ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics

ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E10) "BiDUMB tries to flip-off SCOTUS ('Student Debt transfer' edition)"

Joseph M. Lenard Season 1 Episode 10

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S1E10 SHOW NOTES  ( listen (Sat Aug 26 2023 and thereafter) at: )...
Topic "BiDUMB tries to flip-off the SCOTUS (Student Debt transfer edition)" piece! 
You've heard the rest ramble about the SCOTUS Rulings, now here the best breakdown of the Cases and more importantly what others have not, are not, will not, cover about the latest Leftist attempts to tell the SCOTUS to GO TO HELL as the FASCICRATS quickly move to twist and warp more language to create "NEW AND IMPROVED" programs that are exactly the same as the ones struck-down by the Courts and reset the countdown clock so they can ignore the Constitution and RuleOfLaw a while longer forcing more/new needed challenges in the Courts that will need elevate to SCOTUS just ASAP we can return them for yet another SCOTUS smack-down of the Left antics/violations - and if you missed the "Norton v Shelby" (S1E8 August 12th) Show for how that all relates!

Episode related pieces...
- Cancel Culture again, CMT pulled Video:   

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- CTP long-form description: 
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- Joseph M Lenard -  ( /\
(S1E10 Audio: 30m 05s, Sat August 28 2023)

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[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show intro]

Welcome to the ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast, aka CTP, in association with Savaged Unfiltered podcast and And I am your host, Joseph M. Lenard, and that's L E N A R D. CTP is your no muss, no fuss, just me, you, and occasional guest, type podcast. 

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin opening - Segment 1] 

Welcome to today's topic BiDUMB tries to flip-off the SCOTUS student debt transfer edition.
And as Rush Limbaugh allways was saying, I hold here in my formerly, well in my case, not formerly, Nicotine stained hands, as you can hear me rustling my notes - There is a lot to go through. I have my notes to make sure I don't miss much. At least I hope I won't miss much. Even with notes, sometimes things go awry, as I'm sure you all well know.

At any rate, the first thing I want to mention before delving into the SCOTUS decision overturning, declaring unconstitutional, the illegal executive branch executive order overreach to give money stolen from others to younger people to buy votes
that this is, in many respects, a tax code issue. We need to touch upon that. The tax code is written in such a way to pander in favor some, while stealing from others to redistribute in order to buy favors by votes to let some know you're special.
And we want to give you money. Not only do you not have to pay taxes, these credits, which should offset actual tax you would owe, are instead a personal welfare check, which is of course also illegal, unconstitutional,
a direct violation and distortion of our founders intent to promote the general welfare. I'm putting that in air quotes, though that is a term, a phrase worthy of actual quotes.

It's welfare and LBJ's great society "welfare state" that deserves the air quotes, because it's illegal individual federal personal welfare checks are not what the intent of the founders had behind promote the general welfare,
which is promoting freedom, promoting equality, promoting free markets, so that we all have opportunity equal time, not equity, equal outcomes, opportunity for the cream to rise to the top.
Instead, we are offering quote unquote credits that give people money above and beyond the tax that they owe. They are getting checks are legally deserved in my mind in the parlance of the constitution and the promotion of the general welfare
and equality. Those are special car routes special favors special rights, which go against equal protections. They are special privileges that term the left love so much.

Oh my God, white privilege. Well, a lot of these people getting these car routes and handouts aren't based on their skin tone, which is a good thing actually for change for once. An instance where skin tone and affirmative action will get into next week with Biden tries to flip off the scotus affirmative action edition, but this is one case where they're picking and choosing not based on skin tone, but on class,
not an issue of race, but an issue of class and picking and choosing winners and losers over others in order to give handouts to create what dependency as Candice Owens calls it the new demoKKKrats plantation, a plantation of dependency so that you not you, but some that the left wants to pander to put on their new demoKKKrats plantation. And again, not about race. It's about class. This is not black America versus white America. There are a whole lot of blacks, a lot of whites, purple hair freaks and every other kind of skin tone and hair color in between it and chosen to receive hand-outs in order to pander to receive their dependency vote upon the deep state of government. And that includes some RINOs as we've discussed before, not the uni-party, the establishment hack deep state, CINOs, RINOs, FASCICRATS comprising the deep state; as there are plenty of actual REAL PLATFORM CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLICAN CONSERVATIVES/ChristiTutionaist folks fighting within just not enough;  and what is the deep state of the alphabet agencies comprised of exactly that people whose livelihoods may prefer to come in the form of government paychecks, who are, of course, then loyal to other deep state of other leftists, other RINOs, FASCICRATS, deep state protectors, their own dependency there, the politicians who want to grow or keep the size of government. So these buffoons with make work jobs in the government keep their checks, yet another different form of dependency and therefore pay back and return another form of vote by them. But back to the tax code, not all people pay taxes. As I've discussed, there's a large sector of society that gets money back in the name of taxes. Supposedly, that's not taxation. That's welfare checks, which again, unconstitutional, completely devoid of the reality of the intent of our founders.

