Belton Village and Everhard. That's a great location, like 30 seconds on the highway. And it's easy to get to. Nice. So I hear you have coming up on a22 year mark. We are so June. Actually, June 19th is our two year mark, but we're going to have a big celebration on June 24th because, you know, let you celebrate Father's Day on the 19th. And so we're going to have several gyms coming out to do free workouts in the parking lot, which is obviously right in front of the intersection. We're going to have raffle prizes. We're going to give away an electric bike. We're going to have food vendors, other kind of free giveaways, and then obviously big specials on our passes and packages for memberships. Nice. And they're going to grab some of the specials, right? No. Mm hmm. So what drew you to open up a micro franchise? Well, my background is in long term care, so my entire career has been helping the director population near end of life. So whether it was working in a corporate office that owned several skilled nursing facilities is working with our ancillary divisions to actually being the administrator of assisted living facilities. I loved it. The residents were great. I made it through one year COVID and decided that unfortunately I could not sustain this for 20 more years. So I didn't know what to do with my life at the age of 45. So I kind of looked around for proactive health care and especially, unfortunately, with COVID, a lot of people were looking at ways to stay healthy or they realized maybe they weren't as healthy as they thought they were. So I just got on Google and started looking for proactive health care and finding things that I know I would do myself so that I would assume that other people would do as well and came across cryotherapy. I never heard of it before. Most certainly never did it before, but thought, Oh my gosh, I wake up with aches and pains in the morning. I could definitely benefit from this. There's nothing like it in Star County. And that was it. So I found that looked at a couple of different businesses and then came across to Icrier and thought that the co-founders kind of had the same beliefs that I did in alignment and went ahead and bought it. And then I tried cryotherapy. So thank goodness I like it, though, right? Yeah, love it. So I Trial Health and Wellness Center. So, you know, one of the reasons people go to a wellness center like I cry What's the I know you guys have several solutions. You know, why do people walk in there? So we have a wide variety of guests that come in, like I had said for myself, kind of just you're getting overall health and wellness. You know, we're trying to build up our immune system or getting to that age that I just woke up and now I have a pain kind of thing. We also don't realize how much pain that we live in day to day till it goes away for a little bit. Yeah. So we have a lot of people coming in for that. We have a lot of youth athletes and professional athletes now. They're well aware of our services, more so than the general public because Joe Rogan speaks about it on his podcast all the time. LeBron talks about it. Tom Brady You know, the athletes, it's it's very popular, so they're more aware of that. So they're coming in to help minimize injuries or recover faster after an injury or surgery or things of that nature. And then we also have an older population that comes in as they're having arthritis, having trouble again with aches and pains and inflammation and moving around or just need a little bit of boost in their immunity. Your brain, mental clarity, things of that nature. Right. I can definitely attest to that. I've tried cryotherapy and my wife and I both have and saw amazing benefits from it. We really, really did wonders for us. It becomes an addiction. Once you really get over the fear of what it is, then you you really do feel better and looking for that and not just physically the mood, mood improvements dramatically so. So what are the top three services that people come in for and what's the benefit for each one? So the biggest one is the whole body cryotherapy. So, you know, it's been around since the seventies. It's like the modern day ice bath, but you kind of go into like a freezer, plays music, but it gets cold. It gets about 175 degrees below zero. But you're going to freeze today that cold. Your body goes into survival mode and it helps instantly give you some relief from the swelling, the pain, any headaches, migraines, skin issues helps you sleep better at night, burns calories. There's just a wide variety of things. So that most typically that's our most popular service, followed probably by our compression therapy, right? So you sit in our recliners and then we have sleeves that either go over your legs, hips, arms or shoulders, and then it inflates and inflates like a blood pressure cuffs. And so it's going to give you like a deep tissue massage pushing out any swelling lactic acid, massaging those muscles. So that you can get your mobility back. So from marathon runners to even just like people who are on their feet everyday from working, it just feels so good. And you sit there for a half hour, a lot of people take a nap, but some you time. Yeah, and then probably our IVs are the next most popular thing. So we do IVs and I am injections. With just your vitamins in it, they can help you rehydrate helps with building your immunity or recovering from pain and inflammation. Recovering from a hangover. Yeah, no doubt about that. Those are last. Yeah. There's a variety of things. Your hair and skin and nails, things of that nature. And then we just added a new service. Our hyperbaric oxygen chamber. So that has a lot of great benefits in it that you're in there for an hour for. And you can take your work in there, you can take an app in there, you can do whatever and just kind of hang out. It's nice. And I did the Crown Chamber a couple months ago and it's cool when you get in there, but you warm up fast when you get out. And I slept really good that night. That's good. If you have help, it really helps that. Not the inflammation, right. From working out. So that's great. So what sets you apart from your competitors and