ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics

ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E18) "Odds and Ends" (17th Amendment, End Times?, Security, Uni-Party?, more)

October 21, 2023 Joseph M. Lenard Season 1 Episode 18
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E18) "Odds and Ends" (17th Amendment, End Times?, Security, Uni-Party?, more)
ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics
Show intro
Some Housekeeping Notes - and how this Show might alternately be called "BassAkwards"
Segment 1 - J. J. Carrell and the massive Security concern caused by BiDUMB's Open Border
Those (Criminals, on Terror Watch Lists, etc.) we know about we've still vs GOT-AWAYS (people we have NO IDEA who are and whence they came)
SIA's - Special Interest Aliens
Even known ne'er-do-wells not Deported, just released into our Nation
Warning: Controversial and upsetting, meant to be, meant to make people think, challenge own and others intentions, motives, own morality and mortality
The Legal vs Illegal Immigration question - the two cannot be equated/conflated
The usual Left RACISM cry false narrative
Facts, Data, vs Leftwing Fantasy Delusions and Feelings
8.5-10k ARRESTS a day - but what good is it doing to bother to "Arrest" if we let them in, they never appear for Court date, no followup for Deportation ever
Cloward and Piven
Triggered by the Guest - in the good way (spurred additional thoughts/questions) not the Leftist Emotionally Hysertical butthurt Triggered :)
Why isn't SODA-STREAM sponsoring this Show?!?!
Content Of Character
We are allowing in virtually anyone and everyone EXCEPT BiDUMB announced they will Block or Deport those who ACTUALLY QUALIFY FOR ASYLUM under our Law
Are the Vatican Walls going to be deconstructed? Cuz #nincomPOPE (as I coin him, more interested in Communism than Catholicism) peddles The Left WALLS ARE BAD hypocrisy rhetoric (as they have Fences at their Houses, and Doors/Walls themselves)
The LEGAL IMMIGRATION numbers, as we are a kind/generous Nation and Welcome LEGAL IMMIGRANTS (the issue is LAW BREAKING ILLEGALS)
The obaMAO Marxist "Fundamental Transformation of America" plan in action
Breakdown of WHERE ARE THEY REALLY ALL COMING FROM (vs The Left LIES to continue the RACISM false-narratives)
Creating more Dependent and Wards of the State - who will then Vote for MORE AND BIGGER GOVT
About J.J.Carrell's book (INVADED)
Saul Alinsky Ad-Hom attacks, cuz they cannot Win an honest discussion/debate on Policy
Where to reach out to J. J. Carrell
Segment 2 - the ODDS AND ENDS (not all, see related piece ( for more)
Remember, it was J. J. Carrell, not Steve (from the Office) I almost accidently referred to LOL
Shout out to my podcast host site: Buzzsprout
Hear too, though, this CTP podcast, available on (for now, and growing) 14 other platforms (iHeart, Spotify, so many others)
Need to repeal the 17th Amendment which put final nail in coffin of 10A / States Rights - and murdering Founders original check-and-balance intent
The USHouse (The People's House) vs USSenate (The States' Body) much needed Historical clarification
Federal Tyranny - States Rights and God erased from America (you can SEE the Mural I had commissioned via the @JLenardDetroit SP/BTS Rumble and YouTube channels)
God and Guns
Here in Michigan, our State Constitution (re-ratified in 1960's, time of Hippie Peace and Love) Article 1 Section 6 even more specific than Federal Constitution about Guns as DEFENSE OF SELF AND STATE
Understanding HISTORY (of our own Nation, let-alone other Nation's History) and the FAILURE OF COMMUNISM ON AMERICAN SOIL (Atlas Shrugged)
The Bradford Colony (and what you were NOT taught about The Mayflower Compact and more)
This isn't the 1930's - Today there really is NO DIFFERENCE between Communists, Fascists, Socialists, except the Color of the Jersey of who will DICTATE YOUR LIFE and Lord over you
The Illusion of PRIVATE COMPANY but Fascist edicts/dictates via Regulations (no different than direct State Ownership control)
Forget Moa, Marx, Lenin, Castro, Che, Chavez, Stalin, et al - the Failing of Communism in our own land
"Commonwealth" (Communism) in its true sense then, though we often still have places called "Commonwealth" they were mostly turned to Individualism and Free Market areas (though some trying to go back to full Communism)
The Biblical reasoning (ChristiTutionalist stance)
The REAL BIRTH OF OUR NATION (Bradford's pivot from Communism to Individual Rights, Freedom, Ownership of Property, Free Markets, etc... as they say AND THE REST IS HISTORY (but sadly, not History that is taught)
Paul Harvey would say: "Now you know THE REST OF THE STORY"
Show outro
More Info
ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E18) "Odds and Ends" (17th Amendment, End Times?, Security, Uni-Party?, more)
Oct 21, 2023 Season 1 Episode 18
Joseph M. Lenard

