Innate Spirituality: Remembering who we really are

20 Innate Spirituality - from A Path To Be Spiritually Free

November 20, 2023 Laura Pallatin Season 1 Episode 20
20 Innate Spirituality - from A Path To Be Spiritually Free
Innate Spirituality: Remembering who we really are
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Innate Spirituality: Remembering who we really are
20 Innate Spirituality - from A Path To Be Spiritually Free
Nov 20, 2023 Season 1 Episode 20
Laura Pallatin

In this new chapter of my upcoming book, A Path To Be Spiritually Free, I introduce the term 'Innate Spirituality.' Innate Spirituality is what we experience when we strip away all of the rules, notions, and edicts that have been put upon us by religion and cultural indoctrination. Innate Spirituality is what we are born with when we come to this experience directly from Source. In this episode I explore what I call 'static' which is anything, thought, person... fear based form that comes between us and Spirit. 

Show Notes Transcript

In this new chapter of my upcoming book, A Path To Be Spiritually Free, I introduce the term 'Innate Spirituality.' Innate Spirituality is what we experience when we strip away all of the rules, notions, and edicts that have been put upon us by religion and cultural indoctrination. Innate Spirituality is what we are born with when we come to this experience directly from Source. In this episode I explore what I call 'static' which is anything, thought, person... fear based form that comes between us and Spirit. 

  Hi, I'm Laura Pallatin. Welcome to the Practically Spiritual show where we break with restrictive religious and cultural indoctrination and create our own personal spiritual path.  If you've been listening to the podcast for a while, you know I've been reading from a new book that I'm in the process of writing called A Path to Be Spiritually Free.

     while I've been reading, The chapters to you and giving them numbers. That's more a reflection of the order that the chapters have come to me to be written. Cause I've been doing a lot of meditation and waiting for the chapters to come to me before they flow.  So anyway, I had a real insight and I'm  excited to share this with you. I feel like it should come even before the chapters that I've already read to you.

Not an introduction, but maybe a new chapter one and everything else will bump off.  The topic is really important to me and I'm excited to share it with you. So let's listen to the theme song and then I think I'll explain my thinking on the chapter before we get into it.

But anyway, I'll see you on the other side of the theme song. 

  Welcome to the Practically Spiritual Show.  Together we will learn, laugh, and grow. Break indoctrination.  Rise above our nation. And  soar. 

Welcome to the Practically Spiritual Show. 

 I had a very interesting question recently from someone who was wondering if me talking about breaking indoctrination before I talked about building was a mistake. They felt that maybe the breaking indoctrination part was negative. And I really, to my soul, believe that until we clear away a lot of the negative.

Even destructive and hurtful rhetoric and lessons and shame that we've been handed down through our lives. Until we really can clear that away, we can't start building the foundation of a new spiritual life. And I know that,  just like when we build a building and we clear away all the brush and the roots, and then we put down Cement or a raised foundation or  I don't mean to get caught up in the weeds of this metaphor, but until we can clear away and make a level ground. 

We will not be successful in building that new building because there's undermining factors, right? There may be shame left over. And the fact of the matter is it's not as simple as building a building and calling in a bulldozer to clear everything away. It's a step by step process that never really ends.

It's so amazing to me that I still feel shame or feel uncomfortable about something and then recognize that that is actually an old tape, an old lesson from my youth that I don't even agree with or believe anymore. It just kind of stuck with me. So I hope that you don't think there is an arrival place.

 It is a continuous process through our lives. And as we work on that, we are role modeling for everyone around us that yeah, it's a process and it's worth going through and it matters . 

Recognizing something is not for us and letting it go is equally as important, if not sometimes more important, than starting something new. I hope that helps. 

Okay, my new chapter that I just wrote,  I'm really excited about it.  I'm going to read it to you now.  

Innate Spirituality 

I have struggled with how to easily and effectively communicate my belief system.

I think it's much easier for religious folks to do this. If I told you that I'm a Christian, you'd have a pretty good understanding of what I believe. The term spiritual has many, many meanings. Therefore, I've spent a great deal of time and energy distilling my core belief into a simple phrase. My goal, and my intention in helping other people realize their highest spiritual self ,is to restore innate spirituality. 

