ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics

ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E42) "Voter-ID (Devil in Details)"

April 06, 2024 Joseph M. Lenard Season 1 Episode 42
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E42) "Voter-ID (Devil in Details)"
ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics
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ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E42) "Voter-ID (Devil in Details)"
Apr 06, 2024 Season 1 Episode 42
Joseph M. Lenard

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ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E42) "Voter-ID (Devil in Details)"
Voter-ID (Devil in Details, and there are some very important details that many leave out surrounding the discussion). How Left is already skirting real effectiveness of Voter-ID Laws providing FREE ID to all (no proof who they are) and automatically signing up ILLEGAL VOTERS onto QVF's of States via Clinton "Motor-Voter Act" (officially: The National Voter Registration Act Of 1993 (NVRA)) while blocking via Liberal Activist Courts MVA requirements to clean QVF's of improper Voters (Dead, Non-Residents, Felons, etc.) on Rolls (as RNC now (just days after this Show Recorded in March for April broadcast) filed suit vs MI-SOS) so those Ballots available to be Cast (disenfranchising legit Votes and Voters by negating Legal Votes). Shifting Elections by (disenfranchising/subvert legal/legit Votes/Voters with (Illegal Votes/Voters doesn't require "wide-spread Fraud" to change District and/or some States' outcomes (and control of Congress or the White House (2020 POTUS ultimately just decided by 44,000 Votes across 5 States)) just minor manipulations here-and-there in Blue enclaves.

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Show Notes Transcript

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ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E42) "Voter-ID (Devil in Details)"
Voter-ID (Devil in Details, and there are some very important details that many leave out surrounding the discussion). How Left is already skirting real effectiveness of Voter-ID Laws providing FREE ID to all (no proof who they are) and automatically signing up ILLEGAL VOTERS onto QVF's of States via Clinton "Motor-Voter Act" (officially: The National Voter Registration Act Of 1993 (NVRA)) while blocking via Liberal Activist Courts MVA requirements to clean QVF's of improper Voters (Dead, Non-Residents, Felons, etc.) on Rolls (as RNC now (just days after this Show Recorded in March for April broadcast) filed suit vs MI-SOS) so those Ballots available to be Cast (disenfranchising legit Votes and Voters by negating Legal Votes). Shifting Elections by (disenfranchising/subvert legal/legit Votes/Voters with (Illegal Votes/Voters doesn't require "wide-spread Fraud" to change District and/or some States' outcomes (and control of Congress or the White House (2020 POTUS ultimately just decided by 44,000 Votes across 5 States)) just minor manipulations here-and-there in Blue enclaves.

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Joseph M. Lenard SUBSCRIBE-

CTP S1E42 NOTES ( listen (Apr 6 2024 and thereafter) at: )... 
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S1E42) "Voter-ID (Devil in Details)"
Voter-ID (Devil in Details, and there are some very important details that many leave out surrounding the discussion). How Left is already skirting real effectiveness of Voter-ID Laws providing FREE ID to all (no proof who they are) and automatically signing up ILLEGAL VOTERS onto QVF's of States via Clinton "Motor-Voter Act" (officially: The National Voter Registration Act Of 1993 (NVRA)) while blocking via Liberal Activist Courts MVA requirements to clean QVF's of improper Voters (Dead, Non-Residents, Felons, etc.) on Rolls (as RNC now (just days after this Show Recorded in March for April broadcast) filed suit vs MI-SOS) so those Ballots available to be Cast (disenfranchising legit Votes and Voters by negating Legal Votes). Shifting Elections by (disenfranchising/subvert legal/legit Votes/Voters with (Illegal Votes/Voters doesn't require "wide-spread Fraud" to change District and/or some States' outcomes (and control of Congress or the White House (2020 POTUS ultimately just decided by 44,000 Votes across 5 States)) just minor manipulations here-and-there in Blue enclaves.
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript of Show for Episode related addl info
Transcript Bonus: SCOTUS Cowardice - TX v BattleGround States piece   

