TalkingHeadz Podcast

TalkingHeadz with Einat, CMO of NICE Ltd

Dave Michels Season 2022 Episode 17

TalkingHeadz is an interview format podcast series featuring the movers and shakers of enterprise communications - we also have great guests.  In this episode, we chat with the CMO of NICE Ltd, Einat Weiss.

Einat has over 24 years of experience spearheading messaging, digital transformations, marketing strategies, and brand recognition.  She joined team NICE in 2018, and has held the CMO position for over four years. The same four years that NICE has blossomed into a comprehensive provider of customer engagement solutions.  

Einat holds an MBA, Marketing degree and a BA in Computer Science.  Prior to joining NICE, she held marketing positions at BMC, SAP, and Alvarion. 

Dave Michels:

Welcome to talking to us today we'll be talking with a not Weiss at the CMO at nice. But before that, if my crystal ball is accurate I believe this episode will be hosting right around Halloween. Are you prepared for Halloween?

Evan Kirstel:

You know my preparation usually involves buying large quantities of candy and eating about half of them before actually the kids come knocking so I have I have to change that I What about you? Are you are you ready for the delusion of treatment traders?

Dave Michels:

Yeah, I don't know about you didn't have it. I pretty much completely clean myself out of the net to go back and get more. You know, the candy is obviously a big part of the ritual. But there's a lot to Halloween there's the pumpkins, there's the pumpkin spice, pumpkin spice everything in costumes. Do you have a go to costume? Or do you come up with a new costume every year?

Evan Kirstel:

I don't. But this year, I decided I would dress up we live close to a town called Salem, Massachusetts, which had a small incident with witches a few 100 years back so I thought you know this is a good time to get a costume go out into Salem and scare small children in person. And so I am dressing up as a plague doctor, I don't know if you recall, the plague doctor costume. It's sort of a bird like math with a black robe black cape, so I thought it was also very good for the COVID pandemic

Dave Michels:

very regional costumes. I'm not sure. I'm not sure how that's gonna go on the west coast. But it seems like a very appropriate,

Evan Kirstel:

you know, we're considering we're in a plague. And so wearing a play costume is appropriate. What about you? What do you do about dressing up as

Dave Michels:

well, you know, I'm not wanting to dress up on a regular basis. But I have to say I made an investment in a costume. In the, I'm gonna say the early 90s That is just keeps on giving. It's the best. I bought a Star Trek uniform, at least the shirt part of it. And all you have to do is wear black pants. It's really you know, you're done. And I tell you every five years, everyone around me is totally different new company, new environment, new whatever. And I just happen again, I just moved to New Jersey, it's gonna be a brand new again, this is the gift that just keeps on keeps on giving. It's just been a great gift.

Evan Kirstel:

Is it the red shirt? The ones that always die when they go down to the surface? It's the Picard.

Dave Michels:

It's the red shirt from next generation. So it's not the red shirt from the original series. Yeah,

Evan Kirstel:

well, I have to see it on zoom at zoom topia, we'll take a look at you in the Star Trek costume.

Dave Michels:

The thing is, you can't wear it to a telecom event because every everyone thinks as normal as Oh.

Evan Kirstel:

Well, let's get on to our guest who I suspect won't be trick or treating wearing a costume. All right,


let's get to talking. It is a semi monthly podcast with interviews of the top movers and shakers and enterprise communications and collaboration. Your host, Dave Michaels and Evan crystal, both of which offer extraordinary services including research, analysis and social media marketing. You can find them on Twitter, LinkedIn, or at talking That's points with a Z and Evan That's Kr s t e l.

Dave Michels:

Today we have with us a knot Weiss, the CMO of nice welcome not.

Einat Weiss:

Hi, Dave. Thank you. Thank you for having me.

Dave Michels:

I'm always amazed that the executives at nice and I think you been there 14 years and what was it seven a CMO? What is nice doing to earn such loyalty from its executives.