Just as a developing baby is connected to their mother through an umbilical cord,  the source of life while in the womb, we are connected to a great spiritual source.  The difference between being alive and dead is that we are animated, alive because of our own spirit.  This animating element is called many things, including the soul, life force, energy, and essence. Because I look for radiance when I'm connecting with other people's energy the word that comes up most frequently to me is light.

Every one of us is connected to spirit through our own light. This is a comfort and source of love energy.   Some of us feel this connection very strongly and can use it to easily connect with others through their connection to spirit.

At the other end of the spectrum are people who don't seem to experience this connection at all. Neither extreme is good or bad. If you have a desire to connect with spirit, this means that you feel Source. Those who do not feel Source at all have no motivation to connect with it.

Everyone on the spectrum of spiritual awareness is equally connected to spirit. Our goal is to grow our awareness and our ability to access information, comfort, awareness, and wisdom from spirit. No one is not connected. That's an illusion. One of many we experience as spiritual beings having a human experience.

 Human nature is gravitated toward a model of communal spirituality that's taught. And away from encouraging and trusting each individual to develop their own inner knowing.  It appears as if spirituality has evolved into an outside in model rather than an inside out one. 

Our innate spiritual connection, that amazing supportive conduit of love from source, has been pirated by religion and twisted into a means of control, manipulation, and extortion. Thereby exploiting people's desire to connect with spirit. I've heard it argued that religion gave structure in Europe before humans had developed communities as we have today. Also that, without religion and the threat of damnation, many people would have taken their own lives during the Middle Ages because the fear of damnation and expectation of a great reward for enduring unimaginably excruciating hardship kept them alive. 

However, the leaders of the Catholic Church lived in splendor and increased the hardship of these poor people to build their cathedrals, their blood castles, for self aggrandizement with no regard for the people who toiled and perished under their rule. 

Of course, there are many religions around the world. I'm not an expert on all of them.   I grew up in Catholicism and have experienced American Christianity. There have been many abuses over the history of this religion in its various forms. As an intuitive, empathic woman, I carry hurt and anger for the witch trials of the 1400s and of all the vilification of people who didn't adhere to their religion.

Because of Christianity's aggressive proselytizing, people all over the world are forced to deal with this religion.  Living in America, Christianity is a constant drumbeat of fear and foreboding. LIberating people from its control and influence is definitely a motivating factor for me. 

Spiritually free is a state of being that allows us to connect with spirit without the constraint of any established practice or religion. The truth is spirit needs nothing from you. Spirit does not need your obedience, money, time, worship, or loyalty. Spirit is an inexhaustible source of love and energy. 

Ultimately, innate spirituality is what we have when we strip away all the stuff that's put upon us through our indoctrination.  When we are born fresh from immersion with spirit, we are connected.   Slowly, over time we are so distracted by the wondrous colors, tastes, sounds, and experience of living in a body that most of us scarcely remember ourselves from before we entered this life.

This feeling of disconnect can grow over time and leave a palpable space in our soul that we try to fill with religion and other worldly panaceas. Living a human life brings with it a sense of isolation. This perceived disconnect isn't true. But because we are living in bodies, we feel disconnected.

Religion is a socially accepted, and even encouraged and rewarded way, to fill the painful gaping hole that this perception of isolation creates.  Unfortunately, religion is just another source of static, another barrier between us and Spirit. 

There are so many ways people try to fill the space, including food, shopping, drugs and alcohol, never being alone, isolation, TV, video games, sex.   Honestly, we humans can use just about anything that feels good in the moment to try to fill that space we feel in our souls.

Of course, all of these options feel good in the short term. In the end, however, they fail to bring us the peace we seek. As we try to fill that space with distraction, it becomes harder to reconnect with Source.  

The space fillers are static between us and spirit. In order to grow our connection with spirit, our innate spirituality, we must clear away as much of this static as we can.

 I hope that chapter resonates with you. I am writing them as they come, so I feel that I'm sort of a streaming service, and I'm sharing what comes to me with you. My intention is always to bring to you something that is helpful and uplifting and speaks to the process that you are currently going through.

