ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics

ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E25) "Year in Review (part 1)"

December 09, 2023 Joseph M. Lenard Season 1 Episode 25
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E25) "Year in Review (part 1)"
ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics
Show intro
Segment 1 - Year (2023) In Review
Norton V Shelby County TN
Odds and Ends (Big Pharma, Guns, 17th Amendment, more)
The Uni-Party lazy label (DeepState, yes, UniParty, NO)
BiDUMBnomics (Cloward and Piven designed collapse of USA)
Twisting and Warping of Language
The Left even tries twisting Children's Stories from their original moral of the Story intentions
The new Core "R's" in Schools peddled by The Left: Radicalism, Raunch, Racism
Remember it was The Left that pulled To Kill A Mockingbird classic book that spawn discussions about the wrongs of Racism from the Schools not The Right
Segment 2 - William (Bill) Hatch (NQAM podcast host)
Let Them Eat Cake
Now I want some Hostess Cup-Cakes
Gay - then vs now
Fag - then (Bundle of Sticks (Cig's)) vs now
Bill discusses his "Back To School" (not Rodney Dangerfield antics style) undertaking
Thou Shalt Not Murder [Innocents]... vs mistranslated from original texts "Thou Shalt Not Kill"
Justified vs UnJustified Killing
Biblical times issuance of Death Penalty vs Modern Times
The Hatfields and McCoys
Negligent Homicide vs PreMeditated Murder
Someone buying (an Elon type in the NBA) Dallas Mavericks team and going to shake up its Woke and CCP ass kissing Politics?
Contract Law
Cable Monopolies (vs Dish and Streaming Services)
Bill tells us about his Not Quite After Midnight show
In Theaters Now: Christian (Angel Studios) film: The Shift (I highly recommend it)
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Show outro
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ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E25) "Year in Review (part 1)"
Dec 09, 2023 Season 1 Episode 25
Joseph M. Lenard

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S1E25 SHOW NOTES  ( listen (Sat Dec 9 2023 and thereafter) at: )...
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E25) "Year in Review (part 1)"
What it says - Year in Review part 1... PLUS Bill Hatch (of NQAM - Not Quite After Midnight) joins to discuss odds-and-ends like last week's mixup, Family lineages, "Words have meaning" and their original context (Let Them Eat Cake) vs twisting to fit today's political agendas rather than Historical accuracy and intent, Will Adelson shake up the NBA?, Contract Law and BiDUMB latest attempts at pandering in violation there-of, Military Service, and a couple of NQAM Show topics/Guests, and more.

Episode related pieces...
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S1E25 SHOW NOTES  ( listen (Sat Dec 9 2023 and thereafter) at: )...
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E25) "Year in Review (part 1)"
What it says - Year in Review part 1... PLUS Bill Hatch (of NQAM - Not Quite After Midnight) joins to discuss odds-and-ends like last week's mixup, Family lineages, "Words have meaning" and their original context (Let Them Eat Cake) vs twisting to fit today's political agendas rather than Historical accuracy and intent, Will Adelson shake up the NBA?, Contract Law and BiDUMB latest attempts at pandering in violation there-of, Military Service, and a couple of NQAM Show topics/Guests, and more.

Episode related pieces...
- As referenced in the Show: Switch to DISH deal, call 888-608-6768 and use referral code VCD0026116345 (for signup Bonuses)  
- Give the Gift of Coffee:  

"ChristiTutionalist Politics" podcast (CTP)   
- CTP:  
- CTP long-form description: 
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- FaithCasters Free Newsletter:  

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[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show intro]

Welcome to "ChristiTutionalist Politics"  Over time the fancy high-production items will come, but for now, for starters, it is just you as a listener that I can barely begin to express how much appreciate from the bottom of my Heart you tuning in -- as I know you have alot of options as ListenNotes the podcast platform Reports there are about 168.9 MILLION available Podcast show episodes you could choose from and I appreciate YOU taking the time to listen to ME. As indeed it is just me on the podcast out side (at least for the initial episodes), all substance no muss no fuss, no fluff, no fancy or flahsy high-production intro or inserts - just straight to key discussion points. A show that looks at variety of topics, mostly Politics, through a Christian U. S. Constitutionalist lens (hence ChristiTutionalist Politics Show name). I am your Host Joseph M. Lenard (and last-name is spelled L-E-N-A-R-D, like most pronounce Leonard but without the "o"), an Author of a very "non-traditional" but Christian none-the-less "Christian book," co-host of SAVAGED UNFILTERED podcast, and for purposes of this Show most notably blogger for from which most of the content for this Show will be derived. These are NOT going to be long-drawn-out episodes, just the highlights and food-for-thought you can then delve deeper into via my online articles and reach your own conclusions. As Graham Norton would say: LET'S GET ON WITH THE SHOW!

