ChristiTutionalist (TM) Politics

ChristiTutionalist Politics (S2E60) "#PrinciplesNotPersonalities"

August 10, 2024 Joseph M. Lenard Season 2 Episode 60

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CTP S2E60 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Aug 10 2024 and thereafter) at: )... 
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S2E60) "#PrinciplesNotPersonalities" 
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript for full Show Notes (including related links) and Transcript Bonus  
#PrinciplesNotPersonalities - it should be a simple concept, but sadly many (both Left and Right) are more "rah rah" my guy/gal whatever rather than be honest/true to self and uphold their own "supposed" set of Principles/Values. Remember the recent CTP "Speculations and What If's" episode? Well, can/do you pass the "Show on the other Foot" test "What if" or are a hypocrite (which, of course, is not to say for every "Rule" there can be an occasional "exception" but if everything is allowed be "exception" you really have no Rules/Principles/Values/Standards)? Some eager to be "hypocrites" if it is for "their guy/gal" benefit.

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CTP S2E60 SHOW NOTES ( listen (Sat Aug 10 2024 and thereafter) at: )... 
ChristiTutionalist Politics (S2E60) "#PrinciplesNotPersonalities" 
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript for full Show Notes (including related links) and Transcript Bonus  
#PrinciplesNotPersonalities - it should be a simple concept, but sadly many (both Left and Right) are more "rah rah" my guy/gal whatever rather than be honest/true to self and uphold their own "supposed" set of Principles/Values. Remember the recent CTP "Speculations and What If's" episode? Well, can/do you pass the "Show on the other Foot" test "What if" or are a hypocrite (which, of course, is not to say for every "Rule" there can be an occasional "exception" but if everything is allowed be "exception" you really have no Rules/Principles/Values/Standards)? Some eager to be "hypocrites" if it is for "their guy/gal" benefit.
See Buzzsprout podcasts Transcript of Episode for related addl info
Transcript Bonus: "Speculations and What If's" (TLB article)   

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(CTP S2E60 Audio: 21m 04s, Sat Aug 10 2024)

SNEAK-PEEK: The next several TLB pieces (planned going forward from July 20th) and correlating/corresponding CTP Shows already outlined, ready to go, in some cases actually already pre-recorded. Why mention such? Well, it means I can add this COMING SOON (and/or recently dropped) addition/section to the Show Notes...
July 20 - S2E57: USA, then, now, future  
July 27 - S2E58: Self-Sufficiency?  
August 3 - S2E59: Who is Baby-Sitting Whom? 
August 10 - S2E60: #PrinciplesNotPersonalities 
August 17 - S2E61: Democrat (aka: #Fascicrats) Hate  
August 24 - S2E62: Finding the Sweet Spot  

some "Behind-the-Scenes" Video version of ChristiTutionalist Politics found via...   

In addition to seeing corresponding TheLibertyBeacon piece referenced in episodes of CTP, see too Show transcript on Podcast platforms that provide access to it (like buzzsprout ( for addl bonus material  there-in.


Transcription Services below from:

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show intro]

Welcome to ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast aka CTP in association with and I am your host Joseph M Lenard and that's L E N A R D   CTP is your no muss no fuss just me you And occasional guest type podcast as Graham Norton would say let's get on with the show 

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast - Segment 1] 

