Harmony of Hustle

Episode #12: My EXACT Homeadvisor Framework that turned $7k into $130k

February 06, 2024 Justin Shoemaker Episode 12
Episode #12: My EXACT Homeadvisor Framework that turned $7k into $130k
Harmony of Hustle
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Harmony of Hustle
Episode #12: My EXACT Homeadvisor Framework that turned $7k into $130k
Feb 06, 2024 Episode 12
Justin Shoemaker

This session with Justin is jam-packed with actionable intelligence for entrepreneurs hungry to amplify their reach and revenue. Discover how the art of brevity in communication has revolutionized customer interactions, and witness the seamless orchestration of CRM automation that propels immediate lead follow-up and customer delight to new heights. As Justin dissects the anatomy of lead optimization on Angie Leads, he shares potent tactics for budget maneuvering, market expansion, and scaling service areas. The fusion of Justin's insights and your ambition could be the jet fuel your business needs to launch beyond the competition.

Connect with me!
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/js_shoez_/
X: https://twitter.com/Shoeinvestor2
TikTok: tiktok.com/@thewater_boy_official
Youtube: https://youtube.com/@justinshoemaker9582?si=DSsbCeNl1kgH3EKK
LinkedIn: Justin Shoemaker

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

This session with Justin is jam-packed with actionable intelligence for entrepreneurs hungry to amplify their reach and revenue. Discover how the art of brevity in communication has revolutionized customer interactions, and witness the seamless orchestration of CRM automation that propels immediate lead follow-up and customer delight to new heights. As Justin dissects the anatomy of lead optimization on Angie Leads, he shares potent tactics for budget maneuvering, market expansion, and scaling service areas. The fusion of Justin's insights and your ambition could be the jet fuel your business needs to launch beyond the competition.

Connect with me!
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/js_shoez_/
X: https://twitter.com/Shoeinvestor2
TikTok: tiktok.com/@thewater_boy_official
Youtube: https://youtube.com/@justinshoemaker9582?si=DSsbCeNl1kgH3EKK
LinkedIn: Justin Shoemaker

Speaker 1:

All righty. Hello everybody, my name is Justin Shoemaker and welcome to my home advisor mastery course a little mini course here, also known as Angie Leeds now, because I did get bought out. For those of you who don't know me, don't know my content I did tenures in the Navy, got out, got into sales, became the number one sales guy for water treatment on the east coast, then got headhunted to help build a solar startup where I took that from 600k to 25 million in 11 months, and I have recently started my own water treatment company last year and I am now documenting my journey of me building that from nothing to hopefully, within the next couple of years, 25, 50, 100 million and eventually maybe a billion dollar business. And so what I want to talk about today is probably what has been the biggest pain in my butt but has also been my most profitable lead source now, which is home advisor and if you are in the home service industry or you do things where you know homeowners industry, we put about seven grand in for the year and we got back around $130,000. So very, very good piece of equipment, awesome lead gen source If you can learn how to master it. So my hope is, by watching this you will have that mastery and I'm hoping the value that this gives you will be immense. So let's dive in.

Speaker 1:

So some hurdles to consider when using home advisor. And one thing to also consider is whether you use home advisor, angie leads or Angie ads. So if you go to Angie ads, that is traditional Angie list Angie leads is home advisor. Just anecdotally, I don't like Angie ads. They tie you into month over month contracts and you have to pay to get out of it. With home advisor or Angie leads, you can set a budget and cancel whenever you want. So as far as scalability, I really do feel like Angie leads is the better service provider here. Now, one hurdle to that is home advisor leads are shared leads, so you have lots of competition. When a lead comes into their platform, they're going to distribute it to every person that can service that need in your area on the platform. So it's really competitive and you have to make sure you're getting a hold of these guys very quickly. With that being said, the more reviews that you have, the more sales you're going to get, the more leads that'll answer your phone calls and the more chances to actually close these people you'll have.

Speaker 1:

I didn't quite believe this at first. I just thought, hey, if I did a really good job reaching out to customers, they would answer. But I can tell you, from having five reviews to 10 reviews was a massive jump. And then from 10 reviews to 20 reviews I mean, compared to when I had five, I think our pickup rate went up by about 80%. So reviews matter. And if you are brand new and you don't have a ton of clients yet, that's okay. Just reach out to friends and family and have them leave reviews for you. Home advisor really doesn't care, because they want you to stay on the platform. That's how they make their money, so they actually want you to just get reviews, however you can. So when you first start out, incentivize your friends and family and then, when you're during your sales process, make sure you have a way to get reviews after the sales. That should be built into your scripts. If you need help with that, I do have some scripts I can always share, but I'm telling you that is the biggest thing that you need with helmet advisor, especially in the first 12 months, is reviews, reviews, reviews, reviews, reviews.