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin opening - Segment 1] 

Hello, everybody. This is season one, episode 25, of his year in review part one. Although I'm happy to report from last week, Bill is fine. Remember, I mentioned Bill Hatch was going to be on. Well, Bill Hatch will be on this week. It just turns out, and, you know, it happens at times. He missed it on his calendar. I've had that once or twice. I noticed something in the morning. It's on my calendar, but then I get involved in other things. If I forget to set the alarm, the time comes and passes. And look at the calendar later. Oh, shoot! I missed that commitment. So I understand fully and happy to have Bill on this week. But during review, I wanted to have a couple episodes, at part one and a part two, to go over a couple of things from the year that we covered. Some notes, I printed out the rough draft of the, part one, per year in review. And again, yes, corresponds with the So there will be a part one and a part two there. The show wasn't going to go too long, because otherwise the article would be too long that the show corresponds with. And one of the first things I wanted to mention was Norton v Shelby that we discussed, and government overreach, usurpation of the Constitution, even overreach of congressional authority has given some of these agencies. Just because Congress creates an agency doesn't necessarily make it constitutional, it can overreach, and again, even if agency is constitutional, some of them have overstepped their congressional authorization. We need Norton v Shelby to come up again in these court cases like you will hear Chevron versus the Natural Resource Defense Council. The Supreme Court rule that courts should defer to a federal agency's interpretation of an ambiguous statute as long as the interpretation is reasonable. What I consider reasonable may not be what someone else considers reasonable, especially someone who is in an agency. Their broad definition of reasonable broadens their powers, their authority. Like we talked in the Norton v Shelby episode of the show about the EPA expanding through treaties of the sea way overreaching to now say they can regulate your property because there's a pond on it or there's a stream running through it. If your property goes along a river that spans several states, that's where the inter-state issue comes in the play of an EPA or an FBI or federal agencies where there are cross-state issues. But if you've got a pond or a creek that doesn't affect another state's property, they have no authority. That is a state issue, but yet they are overreaching their authorizations to now say they can regulate personal properties based on something as a stretch like Treaty of the Seas. Another article and show I wanted to touch upon in this year in review, please go back into the Crystitutionalist Politics podcast archive, check it out, show called Odds and Ends because that's a big item for the year in review because talking about big pharma, obviously with the Wuhan hysteria and the Wuhan jabs and the massive profits, but it's not just that. We're creating a nation of monchowson syndrome people and paranoia. I'm not for regulation. I've gone into that many, many times, but sometimes health and safety does need to be regulated. I think Reagan, whom I'd love as a president, made a mistake in deregulating pharmaceuticals to allow them to advertise directly to the public. If you recall, if you're a viewer of the Big Bang Theory, the later years, Penny became a pharmaceutical rep. Well that's how it was meant to be done. The pharmaceuticals put money into research, develop new drugs, they bring those drugs to market, they then make doctors and hospitals and health providers aware that these new pharmaceuticals are available. But instead now, a lot of them are direct marketing to consumers. Hey, you've got this symptom, that symptom, another symptom, which could be one of any number of things, ask your doctor about X, a product, about treating these symptoms. So they're creating a paranoia and a fear and a, hey, there's a pill for everything to try to sell directly for their own benefit and profit. And of course, those ads aren't free. Those now have to be budgeted into the cost of those pills, driving up the cost of health care, also in there. And I go into the whole uni party thing. It's not the uni party. There are a lot of good Republicans, including myself, been fighting, Cenos, rhinos and fascicrites alike. What are you doing? And that raises an issue. I forgot at the top of the show, I wanted to apologize for last Saturday's episode being a bit confrontational, a bit combative, because I'm about to do it again. A little tough love is necessary from time to time. You can't just sit and whine about the uni party. What are you doing? What have you done? What are you doing? Can't complain. The Republican party is just Democrat-like. If you're not there fighting to make it something other than what you claim it to be. There is such a thing as the deep state. I think that term is more proper and appropriate. Rhinos, Cenos, fascicrites are all part of the deep state. Almost all Democrats are part of that deep state establishment type organization about only their own power, their own control, growing government. And yes, Cenos and rhinos, part of the Republican party, are part of that deep state. But not the entire Republican party. If you want better, if you expect better, in order to demand better, you must be a delegate. To have a say within the party and do things within the party. To make it a more to the right of the political spectrum, as discussed in fascia federalism. Original intent federalism versus modern fascia federalism. Or my other article, a republic, if you can keep it. Well, the deep state, those Cenos, rhinos and fascicrites indeed wanting to encapsulate power in unelected bureaucracies. So there is that that I discussed that I wanted to touch on. I hope you'll go back. If this is your first episode, a lot of the things that you've missed. Part one in part two of by dumb nomics. Ploward and Pivens style. This isn't coincidence. This isn't incompetence. This is design. Ploward and Pivens spend spend to collapse the United States. This is by design, by inflation, by recession. We need him out of office. And I'm sorry, but Trump is one person. Again, it goes back to the uni party thing. You must be involved. You must help other candidates. Trump is one person. He needs control of the house. We need a 60 majority members. filibuster proves majority in the Senate. That's not likely to happen in 2024. Not likely to happen in 2026. But people, you must be involved with candidates to get candidates elected to strike. For that so that if we have a house, 60 member majority in the Senate and the presidency, you get a lot more done because if you eliminate the filibuster, you eliminate the opposition's abilities to block your agenda. So to really get things done, we need all hands on deck. Everyone involved. We must work towards not just majority in the House and Senate, but a 60 member, preferably 62 member because there's always going to be a rhino or a cino in that woodpile willing to help the deep state fashion crafts member, cino's or rhinos members of the deep state. We actually met rhino need as I call our I and O M and E Y is retiring won't seek reelection, but there will be a Murkowski a Collins that we always have to deal with. So we really need a 62 63 member majority in the Senate to really, really be able to get through the all the agenda items of cutting spending and cutting regulations and rolling back a lot of the ball that Democrats tend to get through because too many deep state cino rhinos involved with the deep state left when there's a Democrat president allowing these things to get through. And the last thing I wanted to touch out twisting and warping of language. I've discussed that on several occasions. There is a part one and a part two of that. So I'm not going to go in depth, but the left, I'm going to mention twists, obviously fake Christians twist the Bible to fit their worldview politics rather than the Bible in full context. Hence, the show, Christotuchenal politics, the companion book, Christotuchenal politics, the book and part two coming next summer to help shape the elections. If you're a real Christian, that is what should shape your political worldview, not the other way around, but the left even twists children's stories. Robin Hood. Robin Hood stole from the rich to give to the poor. Well, yeah, kind of sort of, but that's not the whole story. What rich? A particular set of rich, he stole from. He stole from the sheriff of Nottingham to give back to the peasants whom the sheriff was collecting monies in the form of taxation to give to the rich king. It's really an anti-government taxation story, not just, oh, just generally frolicking and stealing from the general rich to give to the general poor. No, there are specifics to that story that you need to teach your children. It's a big government overreaching, largest government to big for its purchase story, as are a lot of morals to the children's stories that over time have become beaten down into something less than what it was intended to be. It's up to us to bring those morals and values and principles in those stories back to our children because they're certainly not going to get these things at school. They're getting what I call the new core ours. Radicalism, ranched through perversion, and racism through CRT. So we need to teach our children the core values and principles, go to the school boards. Again, you being involved, the party can help you in some respects, but you being involved to be the mama bears and the papa bears at the school boards to demand this ranched radicalism, perversion, racism. Get out of there. They are the ones that banned books. The left, not the right. We are talking about age appropriateness. Colleen Hoover perversion has no place in grade school. It doesn't. Later, as a near adulthood in high school, if they choose or when they become an adult at 18, that book's not banned. They can read it then, but it's the left that took to kill a mochin bird out of the school, which was to teach and have discussions based on racism. You don't teach against racism by introducing actual direct racism to kill a mockingbird was about anti racism and equality at a convinced defending someone wrongly accused, but they took that out of the school. They took up fan out of the school. The left are the ones taking the valuable lesson, classics like that out of the school and replacing it with ranch, which has no business being in grade in junior high. We need to get back to the core arts, right? The reading, the writing, the arithmetic, the history, science, as I joke in the book, there's no arm there. See what I did? Our kids are so dumb now. They don't know that there isn't an hour in science, virology to do the same trick, but these core items need to come back in our education and get the radicalism, ranch and racism out up to us to know what's going on in our schools and be involved. I'm going to end the episode at this point. 

