Stylist Soul Tribe Conversations
Welcome to 'Stylist Soul Tribe Conversations', your source of inspiration and empowerment inside the beauty industry. Hosted by Lisa Huff, this podcast aims to ignite passion, purpose, and potential in hairstylists, salon owners, and industry professionals worldwide.
Each episode, ranging from concise 15-minute insights to detailed hour-long conversations, is thoughtfully curated to offer a mix of solo musings, co-hosted discussions, and interviews with members of our close-knit Stylist Soul Tribe community and other industry trailblazers.
We delve into business-building strategies, lifestyle design, personal growth, and the power of the law of attraction. Our conversations are both uplifting and insightful, crafted to help you build a life and business beyond your wildest dreams.
The power of community is at the heart of everything we do. At 'Stylist Soul Tribe Conversations', we believe in the magic that happens when likeminded individuals come together, support each other, and collectively raise the bar in the industry.
So join us as we explore the transformative power of community and celebrate the beauty of becoming, together.
Stylist Soul Tribe Conversations
015 - Taylor Schulz: Embracing Courage, Growth, and Vision
- Taylor's professional journey from nursing to becoming a passionate photographer.
- The importance of facing fears and how it can transform your personal and professional life.
- Insights into business growth and the vital role of mindset in achieving success.
- Taylor's vision for her photography business and how she creates unique, personalized experiences for her clients.
- Find out more about Taylor Schulz and her work: https://taylorforrestphoto.com/
Apply for Stylist Soul Tribe Mastermind now! https://form.jotform.com/241785301437153
Connect with Lisa Huff
Welcome to Stylist Soul Tribe Conversations. I'm your host, Lisa Huff. Over the last five years, I've coached hundreds of hairstylists and beauty industry professionals, helping them work their dream schedules exclusively with their dream clientele, and earn their dream income. income, all while fostering genuine connections and lifelong friendships inside the beauty industry. And this podcast, we dive deep into abundance, manifestation, business building strategies, and creating a life that you are truly proud of both behind the chair and at home. Are you ready to embark on a journey of personal growth, success, and sisterhood then hit that subscribe button now and get ready to experience the pure magic of Silas Old Tribe conversations. Welcome back to Stylist Soul Tribe Conversations. I am here today with an old friend of mine, Taylor Schulls. She will always be Tay Pom to me, though, because that's her maiden name. Taylor and I met way back in high school. We worked at Texas Roadhouse together way back in the day. We drifted apart for many years and then we found ourselves in this really beautiful collaborative business friendship. Taylor is a professional wedding and boudoir photographer serving Chicago and worldwide who has kind of become like a token member of Silas Soul Tribe. She's photographed our last to retreats. She knows the community. She's been in the room of some of the biggest, most impactful breakthrough moments of my professional life. She's a fellow big dreamer. Go get her passion led entrepreneurial spirit. Taylor's been a huge fan of this podcast since episode one. One. She sends me love and messages every few weeks telling me how much she's enjoying listening to each episode. So I told her, why don't you just come on? I know she's not a hairstylist, but if she's enjoying this podcast so much, I think that you guys will enjoy her equally the same. Tae, welcome to the podcast. How are you doing? Hi, thank you. That was, like, an awesome intro. You're so easy. I did type that out ahead of time, but you're so easy to, like, do that with. I feel like we are just such, like, months can go by, weeks can go by, years can go by, and when we get connected again, you're just like, we just get each other. 100%. I just love you to death. So it's easy. You know, I love you. So I guess what made you, I remember, like I said, Taylor from episode one, she's been sending me so much love through this podcast. You just like light me up. You make me so happy. You're the biggest cheerleader. You're such a good friend. But like, what was the switching point when you were finally like, okay, I'm gonna do it. Like, wait, what made you decide that? So I've really been jumping into the boudoir world. And that was a really big fear of mine. And I've You know, express it to you a lot. And I think that was a turning point for me. Like, okay, I actually have something that I can share that might be helpful to others. And I thought, why not just go for it? I'm stepping into all these big fears. Why not do another one? Yeah, you're doing things that scare you. So let's just add another one to it. Okay, so let's go back in time a little bit. We probably don't need to go all the way back to Texas Roadhouse because that's probably overkill. But let's go back in time a little bit on just like your personal professional journey. Obviously I know a lot about you between how long I've known you, our incredible times we've spent together, but then we also did like a short period of coaching Taylor and I, so I really got to know you on a deeper level when we did that too. So you started in nursing, you've had quite the transition, just like Try to tell your story from back to when it feels appropriate. Sure. So, I, for my whole life, wanted to be a photographer. But my dad specifically was like, that's great, but you need a real job. And I think he had like the biggest heart towards it. He owned his own business and it was He was very he did