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S1E18 SHOW NOTES  ( listen (Sat Oct 21 2023 and thereafter) at: )...
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E18) "Odds and Ends"
Topic "Odds and Ends" piece! 
Show aka: BASSAKWARDS, as the show opens with a Guest (J.J.Carrell (Activist/Author/CBP retired/NEWSMAX contributor)), in Segment-1 diving into the Dangers of Open-Borders, rather than Interview at Show end which is then followed up with "Odds and Ends" on the 17th Amendment (States Rights, Checks and Balances, etc.) need repeal, God and Guns, and Bradford Colony (History of (already failed) Communism in America).
RIP Brian Terry (CBP, fellow Michiganian, stationed in AZ at time, killed by Cartel with obaMAO/Holder FastAndFurious illegal arms deal weapon)

Episode related pieces...
- more on Terror Strikes:
- J.J.Carrell
- YouTube: @j.j.carrell
- Rumble: Johnjamescarrell14
- J.J.Carrell's "INVADED" book:  

"ChristiTutionalist Politics" podcast (CTP)   
- CTP:  
- CTP long-form description: 
- CTP:  
- TLB articles:  
- FaithCasters Free Newsletter:  
- Join Faithcaster (Podcaster or Guest):  
- Broadcast your thoughts w/ buzzsprout:   
- CTP Official playlist:  
- Joseph M Lenard -  ( /\  
(S1E18 Audio: 42m 48s, Sat Oct 21 2023)
TRANSCRIPT BONUS - "Bradford Colony" excerpt from ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics "the book" 

In addition to seeing corresponding TheLibertyBeacon piece referenced in episodes of CTP, see too Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout ( for addl bonus material  there-in. 

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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

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S1E18 SHOW NOTES  ( listen (Sat Oct 21 2023 and thereafter) at: )...
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E18) "Odds and Ends"
Topic "Odds and Ends" piece! 
Show aka: BASSAKWARDS, as the show opens with a Guest (J.J.Carrell (Activist/Author/CBP retired/NEWSMAX contributor)), in Segment-1 diving into the Dangers of Open-Borders, rather than Interview at Show end which is then followed up with "Odds and Ends" on the 17th Amendment (States Rights, Checks and Balances, etc.) need repeal, God and Guns, and Bradford Colony (History of (already failed) Communism in America).
RIP Brian Terry (CBP, fellow Michiganian, stationed in AZ at time, killed by Cartel with obaMAO/Holder FastAndFurious illegal arms deal weapon)

Episode related pieces...
- more on Terror Strikes:
- J.J.Carrell
- YouTube: @j.j.carrell
- Rumble: Johnjamescarrell14
- J.J.Carrell's "INVADED" book:  

"ChristiTutionalist Politics" podcast (CTP)   
- CTP:  
- CTP long-form description: 
- CTP:  
- TLB articles:  
- FaithCasters Free Newsletter:  
- Join Faithcaster (Podcaster or Guest):  
- Broadcast your thoughts w/ buzzsprout:   
- CTP Official playlist:  
- Joseph M Lenard -  ( /\  
(S1E18 Audio: 42m 48s, Sat Oct 21 2023)
TRANSCRIPT BONUS - "Bradford Colony" excerpt from ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics "the book" 

In addition to seeing corresponding TheLibertyBeacon piece referenced in episodes of CTP, see too Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout ( for addl bonus material  there-in. 

Support the Show.

Joseph M. Lenard SUBSCRIBE-

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show intro]

Welcome to ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast a K a CTP in association with savage and filtered podcast The Liberty beacon calm and I am your host Joseph M Leonard and that's L E N A R D   CTP is your no must no fuss just me you And occasional gas type podcast as Graham Norton would say let's get out of the show 

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin opening - Segment 1, discussion with J.J.Carrell] 

JOSEPH M LENARD: Hello, everybody! Some housekeeping notes first, and then we're going to jump right into a discussion with JJ Carrell. Those of you who are regulars to the show, thank you, know that generally if I have a guest, it's in second or third segment, but after a few seconds, we're going to dive right in with JJ Carrell and have a discussion about immigration and wherever else it goes. But first, some housekeeping notes. I guess the show could be called Bass Actwards, because like I say, normally a guest comes on later, we're going to do that up front this time. And I say that just so any newbies surfing in, hello, thank you, welcome for joining, hope you'll become regulars. As time goes on, and I apologize in advance, our weather's been weird, I've got a splitting headache, so, you know, I'm not with it, as my wit is not about me as much as it normally would be, and those of you who are tuning in new haven't heard me say, I usually use notes and because of that headache, I'm definitely going to need them today. And my notes are hastily scribbled for this segment on the back of my Denzel Washington equalizer three movie ticket. I saw the other day because we're recording this pre recording beginning of September. Those of you watching on the behind the scenes sneak peek, YouTube, @JLenardDetroit, YouTube and rumble behind the scenes video sneak peek channel video. Oh, God, did that come out shitty. But anyway, like I said, this is raw and uncut, not scripted. I do use notes as you can see, I also have my, if you're looking on YouTube or rumble see my they live movie ticket. Hopefully you saw that if not try to catch they live on streaming 35th anniversary as discussed previously on Christ, the politics show, early john carpenter film 35 years ago, as I said, very political subconsciously aliens are a metaphorical stand in for governmental, deep-state agents. So it's a great film. I highly recommend it. But, and yeah, you may see my 9 11 commemorative shirt again we're recording this early September for later broadcast. Anyway, let's not delay it any further because again with my headache I'm just likely to bamble. Let's welcome JJ Carrell and yes, it is JJ Carrell, not corral. I confirmed that with him ahead because my last name looked French. It's Leonard, Joseph M Lenard without an "o" it's not one hour so I'm sensitive to the name so welcome to the show JJ Carrell, tell us about yourself.