How's it going?
Hope you're having a pleasant day.
Thank you for taking the time to tune in once again, or if you're new, your first time
to the Christian's politics podcast.
I think this should most likely be a short show.
Yeah, I know, I know, I know.
I'm laughing at myself.
I've said that before, and then one, it ends up being one of my record points shows, because
then I get going down side rabbit holes, because again, nothing exists in a vacuum.
All issues correspond correlate, relate in some way, shape or form.
They affect each other.
But and I bet when I said, this is like going to be a short show, you were expecting to
say already at any rate.
So yes, indeed, let's get one of those in already at any rate.
Principles not personalities.
It's a pretty simple concept, but yet, so many fall prey to a charisma, a charismatic
person and caught up in the personalities and kind of the rah, rah, rah over this or
Down their guard, if and when or willing to sell their principles in value short, which
is not to say compromise is a journey word, unless if you're always doing it and giving
away your values and principles, then it's not compromised.
It's selling out.
It is surrender.
So there is that.
Yes, on occasion, obviously, I'm not going to give an exact example, but so and so may
put forth something and generally I would oppose it, but I'm willing to listen with
an open mind as to the wise and wherefore so and so thinks we need to do this or that.
And I might say, okay.
I generally would oppose this, but I'm willing to give you a shot.
Let's try that.
Maybe it can work.
I don't think it will, but maybe it can work and let's try that.
But again, if you're doing that all the time, that's not compromised.
That's surrender.
That sell out.
So principles not personalities.
Judge not, I've got written down on my notes here.
Human plus one in the paper.
Judge not.
It's really condemn not less.
He be condemned because there are 12 other scriptures plus that tell us we are to judge
and we are to judge biblically.
And it's this, we are to judge on the same standards.
That applies here with principles not personalities.
Judging by the same set of standards, not being a hypocrite, that is important, that
We don't flip flop in the wind.
And speaking of flip flop in the wind, if you remember from many election cycles ago,
the John Kerry ad about him out on the parasailor and he was for it before he was addicted.
Some people have no principles.
Their only value or principle is the attainment and keeping of power.
They will say and do anything.
That in a sense, their personality matters.
The content of their character there is then established and does matter.
That in itself is a principle.
Someone whose character is that they are completely unprincipled.
That of their personality, their character matters.
But this show isn't really about that.
That's about issue by issue and every issue you must judge on its own merits.
And yes, again, they often almost always all interconnect in interrelate.
I mentioned John Kerry because of the Hatch Act.
Time after time after time, whenever there's a Republican president, John Kerry and others
on the left constantly going abroad and interacting with foreign leaders.
A violation of what's known as the Hatch Act.
Been around a long time, but basically never been enforced.
I'm kind of stumbling with my words here a bit.
But what sparked this episode is that Donald Trump met with Benjamin Netanyahu,
the Israeli prime minister regarding what's going on in the Middle East right now.
And that clearly is a violation of the Hatch Act.
Now, some on social media tried to push back on me.
Well, he was the former president.
Yeah, true.
Regardless, irrelevant.
He is not the president right now.
You can only have one president, one commander in chief, one head of the state department at a time.
That was the point and purpose of the Hatch Act.
So one or two things has to happen.
You have to either be honest and say, well, John Kerry was in violation of it and should
have been prosecuted for it.
We can't have these competing or contradictory messages being sent abroad about what is current
U.S. policy.
If you said that, then you can then not excuse Donald Trump doing it now.
I am supporting Trump for president in 2024, but I am not a hypocrite.
I do not worship any man on this planet.
I, if you recall, or if you've not heard yourself before, you don't know,
I born and raised the Catholics, although like I say, over all,
in case this is your first show.
This is not a Catholic show.
It's not a Lutheran show, a Methodist show, a Baptist show, an Adventist show,
a Yada, Yada, Yada, Yada, Yada, Yada, Yada, Yada,
whatever brand or flavor show.
It is Christian show overall.
And what can us as different denominations come together on
in and under Christ rather than letting Satan win by having us arguing with each other?
Satan wins when that happens.
But this is about not being hypocrite.
I coined the term nincompop for Francis because in my mind, he is more interested in communism
than Catholicism a lot of the time.
And as I've written in many pieces lately, I think I've mentioned on several shows.
Plan on repeating it here.
If you've not heard it yet, community is biblical.
Community is voluntary.
We were given free will.
We are given personal commandments to take care of each other.
But that is voluntary through Cherokee.
That is biblical versus communism or socialism, whatever.
It is forced.
That redistribution.
There is a difference.
And the distinction matters.
Community is biblical.
And again, should not condemn not remove the law from your own eye.
Judge on one set of standards.
I am remaining consistent here.
No man on this planet, including the pope, is above criticism.
So Trump should not have met with Netanyahu.
Because Trump has indeed complained about hack at violations in the past.
So you cannot point the finger at the other guys and do the same thing yourself.
We must remain consistent.
And I have in my note here.
Sue on the other foot cast, right?
Couple episodes ago, the speculations and what ifs episodes.
Can will you answer that honestly if the she was on the other foot?
Let's just for sake of argument, I'm not a mind reader.