really well for himself, but there was also a lot of like, you know, it's like feast or famine, you know? So I think he was trying to protect me. And for a long time, I went back and forth about what I wanted to do. And I landed on nursing and I was a new nurse, maybe only like a year or two before COVID hit. And it just kind of broke my spirit. And I was like, Yeah, it was just one of those things where I was like, all right, I really don't like this. And the turning point where I really made my decision was I was second shooting with a good friend of mine and we went to New York to do the wedding. And after that we were like, let's go to Boston, let's take advantage and have the time of our lives on this trip. So I was just observing her. We were with one of her friends and I was just kind of observing her. And I really like. Hold her in high regard. Yeah. She's an awesome human being. And I, I went outside by the docks'cause Boston is surrounded by water. Mm-Hmm. And I just sat by myself thinking like I admire her so much. Mm-Hmm. And this is the reality of her life. Mm-Hmm. And there are. So many other possibilities. I don't have to stick with nursing. And on that doc, I was like, I'm going to call my husband, Kevin, and talk with him. And he was just 2021. Okay, so just, I mean, three, late into 2021, three years ago? Almost four years ago? Okay, so yeah, so really not that long ago. It's actually kind of wild that that's when you decided that this would be, like, your full time gig, because from the outside looking in, you seem so well established, so, like, on top of your game, and this has been, like, your career for a lot longer than that. So, You made that decision and then what did that look like? Did you just quit? Did you like, did you move slowly? Did you move quickly? What was that? I moved really quick. I, so that was in September and I quit nursing in October. I gave my two weeks and it was just one of those things where I felt so free. I was very scared. And I mean, like you said, I seem so established. I have been doing photography on the side for a really long time. But I really wanted to move more into weddings. And so that's what I started with. I had a few weddings booked for the next year already, so I was confident that I could make money. And I was thinking to myself, if I just put all my focus on the photography, I don't see why I wouldn't book more in the next year. If I need to get a job, like. I don't, I've served for so long, like, you know, waitress for people, you know, you could make money somewhere if you need it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I wasn't worried about it. So I, yeah, I immediately quit. I jumped into it. I hired you as a coach and I feel like. You helped me with so much structure throughout that whole transition period. Because while I had been a photographer for a while, I had no idea about business. And I just, I was like, Lisa, you're like the best business woman. Wow. So, looking back, do you, like, wish that you would have made that decision sooner or do you feel like you did it in the exact right time? Like, hindsight, if somebody, I always think of, like, who's listening in on this, like, if somebody is almost in that similar situation where they just know they're not where they're supposed to be, do you feel like you felt like you lived in that space for long or you, like, instantly felt that feeling and you were like, okay, it's, it's time? How long was that span for? I think I always knew that I wasn't on the right path with nursing. I, I genuinely love people. So I thought that I would really like that. But I always had this sense that like, I've always been a dreamer and I've always had this sense that life is so much more than going to work for someone else and not being able to, yeah, like live the life that you want to live. So I think. I really needed to go through that to prove to myself that, okay, this is really what I want. Like I, I kind of needed to grow in a lot of ways. Like, I think it was good for me to have a professional job to learn how to be professional and to problem solve. Cause that's all nursing is, is you're putting out fires like one after the other all, all day. Yeah. So I think I personally needed that. Experience. And I needed to build my confidence before I became a business owner. Mm-Hmm. Because that's not something that I really had going into nursing. Mm-Hmm. But you learn to critically think, however, in hindsight. As I grow in this career, I'm like, if I started when I was 18, 19, 20, I would have been light years ahead. And I think I would have built that confidence regardless. So I never want to give anyone advice because it's all personal. Everything happens for a reason kind of thing. Yeah. Yeah. But I do think that. If you're open to learning from your failures, you can learn in any sort of situation that you're in, as long as you have direction. Yeah, yeah. So looking back, do you think Taylor, who was like starting going to nursing school, like, do you think even then she knew it was photography? Or maybe not? Quite that that was the answer. I guess I didn't really believe in myself, but I had this deep seated, like desire to be a photographer. When I was young, I had all of these photos, like my mom used to be a hairstylist. And so she had all these magazines in her salon that was in our house. And I would just rip out like all these high fashion, like beautiful portraits of women. And they were like plastered all over my walls. Wow. And Not to like Envy them or look like them or anything. I just wanted to create something like that so badly. Yeah. Wow. Yeah. So when was like the first time you got a camera or started even like playing around, around with photography? Was this like my space days? Like when did