Brand & New

IP, the Key Asset to Support SMEs' Development (with Yann Ménière, European Patent Office, Chief Economist)

INTA Season 3 Episode 19

Considering small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from an intellectual property (IP)perspective, it is all the more critical that SMEs don’t play by the same rules as larger businesses. Indeed, SMEs and larger firms in the European Union perform very differently with regard to their ownership and use of IP rights (IPR). 

The European Patent Office (EPO), based in Munich, Germany, recently reported that, although only a smaller proportion of SMEs (9%) own or use patents, trademarks, or designs when compared to larger firms (60%), the advantage that these IPRs provide in terms of revenue per employee is far greater for SMEs (+68%) than for larger firms (+18%). Understanding the role, impacts, and challenges associated with IP assets in the SME context is therefore necessary to design successful R&D, branding, and financial strategies – whether from a policy perspective or at the company-level.

Brand & New’s guest is EPO Chief Economist Yann Ménière, who joined the Office in 2016. Though currently on leave as a result of his role with the EPO, Mr. Ménière is professor of economics at MINES ParisTech, in France, where he led the chair on "IP and Markets for Technology." His research and expertise relate to the economics of innovation, competition, and IP. In recent years, he has been focusing more specifically on IP and standards, markets for technology, and IP issues in climate negotiations., He has written articles for academic publications as well as a number of policy studies for the European Commission, the French government, and other public organizations. In addition to MINES ParisTech, he is still teaching the economics of IT standards at Imperial College Business School and the economics of IP law at the Law School of Université Catholique of Louvain in Belgium.

Every two weeks, on Tuesday, Brand & New gives the floor to inspiring individuals, with a 360-degree vision, to help brand owners, intellectual property lawyers, and marketing and finance professionals (and beyond!) stay curious and agile in an ever-evolving business environment.

This episode of Brand&New is sponsored by Appdetex.

Brand & New is a production of the International Trademark Association
Hosted by Audrey Dauvet
Contribution of M. Halle & S. Lagedamond - Music by JD Beats

To go further:
About Yann Ménière (link to

Also of interest:
European Patent Office (
High-Growth Technology Business Forum (
European Inventor Award 2021 (
INTA: For SMEs (
INTA Pro Bono Clearinghouse (
Brand Value Special Task Force Report (
Brand & New: SMEs—Navigating IP Issues, a Discussion Between an Entrepreneur and His IP Counsel (