Episode related pieces...
- New RNC Leadership File Lawsuit vs MI-SOS:  
- "How to Steal an Election in 5 easy steps" by Ed Bonderenka in  

"ChristiTutionalist Politics" podcast (CTP) 
- CTP:  
- CTP long-form description: 
- TLB articles:  
- FaithCasters Free Newsletter:  
- Join Faithcaster (Podcaster or Guest):  
- Broadcast your thoughts w/ buzzsprout:  
- CTP Official Coffee: (promocode: JOSEL20) 
- CTP Official playlist:  
- Transcription Services by: Converter.App  
- Joseph M Lenard -  ( /\     
(CTP S1E42 Audio: 36m 01s, Sat Apr 6 2024)

some "Behind-the-Scenes" Video version of ChristiTutionalist Politics found via...   

In addition to seeing corresponding TheLibertyBeacon piece referenced in episodes of CTP, see too Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout ( for addl bonus material  there-in.  


Transcription Services below from:

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show intro]

Welcome to ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast aka CTP in association with and I am your host Joseph M Lenard and that's L E N A R D   CTP is your no muss no fuss just me you And occasional guest type podcast as Graham Norton would say let's get on with the show 

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast - Segment 1] 

Greetings, everyone.
Welcome to constitutionalist politics podcast season one episode 42 about voter ID.
I want to show you a couple things first for those of you looking behind the scenes sneak
peak video rumble, bit shoot, bright on YouTube.
You can see I'm holding up a piece of paper here, which is a judicial watch poll.
They're conducting on true social.
Do you support voter ID?
Well, of course it's at 100%.
The poll one in the next couple of days, because judicial watch is planning an article apparently
regarding voter ID at the end of March.
Because I'm recording this, let me look at the calendar actually Monday, March 11th.
I'm recording this after having taken part of this poll, but I'm recording this for April
6th, early because I did reach out to the digital watch.
A lot of people seem to think that voter ID is the be all and all of the election integrity
and it's not.
And I reached out to them because the point of the show is not to be about me.
It's not about me just growing this show for the sake of saying, hey, look at me.
My show has more listens than your show.
It's not the motivation of why I do this.
I do this, of course, because you and I need to get information out.
And sadly, as I've said on the show, there's a lot of different places.
Unfortunately, the national talking head parrots, all parrot the same talking points and never
really drill down into other things that are relevant and really matter like you and I
delve into here.
And therefore we need to share with others.
So yeah, of course, I want you to like, share and subscribe to bolsters the numbers of this
But it's not about me.
It's not about my numbers.
It's about our ability to get these other things sub points to topics like voter ID that
no one else discusses out into the ether.
I did reach out to judicial watch that I am recording the show producing a the liberty
beacon that com article for April 6 also on voter ID.
These additional points that I'm going into so that they hopefully will go into them also
because again, it's not about me.
Oh, exclusive, exclusive.
I'm the only one on the planet talking about this.
No, this is about reaching others and like the old Pantene commercial for the older folks
will remember they tell two people then they tell two people then they tell two people sooner
or later a million people are talking about it.
It's becoming national movement.
This is the only way well, not the only way I of course talk to legislators and and the
like directly and party officials directly in the past.
I was the originator of the party of no talking point.
You know how Chuck Schumer started calling us the party of no.
No, well, my response to that and through my friend, said MacArthur, who was in Congress
at the time.
We issued and started a Republican counter talking point of we are the party of no K
and O W because we know our history.
We know better.
That's why we oppose Democrats.
We don't say and oh to anything and everything they say just for the sake of saying and oh,
we say it because they're looking to undermine and destroy our republic.
So this is about giving more people to talk about these things and we do that by you liking,
sharing, subscribing, helping the show grow.
Not to pad my numbers and my influence and my ability to boast.
I don't do this.
I'm not going there.
Look at my numbers compared to yours.
This is not what this is about.
This is about you and I creating a constitutional politics army to go out there and talk about
these things.
No one else is.
And now hopefully that I've shared this with you.
You will be.
You share it with others.
They will be.
I've talked to digital watch.
Hopefully they will be in their upcoming article.
That's why they ran the poll of do you support voter ID?
And of course, everybody answered yes, those looking on video concede.
Yes, 100% blue bar.
Of course, we all support that, but it doesn't begin and ends there.
There is as Paul Harvey would say, the rest of the story we need to talk about.
The left is always thinking short, medium and long term time.
They give to get at times like the late the lessons of Reagan.
I talked about the amnesty deal that Reagan allowed himself to get horn swaddled into
with tip O'Neill.
And of course, they knew Phil left new all along.
They would grant the amnesty, but when it came time to fulfill their promises and actually
fulfill the bill, the act that was passed and signed into law by Reagan, they gave out
the amnesty.
They then just conveniently didn't bother to put the money in the allocation bills for
the border security.
They knew upfront.
They never intended to do that.
It was a bogus empty promise.
While Bill Clinton years the motor voter act was another left sham bill, Dodge, false empty