Einat Weiss:

So Dave, you had a lot of interaction with us. So you may know some of the things that I am going to mention. But indeed, I joined nice a little bit over 14 years ago, it was a different company back then. And what I personally love about knives is first of all, the market that we are in trying to help consumers get better service and trying to help organizations provide better service is just something that I'm personally connected to. But more importantly, even as a company, we are extremely, extremely innovative. And this is something that is a part of our DNA. So in everything that we do, our technology, the way we build our brand, the way we do events every step of the way. And in every touchpoint I would say we really make sure to keep innovating. Nice has probably the largest pool of the most smart and nice people that I've met in all my years in enterprise software. And this is definitely something that is keeping me very engaged and very loyal. And lastly, just like myself, we have a lot of individuals. It's nice to actually build and develop their Career internally, including our CEO, by the way, people that have been in the company for a long time and really built their careers, sometimes from really wide out of college. And sometimes they came in as mid level management like myself and got promoted to executive positions.

Evan Kirstel:

Wonderful. And help us understand the difference between nice and CX one, we understand Barack is CEO of nice, and I presume your cmo both

Einat Weiss:

That is correct. Six, one is our cloud platform. So more than anything, when we talk about CX one, more often than not, I should say, we are referring to our cloud platform, this cloud platform is actually was built after the acquisition of inContact. And for a while, we actually referred to this unit in the company as nice CX one, because this is where the majority of the efforts around our r&d and go to market used to be. Right now. We have a unified a consolidated CX division, where our platform is Cx one, we have our framework that we talk to the market about this referred to as CSI that I'm sure we'll talk about even more in our podcast here. And in terms of our go to market or product organizations and everything else, when you think about nice CX, it includes the traditional nice, and what is to be nice, x one, and our go to market is now unified.

Dave Michels:

Okay, so I think you just said this, but I'm still a little confused. So CSI, which is customer experience interactions, that's kind of your framework, you call it a framework, I might call it a vision. And my question is, is that for nice, or for CX one, or both?

Einat Weiss:

So I'll take a step back. It's nice. We have three main lines of business, we have our public safety line of business, we have nice atomizer financial planning, compliance line of business, and nice CX, which includes all of our best of breed solutions, WFM, performance management, recording, and sixth one.

Evan Kirstel:

Got it. So Dave, completely confused me. So sorry about that. So when we talk about CX one that seek as but nice is also in my understanding workforce engagement or workforce engagement, NC Kaz, how does that break out?

Einat Weiss:

That is correct. When we look at what organizations really need these days, right, there are actually two sides to it. One is the lead a very robust, yet flexible cloud platform just to really allow them to move and be agile and use quickly in terms of innovation based on innovation for themselves and for their consumers. The second part of it is that they need a complete suite of WAM or who can refer to it both ways. So complete suite of applications that really allows them to do everything from managing their contact center operations, managing their agents engagement, orchestrating the different journeys, and also really being proactive and meeting their customers on all the different channels. So what we really provide is both the platform what's unique to us is that our entire suite is actually integrated into the platform. And we also have all of our digital solutions that are really enabling smart self service and AI driven conversational. All

Dave Michels:

right. All right, one more product question here. So what you're describing there is, you know, the integration. And so clearly, Wim and CCAFs are blurring, your digital solutions are also blurring this is all becoming one big thing and the contact or CCAFs conversation. Does Wim as a standalone solution have a long term future?

Einat Weiss:

That's a wonderful question. Of course, I think the answer is yes or no. And I'll explain but does have a future, a long term future is where or WAM solutions that have the right level of depth so that when you look at them as standalone, right, if you're a WFM person, you still need to have that solution that is rich in terms of functionality, and as everything that you need for you know, synchronous and asynchronous channels and so on and so forth. So from your perspective as a WFM person, what you're looking at is what the WFM solution gives you right? Same for quality management and so forth. The big advantage of having We'd all integrated is really the ability to have cross solution workflows, and so forth. And really to have that as a part of the platform, it's easier to add more applications and so forth. So my no goes to the fact that at the end of the day, there are so many benefits to the integration into the platform, that I believe that organizations are probably going to lean toward having the full suite form if you like, right. And the yes goes to the fact that at the end of the day, organizations don't want to have compromised, sorry, they don't want to have to compromise in functionality, just for it to be integrated. I hope that answered your question.

