Innate Spirituality: Remembering who we really are

Meet Your Spirit Guide!

April 25, 2024 Laura Pallatin Season 2 Episode 4
Meet Your Spirit Guide!
Innate Spirituality: Remembering who we really are
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Innate Spirituality: Remembering who we really are
Meet Your Spirit Guide!
Apr 25, 2024 Season 2 Episode 4
Laura Pallatin

A spiritual journey is both exciting a sacred. Fortunately, support and guidance is available to every person through our connection to the spirit world and a whole host of guides and loving beings who are ready and happy to help us live our best lives. In this episode, I'll explain what a spirit guide is, how working with a spirit guide can be incredibly helpful, and what other beings are there for us when we need them. At the end of the episode, I lead you through a guided meditation to help you personally connect with your spirit guide, spirit animal, angels, your higher self and ancestral beings. 

To learn more about recognizing communication from beyond the veil, check out my video:   

Show Notes Transcript

A spiritual journey is both exciting a sacred. Fortunately, support and guidance is available to every person through our connection to the spirit world and a whole host of guides and loving beings who are ready and happy to help us live our best lives. In this episode, I'll explain what a spirit guide is, how working with a spirit guide can be incredibly helpful, and what other beings are there for us when we need them. At the end of the episode, I lead you through a guided meditation to help you personally connect with your spirit guide, spirit animal, angels, your higher self and ancestral beings. 

To learn more about recognizing communication from beyond the veil, check out my video:   

 Hi, I'm Laura Pallatin. Welcome to another episode of Innate Spirituality, Remembering Who You Really Are. If there's anything for third times the charm,  hopefully this is it because this is the third time I have recorded this podcast. I've had technical issues,  memory card issues, so I'm going to assume that it was supposed to be filmed after sundown and that this is going to be absolutely Perfect for everyone who hears it, because this episode is going to be all about spirit guides.

And the reason that I'm doing this episode is because I know there's a lot of people who are at the beginning of your spiritual path. And one of the first things we do when we really get serious about this path, at least that was my experience, right?  Is that we connect with our spirit guide, because we want to have that intimate connection with at least one being across the veil who will help us stay on track as we navigate this very exciting experience. The reason that I make these podcasts, write books, and do readings and workshops is all for one reason, and that is to help people recognize that we don't need these labels that people have put on us, right?

I know growing up,  I was told that I was just too sensitive. Well, yeah, an intuitive empath. You're going to be sensitive. For whatever reason, teachers, parents, church all give us these messages about what we're not, right? Either you're not smart enough or you're too smart for your own good.

Maybe you didn't get born into the right Culture or with the right socioeconomic background so that you have the resources you need to do what you want to do in life.  Maybe you should have been born a girl if you want to be like that, or if you were a boy, you'd have so many more opportunities.  Don't even get me started about religion and all the stuff that they've put on us.

I, I grew up in the Catholic church where original sin reigns and we are told the brand new babies fresh from heaven who still have that  Amazing connection to source. Yeah, they have to be baptized. Otherwise they're going to hell. Yeah, it's insane. Letting all of that stuff go, remembering who we really are, which is spiritual beings, having a human experience.

That's what I'm all about. And what I want to ask you is if you feel like I do that helping people break out of this prison of ideas.  is valuable. If this resonates with you, if you'll share it with people or interact with it in any way, like it, comment, you know, subscribe, if that's what you're listening to or watching it on, and this will help move this forward.

Also, this is kind of different, but I'm going to ask you, if you know someone else that's like me, a creator that's trying to help people break out of that horrible prison of fear.  Drop a comment and, and link them so that we can all get to know some of the different creators that are doing this work because it's really important work.

 First I just want to share with you, about my own spirit guide and how I met my spirit guide. It was a very profound experience for me. You know, actually, um, when I think about it, I knew my spirit guide before I even came into a body.  I remember my life pre planning meeting. Now you might have seen a near death experience where they talk about their life review.

That really resonated with me because the story of All these people sharing that experience reminded me so much of what I remember doing before I came into a life and that was standing shoulder to shoulder with my spirit guide. We had a blueprint, a plan for my life in front of us. And it is sort of, if you can imagine a person with an architect and they're looking out over a landscape.

