Innate Spirituality: Remembering who we really are

Connecting Beyond The Veil

April 04, 2024 Laura Pallatin Season 2 Episode 1
Connecting Beyond The Veil
Innate Spirituality: Remembering who we really are
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Innate Spirituality: Remembering who we really are
Connecting Beyond The Veil
Apr 04, 2024 Season 2 Episode 1
Laura Pallatin
Episode #1

Welcome to my very first episode of my new podcast. I share my experience with connecting with my beloved deceased partner. Try the meditation provided here and open to communication with departed loved ones, guides, angels, ascended masters, and your own inner knowing.

A wonderful teaching resource:

Show Notes Transcript
Episode #1

Welcome to my very first episode of my new podcast. I share my experience with connecting with my beloved deceased partner. Try the meditation provided here and open to communication with departed loved ones, guides, angels, ascended masters, and your own inner knowing.

A wonderful teaching resource:

  Hi, my name is Laura Pallatin. Welcome to my brand new podcast, Innate Spirituality, Remembering Who We Really Are. If you are a fan of my podcast, The Practically Spiritual Show, I just want to say thank you so much for the support. I loved making that podcast and it fulfilled a vision that I had, which was to bridge the gap between.

intellect and logic and left brain thinking and spirituality,  because I'm a person who's very left brain, I think the favorite job I ever had was as a secretary. And part of that job was going over contracts and just finding any little bits of language that weren't perfect.

And making sure that all the numbers matched up and everything worked out. I just, it was like, ah. puzzles. So I'm very left brain. I'm very logical. My dad was a detective. I love watching detective shows and like sussing things out. It's just how I'm wired.  And I have been an intuitive, empathic, spiritual person my entire life.

So bridging that gap between spirituality and logic was something that I really wanted to do. And that's why the name of the show was the Practically Spiritual Show.  And I felt really good about the episodes that I made and I was really happy with the whole thing. Um, as a matter of fact, um, the reason that  this has changed for me,  I, I actually woke up the morning, uh, that I was going to make a podcast and I was kind of just  daydreaming about the podcast I was planning to make  when my life changed forever.

Um, My partner had a heart attack  and suddenly died, um, two months ago today, and  the experiences that I've had since then have informed me that it's time for me to  step into the role that I feel I've been preparing for my whole life, and that is helping people develop your innate spirituality, your own personal connection with spirit so profoundly that you don't feel it necessary to check it against anything from the outside world that you know the spirituality you feel inside you is real and legitimate and absolutely as reliable and important and more important than anything You could be taught from the outside so that you can really start to let go of  the indoctrination and the, the messaging we've gotten over the years about how we're not enough and we're small and, you know, we need to go to somebody else to connect to spirit.

It's just, it's not helpful. It's, it's actually really harmful for most people.  So, um,  Back to the morning of February 1st. Um, I want to tell you this story because I think it really explains the transition that I'm going through right now and why I find it so very important to help other people to be able to connect beyond the veil.

And, uh, And have some of the experiences that I've had lately, because honestly, I don't think I could have survived the last two months if I hadn't been able to connect with my, with my sweetie. So February 1st, I woke up and like I said, I was just kind of still coming out of sleep. And I, um, heard my partner stumble down the hall and I asked him, I said, are you okay?

And he called back, no.  I'm not. And I ran in there as fast as I could. And it was obvious he was in physical distress. He told me that he had had AFib in the past and the AFib had come back. I called 9 1 1. I grabbed my Apple watch for some reason because I thought, oh, we can get an EKG going. And then I just kind of threw that someplace.

Um,  Minutes went by, it felt like it took a really long time for the ambulance to arrive, but of course it probably wasn't long at all.  Um, I live in a farmhouse that's got kind of a funny staircase and  they were trying to get him into this chair, so I got out of the hallway to enable them to get him into this chair and down the stairs. 

And I heard them say, Sir, we need you to lean forward. them to lean forward. And I had stepped out of the hallway to give them room to work.  When I heard them say it again, I came out in the hall to try to help. They were behind him. I stepped in front of him, put my hands on his shoulders, and I said, Sweetie, they need you to lean forward. 

At that moment,  he came up.  He lifted his body up so that his face was just inches from my face and I saw his face change from my love  to not anymore.  I panicked because I knew exactly what had happened.  I think he'd been kind of floating around out of his body and we called him back into it to try and and Will his body to cooperate to get into that chair,  but in that moment he left  and they valiantly tried to save him and, um, and I knew that was his body and it wasn't him anymore. 