Dave Michels:

It did. And I heard you dropped this week form. We're gonna come back to that one, though. I heard it, but it didn't take long to get to it. We'll come back to that.

Evan Kirstel:

So shifting gears a bit, you don't seem like a CMO that is always seeking the spotlight. You know, American CMOS, love the limelight and the attention, you know, you're not necessarily out there at events being the face and name of the company. So what What's your perspective on you know, the CMO role that nice and you're not

Dave Michels:

even listed on the company's leadership page?

Evan Kirstel:

Wow, okay. You must not exist that yeah,

Einat Weiss:

I don't exist. I don't exist. And I know that Goldman made this comment several times. So I kind of anticipated this question. I'll tell you a few things about that. First of all, I'll start from my background is a little bit different than a lot of other CMOS. My background is in technology. I come from the product world. So I even joined knives in a product management capacity. 14 years ago,

Dave Michels:

you have an engineering degree, don't

Einat Weiss:

you do have an engineering degree? Yes, yeah. So

Evan Kirstel:

you actually know what you're talking about. This is very impressive, kind of,

Einat Weiss:

kind of, but I try. And as I moved into marketing, I do have a few very distinct strengths. And I am datadriven, probably more than a lot of other CMOS. I'm very analytical. I know the product very well. And I know how to build a marketing machine very, very efficiently. Another strength is my ability to actually craft that, if I might say so myself, right, is to create messaging. And in many cases, I did use that to help a lot of our other executives, and have the right messaging when they speak. And you're right. I wasn't proactively looking for the spotlight. But who knows, maybe that's going to be the turning point, right?

Evan Kirstel:

Talking Heads will be the turning point. So congratulations. Yeah,

Dave Michels:

this podcast is your break free breakout moment. So I have to compliment you, I assume it's you who knows on some of the messaging that has come out of nice, and you know, I was at the customer event you had what was it six months ago? I don't recall how long ago that was that Brock's keynote was just fantastic. On that, I suspect you were probably involved in that. And that the reason Ellis event Brock's presentation was pretty good, too. Now, at the customer event, the operative word was frictionless. And I liked that because it's one word we can relate to. We understand what your technology can do. But at the recent endless event, it was a little more complicated. It was more about the overall business landscape and how things are changing and much more complex thoughts about the economy and about the big shifts that are happening in the industry. So is 2022 really different? I mean, isn't they are things always changing?

Einat Weiss:

Things are always changing. And I'll refer to what I mentioned and the difference between the messaging interruptions, versus what we talked about during the analyst conference. So first of all, of course, we were speaking to different audiences, right. So when we speak to our customers, I really believe in when we worked on Brock's keynote, we tried to really think about, what is it that customers are looking for now, the most our customers and their customers, right, and the word frictionless was really just the common denominator across everything that we saw, that consumers are looking for when they move to digital service from their perspective, and what organizations are trying to achieve in order to support that, right. So it resonated very well. 2022. Like we mentioned during the analyst conference is kind of an in between, we feel between two eras, things are always changing, and nobody knows what the future holds, right? We all read the same predictions. Some of them are very gloomy, and some of them are a bit more optimistic, but nobody really knows but it is

Dave Michels:

a gloomy one. Everyone's optimistic.

Einat Weiss:

cuz I think I'm somewhere in the middle, I'm pessimistic in nature. But I can think that things can be really, really bad. Right? It is clear that we're kind of in between era where investments, organizations are still investing money, we don't see any major cuts in budgets within the year or, or very radical changes in what companies are investing in. But everybody's thinking about 2023, and how this is going to look like so. But we're really talking about what we talked about during the analyst Summit is, what should we do? And how does our industry look like in that in between this transition era? Right?

