The Chamber Member's Podcast's Podcast

The Chamber Members Podcast Episode 8 - Jennifer Bolyard of Jenny Can Cleaning Company

July 25, 2023 The Chamber Member's Podcast Season 1 Episode 8
The Chamber Members Podcast Episode 8 - Jennifer Bolyard of Jenny Can Cleaning Company
The Chamber Member's Podcast's Podcast
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The Chamber Member's Podcast's Podcast
The Chamber Members Podcast Episode 8 - Jennifer Bolyard of Jenny Can Cleaning Company
Jul 25, 2023 Season 1 Episode 8
The Chamber Member's Podcast

Welcome to the Chamber Members podcast! This week, we have an exciting episode lined up for you. We'll dive into our business tip of the week and some chamber announcements, but the real highlight is our special guest, Jenny from Jenny Can Cleaning.

But before we continue, let's give a shout-out to our sponsor, the U.S. Benefits Group. Are you in search of the perfect health insurance plan that suits your needs and not just what carriers want to sell you? Look no further! Contact the U.S. Benefits Group at 330-208-9455, and they'll help you find the best plan for you.

Now, let's move on to our business tip of the week, brought to you by SBS Consulting Systems. Sean Hetrick from SBS Consulting Systems will share a valuable tip about managing your expenses, both fixed and variable. Understanding these expenses will help you evaluate your business's past performance, make savings, and project future growth. If you need professional help with your financial reports, SBS Consulting Systems is here for you.

Next up, we have our special guest, Jenny from Jenny Can Cleaning. Jenny shares her inspiring journey from starting the cleaning business around her kids' schedules to growing it into a thriving enterprise. She shares valuable insights about running a successful business and the lessons she learned along the way. Jenny's story will surely resonate with entrepreneurs looking to build their dreams from scratch.

So join us as we dive into this exciting episode filled with valuable tips, inspiring stories, and business wisdom. Don't forget to hit that subscribe button, so you never miss an episode of the Chamber Members podcast. We'll see you in the next episode!

Show Notes Transcript

Welcome to the Chamber Members podcast! This week, we have an exciting episode lined up for you. We'll dive into our business tip of the week and some chamber announcements, but the real highlight is our special guest, Jenny from Jenny Can Cleaning.

But before we continue, let's give a shout-out to our sponsor, the U.S. Benefits Group. Are you in search of the perfect health insurance plan that suits your needs and not just what carriers want to sell you? Look no further! Contact the U.S. Benefits Group at 330-208-9455, and they'll help you find the best plan for you.

Now, let's move on to our business tip of the week, brought to you by SBS Consulting Systems. Sean Hetrick from SBS Consulting Systems will share a valuable tip about managing your expenses, both fixed and variable. Understanding these expenses will help you evaluate your business's past performance, make savings, and project future growth. If you need professional help with your financial reports, SBS Consulting Systems is here for you.

Next up, we have our special guest, Jenny from Jenny Can Cleaning. Jenny shares her inspiring journey from starting the cleaning business around her kids' schedules to growing it into a thriving enterprise. She shares valuable insights about running a successful business and the lessons she learned along the way. Jenny's story will surely resonate with entrepreneurs looking to build their dreams from scratch.

So join us as we dive into this exciting episode filled with valuable tips, inspiring stories, and business wisdom. Don't forget to hit that subscribe button, so you never miss an episode of the Chamber Members podcast. We'll see you in the next episode!

