Retail Success Club

Ep 2: Mastering Your Mindset

August 10, 2023 Ali Dee Season 1 Episode 2
Ep 2: Mastering Your Mindset
Retail Success Club
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Retail Success Club
Ep 2: Mastering Your Mindset
Aug 10, 2023 Season 1 Episode 2
Ali Dee

In this week's episode of the Boutique Success Club, your host, Ali Dee, discusses the power of having a positive mindset. She will walk through how your thoughts can impact your boutique business, and what steps you can take today to make sure you are setting yourself up for success from the very beginning.  

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Work with me in The Sales Lab, DM me SALES on IG or TT for the deets

Follow the Retail Success Club on TikTok and Instagram @retailsuccessclub

Show Notes Transcript

In this week's episode of the Boutique Success Club, your host, Ali Dee, discusses the power of having a positive mindset. She will walk through how your thoughts can impact your boutique business, and what steps you can take today to make sure you are setting yourself up for success from the very beginning.  

Join us inside the TRENDSETTER membership here.

Work with me in The Sales Lab, DM me SALES on IG or TT for the deets

Follow the Retail Success Club on TikTok and Instagram @retailsuccessclub

This episode of boutique success club is brought to you by boutique blastoff launch your dream boutique. have you been wanting to turn your dream of owning a successful boutique into reality? Let me introduce you to boutique blastoff launch your dream boutique. The ultimate online course designed to guide you. Step-by-step on your boutique journey. Hi, I'm Allie D your boutique bestie and chief cheerleader in this program, you'll gain the knowledge, confidence, and strategies to build a thriving boutique that stands out from the crowd. So what are you waiting for? Start the journey to launching your dream boutique today with. Boutique blast off. Head to boutique success to enroll now. Welcome to Boutique Success Club. I'm Allie d, the founder of Boutique Success Club, your boutique bestie, and your chief cheerleader with over a decade of experience in the retail industry trenches. I'm here to help you skyrocket your store. Get ready to dive into insider strategies and educational resources that will transform your boutique business. No more guesswork. No more struggling alone. We'll be your partner in this journey, and together we will conquer all the obstacles. This is Boutique Success Club. Hey boutique bestie. I am so excited. It is episode two of the boutique success club podcast. We are here, we're doing this. And I have been thinking a lot about all of the different topics that I want to cover on this podcast. There are just so many important steps and educational resources that I've been diving into and thinking about that are really gonna help all boutique owners find the best path to success. And that is. My whole entire goal with this podcast is just to try to bring education with simple, easy, actionable steps that you can apply starting today to your business, whether you have already begun your boutique journey, or maybe you haven't yet dove off into this amazing, incredible world. And you're just thinking about it. That is going to be my main goal as I create and curate this podcast over the next weeks, months, years, which I hope to really continue to grow this, to be the most amazing community for boutique owners out there that are just looking to find more guidance, more help, more education, motivation, inspiration from someone who's been there, done that and been through the trenches. Hello, that is me. I have made. All of the mistakes you could possibly make and also amazing great success stories that I'm so thrilled to share with you. So when I'm thinking about creating a boutique and starting back, you know, 10 years ago, when I began my journey, The thing that comes into my mind the most, when I'm thinking about, oh, being in your shoes, just getting started or just starting to grow. Or just feeling that like little glimpse of hope that this could be something for me, this journey, this dream that I have. The one thing that I feel like really is the most powerful thing you will have behind that dream is your mindset. The power of a positive mindset is what we're going to dive into today because this is something that is truly one of the cornerstones of the growth and success of your boutique. I don't want this to come off Zenny but reality, like I'm. I'm here to tell you that the mindset that you have will make or break not to be dramatic, the success of your store, it all comes back to your mindset, how you can control it, how you can use it to your advantage. And really just understand that. The mindset is something that's going to be woven through the fabric of your store. So time and time again, you're going to have issues that come up and. Uh, the challenges that you face and roadblocks and bumps along the way and something we can dive into even more as this episode goes on. But your mindset is going to determine how you handle all of those things. And I'm telling you right now that if you have a negative mindset or a woe is me mindset, you will not get very far. Any of the entrepreneurial ups and downs with the negative mindset. I want to tell you a little bit about me and my story and what really was a light bulb moment for me, where I realized, oh