The left wanted motor voter act so that anyone going to the DMV for any reason will be able
to check a box and automatically become registered to vote.
Not overly objectionable.
The problem of course is they knew they would take it one level further.
And in blue cities, blue areas, they didn't bother to worry about whether someone checked
the box.
They automatically checked the box.
And now they also knew further down the road to subvert voter ID laws.
They would just sign up everybody as they did, but now in blue areas, blue states, purple
states for Democrats control even, they passed laws, motor voter laws at the state level,
allowing for re ID, right?
They pretend to care about voter ID.
That's not what they're doing.
They of course made a provision so that now anyone and everyone without proof of identification
or proof of residency can wander into a DMV in a blue area, proclaim to be anyone and
give an ID and automatically be registered to vote.
No proof of citizenship.
No proof of residency.
No proof they are even remotely who they claim to be.
They get an ID and a registered to vote.
We on the right fail to think these things through and far enough ahead.
It's like chess.
Unfortunately, the left is indeed far better at chess politics than we are far too often.
They're not just thinking about this pawn and that pawn.
They are indeed looking at what the night, the rook, the queen advance moves ahead are
going to be so they can skirt and overt the laws.
They're willing to pass now to get Rhino support so they can pass through Congress or a state
legislature knowing so well they will ignore or outright break the law or outright ignore
the law.
That's case being that motor voter act as part of the motor voter act in order to get
some Republican support because yeah, we want legal people to be able to easily be able
to register to vote.
That we wanted safeguards and that safeguard was and we got in the bill that the left knew
they were going to skirt and overt was QVF qualified voter file.
That's the voter role in each state.
They knew mainly in the purple states that the presidency is really decided and of course
this is more important than just the presidency.
Each house race in every state matters.
Each Senate race in every state matters.
We have to get not just Trump returned to the White House but a wider freedom caucus
control margin in the House and control of the Senate though it's not likely we'll get
filibuster proof control and unfortunately that means we'll have to rely on executive
order where we legally can because of course Obama and Biden have always over reached over
steps had to be struck down issuing executive orders that are unconstitutional outside the
bounds of the rule of law Congress has passed and allowed the president to have meddling
in things like the student debt transfer that requires an act of Congress.
Executive orders are valid when and only when and if it's the chief executive directing
the executive branch and offices of government how to enforce and better enact or direct
things within the legal rule of law and bounds as passed by the Congress and as limited by
the Constitution which we all know our republic is being destroyed because we've gone way
beyond constitutional boundaries and the deep state which comprises rhinos, cenos and
fascicrats alike the administrative state now doing more and more outside the bounds
of constitutional authority and even oftentimes congressional authority but the QVF was by
that law to be clean and cleared every five ten years whatever that number in each state
removes people that have died, removes people that have moved therefore no longer qualify
to vote at that place they once resided they have to vote where they moved to they can't
be allowed to stay on Michigan's rule even though they moved to Florida and vote in both
Florida but pull an absentee ballot from Michigan saying they're out of state well you moved
you're no longer qualified for a ballot in Michigan they need to be removed and of course
now with the law going further enacting laws that any time Dick and Harry can claim to be
John Doe get an ID and sign up to vote at a DMV those illegal and improper available
ballots can be voted fraudulently so those were supposed to be cleared but like happens
in Michigan every time we go if we have a Michigan Republican Secretary of State who
then actually tries to follow them and VA law and clear the roles the left immediately
goes to a liberal activist judge and gets it blocked claiming concern for disenfranchising
voters while if you haven't voted in more than ten years you still have remedy and ability
to vote you have options now with same day registration especially to reclaim your right
to vote as long as you can prove who you say you are and reside where you say you do but
the left doesn't want dead people and the illegals and whatever remove claiming disenfranchisement
what what they really want and and the side before I go too much further also as limbaugh
would you say holding here my formerly nicotine stained hand for those of you seeing on the
video although I never did smoke had loved that rush line RIP rush we miss you CTP to
the book June 2024 the sequel to the original CTP CTP book not two keys in there CTP Christ
to choose all his politics book that came out August of 2023 the follow up will be a quotations
chapter which many of you know because you heard the quotations show episode of CTP I
have in there not a direct quote it is mainly famous people direct quotes that relate to
today politics but I have in their quote paraphrasing really not a direct quote because this is
an important thing but there is only one reason to not support voter ID when all states allow
for obtaining a free identification option and that is solely because you want to allow
fraud and elections and quote and I attribute that or give the citation of dash to everyone
that loves rule of law which of course is nobody on the left they want to be able to