Welcome to the Chamber Members podcast. This week, we'll go over our business. Tip of the week. Some chamber announcements, and you'll get to hear the story of our special guest. Jenny from Jenny Can Cleaning. First shout out to our U.S. benefits group, a sponsor for the week. If you do not love your health insurance plan and you're looking for anyone, you can reach out to them there to search a bunch of carriers for you. So you find the plan that's best for you, not just what, you know, carriers trying to sell to you so they can be reached at 3302089455. Up next is our business tip of the week brought to you by SBS Consulting Systems. Hi, everyone. I'm Shawn Hetrick as SBS Consulting Systems. This week's Quick Tip of the week is going to be about expenses, both fixed and variable. So one of the good things to do is to define these within your profit loss statement. So a fixed expense is one that does not change as your business grows. And a variable expense is one that changes based on your levels of business that you do. Once you define these and look for what the percentage growth is on these variable expenses, you can then use this to not only look and see how your business has performed in the past and where you can make savings, but you can also project out. If I add this product line, if I add the service, how are my expenses going to change and really have a good idea of of what growth is going to look like for you? We at SBS Consulting can help you with that. We can come in and kind of sit with you, look through your profit loss and really develop these reports. Again, that was six and variable expenses. And I'm Sean from SBS Consulting Systems. Sean, thanks for the tip. Jenny, thanks for joining us this week. I look forward to sharing your story. And I have a lot of questions for you. I know it's been a journey. Yeah. So tell me, I mean, from what I understand, Jenny Clean, cleaning isn't a franchise, right? You kind of built that up from from scratch. Yeah. So I started it about 12 years ago in January, and it started with me just going around my kids schedule. I just needed something, a job, something to make money around my young kids schedule because one was specifically sick all the time so I could take them to the doctors. Or if he was sick, then I could just stay home with him. So I started it very slow growing because I knew investors. So I thought, Let's just clean apartments. And that's how it all started. So I used to start cleaning apartments by myself. And when did you say that you actually started it? So it was 2012. So was January 2012. Yeah. So, yeah, it's been a process. So did you have any, like, experience before doing work another company or you're like, I got this. Well, I worked at a property management company and that's how I met investors. So I had like a long list of people I knew. But as far as cleaning. No, no, no, no, no. I actually hated cleaning, but I thought, well, if I'm going to get paid for it, then I won't hate it as much. And I didn't. So. So I just kept cleaning and it. Here we are. That's how I am. I hate my wife kills me because I hate doing things for myself at home. Like I hate my mom on my lawn. Yeah, but I like more than other people because I really go to other people's lawn and pay someone to mow my was going to say satisfaction about. I don't know what it is. Yeah, I'm the same way. So, yeah, I would never get stuff done around my house unless it's on paper. Right. Same thing. Did you have any, like, business experience before or just a property management or so with property management. The owners taught me a lot about business, how to start an LLC, how to, you know, claim your taxes like all that. So I do give them credit for that. But as far as that, I've never had a business. I always knew I wanted to be a business owner. I just didn't know what exactly. So I just knew I didn't want to always work for someone, you know, in the same way. So, yeah, there's no I, I like looking back now. I'm like, Yeah, there's no way I could ever be an employee. Never once did it feel like a big risk to go out on your own to do that. So when the kids were younger now, five years ago, I got a divorce. Yes, Because it was so small scale. It was still like one or two employees. You know, I'd have a part time person here and there. It wasn't very it wasn't very big. So I got divorced and I was like, okay, well, we're going to make this happen because otherwise your other option is to work for someone else, and we're not doing that. So yeah, So five years ago, yes, it was a huge risk and I was praying that it would work. I was winging it, going to all the tip clubs like I start going to clubs years ago, but like started focusing on growing my name and getting bigger and bigger and bigger. About five years ago. Yeah. If I had to double your income to match everything right on the expenses. Yeah. Yeah. It's a little different when you have no money instead of having somebody help you. Yeah, so we did. We were