Cutting Edges - המגרסה

Shota Gamisonia - Russia

February 23, 2019 Season 2 Episode 8

Episode Breakdown:
2:15 - “in the end of 2018, my series debuted… and now everyone in Moscow and in Russia in general wants to make Web Series”
5:00 - “I had my own prohibitions while making this Web Series”
7:10 - “When I sent the script to some actors, they responded: Oh I have seen it somewhere. I have asked them to show me but it never happened, and then I understood - it was familiar to them because they themselves were In Bed, in real life”
8:55 - “I have always thought the the main thing to me was to make Web Series and promoting it was not my job, but I was wrong”
10:30 - “Digital reporter are the first ones who hosted this Festival for Web Series (Realist WebFest) and we won two prizes there”
12:15 - “In USSR and after breaking down the USSR, there was a taboo on this topic, on erotic topic in cinematography and we position ourselves as the first erotic web series in Russia”
15:05 - “From the very first idea, the very first zest of the idea, to the actual making, whatever it is, there is  a huge gap and you need to cover this gap, and you need to just go ahead and do it”