Designing Success

Small episode - BIG results

April 09, 2024 rhiannon lee Season 2 Episode 58
Small episode - BIG results
Designing Success
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Designing Success
Small episode - BIG results
Apr 09, 2024 Season 2 Episode 58
rhiannon lee

What to watch in the video tutorial? I got you -

Thanks for listening to this episode of "Designing Success: From Study to Studio"! Connect with me on social media for more business tips, and a real look behind the scenes of my own practicing design business.

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Ready to take your interior design business to the next level? Check out my online course, "The Framework," designed to provide you with everything they don’t teach you in design school and to give you high touch mentorship essential to having a successful new business in the industry. Check it out now and start designing YOUR own success
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Remember to subscribe to the podcast and leave a review. Your feedback helps me continue providing valuable content to aspiring interior designers. Stay tuned for more episodes filled with actionable insights and inspiring conversations.

Thank you for yo...

Show Notes Transcript

What to watch in the video tutorial? I got you -

Thanks for listening to this episode of "Designing Success: From Study to Studio"! Connect with me on social media for more business tips, and a real look behind the scenes of my own practicing design business.

Grab more insights and updates:

Follow me on Instagram:
Like Oleander & Finch on Facebook:

For more FREE resources, templates, guides and information, visit the Designer Resource Hub on my website ;

Ready to take your interior design business to the next level? Check out my online course, "The Framework," designed to provide you with everything they don’t teach you in design school and to give you high touch mentorship essential to having a successful new business in the industry. Check it out now and start designing YOUR own success
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Remember to subscribe to the podcast and leave a review. Your feedback helps me continue providing valuable content to aspiring interior designers. Stay tuned for more episodes filled with actionable insights and inspiring conversations.

Thank you for yo...

Welcome to Designing Success from Study to Studio. I'm your host, Rhiannon Lee, founder of the Oleander Finch Design Studio. I've lived the transformation from study to studio and then stripped it bare and wrote down the framework so you don't have to overthink it. In this podcast, you could expect real talk with industry friends, community, connection, and actionable tips to help you conquer whatever's holding you back. Now let's get designing your own success. Today's podcast is a small, but mighty episode. I was trying to think of something helpful that I could bring to you while I'm away. I'm actually away as you're listening to this on holidays with my family. And so I decided to share with you a game changing hack that I teach inside of my marketing workshop. The marketing workshops that I run happen once a month. All of the dates, if you just. DM me the word workshop on Instagram at oleander and underscore Finch. You will get the dates of the next three or four that are going ahead. But inside of that, one of the big things that I teach that always gets this like mic drop moment and people are like, this changes everything. Everything is when I teach them to link their Instagram to Canva. When we link Instagram to Canva, it pulls across all of your reels, all of your static posts, all of the things that you have done into Canva, ready for you to repurpose. This means one click and you can upload it as a TikTok. You can pop it onto Pinterest. It doesn't have a watermark. It brings all of the audio over. And it's just incredible. It's such an easy way. So if you're worried about backing up your data and things, when we connect it to Canva, it's also second copy in Canva. And that means that you can really easily back up jump into one of the previous reels that you've made and change the music and change the speed and change something else, then save it as an mp4 and reuse it again. So I'm always telling you to work smarter, not harder, repurpose. I cry for all the wasted content in this world. I know you've made so much incredible stuff. So this is exactly how we connect it to your Canva so that you can reuse it time and time again. Okay, hopefully I can explain this to you on an audio platform because normally I'm screen sharing and teaching. I do have a tutorial so if you become really confused come and see me and I'll see if I can share that video tutorial with you. But the first thing you want to do is create a design in Canva top right hand corner, pick any sort of size, pick Pinterest or a pin size if you want, basically whatever the last size is that you had, and then you should have a blank page in Canva. Now on the left hand side you have your Canva menu which will have design, elements, text, camera roll, this is where you normally upload a picture, or if you're really familiar with Canva you're like, yes, okay, move on, I know, but if you've never seen it before. Everything that you need is on the left hand side. Scroll all the way down. You should have a box with nine squares and the word apps. If you click on apps and into the search bar, I want you to type Instagram. Click on search and it will come up straight away. It's the only one. And you click on the Instagram icon, which you should be very familiar with. You've and it will actually ask your permission to connect your Instagram. Mine is already connected, so I can't talk you through that exact bit, but it's really easy. It's basically just, yes, I am the owner of this Instagram account and I give you permission to do that. And then you log into Instagram and next minute, everything you've ever done has loaded into that apps area, ready for you to just use. Simply drag and drop, drag a video over into that blank page. Boom, you've got the video and the audio exactly as you wanted. This is particularly great if you want to get a template together. And you've seen those ones where the mobile phone is the frame and there's moving video content in there. You could make this beautiful marketing piece with a mobile phone, with a reel that you previously had on Instagram playing inside of the phone or Moving video inside of a Polaroid frame or whatever you like. The options are endless. This is Canva we're talking about. There's 12, 000 templates for everything you can even imagine. So yeah, everything you need has been pulled across into this app section. You now on the left hand side, you have a box that says Instagram and everything you need will stay in there. It will stay connected. So if you post something new on Instagram, it's still in this area of Canva in your app section. Really great for looking through and going, Oh gosh, I haven't spoken about that in ages or that got really good interactions and engagement over on Instagram. I might change that and resize it into a pin and post it on Pinterest. Look at me go. Four minutes. This has got to be the shortest podcast episode of all time. Certainly for me anyway, I'll leave you there until next week. Please remember if you are interested in joining my marketing workshop, we look at content pillars. I teach you how I content plan inside of Notion. It takes me less than an hour and a half a week. You get to take the content planner all of the systems and processes that I teach, I gift to you as well. So there's a full dashboard that I've created where you'll have all these Prompts for reels, for hooks, for calls to action, for knowing your content pillars for leveling up your messaging. I do not come from a place of just the things I've learned in the six years of business. I actually came from a corporate marketing role for a travel company. So working on product development and marketing was my area and it is something that I love love doing. You will have noticed if you've followed me for a long time, I've shown up for my brand since day one. So showing my face on camera, starting a podcast, doing all the things that I know will help people to get to know me and trust me and want to work with me. And I'd love to teach you that too. So if you DM me the word workshop, over at oleander underscore and underscore finch. You will get the flyer of what's included in the full day that we work together, the payment details and pricing, as well as the upcoming date. So you can see if you can actually spend a full day with me working on your marketing. Bye for now. I hope you're having a wonderful break and I'll see you when I get back. That wraps up another episode of Designing Success from Study to Studio. Thanks for lending me your ears. Remember, progress over perfection is the key. If you found value in today's episode, go ahead and hit subscribe or share it with a friend. Your feedback means so much to me and it helps me improve, but it also helps this podcast reach more emerging and evolving designers. For your daily dose of design business tips and to get a closer look at what goes on behind the scenes, follow at oleander underscore and underscore finch on Instagram. You'll find tons of resources available at www. oleanderandfinch. com to support you on your journey. Remember, this is your path, your vision, your future, and your business. Now let's get out there and start designing your success.