cheat I know it you know it we all know it they know it they just will never admit it
and they often talk about well there's no widespread voter fraud it doesn't require
widespread fraud it only takes a little nudging of things here and there to affect the presidential
election I'm not going to get into the 2020 election other than to say at the end of the
day with all the shenanigans it still came down to 44,000 votes across five states that
is very easily able for us to overcome in 2024 and it's why they want illegal ballot
ability obtaining from the QVF because they know in blue areas in blue cities or blue
counties where they can fudge the numbers a bit it doesn't take widespread voter fraud
to shift a congressional district election or the potus election if you can get it done
in the battleground states so they oppose all that and they knew they would oppose that
all along but that requirement in the MVA was needed to get Republican votes in order
to get it passed for Clinton to sign and that's how and why we are where we are today
voter frauds been going on a long time obviously I'm only going to go back to JFK here because
why the Chicago mob openly boasted that it delivered quote unquote Chicago for JFK
thereby giving him Illinois thereby giving him the entire presidential election we all
know what that meant we all know what that was about we all know what was going on and
no I'm not going to get into the conspiracies of the JFK assassination as some content JFK
didn't give them their quid pro quo they were promised and therefore were involved in his
assassination attempt that's not what this show was about it's about ID election integrity
fraud but all of that relates here so they knew when they were passing the MVA they were
going to skirt that in Michigan we see that all the time whenever there's a Republican
Secretary of State they find a liberal activist judge to order an end to the cleaning of the
files so that they can have access to ballots they know otherwise wouldn't be voted that
they can access and cast illegal ballots now the other thing is I'm going to mention the
RNC we had turnover Rana Rhino me McDaniel as I called her she was Michigan GOP chair back
before she became RNC chair and again as to the whole vote count Trump won Michigan in
2016 by only 10,000 votes and a lot of us have said that was in spite of Rana Rhino
me McDaniel not because of her by only 10,000 votes but Trump didn't listen and he thought
he would reward her trying to help her become our own teacher and we've seen the disaster
she's made of that thankfully Watley and Laura Trump are now taking over and I mentioned
this here because Scott Pressler is out there doing the job more of us need to be doing
registering more people to vote on our side because there are a lot of people still not
even registered to vote let alone ensuring they then get out to vote on election date
so that we know we can count on those votes also Watley and Trump are talking about legal
ballot harvesting that's the other laws the left pass all about oh we want to make it
easier to vote well we on the right have no problem with things being easier to be
done but we know John well the point and purpose that they're doing it is so that the illegal
ballot harvesting aspect that they're engaging in Watley and Trump want us and Pressler has
been calling for and we're doing others in the national media have been calling for we
need to get our vote count up any legal means necessary so in states where it is legal to
ballot harvest we need to do that because we know the left is cheating we know we've
seen it we have the evidence you can see the videos people are testifying all the time
to the fraud of Democrat operatives going into senior centers and harvesting the unvoted
ballots though they can vote rate Democrat regardless of how the person wants to vote
they're stealing their vote we know there are Republican votes in these places but they're
going in and grabbing the ballot before they're voted filling them in for the people not helping
them voting instead of them which is and will always still be illegal but where legal we
need to ballot harvest legal vote for our side all these things matter now this show
always about me this is about us getting out information because badly unfortunately the
national top show hosts you know I'd listen to one but so many of them are just really
not thinkers they are just talking head parents they repeat each other same old talking points
over and over you're only getting this here and again why I asked you to like share and
subscribe it's not about having me on the back for this being the only place you're
going to hear this no this is about getting all of us to get that word out more and to
judicial watch who I reached out to so hopefully they too will talk about these things but
voter ID there is more to that you can't just get a voter ID law passed and go back to your
couch back asleep thinking you've done something you're needed again now we need voter ID constitutional
amendments in each of the 50 states so it's not just a state law that the left goes through
liberal activist courts and work around and avoid and ignore and overt just overtly undermine
laws in some cases they help because they want to appear to be doing one thing when they
know they're going to do completely the opposite behind the scenes the left can never be honest
about intent so we need constitutional amendments in each of the states so that these are these
requirements to clean the voter file every 10 years at least as a matter of your state's
constitution then no state judge could just say oh I interpret the law differently and
we're going to block that because you know you're going to disenfranchise civil rights
at malarkey baloney BS bogus argument got to be part of the state constitution and why
again they want illegal votes to be able to cast they're constantly talking about disenfranchisement