And you're imagining the building that's going to be built, only it was more like a map of my life with checkpoints. And as we discussed all these exciting  things I was going to do and people I was going to interact with.  Different spirits came in and left because when we think about a spirit that draws them to us, so anytime you think about a loved one that's passed beyond the veil,  just by thinking about them, you are drawing them to you because we're all connected in this giant web. 

So in this pre planning meeting, um, one of the things I think is fun  Is, um, when I said checkpoints,  I think of them as, um, uh, meetups, right? With, with friends from my soul family. So a soul family is an amazing thing. Not only are we not alone, cause we're connected to spirit, but we have a whole bunch of spirits that we are connected with that help us and guide us.

And then we agree to help and guide them as we go through our lives.  Some are very close to us, and we repeat over and over, like, maybe I'm the mom one time, the daughter the next time, the wife or the husband. So gender is not applied to spirit. So we can incarnate as whatever person is going to help us to achieve our goals the best.

And I guess that's a really important thing to keep in mind.  You chose the incarnation that you're having specifically to achieve goals that you have for this life.  So that's one of the things that I think  we could be taught a lot sooner in life. There's nothing wrong with you, no matter what you see as wrong with you, right?

Anything that strays from the norm. Believe me, growing up, being able to communicate with spirit when basically I was told you have to go through an intermediary to do that,  I did not feel  And I can tell you that sometimes that felt wrong, but there was nothing wrong with me, just like there's nothing wrong with you.

Every attribute, opportunity,  skill we are given through our lives, they all help us to achieve what we set out to achieve. What we set out to achieve. Head on our blueprint. Some people call it a contract.  Contract seems very restrictive to me. Blueprint or plan is much more comfortable. So I get to know my spirit guide before I even came into a body.

And then I had these amazing,  Little cherubic, um, spirit guides that came and played with me when I was a little girl, you know, they're described as imaginary friends, uh, when I was a little girl, but now I recognize them for what they were. They were spirit guides that took me out of my body  and we went to play.

And that ended when I was seven years old, and my mom remarried, and I started sharing a room with my stepbrothers. I wasn't really safe to go out of my body and go exploring. So that's when that ended. So from that From seven until I was 30, I really didn't have that direct communication with an individual like a spirit guide.

I could always connect with spirit. I could always connect with source. I also interacted with spirits and I recognized ghosts when I saw them and heard them and they popped in. But the spirit guide part. that was fundamental to my growth through my spiritual path. And that's why I'm so excited to share with you the meditation that I was taught  to meet my spirit guide.

So that's my spirit guide experience. Um, I became open to really starting my spiritual path in earnest. And of course, somebody came right into my life as I was promised they would. And as they will for you as soon as you are ready. As they say, when the student is ready, the master will appear. And I was given this amazing woman named Wendy Anderson, and she taught me all about spirit guides, how to connect with mine.

She was ill and she needed, um, a healer. She said she, she informed me not the first time in my life. My grandmother told me I was a healer. My, um, aunt told me I was a healer. So that was something that had occurred quite a few times. So it wasn't a shock when she told me that, that I needed to meet my spirit guide and be given an energy healing method. 

And that's what I did. And it just absolutely changed my life. So I'm really excited to share that with you.  Something that I've been asked by people that I've done readings for and, and I've worked with is can everyone connect across the veil? And the answer is yes. Yes, so you may feel like you can't connect because you don't recognize it and that's what it is It's it's that you don't recognize it.

So before I started recording this video, I was just Having a little conversation with Spirit,  asking the best way that I could explain some things. And I think this is pretty funny, but, um,  the way Spirit put it to me was the channel is always open, but a lot of time we don't recognize it.  And the visual that I got was somebody walking through Walmart in a very noisy place, right?

They've got their phone in their pocket. They've butt dialed someone and they don't realize.  That the connection is open. It is. It can't not be.  Because you're a spiritual being having a human experience. You can't not be connected to spirit.  It's just impossible because you are spirit, right? So  we're spiritual beings having a human experience.