Speaker 1:

Common sense here bigger service area, more leads you'll get. When I first started, I only had a small service area in Virginia Beach that I was able to service. Over time I was able to expand that, so the more you. It wasn't a hot bed for people who were interested in water treatment, but when I expanded to the rest of Virginia we got a lot more well water homes and people that actually needed our services, so we got more sales in.

Speaker 1:

One good thing about this platform, obviously, is that people are looking to solve a problem. So when you do get ahold of a homeowner, you are walking into a warm lead to where there's a problem that needs to be solved. So, as far as having to build a problem and get people to understand your product or your service, that kind of comes down for you. You can literally get in there, show them why you're the best and a lot of times you'll get a lot of sales from that when you can get into the home. Ok now, with that being said, you will probably be doing more price comparison sales because when people go on home advisor, more often or not, they may get one to two to three quotes because, like I said, it's a shared lead service, so you have multiple people calling them, so you are going to train your salespeople how to compete against other companies and you're going to need to have a compelling offer to beat these other companies, especially if you're higher ticket than the competition.

Speaker 1:

Also, to make sure you don't get broke on home advisor, make sure that you credit all your bad leads at least every two weeks. So the way home advisor gets leads is either from direct or they run social media ads or Google ads. So the same way you would run ads to get leads on your own. So there is times where you'll get some junk leads in home advisor. Just make sure you stay on top of it because, especially if you have a bigger budget and you get a lot of leads in, it can be really tough to manage and you will get some bad leads in there People that didn't mean to look for a service, bad phone numbers, emails, all kinds of stuff.

Speaker 1:

I do a follow up cadence every two weeks, excuse me and what I used to do is use my note app and my phone to keep track of all the names, but I actually found it was just easier to. In home advisor there is a little note section and I found it's just much easier to leave a quick DNQ note in the app itself, because when you call them to get your credits back, I can just scroll down my lead list, click on the name and I can see right then and there who my bad leads were and what the issues. What the issues they had was. So give that a shot. It'll make your workflow a lot easier. So this is just my lifetime ROAS.

Speaker 1:

So right now we're at 14 to 1. So you can see on home advisor right here 138,217 year to date. This was from last month, so we've had more sales from when the screenshot was taken. I think we're now at around like 145,150,000 through home advisor. So very, very, very good return on investment. If you can ever find something that gives you more than you know, five to one you want to dump all your money into that. So this is by far where we have most of our marketing dollars going right now because we're getting 14 to one on. It is very good. This is my lifetime spent, so $9,462.30. And when this was presentation was made, we had 130,217 top line. So pretty good.

Speaker 1:

Now I put these slides in here because I don't believe you should just believe me because I said so. So if you guys want to go back and you want to add all these numbers up. These are all of my billing statements from home advisor, just so you can see I'm being fully transparent and this is actually what I spent on home advisor. There's the next slide. Yeah, I guess I didn't guys go backing at ease all up if you'd like, just so you can make sure I did my math right as well.

Speaker 1:

So, although that's all great and sounds awesome, how it started, four months in was not as great or awesome. So when we first started doing this, my first four months in, I spent well right there, almost $2,500 and Made nine. So we actually end up cancelling home advisor for a period of two, three months because I just thought I was wasting money. And this is my first four months in business. After paying for equipment and everything else, I literally had no money. So I'm broke here. I'm using, I'm using my credit cards to do marketing and Having $2,500 go out with nothing coming in just felt horrible.

Speaker 1:

And what was even more frustrating is, during that time we did have leads come into the platform, so leads were coming in. I thought we were doing a good job, but we weren't getting anyone to call or answer our phone calls or sit down or even allow us to sell, and the ones that we Were able to run we eat. My guys couldn't close them or they couldn't afford it or they had other competition coming in. It was just a nightmare. So I thought that this was kind of a snake oil service. I was looking elsewhere.