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast - ]

Hey gang, a brief interruption in the show about Christmas giving
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Hanukkah-given time.
Again, this being December now,
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something you know they're going to use,
something they're going to enjoy,
something that they then fondly remember you
and your gift every time they sip from the black out coffee
cup of coffee.
Thank you all, take care, God bless, Merry Christmas.

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin opening - Segment 2] 

Joseph M Lenard: Welcome to the show, Bill Hatch of not quite after midnight, I got to say Bill and glad you're okay. I had everything okay with the family. We have a minor mishap from last week, not a big deal. It happens at times. I can't say that I've never missed a show. I have. But my first obvious question then I guess is it William legally or is it Bill?
Bill Hatch (NQAM):   Legally it's William. I am William Arthur Hatch the third named after my father and grandfather before me.
Joseph M Lenard:   Ah, okay. Thank you. Pimp Esquire.
Bill Hatch (NQAM):   Yes. Pinkies out everyone.
Joseph M Lenard:   Yeah, well, frankly I'm just going to chew a couple of topics. Like when I was on your show last, I was on with Alex from Trinidad and we kind of got off into the weeds on the bastardization and twisting of language and or people's lack of understanding of historical context of the words. Like you when we're talking the Constitution, you've got to understand or the Bible we we went into some twisted distortions because you've got to understand the original Aramaic Hebrew Greek Latin origins and context of the time, not what we have twisted them to become today. And one example that kind of came to me the other day, I hadn't thought of I would have brought up during the show because I saw the movie Napoleon the other day made me think Marie Antoinette. How many people are clueless when she is quoted as let them eat cake and people thinking she means Sanders bump kick or Sarah Lee treats or host of ding dongs?
Bill Hatch (NQAM):   No, right? No, not at all. Yeah, you know, there's so many so many terms and turns of phrase as it as it were that just don't mean anymore what they used to mean. I mean, you know, to go with a very, a very contemporary term, the word the word gay used to mean happy. We could all be gay, but a certain group of people has has confiscated that word from the rest of us and and used it for their own purposes. Same thing with colors.
Joseph M Lenard:   Heaven, heaven forbid you see an old movie and they mention a bag.
Bill Hatch (NQAM):   Cigarette, not a gay person. A cigarette or a bundle of sticks as was the original meaning. Yeah, the Bible stuff comes up a lot for me because I am currently in seminary and taking a class in New Testament. And I got I even got reminded it's it can be so difficult to find original meanings of words and phrases. I got corrected by my instructors like, wait a minute. That's not the original context here. And so I got marked down a little bit on that.
Joseph M Lenard:   Yeah, I'm glad you mentioned that because I didn't want to ask you about that. So you gave us that background on what you're currently doing and the schooling you're attending. Thou shalt not murder. There is a thou shalt not kill everybody goes around saying that's not what it was. Not what it intended to be because the Bible speaks Genesis Leviticus numbers about the biblical allowance of the death penalty. Thou who shed his man's blood by man's blood his shall be shed. The death penalty is proper. Killing in the right context is okay. Exodus self defense, thief in the right, then killed by the homeowner shall not be guilty of bloodshed. Thou shalt not murder versus thou shalt not kill.
Bill Hatch (NQAM):   Correct? Yes. No, absolutely. Yeah. The killing as it is in in Exodus in the in the the Ten Commandments isn't any kind of killing. It is it is very specific to unjustifiable killing, you know, the murder of innocence, what all else to be. Yeah, but like killing in war, perfectly allowable committing terrors acts is not biblical.
Joseph M Lenard:   That is purposely intending and inflicting pain, suffering and death upon innocence. Because you took the words right out of my mouth, murder of innocence. My book Terror Strikes, coming soon to a city near you as a Christian book, even though obviously it's not your normal natural fluffy kind of traditional Christian book. That's indeed one of the sub points. Thou shalt not murder innocence. Big, big, big difference and all that.
Bill Hatch (NQAM):   Now of course, in in the Old Testament times, killing of those who have committed murder was handled by someone referred to as the as the Avenger of Blood, which was normally the next of kin or or the assigned person from the next of kin. If the next of kin was incapable of avenging their their loved one, then of course, they could appoint someone. And and in modern times, we've simply appointed the government to be to be in charge of that.
Joseph M Lenard:   We try to take the emotion of the desire for potentially for revenge out of the out of that realm and move it to judges and juries and a separate execution. Are you I I don't like the idea of indeed putting that on the hand to then you get a blood feud, but that feels in McCoy's. Does anybody have a clue how any of all that started, but that's yes, I do.
Bill Hatch (NQAM):   I am I am actually descended from Hatfield blood. Oh, really? Oh, I am.