Another warped and distorted and twisting of the language in order to create and reign in communism, fascism, socialism around 50% maybe of all Americans don't even pay taxes.

So the student debt transfer scheme isn't even about redistributing wealth from 90% of Americans to less than 10% of Americans, giving these worthless degrees, because we're not teaching them anything, and I will get into Bill Cassidy put forth a bill, at least somebody is attempting to think is at least attempting to do something. The wrong thing in my opinion, but at least someone attempting to think and attempting to do something. It of course will go nowhere in the US Senate, Schumer, and the left in the Democrats who can control the Senate part of the Congress bearing that bill it will never see the light of day.

The point here, it's transfer a somewhat small sector of people who actually pay taxes, 50% just to use a number, to less than 10% who will now also then not pay taxes because they're getting these credits, or they're getting this forgiveness, supposedly, which of course is a joke.
There's no such thing as a free lunch, somebody pays, but yes, in theory, overall, it is redistributing the hardworking blue collar American wealth to usually upper middle class in rich, spoiled, brat kids, and or those who are going to these higher learning centers that didn't earn their way, again, affirmative action discussed next week, but allowing people to go to college that probably have no business going to college should be going to a trade school, and yes, more on that coming to learn a real valid skill that then affords them a job opportunity, employment opportunity to immediately earn money and become a productive member of society and paying into the tax code, rather than getting more out than they've ever paid in yet because they've not done much with their life to create earnings, to create wealth, to pay any taxes on.

Secondly, I wanted to discuss the Kristi Noem ad, not sure if you've seen it. South Dakota is hiring, Kristi Noem as a plumber, Kristi Noem as a dentist, Kristi Noem as a welder, stating come to South Dakota because there are all kinds of jobs there. So South Dakota legislature, which Kristi Noem then signed, created their own tax code carve out and incentive to help bring people to fill jobs in South Dakota that are open.
So there is that I don't think most people disagree with an occasional incentive to help straighten out a particular situation that is supposed to be temporary, but the problem, of course, is, as Reagan said, there is nothing more permanent
than a temporary government program and especially a government handout. So while I understand what South Dakota is doing there, I cannot agree with it. I understand it. But I cannot support it even on the grounds that Government (at least the Federal level, less so at the State level) has ZERO CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY to meddle in the FREE MARKETS (and FDR's attempt to "manage us through the Depression, actually prolonged it) 
unless that particular legislation has a hard sunset date, this will expire and may not be renewed. And in fact, for me to believe that it should have been a South Dakota state Constitution amendment, putting it in their constitution
so that it could not be re-legislated, not be re-opted by the legislature after the sunset date. So it would have indeed been an actual temporary program.

Thirdly, define fair, right? Depends on what the definition of is is. I've discussed over and over in my writings and mentioned a few times on this ChristiTutionalist politics podcast, the left, twist, and warps language. They've been doing it for decades. They cannot have an honest conversation. So in order to deflect, distract, distort, deny, dodge, they have to redefine the terms to match their false narrative
and support their falsehood, their current narrative of how they want you to think, what they want you to believe, the gas lighting of the day. And there is no different here. Again, these aren't credits. They're handouts. This isn't forgiveness. This is redistribution.
No such thing as a free lunch. As I've already said, and yes, am repeating here because it bears and is worth repeating. No such thing is free stealing from Steve to give to Eve is not charity, a whole other rabbit hole and topic to go down.
Our Christian faith says we are to be our brothers keeper, but that is not the warping of the Bible as the left render unto Caesar. If Jesus was not a socialist, this does not mean to be my brothers keeper. Let the government with the barrel of a gun steal from Steve at the house on that side of me to give to Eve on the other side of my house. 