Speaker 1:

And then finally, as I matured as a business, I got more systems in place. I saw one of my buddies who was using home advisor in a different market. They're doing really well. So I was like, okay, I just got to figure this out, because even without this, our lead flow is super low and I needed to get sales. So this was our old process and it was very bad. So I want to show you what the old process was. So you won, you don't repeat it. And then, if you are doing this right now, it's okay. You can change it and move it to something a little bit more profitable. So, first thing, we had less than five reviews on home advisor. I did not do as good of a job as I should have of making sure that we had reviews coming in, so that on me.

Speaker 1:

Also. What was happening is when calls would come in because I was so busy and I was the only one with the work phone I wouldn't call them right away. We actually actually was leveraging one of my buddies that owned a water company in PA and he had a call center and he had people that worked for him full-time as admins. So what I was doing is I was when the contact came in, I would copy the name and I would send it over to them so they could call. Now what would happen is there'd be a big lag time between that because they're busy doing their own calls. So after the leads came in, it would probably be maybe 10 minutes or more before they ever got a call from us, which, as you're gonna learn, is a big no-no. I kind of touched on this earlier by a small operating area I was only in the Virginia Beach Hampton Roads area, so I wasn't really able to get a big capture of all the leads that were available in the state and I didn't have any automations or a follow-up cadence. So when these leads came in it was really sporadic on how often I'd reach out to them if I would reach out to them and they would get nothing automated at all.

Speaker 1:

So very low leverage system. Here is what we were using and as such, we did not get very good returns, which is what you could expect, right. So very low leverage 2400, almost $500 put in and nothing coming out. So very, very bad, don't do that. So this was our new new which we made a lot more money. So this is actually what the process looks like for us now.

Speaker 1:

So a request comes in, they get a call within literally a millisecond that is, from me calling them or having automations, and I'll go into how that works here in a bit. They get a text from us. They get an email automation. We then book the appointment. We then get a review after the appointment. Whether we sell it or don't sell it, we always go for the review and then we repeat the process, and that is how we got to our highest leverage Vehicle within home advisor. We spent around seven grand that year, made about 130k.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so the call within a millisecond, let's go in. So this is what the leads look like when they come into my work phone. Now, if you've just signed up for home advisor, this is not how to how it will look. So what happens is when you first set up an account with home advisor and leads come in. They give you this home advisor number, so you'll call them, or home advisor will call you, and you basically just press a number and then a phone call will go out to the to the client. What's kind of frustrating, though, is that this doesn't show your area number, which, statistically, people, if they see an area code that's similar to the place that you serve, they're more likely to pick up. But also, you just can't quickly get a hold of these clients, so you have to go through the app and everything like that. So what you want to do is, when you have this system live, is you want to call your home advisor rep and say hey, I want you to switch my call, set, my call settings, so that way I get their direct phone number. Okay, so these numbers that you see here are the customer's actual phone numbers. That means you can call and you can text them, because if you don't have this, you have no way to text them directly. You'll just send them a message through the home advisor app. So go ahead and get that set up.

Speaker 1:

The only I'd say you I think that's not great about this is you can't do your credits online. So when you first set up your account, they're going to allow you to go onto the app and you can request the credits for bad leads right then and there. When you do it this way, you do have to call in your leads manually to get those credits. However, you get a higher return on investment by doing it this way, so it's worth the headache in my opinion. But by doing this, you can literally just click on the number, call them and you get a hold of them very, very quickly After I call them. If they don't answer, I send them a text right away. Okay, so that's how we get the call in within the first second. Then I send them a text message. So this is what my texts look like when I send them to the clients. You want to keep them very short and very sweet and directly to the point.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so you can see on the top left good evening, my name is Justin from ClearWave. We just got your request for water treatment. How can we help? That has actually been my. That little word block has been my highest return text message to date, so now I use it on everything. The one to the right, you see, only has a little bit more words to it. Yet no one answers to that one, or they do, but not as often. I sent like 10 of those texts to some leads and they get a single response. But the one to the left gets a better return rate. So the ones to the right this is just from ClearWave water solutions. I added more words. You're a project from home advisor in regards to water treatment. How can I help? Not much more in there. Yet the shorter you can make it and the concise you can make it, the bigger return you're going to get. And I don't know if that's just because you know clients get bored or that looks too formal. I'm not sure, however, what I can tell you if you use a small text bubble like the one on the left, you will get more people to respond to you. So do that. All right.