while the real disenfranchisement is when an illegal ballot is cast and the legal vote
is made that then offset and overturns your legal ballot your legal vote that tooth being
disenfranchised us not others who can indeed get a free ID but should be required to prove
they're eligible to vote in order to register to vote so they are illegally disenfranchising
our proper legal votes these things all matter we need to elevate all these things to the
national conscience which again now judicial watch hopefully when they drop their article
later in March or April or May or whenever why they're conducting the poll as part of
that process they will have paid attention to us telling them look there's more to the
story as Paul Harvey would say now you know the rest of the story so liking sharing and
subscribing is not about me being able to brag look my shows got more views than your
shows no it's about us the constitutionalist politics army giving more people like the
Pantene commercial to know the other things that matter under the surface behind the scenes
that the left is giving things they know they're going to be able to subvert later to cheat
with I know doubt I'm going to forget something because frankly if you're looking behind the
scenes you see me wearing a different headset and I'm only going to mention this on the
audio because I recorded this whole show once already I'm doing it again hopefully I'm not
forgetting and leaving anything out but I'm doing that because the audio setup didn't
get set up correctly and the other reason I'm mentioning that is because technical issues
I had a Corsair set which improved the audio quality the show you and I are now discovering
since it stopped working this new razor headset whether the audio quality will be as good
hopefully even better so that those listening on audio only do they good quality show to
hear and these important points come across clearly to people but I wanted to mention
that so yeah I'm having to re-record this whole show have the new headset hopefully the audio
will now be even better if not guess who me or host will be back at the store looking
for yet another option but I just thought I'd mention that imparting and then closing
time to wrap things up see you all again next time these things matter you matter you can't
just do A, B and C and go back to the couch this is an ongoing battle from now into eternity
the left is never going to give up trying to undermine our republic and find ways to
undermine it you must be awake you must be involved always it doesn't mean 24 seven sure
I've wrote a piece done a show on occasional distractions I've got another one that will
have just recently aired when the ufl starts up again certainly I take time to watch a football
game or a hockey game now you can't be involved 24 seven but also if you've paid attention
and more importantly shared with others the bread and circus episode we must stop others
who are engaged in the bread and circus 24 seven to pride themselves away from the boom
tube and being politically involved one of the quotes in the quotations chapter I don't
have it printed out I think it's Plato is that the expense of being uninvolved in politics
means being ruled by your inferiors I'm paraphrasing a bit that quote will be the in CTP to the
book I think I mentioned it in the quotations show and TLB article you've got to be involved
you probably are if you're listening those who are constantly just watching the you know
and I did it they work they come from home from a hard day's work they plop down they
want to relax and put on the boob tube and they're watching that all night we need to
get them to understand that's okay some other time but you need to be involved in politics
or the destruction of our republic, coward and piven bankruptcy style the end is nigh to
quote to point out another quote right the end is near complete collapse of this republic
is just around the corner if all of us all of us do not get off our butt and that means
more than just voting on election day it also really means being involved before a primary
so those who are whining oh you know boy I don't vote because I don't like the choices
we have in November but where were you in February March and April when we were selecting
our primary candidates so that we have better candidate to elect in November you can't just
wake up in November vote and pretend you've done something you need to be involved year
round that means being a delegate you can't complain about the uni party because the party
is what we make of it the party platform of the GOP is great but we need to be involved
to make sure rainbows and see nose aren't the ones that ignore the platform aren't our
candidates that means us being all involved all the time being delegate so you can go
to the meeting so you help recruit candidates so you go to your county convention your state
convention if you want potentially the national convention then if you want you qualify for
those you don't get you screamed from the bleachers at the players coaches officials
the cheerleaders the waterboy on the field that doesn't affect the outcome you must suit
up and be involved to affect the score of the games and the outcome of the season please
please be involved again I if you're watching the show listening to the show you likely
are but you need to get others to listen or watch the show to understand this you've
probably told them this but maybe just maybe hearing it from somebody else like me will
then finally resonate with them or to them so please again like share subscribe do I need
to get on my knees and beg I will do that I'm not beyond that for those of you watching
on video I could literally get down on my knees and beg and again it's not about my
subrussage not about me and my show per se it's about the message giving these things
that unfortunately not enough other people are talking about to get them who also talk
about these things so thank you all take care god bless 