Joseph M Lenard:   After then. After then, yes.
Bill Hatch (NQAM):   Yeah, it was it was a combination of things. All original thing had to do with with the theft of a pig and and also a Romeo and Juliet style love triangle between between the two clans. But it was mostly about about thievery was how it how it got started. And then from there it went on to went on to the blood feud part of it, because because people kept killing each other. And you know, you killed my cousin, so I'm going to kill you.
Joseph M Lenard:   Compatiable revenge. Yeah, I suppose to again us wanting modern law based on Judeo Christian biblical F ethos of any anything justifiable or not or net and the separation in law of negligent homicide versus purposeful wolf old malice of forethought and premeditated murder. There are variations of of murder and therefore sentencing and things of that nature. I don't know how much more than you are. I'm not an inmate fan. So this is really political issue. I want to go down with you Sheldon Adelson is potentially looking at acquiring the Dallas Mavericks NBA team from Mark Cuban who I'm not a fan of at all. He said some occasional good things. But now he's yet another leftist wound. But you know, it's like my gray areas episode, a couple weeks back Russell brand Bill Maher Roseanne bar may be a trumpet fan, but she's still a Hollywood liberal. They're still leftist liberals. Get better role models that doesn't make them conservative. It doesn't make them a Christitutionalist right there saying some things out of convenience, helping themselves Russell brand still clearly identifies himself as a Bernie bro. He's you know, he's just trying to say some things to get clicks, but he's still a Bernie bro, but Sheldon Adelson could get that team. The question then becomes in my first question to him was, you really want to get in that crap that shit hole, believe, but it could be an Elon move is what I'm hoping. He wants to buy into the NBA and will challenge that leads you. Woke this and CCP ask kissing. Had you heard that?
Bill Hatch (NQAM):   Do you have any thoughts? No, I really hadn't heard that, but I don't really follow the NBA too much, but the occasional blooper reel, but any time somebody can come in and hopefully start to eliminate this whole woke thing is definitely a good thing. I certainly believe in treating people equally. That's certainly not a problem. But yeah, this whole woke language, woke action thing. I mean, it's ruining the MCU.
Joseph M Lenard:   Yeah, I was going to ask you about the whole Santos thing. I talked about that last week. I'm just going to gloss that over and really go to something very different. Something somebody doesn't really think a lot about. We all hate the contract early termination fees. Right now, oh man, the people want to eliminate cable corn cutting fees. You have whatever satellite company or whatever cable company and you want to early terminate. Well, that's kind of a populist argument, but that is a clear, narrow focused hander ring. What you need to do if you want to do it legally and properly, in my opinion, is address the whole contract law situation. Because the point of why that in there is when you sign up, if you want a lower fee, you cut your fee in return for a longer term commitment. So it's not like this fee came out of nowhere and has no merit or value or bearing. You agree to a contract more or less whether you physically sign one out. The terms of service, you agree to it. Pay the damn penalty or in a situation like somebody dies, a spouse should not be held to that contract. Therefore, like it's addressed, it has a matter of context.
Bill Hatch (NQAM):   Really as far as cable television goes, really what needs to be re-looked at is this whole monopoly thing. The fact that in each area a particular cable company is king, well, of course, you're going to have terrible deals. You're going to be treated like dirt and taken advantage of as much as possible. What we need to do is have competition because that's really kind of American to have competition between people. And quite frankly, every time we've created competition out of former monopolies, it's always ended up being more profitable for all the actors anyway, not just the customers, but also for those who formerly held monopolistic holds on their industries. Yep.
Joseph M Lenard:   Well, a lot of that in my opinion, the free markets has indeed evolved and cleared up. My personal example, Wine Guy, Michigan, has its own cable company as part of the Power and Water Company. So yeah, they exclude. You can't get Comcast in here. You can't get whatever in here. You can however have all kinds of streaming service alternatives over the Internet. You also have, I have Dish Network. And I'll put my Dish Network referral code in the show notes. So please, if you're looking to cut the cord, maybe you want to go to a dish. I've had good service from them, great customer service, right? You know, yes, sometimes every once in a while, a bad rainstorm or a bad snowstorm, it'll go out. But you know what? Your cable line could come down in a storm also and cut your service. So it's still in my opinion, apples to apples. So I've been very happy with Dish Network. So there are indeed alternatives. If your cable company is excluding others, you could always do a streaming service or Dish or Direct TV. And if you're going satellite, I recommend Dish, again, I'll put my referral code in the show notes.
