The Regrettable Century

Strasserism, National Bolshevism, and Third Positionism (Part I of II)

Jenny, Kevin, Chris, and Jason Season 1 Episode 9

Yes there is an anti-capitalist right and leftists need to stop being so confused when rightists are opposed to, or critical of, capitalism. 

Listen to Part I of a II part series, in which we think out loud about the history and politics of the Strasserites, Nazbols, European New Right, and Third Positionists.

A short list of some of the  material referenced for the show:

Payne, Stanley G.
A History of Fascism, 1914-1945. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1995.

Lee, Martin A.
The Beast Reawakens. Boston: Little, Brown and Co, 1997.

Coogan, Kevin.
Dreamer of the Day : Francis Parker Yockey and the Postwar Fascist International. Brooklyn, N.Y: Autonomedia, 1999.

 The National Question and the Communists in Weimar Germany.

The (Now Defunct) Traditionalist Workers Party:

An undercover expose of the Traditionalist Workers Party:

Article about a alt-righters adopting “anti-capitalism” 

Auf, auf zum Kampf by Commandantes off of Lieder Für Die Arbeiterklasse

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