Evan Kirstel:

Absolutely. So let me double down on that the economy is obviously changing. Recession is on the horizon. By the way, congratulations on being a profitable company. Nice. It's not easy these days. So how exactly does the economic shift and turmoil impact your messaging?

Einat Weiss:

First of all, you've been probably following nice. And I know we've again, we've been interacting for many, many years. So you're probably aware that we've always been prudent in the way we conducted our business. It's something that is again, a part of our DNA. So when COVID hit, and now when maybe we're going into a recession. For us, it's not a major shift. It's not any, you know, we really, because of the way we've been conducting our business for so many years, we can continue to invest in our innovation, we can continue and invest in our marketing efforts and so forth. So I can't tell you that there is an immediate change in the way we're conducting ourselves. What we are looking at is, during this time, do we need to change our messaging? Do we need to change our offering? Do we need to look at things differently, or to maybe highlight different things. As an example, we've been talking about automation and AI, the entire industry had been right for many, many years, we do see a lot of our customers thinking about how they can really create further or drive further operational efficiency in their organization, and technology. And our technology is in a place where we can really provide better solutions to help them do that, right. So we are trying to think, Okay, what will they need, if they need to make any significant changes, they need to shift investments from human capital to technology, which we do see happening. So just to summarize the changes more in how we are externalizing our messaging and what we're putting fat and center and less about how we're conducting ourselves as a company.

Dave Michels:

Interesting. And also, you know, thinking about how you conduct yourself as a company, you know, I've been, you've had the analyst event, just recently, last month, I guess it was this month, actually, and you had another one about a year ago. And what really stood out to me at those events, is the amount of unscheduled time, you know. So CMO, you don't talk and you don't schedule things. So you gotta made there. But actually, I just, I just want to comment, because those non scheduled times are actually really productive and really effective. And, and I got a lot out of those just a casual conversations. And I'm just curious, was that a controversial battle within your organization as you planned this event? Because it's unusual. It's not intuitive.

Einat Weiss:

Yeah. Look, when every time so a little bit of what's going on behind the scenes, right? Every time we plan an event, and this is real, we have a meeting where we try to envision, I asked the team take me through the event as if I have a participant, right? And we go through it, trying to put ourselves in your shoes for that matter, right? So are you going to be jet lagged and tired? When are people going to arrive? What is the first thing they'll see? What is the first thing they'll hear and so forth? Right? And really what we see going back to your your question about scheduled versus non scheduled, at the end of the day, those spontaneous conversations that are happening because you want to have this conversation. And you can choose who you have the conversation with, right are much more valuable than having back to back meetings where people are stressed. They're, you know, on their phone sometimes because they don't have enough downtime to do what they need to do outside of the event and so forth. So for us Creating the right experience is really what it's all about. And I must say we did not have a lot of internal debate about that. And when there was a comment like that, we kept saying, you know, if you do executive wants to have scheduled time with a specific analyst, we can always schedule that. But having that precious time where people just feel they can have those conversations, we only have a day and a half for that. So that was the answer.

Evan Kirstel:

No, I totally get it. I actually prefer zero scheduled time with Dave Michaels. In any case, you know, I heard some of the messaging out of Nice talking about expanding beyond agents. So what does that mean for the contact center? Without agents,