my gosh, the power of your mind is unbelievable when it comes to the success of running a business. Uh, this was a huge transformational moment for me and something that really allowed me to then go from a, just someone who's out there doing it, doing the business thing, but then taking the next level and really like killing it in business. I remember very early on in my retail business journey when I was just getting started as a business owner, trying to figure out the ins and outs and how this was all going to be done with no business experience at all. And just throwing myself into the fire. I remember hearing people talk about like, oh, you need to have a positive mindset and you need to think positive. And I was just like, okay, but what does that even mean? I don't even understand. How to apply that to my business because it's not like I was the most negative Nancy in the world. I wasn't walking around. Poo-pooing everything I was doing. I understood that I had to learn the process and learn the strategies. I was okay with all of that. But what I didn't understand is like, even when you're not actively working on your business, the thoughts. And the feelings that may creep into your mind. And take you off course. So what I heard was this amazing story, and I'm going to tell this to you the way that I learned it, because I think this is going to be really helpful, hopefully for you to understand why positive mindset and how your brain is so powerful in being able to cultivate amazing things for you in your store, and also lead you and be your guiding light, as opposed to your roadblock, because that's what we want from ourselves. We want ourselves to be leading as a light and not the roadblock that's going. To hold you back from getting where you need to be. I mean, it sounds so silly. Like obviously we want to be the person that's in charge of the success of our business, And it's really crazy, but it's not a hard thing to fix. Really. It's just a simple shift in the way that you think daily in your thoughts about everything you will face on your journey. And once you do that, Wow. You're going to see a huge difference. So let me tell you. What I learned. And how I think it's such an amazing way to look at all of this. Any time I'm talking to my students in the boutique success club about mindset and why it's the actual first module in the entire boutique blastoff launch your dream boutique program. Is because this is the first thing you have to do before you dive into anything else Okay. So with all that being said, let's talk about the brain and how it works and why. I am going to be harping on you having a positive mindset forever and ever, and ever while you are in your business journey, really with anything in life, but especially we're going to dive into business and how it affects every single little thing that you do. So we're going to compare the brain to growing a crop, and I'm going to use this visual because it was the easiest way that I understood it and that I was able to finally learn it and apply it. And I hope that you will understand it the same way that I did once you hear this. So your brain is simply an amazing tool that can cultivate the best crops. on the entire planet. So your brain is the perfect condition, the perfect temperature, the perfect amount of sunshine, the perfect water fertilizer, everything going on your brain. Is the actual perfect greenhouse to cultivate any type of crop you could ever want to grow. Now your brain, it doesn't know what kind of crop it's growing. It doesn't know if it's growing beautiful flowers or amazing vegetables or even poisonous plants. Your brain doesn't know that all that it knows how to do is to grow whatever seed you plant in it. So if you're planting a seed of positivity and you are constantly. Telling yourself and reminding yourself about that positivity, your brain is going to grow and cultivate that thought. Now, if you plant negative seeds into your brain, remember the conditions are still ripe to grow and cultivate negative thoughts. So it's going to add all the ingredients to make sure that that thought, even though it's negative is going to grow and flourish. So when you look at that visual, you can understand that the brain doesn't know or care, what kind of seeds your planting nor does a greenhouse, right? A greenhouse doesn't know what's your planting in it. It doesn't know if it's something that's great, beautiful or horrible. It's just going to provide the best conditions to grow that plant. The absolute same thing is true for your brain boutique besties. Your brain does not understand whether it's growing poisonous thoughts or positive thoughts, but it's going to do its best to grow either one. There's also a saying that I like, and I actually heard from my husband years and years and years ago. And I still apply it to my daily life all the time. It's whether you think you can, or you think you can't. Either way. You're right. So that is just a short simplified version of explaining how your brain. Is so powerful because whether you think, think the thoughts of you can do it. Are you thinking the thoughts that you can't do it? Either way you're going to be right. Your brain is only going to grow, whatever thoughts you put in it. So now hopefully you understand the visual. On why it's so important that you are very careful on what types of seeds you are planting in your brain. Right? Because