you start experimenting with that? Yeah, I would, I asked for a camera every year from the time I was like eight years old for Christmas. And I don't think I got my first, like my dad got me one of those, like Snapchat ones when I was like 10 and I was like, no dad, this isn't what I wanted. Like I wanted a real professional camera and I think it was like sixth or seventh grade. They like, he finally got me one and it was like the lowest quality, but I didn't care. Like I just would take. Pictures of the stupidest things. Like, I mean, I feel like even back then we all kind of did. That was like the era we grew up in. Like, I know I had some really embarrassing MySpace pictures back in the day. So I can't even, but I also never had that like inside of me of like, Oh, this photography is going to be my art. Like that was never there. So I was just wondering how that differed for you growing up in that time. And then do you, did you ever set it down for a period of time or it was always kind of there in the background? I set it down. I think just because once I got in high school, I was. I was, I was like, yeah, yeah, doing so many things that teenagers shouldn't do. And I just didn't really like, to be honest, I didn't really care about much. Okay. Yeah. I mean, I feel that, you know, you know who I was and I really didn't care about much or I cared about the wrong things for a long period of time. That's really interesting though. So it was like, it was, it was, there is like a baby, baby. And then. You drifted away from it, and then you knew that that was still kind of it. So did you feel like you knew that was it when it was like time to start thinking about careers? Is that when that bubbled back up? No, I think it was more of a creative outlet. I, I really just, I would take my cousins and we'd go to like random fields. I mean, Illinois is just like filled with fields. And I was older than them, so I, I was 21 when I started doing this. And I was like, if you guys come with me, I'll buy you beer. Oh my God, stop. That's so funny. Yeah. And that was like that you, like, they were doing you a favor by you getting big photos of them, which other way around, typically little girls are like, oh yeah, let me play model. But that you were so, you wanted to do it so bad. That is so interesting. Yeah. And that's when I kind of got started and I would do like family sessions. for like 50. And I was like, this is so cool. Like I just wanted to take pictures. Like, I didn't really understand that you could create an experience with a much deeper meaning for them. Because I was just having so much fun with it. And I did that throughout nursing school even. Yeah, it's kind of the side gig. That's so cool. Yeah. Realizing that you can make money with that is, is so neat and so cool. Okay, so I've seen, obviously, just from like being a follower, follower of yours, you've really, we have not, Taylor and I have not caught up in a while. Last time we really like, Spoken depth was last year's retreat. You know, we were together for the weekend. So I got to watch this from like the outside perspectives, you rolling all of this out. So you're transitioning into boudoir to me from the outside looking in. I don't know if you've listened to every single podcast episode or not, but like to me, I spy a big magic idea. That's kind of what it feels like. Like, I don't know. When you decided to make this transition or how you've, you know, what's been going on in the background to go full force into this, but it's been really cool to watch from the outside looking in, so I'd love, like, a peek behind the curtains on what's been happening, yeah. So yes, I have listened to every single episode. I love you so much. I'm a fan girl. So you know what I'm saying when I talk about Big Magic. Yes, okay percent. I think in the back of my mind, I always wanted to take more high fashion Portraits, I still have a big dream of one day being featured in Vogue But I wanted it to be a little bit more meaningful in a way that I could help women specifically Really? I want to to encourage their confidence. And I am a big, like, I don't want to say I'm a big woo woo person. Like I do draw a line, but I love like meditation, journaling, things like that. I think it can really allow you to deep dive into the person that you are and make the necessary changes that you need to make in order to be the best version of you. And I'm sure you remember when we were coaching, I had that big magic. It was like, on the spot. We saw it happen. Where I really at one point wanted to open a mental health facility because I was working in the mental health field with adolescents and I loved it. But I think I really lost momentum on that because I was so focused on photography specifically, which is not a bad thing, but I'm, let me just even pause there because obviously they weren't, the people listening weren't there when me and you had that moment. I also think, Taylor, I'm going to be able to watch this when we're like little old ladies. I think all of this is going to eventually be woven together, but so many of us are so multifaceted. Like, we have hairstyles that build their business and they're like, now what? Now I'm bored. Like, I figured out how to build a successful business and now what? And I think you just have that same whatever it is in you. Like, you're, you're passionate, you dream so big. And I think somehow, and I have really, really big dreams that have nothing to do with my industry at all, but like where I still want to like, maybe philanthropy wise, like weave all of this in together because I am Lisa holistically in so many different ways, shapes, and forms. So it's interesting to hear you say that. I wasn't sure if you even like, we're going to go there or not, or where you