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show outro]

Thank you for having tuned into ChristiTutionalist Politics show. Please be sure to check out more about today's discussion at where my articles drop every Saturday in addition to seeing the corresponding piece referenced in the episode of ChristiTutionalist podcast see to the show transcript on podcast platforms that provide access to it like buzzsprout at for additional bonus material therein the transcript. Thank you. Take care. God bless

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BONUS MATERIAL BELOW from: "#SCOTUS shows COWARDICE in refusing to take #TX case (#ElectionFraud, UnEqual Application/Protections Constitution, #Disenfranchisement, etc, issues) vs #PA, #GA, #MI, & #WI." [See original piece at:, for referenced links, images, and embedded videos.]

[Book from Joseph M. Lenard TERROR STRIKES:
includes section on FIRST AMENDMENT assaults and advocacy
and about the assault on Christianity in America!
see too: <ISBN: 978-1-955043-66-3>
Plus, my latest book (about writing and publishing) 
see too: ]

#SCOTUS shows COWARDICE in refusing to take #TX case (#ElectionFraud, UnEqual Application/Protections Constitution, #Disenfranchisement, etc, issues) vs #PA, #GA, #MI, & #WI. regarding Election 2020 improper Electors seated based upon ILLEGAL Certifications of Election 2020 results in said States after several/key violations of those State Laws making said Election ILLEGAL and UNCERTIFIABLE under Law - see related information:

Consider this "Election 2020 FRAUD - Trump's legal path to reelection!" Article (from Saturday, November 21, 2020; aka: "ELECTION FRAUD 2020 DETAILED" - original: part two....