Bill Hatch (NQAM):   Well, there you go. We have cut the cord and gone entirely streaming. We actually use T-Mobile's home Internet, which has been quite satisfactory. That's about the only option people have. Well, they've got HughesNet out here for Internet.
Joseph M Lenard:   It used to be Direct TV and HughesNet, they've separated. But yeah, Direct TV used to be the service, HughesNet, the actual dish part of that service. And now they're completely disjoint. Now like Dish Network for a while, too, used to be partnered with AT&T. AT&T is now partnered with Direct. And whenever they get the best across deals for their bottom line and pocketbook, of course, it's certainly not looking out for us consumers.
Bill Hatch (NQAM):   Nope. Always looking out for their bottom lines. That's for darn sure. But yeah, so we've gone all streaming and been pretty happy with it. Of course, I spend so much of my time working on the podcast and things anyway. I'm rarely getting to watch things anyhow. So yeah.
Joseph M Lenard:   Well, I'm glad you said what you said there because my show, unlike yours, yours has been around a long time. You've built up a lot of audience. Your show goes longer. In order for me to entice people to listen the first time, I can't have very long episodes. So I kind of try to keep things fairly short. And I'm going to wrap it up so as we do, go ahead and tell us about your show.
Bill Hatch (NQAM):   Well, my show that Joseph's been on a couple of times now is called Not Quite After Midnight. It's available on Facebook, YouTube, and about a half dozen or so different podcasting platforms, including Spotify and Apple podcasts and Google podcasts. Pretty much all the major podcasting platforms, and basically what we do is we have a little round table and we've got, I get two guests. And so there's three of us on any given show and we chat about whatever comes up. You know, I have a lot of authors and coaches and I've had some musicians on. In fact, the most recent episode I've uploaded was with a musician and music therapist from the Netherlands. And an interesting set of talents on his part. His name's Harry Capen. And yeah, and it was a great show. He even sent me music to put into the, to edit into the episode, which I did. And so it's going to be a little different for most of my episodes these days. But yeah, and you know, so we just have a chat about whatever comes around. A few weeks ago, recording, well, ended up being about international politics and the prospect of World War three, because they were the two guests while they weren't politicians or anything like that, they had a personal interest in those subjects. And one is an ex-pat who lives in Portugal and the other is an ex-military intelligence officer. And so they had a lot of expertise in the field. We had a lot of fun with that. And that should be getting posted up before too much longer.
Joseph M Lenard:   But normally I'm recorded several weeks out part of we're recording will be, I think, December 9th. So I'm not going too far ahead here. So what you did said will still be relatively recent, which is bad when you're quoting things and it shows up six weeks later, people are having to dig, dig, dig, define. But anyway, yeah, like I always say during my show open, I talk about Graham Norton. Let's get out of the show, how he says it out. I do my open. But so I like your show for the way you do it. It's kind of brand Norton couch style. A little bit, a little bit. You have more than one person interacting together. And I think more of the late night shows that are bleeding viewers should learn from Graham Norton in that dynamic. And like James Corden stole that from Graham Norton and tried to do that, but he didn't do it very successfully. But more of them tried it. Maybe late night wouldn't be dying.
Bill Hatch (NQAM):   Yeah, yeah, no kidding. But yeah, I also do a pair of weekly podcasts with my father. My father is a retired military chaplain. I say military because it's because he served out in three out of the five branches. He served Navy, Marines and Army. It is unusual. And then he also worked as a hospital chaplain for the VA. And now we do a couple of shows together each week. One is a more traditional Bible study, a deep dive into the meaning of the biblical verses and where we go into the words to call back to the start of the show, the meaning of words. On Saturdays, we do a topical study where we try to bring topics of the Bible into modern life so people can get not just an understanding, but also find themselves in it.
Joseph M Lenard:   I mentioned Napoleon. I'm going to throw out another movie. I just thought literally an hour ago before I recorded the shift. Which is a Christian religious film. Oh, yes. Very, very different kind of job telling, but modern style, sci-fi kind of style. So I like Christian movies that are way out of the box like my book Terror Strikes Coming Soon to City New York. Obviously not a traditional Christian book, but a Christian book nonetheless. The only way you're going to reach outside of preaching to the choir is to do more non-traditional things and to close it out since you mentioned your dad. For those looking on at J. Lunder Detroit, YouTube and rumble channels, you could see my background conveniently. You set that up. It says, Merry Christmas to soldiers everywhere who can't be with their families in a bunch of... Amen to that. I was in the picture with Santa hats on and things of that nature for those of you who are listening for the audio only. So thanks for coming on, Bill. I appreciate you coming over. My pleasure. 

