TalkingHeadz Podcast

TalkingHeadz with Ray Pasquale CEO Unified Office

Dave Michels Season 2021 Episode 18

Dave and Evan meet with Ray Pasquale,  CEO and Founder of Unified Office

Unified Office is a next-generation IT managed services provider focused on the Small and Medium-sized Business (SMB) market. Unified Office was built from the ground up focused on delivering business class communications services on the latest mobile devices. We take the latest in communications technologies and make them readily accessible by integrating them into an easy-to-use, scalable, virtualized service that extends from the desktop to mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones called Total Connect NowSM. This offering allows people to stay connected to their business, anytime and anywhere, in a hyper connected world of business that operates in real time.

Evan Kirstel:

And on today's Talking Heads we have Ray Pasquali CEO and founder of unified office. But in the meantime, Dave, how are you?

Dave Michels:

I'm doing great, Evan. It's great to be here.

Evan Kirstel:

So Dave, are you caught up on NF T's non fungible tokens, crypto currencies, and social tokens and the like? What's your perspective on this new crazy world of digital assets?

Dave Michels:

You know, crypto assets is the appropriate term. You're not supposed to say currencies anymore. But I am a big fan of cryptocurrencies. I'm a junkie I'm checking. I'm checking things multiple times a day. I'm not big on NF T's I can't see myself getting too excited about buying an NF T or of some kind. But I just love what's happening in the crypto space. I think it's so innovative and so interesting. It's like everything's a rabbit hole is like you think you understand something. And then as soon as you ask two or three questions, six hours have gone by just trying to figure out following links on this stuff about yourself, are you are you a crypto asset investor? Besides, of course, the b2b coins?

Evan Kirstel:

Well, my own personal crypto is on fire. And I'd recommend all listeners invest in quote, not invest, buy, I'm not a

Dave Michels:

on fire.

Evan Kirstel:

Yes, because b2b is going up, baby. But in any case, Yeah, I agree. I'm the same. I think it's gambling.

Dave Michels:

I like to think present company excluded that I am the biggest single largest b2b coin holder,

Evan Kirstel:

you may be. And you're gonna see tremendous payoffs for that. But I think assuming it's gambling, and it is, I really enjoy the tracking the following the monitoring of these different coins, and playing around with the crypto markets. And my new favorite of the week is core data, which is now the third biggest cryptocurrency out there. Of course, I bought it at the peak. So I'm not sure if

Dave Michels:

I think it's gonna go a long way actually, that what I'm excited about, there's actually quite a bit of a sadness about Bitcoin. I'm excited about theory about except by cardano, as you mentioned, there's Luna Terra, there's just so many of them. And the thing is, these aren't just you know, like stocks where you're just investing in it to try to make money. Some of the passion and projects that are driving these crypto assets are just phenomenal. But let's get back to telecom here. You know, this is this is what we're here for. What do you think we should get started with Ray?

Evan Kirstel:

Let's do it.


Talking. It is a semi monthly podcast with interviews with the top movers and shakers and enterprise communications and collaboration. Your hosts are Dave Michaels and Evan crystal, both of which offer extraordinary services including research, analysis, and social media marketing. You can find them on Twitter, LinkedIn, or at talking points calm, that's points with a Z and Devin crystal calm. That's kr STL.

Evan Kirstel:

And this is Evan curse towel with Dave Michaels here of talking heads. And today's guest is my buddy Ray Pasquale, CEO and founder of unified office in the great state of New Hampshire Ray, how are you?

Ray Pasquale:

I'm doing pretty well all things considered. Yep.

Dave Michels:

What do you mean, in the great state of New Hampshire? I saw on the website, I had a trough all the lower square thing on their address, where our cell just with just a little bit west of London, actually.

Evan Kirstel:

So New Hampshire is Live Free or Die. That is the state motto. So which is it Ray? Is it Live Free or Die?