J.J.CARRELL:  First thanks for having me on it's speak about something that I find is extremely impactful and I believe it is the number one threat to the Republic of our country and is that that is the unfettered millions of illegal aliens born into our nation. So thank you for allowing me to come speak today.

JOSEPH M LENARD:  Oh, I'm glad you joined us - well, as you know as new people to the show may not know. I am the author of terror strikes coming soon to a city near you. And I discuss immigration, I don't go in depth, I didn't want to huge like war and peace type length book, right, it would be too expensive people can't afford it in this high inflation time. But I touch on it, and just the other day, there was a report I forget I may have been bright mark about 75,000 potential threats, due to the open border now. There are hundreds of folks on terror watch lists we've interceded, how many thousands are indeed in the non contradicted got away, and let alone the 75,000 middle aged or war, you know, military age is the term I'm looking for again apologize and I have a military age males from suspicious places, wanting to cross our border your thoughts.

J.J.CARRELL:  Well, I'm glad you brought that up your correct that article just came out this past week, and it's 75,000 special interest aliens and in my job. I've been retired for 20, excuse me for two years I spent 24 years in the United States Border Patrol. So I come to this with a very unique perspective as a guy that worked the front lines down the trenches, got my super, super visor bars, and then I rose up to senior leadership within San Diego sector. So I have a 30,000 foot view and a very down the 

JOSEPH M LENARD: I think my mumbling and stumbling is worn off on you. 

J.J.CARRELL:  The SIAs we call on special interest aliens we call an SIAs, and there's been 75,000 that have been arrested in FY 2023. We're not through FY 2023 we have one more month of reporting. So that 75 is going to be closer to anywhere from 82 to 90,000. So why is that important. Well, because special interest aliens are aliens that have connections to terrorist organizations. And they're being allowed into our country and let me give you some context your audience and context of what 75,000 is and how outrageous this is. In FY 2022, which is last year, we only had 25,000 special interest aliens and that's shocking. That's high that's shocking. If you go to 2020, you go down to 2020. We're now at 3600. And if you go back into my career, you're down in the teens, because this is when I was second in charge of a board of patrol station. So if we got a special interest to alien into our custody, it was huge. I mean, it was a major situation in a vet, and I would start the paperwork and send emails all the way up to Washington DC to DHS headquarters, all the way back down joint terrorism, joint terrorism task force JTF agents would come into my station and interview this person thoroughly, thoroughly, and then that individual be deported back into their homeland, the country of origin. Now, that's in the teens like maybe special interest aliens in my 24 year career. I want to say just on top of my head, maybe I encountered 15 of them 15 in 24 years, and I arrested thousands directly and indirectly throughout my career. I'm telling you 15. Now we're at 75,000. And here's where it even gets in more unbelievable. I determined that their special interest aliens, do we send them back to their home country. No, by my work is released them into America. You have, I wrote a article about this and I wrote in my book invaded. You have a standing army of thousands of terrorists in the United States of America, just in the last three years under Joe Biden, because the borders are completely wide open.

JOSEPH M LENARD:  And let me say this. Again, terror strikes coming soon to a city new you I make my character say plain what I believe now. Terror strikes coming soon to a city new you is historical fiction, or as I call it faction. At the end of the day we're still dealing mostly with fictional characters, engaging in artificial stances. Not everything in the books what I believe and not everything I believe is in the book right yeah, right. That usual disclaimer. If you're looking for a book to agree with everything. That's not it. In fact, on my website at the bottom of the page. It says many Dean my book controversial and upsetting. It's meant to be. It's meant to make people think to challenge one's own and others intentions motives, own morality and mortality. I mean to upset everybody. I want you thinking, but immigration. No one I know is against legal immigration. We may need to have the discussion whether there should be a cause for a while. So those here can assimilate, which is not unprecedented. We've done it before. We did. We may need to do that because so many have flooded in. All right. Some of my best friends, the most patriotic United States citizens I know are legal immigrants that came from communist hell holes to escape there. What they're now seeing and having to fight here now. So it's not about all immigrants. It's about those who break in our backdoor. Their first act is to break our laws. But you want us to trust them to not break other law. Your thoughts.