I did not go to the hospital, uh, they actually sat out in my driveway and tried to save him and they tried everything and they were just devastated. They just couldn't believe that they couldn't bring him back.  And it was the worst day of my life.  Um,  one of the things that was special about Jim and I and our relationship is that when we were small children.

We both had the experience of leaving our bodies. I don't know if that's a common experience for children, but for me, um, I couldn't sleep at night and my  friends would come, there were two little ladies and they would take me flying.  And they always took me someplace and let me, uh, see something that they could validate.

Like they'd go to grandma's and say, Oh, look, she made,  cinnamon rolls for tomorrow morning. And then I'd go over there and there'd be cinnamon rolls, or they'd say, look, your dad bought you a new doll. And then I'd go visit him for the weekend and there'd be a new doll. So spirit has always worked with me and my need to have everything validated.

And that has continued throughout my spiritual life. Everything I've done, I, I've done so many readings and, and when I was doing them, I would not accept money if I didn't feel like I connected and provided something helpful. And in all the readings I did, I only, uh, declined payment twice. So that gives you an idea.

 Spirit has been very generous with me as far as providing verifiable information

And Jim, when he was a little boy, he used to come home from kindergarten and he liked to fall asleep in his dad's easy chair and then float up out of the room. It was something he looked forward to every day after school. And he said that he could see his mom in the kitchen and he liked it because he could just like hover around the ceiling of his family's living room.

So when I asked him what his spiritual beliefs were, he told me that he knew that there was a spirit that was separate from a body because he had floated up out of his body. And then of course I told him my stories too. What's neat about that is that his, both of his parents had already passed and he felt confident that they were still in existence, just not in a body. And that informed his spiritual beliefs. The funny thing is, We met in church.  We met in an Episcopal church. It was a good fit for me because the minister's mother was an intuitive, empathic, psychic person. So when I told him, I was like, well, you should know this about me.

He was like, Oh yeah, I know. That's fine.  That was really important to me. Um, but actually when, when Jim and I got together at first, he thought that I was going to be this church lady.  He actually offered me a place to stay when I was going through my divorce because he's like, well, he'd helped a lot of people that way.

He'd let a lot of people stay in his, his guest room.  And the last thing he was thinking is that I would be a romantic partner because he thought I was a kind of uptight little church lady, which I think is so funny.  So back to the day Jim passed away.  Obviously I was destroyed.  We were very close. We, we, we did everything together.

We lived in our house together, both of us. You know, I have my hobbies, but he was retired. So we really spent every day together. Went on a lot of trips. Just did most things together.  He never got on my nerves. He was never annoying to me. I hope I wasn't too annoying to him. Um, certainly nothing worth ever having a single fight about in almost 16 years.

And when we went out, people told us, wow, you're one of those couples, you know, It was fun. It was the best. I feel like we had a soul vacation together, honestly. I wonder what our souls have been through together over the millennia that gave us this opportunity to have this beautiful, beautiful time together. 

And it was fantastic.  The night that he died, I took some Benadryl to sleep and I fell asleep about 1130. My mom came over and spent the night at my house with me so I wouldn't be alone.  And, um, I finally, like I said, dozed off around 1130.  At 1. 30 I woke up because I kept seeing Jim's face change.  I just couldn't get that image out of my mind.

And I was crying, you know, that ugly cry you do when  all is lost and you're feeling absolutely hopeless.  And then,  and then I heard his voice say,  Hey sweetie,  instead of looking at that face.  Why don't you look at this?  And then  a slideshow began  of Jim smiling  and laughing  and driving his favorite cars and  playing golf and holding his daughter and going out to dinner and going on trips.

And these pictures just kept coming and coming. And I started to doze off. And then I pulled myself back to consciousness so I could Watch as the slideshow just kept going and going, and he showed me this amazing life. And the most interesting thing about the experience was that from the moment I heard him say sweetie, I felt calm. 

I didn't feel  sad. I didn't feel upset. I felt absolutely at peace.  And I fell asleep and I slept the entire night.  It was incredible. The next day,  just the first day after he died, I got a phone call from a friend and he told me that his wife really, really wanted to sit down with me  and spend some time with me.

And I thought, Okay, I felt from the moment he died  that I was a newcomer to life and that I was going to trust spirit to send people to help me in every step of the way. So I did everything that was recommended to me and everybody that said they wanted to come see me, I invited them over.  So I sat down with my friends, I got them coffee and we sat down to talk and his wife said,  Laura, I had a dream about you, and I really think I'm supposed to share it with you, and I hope you're ready to hear this. 