Ray Pasquale:

No, I think what they meant was Live Free or Die trying to live free.

Evan Kirstel:

Okay, okay, well, that's a whole nother podcast. But today, we're here to talk about you, and your journey and creating a unified office, the best company in the UC space that no one has heard of. So give us some background, you're avoid provider, quote, unquote. But you're actually much more. And you actually invented your own technology stack, which is unusual in our space. So why did you build versus buy?

Ray Pasquale:

Well, there was, you have to build it, right? Because there was nothing to buy that even remotely approaches fixing the transmission of real time voice, for example, over the internet. And what I mean by over the internet, I'm talking about basic internet circuits. I'm not talking about MPLS tunnels, or any other things that try to make use of the Internet in a way to isochronous it to guaranteed traffic delivery. So if there was nothing to buy, he had to invent it. And we invented basically, the notion of transmission of real time data happens to be voice, but you could do the same thing with video sensor information. The world of IoT, for example, where it conveying information in real time is critical. But we had to invent our own transmission network over the internet. And

Dave Michels:

I don't understand that Ray and there's lots of options to buy. I mean, the most popular probably is a broad works or from broadsoft. Now it's part of Cisco You have metal switch, you have ribbon had a solution. But what do you mean, you couldn't buy any something? What about all these competitors you have that did buy, but at that way, they didn't buy anything at the

Ray Pasquale:

end of the day, Voice over IP. So I created first a transmission network, like nothing to do with voice, right? I created the algorithms to transmit real time information, whether it's video, whether it's voice, whether it didn't matter what it is, we patented that it took a couple of years to make that work. And once we knew we could transmit things like voice without getting choppy, audio echo and all that stuff without having to use phone circuits and the like, then it made sense then to sort of disrupt the voice industry by then layering on top of that open source Voice over IP stacks that we use, for example, like asterisk, right? because nobody's going to get paid to reinvent all the 1000s of features that have been invented over the past 50 years. The way we apply Voice over IP is what makes this company unique. Voice his voice everybody does voice. There's 1000 companies that do voice. Some do it. Well, some don't do it so well. There's not a lot of companies that take voice and then strategically create layered applications and products that actually monetize voice. And so that's kind of what we do when we really start to pair our analytics and AI stacks on top of voice over IP. And that's when you start to see where we create really highly differentiated positive outcomes for our business partners and our customers.

Dave Michels:

When did you develop this platform? What did you study got some patents do some timeframe.

Ray Pasquale:

I mean, we like I was at Sonic networks pre ribbon. Right, and it's and saunas. We had a lot of companies come into play like broadsoft, we worked I worked with all of them, Vonage, these guys were my lab all the time cilantro, which eventually got bought by broadsoft. And saunas. We built these tandem gateways, the basically the equivalent of an internet router, but for voice only. And of course, we did real time transcoding and things of that nature. So I saw, you know, sort of the Send and pray companies get built using kind of legacy techniques. And I knew that there had to be a better way to do this. Around 2010 2011. I started thinking about building my next company. And I decided that I had this sort of moment that said, If Steve Jobs was still alive today, what legacy market might he go into and reinvent. And I said, You know what, I bet you he picks his voice over IP market, which is really tarnished with a lot of just a low qualities, low quality, the company's never sought out to build low quality applications. just so happens that it's hard to send something over the internet, which was basically built resend and pray. It's not it wasn't built for real time, anything. But we're trying to bend it into a platform that basically conveys all types of information. So I had to make sure that I wanted to reinvent voice so that at number one, it worked. It worked with a great degree of quality and reliability without having to resort to legacy techniques like MPLS tunnels, ATM circuits, T one lines from the phone companies and all that sort of thing

Evan Kirstel:

I like to once Dave has at least several fax machines t wants LTE data in his backyard.

Ray Pasquale:

It took about three years for myself and this other fellow to sort of really invent a new way of transmission over the internet. Such that boy actually works.