J.J.CARRELL:  Well, I'm glad you brought that up because the majority of all my my podcasts that I have been on to promote my book and national television shows. I do make that point right off the bat. We're talking about illegal immigration because the left and people that want open borders conflated to make you sound like your anti immigrant. This is not anti immigrant. This is rule of law, racist. I've been called that my entire career right being a big white guy. Work in the border and people don't understand that. We don't see color. I don't see color. But if you want to get into the demographics of the border troll I'm the minority in the border troll 60% of the border troll is Hispanic. And the national's or they're all they're all healthy. What was the voting? What do private. Don't you know. I know we live in the upside down world. But when you look at and you touch on this just briefly is when you look at the totality of what's going on in the border. Let me just give you some hard data because I'm very big on just telling you exactly what's happening. I believe or it's from 24 years experience and a guy that knows what the data means and how it's being presented. Right now as we speak Joe Biden's been in office less than three years about 32 months in 32 months. He has arrested and released a majority of 7 million people in 2023 in the physical year which ends in September. He will have eclipsed a resting over a record breaking 3 million individuals in one day. And we're still averaging between 8500 and 10,000 arrest a day, which equates to about 256 to 275,000 individuals that are being arrested and encountered and released every single month. And I believe you touched on this as well and I believe your audience has to understand this that when you talk about arrest and encounters. We're not talking about the millions of individuals that cross the border undetected and then have to be a little less gone because as you and I speak right now, there are hundreds, hundreds of miles of the southern border that are completely unmanned. I'm going to give you an example. Okay, give an example. So it's going to be about 3,500 and 1 day and shut all law enforcement operations down. So Tucson sector which is enormous size sector pulled all of their virtual agents from the field. So there's nobody guarding the Tucson sector border. Does anybody understand how vulnerable and dangerous this is to America. And when you look at the insanity of it how how it's so irrational. And I believe that my work is so I believe an incredibly intelligent man and the people that are under him. They know this this is not bad policy this is intentional destruction of our American immigration system. I believe in that completely

JOSEPH M LENARD:  Cloward and Piven. Now you triggered a few things. Oh yeah, you're, let me do a Marco Rubio to grab my Detroit Fury mug Detroit Fury back when they were the arena football team one of two in Detroit arena football supposed to come back and they went bankrupt during COVID. And I created the Detroit arena football fan club back then but yeah let me pull up a little bit of to. Sip my soda stream root beer. Hi soda stream if you're out there. I give you shout outs all the time when I co host Savaged Unfiltered. You should be sponsoring my show. So there's your free plug. Now sponsor the show. But anyway, back to the serious topics you triggered in a good intellectual way, not a leftist emotional hysterical way. Thoughts MLK jr content of character. This is not leftist identity politics black, white, pink, purple, whatever. This is content of character and their content is they are committing illegal acts regardless of their color, where they're from, whether it be the Northern border or the Southern border, though the Southern border is the one that is most poorest. The other thing is you mentioned about introductions and deportations. Biden literally announced that they would be turning back Cubans and Venezuelans, the very people who would actually qualify for our asylum policy while letting economic violator migrants in by the millions. And the last thing I want to say for those who are new to the show and for your benefit JJ since you don't know me. I was born and raised Catholic, although as my friend from wham radio pastor Rick says, I'm not your normal average Catholic. I've studied all the Christian sex I've studied Judaism. I've studied Islam, Buddhism and other religions. And it only strengthens my face, not weakens it. But I'm the guy who coined as a Catholic. I love John Paul the second of course, but Francis. And he's a hashtag #nincomPOPE because he's more interested in peddling communism than Catholicism. So I say to nincomPOPE Francis. Okay, when you instruct the walls around the Vatican to be torn down. then you can lecture me on our border wall. Your thoughts on a border wall.

J.J.CARRELL:  Well, a border wall is essential and let me explain to you how, first off my first question when someone debates me on that that's a racist, you can't have a border wall and I my first question is in the apartment or the house that you live in. I'm not sure if I'm in the door, they look at me all confused and I go of course you do. So I tell you what tonight for just for tonight's not returning. I want you to take it off its hinges and go to sleep and see how well you sleep as people can steal everything.

JOSEPH M LENARD: That's the same thing. Right. Not only that. I mean, even during the day, are you just randomly going to say, Hey, come on in. Help yourself to my refrigerator. No, you invite people in. You give what you can. You don't let them run rough-shod over your property.

J.J.CARRELL:  Well, here's the thing with with the immigration system and this is where the hypocrisy is at the height of it. Right. So people don't realize that we legally bring in 1.2 million legal immigrants a year. Okay. If the powers to be being my Biden, my York, yes, Obama, and even the rhinos like McConnell, McCarthy, Paul Ryan, Romney, etc, etc. If they think that that number of 1.2 million needs to be increased, then go through the process of creating a bill that goes through Congress and we increase it. And the reason why they won't is the vast majority of Americans not only want the border shutdown, but the vast majority of Americans through every poll wants legal immigration, either decrease or halted to figure out what the hell is going on in our immigration system. So they won't do that. So how do they, I believe in my thesis of everything is happening is this is the fundamental transformation of America through the destruction immigration policy immigration laws. And let me explain why I come to that. And you brought this up about race and ethnicity. The first thing people will say is, well, you're a racist because you don't want Mexican nationals to come in. And I go, okay, hold on. Number one, your ignorance is defines who you are, right. So right now, the majority minority of people we arrest are Mexican nationals. They don't even make up the majority. We have 175 over 175 nationals that have been arrested out of 195 countries. So almost the whole entire globe is coming into America. So this has nothing to do with race, ethnicity. This is about law and order, and we're seeing a demographic shift in America, not an ethnic or racist race based demographic shift. We're seeing this demographic shift of citizens versus non citizens. And that's how they're going to change and transform America. Because let me ask you, you have the vast majority over half of all the legal aliens coming into our country are illiterate in their own language. Have like an eighth grade education, have no technical skills. They're just farm hands coming in by the millions. Do you think they understand that we're a republic? Do you think they understand that we even have something called a constitution bill of rights First Amendment, Second Amendment, and on and on and on. Of course not. And then who is going to be completely and utterly dependent on the federal government.