depending on my money that I made, but we weren't. It wasn't the main source. So I actually saw a Facebook memory from eight years ago and there was a tip club that you're in the picture. So I'm like, okay, so this has got to work and I don't even know how I got involved in the chamber so much. But it's I've been there as long as Molly's been there. Well, yeah, So we've kind of grown up together also. So that would kind of be like the, the moment that changed your business as far as, you know, like, Hey, this is all in or nothing. Yeah, yeah, that was it. It was getting a divorce, and I had to move and pay all the bills by myself. And I rented a house and the lady's like, Can you afford it? And I'm like, Oh, yeah, cause this is great. Yeah, yeah, business is great. And then I was like, This has got to work, so I have no option. So yeah, I'm like, Yeah, I can afford it. Mm hmm. Yeah. I hope she doesn't hear this. I mean, that's kind of one you get. Sometimes the most productivity done is when you're on the grind, you're. You're forced to do it. You know, it's it's sink or swim. It's awesome. So would you give your younger self any advice if you could send a note back in time? Hmm. Launch bigger sooner. I know. Yeah, I well, I love how it's grown. I like how it all. So it's super. So I've learned so much in that time. So I was given an opportunity to go slow and I didn't rush anything until I had to because then I knew more. So then it wasn't a scary I've had. The one thing I would really honestly change is if I could go back and do it sooner. I was 37. If I could go back sooner. No. Yeah, I was 37 and started it when I was 25. Yeah. Imagine where it would be. What party? And then though, I mean. Yeah, I mean that's what I got as much done. Was I as disciplined, you know. But I want a third smaller and maybe it would have grown as much. But yeah, I probably started sooner. That's the only that honestly that's the only advice I would give myself is just to start sooner. I tell my kids, focus our business, do it while you're young, right? You know, don't do it when you're 37. So in the beginning, what services did you start with? Training. Just cleaning. Just cleaning. Vacant apartments. Okay. And that was it. And then somebody said, Hey, can you do my house? And like, I don't want to really do that, but I did it and I didn't hate it. So and then it just kept growing from there. So just cleaning, residential and cleaning. My first job actually was besides apartments, was a common area at an apartment complex, and we still clean it though. Isn't that crazy? And that was 12 years ago. They we don't play in their apartments, but we clean their commons. So yeah. And that's crazy to think about. So crazy. So yeah, just vacant and then residential and then commons so I've seen an amazing come up in the last year. So can you lay out like the different services now that you guys offer. Because there's quite a few. Oh yeah. So now besides cleaning residential and commercial, we do laundry service, we do organizing. And then I just recently bought a carpet cleaning business which cleans, you know, carpet of course, area rugs, upholstery and tile and grow. So it's it's exciting. Yeah, that's scary. That's like more money to be scary about. Did you have to add a lot more employees then did you double you mean so the company right or how does that work? Well, I came with yes, I acquired the employees with the company, but it was a it's a really it's a good reputation company. It's ace carpet cleaning. It just it was at a smaller scale. Okay. So I did recently then buy another van to put another truck and it has I that's just me. It's just going to grow outwards. Yeah. So and now you have a location with a beautiful new size. Yeah. So I have my, I moved in November of last year to a bigger 2000 square feet office which we're outgrowing already, which is getting bad. Yeah. I did sign a three year contract with that, so I have to say for three years, but with ace carpet cleaning, it's a completely separate entity. So it does have its own warehouse and office and it's on an acre lot, which is a big deal to me because I usually live in a city lot. So on a carpet cleaning, I bought a house and I'm going to move to that house. I'm literally closer to my life, which is here. That's on Fulton Road. The the cleaning here. Yeah. Jenny, can is on Fulton 3890 Fulton Road or Fulton Drive my sister Kirsty Daily And then the carpet cleaning is 40/338 Street Northwest so 44718 though listen Yeah so I'm sure like the carpet cleaning upholstery is kind of one time customers, right? And then repetitive through the years is as they need it again. How does the cleaning service work I mean know when you do residential or when you do you know your commercial stuff and they're trying to get it all cleaned up for their next tenant. And so that is more reoccurring. So we do weekly, bi weekly and monthly cleaning or we do as needed. I literally have one lady that just every couple of weeks