This is going to be a SHORT and a bit ODD article. Maybe eventually I will get back around and transcribe all the thoughts I shared and Phil/Bruce and a couple other callers covered during the ABOLITIONISTS ROUNDTABLE show (Sat's 9a, WAAM Radio (Deep from the belly of the Liberal beast and home of UofM) WAAM 1600 (Conservative Radio) Ann Arbor MI)! But, instead, for now, I just want to SHARE the AUDIO of this mornings' (Sat Dec 12th) show (and the Conversation will likely be continued on YOUR AMERICAN HERITAGE show (Sat's 1p) and MOMENT OF CLARITY (Sat's 2p) if you see this Article in time to tune in for those shows LIVE (

Listen (AUDIO, approx 45m): WAAM ART (Sat's 9a ET) Dec 12 - SCOTUS COWARDICE:
items included:
+ SCOTUS, as well as RINO led Legislatures, COWARDS (refuse to perform duties under Constitution and on behalf of those that Elected or Appointed (in case of SCOTUS) them)!
+ I mention we need the PALeg (or GALeg or WILeg) to step up (and Tim reiteratted that (but thought MILeg would but Shirkey and Chatfield are RINO COWARDS, won't happen) and File suit over Gov/SOS over-reach and implementing NEW/CHANGED ELECTION LAW UNCONSTITUIONALLY (by fiat, bypassed Legislatures) in these States, cuz MILeg (I'm here in MI) we know are the biggest CINO/RINO COWARDS of them all, and SCOTUS could NOT pull the "STANDING" manure/dodge.
+ SCOTUS as bad as Teachers, working only PART-TIME and FAILING THE NATIONS' CITIZENS!
+ SCOTUS, COWARDICE, allowing continued BAD PRECEDENCE and/or CASE LAWS by refusing to hear and Rule on clear CONSTITUTIONAL ISSUES CASES - such as the TX vs GA,MI,PA,WI is.
--- like DredScott and upholding "different CITIZENS classes" despite ALL MEN CREATED EQUAL promise and 5A EQUAL PROTECTIONS (which then required a CIVIL WAR to undo)
--- like RoeVWade (see related: PRIVACY? Ruling manure, bypassing entire 14Amendment issues which will eventually overturn RVW)
--- like obaMAOcare
........... related:
........... (ObamaCare 2009 Townhalls 1) (Dingell townhall)
........... (ObamaCare 2009 Townhalls 2) (more townhall hijinks)
........... (ObamaCare 2009 Townhalls 3) (Acting, Razzie to Peters)
........... (ObamaCare 2009 Townhalls 4) (Steny Howyer)
........... (ObamaCare 2009 Mandates)
........... (ObamaCare 2012 Contraception deception)
--- like Citizens United (and McLame/Feingold Campaign Finance Law) "narrow" Ruling rather than tossing entire Law on FreedomOfAssociation and PropertyRights (Your money is your Property, and you can give it in whatever amounts you damn well please to whomever you like for whatever (LEGAL) purpose and Electing Representatives is not just our Right but our DUTY AS CITIZENS!
+ sadly missed, but hopefully touched on at 1p or 2p - "sound" BUSHVGORE precedence that would have clearly dictated the TX case be ruled in favor of TX regarding (again, like, BVG) on EQUAL PROTECTION and "disenfranchisement" (a word Fascicrats (see related: love to throw around, IMPROPERLY/TWISTED-fashion (The Left must ALWAYS twist words/language/stories, they cannot win any argument on factual merits (see:!
+ also, remember when #TDS #Roberts pull his "there are no Obama Judges" manure? Well, clearly he's become a Liberal Activist Obama Judge since Oblunder left office!
+ The other PA Case should obviously be heard by SCOTUS too, on same grounds! PAGov and PASOS as well as PA Supreme Court upholding their over-reach and violation of Constitution to arbitrarily change PA Election Law bypassing Legislature MUST BE HEARD AND DEALT WITH! COWARDS!
MORE (Sat Dec 12 14:15 UPDATE): WAAM "YOUR AMERICAN HERITAGE" (Sat's 1p ET) Show - Tying together the LOCKDOWNS cases, PA Election Law overstep by PAGov/PASOS and PA Supreme Court Liberal Activist Ruling (appeal not heard by SCOTUS), and TX v 4 States, SCOTUS COWARDICE:
ALSO Listen (AUDIO, approx 45m): Dr Dave Janda - "Operation Freedom" (Sun's 3p ET) Sun Dec 6 Show: Election Fraud and SCOTUS battle setup:
regarding my mention of opposing Kavanaugh - see:
My other articles, including several more regarding the Courts at:

And as far as WAAM goes....
LIVE Conservative TalkRadio Sat/Sun #WAAM1600Talk
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see too -- Mike Adams: The Betrayal Is Now Complete - SCOTUS Dismissal of Texas Lawsuit Illuminates Final Remaining Option to Save the Republic! at:

SEMI-RELATED - in that the Left twists terms like DISENFRANCHISEMENT in relation to Votes and ILLEGAL VOTES....