That's not how this works. It never works that way. It will never work that way because why the government steals. It takes off 50 to 80% of those money off the top for themselves for the deep state or handouts to their friends, their family, their donors to pay back donors, money laundering, all part of the cycle to help keep these incumbent, deep stateors elected and those of us fighting it, their money to try to keep us on the outside, which is an aside, why we can't have more campaign finance laws.

No, the federal government cannot fund federal campaigns or campaigns of any kind. It is up to the politician to raise the money. And it is our First Amendment speech rights, freedom of association and property rights as money is our property to give to whomever is a good candidate that will go to take on the system whomever we want to help fight the system. That's why the McLean Fungold campaign finance law that the scotus improperly only picked and chose some parts to overturn Robert and his idiocy to moderate the courts and continually return only partial rulings like the affirmative action wouldn't have been necessary had they properly ruled in the previous you of them race baiting affirmative action challenge case and the Colorado Baker cake case, the website case would not have been necessary had they properly ruled about compelled speech on that, but moderation is what Robert sees his job as with the court to provide lower amounts of controversy That's not your job, Chief JustASS. Oh, I'm sorry. I mean, justice. No, I didn't mean that Chief JustASS as I call him Robert. It's not your job to moderate. It's your job to adhere the laws to the constitution and not partially rule on this and that to slowly overturn things and eventually maybe in 20, 30, 50 years, get to where we should have been 10, 20 years ago, because you didn't rule fully on the cases as you should have
And we can even throw the Dobbs decision in on that. They all of a sudden discovered that 10th amendment and states rights, which return it to the states, while still completely ignoring the 14th amendment of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness and equal protections. But again, another rabbit hole. That's not this discussion. This is student debt transfer. But that sets that all up. And no sooner does the scotus decide that ruling.

The left is, of course, scheming to rework a new one. It's like the New York gun laws. Did you see that the New York gun laws were struck down by the Supreme Court. And what did they do? All the left is in charge of the deep, deep blue state of New York gathered themselves together and came up with a new bill for a new law. And as the who used to say, meet the new boss, same as the old boss. Just because you change a word here and there doesn't mean it's actually different or new and is still in violation of the scotus ruling. But they are right in your face saying, we are going to reenact the same basic gun laws and enforce them while we dare you to then challenge us again in the courts and take it to the Supreme Court because Roberts is causing the court to hear so many cases over and over again. That should have been settled. It takes a decade or more, sometimes decades to give a case, we heard that was already settled because the left understands the scotus has no enforcement arm.
They have no respect for the Constitution and the separation of powers and the scotus makes a ruling and they basically say, bleep you right, hence the title of this week's show and article BiDUMB tries to flip off the SCOTUS. Ha, you ruled that, well, we're just going to ignore it because you don't have an army. There's really nothing you can do. And unfortunately, the deep state will back this usurpation, to use the word from the Norton v Shelby case that has been discussed or will be discussed, likely to be discussed over and over mentioned again to get people to try to pay attention to that. 

Well, Lisa McLean from Michigan, where I'm from, of course, slam the new Biden student loan move as a direct violation of the Supreme Court's decision. And of course, that's exactly what it is. That's exactly what I said. They all get into a room. The professors, just like with the affirmative action case, right, the university, deep state supporting administrators, professors, and leftist politicians wanting to buy vote.
Yes, I'm saying it. Conspire. Yes, they all get in a room and say, this will be the new distraction, deflection, dodge, distortion, deny that we're doing the same thing, even though everyone knows we're doing the same thing over again.
Just putting lipstick on the pig. If you recall that phrase from the McCain McLean was I called him, Palin presidential run where lipstick on a pig became the phrase of the decade thereafter.

