The Regrettable Century

The Right to the City: Changing the City, to Change Ourselves

April 03, 2019 Chris, Kevin, Jenny, and Jason Season 1 Episode 19

As a concept, as a slogan, as an expression of intent The Right to The City contains within it an opportunity for this generation to conceive of new methods of class struggle, of new models of class organization, and of the return of class power. It’s but one of many opportunities we have right now to advance a constructive, utopian, and revolutionary vision of the future. It’s about demystifying social relations where they are presently abstracted. It’s about no longer viewing  political activity as either pressuring politicians or becoming them. It’s about identifying what are presently hidden means of exerting our power as class to confront the class enemy, not just at work, but everywhere.

Henri Lefebvre and the Right to the City 

Neoliberalism is a Political Project -- Harvey 

The Right to the City -- Harvey 

PDF of Henri Lefebevre's Urban Revolution

Writings on Cities -- Lefebvre

Critique of Urban Geography -- Debord 

Why Psychogeography? 


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