Dave Michels:

so we don't need them,

Einat Weiss:

we don't need the thing we need them for what they're good at. Right? What we see is two things. One, we're all consumers. So we don't need to speak about consumers as if there's some, you know, entity, we're all consumers. And we all prefer to try and do things ourselves as much as possible. Right, nobody likes to work from home, nobody likes to be asked those security questions, we can multitask when we're on the web app or on the website, like doing what we need to do. So on one hand, consumers are clearly preferring self service. And what we really see on the other side from organizations is actually twofold. One, they are also trying to push a lot of what they can right to self service. So they make more investments in that rather than adding more manpower to their contact centers. That's one thing. And the second challenge that they have. And you know, we hear about the great resignations, and the quiet resignation. And all of those trends, there is a real shortage and workforce, we see a lot of different friends, I want to say of people who just wants to do certain things and will not do other things, higher turnover, the growing need to be seen as an individual, and so forth. So just finding those people retaining them and keeping them engaged, is becoming a real challenge. So I don't think agents are going to disappear. But contact center agents are going to have a different role. They're going to be injected into conversations when they are already in flight or into interactions, I should say, when they are flight, right? When it makes sense. When empathy is needed, when a human connection is needed, when a different level of trust, maybe is required, they will need to be informed of the other parts of the interaction, they will need to have better ability to act in real time. So it's not necessarily moving everything away from the contact center, but rather changing the balance and making sure that agents are equipped to do what agents need to do today.

Dave Michels:

So you talk a lot about self service and conversational technologies. This is obviously getting better and expanding. That's looking over the recent Gartner Magic Quadrant on seek as a report that you do well. And and they require for inclusion that companies have 50% of their revenue from inbound telephony. Does that seem like that's sustainable as the way the way the industry is going? They're gonna have to change that or? Or is that the difference between C, cos and CSI?

Einat Weiss:

So I think that this inclusion criteria will probably change over time. But I think it's mostly used to be a threshold for just certain vendors of certain size and have certain orientation and, you know, to really make sure that, you know, they are comparing apples to apples, otherwise, it's going to be extremely, extremely difficult to compare rate seekers vendors, versus I would say digital only players, right. It's just not even playing field, which by the way is May, you know, be better for us, but also will put those other vendors maybe in a position that is not the right one for them or for customers who are looking for a digital phone solution. Right. So I think that there is rationale behind that inclusion criteria. I'm sure that it will change over time or potentially maybe there will be like there used To be a web mm Q, maybe there will be one for self service and conversational Yeah. And this will actually solve what you're talking about. Right?

Evan Kirstel:

So in preparation for this podcast, I actually read David Michaels newsletter talking points, an amazing monthly piece. And I read something about Brock saying consumers are more digital than brands. So brands know what consumers want. But bridging the digital divide is hard. So how hard is it? What's hard about that? I do it on an iPhone today. Maybe you could elaborate on that thought.

Einat Weiss:

It all on your iPhone. But if you think about it, how many times did you start doing something on your app, and then couldn't complete it, or head all the time all the time, all the time. So there's there still is a gap. And what organizations are really trying to do is really to catch up with our consumers need. And it takes a while, we do feel that this is the main driver closing this gap right behind a lot of the way that budget planning is working these days, and what drives a lot of the buying decisions is really looking at okay, how can I close this this divide? I think Brad mentioned it as well, it used to be I need to move to the cloud, who do I need to go with? And now we feel that a lot of those those conversations are actually shifting to we have to become digitally fluent, we have to close the digital gap. How can we do that right?

Evan Kirstel:

Next exci and sweet form are kind of visionary or aspirational terms. But I appreciate that because market leaders like nice should be defining the vision and creating new term of art to describe it. Do you feel nice, it's, you know, that is your sort of vision of where you're going

Einat Weiss:

it is. And even if you speak to a lot of our sellers, and a lot of our pre sale people, they will all tell you. And that's what they're telling our customers, right as well is about our vision, and about six act, the way we look at it, it is no longer about the technology itself. So whether it's in the cloud or not, Cloud is becoming pretty much the standard. And the way we look at it really and why we came up with the exci is that at the end of the day, the big challenge, and we're everybody's racing toward is the ability to manage interactions end to end, whether they take five minutes, five days, whether they start on a Google search on the phone, or in an app. And when we look at what our customers are trying to achieve, and again, what consumers are trying to receive. It's really all about managing this interaction. And this is what we built our vision around. Obviously, six one is the base at the heart of the strategy, we have our enlightened AI engine, that is really injecting AI into the entire platform or the entire suite form, I should say, right. And on top of that we have a whole suite of applications. This is if you think about it in the past, I guess big trend was WAM right, a suite of applications, there will seek us and in a way six AI was a really comprehensive framework or vision that is centered around the interaction.