just, Hey, can you get me in this way? And I'm not sure when. So but or like with vacant like apartments or houses, it's literally when the tenant moves out, they get it fixed up and then they say, Can you get it in? So, so do you have like, like set pricing for like vacant tenancies to like square foot or something or how do you know if it's a one bedroom, one bath, like literally four rooms. Yeah, they're all pretty much the same. Yeah. So and I have the same price for a two bedroom, one bath, two ever two bath townhouse. So but residential is different. You can't really necessarily charge. You can charge by the square footage, but it also depends on the person's upkeep. Okay. Yeah. So it's like how much time you think you're going to invest into it. And then do you ever have to make an adjustments like, Oh, this is yes, you should be really clear about the first one. Right now it's sorry we're well this late. So when I give a quote, I give increments. So I was just giving you numbers like between one and 150. And people always ask me, why do you do it that way? Well, I don't know how you really live. Yeah. So, like, I did a walk through in your place looks immaculate, but if I walk back in, is it going to look immaculate? So people do get nervous about that. But I also can't shoot myself in the foot. Yeah. Yeah. So very. Yeah, I have a business around. I still have to get paid clothes. They pay my senior, but insurances paid. Yeah. So and I'm not I'm and I'm very upfront with people so if I see that it's like an extra, I try to as fast as I can to let people know I provide before and after pictures and stuff too. So yeah, I'm always covering my back. That's great. So what are you most customers choose you other than like the commercial side? Is it because they don't want to do it? They can't do it. They don't have time. They want to buy back their time. They want to buy back their time. Yeah. People don't want to clean on a Saturday. Do you have two family incomes? Your kids are all in sports. They have 2 to 3 kids and they don't want to. They just they don't want to spend a Saturday cleaning on a nice, sunny 80 degree day when they're going to sporting events all day. And the last thing they want to do is come home. Oh, my gosh. Yeah, in my house on Saturday. So they're buying back their time, which I truly appreciate because honestly, I love it when my one of my house gets cleaned. I come home and I'm like, Oh yeah. So what's the best way for customers to schedule? Just a call. Always contact me. You always get a hold of me. You won't talk to anybody else. My phone number is 3307041021. You can call or text and then you can also email me. We've an amazing website where you have a contact form and beautiful. Yeah, if you want to. Do you like it? Yeah, I do like it I guess. Yeah. We worked a lot. We spent a lot of time over into that one. So and they, the gentleman who did it actually uses it as a like a sample, like this is what we do and I think you're welcome that be addressed. Oh sorry it's you can email me at Jenny at Jenny can cleaning dot com or our website is shaking cleaning so so before we run out of time yes I always like to know are there any shout outs I'd like to give to their team members? Yeah, I listen, I love the whole Thursday to group live. He's creating that. Those are my people. That's really the only one I go to. I am trying to get more involved. I just. Time. Time? Yeah. It's all but I do. I love Thursdays at noon at 1 p.m. whenever stray. So up next, our chamber announcements. I'm actually going to throw this question out to Jenny because it's about two clubs. So they say way you know. Can you tell us a little quick overview of what the two clubs are about and how it helps your business? Yeah, So I like I said, I've been going probably as long as Molly's been there and you just go and you have lunch and you're with people that are like minded, like you that can help you with problems or questions that you might have about your business. There's no judgment. You're eating some good food and you're hanging out with great people. Other business owners. That's great. Yeah. And there's there's five, ten clubs for those that you don't know. So we got two breakfasts ones, three lunch ones. Tuesdays, we have noon to one Buffalo Wild Wings on Dressage Road, Wednesdays in the morning we have Samantha's restaurant, 6326 Market Avenue, North Canton. That one's run by Stacey Hoffman at the the handyman that plumber. So it's a great little group there little ways for, you know people who are kind of on the East End. And then Wednesday afternoon, 1 p.m. at the winking lizard. Linda one noon to one. Yeah. And, you know, and then Thursday, breakfast is at Butler's in Jackson from 8 a.m. till nine. And then the second one on Thursdays is at LA Pizzeria. I love you through it so far. Yeah, it is good. That makes a wrap for episode eight of the Chamber Members podcast. Thanks for listening and we'll catch you next week. Thank you. Thank you.