TalkingHeadz Podcast

TalkingHeadz with John Saw, EVP at T-Mobile

Dave Michels Season 2021 Episode 9
Evan and Dave chat with John Saw, the CTO of T-Mobile

John Saw is the EVP of Advanced and Emerging Technologies at T-Mobile, and is responsible for constantly evaluating ways to disrupt wireless communications. John was previously the CTO at Sprint and came to T-Mobile as a result of the companies merging. John was also the CTO at Clearwire before the company was acquired by Sprint in 2013. 

John earned a Doctorate, Master’s, and Bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from McMaster University, Canada, and has six U.S. patents in wireless technologies. In 2017, the FCC chairman appointed him to the Broadband Deployment Advisory Committee. He also serves on the board of directors for Spectrum Effect, a pioneer in RF spectrum analytics, and he is on the advisory boards of the 5G Open Innovation Lab and Global TDD Initiative (GTI).

When John’s not working on network innovation, he enjoys golfing, skiing around pesky snowboarders, and hiking with his wife.

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