Dave Michels:

Will you speak of?

Ray Pasquale:

He's my CTL. Tom failing.

Dave Michels:

Ah ha! So you admit Tom helped you!

Ray Pasquale:

He did. Tom and I are both of the patents. We're used to this stuff. We both worked on MPLS. Back in the day, Tom and I flew around the world back when I was part of Sonic networks, building a protocol extension to MPLS called proxy admission control, which we finally got past I think London, I can't remember. Maybe it wasn't London could have been Prague. But

Evan Kirstel:

so let's flash forward. So let's table stakes, you make boys work well, but you have customers who are doing much more than calling. I mean, you're in 1000s of Domino's Pizza franchises. And they're doing a little more than just taking phone calls. I understand. So what's the real value add beyond making voice extremely reliable?

Ray Pasquale:

Well, once you make it reliable, then it makes sense that you can start to build these value added a call layered applications. On top of that for Domino's. We and not just Domino's, we do this for our other verticals as well, automobile dealerships and whatnot. I wanted to help these businesses today deal with a real time sort of hyper impatient culture, the kind of Amazon effect, if you will, right, which is you push a button and 10 seconds later you get something delivered to your house. How do you handle this? You know, the 50% of Domino's business, for example. It is not done online. As I've got a great deal of revenue to leave to legacy techniques, then you have impending labor shortages, I saw coming and all these sorts of things. So we built these AI interfaces when analytics that we run in real time, that actually answered the phones for you place your marketing messages. And by the way, we give everybody a portal access where they can log in, create their own marketing messages and upload them anytime they want. And it's fully scriptable by the manager or owner. So we have calls as they come in, we know who you are, we know what language you speak, because you indicated you, you're an English speaker, or French or Spanish or what have you. It's visual display that runs on other cars, let's say a 46 inch screen monitor with speakers and the restaurants. So the workers can hear it, they can see it, there's the speedometers that are performance indicators as to how well the staff is handling the incoming orders, and so on. So these real time analytics have the fundamental value propositions that we bring are that you'll never miss a phone call, you'll never get a busy signal, you'll never get put through to voicemail. So these kinds of deterministic algorithms help capture everything trying to get to you. Now, that could be an order that was placed online that you're unhappy with that call is just as important as the phone call calling into maybe create an order. And then fast forward to this pandemic, which, you know, I didn't see that coming obviously, last year. And we immediately went to work with our partners, most of our restaurants, to contactless delivery kinds of things. So we rolled out a suite of features that allowed them to do all these kinds of, you know, text, message them here, what you know, spot number eight, when those kinds of things. So we had to do a lot of things last year that we hadn't considered prior to the pandemic. But we're able to do it very quickly to help our customers adapt almost in real time.

Evan Kirstel:

And you deal with lots of small businesses. I mean, the business of America is small business, whether it's lawyers, doctors, dental offices. So what are these folks need that they weren't getting aren't getting from the local telco or the key system vendor that provided them to left money over decades, like what do you do for them? Fundamentally,

Dave Michels:

my lawyer makes terrible pizza.

Ray Pasquale:

Well, again, you're not getting these analytics, right. So there's things called ring groups. I've been around since Alexander Graham Bell, or Dave Michaels, whatever, yeah. And the intelligence that we apply to these ring groups are quite unique. In other words, we apply these sort of AI techniques that allow you to deterministically make sure that you reach the expert, let's say for a car dealership, for that rule, that expert that knows everything there is to know about a no IKEA Optima. And that expert happens to be three lots away for whatever reason. So the ring ropes are designed with the owners and the managers of a business to like, find those experts. deterministically use a variety of methods to do that. But the point is, we find the expert, when you're in the moment of purchase, you're not going to wait long, we'll bring up a video call, whatever you want to do. So you can ask your question be satisfied, sign the paperwork, given the check and drive off the lot. So those kinds of things. And oh, by the way, the integrations into CRM, everybody does. But it's the way we apply those integrations. They've helped businesses become more effective and productive and how they operate. In most of the time this happens in pizza, for example, you'll see certain pizza restaurants, all of a sudden their revenues might increase more than 30%. Just because of unified office. That's pretty unheard of right? That you put in a communication system that actually increases your revenue, key systems, traditional phone, things don't do any of these things. They make phone calls,

