Innate Spirituality: Remembering who we really are

It's Okay To Have A Bad Day

November 17, 2023 Laura Pallatin
It's Okay To Have A Bad Day
Innate Spirituality: Remembering who we really are
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Innate Spirituality: Remembering who we really are
It's Okay To Have A Bad Day
Nov 17, 2023
Laura Pallatin

Today is what I call a blah day. Nothing is really wrong, but I just don't feel right. Because I want the quality and energy of my podcast to be great, I wait for days that I'm feeling my best to record my podcast. I thought I'd share one of these not-so-great energy days with you to let you know that, if you have them too, you're not alone.  

Show Notes Transcript

Today is what I call a blah day. Nothing is really wrong, but I just don't feel right. Because I want the quality and energy of my podcast to be great, I wait for days that I'm feeling my best to record my podcast. I thought I'd share one of these not-so-great energy days with you to let you know that, if you have them too, you're not alone.  

 Hi, this is Laura Pallatin. Welcome to the very first micro cast of the Practically Spiritual Show. I know that's the right word because I looked it up. This quick little bonus message is brought to you by a case of the blahs. I woke up this morning just not feeling energetic or excited.  , or Hmm, happy for that matter.

I don't feel sad or depressed. My partner calls this having the Blahs, and he regards it as just a normal part of life.  For a long time I would stop and try to put a name to it, try to assign a meaning, is something bad coming to have a sense of impending doom. Did I forget something? 

 I believe that we have days like this just like we have wonderful days where we wake up with loads of energy, enthusiasm and excitement on an otherwise unremarkable  day. Have you noticed that we don't stop and. Try to dissect that. We pretty much are good with accepting, Oh, I'm having a good day. I have lots of energy today. I feel good. But when we don't, I know I definitely try to dissect it, figure out what's going on.

The bottom line is, we're spiritual beings having a human experience. And these bodies go through different periods, right? They feel better. They feel worse. They feel happy for no reason. And sometimes... Sometimes we feel blah.  

I hope that you've done some personal work to have tools in your toolkit for these blah days when they come along for you. Maybe that's a topic for... a podcast that I should make.

I have a medical condition called fibromyalgia, so I wait to record my podcast until I'm having a good day.  When you hear me, you can pretty much rest assured that I woke up that morning feeling good.  I had my script already written, my outline done, and I was ready to come talk to you guys and share my enthusiasm for this subject.

So I just felt an obligation to hop on here today and send a little message to you and tell you not every day is awesome and it has very little to do with what's going on outside and a lot to do with just the emotional ups and downs of living in a body. 

Now, if you're stringing together a lot of bad days, if you're feeling hopeless, or considering self harm, it is absolutely essential that you reach out to somebody  outside of your family and friends to a medical professional. Because ,you are precious whether you feel it or not. We need you. You need to  take care of yourself. 

I just felt like I owed it to you guys to let you know that not every day is wonderful and,  I can almost always count on the next day being better.

I can't remember one of these blah days running into a whole blah week. That's not my pattern,  but, um, a honesty felt important today.  I just want you to know how  much I appreciate you. I know you're out there, I can feel you with me, and, um, and know that you are loved.

See you on the podcast.