even kind of stood with that old big magic idea. But I think all of these just compound and trickle in and like our little glimmers and ideas that either. Fade out or fade back in or whatever. So it's interesting just to hear you say that and I just want to talk to the person that's like, I want to do a million things and none of them make sense together because that's so many of us. But keep going. I didn't mean to interrupt you. No, you're fine. I mean, it's absolutely true. I was even thinking about that recently, how it's a very similar message. To what I was telling you with the mental health facility, I wanted to use more of a holistic approach to everything in order to encourage confidence in people to be their realist, most authentic self and to not be afraid of that. And that's the exact message that I have with my boudoir clients. So I think the tipping point was really the fact that after this year's wedding season I was still feeling like I wanted something different. I don't get me wrong. I absolutely love couples and shooting weddings and I don't want to stop doing that. But I do want something that is a little bit for me while helping people. I just find women to be so fascinating and beautiful and I love to capture. The sensuality of it all. And I was also kind of sick of only like living halfway. Like I, I was really fearful of the change because I didn't want to like. Mess up, I guess, for lack of better words, the business that I had already built. I feel that. Yeah. I mean, it's, it's scary because you don't know how people are going to perceive that, especially wedding clients. When I book a year or two years in advance, I don't want them to be like, or is she still invested in me? Because I totally am. Of course. Yeah. It's just more of a focus and a calling that I have to serve women in this way, especially since I have recently, I mean, I've been working on developing a deep sense of confidence for a very long time. And I think through all that work, I am finally ready to share that message. And I think that's really like, the combination of being, you know, of wanting more and being able to convey that message from a place of truth. Like I'm not faking it anymore. I can really hold space for people in that way. So I thought I'm finally ready for this. And it makes sense that your medium is just photographs. Again, you just have, and it's never going to go away. And what felt like such an exciting rush, leaving nursing and going into photography and probably how you felt for those first few weddings, was such like an addictive high that, you know, at first it's so exciting, but then once you do 200 of them, it just starts, again, for the consumer listening, whether you're getting your hair done by me or you're getting photographed by Taylor. It's not that you do your job any less well, it just loses that sparkle that it had once, and I, it, I don't even know what the word is for, to describe people like us, but I am always just seeking that, and analogy, I've never said this on the podcast yet, I, I used to post about this on Instagram a long time ago, it was, it's a really, really, really, really old episode of the Skinny Confidential and Lauren and Michael were talking about experience stretching, and like, this has stuck with me for years. I remember hearing them saying it, and the story that they told on this podcast episode, I'm sure if you Googled it or something you could find it, was like, okay, you wake up one day, you're like, you're depressed, things are down, your life doesn't look real great, you wake up one day you step outside, and you see like, a beautiful, Sunset, I guess you don't wake up one day. You go outside, you see a beautiful sunset, and you're like, wow, that's like the most beautiful sunset I've ever seen. That's so amazing. And then weeks later, months later, you're sitting in a restaurant, out, you know, on a patio, sipping a drink with all of your friends laughing, and you see a sunset, and you're like, wow, it doesn't get better than this. Like, this is so amazing. Years, months, whatever go by, you're like on a yacht in the middle of the Indian Ocean. With everybody you love and you see a sunset and you're like, holy fuck It truly does not get any better than this and then a month goes by and you see that same like original sunset or whatever And it's just like whatever, you know Like that's experience stretching and that stuck with me so much because it was almost like my first client It was like who I am pushed to my edge. I love this feeling and then that lost its And then it was like, okay, my own business and then that lost its impact and then my specialty. And then, but if you're like me, and I, you sense those people that are like that. I know Taylor's like this too. You're always seeking that like stretch, you know, like a little bit beyond. And I hope boudoir scratches a ditch for you for a very long time, but I'm positive. It's going to continue to evolve. You're young. You're, you know, like, things are still going to continue to evolve and grow. So it makes perfect sense to me that that this is the medium. Like, that shift makes perfect sense to me. You've built a beautiful business. You have the equipment. You have, you know, the, the platform. It makes perfect sense that this is it for now, but I'm, I'm sure even beyond. And same thing with Soul Tribe. It's going to continue to evolve. Things are going to continue to become different because we're just those kind of people, right? We are. And I, I listened to that episode. I know what you're talking about. I love that. I'm sure I botched it. Maybe add to it if I messed something up, but yeah, no, you got it. Right. I mean, it's so true. And it's not to be confused with not being able to be content. Because I think