I have found it challenging to not have easy language to describe what I believe spirituality ultimately should be. That I don't have a name like a religion to define my goal here, but I do believe that we all come with this spiritual connection. That nobody is alive that doesn't have it. If you're alive, that means you have it, right?

You have spirit in you, or you would not be alive. Of course, that means plants and animals. That we all share this spirit to a degree. And some of us... Glow brighter, but not because there's more spirit inside there. Because we're all alive, right? That's equal. And it's easy to start to quantify 'cause that's what we do as humans, right?

Who's taller, who's shorter, who's richer, who's poorer? But it's not like that with spirit. We all carry spirit with us, and we decide, however, how much that inner knowing that inner light. influences our actions, our words, and our relationships, and our spiritual practice, right? I was born  spiritually connected, and I have  early memories of spiritual connection, as did my brother, who did not understand. 

Fortunately, I had spirit guides that worked with me from a very, very young age. And I have always felt in my heart that I was here to help other people to be able to experience what I experience fairly easily.  

I sought a greater connection with Spirit, and other people that were seeking the same thing, In religion. My understanding of religion was that's where you went to connect with God. Um, but having that  God person was a layer that actually became static. 

Static is anything that is between me and Spirit.  Static cannot be effective unless, on some level, I allow it. Okay?   If I went to church today and I sat in a pew, I could hear a preacher or a priest or anybody speak and say whatever they want. Because I have my own inner knowing and I am deeply connected with Spirit, their insinuating themselves between me and spirit will not work. I, I will not tolerate that today.   I don't believe them. I understand that they may believe what they're saying, but I don't.

Therefore, it can't become static for me. I will not have that barrier anymore. All forms of static come from some element of fear. There's only two forces in the universe, love and fear, and love is what draws us to Spirit, helps us feel safe and connected, and fear is what gets in the way of us experiencing that true love, pure element of Spirit.

I realized that when I was a small child and I first started connecting with Spirit, For fun, because I was an insomniac and I just couldn't sleep, I was doing a form of meditation. I wasn't taught, I wasn't schooled, it was nothing formal. I would just get quiet and I would go within and I would ask for guidance.

I would look for my playmates because that's what my spiritual guides were at that time. Similarly, when I was older and I had my first experience of really breaking away from the church and learning how to connect with spirit, it was very, very similar.  It's at that point that I could really feel that innate spirituality.    

That's what my goal is for all of us. To be able to start to recognize what was put upon us, what is not for us anymore, to let that go, and to step into the space of being able to embrace who we are at our very core.

Our inner light. Our innate spirituality.

 I feel like we explored this topic pretty thoroughly. I am honestly really excited to have language for my, my thoughts. This idea of innate spirituality, it feels right to me. It feels very exciting to me. That's where we're going. That's what we're fighting for. That's what we're working toward. That inner knowing that requires nothing else.

 I'm gonna ask you if you have enjoyed this or if you have some feedback if innate spirituality resonates with you or really doesn't I would love to hear from you because This really is an interactive experience There's no point in me doing this if you're not listening and I really do want to hear from you guys  

I'm just going to throw it out there. If you know someone who you think would benefit from this or a specific episode that I've done, I would love it if you'd send it to them and invite them to listen to the show. Really inviting somebody you care about to listen to my show is the highest honor as far as I'm concerned.

And I do make it really easy to reach out to me. I have a website just for this show called thepracticallyspiritualshow. com. I also have a website for my artsy stuff, laurapallatin. com. You're welcome to go check that out, see some of my art, and send me a message through there. I'm on Instagram, Facebook,  TikTok, and Threads.

I'm working on putting together a newsletter.  I'd like to create a community around this idea of each individual having their own path and respecting one another, maybe sharing ideas that somebody else may resonate with that they'll want to put in their own toolkit.

 I'm working on that,  and I'm going to start with a newsletter. So if you go to any of those. platforms and send me that information. That would be fantastic because then I can include you in the newsletter.

Until next time, take good care of yourselves. And remember, there is no them. There really is only us.

  Thanks for listening to The Practically Spiritual Show.  Thank you so much for sticking around to the end. It means so much to me. I love you. See you next time. Bye bye.