I say that a lot because I think it's really important. It's a simple way to remind us all of what's going on. The fact of the matter is we are so much more than our physical bodies. Anyone who has seen a body that is At all that no longer is inhabited by a spirit understands that what animates us is spirit  a little bit confusing, but important to embrace is that part of our spirit, right?

Who we really are. It's, it's much, much, much too vast to fit in these bodies. So there is most of us, most of our spiritual essence  is still beyond the veil.  And there is a connection between that us that you can call your inner knowing, your higher self, right?  And who you are. If there was no connection,  then you would not be alive.

So everyone can connect. If you think about it like a grass field, right? And you walk across it the first time, and you're going to see some smushed blades of grass.  And then when you recognize the communication from the other side,  that's it coming back. So that's you coming back across the field. The more you go back and forth,  the more it becomes an actual path.

The more you practice mindfulness and connecting with spirit, source, spirit guides your inner knowing, the wider that path becomes and the easier it becomes. So eventually, instead of going into a meditative state, You can just  intend to connect and you connect. I was doing an impromptu reading for someone and they asked the question and I tend to look up and to the right. 

And I did not know that. I did not have any idea that I did that. And my friend who I was doing a reading for a friend, she asked her question and I, um,  did that. I look away. And. And she said, Oh, you're doing your thing.  And she brought it to my attention. So now of course I'm aware of it. So it went from having to sit in meditation, um, relax my whole body, place myself in my special place  to connect, to just kind of looking off to the right.

And then I automatically connect and out. So  that's how quickly it can happen. And it just takes practice and it just takes  more than anything. Honestly, it takes trust. Once you know that you're connecting, once you trust what you're getting,  that makes all the difference. And I did a video called, uh, Glimmers, Shimmers, Signals, and Signs, that help you recognize when you're connecting.

And I think that's super helpful. If you haven't seen that, check it out. It's  youTube,  if you, Laura Palatin glimmers and you'll see it. It's well worth the time, I hope.  Another question that someone I was providing a reading for asked me is How do you know it's spirit and not your imagination? 

This is really difficult. And it's because it goes right to the very core of what we tell ourselves about ourselves. That we're making it up, that it's not real. Once again, When I said that you can't not be connected with spirit, that's because you have spirit in you, you are spirit.  When you intend to connect with your inner knowing, your higher self, a spirit guide, source,  you are.

You ask a question and you'll find that the answer comes before you can finish in your mind asking the question. That is source. And the test that you can always do is, is it kind? Is it loving  and is it helpful?  If those three criteria are met  and you're not sure, I would ask you, does it matter?  If you feel like you have an answer to your question that's helpful and loving and kind,  do you really need to know where it came from?

I mean, I feel 100 percent confident for you that if it meets all those criteria, it is coming from your higher self. So  worrying about. Whether it's your imagination or not,  that's not something that you need to spend a lot of time troubling about, because , we need to get comfortable asking for what we need, asking questions of source, acknowledging and believing  what's coming across as true, and then showing gratitude. 

Number two can be the hardest. So just trust yourself. And as you do this more and more, you'll learn to trust yourself more. You just will.  So I just want to share. I was in meditation and the thought flitted through my mind. What's the difference between a spirit guide, a departed loved one, an angel, an ascended master?

What's the difference? And the explanation that I got from spirit was just like a diamond and a charcoal briquette, and a person are all carbon,  we are different, right? We're not all the same. I am not a diamond. I am not a charcoal briquette, but we're all made of carbon. And in the same way, angels, ascended masters, spiritual beings, and spirit guides are all energy vibrating at different frequencies.

And I'm going to go into more detail about that. As we explore each one of those that I've mentioned.  So a spirit guide is someone who, for lack of a better word, has always been with you. They are a friend, a confidant that helps you through life. And an interesting thing for me is that when I was little, I had these little cherubic friends that I was telling you about.

And then as I was older, I met my spirit guide and we had this 20 year working relationship. And then at some point I just couldn't feel them anymore. I would ask them for comfort because that's something that I've always felt. And the response was, you are at a point now where you connect with your inner knowing. 