Evan Kirstel:

oh, Dave used to be a phone dealer back in the I think 60s or 50s. He was a reseller. And when I go out into hotels, I see those key systems that Dave sold, they're still there. Yeah. On the bedside table. It's, you know, press screaming, please, somebody use me. So what are you doing, like hospitality, for example, or other verticals, to differentiate from these legacy products and solutions, desk sets that are out there? by the millions, right? Yeah.

Ray Pasquale:

So we kind of invented this is another suite of patents that we got, but we work with a number of manufacturers. grandstream among them, basically is a tablet phone, right? It's an Android tablet with a handset, for example, we recently have the handset is my CTO, Tom talked me into putting a handset on there. And he said, I just wanted people to use Bluetooth or whatever they had, or just use the speaker. But no, he said that some people want to have a private phone call and not

Dave Michels:

important thing with the handset is that you can slam it down and discuss and break

Ray Pasquale:

the break the tablet when you're frustrated, right. Yeah. So I thought to myself, how do these rooms generate revenue? Again, in the old days, they generated revenue by making phone calls, right? But everybody uses cell phones. So these poor things are sitting there with spider webs on him and whatever. And I'm like, What if I created a tablet sort of mash up, not the device, but working with the device manufacturer. And then I write the software that basically allows you to sell advertisements. So think about the initial, the early windows eight start menus with the live tiles, it would flip when there was information to convey to get your attention. So I could do something like that. Of course, we use html5 and whatnot. But I could do something like that allow the operators of these hotels to sell ad space on that tablet, you don't have to use the tablet, you don't have to pick up the phone, the fact that the thing is running advertisements that are locally sponsored by the hotel operator, that room is generating revenue again, passive revenue. And then if you touch one of those tiles and you order food or you make a reservation or you get an Uber driver or whatever it is the analytics We then provide to the marketing staff that works with the hotel is critical information for them that allows them to figure out how much they can charge for those ads. Right. And also, it's called we refer to as the in room concierge. And then think about the hotel staff. That's they're understaffed, they're overworked, or at least they used to be, I think that's all coming back. Now, at least we're seeing that and you need towels, or there's something wrong in your room, you need shampoo, I'm making it up. I don't use shampoo, it's that on my chair. But I do use shampoo for the sides haven't so don't think I don't do that. But you know, instead of bothering the front desk, people you take, you've got this tablet device, you pull up a menu and you say I need this, and you hit send. And then our software goes to work behind the scenes to intelligently locate the nearest housekeeper that can satisfy that request. So my whole attitude about communications is to make them more productive and more useful for businesses. Whether you're touching a passive interface with your finger or using your voice. It's how we apply that we apply communications that helps you be more effective deal with a labor shortage and increase the revenue profile of your business. And yeah, especially today, you've got to capture everything as it's trying to get to you. Because we're not going to wait.

Dave Michels:

So where are your services? Where's unified office services available? What what territories

Ray Pasquale:

are all right now within the United States, only we would have been in the UK, but the COVID thing screwed that up last year.

Dave Michels:

And is this Trafalgar Square address? Is that New Hampshire? Or is that UK? No, that's that's here in New Hampshire. And Nashville. Of course, I should have known.