kind of the health wellness industry? Well, there's a couple of things. One, we're one stop. We have a variety of services that cover, you know, a lot of different things. So some places I'll just have maybe just cryotherapy or maybe just PBM, red light. We've got a lot of things to offer. We're also open seven days a week and you don't need an appointment. I'm horrible when I want to do something and I have to make an appointment two weeks out to I don't know what I'm doing tomorrow. So the majority of our business is walk ins, which is great. The other thing is, is most of our services are only $29. So that's also really affordable. We if you have a health savings or flex spending account, we can take that as well. And we have monthly passes that make it even cheaper and all kinds of stuff. I mean, we're we're a small business, so we're willing to kind of do what it takes to help you feel better about yourself. And again, make it be consistent and make it a habit. Did you kind of change your lifestyle? Yeah, I love it. I know you are in for I know every customer's name and we do a very friendly there. Yeah, it's really warm welcome. And you go in there and, you know, give us whatever service you need to get you going, right? We do make it a point to learn everybody's names. We've had quite a few of our guests been there since for two years now since we opened. They know about my family and know about their family, what they did this week and all kinds of things. So I think that's the other thing you're going to want to do business where you feel like you're part of the family and are important. And we wouldn't be open without you. Thanks. So Question I always like to ask as a business owner, what motivates you during tough times coming from long term care and into life? No matter how long you're in that business, it never got any easier. You know, I cried every time a resident died or their family was going through a tough time or things of that nature. And I think that's an important part of having that position. But it takes a lot out of you. So to have people come in to me now and maybe they're not feeling great and then see the change on their face in their body and see them improve with their health care is is very rewarding and more uplifting for myself. So there's it's just it was just very tough. So I really enjoy getting to know people personally and people who are, you know, looking to better themselves with their mind and body. So yeah, that's what gets me through highs. So is that you can range your team members. We're always looking to promote each other and support each other and do business with each other. Are there any team members that you'd like to give a shout out to that either helped you get started with something or found a solution for you, or connecting you to someone that you know found a solution for you? Well, first off, you have helped me a lot. Being a small business owner, you know, you're worried about paying your bills and you're worried about getting good staff. And I can't compete with, you know, some of these bigger corporations. And health care is very important to employees. And I went to you and said, look, this is something we want to offer to our employees. Now, how could I do it and and be affordable for me as a business owner, as them as employees. And you worked with us and got individuals, whatever planned, worked for them and we get happy staff, healthy staff. And it's just a great benefit that hopefully would prevent somebody for leaving to go to another place for just because of of insurance. Absolutely. Thank you. Do you have any upcoming needs that you would like a fellow chamber member to reach out to you? For sure. I mean, we're always looking for promotional products. Anything with your logo on as we do a bunch of pop up events, then I can give somebody so when they get home and see our logo, those are always great business insurance, you know, and loans. Those things are constantly increasing. So any way that we can kind of talk and vet those out to make sure I have the right coverage and the right pricing is always going to help anyway to decrease my expenses. I'm all in for. All right. All right. I'm sure you'll get some members reaching out after that. Helps us find you some solutions. Well, thank you for joining us today, Mary. First episode of the Canned Chamber podcast. We appreciate you having you on. Well, thanks for having me. I really appreciate it and look forward to seeing you guys come again and freeze with us. So for sure, it's Tom. Next, we're going to have our chamber event announcements now. We have three to go over today. First is June 8th. We have the business after hours at Crackpot Comedy Club from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., Lou Santini will be there performing a little mini show, so I'm sure we'll get a lot of great laughs. He's always funny in our cooking. Next year is there is one in there. We always get a good laugh out of it. A little later on June 13th, we have the Ohio credit. Ohio Catholic Credit Union will be having their ribbon cutting

at 9:

30 a.m., followed by an open house 11 to 2. So come and support them. Show your support, see what they have going on. You know what solutions they provide you. And I think they have free food, too. I'm going for the food. No, this open house always has a good spread. Right? Exactly. It's a great reason to take off for half a day or a couple hours on those three. And then June 24th, we'll be our monthly Quick Connect. Chamber of Monthly Connect starts at 1130 and doing a lunch. And so come early come off earlier. So you know the way you can mingle around with the voice down at tables and introduce yourself to a couple new business members. That's for all their four connecting and supporting each other. Yeah, those are great events. I mean, they're big and you have 40, 50, 60 people at those events and can really get your name out there and really get people to to know who you are and what you do. Well, that's a wrap for our show. Don't miss episode two. Next week we'll be having Derek from junk lawyers on. It's sure to be an energetic show. Thank you. Thank you. Thanks.