Of course I was. I wanted any evidence that Jim was still with us.  So my friend said, I woke up at 1:39. Remember, I woke up at 1. 30. and started having my experience. So this was nine minutes later. She said, I felt it was really important to know what time it was . So I woke up from a dream with you  and you were absolutely radiant and surrounded by light and you told me that you just spent time with Jim and he was, he was fine.

Thank you.  See what I mean by spirit confirming with me from outside sources about my experiences?  I need that. I'm a high maintenance kid, I guess. I need to be shown evidence from outside of my own head that my spiritual experiences are really happening. And that was when I realized that this role that I'd been preparing myself my entire  to help people step out of the darkness and into the light to start to truly embrace the spiritual life that's all around us and absolutely available to anyone who's interested in opening themselves at all that that part of my life had begun. 

It's been a couple of months. It's been incredibly difficult. I miss him so much.  I have gotten signs from him every single day. Sometimes it's from other people. Sometimes I hear his voice. He's made some incredibly inappropriate jokes. Here's an example.  I got a call from the mortuary telling me that my, my box was ready with his remains.

So I, I chose a box instead of a, an urn, but it's called an urn. Anyway, it looks like a little box.  So I was sitting there looking at my piano and I thought, well, I don't have a fireplace, so I think I'll put Jim on the piano. That way he's going to be with us. And I distinctly heard him say,  good thing you didn't go with the coffin. 

Yeah, he liked to make jokes and then he liked to ask, too soon? So I turned to him and I said, sweetie, that was too soon.  There've been a lot of jokes and signs and people coming to me with different things. And  like my Pandora wasn't working right. And for no reason at all, it's never done it before or since it just kept stopping on songs and I'd started up again.

So one time it stopped and I said, Jim, is that you? I'll listen next time. The next song that stopped.  You know how when there's a sound that's really loud and then it stops and it echoes in your head?  So the music stops and the song was Low Spark of High Heel Boys  and the line that repeated in my head was, Spirit is something that no one can destroy. 

Pretty powerful stuff. So  I feel very strongly that it's time for me to move into this place. And one reason that came to me today  is because these messages, these contacts from Jim, have sustained me. I don't know how I would have survived without them. And I want to share this story. An opening technique to get started connecting across the veil with you so that you have an idea of how to do this for yourself.

And there are other people out there who are teaching this too. Suzanne Giesemann, I'm going to link her information in the description, is a fantastic resource.  I just think we all have different voice and we all have a little different way of sharing the information  and I promised my mom that I would make this episode for her.

So I have three steps, three principles I want to share with you to get started.  If you are driving in a car listening to this, then I'm going to encourage you at some point to stop the recording and do the meditation with me at a later time, because it is not a good idea to listen to meditation while you're driving, and I want everybody to be safe.

But the three principles that I want to offer you to beginning to connect with the other side are first, ask, you're going to set an intention. to communicate with someone on the other side. Think of it like you're making a phone call. You wouldn't make that phone call without thinking about who you're calling first, right?

So even before we ask, before we set the intention, you're going to think about who you're reaching out to. And there are a lot of beings across the veil that you can communicate with. You can talk to somebody. Who has deceased, like I talked to Jim, you can reach out and talk to your spirit guide. And if that's something that people are interested in, I will do another meditation about spirit guides.

I'll share my personal experience with spirit guides and kind of give you some information from my perspective on what spirit guides are. Another. One thing I'd really like for you to consider,  connecting with is your own inner knowing. Now we are spiritual beings having a human experience. If you think of your personality, like I am Laura Pallatin, I live in this house, I had those parents, you know what I'm saying?

  That's my human side, but I also have a spirit side. And I can connect directly with  my own inner knowing and to be able to connect with your own inner knowing, your own spirit.  This gives you an instant read on people and situations and your spirit will nag at you if you're in a situation that maybe started out good but has shifted and is no longer good for you.

So to be able to connect with your inner knowing is huge.  We also have angels, ascended masters, and of course, Source.  So give that some thought before you even start this meditation and decide  who you're going to connect with and what you want to ask.   The ask is as simple as, be with me. Or maybe you're going to ask them for a sign or a word or a gift.