we can see that this could be a recipe for disaster and it could derail you and it could take you away from your dreams so quickly, as opposed to. Growing everything you've ever wanted. Cultivating all of your hopes and dreams and aspirations. The brain is the most powerful fricking tool that we have in business, hands down, bar. None. it is all about the way that you use your brain. And this is also known as the mindset magic connection. And this is another great way to look at how much influence your mind can have on everything you do. But your mindset is basically like a magical wand. That's going to shape your reality. So whether you're adopting a positive reality or a negative reality, it's like a. It's a little magic one that can create whatever you want. So you can use it to your advantage, right? By opening doors, to endless possibilities, attracting abundance, embracing resilience, even amidst the hard times you will have as an entrepreneur. Real quick boutique bestie. I know you have been thinking about launching your own boutique. It's that beautiful dream that you have in your mind, but maybe you just need like a little push forward. That's why I created boutique blastoff launch your dream boutique. If you are tired of the overwhelm, the guesswork, the confusion, then this course is for you. I break everything down into modules. It is a step-by-step process where we are building on the foundation, setting you up for success. So if you've been thinking about jumping. Upping In now is the time go to boutique success and enroll today in boutique blast off launch your dream boutique. So let's start diving into how we can set our mind up to be the most powerful tool that we can and really learn how to tune it and drive it and use it for us My boutique besties, you know, I'm all about actions. I want to tell you a few things that you can do to make sure you're staying in the positive mindset lane. And you're not drifting off into oncoming traffic or driving off into a ditch or heading down a gravel road. We want you to staying on the nice newly paved highway to success, which is going to be having a positive mindset. First let's talk about awareness. So the first thing you need to do is start becoming aware of your self-talk. How are you talking to yourself? What is your inner dialogue? What types of thoughts are you having? Are they empowering? Are they motivational? Are they nurturing your dreams? Or are they. Doubting yourself. Are they limiting your dreams? Are there, are there some negative beliefs that you're letting pop into there? Like, oh, I'm not good enough for this. I can't do this. I don't have what it takes. I don't know how to run a business. Or are you thinking things like i can do this i can figure out how to run a business i'm smart i'm resourceful i understand that there's going to be ups and downs but i'm okay with that like what types of things are you telling your mind so start becoming aware of those thoughts and that is really going to be the first step to seeing what type of things you've been planting in your brain So that's awareness. So that's the first thing you're going to want to do to take action, to give yourself the best chance of creating a nice, beautiful place where you can cultivate a positive mindset. Next you're going to want to practice gratitude. This one is huge and this is also one that in the beginning I was like, practice gratitude. I just don't get it. I don't know it just seemed like a concept that was so out there for me and i just thought well of course i'm thankful for everything that i have what do you mean what does practice gratitude mean And gratitude means not overlooking any wins, no matter how big or how small. And I mean, it could be teeny tiny, small, you need to celebrate your wins. You need to be thankful and have gratitude. For any type of little win or blessing that graces you in your path. This is something I was posting about on my Instagram stories this weekend, when I was looking back at some of the statistics for just the trailer of the podcast. I was so excited because I got a little email from the company that I host my podcast with. It's called Buzzsprout and I got the cutest little email from them. It was like, congratulations with confetti. And it had my podcast art and it was like, You have just received your first 10 downloads. I immediately was in the lane of gratitude and I thought. Oh, my gosh, 10 amazing women decided that they wanted to take a step to further themselves and get closer to owning the boutique of their dreams or improve the boutique that they already have running. Like that's where my mind went. Like I cannot believe I am so proud. That these 10 women have now decided they're going to subscribe and follow and listen, and try to learn the education and figure out everything that they can figure out so they can give themselves the best chance of success. Now not gratitude would have sounded something like, uh, Really, I only got 10 people to download. I mean, I have thousands of people following me on Tik TOK. Why are only 10 people downloading, like. Like, do you see how different that is? Like, how can you survive that kind of mindset very long in business, all is it's going to do is drain you and take away all of your energy. But instead, you're going to empower yourself by celebrating every single little wind. So fricking yeah, I'm excited that 10 people downloaded my