Cutting Edges - המגרסה

Bri Castellini - USA

February 16, 2019 Season 2 Episode 7

Episode Breakdown:
1:10 - “Stareable is an audience building platform for web series creators”
3:45 - “The current distribution methods for web series creators are kind of lacking”
5:45 - “Anyone who has an experience - can. All of the gatekeepers are busy doing something else”
7:35 - “What our community is really trying to do is give creators or people who are interested in becoming creators, the resources and the knowledge they need, to take their destiny into their own hands”
9:40 - “The bridge between writing and actually producing something you have written is a pretty long one and a pretty scary one, so a lot of people come to the Web Series community with a full script but they have no idea what to do with it”
14:10 - “Every other week there is a new Web Series getting sold to Television”
17:40 - “I think people still haven’t quite figured out what an internet only video landscape looks like”
21:00 - “Every person has different talents, has different interests,  has different things that they can offer the world, and so me trying to follow in Bernie Su’s footsteps isn’t going to do me any good - because I’m not Bernie Su”
23:30 - “People are starting to understand that it’s not just a cute thing you do on the weekend with your friends, it’s a legitimate art form”