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Like and subscribe to Christitutionalist Politics Podcast and Savage Done Filtered. Maybe even go back a few years and dig up some old V-patriot angles. Share episodes. We need your help to grow the show. 

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show outro]

Thank you for having tuned-in for "ChristiTutionalist Politics" Show. If you haven't already please check out my primary internationally availble book "Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You" (available anywhere books are sold, if you have locally run book store they can order it for you, or Autographed copies are available online direct from me via Also please tune-in to SAVAGED UNFILTERED podcast of which I am a co-host, and be sure to check out more about today's discussion at where my articles drop every Saturday. And let me remind: Over time the fancy high-production items will come, but for now, for starters, it is just you as a very appreciated listener by me, indeed just me on the podcast side/end, all substance no fluff, no fancy high-production intro or inserts - just straight to key discussion points. A show that looks at variety of topics, mostly Politics, through a Christian U.S. Constitutionalist lens. Take Care and God Bless!

Transcription Services above from:


S1E25 SHOW NOTES  ( listen (Sat Dec 9 2023 and thereafter) at: )...
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E25) "Year in Review (part 1)"
What it says - Year in Review part 1... PLUS Bill Hatch (of NQAM - Not Quite After Midnight) joins to discuss odds-and-ends like last week's mixup, Family lineages, "Words have meaning" and their original context (Let Them Eat Cake) vs twisting to fit today's political agendas rather than Historical accuracy and intent, Will Adelson shake up the NBA?, Contract Law and BiDUMB latest attempts at pandering in violation there-of, Military Service, and a couple of NQAM Show topics/Guests, and more.

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(S1E25 Audio: 42m 49s, Sat Dec 9 2023)
TRANSCRIPT BONUS - TheLibertyBeacon FLASHBACK (1 year with TLB) piece from Summer 2023

some "Behind-the-Scenes" Video version of ChristiTutionalist Politics found via...   

In addition to seeing corresponding TheLibertyBeacon piece referenced in episodes of CTP, see too Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout ( for addl bonus material  there-in.   

In addition to seeing corresponding TheLibertyBeacon piece referenced in episodes of CTP, see too Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout ( for addl bonus material  there-in. 


BONUS MATERIAL below... [ from:  ]

FLASHBACK: 1 Yearish with TheLibertyBeacon…

Hard to believe it has basically been one-year since I started writing pieces for and figured (like a Musical Artist) it might be time for a Greatest Hits Album. LOL. But seriously, Thank You to all who have been with me the entire time, but certainly there have been some newer folks joining into my weekly Saturday drops more recently and who have no idea of some very important older items worthy of review. Not to forget my ChristiTutionalist TM Politics podcast only started a few months ago and that audience no idea of some older articles they really should check out (unless they’ve bought the ChristiTutionalist TM Politics “the book” which had a “First 50-ish TheLibertyBeacon pieces” sub-section in “Flashbacks” chapter there-in. Also a chance to demonstrate my breadth-and-depth of variety of pieces (thought all have a Political angle to them in some-way-shape-or-form)…

My very first piece, is one of the most important pieces I’ve ever written was/is: “Today’s Federalism Vs. Original Intent Federalists (Federalists and Federalism (of today), nowhere near the same mold as our Founders (of yesteryear) that wrote the Federalist Papers).”