Dave Michels:

Let's just dive a little more into CSI. The term was introduced about a year ago, customer experience interaction. So what it stands for, now, I understood it as it was more than seek as was to include, you know, Omni channel routing, workforce optimization analytics AI. So my question is, has the CSI framework evolved over the past year?

Einat Weiss:

It did, both from a vision perspective. And from a technical perspective. If we look at the technology that we have today, after a few of the acquisitions that we made last year, and integration that we had in our own own organic developments, we really do have this combination of a full portfolio of digital and self service solutions that is combined with a very rich right platform sixth one that includes the entire suite of web and products and the AI engine. So over the last year, we made a lot of this vision into reality and we See a lot of organizations actually more and more organizations that are looking into expanding what they have from nice into the full, I would say CSI framework, or six side vision, adding digital, adding AI, and so on.

Evan Kirstel:

Okay, so I guess the exci is a framework, and CX one is a nice product. So what would you say at a high level, which of those is evolving faster in the marketplace?

Einat Weiss:

Actually, one evolution drives the other, right, but they are actually evolving in parallel, we invest a lot in sixth one in a few different unsaved vectors. One is, we see how quickly now the adoption of CDs is becoming in the higher end of the market. So six, one, we invested a lot, and we still are investing in theta. And to make sure that in terms of the richness of functionality and justice scalability, we're really ready to take this market on the other side, in parallel, we evolve the supporting solutions, I would say, that gets us to become a fully CSI compliant. And that goes to acquisitions. In the digital space, you've seen again, you've seen some in just developing our partnerships and our own bought and self service capabilities, and also in creating more and more enlightened models, so that we can really support a full six psi framework. So this is something that again, I'm going a little bit back to what I said earlier about our ability to continuously invest in innovation, both organically and in organically this way allows us to both continuously develop sixth one and take our applications and our platform to the next level. And at the same time, add more to the other pillars of six,

Dave Michels:

nice just announced fluent CX, an integrated set of digital CX solutions, fueled by enlightenment zone and clearly understand intent and act accurately in real time. So what I wanted to ask you is, is this a digital only contact center or a digital supplement to other contact centers, or both?

Einat Weiss:

This is actually both. So it can be standalone, and it can be a part of our suite. And this really goes to the integration of all of our different digital solutions that you're familiar with, with enlightened Excel. And what's really unique about this portfolio of solutions is that everything that we do, is intent based. And I would say lead based, if you think about it for many, many years, too many years, we've been looking at channels, as the main driver to understanding what we need to do what the next best action is, how we should route an interaction, the way we look at it. And most of it goes to the digital doorsteps really is under really understanding the intent of the consumer and driving the journey accordingly. Right. So the intent may drive a fully standalone self service start to finish type interaction. And it may drive an interaction that starts from a Google search and immediately goes to the contact center again, just based on what we will identify as the intent. So to your question, fluency x is our digital portfolio with a light and Expo and this can create a fully digital contact center. But it can only be it can also be sorry, a supplement to just our sticker split.

Evan Kirstel:

Got it. So I love this concept of understanding intent. It's sort of pervades your entire the x one story. And you know, so many firms are now leveraging conversational AI providing the underlying technology. Can you think it sends an advantage around understanding intent in this very crowded and dynamic space?

Einat Weiss:

Yes. And the main reason is really the data that we have and the number of interactions that we've been managing in the last 30 plus years. In order to really understand intent, you have to have hundreds of 1000s of interactions, and have all the understand all the different permutations of how people will actually express that intent. And since we've been doing are analyzing this massive amount of interactions over the years, we really have a much more accurate way to understand those intents and And we'll know also how annoying it is when you're not being understood. So it really differentiates us is really that level of accuracy in understanding intent, even when the way you express it is three times remote, right?

