Worship Union
The Worship Union podcast aims to inspire deeper worship union with Christ through vulnerable interviews with renowned worshipers. Hi, I'm your host Suzy Yaraei with my co-host Molly Williams, and we are passionate lovers of Jesus. We've had a blast traveling together over 25 years leading worship and coaching worshipers worldwide.
In these podcasts, we will interview some of the world's most beloved worship leaders—dear friends who are changing the world with their worshiping arts. Our goal is to mine the gold in the hearts of these friends and allow the vulnerability of their interviews to inspire and bring hope to you, our fabulous listeners!
Click on the episode for show notes!
Worship Union
Kelanie Webb part 2 Episode 10
In this impactful episode of the Worship Union Podcast, hosts Suzy Yaraei and Molly Williams continue their interview with Kelanie Webb, where she shares her personal journey through a difficult time in her life and how she found healing and restoration through her relationship with God. Kelanie emphasizes the importance of being connected to others and not neglecting community in our lives. Kelanie also emphasizes the importance of accountability and confessing our struggles to trusted friends. This episode offers a powerful message of hope and encourages listeners to seek the Lord's healing, to embrace community, and to trust in His faithfulness to bring them through any challenges they may face.
most holy moment-
“I was moving full speed into burn out. I got into an unhealthy relationship. I became unraveled and, disoriented and isolated. I hit a rock bottom place. Then God pulled me out and set me in a place where I could get help- intense inner healing and deliverance. The Lord was so tender with me. I would sit in soaking music and cry and let the Lord heal me. I never felt condemnation. Just nearness and love even though it was so hard and painful. I also felt the feeling of hurting the Lord’s heart. I am so grateful. His presence was so sweet during the process. I experienced new aspects of His nature and intimacy when I was so weak, desperate and devasted- feeling like a failure. When we feel like we get off track really bad, He has such an amazing way of bringing us back in- like we never missed a beat! We don’t get behind in our destiny. He just catches us back up and we keep going. He doesn’t waste anything. It’s brilliant what he does.”
a thought to end with-
Healthy team tip: A mentor said to me: ‘You need to worship together off the stage.” This is great advice to take into your fellowships. Champion each other, stay honest and keep all offenses, jealousy and comparison out. Pray for each other. Get to know each other, share meals and build relationship. Do you know their kids’ names?
some bits from speed round-
as a kid what did you want to be when you grew up?-
Meteorologist (This may be the best one yet J)
fave hobby:
Bird watching (Kelanie is an ornithologist, how cool is that?)
atreaming on your TV right now-
Junior Baking Show- they are always dropping their cupcakes. Haha.
fave scripture-
Romans 8:28
And we know that God causes everything to work togetherfor the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.
best quick advice received-
take a nap- although I never listened. haha
best quick advice to give-
Remember who you are and what you are created to be.
Kelanie’s book recs-
Keep You Love On- Danny Silk
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality- Pete and Geri Scazzero