Cutting Edges - המגרסה

Viv Schiller - Brazil

January 02, 2019 Season 2 Episode 4

Episode Breakdown:
2:00 - “i have never created anything for the web until RED”
4:55 - “The main challenge is to sustain the story”
6:00 - “I have to think economic-wise, that’s my main challenge as a writer”
10:30 - “Nobody was considering funding Web Series in Brazil, so we have our own way of doing things at the moment”
12:50 - “Can Web Series create some sort of a profitability model?”
15:55 - “Our Fans are our main backers”
18:20 - “if your story has good impact on people than they are likely to back your project, that’s how I view success”
19:20 - “Write something that you would like to see”

Vivian’s Email -