there's a beauty in that too, to sit in that season and to be really present, I guess you could say, but it's so true. I mean, yeah. When I started weddings, I thought it was the coolest thing ever because I never thought that I would get there. But after a while you do start to realize and you become sort of an expert in it. And you realize that either so many people are doing the same thing because they see other people doing it. Or you have people who are. Maybe not the best fit for you, but even if you try to tell them, it's almost like they want you more and you're like, I maybe like could do this for, like, I know I have the capacity to do it, but I don't think a lot of people understand that like photography is not just photography is just photography. It's like, it's a very photography It's a very specific way of like every photographer has a very specific way of going about things. And I just was feeling really pulled in a lot of different directions. Like there's almost so much going on in the industry, whether you're here or there or whatever of people really telling you what you need to do and how you need to do it. And I think as very creative people like you and I are, we really need. space to stretch our wings. And I don't like being confined. I don't know if that's a problem or what, but I'm like the second that I feel tied down, I'm like, Whoa. Yeah. And I'm not scared of commitment. It's like, please let my ideas flow. Otherwise I'm not going to keep creating ideas. So I feel like I have this container in boudoir where I. I mean, ironically, I use the word container, but I'm not really contained because each experience is so unique to the particular situation that woman is in and I plan on going on a very depth full journey. I mean, Ideally, this is a three month process that I have with them to really get to know them and Okay, will you explain that whole vision? Because I even remember you telling me that you do this with couples when you photograph weddings, and like that some people would, like, when I was coaching Taylor, it's also so funny to hear you say this, how we're in such different industries, but like We're dealing with almost exactly the same thing to a T. You know, consultations with clients, education all being the same, being told what to do, like, it is so parallel. But I remember you having this thought even with weddings, like, you just want to be so much deeper than, like, snap your pictures, edit them, send them to you. So I would love to have the opportunity. And if anybody is listening to this and ever wants to take you up on that, I know we have a Soul Tribe member that's in another state that has had you come to her. What is your, like. Full vision with this boudoir experience. So I'm really excited about it because to start off, obviously we're going to have our consultation and within that, I hope to attract women that are, you know, really kind of like us, like entrepreneurs, really driven You know, but have something that they're transitioning or grappling with and they need like a deeper, almost like a reset to kind of hone in on what's going on and pull out the real them. Like, I don't know if you listen to Jen. I think I'm going to butcher her last name, but she really speaks to the real you. And that message really has always spoken to me. So I would love to pull that out because I feel like that's been a part of my confidence journey is just being myself, like 100 percent myself under all circumstances, like no waving of care, like having a strong character and not waving in that. And I really want to hold space for women. And I really, I want to take more of like a creative director role where they sort of tell me what's going on and I plan to help them style everything like I will go shopping for them to match their personality, their personal style. Because it's the core of who they are. And a lot of, you know, you always hear fashion is like a representation of who you are, what you're feeling, what you want to portray to the world. And I think like a really well put together outfit does wonders for photos. So it's going to help them in that way too. Yeah. But I'm also going to pair them up with hair and makeup artists who are going to come to the studio the day of they're going to get completely pampered like they don't have to worry about booking like I will match them with someone who can bring their vision to life. I really want to deep dive on this specific issues that they're going through. And through that I plan to create a custom meditation. I'm not yoga certified, but I went through the entire program. Unfortunately, I just, I got the dates confused for the deadlines and I missed my test, but I went through the whole course and there's nothing like legally wrong with me doing meditations for people. So I really want to like. Help them feel that part of that. Yeah. And I want to do that before the session. So we can, like, I love the phrase drop in, like once I tell myself drop in, I go into my flow state. So I want to help them drop in. We'll have the photo shoot. I, you know, ideally would love women who appreciate fine arts, high fashion, really cool, unique, artistic poses. But also enjoy the femininity and the sensuality of it all. Like I love the idea of the strength of women, which is sort of masculine, but also resting in that beautiful femininity. Like there's, there's both. And I think that in order to be a highly successful CEO entrepreneur, that is what you will have. And then after our session, I really, I got this idea from you, actually, because it's so powerful. Writing a letter to their future self after that whole experience, like, what did you learn? What do you hope to come from this? Yeah. And then just capsulating their images in an album. So they