Evan Kirstel:

Okay, and looks like Dave froze or as, I guess the Trafalgar Square. So let me keep going here a classic example of why I invented unified office to deal with these kinds of things, right. So you know, addition to hospitality, we talk about quick serve, restaurants, etc. You are getting into the sort of smart cities space, and you can talk a lot about it. But that didn't make sense to me, like what is the smart city? And why would they need unified Office of all things? I thought they need self driving cars and robots? Or

Ray Pasquale:

do they like those things too, right? The Smart City thing came to us by virtue of the fact that because of our HQ RP, which is the highest quality routing protocol, that's the kind of invention that Tom and I worked on. For

Evan Kirstel:

you, Rp. Great, we have a new four letter acronym. Well. Exciting.

Ray Pasquale:

Yeah, yes, you do. Anyway, that's a suite of algorithms and protocols that we develop that deliver voice reliably with great quality, just like the PSTN is used to do without need for any sort of telephone circuits. And like, anyway, they wanted the best of breed of every technology to be in their smart city, whether that's Tesla, you know, autonomous driving buses, the best restaurants, the Capitol grill, I mean, you name it, and they select dignified office, because we were considered the best communications platform by virtue of our patents, on the glory of real time communications. It's voice Yeah, but it's also video. And it's also sensor information. Because as you know that we have an IoT stack that we deploy to mostly our restaurant customers, at least initially, it has wider applicability, and just restaurants. But for now, we're focused on restaurants. And so we do temperature monitoring of their refrigeration units, make sure that they're in tolerance with local health authority regulations, make sure that the walk in coolers get shot at night when they close the shop, because if they don't, you know, they have to throw the food away The next morning, that's several$1,000, potentially. So the sensors have properties of when they talk, they need to be heard quickly, and reliably. So our network will make sure that that happens as well.

Dave Michels:

That's exciting. So you've really got a pretty broad play there. Let me take you through a little bit of a buzzword bingo here, because I looked at your website, and I'm gonna call you out on a few of the terms here and see if you can defend them here. So it says in your website that you are a leading provider of hybrid cloud. What do you mean by hybrid cloud?

Ray Pasquale:

We place a small Linux server at every single location, that's a customer. Wow. So

Dave Michels:

it's a Prem based solution. But in the cloud,

Ray Pasquale:

it conspire. We have a cloud network that we've built around the country, about 20, some odd Rackspace type servers, it runs our session border control software that we wrote. It's unique to unified office. And it communicates with those little Linux boxes that we place at the customer site that does the best hdrip path selections, runs the algorithms and also does the call control stuff as well. But it's our eyes and ears and the customer that allows us to do deliver a managed service. So it gives us a point at telemetry where we can see inside the customer network, how things are performing how their broad bands performing, via a lot of companies, a lot of solutions fail over to alternative networks only upon a down event. We take that next step and we measure the actual quality of your broadband connection from the inside out so that we know the packet loss jitter latency and those kinds of things. We will start to failover quietly to either LTE or another network that you have chosen kind of like SD LAN only a little bit better Actually,

Dave Michels:

it's better does that server some of the customer buys? Or is that just included in the monthly the monthly charge?

Ray Pasquale:

It depends on the deal that we strike with the customer. But it's a it's an expensive it's it's a kind of so we could do this with a Raspberry Pi for 49.

Dave Michels:

Okay, so the next thing any website says that you leverage the latest and extensible business wide communications now it's bingo right there. What do you mean by extensible

Ray Pasquale:

because unified office? Every day, we're creating new features that layer on top of our voice platform that's basically limitless. There's no limit to the amount of fee and I'm not talking star codes. We're not talking about vertical service codes. Are they nobody cares about those they care about? What can you do for me to make my business run better? Please, my customers create the perfect night out for restaurant guests. All those kinds of things. So the extensibility of our platform is limitless.

Dave Michels:

Wow. Okay, so then you've got here I think you've already covered it is limited. It's limited by your imagination. Oh, limitless. Okay, we got that question right there. So then you say SDN based hybrid cloud service, I guess you kind of covered that already. So you're basically covering UCAS, networking services, and of course, IoT services as well. That's pretty, pretty broad portfolio there.