And I  rarely could connect with my spirit guide. At some point I asked my spirit guide, this is funny. I asked him, um, I know your name because I'd asked him for a name I could give him. And I highly encourage you to ask your spirit guide for a name. It's very helpful.  And, and we'll go through a little process where you'll write that down. 

So I had been working with my spirit guide for at least 10 years, maybe 15.  So I. I asked my spirit guide, I said, well, I know my person self, my human self is Laura. Does my spirit self have a name? And my spirit guide laughed and said, yes, because you have to ask pretty specifically.  That's what, uh, that's what I've been taught. 

So I said, well, what is my spirit name? And the name I got was Amma. And that's why I have it tattooed on my arm right here because I want to remember to come from that place of letting my spirit lead my life rather than my personality because my personality is the vehicle and my spirit is the driving force.

It's what has me recording this for the third time today because I feel it's so important to communicate this important information to you and believe me when I tell you that I think The Laura part of me would probably be on the sofa watching TV right now.  

So we've covered spirit guides and inner knowing or higher self. Another kind of being that you can communicate with across the veil is family, friends, and pets who've passed away. on already. So they've transitioned out of a body and you knew them in your life. And that's a pretty powerful thing  because it really reminds us that we are spiritual beings, right? When you know that love doesn't die and that someone who you knew in this life is still there for you to connect with.

That's very powerful. So when we do our meditation, if you decide that you want to connect with someone that you knew in real life, real life, get it,  that's perfectly fine. That's actually wonderful.  Something that I found really interesting, because I'd made this list and I knew who I was going to talk about, but Spirit really wanted me to mention Ancestral Beings as, as somebody that you can connect with.

And the, it was made very clear to me that Ancestral Beings come to you in two ways. One is they're part of your soul family or extended soul family. So If the tree branches out, right, just like it does for us here,  or they're connected to you through your DNA, through your personal life experience. So when you go into meditation, you can ask for one of these ancestral beings and you can ask them all the questions that you want.

and find out how they come to you, what they mean for you, and what lessons they have for you, how they're going to help you. So that's pretty cool. Ancestral beings. Next, I want to talk about  Ascended Masters. So  we hear a lot about Ascended Masters in the spiritual community. And what we normally are talking about is Jesus, Buddha, these,  world famous masters who lived their lives on this planet, almost as a sacrifice for the rest of us, so that we could see an ideal of how life can be lived.

Please know that the way history is written in the modern world focuses almost exclusively on men or women who played roles in men's lives. And that is fine. That is just the framework we're in. Getting upset about it, fighting against it is not helpful at this point. But I want you to know that there are a lot of ascended masters who are not world famous.

There are a lot of ascended masters who are women or men who chose to live their lives out of the spotlight.  So when you connect with an ascended master, ask them who they are. and ask them what lessons they have for you. But the category goes way beyond the handful of men that we always hear about. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

There's nothing wrong with connecting with those men.  Spirit has no gender. So as ascended beings, as spiritual beings, they are no longer men or women, but just be open to ascended masters that are not necessarily people you've heard of.  Finally, I want to talk about angels.  When I first started on my path, my idea of angels were  dusty statues in old women's houses and definitely religious connotation. 

I understand angels have inspired  a human version. That is the dusty figurines and the religious icons. But it's really important to be open to the actual beings that angels are.  They show themselves to us as very large, bright, white beings. Their vibration is so high that it's hard for us to meet and interact for long.

So usually An angel will pop in, help, and then leave.  They have a wonderful community of their own, but being in community with us can be very difficult because of the vibrational difference. They're incredibly important. And they're there for us when we want to connect. I think it's really interesting. 

I don't know if you have a similar experience about an idea that you had about angels. I'm sure I rolled my eyes. Okay. I, I am a very left brain person by nature. And that's one of the reasons that I hope I can be helpful to people because I do look at this from a more practical point of view, even though I've spent my whole life with this spiritual side, uh, waiting 

The last, um, note that I have is, uh, how is working with the spirit guide helpful and I hope I've already covered that, but essentially, we come here with a plan. We come here with a blueprint and we have some specific goals that we want to attain. We want to meet our checkpoints, be there for the people that we promised we'd help.