JOSEPH M LENARD:  The illegal aliens that came in exactly what they want. They want people who they will grant amnesty and citizen who will be dependent on the deep state leftist and rinos to government. Right, ChristiTutionalist. That's why in that term, not left, right, not Democrat, Republican, not, not liberal conservative even come together as Christians on those things we can agree on. So we're tired, tired of the ball stuff. The immigration system is broken. We need comprehensive immigration. No, we don't. No, it's not broken. You refuse to uphold the existing laws that existed forever. This show usually only goes about 30 minutes. So we're going to wrap that up. I want you to tell us about your book, of course, before we go.

J.J.CARRELL:  Well, my book is titled Invaded the American, the intentional destruction of the American immigration system and you can find out my website, or just go to Amazon type in invaded and it will pop up. And it talks in detail about what you and I are discussing right now. And I take stories about in my career to prove my point of how this is how this has evolved into an invasion. And I believe it's high trees and by our federal government. And one of the questions I asked in the book and I'll ask you and it's a rhetorical question, but I asked all my, my hope, the host that had me on his guess and I asked them. If what I am saying and what you are saying, and we're agreement that this is intentional. If you don't believe that it's intentional after all the data, everything that we all say, yes, this is actually happening. My question to the left is always, well then tell me what your theory is. What do you believe they're doing this for? And then there's always this incredible awkward silence. And I don't break it. I just sit there. And we just stewed in about 15 to 17 seconds worth of very awkward silence. 

JOSEPH M LENARD: And it's always followed by your racist. I'm not talking to you anymore. They cannot refute your facts. So, yes, fall, oh, in ski, personal ad hominem attacks, racist, sexist, Islamophobic. I get that all the time because of terror strikes coming soon to a city near you. And tell that to Don Williams, the black female Muslim woman of the research show, who's read my book interviewed me knows exactly what's going on, but that's what the left does racist, sexist, emm, Islamophobic, homophobic, whatever, whatever, because they can't have an honest conversation. And again, that's JJ Carrell, it looks like Corel, two hours, two else, but it's Carrell and JJ, where can people contact you? Where can people reach out to touch base with you?

J.J.CARRELL:  Well, you can go right to and hit the email and send it directly to me. And you can go on my sub stack. I have a sub J. J. Carrell at sub stack calm where I write about exactly what we're talking about at least two or three times a week. And there's an audio version and I have a YouTube where I put out about two or three times a week short videos about anywhere from five minutes to 11 minutes. Just talking about this and disproving the lies, everything you're here. I'm telling you everything you're hearing in the media about the border is 100% lie. And what my work is so I believe the head of the snake is going to America is intentional strategic and plan. And I will say this sadly, he is winning. And I don't see America as we know it. Continuing on if Biden and my work is continuing on for another four years after this for after his first term. I just.