always have that. Wow. Yeah. That's scrumptious. That's like all I can think of you describing that. And obviously we've been in rooms together when we've done, you know, energy healing work, things like that. Absolutely, you legally, morally, all the things. All of us have every right to step into that. My friend Kristen Sosman, she's been on the podcast. She leads all the meditations and stuff. It, my retreats and stuff like that. I don't know what kind of, I don't think she has any certification, but she's told me before that there's been people she's been coaching and they're like, what course would you recommend? What would you recommend I do to like, learn how to guide meditations? She was like, I would recommend you stay so far away from that because you have it in you. You don't need someone else to tell you that. That is the opposite of what energy work is. Like, you don't need to be taught that. You don't need a piece of paper to let you do that. It's the opposite of that. You having that calling. and your own inner guidance or whatever that can come out through that. So, like, I just want to give you even more reassurance for that piece specifically. And what I'm just, like, envisioning as you're talking about that is it's almost just, like, this, like, rebirth. Like, I don't know if you're gonna. Yes. Incorporate any release into that, but if there can be, like, some sort of release before the photos and then these photos, it's like a rebirth, like, you, you find that very best version of you, you drop into her in that moment that you're taking those photos, and like, that's who you leave, like, oh, it's like a butterfly going into a cocoon, like, it's so beautiful. I love, I'm so glad I asked you to explain that vision deeper, and did that just come out of your own brain? Did you brainstorm that with people? Well, where did that come from? Yeah, so going back to the rebirth, I can't even believe you said that word because that I have three to me. Yes, that's one of like one of my collections is called rebirth and I'm just like I can't I've been writing about that for the last couple days. Like I just can't even believe that you said that word, but we're just very in the wine. Wow. But yeah, I, I did. I want to say it was a year ago. I was at like an album sort of like it was an in person album course. And I don't even know how it came up but I just like I had been thinking about this and I was with a bunch of other photographers and I was like ideally I would love to do this and it all just like poured out and everyone was like I've never you're doing that before. So, I really just, I came up with it. I had It's been in the works in my brain for a long time, but I just, I don't know why. I, I think I just thought it was weird. Like I was like, this is so weird. People are going to think that I'm like this woo woo person and they're going to be like drawn away from it. I'm drawn to weird like that. Right. I mean, I'm looking for people with the same kind of weird as me or different weird exposed me to new weird. So I'm glad that you were able to see that. Speak that out loud and they were able to pour that into you when it comes to obviously because we're gonna have a lot of hairstylists listening to this when it comes to this like beauty team. Like do you have like where are you finding these people? What does that look like? Sure. So a lot of well, weddings, like I meet a lot of artists, yeah. Yeah, and that's pretty much it. I've had one hairstylist reach out that I actually know from my mom being a stylist. Okay. So I'm really looking for people because I think my clients that come to me, they really like that more natural, like sensual, but sexy, like beautiful look. So I really have been searching for more of those type of artists, maybe with a little bit more of a luxury experience. And I just want to make sure it's all sort of like the same level so that it's a really well rounded experience for them. Love that. Okay. I just had a drop in on your talking. So this is where I jump into my like big dreaming coaching mode. So pardon me if none of this is in alignment with you, just leave it right there. If it is pick it up. But what I'm even envisioning, cause I already know you already have so many stylists just throughout. soul tribe experiences that are in your corner. But I'm like, Tate, you could literally, like, if somebody's listening to this and they get really drawn to it, whether it's a makeup artist, a photographer, or a hairstylist somebody that could collaborate in any way with this experience. I'm like, even if they live in Texas, like, what if you They were just as drawn to this idea as you, and you almost did, like, pop ups in places, and they, like, put it out to their clientele and their people. Like, that could exist. And you could have, I know you just did, like I think a content day to get all the stuff for, you know, content for this idea you had. I'm like, that could exist. Like in different locations. I don't know. That could be really cool, Lisa. I just got chills all down my back with you. Yeah, I can't help but just like grab your idea and run even further with it. But I'm like, they're the the sky's the limit with that. And obviously you your target market for this is a very specific type of person. And that's even kind of what I found with obviously doing hair. It turned from, like, people loving the hair I did to them just loving the conversations I did, I have to then, like, my clients sit in my chair still and they're like, I wish I could be in Soul Tribe. Like, I want to talk about all the things that you're talking about. And it's like, you could take that idea and not be You know, stuck in your, you know, local space and if somebody else was really into that, that could even be a