The Regrettable Century

Gothic Marxism and Marxist Romanticism: Horror, Witches, and Gothic Fascism

February 18, 2019 Chris, Kevin, Jenny, and Jason Season 1 Episode 13

In part two of our discussion we finally get around to talking about horror movies, Jenny talks about Caliban and the Witch a lot more, and Chris brings that conversation back to fascism... again.

The outro music is Lords of the New Church- Open Your Eyes

Towards A Gothic Marxism I – On Monsters

Towards A Gothic Marxism Part Two: Monsters For Socialism 

A Thousand Lost Worlds: Notes on Gothic Marxism by Adam Turl 

Socialists Must Reclaim Halloween 

Michael Lowy on Benjamin’s Gothic Marxism

The Horror of the Real: Zizek as Modern Gothic

Adam Tooze on Surrealism and Gothic Marxism

McNally, David. Monsters of the Market : Zombies, Vampires and Global Capitalism. Chicago, IL: Haymarket Books, 2012.

Cohen, Margaret. Profane Illumination : Walter Benjamin and the Paris of Surrealist Revolution. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993

Federici, Silvia. Caliban and the Witch. New York London: Autonomedia Pluto, distributor, 2004.

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