[Image source: TheLibertyBeacon]

Federalists and the Federalist papers, often misunderstood, most of whom we call Federalists today were (and the title itself somewhat) antithetical to what has been happening today being an ever-growing and expanding Fed govt.
The folks like Pelosi, Joe BiDUMB, the squad, who we would call statists (another antithetical term, cuz it stands for massive unconstrained Federal authority Federalists) of today bear no resemblance to the Federalists of Hamilton, Madison, the 2 most notable Federalists of yesteryear and that would be considered more Anti-Federalists by todays understanding of the Political Spectrum as it has moved Leftward (the Overton Window. If you know Glenn Beck, you’ll be familiar with that term and if you are not you will want to research that). And today’s understanding, or lack-there-of, terminology, that has escalated since the Industrial Revolution (which, in and of itself, had no real bearing on how or why things should change.
But this coincidentally does coincide with the modern shifts in thinking and especially given notable for massive leaps Leftward in Spectrum toward Socialism of FDR and Johnson’s “Great Society” pushes).
We are a Republic, under a Limited Fed. Govt. declarative Constitution (ratified Sep 17 1787, began operations / Mar 4 1789) but there was a debate over having a King but our Religious Founders cry of NO KING BUT KING JESUS won out.

Continued/more at:

“A Republic, If You Can Keep It”

[Image source: TheLibertyBeacon]

“A Republic [but not just ANY Republic, a never fore created/seen one], if you can keep it” Benjamin Franklin

No, just because ANTIFA uses “Anarchist” tactics, does not mean they are ANTI-GOVT — they actually want to over-throw CONSTITUTIONALLY LIMITED GOVT in USA to reign in FULL FASCISM… #FACTSmatter #WORDSmatter #HISTORYmatters
My response to someone Parroting the #ENEMEdia distortions…
Your premise is way off. You already buy in and parrot the Lib #ENEMEdia narrative.
Just because someone may use ANARCHIST labeled/defined/usual tactics, does not make them Anarchists!
The REAL Political Spectrum (despite Left attempts to rewrite History)…

[Image Source unknown, reverse image lookup provides no results, please comment if you know/find the originating Source]
Just because a FASCIST uses “Anarchist tactics” does not make them one! A Leftist wanting to OVERTHROW THE US GOVERNMENT CONSTITUTIONAL CONSTRAINTS to then usher in TOTALITARIAN GOVERNANCE, may use Anarchist tactics but they are still Fascists in Anarchist ‘guise! Words have meaning, and STOP allowing yourself to be suckered into the Left-wing distortions and twisting of the Language!

Continued/more at:

“Latest WOKEism Cries of Racism, White Supremacy & Cultural Appropriation (Liking ‘Big Butts’ now somehow Racist)”

[Image source: TheLibertyBeacon]

VIDEO (3m 50s): Queen - Fat Bottomed Girls (Official Video):   
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Tom MacDonald (Straight White Male (the topic of one of his tunes)) discusses his wearing his blonde-hair in braids and it being “homage, and because it’s ‘hella-awesome’ look!”

BUT (pun intended, in so many ways (I made it ALL-CAPS cuz it “IS A BIG ‘BUT'” (somebody stop me before I joke again)), it is not about DNA, it’s about FEELINGS and preferences…
As Doctor (think he has PhD in Psychology), and think got right, Sir Mix said:

“I LIKE big butts” (an individual and personal preference), not
“I’m genetically predisposition to admire large booties”

Why would he lie? After all, he even goes on to say “I cannot Lie”
Other than the 2nd just doesn’t lyrically flow!!!
😉 😛 (Sorry, couldn’t resist) LOL #AMomentOfLevity
But seriously, IF we are to go down that road; Sir-Mix-A-Lot APPROPRIATED that from Queen who sang about “Big Butts” before he.

Continued/more at:

VIDEO (4m 13s): Sir Mix-A-Lot – Baby Got Back:     
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>
“Occasional Breaks & Distractions Not Just OK, But Healthy”

[Image source: TheLibertyBeacon]

So wonderful to get the occasional break from the writing norm people expect from me, and even a chance to share some Personal information (including more recent photos that can be viewed from what were previously online from back when I previously operated SSCE site) for anyone who cares to learn more about me as a Person rather than me as an Author, Political Activist, Speaker, etc., that folks generally know me as online. So, ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL (?) and yes down-thread Political tie-ins. So, WE INTERRUPT YOUR REGULARLY SCHEDULED READING TO PRESENT: TLB SPECIAL – SPORTS EDITION (sort of, not entirely, will make sense as it all comes together going along)…
Yes, in moderation and perspective, Sports can be a great bit of distraction from seriousness in Life, and indeed a Business, giving additional Folks (on and off Field) chance to earn Living at what they Love. All things in moderation as distraction as long as we know the BREAD AND CIRCUSES concept and not be lulled into State of Stupid (more on this down-thread, hang in with me if you still want at least a partial Political piece (it really does all tie-together)).

Continued/more at:

“Movies, Snacks, and Politics (part 2)”

[Image source: TheLibertyBeacon]

I mentioned Mel Gibson and Jim Caviezel Movie about Human-Trafficking; that took them years to film and even a few more to get distributorship to get it into Theaters – “Sound Of Freedom.” Certainly one of the most important Films of our time, on such an important topic as such is quickly growing and surpassing the Drug Trafficking Trade in illegal profits enriching the Cartels. Please support that. Studios like Angel Studios, do not have the big budgets for continual major projects such as this unless we support them and help them become BIG DEALS at the Box-Office when they do. Nor do they have big promotional Budgets and we need help them with word-of-mouth advertising (the best “review” one can give a Movie, is a personal recommendation to Friends and Family).