collaborative experience and that could be really cool too. Honestly, that would be so cool. It's not even crossed my mind, but I love traveling. I love new experiences and I love all the girls in Soul Tribe. Like I would love to be around them more and just, I just trust them all so much to do such a good job. Like, that would be amazing. Well, if anyone's listening to this that really speaks to you, let us know. I'm really feeling like all of this is speaking to me, so we're gonna have to eventually talk about, one, me being on the other side of that. Because, yeah, you even saying that, I'm like, I feel like it would have to be like a a moment in time. Like it would have been good for like my 30th birthday. I guess I don't need to make it that deep. But I think one day that will eventually happen and take place. Yeah, I love when you're ready for sure. I love this. Cool. Okay. So I'm love, love, love that we went that route. It's like, how do I even stay on my talking points from there? We talked about serving women, encouraging them to step into their real self. I feel like we kind of went over that. Is there anything else, any other message that you're feeling really called to share? Around that talking point or not necessarily. I mean, I feel really good about it. I think the only thing that I would like to encourage is truly putting in the work and seeing fear, feeling fear and just taking action on it. I think that's the best way to go about any of this because I am a big believer that action creates clarity. So if you want something more for your life, just go after it. And that's something I wish that I would have done a lot sooner, which is why I feel like I should say that, you know, yeah, and you've done it. You did in the capacity that you could, but you don't get to that higher capacity until you do it in those small ones, you know, and then eventually it compounds and gets bigger and you get braver and the moves you're making become even more. Astronomical. Okay. I also had a little touch on, like, personal development. So I'd love to just kind of go that route. When I think of you and I think of personal development, you're an Edmylett girl. Like, Taylor loves Edmylett. She sent me the book which then turned into a whole group of Soul Tribe members reading the book at the same time and doing a little book club. You Gottlieb. Like, what's your journey been with personal growth, personal development? Who stands out to you? What are your, like, When you think of that, what is Taylor's takeaway from all of that? Yes, I, I am obsessed with Ed Milet. What about him specifically? Like, why, why him? So, it's kind of funny because I always say that if my dad were a more confident person, he, him and Ed Milet would be the same human being. And so I think I just have this innate, like, I just feel connected with you. Mm hmm. Yes, and I also loved his story of growing up with an alcoholic dad and just having all of those similar experiences throughout my life. Like I, you know, not only was it his personality, but it was the message and I don't know what it is in me. Like I remember being this way since I could remember anything. I was always trying. To be the best version of myself in my head. I was always like, okay, what can I do to be better? How can I fix this? And I mean, even as like a young girl, like I have always been like that, but I didn't know really many people. Yeah. Like no one really was doing that. Yeah. And it's not to discredit them. I mean, the people in my life were great people, but They didn't have that same like, I have something in me that other people don't have. Yeah, exactly. And I think it was really when I got into photography, I was looking for a mentor, like when I was still in nursing and I hired my friend, well now she's my friend, but she was my coach and she was just so into that. Like I, it was like. Jaw dropping every time she spoke because I'm like you're speaking what I'm like thinking all the time Yeah, and she put a name to it. Like I didn't know that it was personal development and She had me reading all these books and we would talk about podcast. Okay pods What are like the books that were the most life changing for you specifically? Oh gosh. So I think one of the first books I read that she suggested was Atomic Habits. So good. Oh, it's so good. She, I'm trying to think because this was so many, this was like four years ago, but there was The Untethered Soul, which I started reading. I have not read that yet, but I've heard that it's amazing. It's insane. I, I was not ready for it. And I actually stopped because it became very overwhelming. Okay, I just started to read it again on Sunday. Okay, so I'm, it's one of those like you really have to be prepared. Okay, while you're saying that, I want to share a couple other books that I know are like that, too. So, The Untethered Soul. I haven't read that. It's been in my cart to read forever. Really good to know that it can sometimes stop you in your tracks. How to Do the Work by Dr. Nicole something, the holistic psychologist. Yep. Yep. That book was so good. I didn't have that, like, jarring of an experience when I was reading it, but someone else in Soul Tribe, like, it, Rocked her fucking world. Like, she was like, you said she had to put it down, like, she has been talking about it for two years now, like, it's just so interesting how certain books impact people, so like, for me, it was big magic, it was a secret, it was like, but it's like, some just land differently with other people, and then I've also heard that the body keeps the score is another very similar one to that and I just grabbed that and I started reading it because that's like all about trauma and so obviously that could be like really triggering for people too. Sorry