Evan Kirstel:

And what great, why aren't you on the Gartner quadrant? I mean, are you not paying Gartner's annual tribute to get listed on the quadrant? Or what's going on here? I

Ray Pasquale:

have no idea. I mean, look, we're in the SMB market. We focus on the 10 to 100 employee business when I go after Boeing aircraft are these giant companies. And you know, to the extent that we appeared in Gartner's Magic Quadrant, a few years ago, we were up on the upper right. But I the other day, the pizza operator doesn't mean know what you just said. So they just take care about things that work for them, that make a difference in their lives, that they don't care about frosting, you know, they don't care about these. Yeah,

Dave Michels:

I think the Magic Quadrant for you guys, I think requires at this point, international operations and unified offices North America, us, but I'm assuming that you mentioned SBC and Sonus a few times. So I'm assuming you and Evan have bonded over sbcs.

Ray Pasquale:

I wouldn't exactly say that. But we love to talk about five letter acronyms. I did help create Evans, former company in my lab back at Sonic back in night in 2000 2001.

Evan Kirstel:

So let me ask you, we were a podcast here. So we obviously have no visual cues. But I love what you give business owners, which is that single pane of glass that dashboard, that must be kind of magical, when you show them this queue of their customers and calls and orders and status of their network and even employees, whether they're like on site working or not. I mean, tell us about that. Because you have some like unbelievably loyal fans on the small business owner side of the house?

Ray Pasquale:

Well, yeah, I mean, look, I mean, anytime you can get that sort of insight into your business operations, that's a big deal. And outside of the restaurant industry, when you look at hotels, for example, you can get to see who's calling in for room service, it lights up in this nice easy to visually understand display dashboard, if you will. And you can see the people queued up that are trying to order food, you can see the people that are queued up that are trying to reserve a room, there's a lot of visual cues that you can bring to bear working with your customers that they hadn't seen before. And this is all done in real time. Right? So it gives you the opportunity to read and react in real time. You can certainly choose to ignore all these things. And you're perfectly well, you know, within your rights to do that. But then why would you want unified office,

Dave Michels:

Evans have mastered ignoring lots of things.

Ray Pasquale:

In any event, yeah. So it's just a different way of looking at the world. And again, back in the day, we used to Eastern event features in the old telecom companies I worked for, and then we throw them against the wall to see if anybody would actually use them. We don't do that here. We only invent those things in collaboration with our customers that we know. And we think we know will make a dramatic difference in the operations of their business. And that's the only time we'll invent those things. We're not just going to create something just because hey, here's another robot dog that can deliver a pizza to your house. I mean, that's like, at the end of the day, if you make a bad pizza, doesn't matter, no matter how you get it to your house, you're not going to want it right.

Evan Kirstel:

And so you write you're also a small business, a small business owner, what's it like for you pivoting during the pandemic? And also, you know, you're competing amongst giants, whether it's the variations of the world or the Comcast or the big, unified communications players, they can also sell I guess, to small businesses, how do you navigate that world? How

Ray Pasquale:

have you over the years after they look at Sonic networks, there was the speedboat versus the oil tanker metaphor, right? We love these big companies, these big companies can't even approach the level of innovation that we can bring to the market fast enough. So I don't look at them as competitors. Maybe I should, but I don't because they're not they don't have the level of sophistication than the algorithms and the kind of pace of innovation that we can Bring to a customer base. Now, that's easy to do when you're small, right? You know it's on us, we used to run things out the door real quick, we were tiny. And as we scaled and got really big, that became really hard to do. That's the innovators dilemma, which I used to say I was always interested in these innovative solutions, that book, but here, you know, in office, we do everything we can to make sure that as we scale the company, that that is protected, that that that sort of culture is inculcated, embedded into everybody that works here, including our partners, our partners, a gray bar, our electronics, I go to great lengths to create the vision or at least articulate the vision of agility, quickness and possibility thinking. And the world is full of people that just, for whatever reason, are just paralyzed by their existing customer base. And I get it, it's a tough thing to do when you're when you're big, and you've got millions of customers. Look, we've got about 70 to 80,000 people that use our system around the country. And by the way, I kind of misspoke. We do have some international stuff in India that we do with some US based companies. But yeah, I mean, I don't know I mean, innovation comes out to you know, small companies tend to envy the the real innovators, and then the bigger companies end up buying them over time. And