Dave Michels:

So to swishing wrap up to some personal stuff here, I've learned that between analysts events that you sometimes run in 10, KS, how long you've been running and what kind of shoes you do, like.

Einat Weiss:

So 10 ks are pretty rare. It's usually five, I will say, I use forecast, which I love. And you can, you know, I don't want to advertise a specific brand, but it will say you can go back to any other brand, at least from my perspective. But yeah, I occasionally run not as much as I want to. But as much as the New Jersey weather allows around outdoors, and then they're still doing my filter.

Evan Kirstel:

Nice. Well, Dave Michaels wants to walk to 10k. So

Dave Michels:

yeah, the boulder boulder. They live in Colorado.

Evan Kirstel:

And you get ideas when you when you run? Or do you just in your mind just flow and not thinking about work?

Einat Weiss:

Not really, I'm really usually kind of in a in a survival mode, I would say. But really, I'm just trying sometimes to just enjoy the run and let my thoughts just drift and my good ideas, actually, most of the time will come from any type of interaction, really with other people. So I'm usually the type of person tomorrow kind of thing collectively. And when I run I just don't

Dave Michels:

know, as an expert in customer service, like myself, I suspect you are frequently frustrated as a customer. Do you attempt to help them explain to them what they're doing wrong? Or? Or do you notify a sales leader in your company to go call on them? Or? Or do you just shrug it off? What do you do when you run into this?

Einat Weiss:

So funny enough, I would usually go to either sales leaders or in some cases to our sales enablement manager to just say, hey, you know, because sometimes these are just great selling points, right. And we need to educate them. Because if I see something that's wrong with a specific company, chances are it's wrong for 50 others as well. Right. So I would usually convey my frustration to our salespeople and not to the companies themselves. So yeah, I try not to put them on the spot. Do you?

Evan Kirstel:

By the way, he always tries to put people on the spot. Yeah. Approach. Yes.

Dave Michels:

Yeah, I tend to tweet it, I tend to tweet my frustration, publicly saying them. My recent target has been Rocket Mortgage has been my recent target,

Evan Kirstel:

which never works. So the shaming doesn't work. But I guess as we wrap up, and you're based in New York City, but I imagine you get back to Israel quite a bit. What do you miss most about Israeli life? i For me, I like heading back to the food. I understand. You're a vegan.

Einat Weiss:

I am vegan. And I live in New Jersey, New York City, but but pretty close. I do miss the food. I miss my friends and my family that are there. And I miss the beach.

Evan Kirstel:

Yes. Well, New Jersey has all of those. So I can't imagine why you would know in all seriousness, it's getting wintertime here. So my thoughts drift to the beaches and Tel Aviv as well. So thanks so much for joining us. It's been quite an interesting and immersive deep dive into all things nice. And it's been lovely to chat with you.

Einat Weiss:

Thank you very much. Thank you. My pleasure. Bye bye.

Evan Kirstel:

Take care. Well, I thought was a great guest with a great company. That's quite a catch. He doesn't do many interviews or digital social live streams and podcasts.

Dave Michels:

I don't know why she really knows her stuff and very articulate. This is great

Evan Kirstel:

guest that's probably why he wants to waste their time with a bunch of Jokers out there doing online interviews. So we got some great insights and when's the next newsletter coming out where we can read more about nice you know,

Dave Michels:

it's a monthly newsletter it comes out every month at the beginning of the month.

Evan Kirstel:

Wow. Okay, right that's not a bi weekly bi quarterly kind of thing. Okay, very good

Dave Michels:

love there's nothing wrong with that but no publication

Evan Kirstel:

Okay, well, I'll be I'll be reading it with anticipation until next time


you may get into conversation never gonna get out of the phone Don't worry. If your phone no man knows me