My piece for is really a repurposing of a piece titled "it's called leverage and about downtime real conservatives use it over the quick early sellouts, CINOs and RINOs." And in the speakership case which that article was mainly about though I did go into some policy and some thoughts and I will get into that and then the strategy is working or was working at that time to get promises to move that over to window back to the right from the left word trend, important updates being added in real time but Bill Cassidy I want to get to and mention, Republican from Louisiana has put forth a bill that would create an opportunity, although I'm not happy with how they plan to pay for it. More taxation, more like BiDUMB wants redistribution from a bunch of others to pay for a student loan counseling requirement, all going to get a student loan would be then required to go through a counseling program that would figure out for them, sit with them, what is your core degree that you're going for, what will the courses be along with the required liberal arts courses that the college used the pad, have nothing to do with your degree, but steal more money from you. What will all those then add up to and therefore what will be your loan debt and what will be the required payment and those decks cannot be erased in bankruptcy, you will be expected to pay for them, because we don't teach economics. 

And the point here being trying to impress upon some of these young skulls full of mush to quote Russia again, that maybe college isn't for you if you don't know what you want. If you don't know what you're doing. If you don't know the direction you're going in college is not the place to go to figure that out and take a bunch of worthless gender studies classes. What we need to impress upon children is that you need to get real and valued degrees like accounting, business, economics, legal, medical, STEM fields, skilled trades, maybe a trade college is better off for you, and I go back to the Kristi Noem Ad as a welder, right, they need welders, we need plumbers, we need electricians, maybe go to a trade college, and then you can come out with next to no debt and earning the hundred thousand dollars a year right off the bat in your new career, rather than having a worthless gender studies degree and wonder why you can't get a good paying job. 

We're going to leave it there for now. Of course you should go to the Liberty Beach and corresponding peace and find out a whole lot more.
It goes a whole lot more in depth. Other things I didn't touch on the podcast and the articles are meant to compliment each other, not necessarily only just repeat or parrot each other.

Thank you all for tuning in. I know 168.9 million plus podcast episodes floating around out there. You could choose to listen to. Thank you for tuning into this one. Please subscribe if you would like and share, of course, and especially share the link to the
podcast or the article preferably both with all your friends and family and even people. You don't talk to anymore that you know need to hear these facts. This tough truth. This tough love that
you know that. Thank you for having tuned into Christitutionalist politics show. Please tune into Savitch and Filtered Podcasts of which I am a co host and be sure to check out more about today's discussion at the Liberty Beacon
channel where my articles drop every Saturday. In addition to seeing the corresponding piece referenced in the episode of Christitutionalist podcast, see to the show transcript on podcast platforms that provide access to it, like
the link in the description below at tiny slash Christitutionalist for additional bonus material there in the transcript. Thank you.

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show outro]

Thank you for having tuned into Christitutionalist Politics Show. Please tune into Savage and Filtered Podcasts of which I am a co-host. And be sure to check out more about today's discussion at the Liberty Beacon dot com where my articles drop every Saturday. In addition to seeing the corresponding the Liberty Beacon dot com piece referenced in the episode of Christitutionalist Podcasts, see to the show transcript on podcast platforms that provide access to it on Buzzsprout at for additional bonus material there in the transcript. 
Thank you. Take care. 

Transcription Services above from:


S1E10 SHOW NOTES  ( listen (Sat Aug 26 2023 and thereafter) at: )...
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E10) "BiDUMB tries to flip-off SCOTUS ('Student Debt transfer' edition)"
Today's main topic "BiDUMB tries to flip-off the SCOTUS (Student Debt transfer edition)" piece! 
You've heard the rest ramble about the SCOTUS Rulings, now here the best breakdown of the Cases and more importantly what others have not, are not, will not, cover about the latest Leftist attempts to tell the SCOTUS to GO TO HELL as the FASCICRATS quickly move to twist and warp more language to create "NEW AND IMPROVED" programs that are exactly the same as the ones struck-down by the Courts and reset the countdown clock so they can ignore the Constitution and RuleOfLaw a while longer forcing more/new needed challenges in the Courts that will need elevate to SCOTUS just ASAP we can return them for yet another SCOTUS smack-down of the Left antics/violations - and if you missed the "Norton v Shelby" (S1E8 August 12th) Show for how that all relates!