Election Fraud was/is discussed in so far as THERE IS A REASON FASCICRATS (related: CHEAT IN DETROIT RATHER THAN LILLY-WHITE ANN ARBOR MI, they can't DEFLECT by SCREAMING RACISM when caught in Ann Arbor ------ twisting of language: WAAM "Moment Of Clarity" (Sat's 2p) Show:  (AUDIO 45m): (MOC, WAAM Sat's 2p, Listen Live: or MOC Archives:


gun toting patriot bryson gray


TUESDAY JUNE 20, 2023 UPDATE (from an email reply I sent to John T):

Thanks John, I gave "Norton v Shelby County" a cursory review,

(related:  (aka: and (aka:
it is indeed a "movement" in the right direction in-so-far-as State level agencies, but this need go as a challenge to virtually ANY of the Federal Alphabet agencies (and/or Federal - devoid/ignoring 10A specifics - Programs) UNCONSTITUTIONAL EXISTENCE!!

HOWEVER, I fear, even if such a case(s) were to be filed/brought, we still have too many Cowards on the SCOTUS that it would be just dismissed and unheard (any excuse to avoid it) like the TX v BattleGround States regarding ELECTION 2020 VIOLATIONS OF THOSE STATES' LAWS THERE-BY DEMANDING THEIR STATES' ELECTION UN-CERTIFIABLE AND ELECTORS AS DELEGATED UNLAWFUL in and of themselves (and conferred to those States' Legislatures rather than SOS for allotment/appointment/seating/delegating).

I will ADD AN UPDATE (of text above, a bit reworked) into my SCOTUS COWARDICE article in reference to NvSC for reference there-in.

related items:
(where it all ramped up: (EF2020D pt2) [THIS PIECE]
( full article hyperlink - ) [THIS PIECE]

additional related items:

AS PREVIOUSLY MENTIONED, not promising WHEN but at some point (I've got alot going on right now with meetings/interviews a couple other book projects in the works (working titles: "Take Back the Rainbow"  "Living Hell"  "So Tired"  "Gestapo Kidnap File" (rewrite of previous manuscript)  "How the World Really Works"  as well as my weekly TLB (and occasional more B4IN ( article commitments)) I will get it up as a relevant related item under the MORE/XTRAS on/at my  (in some way shape or form, just have to figure out how to write a lead-in, and then potentially develop a related TS Press Release about it's placement onto the site) website regarding FASCI-FEDERALISM V ORIGINAL INTENT (see too: argument(s).

[ Friday June 30th 2023 UPDATE:
Thank you for checking out this B4IN piece, also please see recent #BeforeItsNews (B4IN “Christian News” articles/section) exclusive (for now, may get a TheLibertyBeacon reprint with TLB exclusive updates in coming months) about latest LEFT DELUSION RESPONSES to the absolutely correct #RuleOfLaw and #Constitution sound decisions (they cannot argue their case on merits but instead, as always, try to stoke EMOTIONAL HYSTERICS response).
The "#ChristiTutionalist Politics" podcast is now on the air!!! Finally get your News from a purely Christian U. S. Constitutional perspective.... Plus recent SCOTUS Rulings discussion...]

BONUS MATERIAL ABOVE from: "#SCOTUS shows COWARDICE in refusing to take #TX case (#ElectionFraud, UnEqual Application/Protections Constitution, #Disenfranchisement, etc, issues) vs #PA, #GA, #MI, & #WI." [See original piece at:, for referenced links, images, and embedded videos.]