Although I joke online about being Joe Stradomis at times, I have indeed predicted
like I came up with the term Camelot.
You know, after the JFK Camelot thing.
And indeed, a week later, New York Magazine has it on their cover.
Of course, I meant it as a joke.
As a prediction that indeed, the left who can never deal in substance would try to JFK ask.
Camelot Harris.
And indeed, that's what we're saying, right?
All fluff, all style over substance, all trying to make her like the second coming of Camelot.
And she's not obviously, but they have to do that to avoid dealing in their policy failure.
They can't talk policy.
They can't talk substance.
So they try to deflect the style.
So, the shew on the other foot, for sake of argument again, not predicting one way or the other.
The polls are so close.
And we elected president based on the Electoral College, not popular vote.
The battleground state polls are all within the margin of error.
So it could go either way this November.
But for sake of argument, let's just say Trump is elected.
And then Camelot Harris decides to run around the planet to a ram and wherever else our nation's
enemies, instead of our allies, to undermine the foreign policy of the then current,
if Trump is elected, Trump administration.
Can you honestly say that you're then going to hold the same standard?
If you allow Trump to do it, you can't whine about Kamala doing it.
I complained about John Kerry doing it and Al Gore doing it and Hillary Clinton doing it
during Republican administration.
I remain consistent.
I am about principles, not personalities.
I am not cutting Trump's slack on this.
I understand why he did it.
I agree that we need to be closer with our ally Israel regarding having been
attacked by terrorists on October 7th.
But I'm not running for president.
So I could meet with Benjamin Netanyahu and tell him my thoughts and my
several countrymen that agree with me that we should be more supportive rather than eating
a ram by lifting the sanctions as Biden did, which allowed Iran to get rich again with oil
money to then afford to back Hezbollah and Hamas terrorists, which led to the October 7th,
a terrorist attacks.
Not one military target was struck that day.
They purposefully willfully and malice of forethought attacked, murdered, raped,
kidnapped men, women, children, no military targets, terrorist attack.
But again, yes, a little off the beaten path there, but this is what we're dealing with.
But back to the topic.
Hugh on the other foot syndrome, are you going to be consistent?
Do you remain consistent?
Do you hold to your principles and not succumb to personality, celebrity worship?
That's the question.
That's the point of this whole show.
I'm looking up at the Zoom clock there.
It says I'm 16 and a half minutes into recording this segment of the show.
And indeed, yeah, that's it.
Can you believe it?
I actually said this would be a short show.
And indeed, it's turning into a short show.
So let me in conclusion read.
Again, feel it, where do you begin that calm?
A principle is not personalities will be the title of the corresponding correlating piece
that drops there also Saturday, August the 10th, same day as the show.
I'm going to read just one little section again, they correlate and correspond.
Now, everything that's in that article is in the show.
Not everything that's in the show, maybe in that article, you're meant to listen to the one
and read the other or read the one, then listen to the other.
I appreciate if you would, because I don't want to tie up too much of your time at one setting,
either with the show or with the article need to keep them both reasonable life.
Real Donald Trump, I said this on truth, at Real Donald Trump should not be talking with world
leaders. Period. Not right now. Why? Simple. We as people on the right, conservatives,
Christi Tuszos, have been complaining about Sash Prat always undermining the USA while the
Republican hold office in violation of the hashtag. So I do not, will not change my tune for Trump,
be a liar in a hypocrite like a leftist flip flop or etc. There is only one official commander
and chief slash president and secretary of state, etc. At a time period, that is not only law,
but foundation of our constitutional republic. So in closing, the hashtag either needs to be
given peace and enforced and people prosecuted or it needs to be eliminated. And I'm not for
eliminating it because then there would be complete chaos. We cannot have 50,000 people claiming
to represent the United States running around the world, making promises to other world leaders
when there is one commander in chief, one administration at a time, officially in charge of our nation.
And with that, I bid you all a sponsor. Well, bid you what it do till next week. And again,
remember, the Saturday regular drops are monologue shows like this was. And I think I've got enough
guest interviews in the can now that indeed probably every Wednesday going forth for some time will be
special Wednesday midweek drops. Whereas before I was just dropping an occasional one here and there,
but from here going forward to probably the election, although not all of them are politically
related, I have a couple singer songwriters coming on a couple authors coming on a couple whatever the
midweek drops don't always have to be Christian or political. They are midweek special guests
for whatever reason, whether they fit in the show. If you remember, I had an atheist on the show before.
If you want to look up, well, is Anton was a great show with her. She's actually been on twice. There
I go again, two fingers on two hands is for hold up one hand with two fingers. She was on twice.
For those of you seeing on the video behind the scenes, there you see my screw up. I don't know why
do that. Pull up both hands trying to make a point about two holding up both hands with two
fingers makes four, not two, but she was on twice once we were talking about afterlife. Her non-religious
scientific approach to belief in afterlife and my belief through Christianity in indeed afterlife.
So at any rate, yeah, I know I bet you knew I was going to say that right.
At any rate, indeed, thank you all for tuning in. Take care. God bless. Till next time. See you later.

[ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast begin Show outro]

Thank you for having tuned into ChristiTutionalist Politics show. Please be sure to check out more about today's discussion at where my articles drop every Saturday in addition to seeing the corresponding piece referenced in the episode of ChristiTutionalist podcast see to the show transcript on podcast platforms that provide access to it like buzzsprout at for additional bonus material therein the transcript. Thank you. Take care. God bless

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BONUS MATERIAL BELOW from: TheLibertyBeacon "Speculations and What If's" [See original piece at: , for referenced links, images, and embedded videos.]

[ TLB June 29 2024 – 1,200 words, 2 images, 1 videos – conjunction w/ CTP S2E54 ]

Speculations and What Ifs 
[Yep, you may have guessed, another piece spurred by social-media discussion(s).]

Speculations, Hypotheticals, Paranoiac Pre-Panics about Possibilities/Potentials, and What Ifs… Remember the ole “if my Aunt were born Male would be my Uncle instead” line (which, yes, with today’s Gender-confusion idiocy, takes new Life)?

I understand and agree that speculations and "what ifs" are best to avoid as responses/dodges to topic discussions.... As, yes, and I have indeed used such arguments to point out Leftist hypocrisy, double-standards, and “Rules For Thee But Not Them” applications we see all the time today. So, yes, occasionally they become necessary counters to Leftist attacks on those on The Right – like the clear double-standards of attacks and often made up shit about Don Trump Jr. and the WELL LOOK AT HUNTER (and the actual facts and evidence of his Crimes, and the entire #BidenCrimeFamily, with no real action). 

Now, yes, they try point to the current Hunter Gun Trial, but does anyone actually think it is in earnest?!?! It could have, should have, been undergone long ago. Look at all the other Charges should have been filed against Hunter (and other BiDUMB’s) that clearly the Leftist DeepState system dragged its feet on to conveniently “allow” Statutes-of-Limitations to run-out (meanwhile, purposefully, willfully, malice of forethought, change NY Law to try turn “alleged” book-keeping questions into “an extended time-frame-extension so-as to then be able to Charge former President Trump in Lawfare Election interference efforts. Which, of course, brings questions of Ex Post Facto Law applications Appeal SCOTUS needs here (as because if someone, anyone, does something LEGAL at time or Statute run-out, The Left can just change or create NEW LAW to then use against their Political enemies (Banana-Republic manure) but that is whole other rabbit-hole). And, yes, the NJ Senator and Gold Bars payoffs corruption – that another “but look, we apply Rule-of-Law equally” dodge as Menendez had developed a conscience of late and not toeing the #Fascicrats Party line 100% of time anymore and they want him replaced. These are all SELECTIVE APPLICATIONS, Politically and Power motivated…

Where was I before I side-tracked alternate rabbit-holed again? “speculations and what ifs are best to avoid as responses/dodges.” However, this is not that. What ifs when it comes to potential POLICY discussion to hash through thoughts can be beneficial. 

Many "speculating" or "asking" if #Trump indeed becomes #POTUS47, could and/or should he #PARDON himself in response to the #NY Charges Conviction idiocy... My #reasoned #logic why NO (whether could or not aside, should? NO)!

1) #PrinciplesNotPersonalities - I do not like, do not want, the #PRECEDENCE and potential mis-use another #POTUS could use it in/for/with. #simple #principled 

2) The #NY #BananaRepublic #Lawfare farce need go through #Appeals (and all way into #SCOTUS) and those engaging in that manure SLAPPED DOWN (as NY #Lawmakers and #Courts have been over and over for pathetic clear UnConstitutional actions/activities over and over again - call them out, put their farce on FULL DISPLAY of being SMACKED DOWN yet again). That too, if not done this way, if it allowed to be "glossed over and more-or-less be 'left in place' if a Pardon bypasses proper order/hearings" would allow yet another BAD #PRECEDENCE to be set otherwise. 

There is ALREADY too many BAD #LAWS and/or #PRECEDENCES allowed (and other and more BAD #LAW created and piled up upon such Precedence that could, would, should, be smacked down EARLY in a process, not 30, 40, 50, years later; after so much damage could be done (like Leftist Judges in lower Courts using Roe that even #Ginsberg admitted DID NOT set an "Abortion Right" Precedent to create Laws and lower Activist Rulings as if it had and need for a Dobbs reversal far earlier)) set by #SCOTUS not dealing with enough Cases a year they should.