JOSEPH M LENARD:  Yeah. Yeah. This is Joseph M Lenard of ChristiTutionalist politics, author of ChristiTutionalist politics, the book, as well as terror strikes coming soon to a city near you. Well, I know what I'm talking about. It's not like I'm just some clueless host on this. J. J. knows what he's talking about, which is why I needed to have him on the show. So thank you again J. J. Carrell for coming on. And we've got some other odd names to get into in this episode. So this segment will be coming to a close. So wasn't that a great discussion. Notice I call it a discussion. I don't do interviews. I invite people into my home onto this show to have discussions. I tell them what to say. They don't tell me in advance what they're going to say. We don't do pre interviews to have a feeling of what each other are going to say. I want to say conversation, a discussion, a free flow of information, sometimes very serious, sometimes fun, but this is segment two of season one episode 18 titled odds and ends like I joked with with J. J. Carrell was called him Steve right Steve Corel. J. J. Carrell, not Corel even though it looks like Corel but yeah, might you. And again, raw uncut flobs all the blemishes, just how my mind goes, you're getting it. Not going to cut that out. Anyway, odds and ends. Yes, here are the odds and ends. Things that probably should be whole shows. So I am going to really rely this time as these shows are in conjunction with the Liberty, a piece that drops usually by the same name of the Christit usals politics show. It corresponds with the articles and the show are meant to compliment each other, not be standalone either or on their own. Yeah, they are standalone on their own. But it is really important for you to go to the Liberty, especially this episode and see the full odds and ends article there and people watching the reading the the Liberty piece there. Hopefully come back over. I intend to embed a version, the @JLenardDetroit, you to rumble behind the scene sneak video version of the show into the article. Hopefully they will indeed take the time to watch our listen online. This podcast audio is hosted is parked as they say, how's server on Buzzsprout. So you can always catch the episode as they drop Saturday mornings every Saturday at Buzzsprout. Now I'm on 14 other platforms. Yes, Spotify, iHeart, Pod Chaser, Pod Bean. I mean, I can't even remember, let alone name them all, but you could find the show everywhere 14 others and growing as we speak. So find it anywhere but it takes days sometimes for a show to matriculate to the other platform so catch Buzzsprout. So, you know, the first time we've been talking about the new institutionalist politics, Saturday mornings, it drops. So by noon, one o'clock in the afternoon eastern time, a new show will be there every Saturday. But yeah, this time you really need to go to the Liberty beacon corresponding article. I'm only going to touch on these issues here that are there, because these really should be their own shows. So we want to get them in now 17th amendment. I have been on and on and on about it for decades. It's part of the bastardization of original intent. We are not a democracy. We are a constitutional limited representative republic. The 17th amendment was one of the final nails in the coffin of the 10th amendment and states rights. The US Senate is meant to be the body of the states, each state getting two senators equal, each state equally represented in the US Senate, the US House of Representatives is the people's body. They're meant to be separate. They are checks and balances. Your senators were meant to be allocated by the state, generally the state legislatures. You elect your state representatives. They then select senators to represent the state interests and the 17th amendment bastardized all of that and for those of you watching on at J. We're going to try YouTube or rumble sneak peek behind the scene video raw segment. You can see the backgrounds change to federal tyranny. Let me move. And God, being erased to let you see the whole frame. You can see the US flag a artistic montage. I can't think of the term I'm looking for here begins with an M but an artistic rendering representation of a thought. You can see the state's tyranny, states and God being erased, the US flag with no stars, indicating states rights erased. call, you can also see on video, the G is white washed out of God, because God has been white washed from our society. So we need to repeal the 17th Amendment for those reasons alone that I just stated. Now, I used to write for Red State, there was a great piece on Red State. I forget who did it. It's gone now. It has some great commentary comments, including from yours truly there. We went back and forth with a liberal leftist troll about his complete ignorance on the Constitution and our founding fathers and us as a republic. Why the 17th Amendment on and on and on reason after reason after reason in addition to what I laid out, why it should go. But for the reason alone is it destroys the proper check and balance we were meant to have that alone the 17th must be repealed. Now I'm not a pull a Marko Rubio. I have a sip of my soda spring roof here again there. Apologies a bit dry today. The next thing, God and guns. All right, there's going to be a whole piece God and guns at some point and therefore a whole show God and guns. So just briefly though, I want to mention the Second Amendment people. It's not there for hunting. I mean, come on, give us a break for the defense of the state here in Michigan article one, section six of our state Constitution re ratified in 1968. You know, all the summer of love and hippie time. Article one, section six, remain the right to keep and bear arms for the defense of oneself and the state and your property. Clear as a bell, even more clear, even though the Second Amendment of the US Constitution in my mind is clear as concise as it is without that right. You have no other rights because you have no way to defend your other rights. And then lastly, we talk about history on the show. In my book, Christitutional is Pilate, the book version. I go into the Bradford Colony. You don't have to understand the failings of communism, fascism, socialism, and a quirk side. This isn't 1930s. The Nazi Socies, which later became known as the Fascist, the Nazi Socies as Joseph Goebbels coined them. They were socialists. The German socialists were fighting the Marxist Communist Moscow back Russian commies at the time. All right, there's no difference in them today. Communism, fascism, socialism. It's all about their banner, their flag, their ruling elite, all the same means to the same end. Minor, minor socialism, communism. The direct takeover and state ownership of the business. How is that any different than the socialist Fascist, as I call them, Fascist, just giving you the illusion of private corporate ownership. The boards still have to adhere to all the deep state Fascist regulations, power and control over corporations, over your business. There's no difference there. You still have to live within their dictates. No real difference. But you don't have to look at Mao and Marx and Lenin and Stalin and Castro and Shay or even Chavez and as well. You can look to the United States history. We tried communism on our very continent in the early years. The Mayflower Compact that people don't understand because history isn't properly taught. The Bradford Colony, the Mayflower Compact was a communist manifesto of its day. No private property. All a collective ownership. Everybody owns everything equally. Everybody shares in everything equally. Well, guess what? Atlas shrugged. And that's where I think Anne Rand got the idea for Atlas shrugged. Literally, they were starving to death because more and more people wanted to do nothing and ride in the cart. And those pulling the cart finally said, why am I pulling the cart so hard when they're getting an equal share for having done nothing? Now, I go into the biblical reasons why that isn't proper in Christitutionalist politics. The book. I'm not going to quote here. Please buy a copy of Christitutionalist politics. The book and look for Christitutionalist politics too that will be coming summer of 2024. So Bradford had to institute private property ownership, free markets, and guess what? As they say, the rest is history. The colony then went on to thrive as did the United States based on those free market personal responsibility, individual responsibility, freedom principles, private property ownership principles. As Paul Hardy says, or used to say Russian Peace, brother, now you know the rest of the story. So that's it for the end of the Odds of End's episode. Thank you for tuning in. Again, all these topics deserve their own show at length, but I couldn't hold back any longer in needing to at least touch on these things in this episode. Take care. God bless. 

