Brand & New

Perspective on Africa's IP Strengths and Challenges (with Brenda Kahari, BW Kahari, Zimbabwe)

Season 4 Episode 3

Business-wise in a complex challenged global economy Africa is more on the move than ever. The World Economic Forum pointed out last year that six of the ten fastest-growing economies in the world are in Africa and the continent’s average annual GDP growth is projected to remain at a robust average of six percent until 2023. 

How does this unstoppable growth translate from an intellectual property (IP) perspective? What are the continent’s strengths and challenges that can explain where Africa sits right now in the IP world, both legally and from a market perspective?

 Brenda Kahari, the guest of this episode of Brand&New, is not a first-timer. As a reminder, she is the founder of the law firm B.W. Kahari based in Harare, Zimbabwe. Since its beginning, the law firm has focused its practice on IP issues. Brenda is also a regular speaker on topics related to IP for major international organizations such as the African Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO), the International Trademark Association (INTA), and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

Every two weeks, on Tuesday, Brand & New gives the floor to inspiring individuals, with a 360-degree vision, to help brand owners, intellectual property lawyers, and marketing and finance professionals (and beyond!) stay curious and agile in an ever-evolving business environment.

Brand & New is a production of the International Trademark Association
Hosted by Audrey Dauvet - Contribution of M. Halle & S. Lagedamond - Music by JD Beats


To go further:
About Brenda Kahari:

Also of interest:
INTA 2022 Annual Meeting Live+--Tracks on Enforcement and Anticounterfeiting, Innovation and the Future of IP, Regional Updates (link to

- INTA Bulletin:  Brenda Kahari Discusses Leadership Roles for Women in IP (link to :

- INTA Bulletin: IP Leadership in Africa—An Interview with ARIPO Director General Bemanya Twebaze (link to

- INTA Brand Restrictions Study—South Africa Report (link to :

- INTA Bulletin: Eye on Africa—2022 Policy Priorities and Key Activities (link to

- Spurring Much-Needed Innovation: A Look At IP in Africa | Wolters Kluwer