And, yes, another side rabbit-hole, it is always SPECULATED whether 3rd Party Candidates cost so-and-so an Election and usually I REJECT such. Like Gore crew blaming Nader. Like many HWBushers STILL trying to blame Perot. However, studies really show, both those cases anyway, those Voting for the “other 3rd Party” were people that would have otherwise NOT VOTED (entirely, or planning on skipping the POTUS part of the Ballot) and therefore really did NOT affect overall Electoral College outcome. What about 2020? The Libertarian Candidate (and more on them coming) in a few key Battleground States, made a difference?!?!?
Putting aside all the Fraud stuff – the 2020 Election STILL really came down to about 45,000 Votes in just a couple key States that could have shifted the outcome (again, we use Electoral College, NOT popular Vote and doesn’t matter how you “run up the Counts” in some States, but the results of the Battleground States (again, POTUS LEVEL) to determine outcome (yes, running up counts via cheating ANYWHERE can and does effect USHouse and USSenate Race outcomes, talking POTUS Race here)! Now, obviously, NOT ALL LIBERTARIANS if Jo wasn’t on Ballot would have bothered to Vote and Voted GOP ticket. I AM JUST SAYING, as I have in several BeforeItsNews #Election2020recap pieces, actual analysis not just wild speculations and WISH IT WOULD HAVE BEEN feelings based manure, that if just 1-3% of those in those KEY STATES would have, it still could have swayed that Election (but, yes, again, had they, with all the Count shenanigans, The Left could have maybe just manufactured the additional Votes to still overcome that shift). So, again, why the SPECULATIONS and WHAT IFS are often NOT ALL THAT HELPFUL (never can, never will, be able to factor all factors).

[Image source: Joseph M Lenard (Demand and Supply co.) © 2002]

VIDEO (52m 17s): CTP (S2E54) " CTP (S2E54, 20240629) ’Speculations and What Ifs’ BTS/SP Video”:         x       
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Regarding #LIBERALtarians… From my LOCALS social-media feed…

YOU AWAKE YET - How are some STILL SLEEPING?!?!? I've been saying (over 2 decades, I used to interact with some REAL LIBERTARIANS back when) Libertarian Party been moving Leftward... more-so late including on my CTP Show, Savaged Unfiltered, Maverick News (Canada), more/elsewhere, and some just thought I was being HYPERBOLIC, that #Libertarians haven't been such for 2 decades now - THEY'RE #LIBERALtarians (mostly about POT issue their they want to get High anytime, anyplace, and IF they ruin their (via Pot and escalation to other even more destructive Drugs) own Lives (unlike real Libertarians past, about Smaller Govt, ending Welfare State) they all about YOU having take care of them). Well, some FINALLY AWAKENED to that Reality now that they (as a Party) OFFICIALLY NOMINATED ULTRA-LEFTIST GAY HAMAS-TERRORISTS HUGGER (OpenBorders and YOU as Taxpayers having to take care of them, again - so much for INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY and SMALLER GOVT) as their nominee! THANK YOU for so blatantly PROVING MY POINT, PROVING ME RIGHT! 

[Image source: Joseph M Lenard (Demand and Supply co.) © 2002]

And lastly, back to the whole TRUMP going forward speculations. As I said on LOCALS…

OK, just ACT 2 concluded in the very PREDICTABLE (Lawfare) Play.
Time to Appeal, where another Leftist Activist Judge will ignore #RuleOfLaw, #Constitution, #Precedence, etc., also!
So we can RUSH IT to the SCOTUS for real Hearing and quick OVER-TURN based on COUNTLESS violations "Appeal" reasons.
As the saying goes, they eagerly manufacture The Rope by which they will be HUNG (figuratively speaking)!

So, how has “Speculations and What Ifs… Remember the ole ‘if my Aunt were born Male would be my Uncle instead’ line (which, yes, with today’s Gender-confusion idiocy, takes new Life)” fared against my other pieces?!?! LOL. You know many times I say about how ODD and DIFFERENT some my pieces can be!!

BONUS MATERIAL ABOVE from: TheLibertyBeacon "Speculations and What If's" [See original piece at: , for referenced links, images, and embedded videos.]

People on this episode