Speaker 1:

Email automations. So this is what my emails look like In our CRM. We have an automation where, when they come into the CRM, they immediately get an email from us and a text automation. Okay, and this is what the email looks like, and what's nice about this is not only does it get sent to them direct, the moment they put in their information in home advisor is. This allows them to directly book an appointment on our calendars and, especially if you want a high leverage, you want to have that ability so your clients can book without you even needing to talk to them, cause sometimes older clients look at their emails more than do their phones, their text. So this is a phenomenal way to have that customer just book an appointment without you evening to speak to them. We also link our reviews and our website here so they can just get more information about us. A lot of times, if you have a buyer that shopping around, this really just anchors you as being a professional company.

Speaker 1:

Home advisor has an API. So when you have your, whichever CRM you use, we use Zoho one, but if you're using Salesforce or go high level or whatever you're using, you can sync your home advisor app to your, to your CRM, using their API's. So that way, the moment those leads come in, they get put into your CRM and then, from your CRM, you can set up automations like this. This really really helps us get a hold of people right away. So, with all that being said, the moment a lead comes in, this client gets about four to five touches from us within less than a minute. Okay, so that's not touch points. So and you might think that might annoy people, but for us we've gotten no negative feedback on it. But instead, anytime someone comes into the home advisor funnel, we capture them 99% of the time they will and they'll answer our phone calls which is amazing, okay and then book the appointment.

Speaker 1:

So when you're booking these appointments, you can use either your built in CRM calendar or, what you can do, you can use a third party. So when we first started, before we had our CRM fully up and running, we used a program called you can book mecom, because it did integrate with our CRM at the time, which just is super nice because it allowed us to basically have an ease of scheduling. I don't have to see you know who, you know which one my reps is off or when they can run an appointment, because this sinks directly to all of my reps calendars. So if they don't have time blocked off, that means they're available to work. So it just makes the whole process so much quicker. I don't have to call people. Second guess, right, the faster you get someone booked, the better.

Speaker 1:

Also, with our email integrations, it allows the clients to reschedule on their own and then sends us an email confirmation. Now, what's important on that? It's reschedule only right. We want to make the customer experience really good, so if they do need to reschedule, we allow that. We do not allow them to cancel, however. So if they want to cancel, they do have to call us. Obviously, the reason being is, if they're trying to cancel the appointment, we want the opportunity to try and save it and get them back on the calendar, because obviously, if they just cancel the appointment, we're losing out on money, and then the biggest thing from going to like just the sit to the sale is set it within 72 hours and make sure both legs are there.

Speaker 1:

This should be common sense, but in the heat of the moment, a lot of times you might forget this. You want to leave the conversation when you're on the phone with them. If you are talking to them to book it within 72 hours. So whenever you're talking to a potential client, never ask them hey, what day or time works for you? You want to leave the conversation. So when you're on the phone with them, you're like hey, awesome, thanks for reaching out. Listen, we have availability today, tomorrow and the next day. Between these times, which one works for you and the other homeowners in the home. That's how you want to phrase it, right? You say what time of the times I have available works for you and all the other homeowners to be present. I just framed it all in one sentence. And what happens is people want to be directed. So if you ask them what time works for them, your client is just gonna sit there with no direction and just find a time they think is most convenient. That might be tomorrow or it might be two weeks from now. However, if you give them a direction and you give them something to choose from, they'll, instead of them trying to think about their own schedule, they now think okay, what times can I work based off the availability that he gave me? Okay, I promise you it works, it works, it works. So set them in 72 hours, but lead the conversation. Don't let them pick. Give them some options. All right, so that covers all that.

Speaker 1:

Let's go into the review process. So this is our current reviews on Home Advisor. So you can see we have 20 reviews, all five stars, because we're the best. Now we do work really hard to make sure we stay at five stars. You'll notice here there is a review link that you can copy. So what we do to get reviews is a couple of things. Number one if we've sold the deal, we'll wait till after the install to grab that review.

Speaker 1:

And whenever we get down with an installation especially for water treatment I always have my sales reps go back to the home to do a retest and just make sure that the customer's happy. If they're happy, I have them text this little code to the client while they're in the house so they can leave a review right then and there, okay. Alternatively, if they don't do that, all of the lead that you have will show up here and they'll say request review. So even if you just did an appointment and you didn't sell it, it's always a good idea just to go down here and just click it, just click all the people you had a good experience with, and it will ping that client to say hey, do you mind leaving a review? I have found if you've done a good job and you've asked for the review in the home which is something you should always do Whether you get the sale or not you should ask them hey, would you mind leaving us a review?