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show outro]

Thank you for having tuned into Chrystitutionalist politics show Please tune into savages and filtered podcasts of which I am a co-host and be sure to check out more about today's discussion at the Liberty beacon calm where my articles drop every Saturday in addition to seeing the corresponding the Liberty beacon calm piece referenced in the episode of ChristiTutionalist podcast see to the show transcript on podcast platforms that provide access to it like bus bro at tiny URL calm Slash ChristiTutionalist for additional bonus material therein the transcript. Thank you. Take care. God bless

Transcription Services above from:


S1E18 SHOW NOTES  ( listen (Sat Oct 21 2023 and thereafter) at: )...
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E18) "Odds and Ends"
Topic "Odds and Ends" piece! 
Show aka: BASSAKWARDS, as the show opens with a Guest (J.J.Carrell (Activist/Author/CBP retired/NEWSMAX contributor)), in Segment-1 diving into the Dangers of Open-Borders, rather than at the end of the Show which is then followed up with "Odds and Ends" on the 17th Amendment (States Rights, Checks and Balances, etc.) need repeal, God and Guns, and Bradford Colony (History of (already failed) Communism in America).

Episode related pieces...
- more on Terror Strikes:
- J.J.Carrell
- YouTube: @j.j.carrell
- Rumble: Johnjamescarrell14
- J.J.Carrell's "INVADED" book:

"ChristiTutionalist Politics" podcast (CTP)   
- CTP:  
- CTP long-form description: 
- TLB articles:  
- FaithCasters Free Newsletter:  
- Join Faithcaster (Podcaster or Guest):  
- Broadcast your thoughts w/ buzzsprout:   
- CTP Official playlist:  
- Joseph M Lenard -  ( /\  
(S1E18 Audio: 42m 48s, Sat Oct 21 2023)
TRANSCRIPT BONUS - "Bradford Colony" exerpt from ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics "the book"

some "Behind-the-Scenes" Video version of ChristiTutionalist Politics found via...   

In addition to seeing corresponding TheLibertyBeacon piece referenced in episodes of CTP, see too Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout ( for addl bonus material  there-in.  


BONUS MATERIAL... [ from "ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics" book - (pages 48-50, print edition) ]

The Left is NOT progressive, they are regressive. They have NOT
learned anything from history. PERIOD! You don’t have to learn from the
failure of Communism, Fascism, Socialism, via Marx, Lenin, Mao, Castro,
et al (it has, and always will, FAIL anywhere and everywhere it is done,
because of Human Nature)…. Learn from America!!! We tried Communism
(“Commonwealth”) here in U. S. A. long before them all and of course it
failed then too. The Bradford Colony tried (remember The Mayflower
[Communist] Compact?!?!) which promised they would all have “equity” (the
bull-excrement The Left peddles today rather than EQUAL RIGHTS and
EQUAL OPPORTUNITY) that all would have “equal stakes” and “equal
shares” of everything despite their level of work put in (recall 2 Thessalonians
3:10, and the “unwilling” versus “unable”). And, of course, guess what,
ATLAS SHRUGGED ((likely where Ayn Rand got the idea, and) which is why
The Left banned that Classic book from being read in Schools) as more and
more (because it is Human-nature that some would be lazy) decided to do
nothing and ride in the cart and the cart had less and less people to pull it.

The Bradford Colony residents almost all starved to death!!!
Until, Bradford recognized the failure of the Mayflower Compact and their
settlement and instituted Free Markets, Private Property Ownership, and all
the great concepts America then went on to foster and as the saying goes the
rest is history (that people fail to learn from). And as Paul Harvey used to say
“Now you know #TheRestOfTheStory!”

WAKE UP!! And do not take my word for it! As Reagan said “Trust
but verify” and look up these facts for yourself and not using Google, CNN,
Mother Jones, Huffington Poo-Poo-Post, Leftist spin/propaganda preferred
Leftist narratives peddlers (devoid of the actual facts/evidence) sites but
use GIBIRU, DuckDuckGo, Free-Spoke, legit information aggregator
sources; that also do not use trackers unless you ask them to (where-as other
Search-Engines use them by default); to find the facts over the Leftist (George
Orwell (1984 book warned us about) style (and I mention Orwell’s Animal
Farm book in my Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You book))
attempts to peddle a rewrite of history to distort it and fool/trick you into
failing Communism again.

And like I say, did so again on WAAM Radio today (this is a Sat Apr
15 update in the article, and I was on with Bruce Fleury (co-host, Phil is out
Sick (keep him in your Prayers)) on Abolitionists RoundTable Show (Sat’s 9a
ET)), compare and contrast the FASCICRATS (which I do not say
hyperbolically – all the factual details are analyzed in © 2018 Before It’s News piece) Party Platform.
Use DuckDuckGo to bring up a historically accurate copy of The Communist
Manifesto, The NSDAP (the 1930′s Nazi-Socies) Platform, and today’s
Democrat Party Platform — and see for yourself they are one and the same!
Oh, sure, today’s FASCICRATS use more flowery, often vague or
twisted language/words because they have to hide their intent; but it is all
one and the same ultra-left political spectrum paradigm. Then bring up
S. A., THE U. S. CONSTITUTION, and the GOP PLATFORM, and see how
they are the same (which is NOT to say all Republicans are great and
about preserving our great and most unique Republic (as discussed in
“Flashbacks” chapter) there are #CINOs and #RINOs as bad
as FASCICRATS but the direction of the Parties could not be clearer – so
spare me the Uni-Party sh--tuff (yes, #CINOs, #RINOs, #FASCICRATS, just
all at different pace, are destroying the U. S. A..