podcast. Hallelujah. That's amazing. Like it gives me enthusiasm. It fosters a totally different attitude on how I approach everything in business. And I want that same thing for you. So gratitude is just ignore. Acknowledging the little moments of success. Does it matter? How big or small you got one new follower today on Instagram, that is one more person that has a chance from buying from your store. You got 200 views on Tik TOK. Great. Instead of being like I only got 200 views on Tik TOK, let's celebrate that your fricking boutique is in front of 200 more people. Do you know how hard it would be to get 200 people to walk into your store and look around? And you just did it on tick talk. It's unbelievable. So we just have to shift our mindset to one of gratitude. And this leads me to my next way of cultivating a positive mindset that I want to talk about. It's having self-compassion. So what is self-compassion means? It means being kind to yourself along the way. So anyone that is aspiring to own a boutique or any business, they are going to set typically very high standards for themselves. Sometimes the standards are so high that they're just striving for perfection. However, as we are learning the road to success is full of many twists and turns and bumps and roadblocks and hard things that you will experience along the way. You will make mistakes. You will. Uh, do things that you will look back on and go, what the heck was I thinking? But understanding that in this journey, just having some compassion for yourself. And know that the setbacks, they can really just be opportunities you don't know in the future, what kind of effect, whatever you're going through now will have. So it's important to just be kind to yourself and say things like I'm not exactly sure. What's going on here or why this happened or, you know, why, why this is going on the way it is But also you are jumping into a huge journey, a huge thing for you that you've been dreaming about and longing for. And you don't have to be perfect. I always preach this. You will figure it out as you go. That's how I started my business. I've created businesses. Uh, not knowing Jack crap. I'm not going to say the S word about what I'm doing, but figuring it out along the way. This is not rocket science. This is not something that if you don't know the perfect formula, you are going to fail, there is no perfect formula. Most of it is just what's going to work for you. So having some self-compassion understanding that this is an evolving process that you're going to grow as your boutique grows. You're going to free yourself from that burden of like, Unrealistic expectations. So have a little compassion for yourself. Okay. Give yourself a little grace in this process. This last step. I want you to think about when you were cultivating a positive mindset is to make sure you're surrounding yourself with a positive community, positive people. When you start a new business, there are going to be people around you that are going to surprise you because they are going to be common naysayers, people that you never thought would act that way are going to be like, you're going to start a boutique. Like everybody has a boutique or. Uh, like what do you think you're going to do starting? You don't know anything about, I mean, you're just going to be surprised by some of the naysayers, whether they say it to you or you just feel it, or you can just tell they're not fully supporting your journey. That's going to be a hard pill to swallow, but don't worry. It has nothing to do with you. Or your relationship with them? I keep that totally separate. If there's someone in your life that's super important to you and you feel like they're a little bit of a naysayer, don't talk to them about your business. don't let yourself be drawn into that kind of negativity because that's not going to help you at all. So instead, you're going to want to shift your focus on surrounding yourself when it comes to business with people that are. Positive that are also going through this journey or a similar journey, or they're just majorly supportive. Like I have friends that are like, oh my God, Allie, you're just, you're going to do it. You're going to figure it out that are just so awesome and supportive. And then there's other people that are in my industry. Even that I feel like they're just not someone that I could go to when I'm having a roadblock or trying to figure, figure something out, and I'm just going to get nothing out of that conversation, except things that are going to draw me down Not have the positive outlook that I need to have. So building strong, supportive community with people that are happy for you, whether it's doing things like diving into a podcast like this, this is creating a positive community for you because you are listening to someone who is going to be in your corner. I'm going to support you along the way. So when you're looking to surround yourself with positivity or be in a positive community, it's you, and then maybe an inspirational book, you and an inspirational podcast. You and some kind of community online that you can really dive into a great Facebook group, something like that, where it's other business owners who are trying to get to where they need to be, but just be careful of the negative. Nancy's I see this in Facebook groups too, they can really drag you down into a failure mindset. So to recap, the four ways that