And we also, like in my case, have a broader mission and I have gone through many stages in my life and in my spiritual walk. I knew that this part of my life, this working directly with you to help as many people shed the fear bondage as possible would come  after my beloved partner had transitioned out of his body.

That happened almost three months ago. And since then, as I said, I first talked to my spirit guide. I then was communicating mostly with my inner knowing, and now I am communicating mostly Through my partner, Jim,  I've always been open to spirit. I've always been able to communicate. I've done many readings.

I've written books to help people. I've always had this door to the spirit world open. And I was explaining to somebody that Jim pushed the door open all the way. And the visual I got from him was him just kicking the door wide open. And that's what's happened. So, while Meeting a spirit guide, communicating, working with them, learning to trust them is hugely important and pivotal.

Don't be surprised if that contact person or individual shifts over time because just as we grow and our path changes, that will change too. So this brings us to the meditation portion of the video. I'm really excited to share this with you. If you're driving, I want you to pause it now. If you're watching or listening in a, in a good place to do this meditation,  I'm going to ask you to pause it anyway,  because I want you to get a pen and paper, and I want you to find a comfortable spot and sit down before you start the video or audio again.

So I'll see you in just a minute.   Okay,  welcome back. As I said, we are going to.  Do a meditation to relax, to open ourselves to meeting a being from across the veil, and then we're going to ask for communication, or sometimes they'll give you a gift, and feel free to take the time to do that. to ask questions, right?

So if you meet your spirit guide or see a spirit animal or are given a gift, ask them their name, ask them the meaning behind the visit and ask them the meaning behind the gift if they hand you something. And I am going to leave that to you so that you can use this podcast as a resource and do this meditation again and again  and expand your experience and your connections across the veil.

So let's just start by getting comfortable. So I hope that you're going to sit down. If you lay down, you may fall asleep.  I know that happens to me. So I think sitting is better. Also, if you put your feet flat on the floor and don't cross your arms, the less you cross your body when you're doing energy work, the better.

And this is a kind of energy work. So go ahead and get comfortable. Hopefully you've got your pen and paper. If you don't, pause it again and go grab it, put it someplace close by, and let's get started.  So first I'd like for you to either close your eyes, and if you can't close your eyes, I want you to just  soft focus your eyes on something in the room.

You don't need to look at it, you just need to  park your eyes there, okay?  And I'm going to have you start by putting your attention at the very top of your head.  I just want you to think about your scalp  getting warm and relaxed and soft,  and all the little stress and tension that you carry in your head  to start to float away. 

And notice that relaxed feeling  as it starts to make its way down your face and the back of your head,  slowly relaxing each and every little muscle in your face. You  can start to feel it  making its way down your neck. We carry so much tension in our necks, don't we?  So let's just take a deep breath in  and out. 

Ah, just notice all that stress and tension float right off us.  And now the relaxation is moving down to our shoulders.  If you're like me, you carry stress there too. So just take a moment.  Mmm. And notice that stress starting to float away. 

And now the relaxation is starting to move down your arms,  past your elbows,  your forearms, 

over your wrists, hands, all the way to the tips of your fingers.  And with another deep breath in  and out, 

we notice  all the stress and tension is just gone from our arms. Bring 

your attention back  to your chest. 

Take a deep breath in  and out. 

Notice all the stress and tension in your shoulders and your chest  just floats right out of you. It's just gone. Where'd it go? It melted away.  Now you're going to let your attention drift down over your belly.  All your organs, send them just light and love and energy to be healthy,  functioning.  Now that warmth is drifting over your hips,  just  so relaxed. 

Let's take another deep breath in,  and out, 

and notice more stress and tension. Drift away.  Now we're going to move our attention down to our legs, our thighs,  where we hold more stress,  our knees,  going down your calves,  over your ankles and feet,  all the way to the tips of your toes. 

Let's take another deep breath in  and out 

and notice that your body is one,  one unit.  And unless I mention one part of your body, you will experience your body as one cohesive unit. 

Now that we're nice and relaxed, I want you to imagine that your feet are on soft grass.  You're barefoot  and this grass is clean and soft.  The sun is shining on your feet and it feels lovely.  If you can't see what I'm describing in your mind's eye,  trust and know that you're experiencing these things just like the rest of us. 