Speaker 1:

We're a growing company. These reviews really help us and even if you don't buy it from us, if I did a good service, can you please leave a review for me? My bosses love it, whatever. Sometimes we just forget. So clicking this right here I say every week, just going through and clicking, hey, request review from old clients or lead that you ran, is a really, really good way to bump up those numbers very, very quickly. I did this a couple of days ago and we got two reviews off it right off the top, because they just forgot as well as and take a side note, if you guys have a Google business profiles, I send a mass link of reviews with this included.

Speaker 1:

So just make sure you have that process dialed in, that whenever a sale is done, that you as the CEO or the entrepreneur, you have a process to send them these review links and then, if you can get your salespeople to follow up on that as well, it's a really great way to get more reviews. Fun fact that you can also do is ask for one review before they leave the home. So let's say you get done doing the presentation and they buy from you. I would say, hey, do you mind leaving me a review on home advisor about how this appointment went. They'll say, yeah, and then when you go back the second time, you say, hey, now that you guys love our systems or our service, would you mind leaving the review on Google? So now you get two reviews for the price of one. All right, very, very powerful. These reviews are amazing. People buy off reviews a lot of times. So just make sure you are doing everything you can to get those reviews. Okay, and then we just repeat it. All right.

Speaker 1:

So I wanna go over. That's our process. Very simple. It's not rocket science, but the key takeaways is calling them within less than a second. Getting those touch points in quickly is literally going to change the game for you, as well as getting your reviews up. Those are the two things you need to dominate on home advisor.

Speaker 1:

Okay, now I wanna talk about some things that you can do to a little bit more advanced, but things that you'll need to know so that way you can exponentially grow on home advisor. So the first thing is lead volume. So what you can do is you can go to your managed leads and you can choose your service area and also how much your budget's gonna be. So you'll see right now. Our current home advisor budget is $20,000, which seems like a lot of money. But here's the thing and this is something that I realized on home advisor is you wanna set your budget about three to four times more than what you actually wanna spend, because the way they actually operate is they just wanna fill up your budgets as fast as they can. So it's not it doesn't mean you're gonna hit that every month. It just means that that is the amount of lead volume that you say you can handle. So if you set a $3,000 budget, they're only gonna try to fill your leads up, to fill that $3,000 mark, okay, which means they're also not gonna give you as many leads when you have a $20,000 budget. They want to fill it up as much as possible. So what happens is you get higher ranked on lead flow for all your different service areas. So they just try to fill it up as fast as they can. And as long as you just maintain this and you stay on top of it, you won't lose your ass, you'll be okay.

Speaker 1:

To date, I've only per month, not even gotten close to this. I think the most I've spent a month so far is like two to three grand, okay, while having a $20,000 budget. So put your budget up as high as you can. I say, like I said, four to five X what you want to spend. I know for us per month I don't want to spend more than five grand, okay. That's kind of where my pain point is. As far as the lead goes, so we haven't gotten close to it. But what'll happen is if there's a big surge of volume or a big surge of people that need your service, they're gonna fill your stuff up first. Okay, cause you have the biggest budget to capture all those leads.

Speaker 1:

And if you want to do us even an even funner hack, if you want to just try to target a small area to see how well that market is, you can actually shrink your service area to just a couple of locations. Rank up that budget to as high as you can maybe 20, 30 K and you will be the prime leader in that small market and you can kind of get a quick service vibe on how that Market is right. You will get a very quick feedback loop of a bunch of leads coming in. So then you could you know, basically, let's say you want to get only spend three or four grand. Crank this up to 30, 40k. Just watch your, watch your budget. Once it's a three to four grand, turn off your leads On the app so you don't get any more leads. Run all those appointments and you will have an awesome little Subject pool to see how good that that little market is that you're trying to target. And then you can do that on all these different locations.

Speaker 1:

So if you're looking to expand somewhere and you don't know if it has the, the right avatar for some that buys your service, this is a really great way just to get some marketplace data very quickly and you. It's really good. It's better data than buying, in my opinion, data off-list or just calling people, because you'll actually be able to send reps out there and see for your business, does the avatars and the people that want to buy in that area fit your your? You know your business and you'll notice that when you have a super small service area with a huge budget, you just get a ton of leads in. So, obviously, the bigger the service area, the more your budget needs to be. We have a very big service area but even still it barely fills us up every month. Just to give you an idea, this is our current service area. So we service all pretty much all the major cities in Virginia, okay, as well as District Columbia, and we did this in a year Well, not even a full year about nine months. We're able to completely expand.