The Left, of course, who cheer the wholesale slaughter of Children in the womb, attack this Film (they never defend Children, ever, any-way-shape-or-form; more on protecting Children down-thread) calling it some “Q-Anon Conspiracy Film” cause far too many in Pedowood and other FASCICRATS Party donors are involved in Sex-Trafficking; and of course this is not from one of their “favored” Big-Hollywood-Studios. Sadly too though, to provide proper and FAIR analysis and true Journalism (unlike the #ENEMEdia MSM “Reporters” that just spew the Leftist FASCICRATS Party Talking-Points only and always).

Some Leftist loons are even buying Tickets, and then disrupting the Film during the Screenings (and they should be BANNED from any Theater forever more for disrupting this or ANY Movie like this) and even some Theaters may be trying to sabotage and discourage their own Screenings as Officer Tatum Reports! These people really want to be siding with PEDOPHILES (some who were just a few years back celebrating Tim Ballard on their News Stations/Broadcasts)?!?!? Mel Gibson is NOT holding back on hitting Pedowood!

Continued/more at:

“Will Real Christians Be Able To Save America ???”

[Image source: TheLibertyBeacon]

First, let me say while the title demonstrates this article is mainly addressed to fellow Christians (yes, my Jewish, Muslim, just “Spiritualists” Friends too) it is also about/to/for my Atheist Friends!!! One does NOT have to be Religious/Faithful to be MORAL (as we all “mostly” (aside from ultra-Leftist bastardization of that like virtually any/every term and language in general (regarding that TLB-part1 and TLB-part2 editions)) understand it. For example famous example being Penn of Penn and Teller fame. He continues to profess his Atheism BUT that Moral precepts often attributed to Religion/Faith as COMMON SENSE that I shall not Murder you nor you me, I have NO Right to your stuff nor you mine, and on and on, basis’s in our Laws….
Next: I AM A #ChristiTutionalist (A Real CHRISTIAN CONSTITUTIONALIST (Trademark pending))!!!  The quote “All required for Evil prevail, is good Peoples do nothing” come immediately to mind.

From the “Will Real Christians Be Able To Save America?” article comments:
Movie studio #Lionsgate hires #DylanMulvaney to promote struggling #JudyBlume adaptation ‘Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret’ after it flounders at box office, earning just $16M in three weeks
I think the question isn’t
HELLO #GOD, it’s me ___whomever__, are you there??
But instead #GOD asking WHERE THE HELL ARE ALL THE SUPPOSED REAL #CHRISTIANS to get off their Asses and do something – ANYTHING to Fight EVIL?!?!?
YOU SHALL BE KNOWN BY FRUITS, not empty-rhetoric #VirtueSignaling!!!

Continued/more at:

So, please just let me refer and ask you scroll through my other previous TLB items.

VIDEO (38m 49s): Flashback (ChristiTutionalist TM Politics S1E14 show Video peek):      
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Lastly, probably should have been first-off, September is Suicide-Prevention month – Help Save A Life!! Whether it be a Soldier with PTSD, someone with Terror attack Survivors Guilt, or never-ending general Depression, HELP SAVE A LIFE!!! Suicide-Prevention is just one of many sub-themes/topics in my Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You book – Yes, about Terrorism (just the main-thread ties all the other sub-threads together) but NOT a book about Death but of Life and Living. Life, over Death. Hope, over Fear. Faith, over Despair. Love, over Hate. Good, over Evil. Individualism, over Collectivism. Freedom, over Tyranny. Family, and Friends. LIFE!

[ above BONUS MATERIAL from:  ]

Show intro
Segment 1 - Year (2023) In Review
Norton V Shelby County TN
Odds and Ends (Big Pharma, Guns, 17th Amendment, more)
The Uni-Party lazy label (DeepState, yes, UniParty, NO)
BiDUMBnomics (Cloward and Piven designed collapse of USA)
Twisting and Warping of Language
The Left even tries twisting Children's Stories from their original moral of the Story intentions
The new Core "R's" in Schools peddled by The Left: Radicalism, Raunch, Racism
Remember it was The Left that pulled To Kill A Mockingbird classic book that spawn discussions about the wrongs of Racism from the Schools not The Right
Segment 2 - William (Bill) Hatch (NQAM podcast host)
Let Them Eat Cake
Now I want some Hostess Cup-Cakes
Gay - then vs now
Fag - then (Bundle of Sticks (Cig's)) vs now
Bill discusses his "Back To School" (not Rodney Dangerfield antics style) undertaking
Thou Shalt Not Murder [Innocents]... vs mistranslated from original texts "Thou Shalt Not Kill"
Justified vs UnJustified Killing
Biblical times issuance of Death Penalty vs Modern Times
The Hatfields and McCoys
Negligent Homicide vs PreMeditated Murder
Someone buying (an Elon type in the NBA) Dallas Mavericks team and going to shake up its Woke and CCP ass kissing Politics?
Contract Law
Cable Monopolies (vs Dish and Streaming Services)
Bill tells us about his Not Quite After Midnight show
In Theaters Now: Christian (Angel Studios) film: The Shift (I highly recommend it)
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