Episode related pieces...
- buzzsprout/NVSshowLink  
- Cancel Culture again, CMT pulled Video:   

"ChristiTutionalist Politics" podcast (CTP) 
- CTP:  
- (Show long-form description)  
- TLB articles:  
- FaithCasters Free Newsletter:  
- Join Faithcaster (Podcaster or Guest):  
- Broadcast your thoughts w/ buzzsprout podcasts:   
- CTP Official playlist:  
- Joseph M Lenard -  ( /\
(S1E10 Audio: 30m 05s, Sat August 28 2023)

some "Behind-the-Scenes" Video version of ChristiTutionalist Politics found via...   

In addition to seeing corresponding TheLibertyBeacon piece referenced in episodes of CTP, see too Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout ( for addl bonus material  there-in.


BONUS MATERIAL... [ from links to piece "'#ChristiTutionalist Politics' podcast on air! Finally News purely Christian U. S. Constitutional perspective.... Plus recent SCOTUS Rulings discussion..." ]

The ChristiTutionalistTM view on the recent SCOTUS Rulings…

The WEBSITE DESIGN CASE would NOT have even been necessary or an issue for the last several years if the MORONS (mainly, Chief Justice Roberts) would STOP the limited rulings bullshit and make the broader Constitutional Rulings in the first place (like here, the previous CAKE BAKING case, and the overall issue of NO COMPELLED/COHERCED SPEECH should have been made clear THEN or ANY of the other countless SPEECH CASES they’ve heard)!!!

But, of course, you will hear LIES from the Left, as they cannot have any discussion based upon merits, and in order to keep their EMOTIONALLY HYSTERICAL (rather than logic/reason) base of DUMBocrat Voters ENRAGED with tripe and bullshit (cannot make a “SOUND REASONED CASE” why THEIR DEMOKKKRAT RACISM and IDENTITY POLITICS should not be allowed to continue) they try to pretend this is about AN ATTACK ON THE LGBTQ+ Crowd. This ZERO to do with the #GAYtivists engaged in #GAYtivism RAINBOW ALPHABET MAFIA (related: ) as the LOGIC/REASON in the case applies across board — YOU CANNOT still discriminate based upon Race and other protected Class under the 14th Amendment. Would they defend NEO-NAZI to DEMAND a Baker make a customized HITLER’S BIRTHDAY Cake?!?!? Would they DEMAND that a BLACK BAKER have to make a custom Cake for a demoKKKrats KKK Clan Rally?!?!? Their folly and empty argument is easily exposed. This has ZERO to do with any GROUP but about 1st Amendment Rights and YOU CANNOT COMPELE SPEECH!!!

Same with the AFFIRMATIVE ACTION case from yesterday, that the SCOTUS FAILED to make clear ANY DETERMINATION OR CONSIDERATION ON RACE IS VIOLATION OF 14A in the UofM AA policy having been challenged years ago — and MORON ROBERTS in his comments did it again, instead of saying WE SHOULD HAVE WENT FURTHER IN THAT PREVIOUS CASE AND THIS ONE WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN NECESSARY the moron made mumblings and hints they could REWORK the programs AND STILL DISCRIMINATE… So, of course, and I was just on w/ Rick Walker and MAVERICK NEWS last night discussing, the Left will get the University Deans, some Prof’s, the Lawyers, Leftwing pandering Politicians; as they all PROFIT off the DIVISION scam/con/game; and decide WHAT DO WE CALL THE NEW SCAM/CON that will be exactly the same as the OLD SCAM/CON but with a different name — and will be put in place and last for decades as NEW COURT CHALLENGES made all the way to SCOTUS (AGAIN) cuz moron Roberts “moderates” the Court and wants “limited scope” Rulings THAT DO NOT FULLY/REALLY/ACTUALLY RESOLVE the Constitutional aspect forever AS THEY SHOULD AND IS THEIR FU****G JOB to do so.

[see image in article positioned here]

MLK is finally able to look down from Heaven and Smile as his Dream of indeed ABSOLUTE EQUAILITY (not bullshit Marxist “Special Privileges” for some over others, and END to RACIST Laws/policy) and CONTENT OF CHARACTER indeed be the Mark of all Men/Women (both, and the only two, Sexes/Genders) rather than the prism of their Skin-Tone finally achieved. Meanwhile the newest Justice, idiot appointed by #JoeBiDUMB (Liberal/FASCICRATS Activist, NOT #RuleOfLaw and Constitution Judge) Jackass… er… I mean… “Jackson” in her rants and raves DEMAND she get SPECIAL RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES for her Skin-Tone and others (NOT everyone’s own Merits). The STUPIDITY of the Left Marxist Pathetical Corruptness WOKEist manure to DIVIDE and DESTROY USA from within.