Speaker 1:

So you know, it's if you can get. If you can get there. I'm telling you it's the best way to get more leads. All you really need is a couple sales guys in each of the major Territories that you're gonna be servicing and then, depending on what your sales cycle looks like, someone to install the deals. If you're brand brand new and you don't have installers, I Guarantee you there is a company that does what you do in your area that you can pay as a third party to do your work for you. You'll usually pay about a 10 to 20 percent premium on that, but in my opinion, it's well worth the cash flow hit to get your deals in and get your name out there, and then you can slowly build up your own installation crew. So what? That way you can keep the cost down and keep everything in-house, which ultimately, is where you want to go, because that's where you control the most quality control.

Speaker 1:

So the final actions that we take. Let's say, you know we can't get a hold of somebody, or we do set the appointment and they don't sell. We do have a retargeting bucket in our CRM. So after about 30 to 45 days, if we don't get a hold of them, we throw them into the retargeting bucket in our CRM which will send them dedicated automations and text and email cadences For that particular bucket. So it'll give them offers. It'll, you know, trickle down to, I think after 60 days. They get like a 30% off offer If they sign up in that week. And then we also have our reps do a follow-up cadence. So at least once or twice a month they have to go through that retarget and reach back out to them until they get told to like, leave them alone, right, until someone tells you like dude, stop freaking, calling me, like I don't want your thing. We keep reaching out to them and then once we get to the point where someone's just like I don't want your thing anymore, like stop calling me, we'll put them into a bucket that is literally only email trickles. So once every two months they get another blast from us, just, you know, information about water and just trying to stay top of mind. So that way, if they do one day come around trying to get our service, at least they have the information and, of course, if they really don't want, we're gonna sell them. They can unsubscribe from our emails and that's it.

Speaker 1:

We did all we could, so here's some new things that we are now doing this year to get that 1% better on home advisor. So this is not stuff that you necessarily have to have right now, especially if you're brand new, and this is only something we recently have been able to afford to do, so you can still get the same type of returns that I had previously by doing what I talked about earlier. This is just more of an optimization that we have now implemented, and if you want to implement this as well, feel free. So we have an AI hybrid VA. So, basically, if I can't get to a phone call or if a lead comes in, we do have an AI bot that will call out to these individuals, and what's really nice is it's AI and human. So the AI makes the initial reach out. If they get a hold of the customer, they will then transfer it to a real person. That real person then communicates with them like a traditional virtual assistant and then, depending on how the call goes, that VA will then transfer the call to me if it's a qualified customer or they'll send an automation to our CRM if they're not qualified or they need to be followed up with.

Speaker 1:

Very, very effective. We've gotten a lot. I would say our process has gotten way easier by doing this. It's also taking the stress off me. If I can't get to my phone right away, I know that customer will be getting a phone call or be reached out to within that one to five second time frame that they need to really be effective. If I can't get a hold of a home advisor lead when it first comes in, what we started doing is assigning that to the reps themselves to work those leads Sales guys you need to keep them busy and what's nice is if it's a slow day, they don't have any appointments on the books. You can assign these to them in their CRM. So now they have leads that they can work and potentially get more commissions on. So this helps the administrative side of the business stay unencumbered and it allows my sales team to stay busy. So very, very effective. And then I kind of touched on this earlier but doing multiple review follow ups Before we would only ask for one review, but now we are asking for two reviews one in the home and then one after. When we come back to do a retest or just to do a customer care call, say hey, how do you like the services? What can we improve upon? Hey, do you mind leaving this review on X, y and Z site? So that's it, guys. I hope that provides some value to you and, more importantly, I do hope that you can implement some of these things in your own business and make some money. So, with that being said, go get paid Again.

Speaker 1:

My name is Justice Shoemaker, owner of ClearWave Water, and I am trying to grow that business as well as help as many business owners as I can. If you like this content, then please follow me on YouTube. It is just Justin Shoemaker. I'm on Instagram, js underscore shoes. My company, clearwave, is on all those sites as well. I am the waterboy official on Tik Tok. So if you like this stuff, you want to see more of it. Let me know. Follow me. I want to give you guys as much content. For things you'd like to see or things that could be improved, leave me the comments. I always love the feedback and I hope this really does help. If it does help you, please message me so I know that you got some value, because that makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside and I feel like my time is not wasted because I was able to help at least one person. So go get paid, guys. I'm looking forward to hearing your messages, please.

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