you're going to improve your mindset today is your going to become more aware of the self-talk and the thoughts that you have going on inside your brain. So it's awareness, you were also going to practice gratitude. You're going to celebrate small wins. You're going to really understand that gratitude is going to be so beneficial when you're trying to put yourself in a place of positivity. You're also going to practice self-compassion and then finally you were going to make sure that you have a nice supportive positive community or surrounding yourself with positivity When you implement these ways to have a positive mindset. You're going to see. Changes immediately, it's going to be so exciting for you, and it's going to be a big sigh of relief because all of a sudden, a lot of the things that just weighed on you and felt so hard to do. And so hard to get past are going to feel lighter and easier and just a heck of a lot less pressure on you to just be perfect and have it all figured out. You're going to notice that like the way that you approach challenges, you're going to start to have a can-do attitude. That's going to empower you to tackle them head on. With determination. And not feel like, ah, I can't get this done because I don't know what I'm doing. This shift in perspective. You're going to start seeing yourself as like a problem solver. You're going to start thinking outside of the box, you're going to start. Figuring out ways to solve a problem that maybe you never even thought before, because you're not stuck in a negative mindset. Another amazing thing that you're going to see happen almost immediately. And this is so awesome. Your like radiance and positivity is going to start attracting those type of people. You are going to naturally become a magnet for other positive people. This is going to create an incredible community for you People are going to be drawn to your optimistic outlook fellow boutique owners, connecting with customers better building relationships and partnerships with vendors. So everything is going to become so much more fun because you are going to have this great positive en energy. So positivity creates this radiance within that other people are just going to be drawn to Ooh. And boutique besties watch out because having this amazing new positive mindset is going to empower you with an incredible amounts of motivation and resilience. You will develop this on wavering resilience. That's going to allow you to bounce back from setbacks quickly. You know that when, when something doesn't go your way and you can kind of get stuck in the questioning, why or how, or what did I do wrong? Or that, that, that. When you have a positive mindset, your ability to bounce back from anything that you face along the way is incredible. When you are maintaining a positive mindset. You're ready to move forward and figure out you're motivated. You're inspired to find a new way to do it. Your, your feeling is like, okay, well, it wasn't a great success, but I learned a valuable lesson along the way. So the clarity and determination that it brings you, it will make sure that you are staying true to your purpose. You're making decisions that are aligned with the longterm goals of your boutique, the long-term vision. And ultimately it's going to propel your boutique towards growth and success faster than you ever could have imagined. So trust in the process of having a positive mindset. I understand that this is something that if you implement today in your daily life, you are going to see so much benefit and so much change so quickly for you. That's why I love talking about the power of a positive mindset in the very, very, very beginning. When we have our boutique blastoff students, this is the first thing we have to go over because there's no sense in moving forward when you were about to dive into education and really, Honing in on your why's and what's important to you. All of that is built upon a foundation of having a positive mindset. That is where you're going to see success. That's where you're going to see things change for you. And again, that's just why I feel like it's so important in the very beginning of my program, that we talk about the power of positive mindset. Another great tool that my students get is a mindset workbook. Where they can print it out. It's about four or five pages long and fill out really the things that are going to help them get more clarity about having a positive mindset. So if that's something that sounds interesting to you, please check out boutique blastoff. I think you'll love it. It's a really great way for you to help learn all of these things in a nice, neat little package. Okay guys. Thank you so much for listening to episode two. We did it it's the boutique success club podcast and we are going to be here every single week with tons of great information for you so once again thank you for listening please don't forget to follow me on instagram join our community on tech talk, dm me if you have any questions and share this podcast with your boutique bestie friends because we're all going to get in the positive mindset we're all going to support each other we can do this let's be winners let's go Hey, thanks so much for listening to this episode of the boutique success club. Don't forget to subscribe and give us a five-star review. It really helps us grow and reach more boutique besties. have a great day and go get them.