Yep, we in Michigan have been calling it DIE (NOT “DEI” – cuz it is about KILLING our Culture)… Often repeated during our (listen live on w/e’s 9a, 1p, 2p, shows)…

DIVERSITY (we already have that in THE GREAT AMERICAN MELTING POT (we BLEND, it’s NOT “Cultural Appropriation” you morons, USA is the most Diverse Nation on the Planet (E Pluribus Unum – from many one – we blend many Cultures into our own unique INCLUSIVE Culture)), INCLUSION (ditto), EQUITY (NO THANKS, keep your bullshit Commie Equity term, we have EQUAL OPPORTUNITY and EQUALITY UNDER THE LAW here in USA already)!

So, as I just put forth, THEY DON’T BELIEVE THE “DI” PART in their bullshit talking-points, cuz they are trying to DESTROY THE “DI” with Black only Dorms, Black only (SEGREGATION) Ceremonies, etc…

And like I often say during interviews discussing my #book ( | | ) if ORWELL were alive today about ANIMAL FARM (which I mention in my book, to bolster the additional points to Orwell) writing a sequel – the line would be: “Some Animals get more EQUITY (Special Rights, Special Privileges, rather than EQUAL) Rights than other Animals!”

vs the Left FASCI-FEDERALISTS of today.

PLUS, of course, thinking people know, regarding COLLEGE ADMISSION DISPARITIES; which has to do with URBAN vs RURAL Educated people (regardless of Black, White, Pink, Purple, or Transparent). Want to FIX THAT? Simple FIX THE DAMN FAILING K-12 URBAN EDUCATION INDOCTRINATION FACTORIES but the Left does NOT want Educated people, they want dumbed down more easily manipulated people, and also THEY DO NOT WANT TO FIX K-12. The Left OPPOSES all efforts to FIX K-12. They only care about funneling more money to Teacher’s Unions the PROTECT FAILURES IN THE CLASSROOM and misEducation of Children – they REFUSE “School Choice” even though majority of DUMBocrats Voters support them to be able to use THEIR OWN MONEY (otherwise confiscated from them via Property Taxes) to send (via Vouchers, NOT Tax Credits, as “Credits” means you have to have it and spend it in order to recover it via Tax Return) Children to Schools of our own choosing — TO FORCE PUBLIC FAILURES TO COMPETE for the dollars. That is the ONLY FIX as all they know or care about IS THAT THEY WOULD LOSE MONEY!!

This is BASIC COMMON SENSE, want those unable to “qualify” due to lack of Education (and if/when you give those without sufficient and proper Education to be ready and capable to succeed in College, a pass into College they cannot handle, THEY DROP OUT (that is why there is a high drop-out rate)). Want to fix both the don’t qualify and high-dropout rate??? FIX K-12. And most, even DUMBocrat Voters, AGREE as Poll after Poll after Poll shows (and, yes, in these cases the Polling is correct, it is usually/mainly POTUS and CONGRESSIONAL polling they FUDGE to shape Candidate opinion rather than Report on Electorate thoughts).



ON PEDOPHILES, DEPRAVITY, LIBRARIES/SCHOOLS and BOOK AGE RESTRICTION (for Age appropriateness) vs Leftist Banning and Censorship, ANTI-AMERICAN VALUESISM being taught in Western Cultures these days…

Like normalization of depravity/pedophilia in Schools, Libraries, etc…!!

More and more Classic literature (including Seuss and AEsops fables (can’t have “morals” and “good lessons” taught)) replaced in Kids sections of Libraries REPLACED WITH PORN AND LEFTIST INDOCTRINATION MANURE.

