5 Questions About Cosmetic Surgey

5 Questions About Breast Augmentation with Dr. Moein

July 01, 2023 Robert Season 1 Episode 1
5 Questions About Cosmetic Surgey
5 Questions About Breast Augmentation with Dr. Moein

Breast Augmentation – 5 Questions with Doctor Moein

Doctor Moein's Cosmetic Surgery Website
His webpage on Breast Augmentation
Schedule a complimentary consultation with Doctor Moein

Hello and welcome to Five Questions about cosmetic surgery. I'm your host Olivia James and my guest today is Dr. Moen, an experienced cosmetic surgeon in Los Angeles. Our topic today is breast augmentation, and Dr. Moein will answer five questions that women often ask when considering breast augmentation. Welcome, Dr. Moein.

 Thank you, Olivia. It is a pleasure to be here.

My first question to get us started is, what is breast augmentation?

Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure designed to enhance a woman's breasts in size, shape, or fullness. It's all about placing breast implants or transferring fat from other body parts to the breasts. Women often choose this route if they're looking for a larger bust size or seeing changes due to pregnancy or weight loss. And sometimes, it's all about restoring balance if the breasts are uneven.

Thank you for putting that in context. The next question is on everyone's mind. Please do give us a dollar amount in your answer. 

How much does breast augmentation cost?

That's a great question. It depends on a few factors. These could include the expertise of the surgeon, the type of implant used, where you're getting the surgery done, and if you have any other procedures at the same time. In 2021, the Los Angeles area's average cost could range from $5,000 to $10,000. But prices can swing either way.


Thanks, Dr. Moein, for your honest and clear answer. So every surgery has risks.

 What are the risks and complications associated with breast augmentation?

Like any surgery, there are risks and potential complications. These might include infection, bleeding, changes in the feeling in the nipple or breast scarring and complications with the implant like leakage or rupture. And there's also the risk of developing tight scar tissue around the implant called capsular contracture. And of course, there's always a chance someone might not be happy with how it looks afterward. Plus, it's important to remember that implants aren't forever. Future surgeries might be needed to replace or correct complications.


So one more question. 


What is it like after breast implant surgery? How long is the recovery period after breast augmentation? 
 Recovery times vary, but you can usually expect to return to work or your regular activities in a week or two. You'll want to avoid heavy physical activity for at least six weeks, especially anything involving the upper body. Most pain and swelling should go down in the first few weeks, but it can take several months.


Okay, question number five is all about choices. 


What are the different types of breast implants available for augmentation?



There are mainly two types, saline and silicone. Saline implants are filled with sterile saltwater and can be adjusted for minor size changes during surgery. silicone implants are filled with a silicone gel that feels more like natural breast tissue. If a silicone implant leaks, the gel might stay in the implant shell or escape into the breast implant pocket. A newer gummy bear implant filled with thick silicone gel keeps its shape even if the implant shell breaks. The choice depends on the patient's preference, body type, and medical considerations.


Thank you, Dr. Moein, for your answers. 


If a person wants to discuss breast augmentation surgery options with you, what is the best way to do that?


Thank you, Olivia. The best way to learn about my approach to your breast augmentation questions and concerns is to schedule a consultation. Let me share three important reasons to schedule a consultation. One, there is no charge for the consultation, and you will get lots of value for your time too away. I will be able to talk with you and, with careful listening, determine your needs and goals for the procedure. Three, you and I will build a relationship. You will get to meet the staff who will be assisting us you will also get to see patients we have worked with and accomplished together to book a consultation, please visit us on the web at www Moein surgical arts.com. That is spelled m o e i n the word surgical and the word arts or call our office at 310-455-8020. This information is also in the description of this podcast. 


Thanks again.

Once again, thank you, Dr. Moen, for your expertise and honest answers. I'm Olivia James, your host for five questions about cosmetic surgery. Stay safe, and have fun out there.