So your feet feel really nice in this grass.  And then as you look ahead, you notice just down the way there's a path and it's smooth, it's dirt, and it just looks so inviting that you start walking toward it.  The path widens,  and up ahead you can see a stand of trees.  Light is filtering through the trees. 

Brilliant green leaves of a tree, it's so inviting.  You just make your way to those trees, it's so beautiful. The sun is shining on you, you're warm and safe and comfortable.  You can look around yourself and see how beautiful these stand of trees are.  It's like a tiny forest. 

And as you're walking through the stand of trees, you notice up ahead, sunlight shining on a grassy glen.  It's a perfectly round little meadow with  grass and flowers. It's so pretty that you're just drawn to it. 

As you make your way, you'll notice there's a chair and a blanket. And you can choose whether you want to sit. on the blanket or the chair.  You can just see those there. One looks much more appealing than the other two. Just  head on over there and make yourself comfortable.  Settle in. And as you settle in, notice that your body becomes even more relaxed and limp  and comfortable. 

Now, as you look across the meadow, you can see another opening in the little forest  with a path.  And as you watch this path, you can see  someone's coming toward you. 

Is it a spirit guide?  Maybe it's an animal.  And they're coming toward you, and they are so happy to see you. 

And as they approach you, you can ask your question.  I'm just going to give you time to spend with them now. 

Okay.  Now we're going to thank  the being that came for us,  for what we were given,  and  I want you to  just start wiggling your fingers and toes, and  Enjoy the wonderful feeling of being so very relaxed  and open your eyes  and go ahead and write down  whatever came.  And if you need to pause right now to do that, that's fine.

I did notice something in my notes that I failed to tell you.  And I really wanted to have this in as part of the video. So maybe while you're writing, you can listen or not. You can pause it for sure. But one of the things I really wanted you to know is that when you wonder something like, Oh gosh, I wonder this, or I wonder that, that is a way that you communicate with your team, with the spirit guides and ascended masters and everybody that's part of your team.

group that supports you in this life.  Um, I remember being at church and  thinking,  where did they come up with this idea of hell?  And I got this whole download about  life reviews. And about how,  whoo, in a life review, you experience everything that happened in your life, which is fantastic. Fortunately, you don't have to go through it moment by moment because no time and space in the spirit world.

Right. Um, so it can be very quick, but what's interesting about it is that you experience what you did for other people.  And it.  is more intense emotion than what we feel in our body. So when you did something nice for someone and it made a big difference for them, that feels fantastic. And likewise, if you did a lot of things that you are not proud of or that hurt other people, especially if you did that intentionally, that has a certain anguish that  Anguish is the only anguish that we feel and the anguish is the name that comes to me, it isn't pain, it's nothing that we experience really in this realm, but if you  have a lot of those, that can be hellish,  if you get my drift. 

That would just came to me as a wondering. So think about how many times you've just wondered something and you knew. And of course we're human beings, so we got to check it all out. We got to make sure, blah, blah, blah. But the truth is  in your heart, you're thinking, ah, I knew it because you wondered about it.

So I hope that's helpful. I hope that you enjoyed that meditation.  It was one of the most powerful things that really jumpstarted my spiritual path. So it's super close to my heart and I would love to know what you got, what you experienced. If you don't mind sharing publicly and you'd like to leave a comment on YouTube or  Facebook or wherever you would connect with me, that's great.

If you would like for it to be private, You can definitely go to laurapallatin. com and send me a message there.  And I just am very excited to hear how you experience this meditation and I hope that you, you bookmark it and you use it again and again because it is very powerful and hopefully it resonated with you as much as it did with me when I first experienced it.

Hopefully, as we gather together, and more and more of us are on this path, and we're raising our vibrations, and we're loving each other and not seeing the point of war and stealing and accumulating just for the sake of accumulating stuff, but we're  excited about helping one another and accumulating friends and love and really fabulous experiences.

We'll all raise the vibration of this place so that it resembles the spirit realm  a lot more.  I'm so glad you're on this path with me. I appreciate you so much and I love you and I'll see you next time. Oh, and hi mom.