Spare me the there is no difference bull and get off your hind-side and
become a Delegate (lead, follow, or SHUT UP; to rewrite a saying) to affect
real change (details at
as-a-delegate) and MAKE THE GOP GREAT AGAIN)). Screaming at
the Players, Coaches, Umpires, Cheerleaders, the Waterboy, from the cheapseats
does nothing, you must suit-up in the Armor of God and get on the Field-of-
play to make an impact.

[ above ADDITIONAL BONUS MATERIAL from "ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics" book - (pages 48-50, print edition) ]

Show intro
Some Housekeeping Notes - and how this Show might alternately be called "BassAkwards"
Segment 1 - J. J. Carrell and the massive Security concern caused by BiDUMB's Open Border
Those (Criminals, on Terror Watch Lists, etc.) we know about we've still vs GOT-AWAYS (people we have NO IDEA who are and whence they came)
SIA's - Special Interest Aliens
Even known ne'er-do-wells not Deported, just released into our Nation
Warning: Controversial and upsetting, meant to be, meant to make people think, challenge own and others intentions, motives, own morality and mortality
The Legal vs Illegal Immigration question - the two cannot be equated/conflated
The usual Left RACISM cry false narrative
Facts, Data, vs Leftwing Fantasy Delusions and Feelings
8.5-10k ARRESTS a day - but what good is it doing to bother to "Arrest" if we let them in, they never appear for Court date, no followup for Deportation ever
Cloward and Piven
Triggered by the Guest - in the good way (spurred additional thoughts/questions) not the Leftist Emotionally Hysertical butthurt Triggered :)
Why isn't SODA-STREAM sponsoring this Show?!?!
Content Of Character
We are allowing in virtually anyone and everyone EXCEPT BiDUMB announced they will Block or Deport those who ACTUALLY QUALIFY FOR ASYLUM under our Law
Are the Vatican Walls going to be deconstructed? Cuz #nincomPOPE (as I coin him, more interested in Communism than Catholicism) peddles The Left WALLS ARE BAD hypocrisy rhetoric (as they have Fences at their Houses, and Doors/Walls themselves)
The LEGAL IMMIGRATION numbers, as we are a kind/generous Nation and Welcome LEGAL IMMIGRANTS (the issue is LAW BREAKING ILLEGALS)
The obaMAO Marxist "Fundamental Transformation of America" plan in action
Breakdown of WHERE ARE THEY REALLY ALL COMING FROM (vs The Left LIES to continue the RACISM false-narratives)
Creating more Dependent and Wards of the State - who will then Vote for MORE AND BIGGER GOVT
About J.J.Carrell's book (INVADED)
Saul Alinsky Ad-Hom attacks, cuz they cannot Win an honest discussion/debate on Policy
Where to reach out to J. J. Carrell
Segment 2 - the ODDS AND ENDS (not all, see related piece ( for more)
Remember, it was J. J. Carrell, not Steve (from the Office) I almost accidently referred to LOL
Shout out to my podcast host site: Buzzsprout
Hear too, though, this CTP podcast, available on (for now, and growing) 14 other platforms (iHeart, Spotify, so many others)
Need to repeal the 17th Amendment which put final nail in coffin of 10A / States Rights - and murdering Founders original check-and-balance intent
The USHouse (The People's House) vs USSenate (The States' Body) much needed Historical clarification
Federal Tyranny - States Rights and God erased from America (you can SEE the Mural I had commissioned via the @JLenardDetroit SP/BTS Rumble and YouTube channels)
God and Guns
Here in Michigan, our State Constitution (re-ratified in 1960's, time of Hippie Peace and Love) Article 1 Section 6 even more specific than Federal Constitution about Guns as DEFENSE OF SELF AND STATE
Understanding HISTORY (of our own Nation, let-alone other Nation's History) and the FAILURE OF COMMUNISM ON AMERICAN SOIL (Atlas Shrugged)
The Bradford Colony (and what you were NOT taught about The Mayflower Compact and more)
This isn't the 1930's - Today there really is NO DIFFERENCE between Communists, Fascists, Socialists, except the Color of the Jersey of who will DICTATE YOUR LIFE and Lord over you
The Illusion of PRIVATE COMPANY but Fascist edicts/dictates via Regulations (no different than direct State Ownership control)
Forget Moa, Marx, Lenin, Castro, Che, Chavez, Stalin, et al - the Failing of Communism in our own land
"Commonwealth" (Communism) in its true sense then, though we often still have places called "Commonwealth" they were mostly turned to Individualism and Free Market areas (though some trying to go back to full Communism)
The Biblical reasoning (ChristiTutionalist stance)
The REAL BIRTH OF OUR NATION (Bradford's pivot from Communism to Individual Rights, Freedom, Ownership of Property, Free Markets, etc... as they say AND THE REST IS HISTORY (but sadly, not History that is taught)
Paul Harvey would say: "Now you know THE REST OF THE STORY"
Show outro