Brand & New

Supporting Businesses and Innovation in Times of Crises: IP Australia Case Study (with Michael Schwager, Director General, IP Australia, initially posted in June 2020)

Season 4 Episode 2

With the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, countries worldwide have been implementing more or less stringent social distancing and lockdown measures, and the operations of intellectual property (IP) offices have been impacted just as any other businesses or institutions. Many IP offices around the world have implemented emergency policies to limit their services, and some even have shut down for the foreseeable feature. For companies and individuals with worldwide trademark or patent portfolios, now is a critical time to be aware of any changes that may impact their IP management strategies – for the best or the worst.

Our guest today is Michael Schwager, the Director General of IP Australia, based in Canberra. IP Australia is the country’s IP office responsible for administering IP rights, including trademarks, patents, designs, and plant breeder's rights applications. It was ranked in April 2020 in the Top 10 most innovative IP offices in the world, based on World Trademark Review’s analysis of 50 IP offices.

Before leading IP Australia as of September 2018, Mr. Schwager spent almost 13 years with the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science of the Australian Government, where he was in charge of what we would call today innovation policy—that is, developing and implementing strategies to foster an internationally competitive, innovative, and sustainable business environment in Australia. 

Every two weeks, on Tuesday, Brand & New gives the floor to inspiring individuals, with a 360-degree vision, to help brand owners, intellectual property lawyers, and marketing and finance professionals (and beyond!) stay curious and agile in an ever-evolving business environment.

Brand & New is a production of the International Trademark Association
Hosted by Audrey Dauvet
Contribution of M. Halle & S. Lagedamond - Music by JD Beats


To go further:
About Michael Schwager (link to

Also of interest:
Australian IP Office Website (link to
- United States Patent and Trademark Office notices  about COVID-19 (link to
- INTA’s 2020 Annual Meeting & Leadership Meeting Goes Virtual (link to
- INTA Daily News: Nurturing Innovation—IP Offices and SMEs (link to