to chime in. I just love joking books and all of this. Me too. I just got the body keep. I asked for it for Christmas. The body keeps the score and I'm planning on reading it this year. I've heard that's a hard one to get through. Sometimes it can be very like Triggering and I don't know. I'm not that far into it. I'm like one chapter in I'm thinking it will be but that's okay Like I I think it's good Like there are different layers of healing and you you never really arrive at the spot You think you will like it just keeps going which is so cool to me. But oh my gosh, i'm just trying to think like i've read so many books throughout the years. There was this one book about confidence That I forgot her last name, but it's Lisa something. And her and her husband were like the founders of these protein bars. And she just, that's Tom and Lisa, right? Yeah. Yeah. I haven't read that book, but I know which one you're talking about. Yeah. It was so good. I mean, I think also a big part for me was coupling that with podcasts, like specifically admire let I got home from a photography retreat. In California. And the women who led it, they were just so driven. And so like, I mean, they were working like 14, 15 hour days and still getting up at like 5 AM to go for like a 10 mile run. Yeah. And so I got home and I was like, wow, really inspired, but also overwhelmed. Yeah. Yeah. So I really just started working out like in my basement and listening to add my let's podcasts, like all of his old ones. And that just kind of like drilled it in my brain. But I mean the books that I read they're always like in the morning is my personal development like whatever I'm on like I'm just so bad at remembering names so I apologize but a lot of it is business orientated too and that's like we've and honestly like the ones that you remember are the ones that really stand out so that's what I'm looking for yeah big magic 100 percent you've read big magic too it's a good one that one really helped me give up a lot of like You Not only self doubt, but like, I guess you know, like the fact that I thought that I was gonna start this creative business and that I was gonna just get all these people and I was owed that because I'm working so hard. But the reality is like, you really need to like, do the work for a long time and it's okay. And she just helped me see creativity in a different light to kind of release any expectations that I had. So that was super helpful. Yeah. Yeah. It's been years since I've read big magic. So I honestly have a hard time. I feel like all the books I read start to kind of morph together. Like it's hard to even remember where I picked up each message. So even hearing you say that, I'm like, I don't remember that from that book specifically, but I bet it was there. Cause that is so ingrained in me. What you just said in that book was like, so pivotal in my own journey when I was, you know, having my spiritual awakening or whatever the hell I was going through. But the best, the best transformation I've ever experienced. So, love, love, love that. I'm always looking for recommendations things like that. And this dropped in, too, when you were talking. You know Ed Milette has a mastermind, right? I do. And I think about him and Andy Fursella. And it's like, I mean, it's, it's pricey, but it's not that bad, in my opinion. No, he also has another one with Brendan, Brendan or Brandon Shard. Yeah. And I, I think about doing that because there's just, I told you this and it's like a long time ago and it's a little embarrassing to say out loud, but I just have this like vision that one day I will meet on my left, that I will be on his podcast. I don't know what it is. I just, like, feel this connection. That's okay. It will happen. I think you got to speak that shit out and then you can pull these clips up when that happens one day and be like, I wasn't shitting you that that's what I, that was my goal. I think it will happen. I'm sure Admailette will listen to this podcast episode and he'll give you a call and he'll say, Taylor, come on, come be on the show. You've been tagging me every single Monday for years. Let's go. Let's do this. It's so funny. I love you so much. Okay, we're coming up on an hour. I feel like we surprisingly did hit all the talking points that I wanted to hit. Anything else you feel called to dive into, called to share, anything else you want to say before we start to wrap up? No, I feel really good. This was fun. This was, we laughed. We had breakthrough ideas. We shared recommendations. I'm excited to listen to this one back. This was good. I knew it was gonna be good. I recorded a little Instagram reel before I got on here and I texted you. I actually had a podcast that was supposed to be before this one and she cancelled. And that was good timing. I've actually had like a really off week. week. I've got some stuff going on, just like mom life stuff that's happening. I've been really thrown off this week. I don't want to like go into details, but I took the morning slow. I cleaned my office. I cleansed my space. I cleansed my energy and you were just like the exact human I needed to have a good conversation with. So thank you for bringing me back. It's so sweet. Yeah. It's so sweet. I feel like we just do like you do that for me too. I feel like whenever I'm with you, it's just like we do, we have breakthroughs, we laugh, we, you know, like. It's so good. Appreciate you and love you so much. I love you too, Tay. Thank you, everybody, for listening I hope you guys enjoyed this. If you feel super called or connected to any of this, like, just have a conversation. If you are one of these souls like us that's, I think that's my purpose here on earth is to make those connections. So please listen to that talk if you haven't.