A lot of times in people's mind's eye, they'll see themselves receiving something and that can be really helpful. So all of that goes in ask.  The second part is to recognize when it happens.  To acknowledge that you have made contact. And this is important for you because it's easy for us to,  feel like it's not enough, or it didn't seem real, or that was my imagination.

So whatever comes through, to just pause and recognize it for what it is, is really important.  Finally, thank whoever you contacted, whoever you connected with, for doing that. And the reason that this is important is because it's another step of reassuring yourself it's real.  It's also going to let the spirit realm know that this is something you want to continue. 

Keep in mind that  This connection is really going to continue to happen because you want it to. If you had fears that you brought into this with you, let them go. They do not serve you anymore. And you don't have to be afraid of anybody that you connect with from the spirit world. So you just wanna make a point of thanking, okay?   So,  I wanna remind you  That  That they are around you all the time, that your spirit of course is always with you and to be able to connect to that is hugely important. But so are angels and ascended masters and spirit guides and beloved family members and friends that have passed beyond the veil. They're here, they want to connect with you, and they're going to be very excited to know that you're starting this journey. 

So now I'm going to ask you if you are listening to this and driving to pause right here, and everybody else we're going to move forward together and do a meditation, which is pretty exciting. Right now, I'd like you to get a pen and paper though, because a lot of times at the end of the meditation, you will get a message of some kind.

And I want you to write about your experience.  If you have a pen and paper ready, that is going to be great.  You may think, Oh my gosh, that was so profound, I'm never going to forget it. But the thing is, we do. So pause the player right now and get your pen and paper and then come back. So  I want you to get into a comfortable place.

Now we kind of think of meditation as being cross legged, like Lotus style. And while that is a traditional way to do meditation, to be sure, my body, that does not work for me. I would just be thinking about how uncomfortable that is.  But if that's what works for you, fantastic. Go for it. If you're not going to sit in the lotus position, my experience that came to me when I started doing energy healing work was to not cross any part of my body.

So I sit with my feet flat on the floor and my hands either on my knees or to my side. If you lay down, you run the risk of falling asleep, which is just kind of disappointing.  So I would definitely sit up and we're going to do grounding technique because I tend to float up and out of my body. You might not, but doing a grounding technique every time will keep you from ever doing that should you become more floaty as you go on this process.

So we're going to get into that comfortable position. The breathing technique that we're going to do, I call it cyclical breathing. And I think of moving energy around my body. So like pulling it up into my nose. And then when I blow out, it goes up over my head and around my body.  You may find it easier to do it the other way so that you're breathing  just moving the energy the opposite direction.

It's kind of like doing a hula hoop. Most of us find it easier to do it one way or the other, or you can swap it out.  We're also going to be breathing in for four, holding for four and breathing out for four.  So first I want you to get comfortable. So sit in your comfortable position  and close your eyes.  you don't get dizzy closing your eyes. Sometimes I do. So I leave my eyes open and just fix my eyes on something.  I just want to remind you that if thoughts come into your mind, just let them flow.  Notice them, thank them and let them flow. Do not be deterred by thoughts. They will come. That's what they do. 

Okay.  You're in your comfortable position and first we're going to breathe in. In 2, 3, 4, hold 2, 3, 4, out 2, 3, 4. In 2, 3, 4, hold 2, 3, 4, out 2, 3, 4. In 2, 3, 4, hold 2. Two, three, four, out, two, three, four, in, two, three, four, hold, two, three, four, out, two, three, four.  Okay.  Now just take a couple of nice,  relaxing  breaths. 

Now imagine that you're sitting on a seat that is shaped like your bottom.  It has a seatbelt that you can secure yourself to and that seat has a big iron pole sticking out the bottom of it that's all the way down into the earth and it's got a claw on the end that's holding a rock and you are so secure to the earth. 

You could take off the seatbelt if you want to, but we're not taking it off today. We're just going to relax and know we are grounded. We are attached to the earth and we're not going anywhere. 

As thoughts come through our mind, we're just going to let them float on by,  not give them any power to distract us at all.  Just notice.  and allow. 

Now I want you to put your attention  in your forehead, behind your third eye,  and just imagine that your consciousness is sitting there. 

And then we're just going to shift a little bit. We're going to drop into that place where we're not connected to our bodies. We're just  relaxed.  And we're able to connect because we've dropped into that  just out of sync space  so that our imagination,  our psyche, our mind is disengaged and we  can flow. 

We're going to set our intention  to get a message.  from beyond the veil.  Now you've already given some thought to who you're going to ask for.  Just imagine that person  right there with you. 