Evan Kirstel:

that's just the way the world. And so you've grown through great customer service, and through word of mouth, really referrals. I mean, one dominoes franchise talks to another talks to another, but how do you scale up? Like, what's next in terms of growing your company to be up?

Ray Pasquale:

You know, but that's exactly how it works. I've been right, you know, as well as I do at Acme packet, when you won that first big deal at at&t, everybody knows about you, all of a sudden, you didn't have to advertise your customers did the advertising for you? This is exactly what happens here. Right. You know, you got the large Domino operators that adopt unified office. And next thing, you know, they get together at their events, and they talk about us and we do go attend their franchise events. I mean, the pandemics made that little bit difficult. But you know, our QSR business last year during the teeth of the pandemic doubled. So QSR is what quick serve restaurants. Yeah, it's my favorite kind of recipes, hundreds of 1000s, across the country and across the planet. So you can imagine, you know, I was sitting here during the early stages of the pandemic, when the dental markets closed, my hospitality market shut down, y'all everybody shut down, and then all of a sudden, the QSR business doubled. So the saving grace for us was verticalization, in that in that regard, and we haven't looked back now, you know, thank God, the other markets are coming back, the Smart City, things are happening for us across the country and three locations that we're working with right now, most of the current activity would be in the Orlando area, but we're working in New Mexico as well with some opportunities there so that that market is coming back, we're getting it through a little bit, kind of an interesting time with the pandemic. So we're gonna see how we work through this delta thing. But I think I think what we'll see here is I'm not a doctor, I'm not an epidemiologist, but I am good, like all things, these things will start to burn out over time as these things run out of people to infect, I guess, for lack of a better description. But our hotel customers are coming back. And we got some really big projects there. But it only scale, because you deserve the scale. And it's not advertising, it's gonna get you there. Remember, we're not a horizontal company, we're vertically focused. So it's easy when you're vertically focused to the word gets out and to get your word out, and a more efficient, more effective way. It is true that every once in a while you hear me on sports radio in Boston that I've done some little bit of brand building on w e. I, for example. And we'll continue to do that. Because I think that can help us reach a different local audience that you know, here we are in New England based company and most of our businesses in Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, Orlando, and I'm liking Hey, what's what's happening in Boston here as Boston starts the far out. I mean, I want to go capture a picture of that market. And so I think sports talk radio is one way to do that.

Dave Michels:

All right, Ray. Well, as much as I want to find out more about your shampoo habits. I think we are out of time on this podcast. But I want to thank you so much for joining us. And it's actually really exciting to learn so much about unify the office. I wish you the best of luck.

Evan Kirstel:

Thank you. Appreciate it. Great. We'll see you around the campus the national campus you go in all right. See you Dave.

Dave Michels:

You know, I've been I like to think that I don't learn anything on our podcast because I already know it all. But I learned a lot today from Ray, I had no idea that unified was so diverse and broaden their offerings.

Evan Kirstel:

Yeah, they're one of the best kept secrets in our space and a lot of people know of them, but their customers are very happy. And speaking of exciting companies. Our next guest is Mone as harati of subspace, kind of a new

Dave Michels:

place. That doesn't make any sense that they're not a UK provider.

Evan Kirstel:

They are turbocharging UCAS in contact center, so we will learn more.

Dave Michels:

All right, well, until then, thanks for listening. You want some information, get in the conversation. Oh man I gotta get out of here.