Yup, see related RETALK discussion about Libraries: 

I responded (in-part, see the thread link for entire conversation):

It, of course, matters on who is in charge at any given Library* just like the Schools*.

if you got the purple-hair-brigade in charge, they pull books with factual content for those they favor peddling left-wing narratives (including the PORN BOOKs (you hear so many Parents at School Board meetings railing against targeting Grade-School age Children)) in the Kids section rather than Seuss, AEsops Fables, etc…

I’ve had trouble getting my book (Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You), historical-fiction (or as I call it FACTion) into some because it just doesn’t call out foreign terrorists but US FASCICRATS destroying Western Culture from within — that, of course, despite the evidence/facts, triggers them and they try to Cancel Culture (cuz they cannot refute their fascist tactics ( related: ) and must try to censor/silence).

Joseph M. Lenard (aka: JLenardDetroit) 
Author “Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You”
and “How to Write a Book and Get It Published: Hints, Tips & Techniques”
addl. links:

—- further, about the Left “choice of BOOKS to peddle to Children”….

response to a post ( ) over on ReTalk…

You said it.

Seriously, sadly Education is so da** poor in the Western World these days, people know no History…

In the USA the Indoctrination factories (and other supposed FREE SOCIETY systems) are peddling Radicalism, Raunch/peRversion (tRans, pedophilia), Racism (cRt), and anti-ameRicanism – the new “R’s” – to our Entitled/lazy, participation tRophy overblown self-esteem buffoons, know nothing brats; meanwhile China is teaching their Children the traditional/core “R’s” of Reading, wRiting, aRithmetic, histoRy, scRience (see what I did there, cuz our kids are so dumb they wouldn’t know the R doesn’t belong there), biRology (not fake gendeRism), honoR, Respect, woRk-ethic, etc…



Yep, they aren’t “FIXING” anything, they are just making people DUMBER, as Leftists/Marxists always want to do. The PATHETICAL CORRUPTNESS (as I call it) is NOT about “tolerance” and “understanding” it is about trying to make a Nation HATE ITSELF rather than LEARN FROM IT’S HISTORY (as any and every Nation has blemishes) and we should be TEACHING THINGS AS THEY WERE and have HONEST DISCUSSIONS of how or if things could/should be better. You don’t have those HONEST DISCUSSIONS by just rewriting/destroying the Past (this is the whole DESTROYING STATUES bullshit all over again)!

And ask a FAT person if they think “ENORMOUS” is somehow “a better phrase for them?!?!” LOL  So that part, actually, is the LEAST OFFENSIVE CHANGE they are making as they are not white-washing the whole IF YOU ARE OVERWEIGHT IT IS UNHEALTHY and you’re likely to Live a shorter lifespan; unlike all the UNNATURAL AND UNHEALTHY FAT NORMALIZATION/GLORIFICATION going on so many other places.

[see additional related memes/images at this position in the article]

A response from Mary White  over on MeWe where I posted about SOME of this…

Get the fed and the unions out. Give the power and the money back to the states. Get real teachers back in the classrooms and teach kids reading writing science math and governance. Get the woke out. No more quitting school before they graduate with passing grades. No moving kids up without passing.


And, yes, my book deals with how even Ruth Bader Ginsberg said ROE V WADE likely to be overturned eventually based upon the FARCE of “PRIVACY” (thereby do I have THE RIGHT to MURDER you and sell off your Body-parts as Planned Slaughterhood does, if it is in the PRIVACY of my own Basement? Yes, RVW logic was THAT STUPID and clearly ILLEGAL under other Laws and Constitution) scope by which it was decided and that RVW DID NOT CREATE A “RIGHT TO ABORTION” and frankly the Dobb’s decision IMO did NOT go far enough – nice they discovered the 10th Amendment all of a sudden but the Ruling completely IGNORED the 14th Amendment and CENTURY OLD PRECENDENCE of Killing a Mother and Child in Womb as long-established DOUBLE-HOMOCIDE (MURDER) and that a Child in Womb has RIGHT TO LIFE under all outlined above.


#ROAR – Restore Our American Republic
our Judeo/Christian Foundations Republic and ALL CONSTITUTION PROTECTIONS
ROAR – Restore Our American Republic ---

Left’s motto: Separation FROM Church TO State!
(aka: –
Alumi-Baby joins the PRO-LIFE Cause!!
Really the 2 “Twisting/Warping language items below, part 2 & 3 to GREATER GOOD above)

[ above ADDITIONAL BONUS MATERIAL from (see full article at) : links to piece, see the article for related memes/images inserted there-in as well as other text not cut/pasted over to here ]

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