You can see them.  What do they look like? 

Ask your question. 

Now that you've asked your question, recognize the person.  or being that has stepped forward for you  and thank them  for connecting. 

I want you to wiggle your fingers and toes, come back into your,  your mind  and write down whatever you got. If it was a physical thing that you were handed in your mind's eye, or if it was a word or a phrase, write that down.  The next time that you do this kind of meditation, you can ask them more questions.

You can engage them. You can draw out the conversation so that you have more interaction time. And you can do that as soon as you stop watching this video. You don't have to wait for some prescribed time.

 I hope that was helpful for you and I hope that  it began something new for you and you feel confident in that connection.  You may not have felt anything, you may not have seen anything, but hopefully if nothing else you feel a little bit more calm and relaxed and that you've opened the door. It may take a while before you start experiencing. 

meaningful conversation. So ask for signs out in your everyday life. I know it's so important for me. Um,  I, uh, something recently that happened. I, you'd think that I would not have any doubts. You would think that I would not have any questions, but we all do. So I  was in meditation and I asked Jim, I said, I,  feel like I'm the only person that's doing this.

It, I've never known anyone that spent as much time connecting with somebody beyond the veil as I do, especially because I feel like he's going to be helping me with my work. And I said, please send me somebody out in the real world to tell me that I'm not alone, that I'm not crazy and that they have this experience too. 

And do you know, the very same day, just hours later, I saw a man talking about a book that he'd written with his deceased wife called, What Dreams Have Come. And if you're a person that's interested in connecting with your deceased spouse, I suggest you get your hands on it. It was really, it was really super interesting and such a great confirmation from outside my head.

Thank you. So I still look for those and, and that is perfectly valid. We are in a physical world. That's why we came here to have this physical experience and the people on the other side of the veil, they know this.  and they are willing to meet us because they know that we are very invested in what we see, what we hear, what we taste.

We are having a physical experience and they have been amazingly gracious and understanding of my need to have  tangibles.  Or it doesn't count. That's how I feel.  I just want to kind of lay out for you my philosophy real quick before I wrap up,  because  as you enter into the spiritual world, you're going to meet people that have all kinds of specialties, all kinds of areas of interest that they're really into.

And I just want to kind of  And while I think it's interesting to listen and learn, for me, the fact that we are beings of light living these physical existences, and that we can reach back and forth and communicate, that we can create our own spiritual practice and have that be fulfilling and enriching and actually help us to do that.

I'm not drawn to any religion that prescribes something from the outside and tells me I need to believe something in order to be a part of their organization. I'm not all that fascinated by a lot of the minutia of spirituality. But I understand that a lot of other people are, and you should go down exactly the road you are called to go down.

You can learn about anything that interests you. And I mean, there is so much stuff.  But because my job is helping people get unstuck and develop their own personal program,  there's no need for me to delve into all these very fantastic, amazing spiritual practices. But that's on the table for you. So I encourage you to dive down whatever rabbit hole pulls your attention, because it's pretty fascinating stuff.

I appreciate you sticking with this podcast all the way to the end. I hope you enjoyed it. I know my mom did. Hi, mom. I know you're still watching.  If you did enjoy this and you think other people would, if you'll share it, that would be fantastic. But even if you don't choose to share it, if you just like, comment, and subscribe on whatever platform you're watching it on, that would be fantastic. 

I have innatespirituality.  com, but as of  April 1st, I have innatespirituality. com. 2024. I have not set up the website yet, but you can go to laurapallatin. com. That's my name and see everything that I'm up to. And I just want to say how much. I appreciate you, how excited I am to be embracing this work and helping people, um, I hope it's very powerful, I hope it budges a lot of people and nudges a lot of people out of areas of their lives that have been hard and start to see more joy and more light in their everyday life. 

Um, I told you that Jim told me a lot of funny things and one day I was feeling particularly sad.  And, uh, and he said this to me, he said,  I don't know if you could tell,  but I drove my body  like I stole it  and I kept going till the wheels fell off.  And that was his way of letting me know that he had no choice.

It was his time to cross the veil.  And so my advice to you is to, uh, drive it like you stole it.  And keep going till the wheels fall off because this life is going to go very quickly and every moment matters and how you use them matters. So hang in there, do your best, and know that when you get to the end, you left everything on the playing field  and you have nothing to feel bad about as you cross the veil.

Thank you.  Thanks again for watching. All my love to you.  See you next time.